Stacy wiggles her bum anxiously on the tall bar stool. She’s wearing the expensive looking sapphire drop-earrings Cara gave to her in box number two. They make Stacy feel elegant and she tried her best in matching her outfit with them. Dressing fancy has its downside though. Stacy can barely walk in her three-inch heels and her tight dress, which beautifully accentuates her breasts, is drawing attention from a guy at the end of the bar. He smiles at Stacy and gives her a charming wink.
What am I doing here?
Stacy smiles back politely, before turning her head the other way.
She said nine o’clock. I shouldn’t have arrived early!
Stacy nurses a glass of whiskey, slowly sipping the last few droplets that cling to the bottom. She’s reminded of what Becca had said about Miss Cara; that she enjoys making others wait for her.
She has some nerve…
The guy at the end of the bar stands up and begins to slowly make his way over.
Uh oh.
Suddenly, Stacy feels a strange presence fall over the room. She looks around nervously.
Miss Cara floats towards her. She’s stunning from head to nylon-toe. Dark-red clothing surrounds her tight, voluptuous body. Her eyes are trained on Stacy as she moves.
Stacy can’t help but notice the woman’s cleavage subtly jiggling. It hypnotizes her. Miss Cara puts her hand against Stacy’s cheek and softly greets her.
“Hello, Stacy, dear. How are we tonight?”
Stacy can feel her stomach drop. Cara just has too much charisma, too much beauty wrapped up in her presence.
The guy at the bar stops hesitantly as he observes their interaction.
“Hello Cara,” Stacy replies, unable to break her gaze with the tall woman.
“That’s, Miss Cara, dear,” she corrects.
Stacy suddenly feels very awkward.
“I can’t… I’m not calling you that,” Stacy protests, more out of discomfort than pride.
Cara giggles.
“Hmm, we’ll see, hun. Come now, follow me.”
The woman turns and heads to the back of the bar. Stacy can’t help but admire the woman’s perfect behind slowly strutting away. The guy at the bar notices Stacy watching it too and decides to turn back.
Stacy gets up onto her sexy heels and precariously rushes after Miss Cara.
Stacy rounds a corner and finds a partitioned section of the club. A few dark, private booths reside in this quieter area. Miss Cara sits comfortably at one of the tables. She taps her long fingers on the cushion next to her, directing Stacy to her seat.
“I like the privacy back here. It will let us chat a little more, thoroughly,” Cara explains, mysteriously.
Stacy sits down next to Cara and tries to get comfortable in her new surroundings. Cara clears her throat and gestures for Stacy to come a little closer.
Why? Why does she need me closer? What does she want from me?
Stacy wiggles her bum a little closer to Cara’s hips. Miss Cara smiles and puts her hand around Stacy’s waist and pulls it right next to hers.
“I want to get to know you, dear. Becca wants you to get to know me. So relax and try to enjoy yourself. I know I will,” Cara teases. “I’ve already ordered us some drinks. I heard you like whisky.”
Stacy can feel Cara’s warm skin through her thin, red dress. The closeness is causing her nerves to jump and tingle.
“Yes,” Stacy mumbles, trying to get her bearings on this whole situation.
Stacy slowly looks over at Cara. The woman is at least four inches taller than her and is able to almost look down upon her supple frame. She places her hand confidently on top of Stacy’s leg. Stacy immediately feels vulnerable and a little exhilarated.
“So, Stacy, are you ready to answer some questions?” Cara asks, tapping her long, dark-red nails against Stacy’s skin.
“Umm. I guess so? That’s why I’m here isn’t it?”
“Yes, mostly,” Cara informs, darkly. “Perhaps, if you’re good tonight, I’ll let you and Becca get together next week. How does that sound?”
Let me? She’ll let me!? How can she… ugh!
“You may ‘control’ her, but, not me. If you let her see me, fine. Thank you. But I can do what I want, without your permission,” Stacy declares, proudly.
Miss Cara crosses her legs and leans over Stacy’s shoulder. Her alluring scent pours into Stacy’s nose.
“Hmm, very true, dear, except when it comes to my Becca. Then, yes, you do need to be good,” Miss Cara warns with a wink. She moves her hand behind Stacy’s back and places it around her waist.
