“Ohhhhhh, five more minutes, please go away!” she complained and threw a pillow at the curtains.
She slowly lifted her arms over her head and carefully stretched. Her bare breasts slipped free from under the bed sheet. She looked down at her firm breasts and smiled to herself. There was a thick, long, purple and blue bruise streaked across the top of both her breasts. It looked as if it had been painted it on her flesh with a fine, camel hair artist’s brush.
She bit her lower lip, smiled and purred, “Mmmmmmm. Thank you, Sir.”
She swung her legs off the mattress, stood up and proceeded to gingerly make her way to the bathroom. She stopped in front of the full length mirror on the bathroom door to inspect her naked body. Fading red welts covered her thighs and abdomen. She ran her fingers over them and smiled to herself. She spread her legs and inspected her hairless, plump mound. It also was streaked with fading red marks. She turned around and inspected her ass and back.
“Holy fudge! Thank you, Sir!” she exclaimed pleased at the light bruising and welts that were there.
“They’ll disappear in a few days, unfortunately,” she remembered the words I had whispered to her the night before.
She sat down to pee and leaned forward to admire her new ankle bracelet. Her fingers traced over the four gold letters and she mouthed the word, slut.
“I love being your slut, Sir,” she grinned.
She giggled to herself and thought back to the night we met.
It was at a pub close to her campus. She was to meet her friend that had been dumped by her on again, off again boyfriend. There was only one available seat at the bar. The seat next to it had a briefcase on it. She took the empty seat and ordered a vodka and tonic.
The briefcase was mine. I was leaning on the bar, sipping on a beer while I waited for my dinner. She felt intimidated, perhaps even scared, but she couldn’t stop herself from cautiously looking me over.
“Tall, handsome, scary looking older man, in a long black coat at three o’clock,” she thought and smiled to herself.
When she had built up enough courage, she turned in her seat and asked me, “Excuse me, is that your briefcase?”
I turned and nodded, “Yes.”
Her heart quickened when our eyes met. Something in my eyes definitely scared her. Whatever it was, it also excited her. She thought the nearly all gray goatee added to my already imposing look.
“I am waiting for a friend. May I put my purse next to your briefcase, please?” she politely and cheerfully asked.
Her emerald green eyes sparkled when she smiled. My cock twitched at the sight of this young and beautiful girl.
“Of course you may. It shouldn’t be much longer for my order to be ready,” I smiled back at her.
Her cell phone vibrated. She huffed as she read the text and typed a reply.
“No rush to vacate the premises. My friend isn’t coming. Thank you anyway,” she turned to me and smiled again.
“Foolish boy,” I grinned.
My compliment made her cheeks feel instantly warm.
“Pardon, no, it was my girlfriend,” she chuckled and nervously brushed a strand of her chestnut colored hair off her cheek.
She stared at my goatee and wondered how its whiskers would feel against her soft lips. Then wondered why she had thought that.
“Foolish girl,” I quickly replied.
“No, she’s my girlfriend, as in a girl and a friend. Not, my girlfriend,” she stammered.
Her clit suddenly tingled as she imagined my mouth covering her moist mound and my whiskers brushing against her delicate inner folds. And again was confused as to why a sexual thought had popped in to her mind.
I laughed and replied, “I get it. You don’t owe any explanation. You’ll forgive me if I came across as if I was prying. It was a very poor attempt at paying you a compliment.”
She extended her hand and introduced herself, “I’m Rebecca, but you may call me Becky. My friends all do.”
“Hello, Rebecca. I’m, Gil,” I introduced myself as I gently squeezed her hand, “May I call you, Rebecca, even if we become friends?”
She stared at her delicate hand in my grip.
“You may, kind Sir. This is your lucky day, it appears I won’t have to kick your ass, if you weren’t willing to give up your seat peacefully,” she chuckled nervously.
I laughed at her remark.
“Sorry, I don’t know why I said that,” she giggled and blushed.
I smiled at her and replied, “No offense taken. But, I do hope you will be gracious enough to give me a rematch, if you ever do kick my ass. If I may say so Rebecca, you have an infectious giggle.”
“A rematch for you, anytime, anywhere, Gil, and, yes, you may say so,” she chuckled. “You order from her often? All my friends at the college love the wings here.”
“It’s my first time in here. My nephew was just hired on as a chef. I came by to say hello and try his dipping sauces and the wings. He is very creative in the kitchen. I might pop back Sunday morning at nine, if he gets the breakfast menu completed by then.”
“I’ll be sure to try more of the items on the menu. We usually only drink and have wings here on Friday nights,” she smiled.
The waitress brought my wings and asked if I needed anything else. I thanked her and let her know I was fine.
“I’m glad we got to chat, Rebecca. Maybe you’ll have better luck next time at kicking my ass. You are a very charming and funny young lady. I do hope to run in to you again,” I grinned at her.
“Don’t be scared to say hi to me, I promise I’ll go easy on you, Gil,” she chuckled.
I glared at her for an instant, lowered my head and in a low voice half growled, “I wouldn’t dream of going easy on you, Rebecca.”
Her eyes widened and she took an involuntary deep breath. She felt a sudden, searing heat between her legs, and her insides quivered. She turned in her seat and watched me as I left the pub.
“What the fuck was that?” she thought to herself.
She finished her drink and headed back to her dormitory. She quickly stripped out of her clothes and threw on an over-sized t-shirt once she was in her room.
“A great way to spend a Friday night,” she mumbled to herself as she jumped on to her bed and turned on her laptop. “Netflix, you are the perfect boyfriend.”
She microwaved some popcorn and picked a random movie to watch. Her mind wandered to the searing heat between her legs and how her insides had quivered. She squeezed her thighs together and rubbed them against each other. She moaned softly at the sensation of her clit being trapped and stimulated.
“Fuck, that was insanely hot,” she gasped.
She parted her legs, slid her hand to her pussy and moaned out loud when her fingertips brushed over her clit. She quickly squeezed her thighs together and rocked her hips slowly. Her fingertips worked feverishly on her swollen clit. It only took a minute till an orgasm began to rumble through her. She held her breath and rolled on to her side. When her orgasm peaked, she collapsed on to her stomach and screamed in to her pillow.
