Sisterhood of Sin — 22 — The Abduction

"Our heroine enters the lion's den and emerges scathed."

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“It’s okay if you fuck him, Barbie. I let him know that. You’ll be with him more than I will for a while, and it’s clear that there’s a special bond between you.”

“That’s not going to happen, Cate. This special bond is mutual respect, not something you should feel threatened by. Besides, he’ll be drained dry by the students.”

“I didn’t offer only his cock, Barbie. If his ass becomes irresistible, take it, I’m not threatened by it.”

“Well, that’s a kind offer, but I’m not going to risk wearing his ass out either.”

“Or you could use his tongue. You know you like that.”

“Cate, why are you throwing him at me?”

“I’m scared. I want you to take care of him if…” I can’t finish.

She hugs me and there are tears in both our eyes. “I will, Cate.”

By mutual agreement, my husband will become almost useless to me as a sex partner for a while. And if our plan for the evening goes horribly wrong, a while may become forever. But even if all goes well, he’ll be pleasing so many other women that he won’t have the energy for me. I don’t want to deprive his mistress or his students, so I’ve temporarily taken myself out of competition for his attention. The demand for hands-on experience with prostate massage and sensual pegging from the first seven inductees convinced Barbie and Dan to add instruction in those as a service, with my blessing.

Of course, I had to modify my stance that Dan’s ass was mine. He would go to the classes with a buttplug with either an amber or green jewel. Amber meant prostate massage from no more than two sisters. Green meant sensual pegging, also with from no more than two sisters. I had promised Dan that no other man would have my ass and now I didn’t have to feel guilty that I’d never specifically excluded women.

He has to exclude men from fucking his ass, which he assures me is not an issue, and any women I send as gifts will not be hired for pegging him. I told him not to exclude his mistress, but he said that’s not an interest of hers. It will be interesting to discover if he offers it to his former mistress, Deirdre, the next time he sees her. If not, I might ask whether she’s interested.

But Barbie is a special case. She’ll be conducting the classes and they will be spending a lot of time together. I knew when she talked him into offering his ass to the students that she had exploited the bond that came from sipping his cum cocktail, and convincing him to sip some, in front of the students.

So at least temporarily, he’ll be coming as often as four nights per week and at his age, that will drain him. Barbie is already talking of setting up regular classes for newbies and amateurs. She’s actively seeking other males to handle the demand. I’m not feeling deprived, because I’ve got a lot of time lined up with other lovers and potential lovers in the next few weeks. But first, I have to deal with the threat from Mick and the Knights of Old Prussia.

I crawl into the van and wave goodbye to her. Bethany tries one last time to talk me out of it. But I refuse to let her.

“We have to know, Beth. We don’t want to lose either of them if they’re not co-conspirators.”

“You don’t have to go in there naked to find out, Cate.”

“I have to trick the truth out of him. They think they’re smarter than us. We need to correct that impression.”

“I swear, you’re as pig-headed as my husband was.”

I smile. She’s convinced. She just doesn’t want to admit it. She’s used my photos of Mindy’s house and made a plan. It’s all set up for zero hour, nine PM, tonight, twenty minutes from now. The assets are all in place. I’ve got my gun in my trenchcoat pocket, but of course, I’ll be taking the trenchcoat off once I’m inside, and there will be no place to hide a gun in what I’ll still be wearing. My only weapon will be my wit.

We get word that Mindy and Keri and their children have been secured. I get a few last minute instructions from Bethany and she gets last minute check-ins from her team. When we park the van on Mindy’s street, I hear dogs barking all around. The infiltration through neighboring back yards wasn’t perfect, but the full black team is in place and nobody was bitten, and no dogs were harmed.

It’s time. I walk up to the house precisely at nine. I always get a buzz out of presenting myself naked to a stranger, and I feel my pussy heat up as I ring the doorbell. A man I haven’t really met, Mindy’s husband, Wil, answers.