The sensation of the woman’s hand on her, brings her too many feelings to easily sort out. She can feel Cara’s breasts just slightly pressing against her left arm.
Does she know I can feel them?
“It’s quite a nice, fit body you have, dear,” Cara praises as her fingertips explore Stacy’s slim belly. “Such a lovely outfit too. I should mention that I think you are very brave for coming out with me tonight.”
Brave? Why brave?
Stacy’s lips tremble slightly as she tries to speak, but can’t find the will to interrupt Cara.
“I am very thankful though, that you decided to come. I mean it. I’m proud of you,” Cara compliments again, seeming quite genuine.
Despite the fact that Stacy feels she’s being patronized, she can’t help but smile.
It feels good getting her approval, but why should I care what she thinks?
Cara’s right hand subtly plays with the material on Stacy’s body. Her fingertips grip the inside of Stacy’s hip bone. Stacy can feel herself falling into the woman’s chilling control.
A waitress turns the corner and enters their booth.
“Alright, two doubles, neat. Enjoy ladies!” the waitress sings. She smiles politely as she places the two glasses of amber liquid on the table.
Stacy suddenly feels very uneasy.
Oh no, what will she think? She can probably see Cara’s hand on my hip!
“Thank you very much, hun,” Cara thanks the waitress.
The young, blonde attendant heads back out to the bar.
“Cheers,” Cara gleams, handing Stacy a glass.
They both take a large sip. Stacy’s glad she had a drink at the bar earlier, otherwise she would be even more anxious.
“So, tell me what you like about Becca,” Cara sighs, curiously. She walks her fingers from Stacy’s hip to belly button.
Oh fuck. Tell her not to touch you like this. Tell her this makes you uncomfortable.
Stacy’s belly begins to tense up with nervous, sexual energy.
Does it? Do I want her to stop? I don’t even know…
“Becca? Umm. I don’t know. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met,” Stacy begins, trying to focus her mind.
“Hmm, I might have to agree with you. She stunned me when I first met her. I remember she used to make me wet just by brushing her hair. She would moan and purr like a little kitten in heat. I could tell then that she would be, very close to me for a long time.” Cara loses herself in some delicious memories for a moment. “Sorry, I interrupted you. Go on.”
“Umm. Well, I don’t know. I love talking to her. She makes me feel really special, and after our first date, well, we held hands and I’ve just never felt anything like that,” Stacy admits, starting to really miss Becca.
Cara brushes Stacy’s long, dark hair around her ear so she can see her face better.
“Don’t get too melodramatic now. This is a time for having fun. I’m not here to take Becca away from you. I’m here to facilitate a relationship between you. I’m just worried about Becca and how she’ll handle it. I mean, a young, pretty girl like you could really hurt her.”
Stacy feels offended, but tries to stay grounded.
Becca respects her. I guess I should at least try to understand why.
“Now, Stacy, what do you like about Becca’s body?” Cara asks, crossing her legs again, clearly getting a little worked up.
Stacy can’t look Cara in the eyes.
This is so awkward. This is so weird! I don’t even know this woman. Why does she want me to tell her this stuff?
“Why do you want me to?” Stacy inquires.
“I want… I need to get to know you Stacy. I need to know how your mind works, in all ways, especially on a sexual level. Is that alright with you? Becca is a very sexual creature, so it’s very applicable and important.”
Miss Cara speaks very casually, but deliberately. Her tone is even and cool, but something lingers beneath.
“Becca. Well, her…” Stacy says, fumbling to form thoughts.
Why am I here? Who is this woman? What am I doing? Why is her hand on me? Why am I okay with it?
The alcohol is beginning to have an effect now. Stacy can feel its soothing heat throughout her body and head. Her empty stomach isn’t doing much to aid her. She can feel her lips loosening as the words start to flow a little freer now.
“Becca’s lips. I can’t stop thinking about them. Not since I first saw her in the restaurant. I’d dream about her, kissing me, all over. I’d wake up feeling so aroused I’d…” Stacy stops herself.
Miss Cara’s hand slowly creeps down the front of Stacy’s belly. Stacy can feel the adventurous fingers playing with her panties through the fabric of her dress. An intense excitement grows in her chest, causing her to shiver, just slightly. The feeling makes it hard for her to breathe.
