A blue Datsun stopped. I ran up, carrying my small travel bag. I looked in the open window and saw a blond long-haired guy.
“Headed out towards the Cape?” he asked.
“Hop in.”
Great! I’d been waiting at the side of the highway for over an hour. “Where are you going?” he asked. He looked friendly.
“Aha. You’re in luck. I’m going there.”
“Great!” I was truly glad. I’d be at my journey’s end shortly!
“Probably take us about two hours to get there,” the driver told me. “I’m Ethan, by the way.”
“I’m Bob.”
We lapsed into silence for a while. I thought about where I was going to spend the night. I guess I’d try the OuterMost Hostel. I had their address and phone number.
“Why P-Town? You into the gay scene, or…” Ethan asked.
“No, I’m not looking for the gay scene. I’ve never been to the Cape before, and P-Town sounded like a good destination for a few days. I’ve got about five days.”
Ethan smiled and nodded. “A vacation of sorts, eh?” he asked. I nodded.
“Where are you going to stay?”
“I was thinking about the OuterMost Hostel. Know it?”
“Yeah. I supposed it’s OK. But you will find mostly gays and lesbians there. If that’s OK, you’ll be fine. But it’s not what you’re looking for, it sounds like.”
“Right. I’d heard there was a scene in P-Town, but I don’t know anything about that. I don’t mind that there are gays around if they don’t bother me.” After a few moments, I added, “I actually don’t know much about gay people. Haven’t been around it.”
“I think most guys are like you—they don’t know much about it,” Ethan told me. “Up in P-Town, it’s more common than most places. I’m not a gay guy, but even I’ve tried a few things.”
I was surprised, and sort of curious. But I didn’t want to ask. Maybe Ethan sensed that.
“I guess I’m what people call ‘bi-sexual’. I am mostly interested in women, but I’ve found a few guys interesting too, occasionally.”
I nodded. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know anything about ‘bi-sexuality’, either.
Our talk moved to other topics. Ethan told me about his life as an artist. I told him how I was taking some time off this summer after working and before going to college. I discovered Ethan was twenty-five although he looked younger than that to me.
Ethan pointed out all kinds of interesting things as we began to drive up the cape. I enjoyed the talk and the sights. Soon we were only twenty miles from P-Town.
“If you want, you could crash at my place, Bob. I have an extra room of sorts that no one’s using. You can walk to many places from there. But up to you.”
I thought that sounded great to me, and told Ethan so. The hostel sounded a little weird, and I’d be happy to save some of the little money I had.
In a little while, we pulled up to a small beach bungalow. Ethan showed me around in a friendly way. There was a little porch that had a small couch-bed in it, and Ethan told me I was welcome to stay there.
Ethan said he had to go visit a client. He showed me which way to walk to get into town and suggested a few places for inexpensive eats. He told me the porch room would be left unlocked.
I walked a long ways through town, eager to move about and curious about everything. I ate a burger at a stand. I looked at the girls, some of whom looked hot. But, as usual, I had no idea how to start a conversation with them. I saw some gay guys and two girls walking hand-in-hand. I had a beer at an outdoor place and walked back to Ethan’s around 10.
It was quiet. I settled in and spent some time looking at my maps. Ethan’s car came shortly, and he stuck his head into the porch to say hello. I used the bathroom, and we chatted for just a little while. I was tired and slept like a log.
I woke up early as the sun came streaming through the windows. I heard some sounds in the house and guessed Ethan was already up. He told me I could use the shower, which I did. He was smiles and in good spirits when I walked into the kitchen, ready for the day. He had some coffee and rolls. He asked me about my evening and told me how things had gone well for him—-his customer would buy three more paintings! Not that he was selling them for much, but it cheered him to know that his paintings were liked enough that someone would actually pay money for them.
Ethan said he’d be busy during the day but asked me if I’d like to have supper at the house. That sounded good, but I felt like I should contribute something. He asked me to buy a roast chicken at the Rolling Chick joint. Good idea, I thought.
I went to the beach. It was marvelous swimming, even if the waves weren’t impressive. I walked a long ways along the shore. I felt relaxed and happy, if a little lonely. I looked at the girls again and got one smile, but I was tongue-tied. I found an outdoor shower, washed the salt off, and headed to the Rolling Chick. When I got back to Ethan’s house, he was there.