“Good evening, sir. Your loving wife sent me as a gift. I understand this is your first time receiving such a gift from her, so please invite me in before your neighbors notice me.”

“Yes, come in.”

I enter the room and wait for him to close the door, before removing my trenchcoat and turning to face him. Because of the potential for violence, I’m barely keeping my nervousness contained. Cate Confidence’s aplomb is seriously challenged. This is when I’m most vulnerable. He’s locked the door and could subdue me and take me hostage before the black team can stop him.

“I’m glad she was able to get you, I can get into some cougar action.”

“Thank you, Sir. Your wife sent me for a specific purpose. Since I’m your first gift, I will be establishing your profile. That will be used by future gifts to determine how much they will charge your wife or even whether they will be interested in you at all.”

“In other words, you’ll grade me. Well, I think you’ll be satisfied with my package. I’ve never had any complaints. How about you just skip all the chit chat and suck my cock?”

This does not sound like Mindy’s description of him. She said he would be respectful. I’m not ready to call in Bethany. The front door is still locked and I don’t want to risk the Plan B entries through the windows.

“Sir, the gift is from your wife and I will deliver it as she specified. Please be patient.”

“Okay, let’s go to the bedroom then.”

“You would have sex with another woman in your marital bed? Doesn’t that seem a bit insulting to your wife? She wouldn’t like that.”

He’s given me the reason to act colder to him now. I drop the ‘Sirs’ and walk into the den where he’s been sleeping since the re-nup. This is the optimum place for the team to view us, and to protect me with bullets if necessary. Mindy left the drapes open and Wil hasn’t closed them here. I suspect the other man, Keri’s husband, Karl, is in the master bathroom, ready to pounce on me in the master bedroom at an inopportune moment. Those drapes were closed since Mindy left with their kids. I want to draw him out from there.

“This is where she requested that my services be performed. I would like to go over some rules first. One, my mask must stay on. If you remove it, the session ends.”

“That’s okay, I already know who you are anyway. You’re Cate Blanc, the famous cock whisperer.”

I don’t deny it. I don’t know how he learned about my reputation, but I want to see how he responds to my lack of response.

“You made a mistake coming here, Cate. After you’ve given yourself to me, you’ll be leaving with me. There’s someone who wants to talk with you.”

Again, he is not in character. He’s either trying to intimidate me or play to some other audience, Keri’s husband maybe.

“Surely you know that I have a bodyguard waiting outside ready to rain hellfire down on you.”

‘Hellfire’ is the code word to let Bethany know we’re both in the den, and that Wil did not latch the front door chain after I came in. I’m sure that she could pick the lock and get through the chain, but she made a copy of Mindy’s key and should now be entering quietly.

“Go ahead. Call her in. It won’t matter. I know about your methods.”

“You’re assuming we told Mindy our methods.”

“No, I’m not. Mindy didn’t tell me shit, but she doesn’t know shit either. She’s just a tool I used to get you here.”

“Keri, then.”

That worries him. He suddenly realizes that I know more than he suspected.

“Not that dumb cunt either. Both were tools.”

“Darlene, then.”

That really rattles him.

“What the fuck? How do you know about her?”

“We know all about Mick’s girl.”

“She’s not Mick’s girl. She’s my girl.”

“No, she’s Mick’s girl and she played you. You’re their tool for getting to Mick’s ex-wife. We know all about Darlene, she’s a traitor.”

“And the only cunt smart enough to read the writing on the wall.”

Bluster. He knows he’s in the deep weeds now.

“She read you like an open book, Wil. Some of our sisters are trained to do that. Are you her puppet, or her brother’s? We know about your submissive side. We know about your cuckold fantasies. We know you’ll jerk off while you watch girl-on-girl. We’re not judging you. We can accommodate all those desires. We can replace this thing you have with Darlene, or her brother, or Mick, or whoever is pulling your strings.