“I see,” Miss Cara purrs quietly. “And before you first went on that date with her, had you imagined yourself doing naughty things with her?”
Stacy can feel Cara’s hand over her pubic area. It pushes down on the thin material of her dress, sending naughty thrills into her pussy.
“Yes. I would lie in bed and well, touch myself while I made love to her in my mind. I never imagined she would actually be gay and that even if she was, that she would be interested in me!” Stacy admits loudly. The hand, threatening to move between her legs is causing her to become a little manic.
Cara opens up her purse with her free hand. She pulls out her phone and places it in front of Stacy on the table.
“You don’t mind me holding you like this do you hun?” Cara asks, cutely.
Stacy can barely breathe as the beautiful woman’s cleavage hovers a few inches from her face. Every bit of Cara’s skin smells of rustic sensuality. Stacy can’t explain it. She can feel her blood pumping heavily up her neck and down in between her legs.
“No,” Stacy admits, weakly, not wanting Cara to take her hand away just yet.
“I’ve got a small treat for you. Click on my phone there.”
A treat?
Stacy wakes up the screen and sees a naughty picture of Becca. She immediately looks away, afraid of seeing something she shouldn’t be.
Miss Cara giggles. “Don’t be coy. Becca wanted me to take it for you.”
She did? Becca. Oh Becca…
Stacy slowly peers back at the phone. The picture is a little graphic: Becca is hunched over on all fours. She’s wearing only a pair of pink panties and a collar.
Stacy studies the collar with an intense curiosity. She’s never experienced anything BDSM related, but the idea has always strangely intrigued her.
Cara’s hand slowly moves between Stacy’s legs and up under her dress. Stacy feels her pussy throbbing with arousal. She’s never felt this much excitement while feeling so helpless.
Stacy studies the picture further: Becca looks into the camera making an adorable, little pouty face.
“She’s such a cutie isn’t she? You wish you could touch her right now, don’t you?” Miss Cara taunts. She moves her fingers up Stacy’s dress a little further, they find her lace underwear.
Stacy can’t help but notice the damp spot on Becca’s panties. It makes her own crotch sizzle with unbridled excitement and jealousy.
Oh Becca. Why can’t you just be with me?
“This isn’t fair,” Stacy whimpers, desperately trying to stay strong.
“I’m sorry, dear. Life isn’t fair though, is it? And I truly am trying to do what’s best, in the interest of all three of us. You have to trust me.”
Stacy looks up shyly into Cara’s eyes. Everything in them seems completely genuine. She takes a deep breath, trying to settle the whirlwind inside her. She can feel Cara’s fingers slowly moving over the front of her panties. Her slit throbs with desire.
“I trust you. But don’t expect me to let you betray that. Because, then I’m done,” Stacy confesses.
Cara leans in closer. Her lips just an inch from Stacy’s.
“Good girl. I understand. But first, I have to know if I can trust you.”
Oh, right. That’s why I’m here to begin with.
“But before you answer my questions, I need you to do something,” Cara explains.
“What is it?” Stacy asks, guardedly.
“Well, in order to ensure you’re telling the truth, I’ll need you under a little, duress.”
Duress? What the fuck is she talking about?
Cara pulls a small, black case from her purse. She removes her hand from between Stacy’s legs and opens the case. From within it, Stacy sees Cara pull out a tiny, smooth, pink object.
“What is it?”
“It’s a wireless vibrator. I need you to wear it for me. Just while we talk, dear,” Cara explains, like it’s no big deal.
“No!” Stacy exclaims. She fixes her dress and crosses her legs.
“Oh, don’t worry, you’re more than wet enough,” Cara says, inspecting the fingers she had between Stacy’s legs. “It should just slip right inside you.”
“No! Are you crazy? I didn’t agree to that! And we’re in public!” Stacy argues, trying to justify her outrage.
“No one is around. Plus, the table covers mostly everything. We have plenty of privacy. Don’t worry, I won’t look,” Cara barters, extremely relaxed.
“No. I’m not comfortable doing that. Not, well, not here anyways,” Stacy explains, backing down a little. She can’t get Becca’s adorable bum out of her mind. She can almost taste her girlfriend’s horny lips.