Ethan was in great spirits, which was contagious. We made a salad and demolished the chicken and some cold potato salad. I told Ethan about my day.
“No luck with the ladies, huh?”
“No,” I sighed. I told him I was no good at it. I complained about how other guys seemed to be successful, but never me. Ethan laughed good-naturedly.
“That sounds like me,” he exclaimed. “I’ve never been good at picking up, either.” I was surprised. Ethan seemed to me like a good-looking, confident guy.
We walked several blocks and got ice cream. We ambled back, talking about how cool the ocean was.
It was hot in Ethan’s kitchen, and we both took our shirts off, even though the windows and screen door were open. Ethan gazed at me for a second.
“You look nice,” he said, a-matter-of-factly.
“I don’t think any guy has ever said that to me,” I told him, with a laugh. It just came into my head.
“Well, it’s true,” Ethan said cheerfully. He gazed for another moment at my open shirtlessness as I leaned against the counter.
“A little sunburned, though,” Ethan added, inspecting my shoulder and making me laugh. “Want some stuff?”
I declined. We finished our ice creams. I noticed that Ethan was still gazing at me every now and then. I guess I kinda liked it. It was a new thing to be looked at like that.
“Would it be OK to draw you standing like that?” Ethan asked. “No big deal, just a sketch in pencil?”
This surprised me, but I found myself smiling. Ethan looked so enthusiastic. “Um, I guess so…” I said, uncertainly.
“Nobody’s ever drawn me before…”
“Well, I’d enjoy trying. But only if you don’t mind.”
“Well, OK, I guess.”
Ethan was glad to hear it. He went to his desk nearby and got a sketchpad and a pencil. He sat back down and looked at me standing near the counter, his face bright.
“What do I need to do?” I asked.
“Just standing there like that would be great,” Ethan answered cheerfully. He gazed at me intently, pencil in hand. I stood still.
“Actually, if you took off your pants and stood in your briefs, it would make the coolest sketch,” Ethan told me. “But if that makes you uncomfortable at all, it’s not necessary— you look nice just like this.”
I was taken aback by this. But… I undid my two-loop brass buckle and took my pants off. I put them on a kitchen chair and stood back as I’d been before in just my normal white cotton underpants. I felt strange. I looked back at Ethan uncertainly.
“Perfect! Just great, Bobby-Boy,” Ethan exclaimed happily. “Thanks! You look just wonderful for a sketch, just like that.”
Ethan’s cheerful enthusiasm made me feel better.
“Just relax,” Ethan told me. I saw him beginning to draw on his big pad. He’d look intently at me with a serious look in his eyes, draw some, and then look back. It seemed that he drew some lines of me from head to toe first. Then he seemed to be looking at my face more. Soon that was followed by closer gazing at my chest and tummy. I saw him gazing intently right at my underpants. And then up and down my bare legs and at my feet. He studied his drawing. Then he smiled, the intense look on his face dissipating. He put his pad down.
“Can I see?” I asked.
“Um… well, OK,” He showed me. “I think it came out pretty well,” he said.
I stared at his drawing. My first impression was how naked I looked. Then I looked at my face, recognizing myself. And the skinny, familiar shape of my body. He’d even drawn hints of the shape of my penis in my underpants. Maybe that contributed to how naked I looked. I looked at Ethan seriously.
“OK?” he asked.
“Yeah… you’re pretty good at drawing I see!”
“I think you look nice,” Ethan said simply.
“I hope you won’t try to sell this picture!”
“No, I won’t,” he assured me, laughing. “But I like it nonetheless.”
I went into my porch room and put some shorts on. Ethan then showed me a bunch of his pictures and drawings. It was fascinating, and I told him so. I was totally incompetent at drawing but admired those who were good at it. Ethan had all kinds of paintings and sketches… landscapes, people of all ages, men or women posing… I was totally impressed. He was pleased that I liked his work.
I was also feeling strangely excited, on some kind of a buzz or something. Both of us were just wearing shorts as we walked around or sat at the kitchen table looking at things. Sometimes Ethan looked at me kind of closely, even if always cheerful and happy. I gazed at him a few times when he was doing something else. I’d never really looked at the shape of another guy before. Ethan was shorter than me, and clearly stronger. He had a beach tan. It was kinda interesting to look at him. But it added to the strange buzz, and so I pretty much stopped.
