It was August of 1988. I had owned a muscle car for a few years. Anyone who has ever had the joy of owning one knows that, aside from boats, there isn’t much that can suck up your money faster. Mine had been doing just that, but by that summer it looked sexy as hell and drove like a dream.
I subscribed to a magazine that had been sponsoring an annual cruise each year in a different city around the country. They announced that for that year it would be in a town a couple of hours from our house. We quickly reserved a hotel room and marked the calendar.
Kelly’s first concern, of course, was what to wear. She decided to go era-appropriate. She found a pair of John Lennon-style round blue sunglasses. Next, she bought a ‘wife beater’ undershirt with large arm holes and then tie-dyed it. She had a pair of somewhat worn jeans and cut them into shorts, with my help, at a hard-on-inducing length. She figured hippies were usually barefoot but compromised with a pair of inexpensive platform flip-flops with a 2” sole.
Kelly and I were twenty-eight at the time. Kelly was five-two and had huge 32F boobs with pink nipples. Her legs were long and her torso was short. But what caught most people’s attention (okay, it was a tie with her boobs) was her insanely long hair. Not cut for length since the second grade, her hair hung to about six inches off the floor. Plus, it was as thick as a horse’s mane.
Kelly tried on her garb, including her hair in pigtails on both sides of her head, each held by leather wraps. Kelly came out to the garage to model for me. Wow. Wow. Wow! She was the sexist hippie I’d ever seen. The tie-dye shirt was short and showed a few inches of midriff above the low-slung, obscenely short, shorts. The extreme arm holes gave a great, easy-to-see, view of the sides of her tits. The glasses and pigtails were just perfect. She promised to stick a flower in her hair on the day of the cruise. She looked like she could have been walking past the showroom when my car was brand new.
Kelly reached for my crotch to gauge my reaction. She discovered that I loved her look. I was achingly hard. I turned Kelly to face the car, tugged down her shorts (with almost zero effort), leaned her forward, and wiggled my cock into her waiting cunt. I reached through the arm holes and tweaked her nipples as I humped against her little bubble butt. Sure, the garage door was open and a couple of cars went past but neither of us cared if they caught a glimpse.
A minute into our fuck, Kelly had a soft orgasm. A few minutes after that, I pumped my balls empty into her slit. Kelly didn’t want to get my load all over her shorts so she reached down and had her fingers around my cock as I slowly slipped out. Then she had my load captured in place. She stepped out of her flip-flops and shorts and ran to the bathroom to unload my mess of spunk. I tossed her shorts and flip-flops into the house and went back to work.
I couldn’t wait for the cruise to arrive! And two weeks later, it did.
Our first sign was that the Interstate itself looked like a cruise. I’d never seen so many classic cars, hot rods, and muscle cars on the highway at once. Pretty much anything American, from ten years old to pre-war stuff in every condition from barn-find to stock to full-on drag-strip ready.
We also figured out rather quickly that girls must have been flashing the truckers. It was taking a long time for lines of cars to pass and truckers were blasting away with their air horns. Kelly’s eyes lit up and she stripped off her T-shirt and bra. She proudly waved her girls at the awaiting eyes of the line of truckers as we passed and they honked. Flashing the truckers was our second sign.
Some of the ladies, Kelly included, were even so kind as to flash the cars that were obviously on our way to the cruise. On a two-hour trip, I enjoyed two or three dozen pairs of naked knockers.
The city was mobbed by old cars. The parking lot of our hotel was a car show in itself. All of the owners were in great moods, friendly, wound up, and looking forward to a good time on Saturday, the next day, and the ‘official’ day of the cruise. We waited in line at a restaurant for an hour to get a table. Every restaurant in town was overrun by hungry people.
The late local TV news that night confirmed it: Way more “cruisers” had come to town than had been expected. There was just a feeling of excitement in the air!
Early the next morning we topped off the gas tank and hit up a grocery store for some supplies, as we realized restaurants would probably not be a good option. Kelly had on her hippie outfit and gained a few wolf whistles and cat calls starting in the hotel parking lot and continuing on to every place she went. The bare-skin side glimpses of her jugs had guys jockeying for viewing positions. It was hilarious!