Stacy tries to ignore the thrill of being so close to Miss Cara. Her crotch pulses wetly under her panties. She lets out a frustrated moan.
“Stacy, I need to make sure you’re not lying. And being able to use my little device, helps me make sure you aren’t concentrating too much on being a little actress, when I just want straight answers.”
Miss Cara runs her fingers through Stacy’s hair gently, lovingly. “How about, if you do this for me, I’l let you have Becca to yourself for a whole night. Just the two of you. Hmm?”
Becca! I can’t even imagine getting to smell her hair again, to hold her hand, to kiss her.
“Fine,” Stacy hears herself mumble. She’s not sure how she’s fallen under Cara’s seductive powers so quickly.
Is this what happened to Becca? No! No, I’m not like that.
“Thank you. I appreciate you being so helpful,” Cara admits. She leans close and puts her lips against Stacy’s ear. “It’s very satisfying.”
The words send shivers down Stacy’s spine. She worries she might do almost anything this woman wants her to.
“How, does it go?” Stacy murmurs, puzzled.
“Would you like me to help you?” Cara giggles, enticingly.
“No. No. Just, tell me how to do it.”
Cara places the small pink oval into Stacy’s hands. Stacy quickly closes her fingers around it and holds it under the table. She surveys the bar nervously, like she’s about to rob a bank.
“Relax, darling. Nothing bad is going to happen. I’ll make sure of that. You’re safe here, I promise,” Cara confides, warmly.
Stacy feels herself immediately settle down. The beautiful woman’s voice caresses her very core. Her legs slowly uncross themselves under the table. Stacy is getting high from the intense excitement flickering below her waist. The alcohol and endorphins are causing her arousal to run wild.
You can do this. Just give Cara what she wants, and you can have Becca to yourself.
“Okay, now what?” Stacy asks, trying to pretend she isn’t excited by this whole situation.
“Well, I think you’re going to need to pull down your panties a little,” Miss Cara purrs, looking right into Stacy’s innocent eyes.
Stacy struggles to manipulate her tight dress in the confines of the booth. She notices Cara is still looking at her, almost hungrily. The woman’s look causes her to shyly stop what she’s doing.
Stacy works her fingers up under her skirt and grab her panties. She lifts her bum off the leather seat and awkwardly pulls the underwear down just above her knees.
Oh this feels wrong.
Stacy’s wet lips feel incredibly exposed between her trembling thighs.
“Okay, now what? Quick!” Stacy urges, afraid someone is going to walk around the corner and see her.
“Quick? Why are you in such a hurry, dear?” Cara teases, cruelly, still looking away.
“Cara! Please! Do you want me to do this or not?” Stacy threatens.
Cara giggles. “Alright, calm down. Now, just slide the small end against your lips.”
Stacy fumbles with the device in her shaking hands. She orients the small vibrator at the entrance of her sex.
“Then, just slowly, push it inside. Those soft, lush, hungry lips of yours should open right up for it,” Cara explains, naughtily.
Stacy can feel her cheeks glowing red as she tries to focus on her task. Her pulse races as she hurriedly moves the object against her pussy.
Mmm. Oh my…
Just the feeling of the smooth textured object against her labia sends sharp pleasurable tinges through her. Every naughty impulse and sexy urge she’s ever had comes rushing to her consciousness.
Push it in.
Stacy can’t help it. She doesn’t slide it in yet. She rubs the toy over her clit. As soon as the tip of the vibrator nudges her sensitive button, she feels her cunt tighten. Her nipples turn rock hard and cause her belly to ache with desire. Her breath goes shallow as she lets out a whispered moan.
The waitress comes around the corner and enters their booth. Stacy freezes in panic.
Oh god no!
“How you girls doing?” she asks, bubbly.
Miss Cara pauses before answering. She looks over at Stacy with a smile, knowing every second is agonizingly awkward for her.
“We’re wonderful thanks, how are you?” Cara replies, playfully.
Oh come on! What is she doing!?
“I’m great thanks! Can I get you ladies another drink?”
“Oh, I don’t know. What do you think Stacy?” Cara asks, perfectly pretending nothing is going on.
Stacy wriggles uncomfortably under the table. She feels far too disoriented and aroused to speak normally.
