As Melissa thought about ordering some food, she caught an Italian girl looking at her from the corner of her eye. Olive skinned and with the most wonderful dark brown hair, she sat close by. Melissa smiled at her, noticing how her skin glimmered, illuminated by the purple light and deepening all the time. As the girl’s eyes met her own eyes, Melissa caught her breath. Melissa stared into her dark eyes and smiled back at her. The stranger smiled a slow sensual smile in return. The stranger’s eyes seemed to dance in the candle light from the table. Melissa shivered, although the night was warm. Melissa marvelled at her simple elegant attire. The girl was wearing an alluring black cocktail dress. A gold necklace hung around her slim neck, From her ears hung golden pendant earrings. The girl momentarily caught Melissa’s gaze. The stranger smiled, and as she did so she lit a black, gold tipped cigarette. She flicked her expensive looking gold lighter. The flame flared brightly, and she drew in the smoke. She slowly exhaled leisurely and the smoke rose into the night air. Melissa felt utterly enchanted. A thought crossed her mind. This is no coincidence, but I was meant to be here, for her. A faint feeling of recognition imprinted itself in her mind. Melissa wondered if this girl was the girl in her dreams. A girl who was not what she seemed, but somebody more ancient. The girl smiled again. Now she rose, and approached Melissa’s table. Sitting opposite and looking Melissa deep into the eyes, “Ciao Bella”…
Melissa was captivated by her deep dark eyes which seemed to understand her wanderings which had lead her to this place. The girl reached out, stroking Melissa on the chin as she cooed, “You are delightful, my pretty one.” Melissa felt her cheeks burning, as much from the heat of her touch as from the seductive teasing in her voice. “My name is I Desire. As you may have guessed, I am not from this place. I am a travelling merchant of sorts. I trade rare and beautiful commodities.”
Melissa started to turn away from those eyes as dark as coals. She was suddenly hesitant but she was enticed by the small leather clad box I Desire showed her. “It contains your first gift of our exchanges. It is proof that I can get for you anything you desire.”
Melissa stated she was just an ordinary working girl.
“Do not worry my darling sweet one. My price for whatever you desire is a mere kiss from your lips to mine,” I Desire told her.
Melissa was again mesmerised by the depth of the girls gaze and spellbound by her dark beauty. She did not protest when the girl reached out and stroked her chin once more. She was very epitome of the dark night of seduction, Melissa, thought. The girl’s voice reminded her of the smoothness of velvet. Desire’s voice was warm and soft to the ear. The whisper of desire there. Yes definitely. Melissa could sense it as neurons began to spark in her brain. Her sensory faculties were being engaged.
Melissa spoke. “You look like you belong to this place, and yet you say not. Tell me, what are these rare and beautiful commodities you speak of?” Melissa added, “I jested when I said I was an ordinary girl. I’m an English girl, with ambitions. I dreamed of this meeting and something drew me here”. She stared intensely into Desire’s eyes, and then looked away. Her attention was brought back by the leather box again and Desire’s remarks about its promises, gifts as she referred to them
“Tell me, come tell me what your gifts are. Do not tease me any longer,” Melissa said, and she reached out boldly. This time, she was unable to resist temptation. Stretching out, she put her hand behind Desire’s head and pulled her closer. Leaning forward herself, Melissa allowed her lips to lightly brush Desire’s. Her lips were moistened, and Melissa kissed her harder. She parted Desire’s lips with her tongue, caring nothing for the astonished onlookers.
I Desire laughed her delighted approval of Melissa. “Neither of us is what we first appear to be. My summons have gathered me girls from hundreds of kilometres away. You must have exceptional perception to have heard my calls from the shores of England. What deep dreams you have enjoyed, in the depths of night. You have travelled a goodly distance to find me here. I am truly impressed with you. This is your fate. Our lives are intertwined and our destiny is decided. I will answer all your questions in the proper time. For now I ask you to trust your powerful intuitions about me. You know I don’t wish to harm you, but to seduce you into my life of intense pleasures. Many I have tempted by my little box. Tell me your heart’s desire and it will be my pleasure to grant it. First, let us finish our kiss.”
Melissa didn’t hesitate to resume their kiss. As their legs touched, everything around her seemed to flicker to another time and place. The onlookers were forgotten as a dream of yesteryear. The sky changed from violet to blue to violet to red and back to violet. She felt herself drawn into another world. Melissa felt instinctively that I Desire offered her a life of pure kinship and sexual pleasure. There on the table between them was the leather box and the mystery of what will be.
Melissa smiled warmly at her laugh, and returned her approval. Melissa spoke softly to her strange friend. “The power of your thoughts, reached me in my faraway land. Your voice whispered quietly through my mind, intruding into my dreams. Such is the call of the siren. Somehow, I found my way here. I knew as I gazed on your smiling face that you would come to meet me. There is no reason, no logic, just an intuition. I met your lips, as I was meant to meet them. With lust mixed with tenderness. I have placed my trust in you, because I trust my instincts, and I know whatever must happen, must happen because it was destined. My own belief in fate, gives me strength and courage. Your eyes, so dark, and mesmerising, hold me fast. My limbs are trembling. So much is yet unknown, and yet known.”
