by BobNbobbi ©
[Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32]
Chapter Thirty – Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg – 2
LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk.
“Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing with your boyfriend.”
“Fuck you, bitch! You strip for me. I have been making love for two weeks and I need to fuck someone. You are it, and you are mine; strip now!”
Laura led their sex parade; she eventually worked her fist inside LF as she bit all around the artist’s hips, thighs and pussy. LF did the sexual screaming this time. After their shared orgasm, Laura stayed in position on all fours with sweat dripping off her face. LF sketched the animal that just sexually attacked her.
“Eat my pussy. Get me off quick. I need to dress and go home to my man.”
“How did your posing go tonight”, Greg asked when Laura arrived home?
“Good, strenuous, but very good. I think we are almost through.”
> > > > – –
The lovers had three peaceful days together before Laura boarded a plane for San Francisco and Business Lady. A first for Laura, BL booked a charter jet for her alone. The convenience of charter, jet speed, and early departure meant she was in her office in San Francisco at ten-thirty after her alarm sounded at four-thirty on the east coast.
Friday at BL did not have the same ambience as her leisurely Friday’s having lunch with Greg. Laura closeted herself with the marketing staff from arrival until very late that afternoon. She had a very good excuse to duck Young Legal’s offer of dinner; she was tired from travel and had to be back in the office Saturday with Liaison.
Laura worked feverishly getting ready for a big decision meeting Tuesday. The idea for fashion shows at legal conferences was all hers. The concept of using models from law firms was hers too. At four o’clock Saturday afternoon, Laura was satisfied with her pitch. She boiled three days hard work by the core marketing staff to a final closing slide with a simple message – OPENING A NEW LEVEL. The final slide, meaningless standing alone, would force the executive committee to vote up or down on Laura only. She was confident in getting an up vote.
Laura worked with Liaison for almost two hours on that last slide alone. They tried a dozen variations of text and background until Laura was totally satisfied with the slide closing her pitch.
“That’s it, we are done. Let’s get out of here.”
Liaison agreed; they both needed to relax now.
“I will go home and change; you do the same. Let’s do a girls night out, dress up and have fun.”
“Meet up at my place at six-thirty; tonight is my treat.”
At dinner, Liaison listened while Laura explained her new marital arrangement. Amazed was far too mild a term to describe her reaction to the tale Laura told.
“Girlfriend, how do you do it? I just don’t understand.”
“Do what? Have a husband and a lover, I am sure many women do.”
“Laura, you are only seven years older than I am, but you are light years ahead in sophistication. I have an MBA and four years experience in marketing with BL. Your degree is general business and you are a secretary. Tuesday morning you are going to overwhelm our executive committee. How do you do it?”
“Don’t knock the secretary thing; we are the ones who see everything. I also have two men who love and support me, a perfect husband, and an equally perfect lover. I guess I have a little bit of talent, call it ability. I am good, but more important I am lucky; I feel lucky. I feel lucky tonight. Let’s go find a club and a couple of guys to dance with us. I want one more drink, two dances, maybe three quick kisses, and then home to bed.”
“Laura, I am not taking a guy home to my bed tonight.”
“Oh no, I mean home to bed alone too.”
Liaison and the cab driver decided on a dance club that might have some early action. The women sat at a table sipping their first drink and looking over the unattached males.
“How about those two over there, the taller guy is good looking?”
“Yeah, and the other one looks like he has the right kind of muscles for a good bedroom workout. We are both going home alone, but we can take imagination with us, can’t we?”
Laura led the approach, “Can two girls buy you guys a drink in exchange for a dance?”
To drive home the question, Laura put her palm on Good Muscle’s chest and let her fingers roam. Tall Good Looking led Liaison straightaway to the dance floor.
Good Muscle locked eyes with Laura, “Show me some moves.”
Laura moved one of Muscle’s hands close to her breast as mirror image of her hand.
“On the floor, let’s dance.”
Their dance lasted through the song playing plus the DJ’s next selection. Laura took liberties touching, and she allowed her partner’s hands the same privilege. Liaison watched her friend dancing and decided to follow along. When the four returned to their table, all were hot and moist with perspiration.