Just say yes. Say anything!
Stacy’s mouth opens, but she can’t think of anything except the image of Becca’s ass; bent over and waiting for her. The smooth vibrator sits on her trembling clit.
“Didn’t mean to put you on the spot there!” the waitress jokes. “How about two more of the same?”
Stacy mumbles something, then realizes it wasn’t words. She nods quickly, hoping the waitress goes away.
“I’ll be right back with those!”
The waitress bounces away as fast as she had arrived. Stacy shoots a stern look at Cara.
“Ohh, don’t be like that. I just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed, and to make you sweat a little.”
Miss Cara seems to know exactly what she’s doing. The stress and anxiety she’s making Stacy endure has her at her mercy. Stacy pushes the egg-shaped toy inside her pussy. Her lips quickly swallow it up as it sinks inside her.
Oh fuck.
Stacy can’t help but let out a moan as she feels the vibrator fill her up. Her tight pussy throbs around it. Quickly, she pulls up her panties again and tries to sit comfortably in the booth. She feels slightly more relieved now that she isn’t so exposed.
“Good girl. I’m glad we’re having this little, girls night,” Cara admits, opening up her purse again.
Stacy watches the woman pull out a small pink remote control. She immediately understands what it is and her stomach fills with butterflies.
“How about we do a little talking now, hmm?” Cara asks, her fingers caressing the control in her hand.
Stacy feels incredibly fragile and very helpless. Her thin toes wiggle nervously in her heels. She can’t ignore the beat of her pulse and the throbbing in between her legs. She can’t understand why she feels such a desperate need to please this woman next to her.
“Alright,” Stacy spouts, meekly.
Miss Cara fiddles with her remote nonchalantly. “Have you always been a lesbian, Stacy?”
The words come out of Cara’s lips like syrup.
Stacy looks down at her feet as she searches her mind, still uncomfortable talking this personally with someone she barely knows.
“Always, I think,” Stacy answers, honestly.
Cara reaches over and pulls Stacy’s chin towards her.
“I want you looking into my eyes as you answer. Understood?”
Stacy feels trapped in Cara’s comfortable, arousing web. She nods slowly, completely.
“Good girl. I like good girls,” Cara says, lovingly. “How did you first realize then, that you liked girls?”
Cara drops her hand from Stacy’s chin. Stacy remains locked in Cara’s gaze.
“I, well, I remember lying in bed as a girl. I’d have these dreams, or fantasizing thoughts while falling asleep. They weren’t sexual really, but I’d just, be really close to another girl. I’d be just hugging her, or smelling her. I’d sometimes just rub my legs together as I laid there thinking about that stuff. I didn’t even know why it felt good, but it did, ” Stacy explains, staring into Cara’s eyes.
“And when did that change? When did you start doing more than just fantasizing, hmm?” Cara asks, quietly.
“I used to have this piano teacher when I was about sixteen,” Stacy begins, testing her memory.
Cara presses a button on the remote.
Ohh! Fuck me…
The egg-shaped toy inside her pussy begins to pulsate in a slow, rhythmic pattern. Stacy can feel her stomach straining to settle itself as waves of pleasure fill her lower half.
“Stacy. Focus please,” Cara urges.
“I, umm. Well, she wore these black skirts and tights. And, well, she was several years older than me,” Stacy mumbles, trying to get the words out of her mouth. Her pussy begins to contract tightly around the toy. “I remember her sitting next to me on the piano bench and she’d lean over me or put her arm around me to show me the right keys and I’d smell her hair, and feel her breasts against me.”
Cara’s thumb activates another button on the control.
Oh god! This is impossible. I can’t do this! I’m going to cum all over myself. I can’t! Not here! Not in this dress.
The egg throbs in the same pattern, now with a stronger vibration.
“I, ooh, I one time, pretended to go to the bathroom during a lesson. And I kept the door open a crack so I could watch her.”
“Mmm, bad girl” Cara giggles, enjoying the story.
Stacy’s hand moves up her chest and is about to rub her nipple when she controls it.
What the fuck are you doing Stacy!?
Stacy adjusts herself in her seat. She can feel her panties getting wetter by the minute. The damp cotton feels incredibly naughty and sends chills of excitement into her ass.
