Danny was an expert at cunnilingus. It was a talent he developed with considerable help from a few others in the MILF category. It seemed that he liked to take lessons in hip placement after he gave lessons in hand placement on shafts of various kinds.
Danny tongue-attacked Freya’s pussy from every angle and she responded by providing him access from every angle.
Oral sex gave way to rampant fucking. It was a sexual marathon of a young male against a little older female that found Danny coming in second. He was too exhausted to complain and wouldn’t have if he could.
After the two hour session, once again Freya left Danny completely drained. Only this time Freya left the sleeping Danny a note inviting a future rematch if, he was up to it.
Several years earlier Freya had unwittingly acquired a couple of nicknames – “Freeza” and “Freon.” However, no one dared use them within earshot of Freya.
Freya’s annual check-up had included an unexpected and unsolicited consultation by Dr. G.
Dr. G had a way of getting to the point while discarding any pretense of diplomacy. Her penchant for honesty and quick evaluations was augmented by a knack for palatable communication. Dr. G could and did say things that would get others into trouble, a fight or worse. Dr. G also knew when to hand-off the mental ball to the patient, thus allowing them choices based on information provided and/or their own personal feelings.
If the patient wanted a second or third opinion Dr. G was quick to provide the names of experts in her field.
The questions Dr. G posed to Freya were more a lesson in introspection than something she would use to make a recommendation. Dr. G already had a plan in mind. One she felt could change Freya’s home situation for the better.
Little did she know the situation would become plural and they would not remain at home for very long.
“Deege has a plan for some unscheduled maintenance and our upgrades,” Doc smiled and fist-bumped Ben’s shoulder.
The fist bump was unlike Doc.
Ben’s snapped his head around and gave a questioning look at Doc which was summarily ignored.
“We’ve been working on a dual purpose micro implant device for women who have lost some or all of their sex-drive for various reasons. You know, like accidents, age or just unexplainable circumstances. We think Freya falls into the category of unexplained and we would like the opportunity to attempt to correct the situation,” Doc paused, “Freya is a challenging candidate for our latest cyber-kinetic-device. We can do the implant in a less than an hour but, it might need to be tuned a couple of times to produce optimum results.”
“Somehow I missed the memo on the research and development of this one,” Ben felt he had been remiss in attending a project meeting.
“No Ben, you didn’t miss any meeting. Our chief development engineer said she would feel uncomfortable working with you. Since she had heard the rumors about your situation we purposely spared you the discomfort,” Doc seemed sincere.
“Great. It now makes me feel uncomfortable wondering what the whole place thinks about me and my wife,” Ben looked depressed.
“Ben, you had plenty on your plate with other important projects. You know this would have been a distraction. Especially if we could not attain the results we had hoped to achieve,” Doc’s explanation appeared to soothe Ben’s angst and he continued, “We have already done a couple trials. Volunteers from clinics in Houston and Los Angeles are already using the newest devices. Of the two we have done, one was a physical defect and the other was result of an injury. Both have responded better than we projected,” Doc always got a Perry Mason smile when he felt successful.
“Freya is different, what are the chances of something going wrong?” Ben had seen a couple failures in other areas. These failures were not injurious but, the devices simply had not worked and Ben was well aware almost nothing medically was a hundred percent. He was also aware of possible side effects.
“We can expect a small amount of localized swelling of around the vaginal area for a couple days. If the two previous patients are any indication the discomfort will be mild. When it subsides Freya should not have any physical signs or discomfort and the longer she has them the less she may notice the changes.” Doc was “matter of fact” in this statement, “By the way, we have over twenty of more of these scheduled. If you want to wait for a larger sampling it will be about three months. However none of those scheduled are like Freya so, the only thing we will be able to discern is negative physical reactions.
The challenge we have not yet faced is a woman who apparently has no libido or might even dislike sex. We think Freya is the toughest challenge we can find and we would really like to give it a shot.” Doc loved a challenge and emphasized that word.
“So tell me again, how are you going to get Freya to sign the release?” Ben purposely over emphasized the word “you.”
“Deege is going to tell her she has concerns and be very forward about Freya’s problem. She will also offer an appointment with another Doctor if Freya desires. As you know, other doctors share office space in the same building as Deege’s practice. Also, Deege would be present during the procedure if Freya desires,” Doc seemed sure they could convince Freya.
“Alright but, if this goes awry and I take a beating or possibly face a divorce, our partnership will be jeopardy,” Ben was somehow excited and yet apprehensive.
Ben decided not to breach the subject with Freya. He thought if she wanted to discuss her visit with Deege she would.
