Her hectic month culminated in an overscheduled weekend before Laura returned to San Francisco. She determined the minutes and supporting documents from the partners meeting would be done before lunch Friday, even if lunch had to be delayed.
“Greg darling, can you put lunch off until one-thirty; I’ll make it worth your while?”
Their friend the owner-maitre-waiter was surprised to see them come in so late. “Welcome, you are welcome at any time.”
Greg ordered for both immediately as they walked to their alcove. “We would like two bottles of champagne today, one now and one when you serve our meal.” He gave other requests to the man in private.
“Of course, it will be perfect.”
Greg was helping Laura out of her jacket when their champagne arrived. The waiter also had two candles that he lit before pouring and the overhead light went off as if by magic. The waiter offered Greg the traditional first taste, “Let Laura determine if the wine is satisfactory.”
Greg continued her undressing, removing her skirt as she raised glass to drink.
“It is perfect, everything here is always perfect.”
“Take good care of the lady’s suit please.”
As the man pushed through the beaded curtain carrying her clothes, Laura kissed Greg with intensity. “We have been blatant here before; today is extraordinary though.”
“As long as we are being extraordinary”, Greg unfastened Laura’s bra and put it next to one of the candles.
“I’m game if you are; I bought the panties and bra as a matched set.”
“I have barely seen you the last three weeks; you’ve been working too hard.”
“Make up for it by seeing me bare today, is that the lunch menu?”
“I like what is on the menu today.”
They cuddled and drank champagne until their waiter returned with food. He was used to their displays, had seen Laura partially undressed many times. He acted nonplussed, and made no attempt to avert his gaze while serving.
“You will have complete privacy.”
“Stand up; I want you for my appetizer.”
Laura filled her mouth with champagne and then sucked Greg’s cock into the bubbles. She used her tongue like a child splashing in a tub as she played with her cock toy. When she swallowed the wine, Laura swallowed cock as well. The eroticism of Laura’s almost public oral sex caught Greg immediately and he added his juice to the wine. They kissed and began their lunch meal.
“Try a taste of this.”
The lovers played, ate, kissed, touched various sensitive body parts and generally enjoyed a slow sensual afternoon meal. Neither was in a hurry. Laura put two grapes in her mouth before kissing Greg. They passed grapes back and forth with tongues; finally each eating one, spitting seeds, and kissing again.
“I can think of more interesting places you can put those grapes.”
“Get a fruit basket and we can experiment.”
“I will do just that, soon. Do you need to go back to the office?”
“Unfortunately I do; I wish we could stay and play. You better go get my suit while I do my underwear.”
Laura didn’t get back to her office and a message from Dan to call until almost three-thirty.
Hi Baby, you called?
. . .
Sure, I think I can handle a small change of plans for tonight, tell me.
. . .
Let’s make sure I’ve got this straight; I go home and change, Greg has me until nine, and then I get him to drop me at Mrs. Patron’s. Is that the plan?
. . .
Okay, see you at Mrs. Patron’s at nine. Have fun with Artsy and the painter until then. Love you Baby.”
Greg followed Laura home at the end of the day.
“Would you like a drink first, or would you rather undress me again?”
In the master bedroom, Laura hung each article, or put in her hamper, as Greg undressed her.
“It was okay for you to keep your clothes on at lunch while I was nude, but I am the proprietor of this room. You are overdressed.”
After undressing her lover, Laura turned down the bed cover.
“Do we have time for your wedding dress?”
Laura was caught off guard by Greg’s question for a moment, but then, “No, not today. When I wear my wedding dress for you I want it to be perfect. Today is quicky time.” She led Greg to the bed then stopped in thought. “Get in bed and wait for me.” Minutes of scurrying put Laura in the bathroom; minutes later she emerged shimmering white.
“You’ve seen the veil; Dan gave me to you wearing this veil I wore our wedding day. No other man has seen this gown.”
Laura came to the bed she only shared with her husband and kissed her other husband.
“Wearing this gown and veil in this bed is cheating and being unfaithful. Make love to me my darling husband. Make sweet love to your wicked unfaithful wife who offers body and soul to you. Make love with me and drive away my infidelity.”
Their expression of love was pure tender sharing. No aggression, no titillation of pain, no screams of joy to expose themselves to others filled the bedroom. They kissed and touched and gave of each other. Laura gave in to an ultimate infidelity, “Oh Greg, darling, my Baby, my Baby, I love you so now and forever. I love you Baby.”
Greg held his love tight and crooned his emotion softly in her ear.
> > > > – –
Dan sat at a table in Gilly’s waiting for Artsy and LF. He was sure LF would unnecessarily complicate the evening, but Artsy insisted they get together before tonight’s event with Mrs. Patron. They both showed up wearing silk jumpsuits much to Dan’s surprise. He kissed them, got drinks for them and they gathered at the round table.
“You look very nice tonight, LF, very different from your gallery attire.”
“I look like a girl; is that what you mean Dan?”