Ethan took a phone call. I sat at the kitchen table, finishing a beer. I remembered Ethan had said he found a few guys ‘interesting’. I wondered if he found me interesting. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that if he was.
Ethan was on the phone for a while. He was apologetic when he sat back down. But business was business, he told me.
I was still feeling a little excited, but I told Ethan I thought I would head back to my spot and study my maps a little and then crash. I used the bathroom and brushed my teeth.
Ethan followed me into the porch room, and he watched me get out my maps.
“Best to close these blinds unless you want the sun in your face in the morning,” he said, rolling down the blinds systematically.
Ethan sat down on the bed. He looked at me with a gentle, open, fond look. He smiled. He gazed at one of the maps half-open in my lap.
“Got all the maps you need, looks like,” he said calmly. He looked closely into my face. Then he touched me lightly along the side of my face and around my longish hair near my ear.
“Do you like being touched gently?” Ethan asked openly. He continued with his cheerful look, but also seemed particularly alive now.
I felt my face get hot. It must have gotten red too. I didn’t know what to say. “Um, I, guess so?” I said in a strange whisper that didn’t sound like me.
Ethan smiled, and touched a little around my forehead and then along my face again. His fingertips touched gently along my neck and then a shoulder.
“If it feels nice, just relax and enjoy it,” Ethan said, smiling. His face looked intent as he lightly touched along my shoulders and up and down an arm. It did feel super nice. I’d never been touched like that before. As Ethan continued, I put a hand along his arm and then his shoulder. His skin felt warm. He gave me a friendly look.
Intent-faced Ethan’s fingertips moved down my chest and even on my bare tummy. I got hard. I couldn’t help it. His fingertips moved down my legs. He looked up at me, gently and happily, and continued down to my feet and then up again. Coming to my shorts, his hand brushed against my boner.
“Excited, it seems?” he asked softly.
I was embarrassed. “I, um, can’t help…”
“It’s great to be excited!” Ethan said cheerfully. “How wonderful.” He lay his warm palm on the side of my face and smiled with a look of fondness. I managed a smile back.
Ethan’s fingertips returned to around my shorts. A glimpse of his face showed a return of that intent look. He gently felt around the pole of my boner. He unsnapped my shorts. He looked up into my face for a second, perhaps checking that I wasn’t freaking out. He unzipped my shorts and took them down as I raised my rear up to help him.
Ethan now felt gently up and down my boner and around my balls below. It felt really exciting. Soon, he was taking my underpants down, and I was lying with my pants around my knees and my naked boner totally exposed.
Ethan touched very lightly up and down my very hard pole and then around and around the pink tip. He looked especially intent now—clearly interested and even excited, too. He touched lightly all around my balls. His face looked totally absorbed. As his fingers played up and down my boner, I was shocked by how good it felt. Soon, he was stroking a little faster, more vigorously up my pole and around and around its tip. I came in a sudden burst, just overwhelmed by how awesome it felt.
Ethan cleaned off much of the sticky whiteness with the sheet. He pulled the sheet up over my tummy, put a hand on the side of my face, and gave me a big smile.
“I hope you sleep great!”
I smiled back feebly but didn’t know what to say.
When I woke up, it was light out. I visited the washroom. There was no sign of Ethan. I found a note in the kitchen table:
“Went out for landscape drawing and errands. Will be home around 4. Have some coffee and rolls! If you want to have supper together again, we can get something. Hope you have a good day. E”
I made some coffee and sat down. I felt kind of disappointed not to see Ethan. I thought about the evening before—it had been kind of exciting. I wondered about a lot of things. I wondered if he might say something, or think something, or be different somehow.
Oh, probably it was no big deal. Even if it seemed like a big deal to me.
I took a bus to a different beach. I bought some suntan lotion so I wouldn’t get burned more. The swimming was nicer than the day before. I also went for a long walk along the coast.
I thought about the previous evening a lot. I’d never had sex with a girl before, never been touched nakedly, and never had anyone make me cum like that. It was such a new thing, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Was it OK to let a GUY touch me like that? I’d never imagined such a thing. But… well, I realized that I’d liked it. Ethan had been so cheerful and easy-going. I liked the look on his face when he looked at me and then touched me. I felt excited again thinking about it.
