I was more afraid to call for help, than I was to remain, tied up; totally exposed, utterly helpless, and completely vulnerable. To make matters even worse, the blindfold was her bra.
Yet, although my greatest fear should have been that she had actually left, I refused to believe that.
“How had I allowed myself get into this position?” I asked myself, but I already knew the answer. She was irresistible, and I trusted her.
Really, what had led me here? And, just how did it all start?
~ ~ ~
Nearly a year ago, I had seen a photo she had posted of her full breasts, and prominent nipples proudly displayed on a website. It was one of those sites that allow guys to show off their girlfriend’s bodies, and the occasional girl that wanted to show her own.
I had left a simple compliment, and the following day she had thanked me. I was a little surprised to have received a response, and so I looked at other replies she had made to others that had complimented her. None of her responses seemed cut and paste; each one was individually written to indicate that she had actually read the comment.
She indicated on her blog that she was married, had ‘eyes only for her hubby, so forget about anything ever happening, it just wouldn’t’. Yet still, she was sincere enough to honestly respond to each and every compliment. I followed her blog, and she would often post a new photo, each one was very nicely done, and each one she had taken by herself.
The photos usually showed little more than her lovely full breasts; though occasionally her butt or legs would be seen. On rare occasions I could see her lips. A delicate curved upper lip as women beg to be born with, coupled with a full lower lip that begged to be kissed. Her body alone was more than impressive, but that she took her own photos was even more surprising. On each photo she would carefully attach her pen name ~ ‘Cat’s Meow’.
With each photo, I became more intrigued. Here was a woman that could have any man she desired, in fact she already had a man, yet she displayed her obvious beauty for others to savor and comment. I continued to compliment each and every photo. I mentioned details that others might have missed, such as her slim waistline, her wardrobe of bright colors and tailored tops.
I was secretly hoping that she would notice me; that my comments would allow me to stand out from the rest of the crowd.
Eventually I sent her a private email, complimenting her on her photos still more, and she responded. After few more emails, I asked her to be my friend, even if it would exist only within the fantasy of online relationships, and she agreed. Thus began our relationship.
I was more interested in the woman behind the lens, the one who spent so much effort to control every aspect of her photos. What was she like and why did she share these photos?
Each email would lead to another, each more revealing than the one before. I learned her favorite foods, her greatest desire, her childhood, and what had shaped her into the woman she was.
In time she revealed that her hubby was real, but he no longer relished the woman he had married. She had become his cock cushion, the relationship was drained of all emotion, and emotionally draining. Yet, her morals would never permit her to seek a lover to fulfill her needs. She was still a one-man woman, but sadly she was with the wrong man.
Thus, I also revealed myself, much more than just a few token insights, but really revealed myself. I told her of my travels, my life, my joys, and my deepest sorrows. I shared my private thoughts, and my deepest fantasies.
For all the personal tidbits she shared, her life, and the past she revealed to me, she never shared anything that I might know her identity. Her name was never more than ~ ‘Cat’s Meow’.
I resisted the urge to push, and became quite content to simply be her friend, her confidant, and her guide. Yet, I longed to share new experiences with her; that she might take a leap and push her boundaries, explore, and find her own joy. The days passed into weeks, and weeks into months. Our relationship grew, our friendship flourished, and with it our respect for each other grew. I yearned to meet her, to feel her hand in mine, to pull her to me and kiss her as a man that wants to give more than take, share more than receive, and listen more than speak.
One night I proposed to meet her, at a restaurant, for a very public lunch. I attached no conditions. I would expect no more than lunch with a friend. Although she hesitated at first, to my surprise she eventually agreed. She would choose the restaurant, and would meet me there at the hour she chose. So it was under these terms that I boarded a flight, halfway across the country, to share lunch with someone I knew so intimately, yet had never met.
~ ~ ~
I arrived at the restaurant only a few minutes early, a cozy Italian place that is surely known only to the locals who care for food prepared by those that still love their family recipes. It was softly lit, each table a cozy nook, allowing privacy to each setting, yet still sharing the ambiance that only an authentic Italian restaurant has. I gave my name to the receptionist, and she responded with, “Ah… Yes, your friend is already seated.”
Thanking her, I gazed to where her hand pointed and saw a woman, head down, her soft brown hair highlighted by the yellow glow of the lighting, gazing into her glass of water, seemingly lost in thought. I paused at that moment… pondering the next hour of my life, then realized Cat was surely doing the same.