“Sorry Netflix, you’ve just been replaced,” she laughed as she lazily rolled on to her back.
Sunday morning, she headed to the pub to study, and, secretly had hoped that she would run in to me again. I arrived shortly after Rebecca. She was dressed in a loose fitting, long sleeved red t-shirt and yoga pants. Her hair was up in a ponytail, which she was slowly twirling around her index finger.
“Good morning, Rebecca,” I greeted her as I walked towards the table she was sitting at.
“Hey, hi Gil. Good morning to you,” she smiled and quickly pushed her books to the side of the table.
“You look busy, am I disturbing you?” I asked.
Rebecca shook her head and replied, “No, well, kind of. I didn’t study Friday night. I was too distracted by something. I have a few hours of studying to catch up on. There’s a math formula I don’t understand and it’s driving me crazy. I could use a break, if you would like to join me for a quick coffee.”
“Another time perhaps, when you aren’t as busy. I must confess, our brief chat has left me,” I paused and grinned at her, “Shall we say, wanting more.”
My words set off a slow burn between her legs. She shifted in her seat and cleared her throat.
“More?” she asked innocently.
“More conversation, Rebecca. Unless you have something else in mind?” I grinned.
She nervously looked away and replied, “No, there’s nothing in my mind. I mean, conversation, yes, more conversation is what I meant, obviously.”
“Perfect, I do hope you won’t keep me waiting too long to converse with you again.”
“How will you know when I’ll be available? All the boys have to book time with me months in advance. I am a very popular girl and might not be able to fit you in my schedule for months, maybe years, just saying,” she coyly chuckled.
“I’m not a boy,” I smiled a half growled reply.
The slow, searing heat between her legs and quiver shot through her again.
She cleared her throat and took a gulp of coffee, “No, you’re definitely not a boy,” she thought to herself.
“May I borrow your pen, Rebecca?”
“Sure,” she replied and quickly handed it to me.
I gently grabbed her wrist and slowly slid the pen from in between her fingers. I rolled the sleeve of her t-shirt over her forearm.
“Will you allow me to scribe my cell number on your delicate flesh, Rebecca?”
She swallowed hard and nodded as her eyes widened and darted to where the pen was going to mark her.
“Thank you,” I smiled and wrote my cell number on her arm. “Call me when you’ve finished playing with all your boys and are able to fit me in your schedule. I am a patient man.”
I rolled her sleeve back down and handed the pen back to her.
“In regards to that math formula. Before we know something, we must learn it,” I grinned and left the pub.
Rebecca stared at the door long after it had shut behind me. A shiver shot up her spine. She grabbed her phone, rolled up her sleeve and quickly typed my cell number in to it.
When she got back to her room, she stripped out of her clothes and slipped on a t-shirt. The fire between her legs was insistent; it showed no signs of letting up.
“Fuck, I need to get laid,” she whispered to herself.
There was no shortage of guys at the college that wanted to get in her pants. She had accumulated a short list of fuck buddies, and quickly decided on Brian. They had fucked a few times. He was a good kisser and she liked how he ate her out and made her cum. He replied right away. It would have to be a quickie. He was in the middle a poker game. Rebecca agreed to the quickie.
When Brian arrived, she took off her t-shirt and kissed him. His smooth lips and face left her wanting. My goatee flashed in her mind. She ached to feel rough whiskers brush against her delicate lips and face.
She unzipped Brian’s pants and pulled out his cock. He was rock hard and throbbed in her hand. He fumbled in his pocket, took out a condom and slipped it over his cock. Rebecca gripped his cock and walked backwards to her bed. She pulled him on top her and aimed his cock at her dripping hole.
“Fuck me, now!” she panted.
Brian slid his full length in to her.
“Yesssss!” she moaned, “Fuck me hard, please!”
He grinned and plunged harder in to her, “Someone’s fucking horny, Becky,” he laughed.
His voice left her aching to be called by her full name, in the low, rumbling growl of my voice.
“I wouldn’t dream of going easy on you, Rebecca.” My half growled words echoed in her ears.
There she was, in the middle of getting fucked, and the slow, searing heat between her legs and quiver shot through her again.
“Will you allow me to scribe my cell number on your delicate flesh, Rebecca?”
“Ohhhhhhfuuuuckyesssss!” she gasped her answer to the question that echoed in her ears as she came.
Brian shot his load shortly after. He rolled off her, slipped off the condom and threw it in the small waste basket that was next to her bed.
He winked as he did up his zipper, “Thanks Becky, call me anytime. Gotta run,” he snickered and bolted out the door.
She got up from her bed, slowly walked to her door, locked it and calmly announced to the world, “Call me Rebecca.”
She stood motionless, blankly staring at the door. One hand gripped the door handle and her other rested on the door frame. She closed her eyes, pressed her lips to the door and imagined a tall handsome man, in a long black coat, standing on the other side. Waiting patiently, with fire in his eyes and a sneering smile.
“Call me when you’ve finished playing with all your boys and are able to fit me in your schedule. I am a patient man.” The words she recalled sent an icy shiver up her spine.
“What have you done to me?” she whispered in desperation.
Rebecca called me Friday evening, five days after she had allowed me to scribe my number on her arm. She was sitting on her bed, legs crossed and nervously wringing the hem of her skirt. She was waiting for her friends; they were going to walk to the pub together.
I answered the call, “Hello.”
“Hi!” she cheerfully greeted me.
My cock stirred and began to stiffen at the sound of her voice.
“Rebecca, nice to hear from you,” I smiled in to the phone.
“Nice to hear your voice again, Gil. I just wanted to call to say hello and see how you are doing.”
“I am very pleased to hear from you. I do hope you are not ignoring one of your many admirers to make this call,” I chuckled.
Rebecca smiled and a warm glow flushed in her cheeks, “I might have exaggerated the extent of my popularity, just a wee bit, Gil,” she laughed.
“I don’t believe you exaggerated at all,” I grinned.
“You are definitely getting better at giving compliments,” Rebecca giggled.
