Yet, hate seems to consume it all,
Burning it to the ground.
These feelings,
Mixed emotions.
It’s so confusing!
What do I do?!
Leave me be!
But please, I beg, love me too?
How do I describe my feelings?
How easily they can change when you are the factor.
How do I start?
Where do I start?
This jealousy is ugly and rude.
The green monster cannot be controlled.
Once let out, it stomps and roars.
It throws tantrums,
Spits fire at anyone near,
Scratches and kicks.
Pushes and yells.
But please, I beg, don’t love another.
I love you,
Can’t you see?
But I hate you too!
Leave me be!
But I do pray, please don’t stop loving me.
My moods changes without warning.
The green monster stomps and roars,
Pushes and yells,
Kicks and scratches,
Spits fire at anyone near.
My heart swells with love,
And fills with hate.
These feelings,
Mixed emotions.
They drive me insane!
You control my every emotion.
With a pull of a string,
They go in a frenzy.
I laugh, I love.
I moan, I beg.
I cry, I scream.
I hate, I am jealous!
My mind is going to explode!
Stop pulling the damn strings!
My moods changes without warning.
The green monster spits fire at anyone near,
It pushes and yells,
Stomps and roars,
Kicks and scratches.
But I keep begging, don’t stop loving me.
This green monster,
So ugly and rude.
It cannot be controlled,
Cannot be tamed.
Once let out, it can bring destruction.
It is you, who let it out.
You, who can lock it up.
You hold the key to my every emotion,
My every feeling.
I am exhausted.
My moods changes without warning.
The green monster stomps and roars behind bars
That can easily be open,
Letting me know of it’s continued existence.
I am tired, physically and emotionally.
This jealousy,
This line between love and hate
Is too much for me to take.
Leave me be,
But I am begging, please, love only me.
I do love you,
Can’t you see?
But I hate you too.