Slowly, I made my way to the table. There were few guests and I could concentrate on the view before me. My own emotions were caught up with each step. I wondered “Was this the woman of my fantasies? Was this real? What do I say?”
As I arrived at the table, she looked up, “Greg?”
Her soft brown eyes captivated me, and her rosebud lips beckoned me. I stood transfixed, unable to speak for a moment. Finally composing myself, I answered “Cat?” and with that she smiled. Her beautiful lips parted, and I could see her dimples. Jeez, she was cute!
She stood up, and I hesitated offering my hand, then my emotions took over, I pulled her to me and gave her a warm hug, kissing her on the cheek as lovers do when they meet in public. I felt her hands reach up to my shoulders, neither pulling me in nor pushing me away.
For several seconds we stood there, our first embrace, until we both realized it was too long, and in unison, we both eased back. We gazed into each other’s eyes. I dared not risk any further display of emotion until I saw her response.
Then she smiled again, and I couldn’t help but smile as well. I guided her back into her booth. I noticed the sexy outfit she had on, a form fitting dress in some kind of pink color, I think they call it fuchsia, a wide black belt that showcased her hourglass figure and a silken floral scarf around her long slender neck. Tantalized, I slid into the seat beside her. The booth was small, and her presence was overwhelming, her perfume filled my senses, her smile filled my eyes. We spent several more seconds just staring into each other’s eyes, before either of us spoke.
“Cat, it is so nice to finally meet you…” I paused, “or perhaps I should say see you. I feel I know you so well, and yet here I am finally in your presence, and I am honestly stunned and speechless.”
“Greg, I could say the same about you…” she paused, “but honestly, I was really worried about meeting you, wondering if you would like me, or if I would like you… But now that it finally happening, you do make me feel that this is going to be really a very nice…” she paused again, then as she smiled warmly added, “lunch.”
Before I could respond, the waiter came and took our drink orders, and we had a chance to busy ourselves with the menu, I keep peering over the menu to peek at this lovely lady, only to find her doing the same. I could feel the chemistry between us. That I was so mysteriously drawn to this woman, more than any other woman I had known, both puzzled and entranced me.
The food was delicious, and although I really don’t remember what I ate, I clearly remember that she had a creamy pasta dish with shrimp. I gazed at her tongue as she carefully removed each shrimp from her fork, then slowly licked it clean, before finally biting it through. It was arousing just to watch her eat, and I found my cock softly pulsing with each lick. I had surmised from our private conversations that she liked sex very much, and even though I knew she had her hubby, and she was thus off limits, my body still responded.
I confessed to her that when I first complimented her photos, I had secretly sought to be noticed by her. However, I reassured her that I did mean every word. That she was so much more than a beautiful woman, to me she was a beautiful person, someone truly special.
She gently laughed as I finished my confession and patted my knee. Her touch sent heat waves up my leg, but I only continued to smile.
“Then I should confess as well…” She softly replied, leaving her hand on my thigh, her fingertips slowly massaging back and forth. My body could not help but respond, and I hoped she did not notice my arousal.
“I had noticed you,” she continued, “before you ever commented on my photos… You had made comments to others, yet you had always been sincere and respectful. I secretly hoped you would notice me. I was so happy when you finally did. But I never thought it would lead us here, yet sometimes we are surprised at where our lives lead us, and what we discover, aren’t we?”
As she finished, she softly laughed and dropped her eyes down to where her hand still lay on my thigh. I felt her fingers suddenly tighten, and I felt instantly embarrassed, but when her gaze returned to my eyes she seemed only a little surprised, and her hand still remained on my thigh. She glanced at the few other diners, then returned her gaze at me.
“Are you enjoying your…” Her eyes had become mischievous, “lunch?”
“Lunch is delicious, but the real pleasure…” just then her fingertips eased up my thigh and made contact with my engorged head, “is sharing it with you.” I could barely finish my words.
“Greg, tell me about why you came here. Why did you want to meet me? What did you expect to happen?” her fingertips continued teasing my head and then squeezed my shaft.
I could barely contain myself, yet I somehow found myself saying, “Cat, you are special, special to me, and I wanted to meet you to see if the feeling….” I paused, unable to continue.
