Young and Oh So Easy

"Tom should have known Anne was too young, too pretty and too easy."

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Both Tom and his wife Julie were in sales, she of expensive suburban homes and he most currently of solar panel arrays. They were both talented at their jobs. Tom liked to say that he knew how to bring the bee to the flower and that Julie knew how to bring the flower to the bee.

In truth that was far two gentle an analogy. He was pure lion, handsome and regal in his bearing but ruthlessly effective both in his job and his pursuit of women. Julie was a gazelle, graceful and powerfully fast in both thought and emotion. She was not a shy creature.

They loved each other beyond measure. Without that they could never have managed their complicated 14 year marriage which was as wide open as their careers.

They loved the game of sales. The money was a by-product. So was the sex. Sales and seduction are cousins. It was the hunt of their prey that they both loved.

Tom covered a big territory, the entire Eastern half of the U.S. and extensive travel was part of his job description. In their second year of marriage he met a woman at the hotel bar and had sex with her. He spent two nights with the woman and enjoyed every moment. On his flight home however his guilt grew and he didn’t know how he would reconcile what he had done with his love of Julie.

That first night back together lying side by side in bed neither he nor Julie initiated the sex customary after being apart. It was Julie who shocked Tom by tearfully confessing that she had sex with a client from out of town while showing him a house.

Tom, composing his own confession before Julie gave hers, then told her about his hotel affair. After crying together and professing their love for each other they re-avowed their commitment. They fucked more passionately then they had in a long time.

Over the course of the next few days they talked more openly than ever. They agreed that given both their natures and their time spent apart there might be no stopping such encounters. They agreed that trying to do so would only stress their marriage. They established a few ground rules mostly dealing with discretion and honesty that permitted them independent sexual encounters. They swore a solemn promise of openness.

Their marriage worked well ever since. Their sexual dalliances were actually no more frequent than the secret affairs many other marriages endure and their confessions to each other provided a catharsis that rekindled their passion and love for each other.

When he was on the road, Tom went through stretches of success as well as times of coming up empty. He often thought it rather closely mirrored his successes in sales calls. When he was at the peak of his lion-like confidence his sales would exceed expectations and relaxing back at the hotel bar those evenings is when he would easily get lucky.

It was one of those evenings when he met Anne. She was incredibly pretty and young, not yet out of her twenties. She was not shy and sent bold signals that she found him attractive. After only one drink together she invited herself to his room.

It didn’t take long before their arms and legs were intertwined on the bed, and only a moment longer for them to be naked. There was hardly time for him to appreciate how perfect her body was before she made him feel at ease on his back by smothering his cock with her tits while looking up at him with that laughing teasing face. When she took him into her mouth she never stopped the fluttering motion of her tongue even as she worked her lips impossibly deep over his hard shaft.

After he exploded in her mouth she glided up along his body. With her face just inches away from his, she teased him by allowing a short string of cum to drip down an inch or so before drawing it back into her mouth. Terror registered on his face. She smiled a wickedly pretty smile with her lips sealed then moved down a few inches to let his cum leak from her pursed lips onto his upper and middle chest. Tom felt proud of the amount of cum he delivered. Anne slid back up and lowered her tits against the puddles and kissed him deeply forcing him to smell and taste what remained of himself on her lips and tongue. He began to enjoy her free spirited kinkiness and returned her kisses with true passion.

When she again raised herself she suspended one of her cum covered tits inches from his face and began to slowly lower the almost dripping nipple to his lips. He turned his head a little to the side. She said nothing but remained motionless above him until he straightened his face to gaze up at her shadowed features inside the tent of her hair. When she lowered her body the final inch he parted his lips and took the nipple.

Within moments Tom was joyfully licking her wonderful tits clean while laughing to himself about feeling so kinky. He enjoyed the slickness of of her tits smearing his own cum around his face. He felt an exhilarating new sense of freedom and even though he had orgasmed so recently he could already feel his groin respond again.

“So you like it a little kinky, don’t you?” Anne said outstretched on top of him with her smooth pussy rubbing over his soft cock.

“I like you,” Tom said.

“Well, I can be very kinky.” .

“So yeah, I guess I like kinky.”

“We’ll see,” she said and she was suddenly up flitting around the room. She went into the bathroom. Tom couldn’t get over how young and lithe she was, how perfect her legs and ass and tits were. Tom gazed at the ceiling thinking about his fantastic luck.

“Jesus, your tits are magnificent,” he surprised himself in saying out loud when he raised his head from the pillow to watch her walk toward him.

She stopped and pirouetted with her arms in the air, “Only my tits?”

“No, no …” she cut him off with a cute little giggle and the raise of her palm toward him.

