Being Adopted

"You can't choose your family, and you may find you have no choice."

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She looked so innocent. Pure.

The first time I saw her, it was like that scene from the movie, where Kevin Spacey sees the cheerleader, and she seems to glow. My travels took me through the town where my daughter was attending college, so I called to set up a lunch date. My daughter invited me to join her and her friends because they were about to get lunch. She was sitting across from me when I joined my daughter at their table. Her eyes were pure and round and she couldn’t seem to stop watching my every move.

After lunch, I continued on my journey for work. The next semester, my daughter dropped out, moved back closer to home, and found a new set of friends. I see comments from some of her college friends on my daughter’s online posts, but never anything from the girl with the eyes. I didn’t even remember her name. And then I got an unusual phone call from my daughter.

“Hey dad, remember Theresa, from Platteville?” she asked.

“No? Was she one of your roommates at the house?”

“No, she was there that time you met me for lunch at the student union. She sat across from us.”

My heart skipped a beat. I knew exactly who she was asking about.

“I guess, but not really. What about her?”

“She ended up stranded at the Cook County Circuit Court building in Rolling Meadows. She remembered me saying I worked with you in Schaumburg one summer, and she was hoping I could come rescue her. Isn’t that close to your office?

“That’s about ten minutes from here. Do you want me to rescue your friend for you?”

“Please? She said she only needs a ride home.”

“As long as she doesn’t need bail money, I guess I can do it.”

“Thanks! Love ya, dad.”

It was nearly lunch time, so I skipped out of work early. My daughter texted me to let me know that Theresa knew I was coming.

I saw her before she saw me. She was standing at a counter in the lobby, talking to a police officer. In the years since I had first seen her, her style had matured, but her face was just as pretty. Her eyes were not nearly as bright as I remembered. At least they weren’t until she turned as saw me.

She took a quick intake of breath, and a half smile lit up her face. Her beautiful pure eyes locked on mine, and she turned toward me as I approached. I stopped a respectable step away from her and the officer, but she stepped in close and threw her arms around me. I gave her a quick hug, but she clung to me far longer. I smiled an apology to the officer.

“I assume you will vouch for this young lady,” he asked with a smile.

I had only met her once, five years ago. I know nothing about her, not even her last name. I would lie about nearly anything if I thought she would keep looking at me like that with those eyes.

“She’s my daughter’s best friend. Unless she did something really bad, I guess I vouch for her. What did she do?”

She finally released the bear hug she held around me, and although she stepped slightly away from me, she purposefully stepped under my arm.

“Nothing bad, sir,” he said with a smile. “Our parking lot security detected a problem with the plates on the car she is driving. It’s not a big deal, but she won’t be able to fix it until tomorrow, and we can’t let her drive it until she gets it fixed. I hope you understand.”

I stole a quick look at Theresa. She was nodding at what he said, and she wasn’t upset.

“I’m sure she will explain,” I temporized. “Thank you for keeping an eye on her.”

He and I smiled and shook hands, and Theresa let me lead her out to my car. I opened her door for her, and she followed me with those eyes as I walked around and got in.

“Will you drive me out Palatine Road to Barrington?” she asked before I even started the car.

“Hi, Theresa, good to see you,” I teased. “It’s been a while. What’s going on in your life? What’s the deal with your car?”

“Hi, um, can I call you Daddy? It’s all kind of a long story. It will be easier to explain when we get to the house, so you can see. Are you in a hurry to get back for work?”

Technically, I get a half hour for lunch. My hours are not tracked, so I do take longer lunches occasionally. She was watching me with those eyes, and my heart skipped again.

“No hurries at all,” I managed to say.

“Do you remember that day at lunch?” she asked.

“I remember the food wasn’t very good,” I answered. I couldn’t tell her how many times I had fantasized about the way she had watched me. After a few months, my mind had found something else to obsess about, but I suspected that the obsession was going to be back.

“In four years of school, my father never once drove down to see me,” she said. “Your daughter teased me about how I was looking at you. She said it was gross to have naughty thoughts about someone’s dad. I wasn’t having naughty thoughts, at least not then. I was enthralled with the way you treated your daughter. You hugged her hello, and you joked with her. You liked being there with her. You let her steal the last twenty dollars out of your wallet.”

