Harriet welcomed her friends into the house for today’s meeting of the club.
Harriet was thirty-nine years old, slim, with dark brown hair, and was wearing a low-cut sleeveless floral dress displaying her deep cleavage. It was summer and she had bare legs.
Ruth was thirty-eight years old, a teacher, and she had come straight from school and was wearing a short-sleeved white blouse and a blue skirt. She had worn tights at school, but as soon as she got to Harriet, she happily took them off and put them in her handbag, leaving her legs bare.
Lucy was sixteen years old and a student in Ruth’s class. She was wearing her school uniform of a short-sleeved green and white gingham dress with white ankle socks. Whilst at school she wore her hair in a ponytail, but now let her dark brown hair flow over her shoulders. This was only her third time at the club, but she clearly wanted to get involved in its activities.
Sandra and Elizabeth were both forty-two years old and were Harriet’s friends both also wearing sleeveless summer dresses and with bare legs.
All the ladies sat chatting happily until they heard the front door open, and Harriet called out, “Ben, Jack, come in here now.”
Ben was Harriet’s husband and was forty-one years old. He was wearing a T-shirt and shorts.
Jack was sixteen years old, and the son of a friend of Harriet who had to go away on business for a few weeks and so he was staying with Harriet and Ben. He was also wearing a T-shirt and shorts.
The ladies saw that Ben and Jack were both blushing as they walked into the room, and they knew that they both expected to be scolded by Harriet.
Harriet was annoyed with both of them, and said, “You are over half an hour late. You were supposed to have had your tea before the club started but as having tea doesn’t seem to worry you, I want both of you to get undressed and then serve us cold drinks. Now.”
All the ladies were smirking as they knew that both men were going to be told to get undressed. In this household, Harriet was very much in charge, and they all advocated female-led relationships. Meetings of the club took place in each of their houses, except for Lucy, and in all the other homes the ladies were in charge of their husbands and partners.
Ben and Jack knew they had to obey Harriet, and immediately pulled their T-shirts up and over their heads and then, holding the T-shirts, undid their shorts and pushed them downwards catching their underpants and stepping out of them. After scooping them up, they folded the clothes as they walked across the room to the dining table and put them neatly on the table. They then went back and stood in front of Harriet with their hands on their heads.
All the ladies gleefully studied both men’s bodies, right from their faces down to their toes, happily taking a few extra moments to look at their penises and seeing that both had the start of an erection as all the men did when they stood naked in front of the ladies who controlled their lives.
Harriet instructed, “We each want a cold drink, so ask each of us what we want and get it.”
Ben and Jack obediently asked each of the ladies what they wanted and, when told, walked out of the living room and went into the kitchen and got the drinks ready. They brought all the drinks back in and handed the right drink to the right lady, and then once again stood in front of Harriet with their hands on their heads.
Harriet announced, “Well, ladies, these two men need to have their bottoms spanked.” She looked around at the ladies and continued, “Sandra, I think you should spank Jack. You are the same age as his mum, and he will address you as ‘mum’ to reflect that.”
Sandra replied, “Of course, Harriet, no problem there.” Sandra glared at Jack and ordered, “Go and stand by the dining table and turn one of the chairs into the room so that it will face another chair which will also be turned into the room.”
Jack replied, “Yes, mum,” and immediately went and did as he was told.
Harriet then looked first at Ben and then at Lucy, and said, “Lucy, Ben is about your dad’s age, and I think you should give him a spanking. You can address him as Ben, and he will address you as Miss Lucy. Is that okay?”
Lucy smiled broadly and then glared at Ben and instructed, “Okay, dad, go and turn another chair into the room so it is facing the first one.”
Harriet enjoyed imposing her control over the men and always wanted to include things that would increase their embarrassment. It would’ve been just as easy to let Lucy spank Jack as they were both the same age, but adding the maternal angle put Jack more obviously in his place as a naughty boy. Equally, by having Lucy spank Ben, the added humiliation of having someone that would be his daughter’s age give him a spanking, in front of an audience, helped remove any element of authority he thought he might have.
It was for the same reason that Harriet insisted they undressed because the lack of any dignity by being naked whilst the women were dressed was an added humiliation. Mind you, it was never lost on Harriet how Ben always got aroused the more humiliated he was made to feel, let alone feeling the stiff erection that pressed down on her thighs when he bent over her lap to be spanked.