It was a strange day. I didn’t talk much to other people. I had a sort of buzz going on most of the day. I thought for sure I’d head back to Ethan’s at about four.
When I got closer to Ethan’s, I began to feel a little anxious. I’m not sure why. Ethan was home.
“Hey, there’s Bob!” he greeted me cheerfully. His face looked happy. My anxiousness disappeared.
Ethan asked me if I wanted to walk through the older part of town with him. He had some things he wanted to show me. Sounded great.
Ethan showed me some of the older buildings, which he took pictures of. “I almost always have my camera,” he told me brightly. Then he took me inside a professional building, which seemed to be mostly doctor’s offices. He showed me some of his paintings hanging there. I grinned. “Cool!” I told him, meaning it.
We got a box of fried clams with coleslaw and fries, on Ethan’s recommendation. I’d never had clams before. I liked it.
Close to Ethan’s home, we bought a watermelon. We cut it up and sat on Ethan’s steps eating it happily. I felt calm, relaxed, and happy. Even if I also felt a little buzzing every once in a while.
As we finished up the melon we’d cut, Ethan was suddenly looking at me with that intent look.
“Would it be OK to draw another sketch of you?” he asked. “I promise the sketch won’t go anywhere!”
The idea strangely excited me. “It’s OK, I supposed,” I answered.
We went inside. Ethan pulled the blinds, but they still allowed ample light through. He adjusted the blinds while looking at the blank wall of the little sitting room next to the kitchen.
“Could be really cool in the mixed light over by the wall,” Ethan said enthusiastically.
He went to get his pad and pencil. He moved a chair to be in good view of the wall. I stood self-consciously wondering how I should stand and if I was supposed to take off some clothes or not.
“Would it be OK to take off your shirt and pants like last time?” Ethan asked.
I pulled my t-shirt off over my head. I saw Ethan gazing at me now with that intent look. He watched me as I undid my belt, unbuttoned my pants, and took them down. I stood back up in my cotton briefs, looking at Ethan a little uncertainly. I was surprised I didn’t have a boner—I definitely felt heavy buzzing.
“Great!” Ethan exclaimed, giving me a cheerful once-over. I managed a smile.
“Let me position you in a slightly different pose,” Ethan said quietly, as if to himself. He encouraged me to stand mostly sideways, next to the wall, with my hands at my sides.
“Great if you look towards the porch room. And no slouching!” I looked at him with a smirk, and he chuckled. “Won’t be too long, OK?” I nodded.
I stood still for about five minutes. I glanced back at Ethan a few times, seeing him intently studying me and drawing. But I returned my gaze quickly each time to the porch room, as I’d been told.
“OK!” I heard from Ethan. I turned to face him and saw a happy look on his face. I went to look at the drawing. It was cool. He’d captured the light wonderfully. I looked boyish in the drawing, but I could tell it was me. Ethan looked into my face with a big smile when I told him it was pretty neat.
“Maybe one more?” Ethan asked. I wasn’t disagreeing.
“But, if possible, without undies this time? But if you don’t want, that’s OK too,” Ethan said. His enthusiastic look said he was really hoping I might try without my underpants.
My ears buzzed as I took down my underpants. I put them on a chair with my long pants. I went to stand near the wall again. I felt a little flustered. But excited too.
“Wonderful, Bobby-Boy!” Ethan exclaimed merrily. “Thanks. Totally awesome.” I felt better looking at Ethan’s open, excited smile.
“If you just stand next to the wall? Hands down still?” he directed. I did that. I looked back at him. He quickly began his sketch.
My mind raced along as I stood seemingly calmly next to the wall. Wasn’t it too bizarre to be standing totally naked while some guy stared at me and drew me? But then I’d look at Ethan’s face—his enthusiasm, his intent look, and his friendly eyes—and I’d feel better. I felt waves of buzzing excitement too, with Ethan gazing at me naked. He seemed so interested. I saw him look closely right at my naked penis hanging below my tummy. It was small and relaxed there. Hardly manly. Wasn’t that kinda embarrassing? But then I’d see Ethan’s face again…
Ethan closed his sketch pad and looked at me with a big smile. “You look wonderful like that,” he told me.
I went over to see what Ethan’s drawing looked like. He showed me. Young somehow. And so very naked.
“I… I look so naked!” I said, feeling kind of embarrassed.