A waitress appeared; Laura ordered for all.
“Scotch neat, something good; is that okay for everyone?”
“You don’t believe in slow starts, do you?”
The four all drank their scotch and swapped meaningless, flirty, conversation. The men tried to steer the night toward a bedroom; the women were simply having fun. When her glass was empty, Laura reached between Good Muscle’s thighs and asked if he was ready to dance again. He made no attempt to conceal the erection Laura caused as they went off to dance.
Both couples danced three songs; they gave new definition to dirty dancing. Laura danced the first song with one of Good Muscle’s hands under her skirt to her waist. Liaison and Laura decided to switch partners for the second dance. The first time Laura danced away from Tall Good Looking to twist and shake his hand followed and felt her. When she danced back to him, she gave a tongue kiss. They repeated feeling and kissing throughout their dance.
The girls returned to the table holding hands with the men as first paired.
“One last good kiss please, and then it is time for these birds to fly away home.”
The two men were left disappointed as Laura and Liaison disappeared from view, but the night was still young and it had only cost a drink apiece, so far.
> > > > – –
“Well hello, fancy you at my door. I didn’t know you were in town. Who is the lovely lady with you tonight?”
Laura introduced Liaison as they went to Upper Floor’s sitting area.
“I have told my friend a little about you and your interesting home. We are ending an early evening out after a long day in the office. I thought an in person introduction would be an amusing end to our day.”
“I am glad you thought of me as a suitable last act for your evening.”
Laura and Upper Floor continued stilted conversation through a snifter of French brandy. Liaison watched and joined in when she could. Finally Laura moved the conversation forward.
“Show us your playroom; I want my friend to see what I have tried to describe.”
Upper Floor led the way to his playroom; his attention directed solely to Liaison. He explained each whip fully, how made and used.
“Your friend loves this one”, he handed Liaison the multi-strand flail.
“Feel the soft leather when you run your fingers through the strands. It is a different soft when it strikes tender flesh. Used properly, this flail can turn your breast from delightful pink to flaming red, and you will ask for once more after each lash.”
Liaison looked at their host with disbelief; she looked to Laura who was nodding her head yes. “You like this one?”
Laura kept nodding her head and her tongue traced her upper lip.
“Your breasts, your tits?”
“Yes, my tits. When he uses the flail they are tits.”
Liaison looked intently, “Where else? Where else on you?”
Upper Floor intervened.
“This is my playroom; you both look exquisite in your party dresses, but out of place in this room. You should at least remove your dresses, under things too, if we are to play.”
“I brought my friend to look, not to play. Not tonight.”
“Humor an old man, my dear.”
“Let me show you my favorite place, Liaison.”
Holding hands the women walked to the balcony. A light San Francisco fog added eerie atmosphere.
“Cuff me to the rail, turn the lights on me, call Mario and tell him to watch as you fondle me.”
In just a few minutes, Laura heard the first call of puta through the fog. Upper Floor heard too; he reached between spread thighs to squeeze her silk covered mound. Laura moaned.
“Who is Mario, where is he?”
“He is a nasty little Mexican. He lives over there, the building across the way; he is on his balcony watching us.”
Liaison crossed her arms over her chest to cover and conceal.
“I want to fuck you for Mario tonight; I want to make you his puta.”
“No, not tonight, we only play tonight.”
“You love this, don’t you Laura? Just like the two guys at the club tonight, letting them feel you up all over. You really do love being a sex toy.”
“She does love it.”
“Tell me more about Mario.”
“Mario likes to hurt. He uses the riding crop or the bull whip. He tries to make me cry. He has spit in my face and he has fucked my ass. He hurts me, but he hasn’t taken me yet.”
“You like beating him? That is why the executive committee will roll over for you Tuesday. You always play to win.”
Laura turned her head to her friend.
“Take your bra off; show Mario your tits. Give your bra to Upper Floor.”
Liaison was apprehensive; she reached halfway behind but no further.
“Do it, show us; do you want Upper Floor to help?”
Liaison finished the task, gave Upper Floor her bra and shook her breasts freely.