Ben replied to Lucy, “Yes, Miss Lucy, straight away.”
The ladies called themselves a club because they were all into female lead relationships, with discipline used strictly to reinforce their authority over the men. Whenever the club met each lady described the spankings they had given to their husbands or partners, explaining in some detail how they turned their bottom cheeks and the backs of their legs a glowing red.
Even Lucy had spanked several boys. She had caught three of them at school looking at porn sites and threatened to tell on them unless they agreed to come to her house when her mum was out and take a full-blown spanking from her. The boys knew that, if Lucy told on them, they would be expelled and so readily agreed. After that, if ever she caught them being rude to another student, she demanded they come to her house again for another spanking.
What all the ladies found, including Lucy, was how spanking a man got their knickers damp, and as the man was crying whilst standing on his naughty spot, so they would go to their bedrooms, ease their fingers inside their knickers, and give themselves tremendous orgasms.
Ben went and stood next to Lucy and looked down at her, knowing that the fact she was in school uniform was adding even more to his humiliation. However, he knew from experience that it really didn’t matter who actually ended up spanking him because it always hurt. He could tell from Lucy’s well-toned arms that she was definitely going to be able to give him a really hard spanking, particularly as she would be using a wooden-backed hairbrush.
Lucy was very happy indeed with her position of authority and was delighted that Miss Jenkins, Ruth, had encouraged her to join the club. She was a prefect at school and was likely to be the head girl, and so was used to being in a position of authority. She also firmly believed that women were more responsible than men, and that discipline should be used to encourage them to obey women. Spanking was a natural domestic form of discipline whilst the cane was natural within the school environment. Therefore, Lucy saw the hairbrush as a very good compromise for this domestic use.
Lucy saw Ben’s stiffening erection and ordered, “Okay, dad, get across my lap.”
Ben did as he was told, knowing he was obeying a lady well under half his own age and knew that, when he lowered his body fully onto her lap, his stiff erection would press down on her thighs. Even so, that is what he did, and moments later, his face was inches from the floor as he saw Lucy’s upside-down legs with white ankle socks and his own legs dangling under the far side of the chair. Yes, it was so humiliating, but he could never get enough of being spanked, not just by Harriet, but by so many different lady club members.
Lucy was happy spanking boys her own age but was going to find it exceptional to spank someone so much older than herself and knew that by the time she had finished her knickers were going to be so damp. Nevertheless, that in itself was part of the fun, and she was going to really enjoy herself fingering herself to a huge orgasm or, more likely, several.
Lucy had heard the orders that Sandra had given Jack and looked up and saw Jack was also across Sandra’s lap, in position, and Sandra was rubbing his bottom in circles, in the same way that she was rubbing Ben’s bottom in circles. They glanced at each other, nodded, and together raised their hands and spanked them down on the bare bottom perched across their lap, and proceeded to spank that bottom on alternate bottom cheeks time and again.
Harriet had to admit that she preferred to carry out the spanking herself, but the whole purpose of the club was to give each lady more experience in spanking men from other homes. That was why she still got aroused by watching her husband being spanked by other ladies and knew that her knickers would be damp before very long. She was particularly enjoying watching Ben being spanked by sixteen-year-old Lucy. She knew Ben and she would have a discussion about humiliation later when they were in bed together as they brought each other to orgasms. Of course, Ben would have to bring Harriet to an orgasm first, and only then would he be entitled to have her give him a blow job which was the way they preferred to have sex with each other.
Sandra was equally enjoying herself spanking sixteen-year-old Jack. She had kids of her own, but spanking had never been part of their discipline regime. She was lucky that her kids, both now in their early twenties, had grown into responsible adults, but it never stopped her desire to spank boys Jack’s age, and, after all, it was acknowledged that Jack was naughty today, and as a spanking was part of the regime he had to suffer whilst living with Ben and Harriet, it hardly mattered which one of the ladies actually spanked him.
Jack knew that he would struggle with the spanking because it was always so painful, although he couldn’t understand why he found the pain so erotic. He loved thinking about being spanked, and he loved the feeling afterwards of a seriously stinging bottom that he found very difficult to sit on, but then he could always lie on his tummy as he made himself cum. Even though he found the spanking itself so painful, he loved the submissive position across a dominant lady’s lap, and he even found starting to cry as the beginning of the build-up to yet another orgasm. He knew that, so far as discipline was concerned, it was always said that if there was no pain then there was no gain, and whilst it was supposed to mean a hard spanking taught a lesson, in his case, he knew it meant a hard spanking gave him an even better orgasm afterwards. That’s why he was so pleased to be part of the club whilst he stayed with auntie Harriet and uncle Ben, albeit not his real auntie and uncle, and hoped he would be able to stay in the club after he moved back home.