Then she was at the side of the bed deftly knotting his tie around his wrist. He watched as she tied it to the bed frame, mildly entertained by the notion of being bound. Before he knew what was really happening his other arm was secured by her silk scarf to the other corner of the bed frame. He tried to pull it free but the knot slipped in a way that tightened it around his wrist.

When she was done Anne reached up with two hands and removed her wig of long dark hair and set it on the night stand. She reached up again, let down her blonde hair and shook her head. She looked absolutely feral.

“Christ, this keeps getting better,” Tom said grinning.

She straddled his waist and got back down against him bringing her face close to his and kissing him again. “I wanna ride that big cock of yours.” she said as she ground her pussy over Tom’s groin. Tom felt her growing wetness. “Are you gonna get hard again for kinky Anne?”

Tom could tell that was not going to be a problem as blood was already racing back into his cock.

“Ooh good, that’s my boy,” she said as she rolled her hips around another time or two and felt him stiffen. “It’s okay if I’m on top, isn’t it? So I can feel you go deep?” She tilted her pelvis to the side and reached down to guide his swollen shaft into her as easily as putting a car in gear.

“Oh fuck,” Tom said, almost in a whisper, as her tight cunt sheathed down over his cock.

“Oh fuck,” Tom said again louder, as she began to canter off and on the length of his cock.

“Yes, Tom, yes,” Anne said loudly, “but you’re not allowed to cum until you hear me scream.”

Suddenly there was someone at the door. The unmistakable electronic beep of someone entering with a key card was followed by the door opening. Tom lifted his head and caught the figure of a man against the light of the hallway before the door closed.

Tom jerked his hands only to be reminded by the pain of the knot tightening that he was still tied. Anne turned back from looking toward the door and said, “Oh don’t worry, that’s my husband.”

“What? How?”

The man came over to stand next to the bed. He placed the keycard on the nightstand. Tom watched him intently, feeling so vulnerable and afraid.

“Josh, this is Tom,” Anne said, placing a hand on Josh’s shoulder for support as she continued to bounce away on Tom’s almost failing erection. “Tom meet my husband Josh. I slipped your key card under the door so he could meet you.”

Anne giggled a little and sensing Tom’s softening stopped bouncing up and down and just ground her clitoris against the base of his cock.

“Nice to meet you, Tom.

I see Anne’s got you just where she wants you.”

Feeling trapped and uncomfortable Tom pushed his head back against the bed in resignation and said, “Yeah, I guess so.”

“She’s quite a woman though and I’m sure you’ll agree it’s not a bad place to be.”

“No, well, it wasn’t until …”

“Oh, don’t mind me, just focus on these beautiful tits.” Josh said, lifting one with the palm of his hand, then giving it a good smack.

“Hey! You brute”, Anne squealed in an almost delighted way and took a swinging slap at Josh. He tipped back making her miss. She squirmed harder on Tom’s still failing erection. “Damn,” She said, “he’s loosing it.” She lifted off and Tom’s semi erection flopped against his belly, making him feel even more exposed.

“Damn,” Josh said when he saw Tom’s cock, “I’m impressed.”

Before Anne, who had slipped onto her knees between Tom’s legs, could take Tom’s cock into her mouth, Josh reached over and wrapped his fingers around it. Reflexively, Tom tried jerking his hands toward his groin only to feel the restraint of his bonds.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you,” Josh laughed, as he gripped the cock firmly and began stroking the skin up and down over the hardness remaining underneath. “It’s all just sex you know. I want to get you hard again for my beautiful wife. I can tell she’s all wet for you.”

“Ooh, am I ever,” Anne said as she leaned forward and opened her mouth.

After another stroke Josh tilted Tom’s cock up toward her mouth and smacked her extended tongue with the head before she took it between her lips. Josh then put his hand on the back of her head and pushed down so hard Tom was startled by the violence of the act even as he felt the newly engorged head of his cock push past the tightness of her throat.

When Josh pulled her face away by her hair, Anne’s face displayed all the trauma of having her throat impaled. Tears already welled in her eyes and a sloppy wetness appeared on her lips. Within a second her face regained composure and her mouth opened into a circle and she leaned forward again. Clearly, Anne had married one of the bad boys. Josh pushed and held her again, her nose firmly against Tom’s belly.

Overcome by sensation, Tom pressed his head against the pillow and reflexively pushed up his groin. He could feel Anne’s tongue still pushing and stroking against the base of his cock. He was surprised to feel her fingers curling into both his buttocks, pulling him even harder into her.

Josh pulled her away by her hair again and this time Tom could swear he even felt resistance on her part, as if she wanted to keep his cock buried so deeply inside her throat.

“She’s an amazing little slut, isn’t she, Tom?”

Once again the sloppy trauma of the throat invasion on Anne’s face quickly gave way to a look of utter wantonness. Tom was again hard and throbbing.

