New Roommate

"Nathan's concerns about his new roommate quickly disappear"

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Nathan and Jay had played on the same football team together for two years. Although they weren’t close friends they got along well. Sharing a room on this footy tour wouldn’t be too big a deal.

The problem Nathan had is that he’d assumed he was going to be sharing with his best mate Brendan. They had shared for the last three road trips and had some pretty handy ground rules set up. They’d stretched a few boundaries as well.

Jay had found out on the bus ride that he was rooming with Nathan and he was excited about the idea. Nathan was one of the best looking guys on the team and Jay had always held a small hope that he’d get to see a little more of this particular team mate.

They alighted from the bus and grabbed their bags. Jay noticed Nathan was walking with Brendan. He knew they were best friends and had often wondered how close they really were. Brendan was one of the biggest studs on the team, always chasing girls and getting as much female attention in return.

Nathan was reluctant to separate from his best friend once they were off the bus. Although they had stretched the boundaries of their friendship not even Brendan knew the secret Nathan held. Despite this he knew that rooming with Brendan was guaranteed to be a comfortable and fun weekend.

Jay was an unknown quantity. Rumours had spread about his prowess with the ladies and Nathan was sure it was unlikely that the same comfort would be achieved. He turned and saw Jay heading into a room and decided to bite the bullet and get to know his companion for the weekend.

Jay was unpacking his bag when Nathan entered. Nathan was worried about unpacking his own bag considering he’d packed specifically for Brendan’s company.

“Hey Nathan, how you doing?” Jay looked up from his bag as he pulled out his footy boots.

“Great man. Always love these trips.” Nathan slung his bag onto the bed and sat down. “Bus trip takes it out of me though.”

Jay had emptied his suitcase and was trying to fit it under the bed. “Yeah I know what you mean. I usually try to unpack first, then grab a shower to perk myself up a bit.”

The boys both looked towards the bathroom. It wasn’t awfully big. Not one that could be shared, which Nathan was okay with. Jay had already inspected it and found there was no lock on the door. That may prove to work in his favour. The boys were silent for a little while. Jay managed to fit his case under the bed but Nathan hadn’t moved from his position on the bed.

“Well,” Jay said, breaking the awkwardness, “I’m going to have that shower now,” he grabbed his towel and headed into the bathroom.

As soon as Jay had closed the door Nathan opened his suitcase. His masturbation sleeve lay on top of his clothes.

He unzipped the back pocket and reluctantly slid the sleeve inside, disappointed that he wouldn’t be using it this trip.

He removed the rest of his clothes and decided to get changed. He wondered if Jay would be in the shower long enough for him to quickly christen his weekend bed. It had become a tradition with Brendan that the first thing they did when they got into the room was to blow a load on the new sheets.

He stripped naked, put on his new jock strap and lay under the covers. His hands roamed his body as he aroused himself. It didn’t take much for Nathan’s penis to reach its full length and considerable girth. It had been a week since he’d last blown a load, he’d been saving it for Brendan, and he needed the release.

It wasn’t long before Nathan got swept up in the sensations caused by the rubbing under the blankets. He relaxed and his eyes closed. He started breathing more heavily. As his breathing and heart rate increased so did his body temperature. He flung the blanket off his body, leaving his almost naked body free and exposed. With all the attention focused on his throbbing cock, he didn’t notice that the water had stopped flowing in the shower. The feeling had overtaken him and he could feel himself getting closer to orgasm.

Just as he thought he might stain his new jock with his load he felt what he thought was a tongue slide up his balls. The shock of the contact quickly wore off and the pleasure took over. The tongue traced its way from his swollen balls up his thick shaft as his hand fell away. He relaxed and let his cock be enveloped by the soft, wet lips and he knew it wouldn’t be long before he couldn’t hold off any longer.

His body tensed and he knew that this was it.

“I’m gonna cum,” he moaned and his legs stretched and he pointed his toes.

He heard a groan as this new cocksucker continued working on his swelling penis. He took this as permission to let fly.

Nathan’s ass muscles clenched and his balls tightened. He groaned deeply as he hit that point of no return. He felt his cum working its way up his long shaft and let out a deep, involuntary moan as the first shot fired from his cock. Each shot of cum was lapped up eagerly and his cock was worked expertly for the next shot.

After firing six big shots Nathan relaxed and let his dick be licked clean. Satisfied he let himself drift off to sleep.

When he woke up, Jay was heading out of the bathroom.

“Have a good nap mate?” Jay asked.

“Um yeah, was pretty decent,” Nathan slipped his soft cock back into his jock and grabbed his towel. “Guess it’s my turn to have a shower.”

“And my turn to have a nap,” Jay said as he dropped his towel revealing a nice fat cock and low hanging balls. “Don’t be too long in there mate,” he hinted.

Published 10 years ago

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