Just then the waiter came and presented our check. I tried to concentrate on the it, but her fingertips continued to gently squeeze my shaft, which was now quite stiff, thus it was only with great difficulty I managed to pull out several bills and leave it in tray.
“Cat, let’s go, we can walk in the park.” I grabbed her hand from my lap, and as I pulled her up with me, her mischievous smile remained. I could see she was quite amused at my aroused discomfort. Once outside the cool spring breeze cooled my temperature and we slowly walked thru the park. I was puzzled about her actions and finally asked if she was satisfied with everything about lunch.
“Lunch was even more than I had hoped for, but I would loved to have had more.” she responded in such a teasing way, that I was nearly sure what she meant by ‘more’.
I sensed what she might be talking about, yet I forced myself to be cautious. “ I have brought my camera gear, would you still like to take some photos, if so… we could do it now.”
She had complimented the few photos I had posted online and we had both fantasized about my being her photographer.
“Where is your hotel, Greg?” I explained that it was actually a friend’s apartment and was quite nearby.
She smiled and then looked into my eyes, “Then, may I see your equipment?”
Her words surprised me and I could only hope her motives were as arousing as her fingers had been in the restaurant. She was really every man’s dream and I could not resist. We walked, hand in hand, until we arrived at the building. Once inside I pressed the elevator button, and was happy to see we were the only ones on it.
I could not resist the opportunity, and I reached around her waist, pulled her to me and gently eased her chin up, and softly kissed her. She did not resist, and as my lips found hers, she slowly responded to me; our tongues meeting. Her kissing became even more passionate. The elevator doors opened, and I found the key in a quick fumbling movement. I somehow managed to open the door, pull her in, and continue kissing her.
She responded with even more passion, so I paused to lead her back to the bedroom, then as I turned to close the door, I again paused. “Cat, is this what you want? What about your husband?”
She pulled me close and softly said, “That is over, and I will not be his again.
“Now Greg, this is my turn, so here are my rules. One, Don’t talk. Two, Don’t moan. Three, Don’t resist. And the forth rule is…” she paused. “If you break any of the other three rules I will walk right out.”
I nodded my mute agreement, still too stunned to speak.
She then slid the scarf from around her neck, and quickly tied my hands behind my back, then added another knot to tie me to the bedpost. Before I could resist, she undid her belt, and slid her dress over her head. She stood there, nearly naked, the woman I had been dreaming of for months… and I could not touch her. I wanted to beg her to release my hands, even just one hand, but I remembered the punishment of the forth rule should I break any of the others.
A moment later she reached behind her back, undid her laced bra, and released her lovely full breasts. Although I had seen her photos, they did not do her justice. Her full breasts begged me to massage them, her thick nipples stood ready for my lips. I could almost taste their firm texture against my tongue.
Then suddenly she took her bra, wrapped it around my head, covering my eyes and re-hooked it. I was blinded.
“Remember my words, break any rule and I will walk right out.”
Thus I waited… after only a few seconds, I heard a door open, a moment later I heard soft music, she must have turned on the stereo. I waited more… In the background I could hear an occasional click, but no other sounds. I waited… then several seconds later I heard the soft thump of a door close.
So, my friend, now you know how I happened to be tied up like a naked chicken with its head cut off. Was she gone, had I broken her rules so quickly? No, I couldn’t have. Then where was she?
Then I remembered, we had both talked about trust, not the normal trust you have with your parents or your bank, but the trust that makes a truly open relationship, that no matter what, you trust your lover. It is liberating and exhilarating. It frees you to truly be whom you desire, to become the person and lover you have only dreamed about. There is never reproach, or rejection, only acceptance and passion. Accepting it, I relaxed, and let my trust in Cat be my guide, my liberation, and my freedom.
I felt she was still there, but I really couldn’t be sure. Time slowly passed… it is funny, but time seems to lose any measure when you are blindfolded. It could have been seconds, or minutes but I really don’t think it was hours… but suddenly I felt a soft breeze.
It was a warm breeze, made that more noticeable by the cool air in the apartment. I could feel a soft warm breeze blowing on my groin, not really on my groin, but on my cock. It had quickly softened when I was blindfolded, but feeling the warmth of the breeze it slowly pulsed, once, twice, three times. With each pulse of my cock, the warm breeze returned, even stronger.