A man suddenly steps into the room from the hall that leads to the master bedroom. He’s holding a pistol.

“Hello, Karl.”

“I don’t know how you know me, bitch, but we’re going to take that ride and let Mick find out. Or you could just give us Claire and the kids and walk away.”

“Did Mick ever tell you that he threatened to kill his kids.”

He ignores the question. “Did Claire tell you she shot at him?”

“Yes. Did Mick tell you that he shot first?”

“Mick wouldn’t have missed.”

“He almost didn’t. Claire’s quick. We dug a 45 slug out of their wall, right at center of body mass, if only she was still there. She was shooting a nine mil. She didn’t miss. Did he show you the scar? Or haven’t you seen him with his pants off?”

With each revelation about Mick, Wil looks increasingly subdued and Karl looks increasingly defiant. They both jump as Wil’s phone suddenly rings. He answers it, listens and says, “What the…?”

He puts it on speakerphone and I hear a beautiful voice that I haven’t heard in too long. “Hello, Cate.” It’s Margo Wren.

“Hello, old friend.”

“Hey! Easy on that ‘old’ shit. I’m satisfied. You?”

“Yes. Some good news came out of this anyway. Reel ’em in.”

“Wil, Karl, here are your options. You can receive a photo of your kids every year as they grow. They’ll be told that you’re an undercover hero and that you had to disappear in order to keep them and their mother safe. That second part’s true enough. When they become adults, we’ll let you reconnect with them. They might not like you by then.

“To get that option, you’ll have to warn the other boys in your little nazi club not to mess with us and not to trust Mick. We don’t tolerate men who threaten the lives of their children.”

“I don’t believe he did that. His wife lied to you.”

“I don’t care what you believe, Karl. I personally interviewed his daughter. I regretted not killing him then and I regret it even more now. You made a mistake. You backed a loser and now you’re a loser, too. You’ll both be driven to the airport and you’ll be flown to Alaska.

We’ll keep an eye on you, and we’ll give you a parole officer to check in with. She’ll be your contact if you need anything reasonable from us. You’ll have jobs there if you need them. We’ll make sure you don’t starve, but we won’t provide luxury. You can earn that if you’re able.

“If you show up in the lower forty-eight again without our permission, you’ll be lucky if we don’t leave you naked on the streets of Calcutta. Then again, you might like that, Karl. We know your secrets, too. The homosexual desires. The self-loathing. Admit it, Karl. You aren’t good father material. We’re giving you this one chance at the dumbass relocation program. I suggest you take it.”

He looks very embarrassed now. We’ve told his secrets to Wil. We’ve defeated him in front of the guy he’s been manipulating, probably since college. “What if we don’t?”

“Well, Karl. You’re holding a gun on one of our employers and we’re licensed to protect them. Look at your balls.”

Karl looks down and bright points of red light from targeting lasers start blinking on and zeroing in on his crotch. One of them crawls up to his heart, then another.

“So that’s my choice? You kidnap my kids and send me to Timbuktu or else kill me?”

Keri’s voice suddenly comes over the phone, “Listen up, you asshole. They’re not kidnapping your kids. They’re not kidnapping my kids. They’re… we’re exiling you. My kids are staying with me. It would be much easier on all of us if Cate and company just took you out of the picture the quick way. Just admit that this Mick guy and your bitch sister played you. Take the first option.”

Wil calls out, “Mindy? Are you there? Don’t do this to my parents.”

“You did it, Wilhelm. We might be able to make arrangements for them to visit, but I’m just picking up the pieces of the mess you made and moving on. We don’t deserve this. Stay in Alaska, or else.”

“I made a mistake, Min. You stopped…”

Margo regains the floor as Bethany silences Wil by stepping into the room with a black military rifle leveled at his head. “Save your excuses for later. Now is not the time to speak your piece.”

Marta steps up next to Bethany and covers Wil with a handgun as Beth switches her aim to Karl’s chest.