That day was hot. Temperatures were in the upper eighties. Kelly was quite happy being barely clothed.
By noon, the main six-lane drag through town had become a parade route. It was about five miles from one end to the other. With each passing minute, the space filled in with lawn chairs and people who came to watch the parade. By seven o’clock that evening, the five-mile route took two hours to complete.
We found ourselves stuck in the mess moving at the speed of molasses as we crept upon a large group of men chanting, “Show your tits! Show your tits!” And indeed, many of the cruisers were doing just that. And fairly quickly, gals were kneeling on car seats with their torsos hanging outside of the cars, shirts lifted and jugs shook. The crowd was roaring their approval. The chant spread down the road as cars crept along moving at far, far less than walking speed.
The event had shifted from a car cruise to a tit show. Kelly was on her knees and slipping one side or the other, or both sides, of her shirt to the middle of her chest releasing her huge tits. She was immediately the most popular boobs within a hundred feet or so.
Then the barely moving crawl came to a dead stop. It was literally a five-mile-long parking lot. Before long, some of the cars had groups of two, three, or more girls jumping out and running around showing off their tits. The lawn chair crowd was on their feet, welcoming the ladies, and passing out cans of beer from coolers everywhere. The drivers, nearly all men, sat in our cars thinking movement would be coming soon. In the interim, it was a contest to see who could rev their engine the loudest. I did not win but placed respectably.
“I’ll stay close,” was what I heard as Kelly climbed out of the window. She had quickly disappeared into a mass of humanity. That was probably around ten p.m. Not long after, everyone had shut off their cars and men were just hanging close, bull shitting and saving gas.
Half an hour later cars fired up and started crawling again. It was a while after that when Kelly came walking along, opened the car door, and plopped down on the seat. “Wow. That was fun!”
She spilled the beans. Guys loved her hair, but they really wanted to see her boobs. After a few flashes, she removed her shirt and tucked it into her shorts. Countless pictures were taken with guys’ faces next to her tits. Then it was pictures of guys licking her nipples. Then guys were taking their turns playing in her boobs.
Kelly was standing up with a couple of guys sucking on each nipple. She felt a hand slide up into a leg of her shorts. He quickly discovered that Kelly was without panties and had unimpeded access to her pussy. Fingers slid in. Another hand slid down the front of her shorts and discovered a bald cunt and began to finger her clit. A two-handed assault on her pussy quickly brought Kelly to orgasm.
The sound of her coming was noticed by the men hanging closest to her. There were also a number of other women nearby with their tits exposed. All were being, from what Kelly saw, fondled and sucked. She did notice one woman a few feet away who was on her knees with a cock in her mouth.
After Kelly came, the hand with the fingers in her pussy slipped out. She still had a guy on each boob. She felt her shorts being pushed down. The guys that were watching her moved in closer. They implored the guys blocking her front view (her pussy) to move “so we can all see”. The tit suckers moved but others quickly replaced them. She felt hands on her butt spreading her cheeks apart and fingers were running up and down her slit from both the front and back. Guys had their arms around her and had taken over holding her up.
Kelly felt the tip of the cock slide along her thigh from behind her knee, up her leg, stop at the opening of her vagina, and then thrust into her cunt. Kelly came again and the sharks went into a frenzy. Her clit was being rubbed with the intent to get her off again. Hands firmly gripped her hips as the cock thrust up and down her vagina. A young man, probably barely out of high school, gently held her face and French kissed her. One of her hands was pulled away from his face, lowered, and a warm firm cock placed in her palm.
A hand surrounded Kelly’s hand, firming up the grip she had on the cock. In just a couple of minutes, she felt the hard-on throb as warm jizz hit the side of her leg. At the same time, the cock in her twat gave a firm thrust and held still, and Kelly felt it erupt its load inside of her. Both of the drained cocks left at the same time. Just as quickly, her young French-kissing partner lined up his hard-on and plunged into her from the front side, nearly lifting her off of her toes as his young ram battered her cunt.