Her eyes dimmed, and a small frown creased her brow. “My father was never like that at all,” she said quietly.

She tried to force a smile back onto her face, and she said, “My life took a serious turn after that day. I would never have guessed how the choices I made then would have led me here.”

I wanted her to explain that comment, but we were getting close to her house, and she pretended that she had to focus on the directions. I had to trust her with where she was taking us. She entered a code on a keypad, and a gate let us into a rich person’s estate. She had me park by the garage next to the big house. She used a keypad and a key to let us in. The place reeked of money.

She suddenly seemed nervous. I was out of place in such a nice house, and suddenly I felt nervous too.

“Daddy,” she said tentatively, “I want to show you something.” Her eyes were clouded with fear. I realized she was afraid to reveal something.

“Theresa,” I said as I took her hands in mine, “are things okay for you here?”

The fear evaporated. It was replaced by something else, but I couldn’t quite place it.

“Daddy,” she said approvingly, “do you want to protect me?”

There was something about the almost formality of her question that almost gave me second thoughts.

“Is somebody hurting you?” I asked.

“Daddy,” she teased, “will you save me from myself?”

“Tell me what you need,” I answered.

“You won’t believe me unless I show you,” she said with a smile.

She took my hand and I let her lead me to what looked like a cellar door. The room we had entered into was a back entryway for the house. There was a short stairway up to the kitchen, and a long hallway that led to the front of the house. A small side room had coat hooks and brooms. A short stairway led down to a small landing and a plank door. Someone had installed a hasp and a lock on it. The hasp was open and the lock was hanging on the loop.

She pulled the door open, and we ducked down the a few more stairs into what I guess should be called a utility suite. There was a larger open room, with a desk and a bed. In one corner, a partial wall defined a space with a toilet and a shower. There was a chair at the desk, and a large wardrobe along the wall. There were padlocks on the desk and the wardrobe, but the locks were open.

Theresa looked thoughtful, but not afraid.

“What is this place?” I demanded.

“This was my home, until two weeks ago,” she said calmly.

Nobody chooses to live like this. Some asshole put her here, and kept her here. That asshole was going to die if he tried to stop me from taking her out of here. She saw my posture and attitude change.

“Daddy, wait,” she commanded.

“If you’re not safe here,” I started to say.

“We’re the only ones here,” she interrupted. “I need one thing right now, and I’m safe with you, right?”

She stepped very close to me, and put her hands on my chest. Her eyes were lit up and I suddenly recognized the fire of lust. We were very alone, and she was very close. My heart skipped a beat, and I wondered if she was safe from me. She saw me come to that realization, and her smile got bigger.

“Daddy,” she said, “I need something, and you’re going to help me.”

She trusted me. She was safe with me. I nodded, because I didn’t trust myself to speak.

“The man who lived here was Rutger,” she said. “He had posted a job opening on a special site for colleges. I had interviewed with him about a week before you came to lunch. The job posting was for a financial accounts assistant. He planned to train the candidate to manage all of his assets. He did not include in the post that he wanted a surrogate daughter. Do you trust me, Daddy?”

My brain struggled with the unexpected question. “Sure,” I replied.

“I need you to take off your shirt,” she said with a smile. She walked over to the wardrobe, and removed some items that I did not see. I was struggling with her request.

It was a bad idea. That route would only lead to madness. My shirt hit the floor before my mind could invent another objection. She smiled and pushed me back until I sat on the bed.

“I saw you,” she continued saying, “and I wanted a father like you. I thought that any father would be better than the one I had. I guess I was kind of wrong. The first couple of months were awesome. Rutger treated me like a daughter, and learning about his financials was exciting. There was a lot to learn. Daddy, put this blindfold on, please.”

I wondered how I was supposed to watch her eyes, but I allowed her to tie it in place.

“I didn’t know that he had been married, and they had a daughter. One day, Rutger was acting moody, and I found out that his wife and daughter had died in a car accident several years earlier on that day. I had no idea how to deal with a loss like that. I tried to comfort him. I ended up seducing him. Or maybe he seduced me. We had been drinking, so it’s had to tell. Lie down with your arms up, Daddy, and hold still.”

