Ride Along

"Let's take a ride, baby."

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I was jittery, so jittery. My index finger tapped out an unknown melody to which my heavy boots provided a rumbling bass beat in the aisle of the plane, much to the dismay of the woman sitting on the other side. I smiled uneasily and turned away, trying to force myself to stop fidgeting so much. I had just finished my first tour of Afghanistan as a Marine. I had been stationed in about a million other places; South Korea, Germany, Japan, the UK and my favorite, the good old Down Under. The Robertson Barracks, in Darwin. That’s where I met her. But I had never been anywhere near the Sandpit. You know, as a kid growing up in the Big Apple, the last place you wanted to be was anywhere the majority of people wore hijabs and turbans. But it was an eye-opening experience that helped me grow as a person while exorcising some disgusting stereotypes I held within myself and let fester from 9/11.

People are people. Everywhere. And just like everywhere else, some don’t make the right choices. I was cleared for PTSD but some of the things I saw… Just… I don’t know. War changes you. You don’t know if it was for better or worse until you survive, that’s when you decide if making it out alive was a blessing or a cruel curse. I was determined to make mine a blessing, considering I was going back home to her again. Her pearly white smile flashing into my mind transformed my disposition, lighting up my entire mood. It was that same smile that helped me ward off anxiety attacks and probably kept me sane. She was all I could think about when it was dark, the sound of her laugh, the warmth her skin radiated when pressed against me, the sultry look in her eyes when she was ready to take me deep…

I was enjoying this too much and could feel myself getting hard in my trousers, stretching down my thigh. I must have gotten a little too caught up in my reverie, as I didn’t notice the same elderly woman gawking over at my excitement, quickly knocking my daydreams out the sky. I blushed sheepishly and turned over once more as she shook her head in what seemed like dismay. Ah whatever. I was going home. 


Where she is.

And she had absolutely no idea.


I still can’t get used to it. The staring, the salutes, handshakes, and teary-eyed mothers. It still moves me. Maybe it’s because I’m so shy but I don’t feel as if I deserve all this thanks. I’m just doing my job you know? I grabbed my Sea Bag and flagged down a taxi.

“Good afternoon to you sir, 19605 Malibu Point please.”

“Absolutely. Thank you for your service brother. My family and I are forever indebted to you. Mash’allah.”

The cab driver was in his mid forties and wore a turban. His accent wasn’t too thick but you could hear the Middle Eastern twang on certain syllables.

“Please, it is nothing sir. Honestly. Thank you.”

He smiled into the rearview mirror and continued driving. It’s crazy how much we can honestly grow. I’ve gone from a ten year old monster of a child with a vehement dislike of anybody remotely of Middle Eastern descent to spending the past nine months playing with their children, protecting them, and now riding in the backseat of a Muslim’s car. That’s the power of the military, baby.

“Right here is perfect sir. Thank you so much.” I said after the thirty-five minute drive. I left him fifty dollars and hopped out with my bag slung across my shoulder, halfway down the block from the house. I didn’t want her to hear a car door and suspect anything. I briskly walked the couple hundred feet, nervous as hell, cheesing from ear to ear.

“She’s going to throw a fit.” I thought to myself.

I slowly walked around the hedge as I reached the house, quietly sidestepping her Camaro as I approached the garage. I could hear the sound of a radio and metal on metal as she was flat on her back on a creeper under my Supra. She was wearing one of my undershirts and a pair of her favorite denim shorts, both well splattered in oil from where I could see. She must have been in here all day.

“Dammit.” I heard that singsong voice call out in frustration as a wrench slid out from under the car. I muffled a laugh as I watched her reach out for a couple seconds before stepping over and kicking it back under the car.

“Who the fuck are yo-“ she managed to get out before I jolted the creeper out from under the car and stood over her, watching her face contort in complete and total surprise. I never knew how sexy oil and grease could look on someone’s face until that very moment right there. Her hair was in a messy bun and a couple strands were comically glued stuck in the middle of her forehead by a smear of grease. The dark black composition of the oil only made the cerulean of her eyes even more vibrant and striking.

“Oh. My. God. No no no no no. No. No. NO. NOPE! It must be the fumes Ally. Yes, definitely the fumes from working in the damn garage all day. Imagining things. Yes. My imagination. Of course. Fumes. I’m going to slide this dolly back under this Supra and he’ll be gone. Yes. Okay. Okay?”

I watched her slide herself back under the car and sit there for about half a minute as I set down my bag and crossed my legs while leaning on her car. She muttered something about “blasted imports” as she tinkered for a couple seconds more before setting the wrench down slowly.