“I wish I could chat a bit longer, but, I really must go. You are frequently in my thoughts, Rebecca. Thank you for the call. I’ll say good night to you now and let you get back to enjoying your evening.”
She rushed through her reply with a slight panic in her voice, “I really wanted to call you sooner. I have been thinking about you a lot and I miss your voice. I want you to know that.”
“Please call me whenever you feel the need to, Rebecca.”
“I will, and could you…”she replied and started to ask a question but stopped abruptly.
“And what, Rebecca?”
“Nothing, I mean, it’s silly. It’s a selfish request. You’re obviously busy tonight,” she replied slightly embarrassed at what she wanted to ask me.
“Do not deny me any opportunity to please you,” I sternly said to her. “Now, please ask.”
My voice startled and excited her at the same time. She felt herself get wetter and pushed her fist between her legs.
“Okay, if you can, will you call later this evening and say good night to me? I don’t care where you are or what time it is. I want to hear you say my name before I fall asleep,” she struggled to get the words out.
“Of course I will. I will call shortly after midnight. May I ask you to do something for me?”
“Anything,” she quickly replied, “I mean, yes, of course you may.”
She closed her eyes tight, shook her head and mouthed, “Real smooth, Rebecca.”
“I hope you will not think my request offensive in any way. May I ask that you be in bed and naked, when I call you?” I calmly asked.
She trembled and pressed her fist on her dripping pussy, trying to extinguish the fire between her legs.
“No, I mean yes, I can do that for you, Gil. And no, I don’t find anything about you offensive.”
“Thank you, good bye for now, Rebecca,” I ended the call.
Rebecca said good bye to her friends and headed to her room at eleven-thirty that evening. She stripped naked, threw on a t-shirt and sat on the edge of her bed. She became increasingly nervous about the phone call she would be receiving.
“Oh my god! He must think I’m the biggest slut,” she panicked.
She looked at her phone to check the time; it was ten minutes to midnight.
“Don’t answer the phone, Rebecca,” she thought to herself, “Call him tomorrow and make up an excuse.”
She scurried to her kitchen and turned on the electric kettle. A cup of tea would relax her. Then she scurried to her bathroom, she had to pee very badly all of a sudden.
She looked at her phone as she waited for the tea to steep. Two minutes past midnight.
“Ohhhhhh, please don’t call!” she panicked.
She sipped her tea while she tried to concentrate on watching a movie. Her eyes darted to her phone. Thirty minutes past midnight. She was certain that I wouldn’t call.
The movie ended and she looked at her phone. Twelve minutes past one.
“Why hasn’t he called?” she thought out loud and checked her phone for missed calls.
“Bastard!” she cursed under her breath and removed her t-shirt, “You got some nerve, mister scary and sexy, I’m not a boy, look at me, I can growl and make girls wet. I should call you and give you a piece of my mind! Better still, I should call a few boys over, take videos of them fucking me and send them to you!”
She held up her phone and pretended that it was me that she was reaming out, “You sir, are a giant dick and a gianter douchebag.”
“What?” she huffed in contempt to an imaginary comment.
“I know full well, gianter isn’t a word. It’s called poetic license, you gianter douchebag!” she scoffed and was pleased with herself at having given me a piece of her mind.
Her phone vibrated and rang; she jumped back and screamed with a start as she threw the phone on to her bed.
“Fuck! That scared the shit outta me!”
She took two deep breaths, calmed herself down and answered the phone.
“Gil, I was out of my mind with worry! Please tell me everything’s alright!”
She placed her hand on her forehead, shook her head and thought to herself, “I’m going straight to hell.”
“Please forgive me, Rebecca. I should have mentioned that I was at the Vancouver airport, waiting to board a plane, when you called me. The departing flight was delayed and we had to circle the airport here, till they repaired an electrical problem on the ground. We just got the okay to land and are in range of cellular service. I was unable to call you any earlier than right now.”
“Oh please, think nothing of it, Gil. I can’t tell you how relieved I am that you’re okay. You had me very worried.”
“I promised to call you and say good night, so, good night, sweet Rebecca. I will let you go, it’s late.”
She bit her lip and smiled, “Well, it’s not that late. I can stay up a bit longer, only if you want me to of course.”
“Of course I want you to. I have been trying to imagine how ravishing you must look.”
“I do look rather ravishing, now that you mention it,” she giggled.
“That giggle of yours, Rebecca. It makes me forget I’m a gentleman,” I softly growled in to the phone.
She stretched out on her bed and spread her legs, “That growl in your voice, Gil, makes me wish you would forget that you’re a gentleman,” she panted and slid her hand over her belly.
“Be careful what you wish for, Rebecca,” I cautioned her.
“What would you do if you were with me right now, Gil?” she panted.
I grinned and replied, “The gentleman in me would tuck you safely in bed and kiss you good night. He’d watch over you as you drifted off to sleep.”
Rebecca slid her hand to her pussy and gently caressed her throbbing clit.
“That’s very sweet of you, Gil. You don’t know how much I would love that,” she panted.
She bit her lip, rubbed her clit harder and asked, “And the not so gentlemanly Gil, what would he do?”
“Are you sure you want to know that, Rebecca?” I cautioned her.
She pinched her clit and panted, “Yes, I need to know!”
I waited a moment before I softly growled my reply, “Unspeakable, depraved, beautiful things, Rebecca.”
“Uhhnnnn, I’m cumming, Gil,” she softly moaned in to the phone.
I waited till I heard her exhale and said “I trust you will sleep well tonight, Rebecca.”
“Is that what you wanted me to do for you, Gil?” she panted.
“Yes. Good night, Rebecca,” I grinned.
“Thank you, Gil. Good night,” she giggled.
Saturday, Rebecca called me just before noon to thank me for calling her.
“How did you sleep, Rebecca?” I chuckled.
She laughed and replied, “Does this mean we are officially friends now?”
“I would think so,” I chuckled, “Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?”
“Only if you promise to elaborate on the unspeakable, depraved, beautiful things you mentioned last night,” she replied after a short silence.
“I’ll pick you up at eight, at the street entrance of your dormitory,” I grinned.