What on earth was she up to? She had moved to sit on my lap after she tied the blindfold on, and her hands had been caressing my shoulders. I am sure she could feel my arousal growing between us. My arousal should have evaporated when I felt first one hand cuff and then a second as she secured my wrists to the corners of the bed. It did not.

“The next day, Rutger blamed me. He called me nasty names. He informed me that he was going to have to treat me like the slut that I was. During the day, he continued to train me on his accounts. He even gave me full control of some of them. But at night, he was my master. I was his slave. Lift your butt, Daddy.”

She had already worked my belt, snap and zipper loose. There was no chance that I would stop her. One tiny voice of reason made me talk.

“Theresa, are you sure?” I started to ask.

A loud crack echoed around the room as she slapped my stomach really hard. It didn’t really hurt, but it stung like hell. It also startled the crap out of me.

“Daddy,” she said sternly, “I thought you were smarter than this. We have started a little game. From now on, you will call me ‘Missy’, because I am your Mistress, and I am in charge. You will do what I tell you to do, no questions. Now lift your ass!”

I lifted my ass. She made me naked. Her tiny hands caressed the shaft of my cock. I couldn’t remember the last time it had been that hard.

“Rutger died two weeks ago. We had just finished a huge financial deal, and he chose to celebrate with the most aggressive sex I had ever seen him attempt. He gave himself a brain aneurism, and he died on top of me. I’m sorry Daddy, but I will need you to stay hard.”

Honestly, I was concerned for her. What a tragedy the last couple of weeks had to have been for her. I was not sure what I could do to help, and then her mouth engulfed my flagging cock, and I couldn’t think at all. In moments, I was as hard as I have ever been.

“Well this isn’t right,” she said with a giggle. She moved away from me and I could hear her taking her clothes off. She continued her story as she undressed.

“I couldn’t bring myself to cry. Our lawyers pushed a grief counselor at me, and after I shocked her by telling her all of the insane things I had let him do to me, she suggested that I needed to find a way to let those feeling go so I could mourn him properly.”

Her tiny hands caressed my stomach and then cradled my cock.

She straddled my chest, with her knees in close by my ribs. I could only imagine that her pussy was hovering over my mouth, and her mouth was near my cock.

“Daddy, lick my pussy,” she commanded. “Start nice and slow, but make me cum hard. Don’t stop until I tell you to.”

“Yes, Missy,” I said as she sat back on my face.

In the same way that her eyes shone pure and bright when she looked at me, she tasted pure and bright on my tongue. She was quite wet, and soon her juices were dripping down my face. She purred in delight, and she leaned forward and nuzzled my cock. Even though she was not orally pleasing me, it felt incredibly good.

“Daddy, do you know, I started dreaming of you not long after Rutger got serious about punishing me.”

I hoped the question was rhetorical, because I was lost in the flavors and responses I was getting from her.

“I knew I could never have a father like you,” she continued. “Rutger was a very jealous man, and he would never have let me go. He controlled every part of my life, but especially my pleasure and pain. But he couldn’t control my dreams. I dreamed of having a Daddy that liked me, and wanted to please me. In my dreams, you were my Daddy. Oh, Daddy, you are pleasing me right now!”

I don’t know who was pleasing whom more. Her juices were an intoxicating elixir, coating my face, filling my mouth. Her hands were wrapped around my cock and she was rubbing it against her face. I tried to thrust my hips to press my cock into her mouth. Her lips parted and I felt her breath burning on my shaft. My cock lurched in need, and I prepared to blast my cum for her.

“You dirty bastard!” she cried out as she cruelly grabbed the base of my cock. Her nails were digging into the shaft and she was crushing my balls. I was too shocked to protest.

“Were you trying cum?” she demanded.

“Yes, baby, please!” I pleaded. I don’t know if I wanted her to make me cum or to stop the pain. I guess I should have wanted both. I ended up just lying there, panting, and praying that she would continue.

“You piss-poor excuse of a lover!” she spat out. “You were told to call me Missy,” she said. She let go of my balls, much to my relief. She used her elbows to pull my knees up. Then she slapped my ass quite hard, right below the base of my cock. Stinging pleasure burned up my cock and out around my anus. I was frightened to realize that if she did that again, I was probably going to cum from the pain.