“It’s time to put the gun down, Karl. Cate, you did good. Be a good girl and make your way out behind me and don’t forget your coat. Can’t have the neighbors seeing you in your work uniform.”

Her dose of humor under fire calms me tremendously. “Thanks, Mom.” As I back out, Karl realizes it’s over. He lowers his gun and lets it fall to the floor. Another black card sister brushes past me and secures the men, handcuffing them with plastic zip ties. A panel van backs into the driveway and after a quick frisk by two not-very-gentle sisters, the wannabe Cate-nappers crawl into the back. Bethany assures me that they will be in the custody of armed sisters all the way to Alaska on one of Margo’s planes.

I lock up Mindy’s house and climb into Claire’s mobile command center with Marta. Claire hugs me and thanks me for salvaging the sisters. Her new personal body guard drives us to the airport as I dress. I have my GO trunk and one additional suitcase of clothing for a short trip on the underground railroad. Liz wants me away from home until the men and the sisters are debriefed, to determine how much they really know about me.

I kiss Claire goodbye and Marta escorts me onto the private jet. I let the Talisker burn its way down my throat as the plane starts its takeoff roll. I suddenly begin to shake uncontrollably. Marta reaches across the aisle and takes the tumbler from my hand.

“Wh-wh-what-t’s h-happen-ing?”

“Don’t worry, Ma’am. It will pass soon. Try to enjoy it.”

It’s not an unpleasant feeling, it’s just disturbing that I have no control over it. It reminds me of an experience I had long ago, only it is much more intense and lasts much longer. Marta’s confidence soothes me and I slowly regain my cool.

“Wow! That was freaky. Thank you for taking that.”

She hands my glass back to me and I take another sip.

“I didn’t want to witness any alcohol abuse, especially not with something more expensive than most fine perfumes. That was a reaction to the adrenalin. The rush of action. The fact that it happened afterwards instead of during your performance is very good. You have remarkable focus.”

“Thank you. Your words helped.”

“Ma’am, I’ve asked that you be left alone during this flight so this could happen. You’ll be with children soon and they need to see you composed and, if possible, relaxed. The Red Queen has decreed that all of the members of the Red Council will have full time bodyguards when traveling on sisterhood business, even the Bla… even Mrs. Riviera and Mrs. Wren. If I’m acceptable to you, that will be my role.”

The Red Queen? Liz? “Um sure, Marta. I can’t think of a better choice. And you can call me Cate.”

“Good. Thank you. I will when the situation requires, but I have a military background and a code of conduct, so I will also employ that. I’ve been in tense situations like you were in tonight. I have to say that I’m very impressed. For someone who doesn’t have my background, I’ve never seen a cooler cucumber. But now, it would be good if you, as I said, relax yourself. If you go to the back of the plane, I’ll stay up here.”

She gives me an almost embarrassed look as I grasp her meaning. She’s practically ordering me to go to the back of the plane and masturbate. I smile and look into her eyes and discover that she has the ability that so few people have, the ability to hold eye contact with me, seemingly forever, as I speak with her.

“Is this part of your official duties, advising me on these matters?” I’m smiling coyly as I say it, hopefully conveying that I’m pleased that she did.

“That’s up to you, Ma’am. But there may not be an opportunity for a while, once we pick up the passengers. And… it always worked for me.”

I notice that she didn’t include me or herself in the category ‘passengers’. I’m certain that the pilot and co-pilot would have, but a soldier on a mission wouldn’t consider herself a passenger. I have apparently become a fellow soldier to her, perhaps a benefit of participating in a hazardous operation with her. Or maybe I’ve just watched too many movies about heroic teams.