Laura heard a new call from across the way, puta, puta, telefono puta.
“Unfasten me so I can shake my boobies too. Then we girls are gone for the night.”
Free from cuffs and bra, Laura shook herself at Mario.
“Now for the fun part girlfriend, we just hold our dresses in front and ride the elevator down to my place. Upper Floor will escort us in exchange for a kiss at the doorstep.”
> > > > – –
Tuesday’s presentation to the BL executives was a triumph. The President and Chairman of the Board, along with their wives, hosted a to-die-for dinner party for Laura and the marketing staff who worked on her project. The first fashion show would be in Atlanta in early November. Laura asked Liaison if she wanted to invite SO to watch Upper Floor and Mario work her over Tuesday night after her success. Liaison declined, it was just the two women, two men, assorted whips, but only one sex object.
> > > > – –
Artsy decided it was finally time to begin working with LF on their portrait. Dan wanted Mrs. Patron’s input so they met at the country club for a first get together. Dan agreed that LF must control creativity, so she was given the leading role. Mrs. Patron offered her usual insightful viewpoint. The evening’s dinner and after conversation was about art, creativity, and the painting at hand.
LF gave the couple her first direction.
“Let’s have another drink by the dance floor; I want to watch you move together.”
Dan led Artsy through a slow dance; the second song was faster and they danced free form moves. Artsy went to the leader of the combo to ask for something Latin. She led Dan in a rhythmic, sultry dance that generated heat, and a passionate kiss, before they returned to LF and Mrs. Patron.
“Did that give you any ideas, any inspiration?”
“Good, very good. I am beginning to see something.”
Mrs. Patron offered her thoughts.
“You dance well together, confidently. He is a good dancer, isn’t he LeeAnne?”
Dan just listened to the women; he was starting to get excited about their portrait.
LF wanted another perspective.
“I want to take a walk around the grounds so I can see you in another setting. After this drink.”
LF walked apart from the others, often walking backward to watch the interaction. Dan always stayed in between the two women; mostly he held hands with Artsy, but took Mrs. Patron’s hand too at times. LF could see he naturally assumed that male central role that she wanted so much to shake.
As Dan and the two women passed in front of a light standard, LS felt the inspiration she had been seeking.
“Stop! Stop there by the light pole.”
She directed them; stand closer, now turn, apart, turn this way. Mrs. Patron tried to step away to give the artist her picture.
“No, stay there! Take Dan’s hand and one step out. Another step, there, pull his hand to you.”
LF looked; she moved around the scene she was creating. LF’s mind saw something beyond the literal sight in front of her. She saw a cone of light shining on two heads with lower bodies indistinct. Mrs. Patron stood off to the side in fuzzy shadow, but she always observed and influenced the two heads. Dan reached to Mrs. Patron for something; was it support, confidence, inspiration?
LF scanned her scene, turned back to the core image she built in her mind and found the completing element. The glow from the lamp formed a joint and a barrier that united but separated her two subjects.
“I have it; we can go now.”
> > > > – –
Tuesday, LF called both Dan and Artsy; to both she gave the same message. They were to avoid one another, stay apart as much as possible.
“No sexual contact at all, I want you both at a fever of desire when we meet again.”
LF worked with frenzy; after two weeks, her vision breathed life on canvas. Artsy had the gallery technician make a temporary installation in Mrs. Patron’s home. Saturday evening they would gather for the unveiling.
LF called Dan, “You bring champagne. We deserve something special. Get a champagne you don’t normally drink. You will remember the brand whenever you see my work.”
Dan went to his favorite wine store, he almost asked for Piper-Heidsieck until he recalled LF’s request for something different.
“A case of Taittinger Brut please, chilled.”
Dan didn’t think, until he closed the trunk lid, Taittinger is Greg’s brand; what, if anything, does that mean?
Mrs. Patron was with her friend when Dan, Artsy and LF arrived. They drank a glass of wine before LF raised the question all were waiting for, “Are we ready?”
Dan could tell the work was large, more so than he expected. LF pulled back the drape.