I could feel her presence. I realized it was her breath on my cock, softly blowing… her moist warm breath heated my member. It pulsed, raising its head as though searching for the source of the heat, wanting more. The blood drained from my body, filling my cock even more, bringing it up to a soldier’s salute. The salute raised, I felt something else, a small quiver across the tip of my cock. It returned, again brushing across my cock, moist and hot. I yearned to rip the bra from my eyes, savor the view below and whisper encouragement. But even if I could, I dared not to move a muscle.
The brushing continued, slowly working it’s way down my quivering cock… tantalizingly slow, pausing at my corona, teasing me, softly licking my frenum then on downward it slipped. I ached to moan, yet knew the punishment if I should. I wished to be gagged, to prevent me from losing this moment due to an involuntary impulsive moan. Her tongue was a paintbrush of pure pleasure, her moist saliva the paint and my cock was her canvas. She continued to paint, each stroke a masterpiece, each lick a treasure. My cock throbbed with pleasure, my stomach quivered with anticipation, and my buns tightened with each smooth stroke.
She had returned to my head, her tongue tasting my pre-cum, my sweet liquor mixing with her paint, creating a near toxic aphrodisiac of passion. Her tongue widened across my head and became her lips, as she surrounded my head, slowly tightening her grip on me. She milked me, using only her lips and tongue, drawing my pre-cum against her lips and tongue, and then spreading it across my head. The feeling was magical, she was the magician, and I was her captive audience.
Slowly her lips moved down, kissing me, spreading her magic touch down my shaft. I could imagine her rosebud lipstick painting images of her lips across my shaft. She kissed down the top of my shaft, across the sides, and slowly kissed her way across my most sensitive underside.
As her lips returned to my head she again pulled me into her lips, further this time, drawing my sensitized head across her teeth, as her tongue enveloped me. Her fingertips now found my balls, and she softly fondled them, as she slowly sucked on my now hard cock. Pulling my balls to her, she eased me deeper into her mouth.
I could feel the tension building of a climax all to soon, my buttocks tightened even more. She sensed it and paused, firmly clamping my shaft between her lips to prevent my release.
As I calmed, she rose, and at last softly purred against my neck, “Greg, you’ve done really well so far, you like this? Wait! Don’t answer… remember the rules.”
With that she reached behind me and released the knot securing me to the bedpost, although she left my hands still tied. Before I could react, she again whispered, “Follow.”
Taking my hard throbbing cock in her firm grip, she led me forward, then turned me, and pulled me forward again leading me across the carpeted floor. A few steps and she turned me again, and then used both hands to push my chest back. I fell back onto the bed, and I felt her smooth legs as she straddled me.
I felt her firm butt on my chest, her thighs against my cheeks, then I heard her whisper, “Greg, do you want to taste me?”
As I quickly nodded my head I felt her soft bush on my chin, then her smooth slit brushed across my face. My tongue pierced her lips, spread them, then I felt her adjust her hips to allow me access to her sensitized nub, my lips ran over it, teased it, and she settled it firmly against my warm lips. I pulled it between my lips, and savored it with my tongue, lashed it for all I was worth. It was heaven between my lips.
She slowly rocked on my face, softly moaned as she twisting her hips to guide me. I suckled her moist nub for an eternity, a feast that fulfills me but never fills me, always wanting more. Her rocking became more intense, and she ground her lips against my face, and as I sucked her hardened nub, her moaning increased.
I could feel her arousal increasing, her intensity strengthening, and then she deeply moaned, “Suck me, Greg, Harder!” and with that she put all of her weight on her nub, pushing it deeper as she came.
I could feel her muscles contract as waves of passion rolled down it. My tongue-lashing paused, as she savored her climax, then I softly resumed licking, relishing her moist pleasure, her juices running down my face.
After but a few moments, she sat up, and I felt her working her hips down my body. I could feel her legs spread across my hips, her hands upon my chest, and her firm butt settled on my groin. Then slowly she started to slide her moist lips across my shaft, teasing me, and teasing herself. As she continued sliding, she pushed down, thrusting my cock between her lips. I could feel her heated lips sliding across my cock, again and again. I prayed to the gods that she would want more and allow me inside her, yet still I stayed mute.