“You were told not to stop,” she added. “Open your mouth,” she commanded.

I was torn between licking her or doing as I had been told. I didn’t care what she did to me, as long as she didn’t spank my taint again. I opened my mouth.

She shifted her weight to one knee, and partially straightened the other leg. I was shocked beyond reacting when the burning hot salty spray hit my face. She was ready when I tried to throw her off in protest. Between the handcuffs on my wrists and her knee on my shoulder, she held me trapped.

“Take it you bastard,” she cried out. “This is better than you deserve. Do you want me to show you how shitty you are?”

“No, Missy, please,” I blubbered as the stream dribbled to an end.

“Lick me!” she demanded. “Finish like I told you,” she added as she dropped back onto my face.

I don’t want to think about how much I swallowed. I don’t want to remember how salty her slit tasted as my tongue bored into her. I don’t want to remember the burning wetness that was spreading beneath my shoulders. The thin mattress must have had a waterproof pad, because none of her piss soaked into it. It all pooled behind my head and shoulders, reminding me of my inadequacy.

I attacked her pussy to the best of my ability. I desperately wanted to please her. In my struggle to get my tongue deeper, I managed to catch one of the chains at my wrist. I was completely absorbed in pleasing her, so I don’t know how my thumb recognized something odd on the edge of the restraint. I don’t have a clue how my finger knew to push and twist. I don’t remember reaching over and releasing the other wrist.

I do know that having my hands free allowed me to grab her ass and lift. All I needed was the slightest bit of breathing room and I found it. I used the space to drive my tongue into her clitoris. She had been keeping it just out of reach, and once I had it, I was relentless in my assault. Her orgasm was immediate and intense, and I kept her there for a very long time. She tried to kick her legs and roll away from me, but I was much stronger, and I was not going to let her go. I pretended that I was following her instruction to not stop until she told me to. She never told me to stop.

When her cries of pleasure changed to cries of desperation, I let her pull away from my face. She collapsed on top of me, and she started sobbing. I could feel her burning tears dripping off of her face onto my leg. She still had me mostly pinned, so the best I could do at comforting her was to caress her butt and lower back. I was happy that the blindfold had fallen off, and I was able to watch her face.

When she finally started to get control again, I quietly asked, “What’s the matter, Missy?”

She snorted derisively, and said, “I can’t even do that right.”

I kept caressing her. “What do you mean?”

“Rutger had been training me to run things so he could retire,” she explained. “When he died, the first thing I did was start getting things in order to run without him. When they made me talk to that counselor, I realized what I needed to do. Just once, I needed to dominate someone completely, to show myself that I don’t need to be the submissive ever again. I needed a Daddy who would let me do that, just once.”

“After all of these years of dreaming of having a Daddy like you, I wanted you. I was able to find your profile online, and I knew you still worked near here. I was still working on a plan when this thing with the car came up. I had planned to take six months, and move cautiously. Today I threw all caution to the wind, and here we are.”

“So how does that count as a fail?” I asked.

“You got free, and I’m not ‘Missy’ any more,” she answered. “I haven’t punished you for dropping your shirt on the floor or taking too long to pick me up or driving too fast on the way here or for the look you gave the police officer. I don’t think I could do that now.”

“You’re still in charge,” I insisted. “What would you like to do now?”

“I don’t know,” she said miserably. “Do you want to punish me? I was presumptuous and mean.”

“Yes,” I said a little too enthusiastically. She froze in fear. “Come here so I can spank you,” I said softly with a smile.

She trusted my smile, and the fear left her. “Where?” she asked as she moved onto her hands and knees.

“Here,” I instructed, and then I gently pushed her around. She turned and allowed me to position her kneeling over my body.

“Take me…” I started to instruct. I reconsidered, and I almost restarted with ‘I want’.

“Do you want to take me inside of you?” I asked.

“Yes, Daddy, please,” she replied with an approving smile.

My hands were kneading her ass, so I used my eyes to direct her to take charge. She smiled and reached down between her legs. She stroked my cock a couple of times before lifting it to her lips. She gently pressed back and took the entire length inside.