“What shall I wear?” she asked, “Would a blue, strapless mini-dress and stilettos be inappropriate?”
“A blue, strapless mini-dress and stilettos is the perfect attire to be in, while I elaborate on those things,” I grinned.
Rebecca bit down hard on her lower lip to keep herself from moaning out loud.
“See you at eight, Gil.”
I arrived a few minutes early, parked my car outside the street entrance of her dormitory and waited for her. I spotted Rebecca in my review mirror walking to the entrance. I got out of my car and walked to greet her.
“Wow, you look smoking hot in a suit, Gil,” she blushed as soon as she finished her sentence.
“Thank you, Rebecca.”
I took her hand and twirled her around slowly, admiring her sexy form from head to toe. Her bare legs were slender and toned. The dress hugged her subtle curves and showed off her larger, than I had imagined breasts.
I laughed out loud.
Rebecca frowned and asked “You don’t like the dress?”
“On the contrary, you have taken my breath away. You look stunning, Rebecca. I laughed because this is the first time I have seen you while you were not sitting down. Thank you for agreeing to have dinner with me,” I smiled at her and placed a kiss on her cheek.
Her head barely reached my chin. Rebecca lifted and turned her head towards my lips, just enough to allow her lips to brush against my whiskers, then smiled to herself. I opened the car door for her and ravished her with my glare as she slid in to the car seat. Her eyes were locked on to mine, she was pleased at the reaction she had gotten from me.
“Tell me something about you, Gil,” she asked as I accelerated on to the road.
“Would you like me to start with my personal, or work life?”
She turned to look at me and replied, “Work life first, please.”
“Hmmmm, are you sure? I won’t be held responsible if you immediately fall asleep, once I tell you what I do,” I chuckled.
Rebecca laughed and replied, “I promise I won’t doze off, Gil.”
She shifted in her seat and turned her body at an angle towards me.
“I am an independent IT security consultant,” I turned to look at her and grinned, “I am impressed, you are still awake.”
She laughed and replied, “That doesn’t sound boring at all. Do you have a lot of clients?”
“Yes, mostly government agencies and some of the more prominent, financial institutions. They love me, when I find potential points of failure and patch holes in their systems. But become immediately less enamored with me, when they receive my invoices.”
“What about your personal life?” she nervously asked.
“I am a fifty-five year old divorced father of two children. Both university graduates and working out west.”
“You don’t look fifty-five. I guessed you to be in your mid-forties,” Rebecca smiled.
“Tell me about yourself, Rebecca. Other than how popular you are with all the boys,” I chuckled.
Rebecca snickered and replied, “I’m a twenty-two year old, naive young lady, working her way towards a Master’s degree, in education. Both my parents are university professors and that is my ultimate goal.”
“Naive?” I grinned.
“Yes, very naive and much too trusting. You aren’t the type of man that would take advantage of that, are you, Gil?” she coyly asked.
“I am exactly the type of man that would take advantage of that,” I winked at her.
I parked my car in an underground lot. Rebecca grabbed hold of my arm with both her hands and held on to me tightly as we walked to the restaurant. We were seated shortly after we entered. A waitress greeted us at our table, introduced herself and recommended the special, homemade duck egg pasta. We both ordered the special.
“You look gorgeous in that dress,” the waitress complimented Rebecca. “I have the same one in bright yellow. I want it in blue now, seeing how it looks on you.”
“Thank you. It was a hard choice picking the blue over the hot pink,” Rebecca cheerfully replied.
The waitress chuckled, “I feel your pain. How is a girl to choose only one, from all the gorgeous colors?”
We finished our dinner over small talk. I excused myself and asked Rebecca to order espresso for us, if the waitress came before I returned.
When the waitress came to clear the table, Rebecca nervously whispered to her, “May I ask you a question, girl to girl?”
“Oh, I am not leaving till you do, girl to girl, ask away,” she chuckled.
Rebecca leaned towards her and asked, “Is it just me, or do you also feel a bit intimidated by, Gil?”
The smile on the waitress’s face disappeared, “Has he done anything to intimidate you, or worse?” she asked in a serious tone.
“What? Oh god, no! He’s been nothing but sweet and a perfect gentleman to me,” Rebecca whispered.
The waitress sighed in relief and chuckled, “If, by intimidated you mean does he make me want to moan out, ‘Please Daddy, you’re hurting me, but don’t you dare stop!’ Then yes.”
Rebecca gasped in shock and looked around to see if anyone had heard what the waitress had just whispered to her.
The waitress laughed and assured her that no one else had heard, “Intimidated, is not the word I would use, Rebecca,” she snickered and winked.
Rebecca smiled and replied, “Thank you, this is all very new to me. I have never been attracted to an older man before.”
“You’re doing fine. Don’t be nervous. I wish I could find someone, who looks at me the way that he looks at you. And I hope he isn’t all sweet and gentlemanly to you later on tonight.”
“You are horrible!” Rebecca laughed. Then smirked and whispered, “We should definitely be friends.”
Two espressos were on the table when I got back from the restroom.
“May I ask favor of you, Rebecca?”
“Ask away, I might say yes,” she coyly replied.
“Do you know what a safe word is?”
She lowered her eyes and replied, “Oddly enough I do.”
I leaned towards her and placed the palm of my hand on her cheek.
“Good, I wanted to ask you to decide on a safe word. The way you look in that blue dress, would you consider choosing, blue, as your safe word? I will understand if you want to pick your own,” I whispered to her.
I felt her quiver as she closed her eyes and softly replied, “Yes.”
She gasped when she realized what she had agreed to. There was no more doubt in her mind or her body, what it was that she so desperately ached for.
“Thank you, Rebecca,” I smiled.
We finished our coffee and I asked, “Are you ready to leave?”
She nodded her head and replied, “I need to use the little girl’s room first.”
“Later,” I sternly said to her as I stood up and offered her my arm.
“I really need to pee, Gil. I’ll be right back, I promise,” she whispered her plea as she stood up and slipped her arm around mine.
“No. You will be able to pee soon enough. You have a safe word now, Rebecca. Let’s put you through your paces,” I grinned.