“Well, you are,” Ethan said with a gentle laugh. He stood up and leaned next to the kitchen table. He looked at me fondly and gently touched the side of my face. I felt sudden intense buzzing. Ethan lightly touched me along an arm and then touched my bare side.
I became aroused by the soft contact.
“And delightfully excited,” Ethan said gazing at my hard-on. He smiled. He gently touched along my straight shaft. He looked pleased and interested. He sat down, with my boner right in front of him. And then he did an amazing thing… he put it into his mouth.
I was amazed. I’d never thought anybody would do that to me in real life. Seeing Ethan gently move my hard boner in and out of his mouth was shocking. But… it felt awesome! Astoundingly so! The warm wetness all around my excited hard-on… and then, I felt Ethan lightly touching around my balls too, tantalizingly… I felt like I was going to cum.
Ethan stood up. He looked at me fondly and smiled, touching along my face again. He took off his t-shirt, stood next to me, and motioned his hand as if to encourage me to sit down. So I sat on the chair.
Ethan moved to stand right in front of me. I got the distinct impression that he was wondering if I might touch the front of his shorts. He looked down at me with an excited smile, just standing there with the front of his shorts directly in front of me.
I touched the cloth of Ethan’s shorts along his leg. I’d never even thought of touching a guy anywhere near the front of his pants. I felt uncertain… but interested. Especially after what Ethan had been doing to me. Still, I just kinda froze, just touching a little along Ethan’s leg.
Ethan undid the snapper of his shorts encouragingly. My fingertips then moved to gently touch along the front of his pants. He was hard there—I felt the clear shape of his boner right there.
I was suddenly intrigued. I felt up and down the shape of Ethan’s hard-on in his briefs. His shorts fell down to his ankles. I looked up at him and found Ethan’s cheeks were pinker. He looked excited.
“That feels wonderful, Bob,” Ethan said quietly. His eyes said that he’d love it if I’d continue. So I did.
I immediately discovered that it was fun and exciting to feel up and down Ethan’s boner. It felt really interesting—around the tip and up and down the hard shaft. I even felt gently around Ethan’s balls below. It was exciting. And what’s more, Ethan seemed to really, really like it.
Ethan pulled his underpants down, revealing his naked boner right in front of me. It was smaller than mine. It was kinda short and compact. It was straight and hard. Ethan’s naked tip was broad and pink. I gazed at its little opening and its unique shape.
I gently touched Ethan’s hard-on, feeling tentative but very interested. Ethan’s breath caught a little, telling me how much he liked that. I touched up and down his very hard, warm shaft. It was fascinating! Especially touching around the cool, pink tip. It was familiar yet different. I was increasingly enchanted. It was so fun and exciting to play there. It was cool touching around his balls too. I didn’t want to stop now, getting more and more into it.
On a sudden impulse, I put the tip of Ethan’s cool boner into my mouth. This, then, was somehow even more exciting. It was warm, and the wet tip had this enchanting, smooth, fleshy feeling in my mouth. I loved the way it felt running back and forth across my tongue. And how Ethan’s shaft felt with my lips around it as I moved it in and out a bit. And playing with his balls a little at the same time. And… I just really liked it!
I looked up at Ethan’s face. His eyes were closed with a look of enjoyment. Then he opened them and looked down at me excitedly.
“Oh, that’s so nice, Bobby-Boy!” he told me happily, almost giggling. He cupped my face with one hand and then played with my hair as I continued working his lovely boner in and out of my mouth. Soon his two hands gently lay on my head. I continued excitedly. And then I felt Ethan’s body tense up a little and tasted a salty, sweet stickiness. As I continued, there was more and more of the stickiness, and Ethan cried out a little. And soon, I felt him beginning to relax. I swallowed and looked up at him.
“Oh, Jeez! That was so awesome!” Ethan cried out happily. He grinned and knelt down in front of me. He kissed me on the lips, looking merrily into my eyes. I felt his hand on my naked penis, which soon got fully hard again. And then I watched as Ethan gaily put my boner into his mouth again.
Ethan worked my excited boner in and out of his mouth steadily. It felt totally awesome, and my body began to sing. I began to feel that I might cum, like it or not. Ethan quickened his pace. I came in a huge rush straight into his mouth. I know I cried out. It was just too amazing!
This was my first real sexual adventure. I was never the same.