“It’s really you, isn’t it?”

“Yes baby girl.”

The screams that came from the inside of the little girl under the hood of that car rivaled any air raid siren blaring at high volume across a big city. Birds frantically flapped out of trees all across the neighborhood as she flew out from under the car off the creeper and jumped into my arms. I couldn’t ward off the inordinate amount of kisses she was planting on my entire head, all supplemented by tiny screams every time she picked up her lips. She finally stopped pop kissing me and locked lips with me. A long, hard, breathless kiss. A kiss of sadness. Of pain. Of longing. Of relief. I could feel her small frame shaking as she kissed me and felt her warm tears on my chin as they fell from her eyes. She took a deep breath and then kissed me again, with so much raw emotion and passion I could feel my own soul stir up deep within myself. Her fingers were latched onto my head, running through the little hair I had left and stroking my temples. She pulled away slowly, her breasts heaving as she regained her wind and lay her head flat on my chest.

“I missed you.”

“I missed you too, baby girl. I missed you too.”

We sat there for a long while in each other’s arms basking in the other’s presence, stopping only for a quick kiss and an “I love you”. I just stared at her, running my fingers through her hair and undoing her bun. It still smelled like flowers. Just like the first time.

“Why are you staring at me?’’ she said from my chest. She looked into my eyes and studied me for a bit.

“Ugh, I got grease all over you.”

She pulled the shirt over her head and licked a clean bottom corner before swiping at all the smudges she left on my face. I watched her work on my face with keen concentration before letting my eyes wander down her tan skin to her breasts in their hot pink encasing. She loved sports bras. And she loved tanning. I know her breasts were easily as tan because she only tanned while nude.


“If only you could fix up a car the way you fix me up.” I said starkly. “I’m trying to wonder why the hell you’re under my car fucking up my engine.”

She leapt backwards off of me with a shriek.

“Did you get shot in the head or something?! I was fixing up your sorry excuse of a matchbox that you call a car! I have no idea why imports are allowed in America. Christ!” she yelled in exasperation, turning her back on me. She washed her hands in the small sink on the left wall of the garage and wiped her hands as she began cursing me out.

“Your piece of shit was overheating, just like all these matchboxes do after hitting a 100 mph.”

“So why didn’t you just add coolant?” I said with a smirk.

I barely had time to dodge the screwdriver she sent barreling at me.

God, I love this woman.

I leaned up against her as she sat on my hood, pouting. I licked on her ear while palming her shapely ass in her tight volleyball shorts, ready to get in them.

“Talk dirty to me, baby.” I whispered.

“Well, first I thought you had a shot tube leaking coolant, but the reservoir was still full. Your radiator was fine, but it still kept over heating. However, there wasn’t any hot coolant in the radiator so there had to be something wrong with your pump.”

“Sure it was the pump?” I said saucily.

“So that took me to the fucked up pulley of your crankshaft. I replaced it and it was fine for a while, then you blew a damn gasket.”

“How bad did I blow it baby?” I said as I pressed into her, my knee sliding into between her thick thighs.

“Bad. I ended up giving up because your camshafts were scored beyond repair and the head was ridiculously warped.”

“What was scored ma?” I said while kissing her neck. My fingers subtly ran across the imprint of her hardening nipples.

“The camshaft…” she said while leaning forward.

“Say it again…” I was running my hand down her thigh and could see the spark of arousal begin to glimmer in her eyes.


She was rubbing her knee up against my cock now…

“One more time…” I said as I caressed her pussy.


I groaned softly as she grabbed my erection and massaged it through my pants. God it felt so damn good. I dove in for a kiss, hungry for her body in all of its entirety.

“I want you.” was all I could muster between kisses. I began sliding down her shorts before she stopped me, pushing me off.

“Baby wait. Wait. God I can’t even breathe you bastard you make me so fucking bothered. Ugh. My gosh. Okay. Let’s go for a ride first. Come on.”

“Really? Right now? Not later?”

“Hey Captain America, can you just shut the fuck up and get in the damn car?”

“Wow. That was mean.”

She threw me the keys and began laughing as she slipped into the passenger seat. I sighed before sliding into the drivers seat and bringing the car to life.

It sounded… different… I watched her put on her seatbelt with a smug grin on her face.

“Anytime playboy. Come on.”

I put the car into first gear and eased out of the driveway and onto the street. This wasn’t my car, it felt… meaner. More powerful. No way… I yelled out in excitement as I heard a distinct hissing sound.

“Oooooh that was good, rev up some more, talk dirty to me babe.”