Dan gasped; Artsy stared intently. Dan knew he did not have the art sophistication to completely understand LF’s intent. The portrait, certainly not portrait in the traditional sense, was abstract, yet real. It disturbed Dan, but struck his gut with its sense of reality. He could see himself; he could see Artsy. Even more compelling, Dan sensed a discordant togetherness. He reached to it, tentative but drawn.
“Tell us about it”, Artsy directed.
“It excites me; excites the artist in me. This is the start of a very good series. The two of you excite me. Together, you draw creativity from me.”
Artsy nodded understanding; Dan looked, blinked at the picture of he and Artsy on canvas, he was beginning to see beyond lines and color to their relationship. It took a while to grasp, but finally Dan saw something more than selves; he could see their relationship. Their portrait was of potential and limitations.
“Tell us what you see, Daniel.”
Mrs. Patron continued in her role as teacher, her question an examination.
Dan searched for the right words; he almost began to speak twice.
“We are together above, but indistinct below. That slash across us is a demarcation. I have one of her breasts; she has part of me.” Dan reached to a splash of vague at the edge, “Mrs. Patron?”
“Yes, your art sense is developing nicely.”
“We have no gender; we are, you have, there is a word . . . .”
All three women gathered close to Dan.
“Transmuted is the only word I can think of, and I am sure that isn’t really a word.”
“The two of you are far more interesting as subjects than Laura. Laura is simple, sexual. Together, you have far more complexity.”
Silence deafened the room. Mrs. Patron poured another round of champagne.
“Take your clothes off and make love, here in front of us. Artsy, attack him the way Laura would attack you if she were here. Use his sex; I want the next painting full in my mind tonight.”
Through the fall and into early winter, Dan and Artsy modeled; LF painted. Mrs. Patron turned a sitting room into impromptu gallery and home for LF’s portrait series. Eventually there were six paintings.
> > > > – –
Laura’s Atlanta fashion show proved a smashing triumph for Business Lady and for her law firm too. Laura laughed to herself every time she thought of her real job that way; her law firm, as though she was a senior partner and not their secretary. Laura watched with pride once more when Greg registered them as Mr. and Mrs. Their law firm people, of course, accepted their status. Laura and Greg invited BL’s president and Marketing VP to a private dinner one evening and they explained and introduced their relationship. Liaison finally had a chance to meet Laura’s other man.
Greg asked one of the unattached lawyers to be Liaison’s date for the evening; Laura told her friend to pack something suitable for a disco night. They ate a late, light dinner and danced into wee hours of morning at two different clubs; the last club mercifully only two blocks from their hotel. Laura danced mostly with Greg, and a few dances with Liaison’s date. Once in each club, Greg found a couple of college age guys to take Laura on the floor for wild time dancing. At the last club, three youngsters were ready to follow them back to their hotel when they left.
Laura said goodnight to Liaison and her date at the bank of elevators.
“Wait for the next one; that way I can say I don’t know quite truthfully to any question asked.”
When she and Greg reached the seventeenth floor, the corridor leading to their room was clear. “Would you mind carrying my dress for me the rest of the way? I have been wearing it all night and my skin needs to breath. Greg very deliberately fumbled with the key card at their door.
“This is a My Darling Gets Screwed to the Bed night. Give me your panties.”
The little bit of now fragrant nylon fit neatly under the Do Not Disturb placard on the door knob.
Liaison pointed to them fifteen minutes later when she and her date walked past on the way to her room. Both smiled; they heard a cry through the door.
“Do you want to do the same with mine?”
“I wonder if she took them off out here or in their room?”
“I want a long lasting fuck when you screw me to the bed tonight, Baby. Let me suck you first to take the pressure off. Hang my head off the bed and fuck my mouth until you cum.”
Greg laid his lady stretched flat with head hanging down. “Open wide cocksucker”, he dick slapped Laura’s cheeks and then stabbed cock down her throat. Tits served as hand grips; no woman he had ever met allowed cock the deep face fucking Laura craved. Greg fucked long, deep strokes into her throat and Laura sucked hard and fought to hold cock inside every time Greg pulled back to thrust once more. Laura couldn’t scream when they came together, her mouth was full; Greg screamed for both.