Kelly was still kissing her fuck partner, but had her eyes open and watched the pack of wolves circling her. Hands were everywhere. A hierarchy was being claimed, “I’m next!” A finger slid into her butt and tried to finger fuck her backside in beat with her pussy.
Rather suddenly the cock pulled out of her pussy and Kelly felt a stream of cum run down the insides of her thighs. Kelly had spun around and faced another guy, probably also barely out of high school. He lifted her up by her butt and eased her down onto his hard-on. Length had not been anything noticed up to that moment. But this fella had a long stick. Kelly’s head was pulled to the side and she was being kissed by a man, not a teenager. Another hand was fumbling for her clit, but was aimlessly lost as the long cock bounced Kelly on the object that had her impaled.
Being bounced in the air got Kelly off and she squirted all over her fucker. He turned around with her and pressed her backside against a chain-link fence as he made his final run to the finish. Kelly enjoyed the sight of his snake being slowly pulled from her pussy. She was right. He was long. Maybe nine inches and glistening in her juices. A guy stepped forward and quickly shot his cum load onto her tummy.
Kelly tugged at her shorts around her knees and bent over and picked her shirt up off of the ground. A cock took full advantage of her being bent over and slipped into her freshly fucked, cum-slimed hole and added to her mess barely before she knew he was even in there.
Kelly claimed her ground and put the wolves at bay. They behaved and backed off. Kelly could tell that the parade had been moving and so she started walking along the sidewalk. She came across another group having their own party.
There were probably thirty guys surrounding a group of three women in their thirties. Two were on their knees sucking cocks and one was bent over the hood of a parked car being fucked from behind. A half-dozen men had their hard-ons out.
One of them stepped in front of Kelly and complimented her beautiful hair, then surprisingly politely, he asked if Kelly would show him her boobs. Kelly obliged. “May I touch them?” Kelly was stunned at how nice the guy was. A couple of minutes later and she eagerly sucked his cock into her mouth. She was joined by another girl who wanted to share the cock. Kelly passed him over.
A tap on her shoulder caused her to turn her head and meet a cock waiting for a mouth. Kelly swallowed him and he gifted her with a dab of cum on her tongue. As she stood up, a hand tugged her shorts down on one hip and then squirted another load of jizz onto her hip.
Kelly headed off in earnest that time to try to find me. Girls were not only hanging out of cars topless, many of them were naked and alternating between showing boobs, pussy, and ‘mooning’ bare butts and hairy slits. There were also plenty of ladies on the tree-lawn flashing boobs for the drivers. Kelly and I had both seen a few guys run into the avenue to poke a finger into open cunts waving at them.
Kelly was back in our car and excited as all hell. She quickly stripped naked and then with her feet on the seat, sat her backside through the window opening. She was fishing and had some beautiful shaved bait. Soon, she had a guy walking along beside us fingering her. When he left he was replaced right away. The next guy stepped up and used his tongue to lap at her slit. That really caught Kelly off guard and she squealed loudly.
I could see the next guy stepping out was a big biker-looking guy, probably in his forties or fifties. He had fat fingers and meant business. He fingered Kelly for probably five minutes until he got her legs shaking, her butt bouncing, and her cunt contracting. He brought her up so hard, that Kelly squirted a massive cloud of lady cum all over his arm and the side of my car. Her pussy had enough and she slid inside the window and laid down on the seat.
It was close to midnight and things were thinning out a bit. We found a gas station a couple of blocks away. We had to wait for a couple of cars to fill up to get our turn. I was thirsty and asked Kelly to go get some drinks. She looked at me, then looked at herself. We agreed naked might be too much, so she left just her shirt in the car.
She came back with nipples ready to bust they were so hard. The cold drinks were part of it, but the horny Arabian man working the register had his request fulfilled when she let him play with her boobs. A couple of customers also asked to play with her titties. One guy ended up damn-near sucking a nipple right off as he finger-banged her.
Adjacent to the cruise, there was a huge parking lot of an abandoned business. It was half full of cruisers so we parked, got out, and hung around. Kelly was talking to a couple of ladies next to us about her exploits. They were laughing and squealing and shouting “No!” at nearly her every sentence.