“Yes, a feminine, attractive girl.”
They were having dinner tonight so LF and Dan could talk at serious length about his office art project. Artsy had talked with Dan about defining a parameter of risk taking that fit the corporate and public image he must pursue acquiring art works. Dan did not readily agree with Artsy’s point about the requirement for a select number of disturbing, thought provoking pieces to validate any collection.
Provocative art was a topic of conversation Dan and Artsy often shared. He was slowly drifting closer to Artsy’s point of view; at least he finally became willing to try a controversial work on consignment. LF described an abstract series she had created using stark splashes of vivid colors on flesh colored background.
“I think something from my series will work with the way Artsy has described your professional collection.”
Details settled, discussion switched to LF as artist for Dan and Laura’s personal gallery collection.
LF assumed the right to dominate the discussion as she was the artist. She explained how she intended to work, and the effect she intended to achieve. Where she had been supplicant trying to convince Dan that her work should be included in his business collection, when talking about painting Dan and Artsy she was dictator. Artsy could see Dan growing increasingly hostile; he was getting exasperated more by LF’s attitude than what she was saying.
Finally Dan had had enough, “If you would rather, LF, we can continue this discussion at another time. I will see if I can find a skirt I can wear so you will feel more comfortable.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You must think I am one of your little fluff girls you can push around. If that’s my role I should dress the part, shouldn’t I?”
“I am the artist here.”
Dan cut her off.
“And I am the collector and the subject of the art we are supposed to be discussing.”
Artsy leaned back amused at her friends whose personalities she knew well.
LF and Dan argued, sometimes loudly, for almost half an hour. Both were pointed in verbal assault; both used voice filled with venom and sarcasm. Strangely, they moved into a phase Artsy recognized as violent agreement; she was forced to laugh loudly at both over their final exchange.
“God damned bitch, I will wear a skirt next time we get together.”
“Good, if you do you can even get on top.”
“At least I won’t need a strap-on.”
“Children, children! This has been more fun than I can stand; now we have to go to see Mrs. Patron. You two best be on good behavior or she will slap both of you down.”
“Is she coming, why?”
“Yes, we are going together.
“Maybe Laura and your bitchy friend will get along better. Okay, I promise to behave.”
Dan reached across the table to offer LF his hand as a peace offering.
LF had to get in a last word.
“Just a handshake, I thought we might kiss and make up?”
Dan snapped his hand back and then shot it forward again. He grabbed LF behind her head and pulled hard to him, mashing her lips with his. He stabbed with tongue; LF fought to deny entrance. From somewhere within, Dan heard Mrs. Patron speaking only to him; he relaxed his kiss and removed malice. His lips quivered and he traced LF’s feminine lips with his tongue. Kiss turned sensual and not punishing; Dan did his best to draw this woman to him. She began responding; suddenly Dan realized Lesbian Feminist Bitch was actually a responsive woman. Kiss transformed further and built to high passion; both swapping tongue thrusts and beginning to breathe hard.
Once again, Artsy had to intervene.
“You two save that for the back seat and I’ll drive.”
“I think you might look pretty good in a skirt. I like the way you kiss in spite of that excess stuff between your legs.”
LF actually wrapped her arm around Dan at the waist and he returned the gesture as they walked to his car. Dan handed Artsy his keys; he got in back with LF and they did kiss and neck all the way to Mrs. Patron’s home.
“You kiss pretty good; I might even wear lipstick along with the skirt.”
“If you wear lipstick, I will too.”
> > > > – –
While Dan was fighting with, and then making up with LF, Laura decided she and Greg had time to shower together and have another session under the water. They dried each other and Laura began her makeup routine. Smooth sure strokes along her face shook every time Greg used his hands to touch her. Laura had to banish him to the bed so she could finish. When done she opened her special jewelry case and removed the two pieces Greg had given as gifts.
“Do the honors with these, please.”
“Let me have your foot.”
Greg fastened the diamond studded anklet in place and lightly massaged Laura’s calf.
She spread legs apart as she stood before her man, “Next.”
Greg spread her lips and stroked clit to life.
“How swollen do you want to be tonight?”
Laura looked at the clock beside the bed, “You’ve got ten minutes; do what you can.”
Greg chewed all around Laura’s sex for the ten minutes, and when she called time he looked to admire his efforts. Laura’s button was throbbing and swollen as he slid her clit clip in place. Labia, now full and red with blood, framed the decoration.
> > > > – –
Laura made the bed, dressed quickly, and they were off to Mrs. Patron’s home. Greg kissed her good night at the doorstep after Mrs. Patron answered. It took nearly half an hour for everyone to arrive. Artsy directed the presentation. Four designers were present, each with several outfits. Artsy, Mrs. Patron’s friend, and another lady Laura didn’t know served as models.
Laura picked out a lounging skirt she thought was particularly fine and asked if she could also model. She and the designer retreated to a bedroom so Laura could dress. Designer screamed in delight seeing the chimes on Laura’s clit clip.