“I love you, I love you, I love you; when you are ready just take my ass tonight. Your Missus wants her Mister to take what he deserves.”
“Let me open this little gateway just a bit and I will accept your wedding gift.”
Greg diddled with his fingers, rolled Laura to hands and knees, and knocked at the rear door to her mansion. Laura relaxed and used both hands to pull her entrance wide. Greg thrust hard and took her breath away.
“Fuck, Yes, Fuck Me, Fuck my Ass.”
> > > > – –
“I saw your personal note to housekeeping along with your Do Not Disturb sign. It sounded like you were having fun so we decided not to knock.”
Laura gave a sheepish grin but then, “Did we give you any ideas? It seemed to work for us.”
“Well yes, it worked for us too.”
“Good girl.”
Liaison declined Laura’s invitation to take some vacation time and visit with her and Greg for a week following the Atlanta convention. She did confide that her dinner date suggested something similar, and his request was tempting.
“His recovery time takes a little longer than my SO, but his endurance the first time is better and he is more creative. Girlfriend, he is definitely in the GIB category.”
“Maybe another time then.”
“Count on it; we can talk about it next time you’re at work out my way.”
> > > > – –
Laura and Greg returned home to their own brand of domestic bliss.
Reality in the form of the annual calendar intruded on Laura’s idyllic trial marriage to Greg. She only rarely thought of Dan these past months, and even less of Laura and Dan as married couple. They did get together twice on issues that required joint signatures, and they did have a few phone conversations. Those few contacts were the sum extent of their interaction since Laura announced her intention to live with Greg, as Mrs. Greg, until year’s end.
Both Laura and Dan had families that just would not understand the status of their marriage at this point. Laura, Dan and the families had long standing Thanksgiving holiday schedules together. A social dilemma required resolution.
The fall holiday season found all parties involved in this complex social group trying to fit aspirations for this year into traditions from prior years. Greg’s situation was simple; he had no prior history and no strong family tradition. His thought turned to a romantic ski trip long weekend for Thanksgiving. He made tentative reservations for a lodge in Stowe; he intended to surprise Laura with his plan.
Dan faced the holiday situation first. While Laura was busy with final plans for her Atlanta triumph, Dan contemplated the upcoming holiday season. Thanksgiving he dealt with sending short, handwritten, notes to both sets of parents. He explained that he and Laura were going through some changes in relationship, and that they might not be home for family Thanksgiving celebrations this year. Recalling last year’s New Year celebration with Artsy, Dan decided that was what he wanted this year too. He was ready to build new traditions. He decided to somehow include his art community friends, certainly Mrs. Patron, also his secretary, this year.
Conflict about the holidays clouded Laura’s mood when she returned from Atlanta. Two more months remained of her commitment to Greg, her commitment to herself, and to them as a couple. The final two months could be eat, drink and be happy, party and enjoy while it lasts; the last two months could also be a capstone to her affair.
Laura could say goodbye to Greg and return to Dan. Her final two months as Mrs. Greg could actually be the first two months of a permanent, possibly even official, Mrs. Greg.
Can my life possibly stay as is, maintain the status quo? I really need time by myself to think through the future. The future of Laura, Dan and Greg is my next San Francisco assignment.
Until then, decisions about the holidays loomed as current reality for Laura.
“Greg, Baby, I really need to talk over some holiday plans with Dan. Do I have permission to have dinner some night soon to work things out?”
“My wife wants to have a dinner date with her ex husband; is that what I’m hearing?”
Laura gave a quiet chuckle, but her laugh had a grim quality she tried to mask.
“Laura, I have been thinking of a ski lodge in Stowe for Thanksgiving; can we work that into our holiday plans?”
“Do you want to break my leg, or even worse, my neck?”
“It will be fun, and I will nurse you back to full health if you do break something.”
They talked about skiing, something Laura had only seen on television, for almost an hour. Laura could feel herself snuggled in front of a fireplace with snow. After an hour, Laura took Greg’s hand and led him to their bedroom to light their own special fire. Neither had their question answered.