“I couldn’t help it. I put my hand against my panties. I’d never felt that good in my life. That’s, I think, when I realized.”
“Hmm, wonderful. I appreciate you being so honest with me hun. I feel myself trusting you more already,” Cara commends.
Stacy watches the woman in front of her with awe.
Her lips are so pink and thick. They look so soft.
“Did you listen to my recording last night?” Cara inquires, promptly, almost business-like.
Stacy can feel her body being taken over, almost transported to another time and place. She’s losing her grip on her sense of judgement, caught up in memories and emotions of her sexual past, whilst being tempted by this seductress.
“Come on, dear. Focus now and be honest,” Cara reiterates. She slips off her red heel and runs her nylon foot up Stacy’s calf.
Oh my! Why is she doing this to me? What is she trying to do?
“Yes,” Stacy mumbles, the vibrator continuing to melt her hot mound. Her thin, pink lips shake as she tries to make words with them. “I listened to it.”
Cara leans in closer, her toes tickle Stacy’s feet.
“And did you follow my instructions, exactly?” Cara asks, carefully raising an eyebrow.
Stacy’s eyes close for a moment as the sensations pulsing deep inside her continue to drive her desperately towards pleasure.
She smells so good!
Cara grabs Stacy’s chin between her thumb and finger. Stacy’s eyes open.
“Stacy, answer my question please,” Cara urges.
“Yes. Yes I did!” Stacy exclaims as the vibrator jumps up another notch. Her inexperienced pussy tightens around the toy hungrily. The tighter her sensitive loins grip it, the more intense the sensation becomes.
“How was your orgasm?”
Stacy’s hands ball into fists as she tries to suppress the urge to wail.
“Good! Very good.”
“Describe it to me,” Cara continues, her leg climbing up Stacy’s.
“I don’t know how,” Stacy whimpers. The relentless surge of wonderful waves of bliss push into her her ass and belly.
Cara leans back in her seat and uses her foot to spread Stacy’s legs.
Oh god!
Stacy can feel her wet womanhood exposed below the table. She can’t even find the will to protest Cara’s advance.
“Did your little pussy make a delicious mess?” Cara asks with a lewd grin.
“It did, yes. I had to shower after,” Stacy admits, slightly embarrassed.
Why are you still talking to her? This is ridiculous. What more does she want? Oh fuck me this feels good. I wish I wasn’t in this fucking bar.
The waitress returns and drops the two glasses of alcohol on the table.
“Just let me know if you ladies require anything else,” she sings.
“Thanks hun, we shall,” Cara winks.
The waitress turns and leaves. Cara turns right back to Stacy. Her plump, velvet breasts glow beneath her gorgeous face.
“Have you ever tasted your own pussy, Stacy?”
Stacy can’t help but feel embarrassed by the question. She feels her face turning bright red. Her pale, youthful skin feels hot all over her body. Cara’s nylon toes wiggle against the inside of her thigh. The vibrator rhythmically fucks her pussy as she tries to remain calm.
“No,” Stacy professes, weakly.
“Stacy, you be honest with me now. Are you saying you don’t find your own arousal, to be somewhat, tempting?”
Cara leans back further so she can get her toes right up against Stacy’s panties.
Oh god! What is she doing? Ohh! I’m going to cum. Am I going to cum!? I can’t! Not here!
“I find it alluring! I’ve enjoyed the way my fingers… their scent afterwards,” Stacy whimpers. She can feel her hips pressing her pussy into Cara’s foot. Her belly seizes tightly, bracing itself for the gushing ecstasy to come.
Mmm! Oh fuck! Calm down! Relax. Think of something else. You can’t do this Stacy.
“That’s naughty, for a good, little girl like you isn’t it?” Cara moans, clearly enjoying all of this.
Stacy’s vision begins to blur. She bites her lip as perverse thoughts flow through her mind. She clenches the toy in her moist folds and grinds her pussy into the foot between her legs, desperate for more.
“Do you find me attractive Stacy?”
“Huh? What?” Stacy murmurs, almost unable to comprehend the question. The toes between her legs tease her clit through her panties.
Ohh damnit.
Stacy is flush as she wriggles her bum on the leather cushion, madly trying to keep her excitement contained.
“Answer me, Stacy dear,” Cara insists.