I pull my focus from her eyes to her entire face. I see for the first time how truly beautiful she is. Her jet black hair and very pale skin and her exaggerated black eye makeup and lipstick are a look that never appealed to me. All of the members of Bethany’s black team wear an abundance of black clothing in situations where it might provide a tactical advantage, but Marta takes it to an extreme, complete with gloves and a very deliberate look that can instantly become intimidating by changing her posture and body language. I can picture her dressed as a ninja assassin, even to the point of having crossed swords over her shoulders and a black face mask that reveals only her piercing blue eyes. She’s tall, about five-eleven, has an athlete’s physique, and a very symmetrical face with high cheekbones and a perfect chin.

“We’ll see how it goes, Marta, advising me I mean. I rely heavily on my instincts, but at the moment your advice seems very… appropriate.” I see the appreciation on her face as she takes my empty glass and moves to the foremost seat. I move to the rearmost, turning lights off as I go, grab a blanket, sit, and lean the seat back. I slide my slacks and panties down just enough and try to call up an image of Dream Girl in my mind. At the moment, I don’t want to fantasize about men, not even Gabe, my usual fantasy subject. Unusually, Dream Girl’s face appears in my mind quite easily. What happens next is unexpected, and disturbing.

In my fantasy, Dream Girl morphs. She’s wearing a head-to-toe black outfit, mostly leather. She now has Marta’s black hair, eye makeup, and lipstick, but she still has the odd mixture of my parents’ faces. She’s looking me in the eyes as directly as anyone ever has, and she’s smiling. And she’s sporting a giant black strapon dildo which she is shoving up Wil’s ass. I look down to discover that I am dressed the same way, but my dildo is up Karl’s ass and he is not happy about it as I thrust repeatedly into him.

I’m having some sort of relapse of my prior dysfunction. Hopefully it is only a temporary reaction to the evening’s earlier events, but when my hand touches my pussy, I decide there is no point in not trying to roll with it. My other hand reaches up under my top and unclips my bra. I feel my nipples, and in my fantasy, I see Dream Girl doing the same as she pumps away at Wil’s ass. My thick, shiny, black dream cock is pummeling Karl harder now as my fingers are whipping my nectar into a froth around my clit. I rely on the jet engine whine to cover the sounds of my gasps and moans. If Marta is going to be with me, she will hear them eventually anyway.

I think about the fact that I have twice appeared naked in front of these men as Cate Confidence. I briefly see myself as they saw me, lying back on an exam table, legs spread, masturbating and receiving cunnilingus from another man. My fingers move faster. Now back in my fantasy, Dream Girl and the archangel version of Sister Cate are fully clothed in matching intimidating black outfits, while the men who would have taken me to Satan Mick are naked and submissive as we humiliate and punish them with our cocks. I come and shudder and writhe and come again. Finally, I relax and look into Dream Girl’s face as it morphs back to reveal my mother’s red hair and my mother’s face, absent the features of my father’s young boy face. She smiles and winks. Weird.

I feel movement on my shoulder and my eyes snap open. I feel wonderful. Marta is there. “Ma’am. We’ll be wheels down in ten. I tried to let you sleep as long as I could. It’s good that you slept.”

She turns away when I thank her. I look down and happily discover the blanket still covering me. My hand is still on my pussy but it is almost dry. I quickly compose myself and barely finish before the pilot gives the two minute warning. I strap in across the aisle from Marta again, and she hands me a warm wet washcloth. I finish wiping my dry nectar off my hands just before my cell phone rings. I catch my lingering scent as I bring it to my face. All of my senses seem abnormally acute. I feel so lucky to be alive.

“Change of plans, Cath. Bring our friends to Chicago.”

“What’s wrong with the old plan?” I was looking forward to seeing Dee.

“We’re sending decoys there, in the plane you’re currently in. Just a precaution. Celine says the Knights are buzzing like angry hornets. We want to see if the buzz changes. Beth’s idea. Mick and Darlene ran. We don’t know how they knew. They’re on a flight to London, luggage checked through to Belfast. Good riddance. How’s your new guardian angel working out?”

“I feel real good about her. Remind me to thank Beth.”

Published 10 years ago

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