“Allyson. You did not turbocharge my fucking car.”

“Maybe I didn’t.” She said with a wink and a laugh. “Get on the interstate and let’s see if I did now shall we?”

“Oh my God Ally, I’m going to kill you for this.” I was giddy with excitement. So much so my erection died down immediately. I know right, I’m a guy. I like cars. Let me live. I got onto the interstate and literally took off.

“Oh fuck yes honey, more, more! Talk nasty to me!”

I slammed my foot on the throttle and heard the engine roar.

“Oooooh fuck yes…. That was filthy…”

“Babe I hate you so much right now!”

“Twin turbo-charged with the whole Greddy package. I’m talking airinx intake, cam gears, turbtimer, power pulleys, and cooling kit. Who’s fucking up your engine now playboy?”

“I cannot believe this!” I yelled out.

“Now go ahead baby. Make me wet.”

I continued going full throttle as I saw Allyson put the seat back and push her hand down her shorts from the corner of my eye. Her hair was flying around behind her and her eyes were closed in ecstasy as I raced down the highway, her masturbation spurring me on. She slid her shorts down her slender legs and rubbed her clit furiously in her boy shorts, the beginnings of quiet moans formulating on her lips. The adrenaline was pumping heavily throughout my body and I almost spun out when I felt Allyson whip my cock out and flip it into her mouth. I began to slow down and pull over while pulling off my pants but she quickly bit me and pushed my knee down onto the gas.


“Don’t stop. You stop, then I stop.” She said before taking me into her mouth again and going to work.

I was trying to control myself as her warm mouth created a vacuum over my cock, slurping and sucking emphatically as I picked up speed once more. I was hitting about 135 when she began moaning loudly, never once taking her lips off my cock. I was ready to bust my load and began to slow down and she immediately stopped. I pressed on the gas again while simultaneously shoving her head back down onto my cock, sending it deep into her throat. I knotted her hair around my fist and controlled her bobbing, the vibrations from her moaning in her throat ready to drive me over the edge; figuratively speaking that is. I looked over to her ass for a second and groaned at the sight of a tiny pool of her cum in the lap of the leather seat. A plethora of tiny rivulets ran down her vulva, soaked her panties, and fed the little pool. I turned my attention back to the road and groaned harder as she came up choking for air, a thick strand of white saliva connecting her tongue and the tip of my member. She quickly sucked in the strand and spit it onto my nut sack before devouring it, sucking my balls with great fervor as she pumped my dick with her small hand.

“Oh fuck baby girl, you’re driving me insane.”

I took a hand off the wheel and slapped her ass before ripping the lacy boyshorts and sticking two fingers deep into her wet muff.

“Mmmmmm……” was the response reverberating off my nutsack.

I was doing 150 when we came across a truck driver that honked his horn in agreement to my girlfriends ass up in the air and my hand halfway deep in her soaking wet slit. I laughed enthusiastically before I felt my urethra tightening and constricting in response to the ridiculous blowjob she was giving me.

“Oh fuck Ally, I’m gonna fucking cum.”

She responded by spitting out my testicles and taking my dick deep into her throat again. I bucked my hips twice before shooting my load straight down her esophagus, the orgasm so violent my vision blurred for a few seconds and I had to slow down and pull over. She pulled away from me and took off her top.

“I thought about these girls every time I got hungry.” I said admiring her perky breasts. Her breasts were perfect, not too much, not too little, gorgeously small areolas with thick gumdrop nipples.

“Drive,” she simply replied.

“God Ally, I don’t think I can, that was amazing. I’m fucking spent.”

I watched her take off what was left of her panties, flip one leg over, and ease herself down onto the gearshift.

“Holy shit…”

My cock slowly stirred to life as I watched her grab a nipple in one hand and rub her clit with the other as she literally rode my fucking car. A wave of jealousy actually crashed over me, weird considering my car was a girl.

What? Her name is Sally. Sally the Supra.

Anyways, I wasn’t going to be a cuckold to old Sally.

I whipped my trousers off, pulled her off the gearstick and sat her on top of mine before swerving back onto the interstate and hauling ass, hitting sixty in about four seconds.

“Sorry Corey, you’re not fast enough for me. I like fucking Sally better,” she said matter-of-factly.

“Oh really?” I replied before punching it. The needle on the speedometer lurched forward and in seconds I was hovering at 175. I could feel her pussy quivering on my cock as the engine whined with power.

“No… that’s… that’s… nothing.”