“Where did you get those; I have to have some.”
The designer told Laura her blouse didn’t match the skirt at all; she immediately began to take it off.
“Bra too, should I be bare breasted?”
He escorted her on arm to show off his skirt to the others.
By eleven the fashion show part of the evening was complete. Business talk lasted until midnight. Laura organized a two day session six weeks hence where she promised to have key staff from Business Lady on hand to work out all details for design and production of a new line to premier the following spring. Mrs. Patron insisted the opening of the conference be held at her home. Triumphant excitement filled Laura and she hugged her husband tight as thank you for his help.
“I think it is time we all adjourned to the sitting room for an evening brandy; we deserve to relax.”
Mrs. Patron led the way; LF fell in beside Laura. Mrs. Patron proudly showed a new acquisition as her older friend served the brandy.
“Rupert gave these to me. Just to show, Daniel, that I can be as gauche as you at times, I asked if he could get another set in blown glass.”
Sitting on an ebony pedestal was a matched pair of Lucite candlesticks holding tall, two inch thick candles. Each candlestick was a lifelike replica of a substantial and erect penis; the testicles suspended below the shaft, and they were drilled to hold a candle parallel to the penis. Dark chocolate colored candles two inches thick sat in the holder rising almost eight inches higher than the tip of each penis.
“Rupert told me he had two of his lovers as models. He was very proud of the gift.”
Laura went to the pedestal and studied the candlesticks with obvious interest. She reached her hand toward them, but knew better than touch. Having her hand in close proximity would have to be sufficient. LF came up beside Laura, and focused on Laura, her pose, her actions, more than admiring the sculpted male pieces.
“Do you want those, one or two just like them?” Laura didn’t respond.
“Is Dan that large?”
“No. he is not thick like these.”
“Your lover?”
“Greg is thicker, but not that long.”
“You could take these, couldn’t you?”
“Yes, I could.”
“You want to?”
LF put her hand in the middle of Laura’s back and guided her to a love seat.
“Baby, you best watch out for LF sitting beside you there. She is a foul tempered bitch. We have been fighting all night.”
Artsy laughed at Dan, “Not quite all night, the fighting I mean, they did a good job of making up in the backseat while I drove here.”
Artsy brought a laugh from LF.
“Your husband kisses exquisitely; did you teach him?”
“Yes, he does; we learned together so to speak. He also had advanced kiss lessons with Mrs. Patron, he tells me.”
“Whoever taught him did well, he is a good student. He almost made me want to try a guy one more time.”
“I offered to wear a skirt and lipstick the next time if she would.”
“Oh, I want to see that. You stay away from him while I am in San Francisco. Wait until I get back.”
“I’ll kiss you so you can imagine while you are in San Francisco. It’s a lovely city, one of my favorites.”
LF and Laura kissed.
“You breasts looked lovely in that skirt; may I see them again?”
Laura half turned and made her blouse available for unbuttoning. Soon it draped on the arm of the love seat and LF fondled her as they drank another brandy.
“One last question, when you were modeling this skirt, when you came to me and made pirouette, I heard bells?”
Laura looked at her husband and paused considering her response. Speaking directly to Dan she answered LF.
“I am wearing Greg’s jewelry tonight, all of the jewelry he has given me. He asked me to wear everything when I go to San Francisco this time. He asked me to keep him close in some way.”
Laura pointed her right hand with the ruby ring toward Dan, and Dan understood all she was saying.
“Take your skirt off and show LF.”
“Come, oh yes, come close, I want to see you close.”
LF tinkled the bells between Laura’s thighs and looked up, “From your lover?”
Laura answered softly, “Yes, his second gift. He put them on after we made love earlier tonight.”
LF turned her to face the others and had her stand splayed before them so she could reach between her thighs.
“Mrs. Patron, I think the gift Laura is wearing tonight, a gift her lover gave as decoration, is almost as erotic as Rupert’s candlesticks, don’t you?”
“I think Laura is a perfect complement to her husband.”
LF tinkled Laura’s chime bells one last time for the audience and pulled the woman close to join her on the love seat. All enjoyed the last brandy of the evening while sharing quiet conversation.
“Laura, my dear woman, would you object if my friend and I shared Daniel as a sleeping partner tonight?”
“No, I don’t think I would object at all.”
Laura whispered something to LF and watched her nod assent.
“Since you are going to entertain my husband in your bed tonight, I assume I can entertain your other two guests?”
“Of course, my dear, I think you should.”
Laura drank the last drops of her brandy and walked across the floor to Mrs. Patron. They kissed a bit more than cursory, women kissing.
“Thank you; you are wonderful.”
“Why don’t you take the brandy with you; it can be a fun accomplice to evening games?”
Laura kissed the woman again and then went to her husband to kiss him goodnight.
“Mrs. Patron, may we take the candlesticks with us tonight? Laura seemed fascinated with Rupert’s gifts. I think it would be appropriate that Artsy and I pleasure her by erotic candle light.”
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