Rebecca wrapped both her arms around my arm and walked in silence beside me. Her clit throbbed. Her nipples, hard and erect were fully visible through her dress. Each step she took sent a sweet, throbbing ache to her soaked pussy.
I walked her to the passenger side door, “Squat and pee, Rebecca,” I ordered.
“Gil, please!” she begged in a panic as she looked around the parking lot for signs of anyone that might be leaving or entering a vehicle.
“I asked you to squat and pee. Do it now, please,” I growled at her as I turned her around by the shoulders and lifted her dress over her firm ass and slim hips.
Rebecca held her breath and stood deathly still. She wasn’t wearing panties. Her ass was perfectly heart shaped. I took a moment to admire her lovely curves as I grabbed her ass cheek and squeezed it hard.
“Do you need help, Rebecca?” I sternly asked as I turned her around to face me again.
She shook her head, placed her right hand on the car door and squatted. It took only a few seconds till she started to pee. I stood in front of her, my crotch inches away from her face. Rebecca glared at the outline of my semi erect cock bulging in my pants.
When she finished peeing she tried to stand up. I placed my hand on the top of her head.
“Not yet, Rebecca. I need you to do one more thing for me,” I calmly informed her.
She nodded in silence.
“Blue, is your safe word. When you need me to stop, you will use your safe word. If you do not use your safe word, I will continue doing whatever it is that I am doing to you, no matter what else you say to me. Do you understand, Rebecca?”
She nodded her head and swallowed hard.
“Kiss my cock,” I sternly ordered.
She looked up at me and shook her head.
A desperate fire burned in her big green eyes, “Make me kiss your cock,” they begged.
I grabbed her hair and yanked her head back.
“Kiss my cock,” I growled and pulled her face to my crotch. “You aren’t wearing panties, kissing my cock should come naturally to a slut.”
Rebecca moaned and shook her head in defiance again. Being called a slut aroused her in a way she never thought possible. I pulled her head back, gripped her throat and squeezed it hard enough to make her cheeks flush. Rebecca grabbed on to my wrist with both her hands.
I growled slowly at her, “I won’t let go of your throat till you kiss my cock, slut.”
Rebecca shook her head again and let out a short gurgling gasp. She had become extremely aroused at being treated roughly. I tightened my grip on her carotid arteries.
I growled again at her, “I have no problem with squeezing your throat till you pass out, slut. Your beautiful green eyes are beginning to bulge out of their sockets. Understand that you are only here to pleasure my cock. Now, kiss my cock, use your safe word or pass out, Rebecca.”
My words sent an intense, lustful jolt of excitement through her. She released her grip on my wrist and searched for her dripping slit. Her fingers rubbed her clit with a frantic urgency. She glared at me through wide, tear filled, hungry, bulging eyes. Spit flew out of her mouth and ran down her chin, with each raspy, constricted breath.
“Use your safe word, Rebecca,” I snarled at her.
She shook her head and rolled her eyes to the back of her head, “N-no,” her voice gurgled.
She closed her eyes and rubbed her clit faster and harder. She was very close to cumming.
“Open your eyes and look at me if you are going to cum, slut!” I snarled and yanked on her hair.
She opened her eyes and looked at me, “For you,” she gurgled.
A long, powerful orgasm shook her at her core. I waited till she exhaled hard and took a deep, gurgling breath.
“Kiss my cock, Rebecca,” I grinned.
She placed her lips on my cock and kissed it lovingly. She licked at the head and brushed her cheek along its entire length. I released my grip on her throat and let go of her hair. She coughed and spit as she desperately sucked air in to her lungs. I offered her my hand. She took my hand, steadied herself against the car door and stood up on rubbery legs. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close to me.
“Thank you, Rebecca. Are you able to stand on your own?” I whispered in her ear.
She lifted her head off my chest, looked at me and panted, “Yes, I think so.”
I kissed her lips and stepped away from her. Her makeup had become a smeared mess on her pretty face. She cleared her throat as she pulled her dress down and brushed strands of hair away from her face. Her eyes filled with tears as she thought about what I had done to her.
“Bastard!” she sobbed.
I took a step towards her and she stepped away from me, “Don’t you dare touch me!” she hissed.
She took a quick step towards me and beat her fist on my chest, “I hate you!”
I grinned at her, wanting whatever that was raging inside her to come to the surface.
She slapped my face hard when she saw me grin and yelled, “I am not a slut, how dare you?”
I turned my head to look away from her, she slapped my face again and screamed, “Have the decency to look at me!”
The angle of my head caused her hand to strike my bottom lip. A stinging, hot pain shot through my lip and a metallic taste filled my mouth. The blow had cut me. I wiped the warm blood off my lip with a finger, looked at Rebecca as I licked the blood off and grinned at her.
“Are you finished, Rebecca?” I calmly asked her.
“Don’t talk to me,” she hissed and slapped me again.
I ran my tongue over the cut on my lip and sucked it in to my mouth, “Are you finished now?”
“Don’t!” she hissed and raised her hand to strike me.
Instead, she placed her hand on my cheek and ran her thumb over the gash on my lip.
“I’m sorry,” she sobbed and lunged at me.
She wrapped her arms around my neck, got up on her toes and kissed me hard. She opened her mouth wide and sent her tongue probing, desperately and deep in to my mouth. The metallic taste of my blood fueled her lust. My cock was fully erect and throbbing against her body. She pushed and rubbed harder against me.
I undid my zipper and pulled my cock out of my pants.
“Please!” she gasped her desperate plea in to my mouth.
I growled and lifted her in to my arms. She wrapped her legs around my waist and locked her ankles. I pinned her against my car and impaled her with one vicious thrust.
Rebecca snapped her head back, her mouth and eyes wide open, and a gurgling cry caught in her throat. I pulled my cock out and stabbed it back inside her, hard and fast. Rebecca’s pussy exploded around my cock. Her pussy tightened and quivered as she started to cum. I felt sperm rush to the base my cock and build up in pressure till I couldn’t hold back anymore.
I buried my cock balls deep inside her and growled, “Feel me marking your insides, slut!” and pumped her full of hot cum.