Still gripping her hair Josh lifted Anne until she was again stooping over Tom’s cock. She reached down and slid her hand up and down the hard shaft a couple of times before holding it in place and lowering herself over it again with a sigh of relief and a moan of pleasure.

Tom’s emotions were confused. Josh was the cuckold here, but he seemed to be the one in control.

After one or two slow full strokes of her body up and down on his cock, Anne switched gears and began writhing on Tom in a way he never experienced before. Seemingly up and down and in circles and back and forth all at the same time, she looked so wildly sexy in the single light of the bedside lamp that Tom felt his cock grow even harder as he thrust up into her.

Josh reappeared fully naked at Anne’s side. He slid his fingers back into her hair and pulled her head back and kissed her with his hand on her cheek. She stopped gyrating. Tom kept thrusting his hips and watched as Josh slid his hand down her neck and over her left breast, cupping and lifting the soft globe before continuing to slide his hand down over her belly. Anne began gyrating again.

Josh’s fingers reached her clitoris and began rubbing back and forth. He pulled her back by her hair lifting her tits higher and exposing more of the front of her pussy. Tom could clearly see the thickness of his cock spreading her lips when Josh pushed her thighs wider. He could feel Josh’s fingertips graze his belly and his cock when he began strumming furiously across Anne’s exposed pussy.

Tom was so focused on the place where they joined that he missed the growing strain on Anne’s face. She began screeching that she was cumming. He looked up to see every sinew of her neck and upper chest straining.

“Oh Fuck Yes!” She yelled and liquid splashed from between Josh’s fingers.

Josh removed his hand just as the flow subsided then touched her again for only a few more seconds until with a moan from Anne he removed his hand again. A ferocious blast of liquid surged over Tom’s abdomen all the way up to his neck.

Suddenly Tom felt the bed shift and saw Josh stepping up and across his abdomen to face Anne with his own erect cock. Tom couldn’t help but look at Josh’s balls and hard cock as it bobbed in front of her face. It was almost as long as his own. He watched Anne smile at Josh then opened her mouth and take it all in.

Josh took a fistful of Anne’s hair and used it to pull her head on and off his cock. She was still sitting on Tom’s cock but her only movement was the result of Josh face fucking her. Josh wasn’t gentle from the start and he grew rougher as he began to thrust his hips as he held her head.

Anne began to gag. Tom could feel her body wretch. He struggled helplessly at his bound wrists. Josh pulled her mouth off him for a second. Tom could again glimpse her face between Josh’s legs as his hard wet cock bobbed in front of her. She opened again and leaned in eagerly. Just look at those fucking tits, he thought.

“Ah, sexy Annie, my slut wife,” Josh said in a growl. “She’s a bad bad girl, the way she likes to take the strange and likes rough abuse. Don’t you agree Tom?”

Almost on cue Annie began to slide her pelvis back and forth on Tom’s forgotten cock. Her mouth was still being punished by her husband. Tom was amazed to see her hands go to her breasts, at first cupping them hard against herself, then pulling and twisting her own nipples in a way that had to cause pain.

With Josh’s domination of her mouth, Anne again stopped gyrating on Tom’s cock. From the vantage point of lying on his back and looking up, Tom saw Josh’s balls tighten and then the quivering thrusts as Josh released into Anne’s mouth. In orgasm he was even more brutal with her. So pretty yet so abused, Tom thought. She took it all and swallowed.

When Josh was done he stepped off the bed and went to the bathroom. Tom could again see Anne’s face and she smiled at him, then licked the cum from the corners of her mouth. She bounced enthusiastically a few times and fell forward to kiss Tom. Tom was repulsed and tried to twist his face away.

Anne found his lips, forcing her kisses on him and began sliding her tongue in between them. He could still taste cum. In a moment she lifted her head to say with a big smile, “Isn’t this fun?” Without waiting for an answer she gave his lips a few more gentle kisses and began writhing herself around on his cock.

Anne again lifted her lips from his just far enough to repeat what Josh had said earlier, “It’s all just sex,” and began kissing him with real passion. He could tell she was enjoying herself. Tom suddenly realized she was the one in control.

He let her kiss him. No longer tasting Josh’s cum or growing accustomed, he gave himself up to the erotic sensations of her lips and tongue. Moments later he began to focus again on how good her wet pussy felt grinding on the base of his cock. He began to feel the muscles inside her grip and pull on his shaft as she ground and bounced herself to another orgasm. He wished his hands were free to touch her tits. The last thought he had before pumping his second orgasm deep into Annie was how Julie wasn’t going to believe this one.

What Tom couldn’t believe was how Julie began to laugh when he reached the end of the story. About how Josh and Annie left him tied to the bed and took the cash from his wallet, his laptop and his watch, leaving him with only his cell phone, credit cards and his plane ticket home. About how if he hadn’t chewed through the scarf the hotel maid would have found him sprawled naked in the morning.

Published 10 years ago

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