I was parked adjacent to the sidewalk and a pair of college-age girls stopped and were drooling over my car. “Can we go for a ride?” Eh, I had just parked and was relaxing. I let them sit in the car. Then they wanted to hear it. Okay, fired it up and shook some pavement. I realized these gals were as horny over cars as was my wife.
A couple of “Pleeease” requests were quickly followed by the taller of the two, offering, “I’ll suck your cock for a ride around the block.” I told them to jump in as I told Kelly I’d be back in a couple of minutes.
They were both cute. The shorter one had C-cup titties and the taller one was an A-cup. Both were in gym shorts and T-shirts, the taller one without a bra and a pair of pointy nipples poking through. They both seemed so excited I thought they might cum, although the rumbling of a huge American V-8 can do that to a gal.
We had since discovered that where Kelly had her naked adventures was kind of ground zero for the crazy flashing and naked stuff. I took the girls the mile or so down that way. Traffic was still pretty backed up because everyone was moving slowly, flashing, and being watched. Without saying a word, the shorter girl, next to the window, pulled off her T-shirt, unhooked and slipped off her bra, and popped out of the window flashing her firm melons. The tall one pulled her shirt off as she flipped over the seat and stuck her body out of the back window.
The chant of hours ago had changed from “Show your tits” to “Show that beaver!” After five minutes or so of having their tits out, the back-seat gal had heard a few comments about her tits being too small. So, she pulled off her shorts and panties and stuck her ass through the window. The guys roared their approval. Moments later, the front-seat girl had her ass out of the window as well. Which was nice as I got a nice close-up view of her boobs.
I reached out and was playing around with her nipples as we slowly inched forward. They both squealed like piglets when one guy stepped up to their backsides and stuck fingers into both of them. The tall one wasn’t down with that and she dove in, onto the back seat. The shorter one just mellowed out and let the guy play in her twat until he walked away a couple of minutes later.
The tall one flipped back over the front seat, still naked, her clothes in the back. She rubbed my cock and then slithered to the floor with her face in my crotch. She tugged and I lifted my hips. She didn’t stop until my shorts were on the floor and I had freed my driving. She gobbled my cock into her mouth and bobbed her head on my dick. She was pretty damn good and sucked me for about ten minutes. I was actually doing all I could to not blast off.
I pulled off the main drag and found a place to park a block later. I leaned my seat back and pulled the tall one up. I helped her get her leg over my lap and she sat her twat on my cock. “This is more than a blow job.”
“And I gave you more than a ride around the block.”
“I guess that’s fair.”
The shorter one was sitting next to us and I worked a couple of fingers into her twat. The tall one lasted for a few minutes and then bounced hard on me as she came. I held her close until she came back to earth. “Time to switch.” The short one seemed hesitant. “Hey, you had more fun than you expected, now it’s my turn.”
The girls swapped places and the short one sat on my cock. Her twat was unbelievably tighter than her friend’s. I was humping my cock up into her and didn’t last but a couple of minutes before I filled her twat to overflowing. She quickly rolled off of me. She was touching her pussy and announced, “fuck, you cum a lot.”
“Guilty as charged.”
I fired up the car, got back on the main drag, and a mile up the road the girls said I could drop them off there. By the time I got back to where I’d left Kelly, I had been gone for probably forty-five minutes. About half of the cars in that parking lot had left.
There was a showroom-new 1972 C-10 Chevy pickup fifty feet away with a group of a dozen guys hanging around the tailgate. I wandered over. Kelly was lying on an open sleeping bag in the bed, her butt at the edge of the tailgate. Her clothes were next to her and a guy in his fifties with a beer belly was huffing away as he fucked her. The guy next to me said “You can go next. We’ve all had our turns. She has an incredible pussy. You’ll enjoy it!”
“Fuck yeah!” the old guy grunted as he came inside Kelly.
The guy that had talked to me was apparently running the racket. He shoved me in front of Kelly and said “He’s next!” My cock was limp.