Rebecca tightened her legs around my waist and shook as her orgasm violently tore through her. Slowly, her shaking subsided.
When she had regained enough control to exhale, she screamed, “OOHHHHHFUUUUUCKKKKK!”
Her body went limp and she crumbled in to my arms. She moaned softly and looked up at me.
“I’m so sorry for hitting you, Gil. Please tell me you forgive me,” she sobbed and placed quick, gentle kisses on my lips after each word she had spoken.
“I forgive you, Rebecca,” I whispered, “Let’s get in the car, I’ll take you home.”
She was silent and wouldn’t look at me as we drove. She had closed her eyes and rested her head against the window.
“Are you alright, Rebecca?” I asked.
She opened her eyes and took a deep breath before she answered, “I don’t know how I feel about what just happened.”
“Give it time. Things will become clear in time,” I comforted her.
“How can you be sure of that?” she asked in a worried laden voice.
“It’ll take time to process what happened and how you will feel. You are trying to process everything all at once. A lot of what happened tonight, you have never experienced before. You don’t know how you feel about those experiences yet. Once you do, it’ll all make sense to you, Rebecca.”
“I like the way you say my name. That, I am sure of,” she smiled.
I smiled back at her.
“Before we know something, we must to learn it. Right?” she asked.
“Yes, my beautiful and clever girl,” I whispered.
She became silent again and stared distantly out the window for a few minutes.
“Blue,” she sobbed.
“What?” I asked confused as to why she would use her safe word.
“Blue, you told me to say, blue. You promised me that if I wanted to stop anything, all I had to say was, blue. You’re taking me to my dorm where I’ll be alone. I don’t want to be alone tonight, Gil,” her words were strained and tears welled up in her eyes.
“You may stay with me for as long as you want to, Rebecca,” I smiled and gently squeezed her thigh.
She nodded and closed her eyes.
I carried Rebecca to my bed. She fell asleep before her head hit the pillow. What I had put her through had emotionally exhausted her.
I woke up early the next morning and cancelled all my appointments for the day. I showered and went back to my bedroom to check on Rebecca. She was still fast asleep. I removed the towel that was wrapped around my waist and dried my hair with it.
Rebecca stretched and slowly came out of her slumber. She looked over at me and smiled.
“Good morning, Gil,” she softly said with a sleep filled voice and half open eyes.
“Good morning, sleepy head,” I chuckled.
The smile on her face turned to a wide eyed stare when she realized that I was naked. She sat up and pulled the bed sheet up to her chin, making sure her entire body was covered from sight.
“Oh! Good naked! I mean, you’re naked!” she shrieked and turned her head away from me.
I laughed and covered myself with the towel.
“Is this better, Rebecca?” I chuckled.
She turned her head and took a quick peek, “Yes, thank you.”
“Are you hungry?”
She nodded and fought the urge to let her eyes roam over my bare, chiseled torso.
“If you turn around, I can get dressed and leave you to shower. I have put a t-shirt and track pants in the bathroom for you. There are plenty of towels. Take your time, call out when you’re almost done and I’ll make you a coffee.”
She nodded and turned her back to me. I put on a pair of track pants and told her it was safe to turn around. I walked to the bed and picked up my t-shirt.
“Wait, what are you doing?” Rebecca asked.
“I’m getting dressed, at your request,” I replied.
“Slowly, please?” she snickered and blushed.
I kissed her forehead and grinned, “As slow as you want me to.”
“Fifty-five, huh?” she smiled at me.
“Yes, fifty-five. I have been to the gym once or twice,” I winked at her.
“I like fifty-five, a lot,” she winked back.
I laughed as I put on my t-shirt and made my way to the kitchen to put a pot of coffee on. Twenty minutes later, Rebecca called out that she was almost done. She came to the kitchen wearing only a gray hoodie, zipped all the way up to her neck. She had rolled up the sleeves well past her elbows. It looked like she was wearing a tent, rather than an article of clothing.
“I hope you don’t mind me wearing your hoodie, I was tripping over the track pants,” she smiled and walked over to the sink to stand next to me.
“I don’t mind at all. Please, make yourself at home,” I said as I handed her a cup of coffee.
“Thank you. Aren’t you working today, Gil?”
“I rescheduled two conference calls, nothing urgent. Do you have anyone to call?”
“No, but I probably have a million texts, asking how last night went,” she replied with half a smile.
“Are you feeling any better?” I asked her.
“Somewhat. I slept well and feel energized. I feel as if an incredible amount of weight has been lifted off me.”
“That’s good, that means that a lot of stress has left your body,” I smiled. “Anything special you would like for breakfast, Rebecca?”
“Hmmm, yes. Scrambled eggs, pancakes, French toast, fresh fruit, low fat yogurt and a hug,” she snickered as she counted each of the items on her fingers as she said them.
I smiled and spread my arms. Rebecca placed her cup on the counter and wrapped her arms tightly around my waist. She inhaled deeply and let out a long sigh. When she felt my cock stir against her body, she smiled to herself.
“At least one part of you doesn’t hate me,” she said as she looked down at my growing cock.
“No part of me, hates any part of you, Rebecca,” I whispered and kissed the top of her head.
“Your lip is still swollen. Does it hurt?” she asked with sincere concern in her voice.
“Its fine,” I warmly smiled at her.
She slid her hand between our bodies and rubbed my cock with the back of her arm, as her fingers stroked her clit.
“Look at me, please,” she desperately panted.
I grinned and held her gaze, as Rebecca slowly stroked her clit. Her body quivered intermittently as she brought herself closer to an orgasm. After a few minutes of working her clit, she gasped and began to tremble.
“For you,” she whispered and quickly took a deep breath.
Her knees buckled, she grabbed on to my arm with her free hand to steady herself and came.
We talked the morning away over coffee. She was leaning against me, on the couch, with her legs tucked under her. Rebecca had become a lot more comfortable with the previous night’s events and wanted to talk about them.
“Why do you want to hurt me, Gil?” she nervously asked.
“Did I hurt you last night, Rebecca?” I asked her.