They went through the week and the weekend as if nothing had transpired and by Monday Ben was getting nervous. He watched the clock which, had slowed to a speed at which, it could comfortably shift into reverse.
Monday was the day Freya scheduled a follow-up appointment with Deege. Freya had not told Ben anything about the first or even that there would be a second appointment. Ben only found out when Doc came to his office on Friday and told him to, “Keep your fingers crossed, Monday is the day we find out what Freya will do.”
Freya was used to sitting in waiting rooms at the dentist, her hair dressers and in her professional life. She was not accustomed to being ushered past others.
This Monday in Deege’s office, Freya was greeted before she could sign in or sit down.
Dr. G’s secretary took Freya straight to Deege’s private office and offered her coffee and a seat in a very nice chair. She told Freya, “The Doctor will be right with you, she is finishing up with another patient and she told me to make sure you are comfortable.”
Freya admired the expensive furniture and walked around the office examining the various certificates posted, in matching ornate frames. She could not help but wonder why she was getting the VIP treatment. Freya thought she would have more time to make a final decision while sitting in the waiting room.
A knock shook her back to reality and as Dr. G entered; Freya found it a little odd she would knock on her own door.
Before Freya could comment Dr. G smiled, “So here we are in a new week and at the moment of decision.” Deege chided, “Should we start the quiz show music? Na-now-na-na,” they both laughed.
Freya loved Deege’s bedside manner and felt she was like the older sister she never had.
“I didn’t know if I would hear from you again. After a couple days patients usually have made some decision. We work our jobs every day but, our patients are living with their particular issue twenty-four seven. When we don’t hear back in a couple days, we tend to think they have decided to find another doctor or just plain ignore the whole thing. Freya, you are different and I mean that in a good way. I want to know if you have any questions before you tell me what road you would like to take,” Dr. G was giving Freya as much room as possible.
“Deege, the thing that made me decide was what you said, about Ben,” Freya paused, “I’ve watched him for the past few days and you were right, he is a man going through the motions but, he is not a truly happy man,” Freya stared at the floor for a few seconds, “I realized I am the cause of his suffering and I should do something to change this situation.”
Dr. G suddenly got a feeling that Freya was going to say or do something outside the bounds of their previous discussion, “I hope it involves both of you in a way that will keep you together.”
Freya’s eyes met Dr. G they conveyed an almost pleading look, “If this can change me just enough to satisfy Ben I want to do it,” Freya continued, “Deege, I could live by myself but, I really don’t want that and I simply can not fake it. Besides Ben would know if I tried, it would not be real.”
Dr. G took this to mean they were going to proceed with the program, “Would you like to see what we have in mind?”
Freya felt like a weight had been lifted, “Well certainly, if you guys are going to invade my private parts I want to know what that invasion is going to look like.”
Dr. G excused herself long enough to call her nurse, “Would you please bring the briefcase from under the front desk?”
Dr. G then began the explanation of the miniature devices her husband’s company had been developing. She explained the fact that this was experimental and there were no guarantees and there were no previous recipients in her exact situation. Freya would be the first to receive this particular new technology. When the nurse returned Dr. G showed Freya pictures and how the devices would be implanted. She also told Freya there would likely be some tweaking, not twerking, to fine tune the equipment.
“Has Ben worked on these devices? Does he know I am a candidate?” Freya suddenly wondered how much of this was Ben’s doing.
“Ben was excluded from the research and development. One of the researchers was uncomfortable with having Ben on the project and Doc thought it would negatively impact his work on other projects,” Dr. G did not allude to the fact that Doc had subsequently spoken with Ben. Not a lie but, certainly a defensible omission.
“I’m worried this may not work, you have no history. Do we have to tell Ben?” Freya didn’t anyone want to get too optimistic.
“You know Ben has to sign off on this since, he is part the company, it’s company policy and state law,” Dr. G flatly stated.
“Oh, I just don’t want Ben to be disappointed if it doesn’t work,” Freya nearly moaned the sentence.
“We can tell Ben this is a part of a procedure I recommended. We can have him sign-off on the paperwork without an explanation but, if he reads it, he will know,” Dr. G was cautious and slightly guarded in her verbiage.
“When can we do this?” Freya’s question seemed to be acceptance.
“Not today, how about early tomorrow?” Dr. G didn’t wait for the first answer, “You will need at least one day at home relaxing, no work, no golf, no tennis and definitely no trip to the gym.” Dr. G’s second question, “Think you can manage that for a couple days?”
Freya felt a small tingle. It was much like the day before her eighteenth birthday, an anticipation of what was to come. Only this time hopefully, it would be her.