> > > > – –
Laura’s holiday plans were still somewhat ambiguous as she sat next to Dan flying off to visit their parents this year. Fortunately, this was a year for Thursday dinner at Laura’s parents, and Sunday dinner with Dan’s. Dan still didn’t realize he would be having Sunday dinner with his parents without Laura at his side; Laura did not intend to break that news until the last minute. She did not plan to have a blow up with Dan in front of their parents if she could avoid one, but she had a Saturday morning flight to Burlington, Vermont. Laura had at least six weeks left of her I am Greg’s wife time period, and she intended on having this weekend on the ski slopes at Stowe.
Dan had similar thoughts going through his mind. He wasn’t at all sure that a family Thanksgiving wasn’t a complete farce this year. When Laura raised the subject, his initial thought was to tell the truth. He had tentatively accepted an offer to have Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Patron and her friend. Even now, he wished he had said no to their traditional family get together. The best adjective Dan could conceive was awkward. He had no idea what Laura planned, but he feared the worst.
“Dan, how good to see you. Thank you for your note; yours was far more than my daughter decided her parents were worth.”
Dan hugged his mother-in-law and shook hands with father-in-law.
Laura’s greeting to her parents was only slightly warmer. When mother had a moment alone with daughter, she pried for information.
“Mother, can’t you just accept Dan’s explanation; that we are going through some changes? Let us work things out.”
“You have barely said a word to him; something is going on. What is it; I am still your mother?”
Laura gave a silent stare; what version of what truth should she tell?
“All right, you want to know what is going on. Here it is; I have been living with my lover for the past six months as husband and wife. That may be why Dan and I seem a little distant. I have spent more time with him on the plane coming here and the few hours we’ve been here than we have been together for six months. Furthermore, I will be living with my lover for another two months.”
“You have a lover; a lover you live with; are you and Dan getting a divorce? I don’t understand.”
“Yes to answer your first two questions, and a resounding no to the Are Dan and I getting a divorce question. At least I don’t think so; I hope not.”
Thanksgiving dinner with all of Laura’s family seated around the table was awkward. Laura talked only of her new job with Business Lady. Dan talked mostly about his art in the office project. Other diners had been cautioned to steer clear of their marriage as a topic of polite conversation. All of the men at the table passed on dessert, for now, to gather at the television. Football and favorite teams is always a good men’s topic. Laura didn’t have the same refuge; the women began clean up, moving between dining room and kitchen.
Laura’s sister-in-law finally cornered her and her sister joined them; she was a kitten treed by two barking dogs, so to speak.
“Not here, tomorrow; tomorrow we can go shopping and stop for lunch. I will fill you in then.”
Eventually she confessed to having a long term affair with her former boss. As she explained her status, it was the exact opposite of a trial separation.
“Greg and I are going through a trial marriage before I go back to being married to Dan.”
People in the restaurant turned heads when two of the women whooped at a remark of the third.
“Let’s find a bar for a drink or two; there is a lot more to this story and I want to hear it all.”
Dan escaped interrogation, although his mother tried to ask questions when he visited Friday morning. He knew nothing about the girls’ activities that day; as far as Dan was concerned the holidays were going better than expected. That illusion was shattered as they prepared for bed Friday night. Laura gave him the news she shared with her sisters over drinks.
“Dan, you are going to have to face your family alone Saturday; my sister is taking me to the airport tomorrow morning. I am going to spend the rest of the holiday with Greg skiing at Stowe.”
“What the fuck . . . ?”
“You heard me right; it is still part of my until-the-end-of-the-year time with Greg, and I intend to spend the rest of the holiday with him.”
“You have got to be kidding. You are the one who suggested we keep our normal Thanksgiving with family routine. I sent a note saying we would pass this year; you brought it up. This was always a set-up to fuck Dan over once again.”
Laura just stared; she knew there wasn’t much more she could say; there was no good way to tell Dan she wanted everything her way at the expense of Dan, his family, or hers.
“How long have you had your ticket, did you buy it before we bought the tickets to come here?”
“No, I don’t think so, but it doesn’t matter. I was always planning to go to Stowe with Greg. I probably should have told you sooner.”
“Do you want to go downstairs, drag your family out of bed, and announce our divorce now? I can tell mine tomorrow.”