“I need a little help.” Kelly spun around and sucked my cock into her mouth.
Kelly got me stiff and we spun her back around as I slid into a very wet, cum filled pussy. The guys were encouraging me to fuck her harder. “She likes it a little rough. Fuck her hard!” I gathered Kelly’s legs up to my chest, held them tight, and jackhammered her cunt. A couple of guys reached in and grabbed Kelly’s tits which had been swinging wildly. Kelly just closed her eyes and took it.
As hard as I was banging her, it was just too soon. Kelly looked at me and said, “try the other hole.” I slowed down, pulled out, aimed my cock at her closed door, and pushed until I popped through. The guys watching couldn’t believe what they were witnessing. I slowly sped up and within a few minutes had gripped her legs tightly again. I could feel my jizz boiling and a couple of minutes later I dumped a load of cum up her ass.
I pulled out with a “pop” as the other guys watched my load drip out of her butt. “Well, my lovely Bride, are you ready to go home?” The guys all had a good laugh. They helped Kelly stand up on the pavement and get her flip-flops on. I walked her to the car and we headed out.
Kelly was pretty lit. “They kept passing me a bottle and I don’t know how many swigs I had. I think they just wanted me to fuck them. I did. I fucked all of them. Maybe more than that? Someone fucked my mouth…” She kind of trailed off after that and passed out.
At the hotel, she was truly passed out. I could not get her to stand up. So, naked as she was, I tossed her over my shoulder and carried her in. There was a handful of people hanging around by the front door. They seemed to enjoy the view of her butt and her slit. And the guy at the front desk got a really good look at her twat. I made sure of that.
Right after I laid her out on the bed, she quickly stumbled to the bathroom and shot out the offending matter that was gurgling in her tummy. She hung out in the bathroom until she fell asleep. It was a couple of hours later when I woke up and went looking for her, bringing her back to bed.
The next morning Kelly said it was a combination of whiskey and cum that made her barf. After I had taken off, some guys offered her a beer, they made friendly chit-chat and asked what she’d done for the evening. Kelly told them. Of course, hearing that, they wanted to see her naked body and she obliged. They were all very fascinated by her bare pussy, something only occasionally seen even in pornos back then.
Soon there was a sleeping bag laid out in the pickup truck. There were a dozen or so guys around and they all had time with her. Some fucked her pussy, some fucked her tits, some fucked her throat. “That’s how I ended up swallowing so much cum. I think one guy fucked my butt. It’s kind of sore this morning.”
We watched the local morning news. The police and the city were shitting themselves. Ten times more cars showed up for the cruise than the magazine had expected. Plus, the magazine didn’t actually have a permit for the event. There was a pixelated video of topless girls hanging out of cars. There weren’t enough cops on duty to patrol the Bacchanalia that had been unleashed upon their fair town. To listen to the news, you would have the thought the end of civilization itself had just occurred.
Kelly and I packed up and headed for home. I was thankful for old-school vinyl seats, seeing the dried cum deposits all over. A bit up the road we stopped for a couple of greasy burgers. I thought the truck in the lot looked familiar. But, we’d seen hundreds of cars. As we waited for the server to bring our lunch, a couple of guys stopped by our table. What were the odds?
It was the owner of the truck, who had been directing the recreational activity in my wife’s pussy just hours ago, along with his buddy. I recognized him and we had a good laugh. Kelly just shook her head. They were cool. They made some small talk about the cruise and then before they left, told Kelly that she was, “Welcome to play in their truck any time she wanted.”
After they left, Kelly admitted that she recognized them. The owner was the first, in that group, to fuck her pussy. The second guy had fucked her tits and then shoved his cock into her mouth as he erupted a huge load, which she swallowed. They had both been trying to get her to go back to their hotel for the night but instead seemed satisfied watching her get nailed by random strangers instead. Small world!
The burger seemed to fix whatever ailed her. For the rest of the trip, Kelly shared her stories of being fucked and fondled all night. She was super happy to know that I got to poke a couple of young babes.
We’ve been to other cruises and car shows, but nothing quite like that one!