After what seemed like a lifetime of sensual pleasure, she raised her hips, and I felt her warm fingers grasp my cock, raising it up, as she guided me into her. Gently she eased down, slowing guiding my cock between her lips, and into her moist tunnel of love. She rotated her hips back and forth, easing still more of me into her. Her tunnel surrounded my shaft, her juices feeling like warm honey as she slid down, until at last I felt totally inside her, her lips against my base, her butt planted on my hips.
I felt her muscles tighten, squeezing my cock, as if she were milking me without stroking. “You like this, Greg?”
I nearly responded with a moan, but barely remembered the rules and only nodded.
She softly laughed and whispered, “Is this better?” as her muscles tightened still more. I continued to nod, even more enthusiastically.
Then she raised her butt, withdrawing herself from me, and slowly came down again; a slow even stroke, as her lips enveloped me. Again she rose, and pausing, she leaned forward. I felt her nipple against my lips and I feverishly drew it between my lips, clasping it firmly, sucking her thick warm bud of life, and relishing it’s firm texture within my mouth.
As I suckled on her nipple, she softly moaned, and came down on my shaft again. My hands were still tied under my back, I yearned to feel her breasts, hold her waist, and grab her butt to drive myself into her. However, here I was her captive, she determined the stroke, she controlled the rhythm. Again she slid nearly off my shaft, then drove herself down on me again, quicker and stronger. Each stroke was harder, driving deeper, and yet still my eyes were shrouded as she rode me.
I had never seen her pussy, yet here I was experiencing it, in all it’s glory, it was as though our parts were made for each other, and I realized they were. She continued her ride, the tempo building, with each stroke harder and faster than the last. I could hear her softly moaning in rhythm to each stoke, her juices coated my cock, her lips slid against my shaft then buried against my base.
Harder and harder she rode me, her nipple escaped my lips as she drove her moist pussy against me, driving my cock deep within her. Her moaning continued, louder and stronger with each thrust. She was doing all the thrusting, and I was her willing sex toy. I relished each stroke and found myself already building to a climax. Each stroke drove me closer. I was helpless and yet totally immersed in our lovemaking.
“Do you want to cum? Do you want to release, Baby? Come on, Greg… bring it on.” Her words were putting me at the edge, and she seemed close to it as well.
“Baby, you are making me cum… I am losing it!” she moaned as she drove her sexy butt down harder and harder.
“Ohh… Oh, My God… I’m cumming.” Her words coaxed me over the edge.
I could stand it no longer. My seed shot down my body, through my cock and erupted in her. “Cat, I’m cumming now, I’m cumming in you!”
“Cum, Baby… Cum! Fill me up, give it to me!”
As our climax ruptured, she continued to pound herself against my body, until we were both spent. Then her body collapsed on me, yet even then her muscles quivered on my cock, milking me, draining me. Our previous arousal had been transformed into a lover’s passion.
A few moments passed, we both panted our labor against each other’s throats. Then, she pulled the bra off my eyes and our eyes met. The fire still burned in her eyes as she sought out my lips, and kissed me deeply. Our passion was still burning throughout our bodies.
After the passionate kiss, she eased her face up and gazed into my eyes, “Would you still like some photos?” she smiled.
As I nodded in agreement, she pointed beside the bed. There was my camera, on it’s tripod, pointed to us. She had set it on auto-motion so each movement was already captured. I could still hear it clicking as it captured our rapture.
She whispered, “I thought you might enjoy seeing what you couldn’t see before… but these photos are only for us, and us alone.” I couldn’t agree more.
~ ~ ~
It has been months now since our first meeting, and we have been together ever since. I had learned so much about her before we had ever met, and even then we had each been surprised by how much we had in common. Since being with her, I have watched her blossom, and learned that her newfound freedom is the soul of our life. Her passion is unrelenting; her desire to try new experiences pushes me to explore new avenues.
Our days are filled with sharing, and our nights are filled with trust. Sometimes she desires control, and sometimes I want the control, but most of the time we are just out of control.
She does still post photos on occasion, we both love photography, and the camera pushes us to imagine new images, new fantasies. Life is about making fantasies come true, and she remains mine. It arouses me to see the photos we have taken, and the comments she receives are a never-ending addition to our love life and our fantasies.
I have long since learned her name, but to me, she will always be my ‘Cat’.
Hmm… Did I ever tell you what happened after she finally untied me?
~ More Cat to come ~