As much as Jack found the hand spanking difficult enough to deal with, once Sandra started to use the paddle hairbrush, he quickly dissolved into uncontrolled crying as the pain intensified. Of course, now there was real pain, but he could make out that Ben was struggling as much as he was. He did remember as they both walked up the pathway to the house knowing they were so late, but deliberately so, they laughed with each other thinking about the pain. After all, they were also members of the club, and accepting their punishment was for the enjoyment of the dominant ladies there. They both knew that you needed willing submissives at this kind of club who accepted whatever punishment the ladies decided upon without question because the ladies were the ones who made the decisions about how to deal with the very naughty boys.
As Harriet watched both Ben and Jack being spanked with the hairbrushes, she knew her knickers were getting ever damper, and that the other ladies’ knickers would also be getting damp, but this really was so much fun. She could spank Ben in private whenever she wanted, but they both agreed that it was the public humiliation that turned them both on much more. In fact, for Ben, the humiliation of being spanked by Lucy was even better, as though he really was being spanked by his own daughter. He had always accepted that ladies should be the dominant sex, and for him, the age of the lady was of no consequence. Of course, the pain was a necessity as well, and whilst he was struggling to deal with the hairbrush that Lucy was using to spank him with, he was up for the pain every time.
Once Sandra and Lucy had finished spanking both Ben and Jack, both men were crying uncontrollably, their bottoms were glowing red and bruised blue, but both women were very satisfied with the way they had punished them.
Harriet gave the instruction, “Right you two very naughty boys, get up and get ready to say thank you for being punished so well.”
Ben and Jack both again did as they were told, albeit not so quickly because of their stinging bottoms, but they did manage to stand up and look towards Harriet, their blurred vision a constant reminder of how naughty they had been, not to mention their stinging bottom cheeks.
Harriet smiled at Ruth and Elizabeth and said, “Ladies, you may want to get ready.”
Ruth and Elizabeth were smiling as they raised the hems of their dresses above their waist, eased their fingers into the elastic of their knickers, pushed them down to the floor and scooped them up, and then sat back with their legs wide apart.
Harriet instructed, “Jack go and say thank you to Ruth, and Ben you go and say thank you to Elizabeth.”
Even with their blurred vision, both men knew which lady they had to go and kneel in front of, which they did. Once kneeling, they both started to kiss the lady’s inner thighs, working their way up towards their stretched pussy lips, kissing and licking them, easing their tongues inside their vaginas, whilst at the same time flicking their now taut clits, making sure they kept going until they heard the loud erotic gasps telling them both ladies had cum. Even then they continued to lick and suck the dominant ladies’ pussies until they felt the tap on their heads instructing that they could stop. After all, as the dominant sex, it was solely for the ladies to decide when the licking kissing and sucking was to stop.
Ben and Jack sat back and then stood up. Whilst both had erections, both knew they were not permitted to ask any of the ladies to deal with them.
The ladies smiled as they watched the men wince with the pain of their stinging buttons, and still, they had their erections, but they all knew that they were now good boys because they had been punished and said thank you for their punishments.
Harriet was certainly up for giving Ben a blowjob, and Sandra indicated to Harriet that she was happy to give Jack a blowjob. There was something sexy about a husband and wife doing it in public, whilst Sandra saw this as a chummy mummy role-play. So, Ben went and stood in front of Harriet and Jack stood in front of Sandra, both ladies remaining seated as they took the now good boys’ erect penis into their mouths and happily stroked, squeezed, and sucked away until both men came, their sex juice squirting into their boss-lady’s mouths which both ladies happily swallowed.
Ben and Jack felt so satisfied and still enjoyed their stinging bottoms as the ladies chatted about the afternoon’s fun. The men knew not to speak unless spoken to and had to remain naked even after Ruth and Sandra had put their knickers back on, but their continued submission and humiliation were necessary to again reinforce how the ladies were in charge.
Everyone was happy though and saw the afternoon as another very successful meeting of the FLR Club. They were already looking forward to the next meeting.