She thought about what I asked for a moment and replied, “A bit, when you pulled my hair and choked me.”
“You could have used your safe word, Rebecca. I would have stopped immediately.”
“It wasn’t a bad pain, or intense enough to make me use my safe word. I guess I don’t understand the reasons why you want to hurt me.”
“I do not want to hurt you just for the sake of inflicting pain. That would be cruel. You were incredibly aroused and came twice, in a matter of minutes, Rebecca,” I smiled at her, “I get extremely aroused when a woman lustfully accepts the pain I inflict upon her, and is aroused by it, just as you were last night.”
She smiled back at me and replied, “I was incredibly aroused, wasn’t I? And the orgasms were incredibly intense.”
She traced my goatee with her fingers and asked, “Would you have stopped, if I had used my safe word, Gil?”
“You know I would have, and always will, Rebecca.”
“Why did you call me a slut?”
“For me,” I replied softly, “I want you to be a slut only for me, Rebecca.”
She remained silent for a moment, exhaled hard and replied, “I knew that too. I guess I wasn’t ready to hear it or accept it yesterday.”
She got up on her knees and asked, “You couldn’t have possibly known that I would have let you do to me, all that you did last night?”
“I didn’t know, but I needed to know, either way,” I replied.
She hugged me and said, “I’m glad you did it. I have a better understanding of how I feel about this.”
“We’ll take it at your pace, Rebecca. If and when you want to continue,” I assured her.
She grinned and coyly asked, “The exposed ceiling beams in your bedroom aren’t only for decoration, are they?”
I laughed and shook my head, “Very perceptive of you, Rebecca.”
“When will you show me?” she mischievously asked.
“When you feel you’re ready, just ask me.”
“Now,” she smiled.
“At your service,” I replied.
I stood up, flung her over my shoulder and carried her to my bedroom. She let out a yelp and laughed as I carried her. I let her back down when I reached my closet.
“You will need to be naked, if you wish to see the collection of toys I have for you,” I grinned.
“Done!” Rebecca excitedly exclaimed as she removed the hoodie and dropped it at her feet.
“Slide the door open,” I said to her with a grin.
She took a deep breath and bit her lower lip. She grabbed the handle and slowly slid the door open. Her eyes widened at the sight of, floggers, ropes, cuffs, riding crops, latex masks, ball gags and canes, neatly hung on the wall.
“May I touch them?” she excitedly asked.
“Of course you may.”
“Which is your favorite, Gil?” she asked with mischief in her voice.
“Are you familiar with the meaning of your name, Rebecca?”
“Think of its meaning and…” before I could finish my sentence, Rebecca grabbed a coiled rope off its hook and presented it to me.
“Clever girl,” I grinned.
“Which is most painful?” she asked.
“Without a doubt, the rattan canes. Please tread lightly, Rebecca,” I sternly warned her.
She grabbed a cane and turned to face me, “I will use my safe word if I have to, I promise. I want to be your slut and need to know if I am capable of it.”
I took the cane from her and pulled her to me. I crushed her lips with a passionate kiss. Her words set off an explosion in me. I felt fire ablaze in my eyes. I felt a grin form on my lips, as I took control of the fire.
Rebecca sensed my arousal and the fire between her legs raged out of control. She wanted more than to just look at the fire in my eyes. She wanted to touch it and be touched by it.
“Did your slut do that to you?” she panted.
“Sirrrrr,” I snarled long and low at her.
“Fuck!” she gasped, “Did your slut do that to you, Sir?”
“Yes, now turn around and place your hands behind your back,” I sneered.
She obeyed. I unraveled the rope and bound her wrists behind her back. I bound her arms and breasts, in a chest harness, tight. I attached another rope to the back of the chest harness and slipped it over a supporting beam. I pulled the slack out of the rope, lifting her till she was pulled up on to her toes. I closed the tie. I used another rope to tie a shackle on her left thigh, just above the knee. I slipped the rope over the beam and pulled her leg up, till her knee was almost level with her shoulder.
I closed the tie to lock her leg in place and kneeled between her spread legs. I leaned closer to her cunt and inhaled her scent, deeply and slowly. Rebecca moaned and quivered at the sight of my mouth so close her throbbing clit and dripping slit.
“Ohhhhhhh, fuck, Gil! You’re going to make me cum without touching me!” she panted.
“Your scent of arousal is intoxicating. May I taste your cunt, Rebecca?” I growled softly.
She sucked both her lips in to her mouth and nodded. I parted her inner lips and spit on her exposed clit. Rebecca shivered and moaned. I immediately assaulted her cunt with my bearded mouth and licked the entire length of her dripping, pink slit. Rebecca let out a long sigh and thrust her hips forward. I covered her cunt with mouth and sucked on it, licking her clit and sinking my teeth in to her soft flesh.
I grabbed her hips and turned her around. I spread her firm ass cheeks wide and licked around her tight, puckered, pink butt hole. She squirmed and moaned at the wet, warm sensation that shot from her asshole in to her belly.
I abruptly stood up and slapped her hard between the legs. A loud, wet smack filled the room.
“Owwwwwwwwfuuuuckkk!” Rebecca screamed out.
I squeezed her cunt and yanked on her slick inner lips.
“Ow-ow-ow-ow-owwwwww!” she screamed as she struggled in vain to escape my brutal grip.
I placed my lips to her ear and calmly whispered, “Shhhhhhhh.”
She nodded and sobbed silently. I slapped her cunt again.
“Ohhhowwww!” she cried out.
I kissed her lips softly and whispered, “Shhhhhhh, Rebecca. Try not to make a sound for me.”
I wiped the tears away from her cheek and slapped her between the legs again. All I heard was a short, high pitched squeal from her.
“Much better, Rebecca,” I growled at her.
I picked up the rattan cane and caressed her inner thigh with it. Rebecca looked down between her legs and stared wide eyed at the cane.
“Don’t look, Rebecca,” I sternly warned her.
She quickly lifted her head and shut her eyes tight. I struck her inner thigh with a sharp, short swing. Her eyes flew open and she burst out in tears as she screamed out from the stinging, burning pain.