“I like how you fill me, Daddy,” she purred.

“I like how you squeeze me, Baby,” I purred back.

“I thought you were going to spank me,” she teased.

“I’m being distracted,” I teased back as I lifted my mouth to her upturned breast. Her breasts were barely B cups, but they were perfectly shaped for my tastes, and they matched her petite body quite well.

At the same time, I flexed my hips, pressing into her. She cooed her pleasure as I relaxed and pulled marginally out, and then pressed in deep again. She leaned forward to press her breast into my mouth. We were overbalanced and I fell back onto the bed. She put her hand on the bed beside my head to keep her breast in my mouth and to brace for thrusting.

“Oh, Daddy, we have to move,” she said in disgust as her hand pressed into the puddle. “Roll with me,” she insisted.

She rolled toward the middle of the bed, and I rolled with her. She ended up on her back, with me between her legs. She frowned as the puddle followed us.

“Ignore it, Daddy,” she said. “I made that mess, so I deserve to lie in it. Just fuck me, please!”

On the one hand, I was sure we could have found somewhere clean. On the other hand, she said please. She saw the struggle in my head as it reflected in my eyes, and she smiled as my body began to move on top of hers. She lifted her heels and spurred me on as we picked up speed. I try to be a good lover, but at that moment, all I cared about was my aching cock, and the need to explode inside her. She understood my need, but she wanted another release as well, and so she rode me hard.

“Daddy, I’m sorry I made things messy,” she cried out. “I’m sorry I am a dirty slut.”

“Don’t be sorry,” I answered. “You are the best Baby a Daddy could want. You are my perfect Baby!”

A single orgasmic shudder pulsed through her body, and she froze in place, looking at me. The biggest load I have shot in a long time dropped into the base of my cock, and I froze above her, caught by her eyes.

She looked so innocent. Pure.

We filled each other with lust and joy.

Much later, we were luxuriating in the walk-in marble shower in the master bedroom. We had rinsed off in the shower in the cellar, but it only had cold water. In the master bath, we had multiple shower heads, copious amounts of hot water, and rich lather from expensive smelling soap. Long after our bodies were clean, we continued to enjoy the slippery feel of soapy skin.

“Daddy, do you think I should burn all of the stuff in that room?” she asked.

“Probably,” I replied. Then I reconsidered. “Maybe you should keep it. Missy might have to teach her Daddy a lesson. Her Daddy might need to suffer, and then know the consequences.”

She looked at me with a calculating look.

“Missy will need to know that her Daddy has cleaned the room for the next time,” she hinted.

I smiled and nodded.

“Daddy, I need something else from you,” she said with a happy and seductive look.

“Are you going to get me into more trouble, Baby?” I asked playfully.

“Remember the problem with the car?” she asked.

“Good lord,” I exclaimed. “Now that I will do anything you ask, you probably want bail money,” I teased.

“I’ll be careful what I ask for, Daddy,” she said with a smile.

“The problem,” she explained, “is that the car is registered to Rutger, who is deceased. Dead people can’t hold insurance, so the car isn’t insured. That’s why they wouldn’t let me drive it.”

“Stupid laws,” I teased. “Can’t his lawyers transfer it to you or sell it or something?”

“Rutger made things much easier than that,” she said smugly. “Once in a while, he would share his ‘daughter’ with a like-minded colleague. One of those men was a judge. All I had to do was remind that judge that I am Rutger’s daughter, and he was quick to sign the documents that I needed. As of tomorrow, I officially inherit his entire estate.”

“Make sure you insure your car before you pick it up,” I teased. She playfully punched my arm.

“Daddy, I’ll be gaining control of over five hundred million dollars of personal, financial and business assets. I need a strong male figurehead to keep some of those assets viable. Will you help me, please, Daddy?”

I couldn’t speak. I was having too much trouble standing up with all of the zeros she had dropped.

“I can pay you,” she added.

I still couldn’t speak. The slightest bit of worry crept into her eyes.

“It’s okay to say no, Daddy. I will still be your Baby. Please, Daddy?”

I smiled at my Baby. There was never really anything for her to worry about. There is nothing I won’t do for her.

Published 10 years ago

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