Do I find her attractive? No! No, she’s the one keeping Becca from me!
“No! I like Becca,” Stacy whines. Her voice shakes as her juices leak from between her legs.
Cara moans, teasingly. “I know you like little Becca. That doesn’t apply to my question though hun.”
Do I?
Cara wiggles her delicate big toe against Stacy’s clit in perfect harmony with the vibrator.
Oh fuck! I can’t take this! Get her to stop! No! Don’t give her the satisfaction!
“Stacy, dear, focus,” Cara urges again, extending her long arm and gripping Stacy gently by the hair. “I’d like you to answer me.”
The toy causes every inch of Stacy’s boiling mound to tremble and shake with delicious excitement.
Oh fuck! I can’t hold it. I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum in this skimpy dress on this woman’s foot!
Stacy feels her mouth begin to speak for her.
“Yes, yes I do Miss Cara!”
Oh god. What? What did I just call her!?
Miss Cara switches the vibrator off and pulls her leg away from Stacy’s desperate pussy.
“Interesting,” the gorgeous woman purrs as she watches Stacy’s face fill with embarrassment.
Stacy turns her head away, finally breaking the spell-like gaze Miss Cara held over her.
Idiot! Why? Why did you have to say that.
Stacy is still shaking with an uncomfortably horny urge to cum. She can’t help but feel frustrated and betrayed; more with herself than anyone else.
“Oh don’t worry Stacy. You are such a good girl. I’m really glad we had a chance to talk tonight,” Cara praises, putting her lavish shoe back on. “In fact, I will arrange for Becca to be available to you all night tomorrow. Is that suitable to you?”
Stacy still can’t bear to look at the woman who seems to have such control over her life.
“Yes,” Stacy mutters.
“Great. I’ll have her email you time and place. Oh, and she’ll have a little surprise for you too,” Cara explains, almost giddy.
Stacy takes in the information, still far too flushed with arousal and embarrassment to be coherent.
“You’re free to leave now, if you’d like,” Miss Cara utters, casually. “Unless, you’d like me to help you, feel good?”
Stacy feels horrified. She get’s up from the table in a hurry.
Maybe it would be good to let her… I mean, I’m so close. No! Stacy! What the fuck are you thinking!? Oh god. Her thing, the toy, is still inside me.
Stacy stands awkwardly in front of the table as she helplessly tries to think of what she should do. Miss Cara puts her remote in the toy’s case and slides it across the table.
“Here, just keep it. Enjoy yourself. I have plenty more,” Cara giggles.
Stacy grabs the device and runs out of the bar as fast as she can.
Cara reclines deeply into the booth, a satisfied smile on her lips.
Stacy falls onto her bed and pulls down her panties. They’re still damp with arousal. She slides the vibrator out of her and places it on the bed.
Fuck! What a fucking weird night.
Stacy feels her pussy come back to life. Naughty thoughts of Becca’s little ass in soft white panties invade her mind. She can smell her wetness all over her fingers.
Ohh, Becca…
Stacy feels her horny mound tighten uncontrollably as she brings her fingertips to her nose.
What’s wrong with me?
Stacy inhales gently, reminding herself of the sexual adventure she embarked on tonight. The hot pheromones turn her on even more.
Is anything wrong with me? Is this what Becca is like? Does she find this attractive too?
Stacy’s moist fingers fall down between her legs.
Oh fuck I’m on edge.
Stacy can’t get the image of Miss Cara’s eyes and breasts out of her head. Her pussy throbs with need as the memory of Cara’s soft, alluring foot teasing her, re-emerges. Stacy’s fingers dip inside her thick, juicy lips. She moans, louder than expected.
Fuck me! Yes, ohh…
But Stacy feels something missing.
Becca! I get to see Becca tomorrow!
Her fingers, poised to quickly bring her to orgasm, halt for the moment.
Save it. Save it for her. Mmm!
Stacy becomes filled with an extreme excitement as she imagines herself making Becca whine and whimper with naughty pleasure.
She pulls her dripping hand up to her nose and inhales once more.
How can she do this to me? I need to be with her.
Stacy touches one of her wet fingers to her lip curiously.
I think, I think I’d do anything.
Continued in Chapter 5.