“Shhhhhhh, my pretty slut,” I whispered in her ear.
I struck the inner thigh of her shackled leg. She sobbed harder and cried out again. Another short, sharp swing of the cane caught the outer thigh of the leg she was balancing herself on. It gave out and her body swayed in midair. I swung the cane sharply, two more times across her ass cheeks. The cane dug deep in to her, as her tight flesh rippled from the blows.
Her body stiffened and bent backwards.
“Just a few more, Rebecca,” I snarled at her.
I stuck her across the back with four quick, short blows. And four more sharp blows across the back of her leg.
Rebecca’s body shook uncontrollably as she cried out in pain. I spun her around and struck her four more times across her belly.
“OHHHHH-OW-OW-OWWWWW!” she sobbed uncontrollably, “Ple-ease, Sir!”
“Use your safe word, Rebecca. If you want me to stop, use your safe word,” I sternly reminded her.
She let her body go limp and nodded. I lifted her head by her hair and glared in to her eyes. She stared back at me unblinking. There was fear, pain and lust in her beautiful green eyes. My cock was at full erection, it twitched hard and my balls tightened at the sight of her lovely eyes.
“My slut is going to make me cum,” I growled. “Where shall I cum, Rebecca?”
“Inside me, deep inside me, please Sir!” she panted through sobs.
I pulled her hair and spun her till her ass rubbed against my throbbing cock. I spread her ass cheeks and drove my cock deep in to her ass.
Rebecca tried to scream, but the sudden sharp, burning pain in her ass stifled the cry deep in her throat. I savagely and mercilessly fucked her tight, young ass. It took less than a dozen thrusts till I filled her ass with cum. I pulled my cock out of her and spun her around to face me. My cum dripped out of her gaping asshole and ran down her leg in thick globs.
I grabbed her hair and pulled her head down to her chest, “Look at how my rope makes the soft flesh of your breasts swell. Do you have any idea how much that arouses me, Rebecca?”
She moaned and shook her head.
“Your perfect, full, lovely breasts have been driving me insane, Rebecca. I have fought an impossible and irresistible urge since I first saw you, to maul them with my hands, mouth, teeth and cock. I want to mark them as mine, before I allow myself the pleasure of tasting, and using them as I see fit. Will you allow me to mark them as mine?” I growled in a lust fueled voice.
“Yes, I want to give them to you,” she sobbed hard and bravely tried to smile at me.
“Thank you, Rebecca. I am going to strike the top of your breasts. There will be deep bruising shortly after I have struck you. The blow will not be hard. It doesn’t have to be, because the skin and flesh of your breasts are bound tight and taut. But, the blow will hurt more than the others, because they are bound so tight. The only tending to you will require after I have finished, will be to your breasts. All the other markings, they’ll disappear in a few days, unfortunately,” I calmly explained to her.
I grabbed her hair and lifted her head away from her chest. Rebecca focused on my eyes as I struck the blow. The cane sunk in to her breasts. A soft thwack filled the room. Her flesh swelled around the cane’s diameter for an instant. And a raised, blood red welt was left where the cane bit in to her.
I had marked her beasts as mine.
I watched as Rebecca’s eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body stiffened from the paralyzing pain. It took a few seconds till she was capable to bellow out in pain. Then, silence for a moment and she started sobbing again.
“All that’s left to mark is your delicious cunt, Rebecca. Are you ready?” I calmly asked her.
She let out a loud sob and nodded her head. I rubbed her pussy with the cane and kissed her for a moment. Without warning, I pulled the cane away from in between her legs and flicked my wrist upwards.
Rebecca’s body shook uncontrollably as she cried out. I struck her pussy with two more quick flicks of my wrist.
“One more, Rebecca, and we’re done,” I whispered and flicked the cane at her pussy.
“AHHHHHOOOWWWWWW!” she cried out and went limp.
“We are done, Rebecca,” I said and hugged her.
I lifted her head gently by her chin. She turned her head and shut her eyes tight.
“Please look at me, Rebecca.”
She sobbed and shook her head.
“Why?” I asked her.
Through deep sobs and in a small voice she replied, “I don’t want you to see my like this.”
“You have never looked more beautiful to me, Rebecca. Please, look at me.”
She slowly turned her head and opened her tear filled eyes.
“Thank you, Rebecca. You are lovely,” I smiled at her, “Would you like to cum now?”
“Plea-ea-se,” she begged through deep uncontrollable sobs.
I gently kissed her lips as I slid my hand down and across her belly, till I found her dripping cunt. I slid a finger inside her and twirled it in slow circles. She sucked on my swollen lip, hungry for the metallic taste again.
“Your cunt is tight, hot and dripping, Rebecca. I think you are a bit of a pain slut,” I growled and gently pressed my thumb on her swollen clit.
“Mmmmppphhhh,” she moaned and bit my lip.
Her teeth gnashed my cut open again. She shivered as the metallic taste of my blood filled her mouth. I felt her cunt slowly tighten around my finger. She pulled her mouth away from mine and tucked her chin tight in to her chest. She quivered. Her quivers slowly built up in to violent convulsions. She shrieked out my name, as her orgasm exploded with an intensity that almost rendered her unconscious.
I held her in my arms till she was still. She lifted her head and stared blankly at me for a moment. A smile slowly appeared on her lips. I untied her and helped her to sit on the edge of my bed.
“I’ll be right back, Rebecca.”
“No!” she cried out in a panic, “Please don’t leave me, please!” as she grabbed my arm with both hands.
“I need to apply lotion on the marks on your breasts, Rebecca. I will be right back, I promise,” I smiled and assured her.
“Okay,” she sobbed, “Please promise you won’t be too long, Gil.”
I kissed her forehead, “I promise, Rebecca.”
I gently applied the lotion on and around the raised welts that were streaked across the top of her breasts. I took her in my arms and sat her on my lap. She tucked her arms and legs to her body and sobbed one last time.
I placed an ankle bracelet in her trembling hands. A smile formed slowly on her lips. Her fingers traced over the four gold letters on the bracelet and she mouthed the word, slut. She clasped her fingers around the ankle bracelet and clutched it tight to her breast.