I slammed down on the throttle while rotating my hips, stirring my cock in the depths of her sopping, wet cunt. It was like a leaking faucet that I never want to fix. She started gyrating on my cock and I could feel her breasts pressing into my chest as she wrapped her hands around my neck, causing me to moan softly as she began biting on my neck, latching on and sucking the tender skin. She loved leaving hickies. I was approaching 180 when she began slamming onto my cock.

“Oh my fucking God baby, you’re making me so fucking wet right now.”

Her juices were dripping down her thighs and into my seat and it was causing me to slip around. I had to satisfy her before this went on a little too long to the point where it could get dangerous.

See? Us men can have common sense. Women always complain about us having no sense and thinking with our dicks. Well there you have it, good old-fashioned common sense.

I repositioned her arms around my waist so she wouldn’t disrupt my steering then sped up to 185 before slapping her ass with ridiculous force.

“Oh fuck Daddy, spank me… I was playing with you car when I shouldn’t have Daddy…”

I began to spank her aggressively, leaving handprints all over her fat, firm ass. She was screaming in pleasure now and I set the cruise control as I pulled my legs in to gain more leverage. I began to thrust deeply into her her, grunting as I shoved my length into her dripping, wet snatch. She was so fucking warm and tight. I could feel the folds of her flesh and the muscles of her pussy constricting my cock in attempt to squeeze the cum out of it. I pulled on one of her nipples before dropping my hand down to her clit and vigorously rubbing her into an orgasmic frenzy.

“Oh fuck baby I haven’t came in so fucking longgggg. You’re going to make me go wild baby stop please, it feels too fucking good oh God yes!”

I smacked her ass forcefully and she yelped in pain before moaning loudly.

“Did I say you could talk?”

“No Daddy I’m sorry.”

“Good, Now cum for me. I want you to cum hard. Cum hard all over my thick, veiny cock. I want you to squirt all over me. Understood?”

She continued moaning and riding uncontrollably, unable to respond. I smacked the shit out of her ass again.


“Oh fuck yes! Yes baby I understand! Fuck me hard baby! Fuck me numb! Faster baby fuck me as fast as you fucking can PLEASE!”

I went back to rubbing her clit and started spearing my cock as hard as I possibly could into her pussy, ramming her with all the pent up sexual frustration I had saved for her over the last 9 months.

“Oh God Corey, here it comes! Here it fucking comes! Ah! Ah! Ahhhh! FUCK!”

She squeezed me with every single ounce of strength in her tiny frame and convulsed violently on top of me, jerking and shivering, squirting stream after stream of cum all over my stomach and thighs before falling limp in my lap. I took the car off cruise control and slowly returned to the speed limit.

“Corey that was absolutely amazing. I missed you so fucking much my love.”

“I missed you so much more sweetheart. So much more. Tell me, can Sally make you do that?”

“Oh shut up loser! I can ride Sally all night long, you need rest!”

“Oh really now? Then why are you finished before me? Last time I checked I’m still hard.”

“You sure about that babe?”

I felt her contract her pelvic floor muscles as she began doing Kegels on my cock.

“I had a lot of time to play and explore with myself while you were gone. I got into a Kegel regimen. Office meetings, writing papers, watching TV, during masturbation; you name it. Im always doing them and I have to say, they’ve gotten pretty strong, don’t you think sweetheart?”

The feeling was amazing. I was still in the warm wetness of her pussy but now it felt as if the length of my shaft was being massaged slowly.

“Fuck Allyson, it’s so tight…”

She began sucking on my neck again and massaged my nuts while massaging my cock with her pussy muscles. Yea, I cant believe I just said pussy muscles.

It didn’t take long for me to be on the edge and I let her know much to my dismay.

“Baby I’m going to fucking cum, holy shit…”

She quickly pulled herself off as I was about ready to burst and laughed at my objections. She pulled on the lever and pushed my seat back as far as it could go and got on her knees in between my legs. I put the car in cruise control as she started rubbing me off.

“So you thought about my breasts hung baby? Did you imagine them covered in your hot cum? Did you imagine me scooping it all up and massaging it all over my tits baby? Hunh? Go ahead, cum all over them for me. Do it.”

“Oh fuck Ally…”

I splattered her dark tan breasts with a couple ropes of my white, sticky cum. She held my cock in one hand and rubbed the head against her nipples while running her fingers across her cum soaked breasts and stuffing them in her mouth. I was in heaven. She was so perfect.

“Fuck Allyson why did you stop the Kegels!?!” I yelled in desperation. She simply looked at me and laughed before sliding back into the passenger seat.

“You weren’t going fast enough babe.”

Fuck common sense.

Published 10 years ago

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