“Dan, we will do no such thing. I said nothing about divorce; I am just going skiing.”
“That’s not what I heard; I must have something wrong with my hearing. I heard that you have always planned to be with Greg. Well go be with Greg; I hope you end up with a ski pole up your ass.”
Laura sat and listened to Dan’s diatribe. She knew she could have handled this a little better, maybe she had been a bit unfair to Dan.
“My sister will take me to the airport; you don’t have to go with me.”
“Will Greg have your ski clothes waiting?”
“Yes, I packed an extra bag.”
“You are getting good about having your let’s fuck clothes anywhere you need them, aren’t you? San Francisco, now Stowe, two houses back home, is there anywhere else you have left a suitcase that I don’t know about?”
“Dan, that’s unfair. You know I have never deceived you. I have been open and honest with you about everything I do.”
“I repeat, go be with Greg. Go fuck him on the ski slopes. Hear this well, Laura”, Dan drew out each word, “I – – Don’t – – Care.”
Their bedroom was not much of a marital chamber that Friday night. Dan and Laura slept in the same bed. They didn’t kiss goodnight; they didn’t exchange endearments. They slept back to back; there might as well have been pillows bundled between them. Laura awakened in the morning, dressed for travel and left with her sister. Dan stayed in bed until she was gone.
> > > > – –
Laura was on the beginner slopes getting skiing lessons that afternoon, and she was curled up with Greg in their cottage in front of the fireplace that evening. Greg held her glass as she drank champagne; Laura returned the love token for her man. Their lovemaking was tender, gentle and thrilling as the light from the flames illuminated their bower. Resting, Laura served Greg champagne from various body parts until they were ready once again for sex.
“Stay right there; I will be back in a moment.”
Laura returned from their bedroom wearing her wedding veil, “Did you register us as Mr. and Mrs.?”
“Yes, I see by your veil it was appropriate.”
“I am glad you did, I like being your missus with you, darling. I couldn’t fit the dress, just this veil. Make my body sing its love to you here in our refuge from the snow. Fuck my brains out tonight. I want to remember this Thanksgiving with you as long as I live.”
Greg growled his enthusiasm and wrestled his bride to the floor. The spanking he administered was only tenderizing foreplay. By the time they left the fire behind and went to bed two hours later, both were bruised and bitten. They used and sated each other.
Sunday morning they dressed warm, had a snow toss at each other walking to the main lodge for breakfast, and skied one of the intermediate slopes together. Greg was careful to steer Laura away from potential trouble. Twice she fell and Greg fell with her; kissing and fondling delayed attempts to get up and ski further. Laura was pink cheeked and smiling wildly when they reached bottom.
“Your choice my love, in by the fire, or once more for fun.”
“Both, I want both.”
A cup of hot chocolate warmed them; they held hands and leaned heads together until Laura announced she was ready for the snow again.
A hearty evening meal was followed by conversation and warm drinks around a huge fireplace. Laura held Greg by the hand almost constantly. Other couples they shared conversation with were convinced they must be newlyweds on their honeymoon. They acted the part. Shortly after nine they returned to their cottage and made love like newlyweds. Monday they skied in the morning once more before returning home to the working world once again. Laura would have stayed all week if at all possible.
> > > > – –
Dan seethed anger the remainder of his holiday. He finally confirmed to his parents that he and Laura were separated and both dating others.
“Yes, Laura is living with him.”
Later he offered, “No, we haven’t discussed divorce yet, but I won’t rule it out.”
Dan finally said enough of the marriage topic, “Let me tell you about my promotion.”
Dan was never as glad to be going home after a holiday visit with his family. Even going home alone was better than talking his way out of the mess Laura left him. On the flight home, Dan had time to think through the last year.
I am not going to let Laura ruin my Christmas this year. I am not going to let her set me up for a public screwing either. The only way to avoid her set ups is to avoid her. I am going to ask my secretary to the Christmas party again this year. The rest of the time will be with Mrs. Patron and Artsy. Sure simplifies shopping for Christmas presents.
“Please stow your tray table and return your seats to upright position as we prepare for landing.”