Melissa did not hesitate to continue kissing her seductive stranger, leaning into her to meet her lips. She let her tongue brush her lips softly again. Melissa kissed her with the force of all her pent up passion. She stroked her cheek with one hand, and held her other hand tightly in her own hand. Desire’s skin was warm and moist against her palms. Desire tilted her head slightly, and Melissa caressed her ears with her lips. Hearing her sighs makes her head swim with lust. The busy cafe was a mere background. She was oblivious to the crowd, the nightfall complete. Nothing existed beyond Desire’s face, and time seemed to have stopped. Yet time did not cease its relentless progress. The hours slipped away, consumed by long lingering kisses. Melissa’s hands longed to feel the swelling breasts of her dark companion. Following a long deep kiss she leant back in her seat, and watched Desire’s breasts rise and fall. How she longed to feel them, and suck her fiercely jutting nipples. The purple light became lighter, a blue cast illuminated the sea, and became brighter, turning to a rosy glow, as the sun returned to arise anew over the eastern horizon. As the flash of the rising sun blinded my eyes, her mysterious friend had gone.
Melissa looked at the box, admiring its beautiful craftwork, so finely decorated with ancient symbols. She positively stared but didn’t dare to open it, for she knew not what it contained. Melissa scurried back to her hotel room. Undressing, she fell on her bed, laying there naked, a pulsating sensation between her thighs. She clasped the note Desire had left, written in an ornate ancient hand on very old parchment. It read thus, “This leather box is yours to play with as often as you like. If you agree to spend this timeless night of passion with me, I have another one for you.” Melissa fell into a deep sleep…
She dreamt of Temples, of sacred rites to the Goddess of love. She saw herself stripped and naked, laid on a decorated altar. A priestess was leaning over her. The priestess’ hands stroked her breasts, and then she felt her body being ravished slowly by many hands. All the while, Melissa was aware that beautiful naked girls were dancing around the altar. The incense was burning, the scent heavy and musky, pungent in her nostrils. She heard voices singing, praising a Goddess. The celebration of the primal act of ritual love making.
Melissa lay for hours and hours in an enchanted sleep. Her sleep was filled with her secret desires of alluring women kissing her so tenderly and so passionately. She never knew she could be loved with such softness and such tireless dedication. The women, her women, caressed every part of her receptive body with succulent servicing. She was their mistress and empress. Their living pleasure was to attend to her every whim.
Melissa lay totally relaxed. She had made love a dozen, perhaps two dozen times with her dream lovers. Each time she rose to higher states of pure ecstasy. Her body was inflamed by consuming passion again and again until she feared her heart would burst. Each time her hand maidens would lick the perspiration from her body and massage away her cares with their sweet kisses and nimble fingers. They delighted in fulfilling her every fantasy time and time again, and then softly nurturing her to be ready for more.
As the hours passed the dreams became increasingly more real to Melissa. She thought to herself, please let me never have to open my eyes. Then she heard the demure laugh of I Desire. Melissa saw her mystery woman laid beside her clad in a black silk garment, which displayed her charms fully. Her dark eyes were filled with desire and love for Melissa.
“You’re so brave, yet hesitant my sweet Melissa. I opened your first box for you. Just lift the lid and your beautiful love servants will come to seduce you. They delight in being totally submissive to your commands. For thousands of years they have been among the most prized possessions in my trades with my girls.”
Melissa smiled warmly at her laugh, and returned her approval. Outside, the sun was sinking low and then it disappeared below the horizon. All over Pizzo, the lights were coming on as the darkness of night approached.
As the remaining light of sunset filtered into the room through the shutters, Melissa drifted off again for a while. Her dreams overwhelming her, she writhed on her bed, her naked body sweating heavily. Visions flooded her mind. As she lay on the altar, she was aware of many gentle hands caressing her skin. Olive oil was poured onto her naked form. The priestesses parted her thighs, oiling them. Melissa felt oil run down her swollen spilt, and fingers probe her with sensual dexterity. Her state of being was one of utter ecstasy, and as she felt soft lips pull on her erect nipples, she came with a shudder. The realisation that the purpose of these girls was to please the Goddess made Melissa feel abundant love. They did this by the offering up of the sweet juice of their Empress. This was done in an act of wild ritualistic love making.
Sometimes Melissa felt her dreaming was lucid as she went in and out of sleep. Then she dozed again off again. The bed was wet with sweat, and wet from her orgasms. orgasms which came freely while she drifted in and out of sleep. She was aware of Desire, who laughed gently as the girls worked her frenzied body over, and heard her speak of the box. She felt Desire’s gaze on her upon her body. How she enjoyed watching Melissa writhe with utter pleasure.
Melissa awoke later on during the early evening, bathed in sweat. Desire, if she had really been in her room, had vanished. She lay on a soaking wet sheet. Melissa shook her head. She shook it as if to clear her mind. The dreams though, those powerful images were imprinted. By the Goddess of Love, she thought. Did I climax so many times while dreaming? She wasn’t surprised though, and it had been real enough inside her head.
Melissa looked at the box, recalling Desire’s words in the dream, hardly daring to think, but she knew she would open it again. Desire’s servants of the Goddess of love are my servants now, and she was their Empress. Melissa rose from the bed, and then quickly lay down again. She felt a little exhausted. As the last rays of the setting sun slanted through the shutters into the room, Melissa was bathed in an eerie violet light.
I must make myself utterly irresistible; tonight is a new moon she thought. Reaching for a cigarette, she lit it, and lay back on the bed. Lazily she blew smoke at the ceiling whilst her other hand stroked her tender sex. I very much need a shower, she thought.
Melissa spoke aloud. “I know somehow you can hear me Desire. This coming night is yours, and we shall indulge our passions. I shall come to the cafe tonight. I know you will be there.” Stubbing out her cigarette, Melissa walked towards the shower cubicle on unsteady legs.
Melissa entered the cafe expectantly. She had decided to wear a very short white skirt, matched with a navy coloured blouse. She allowed her long brown hair to dry naturally, flowing down over her shoulders in waves. Her legs she left bare and tanned. Melissa omitted, with deliberation, to wear neither bra, nor panties. It was 9:30 pm exactly. The atmosphere was charged with expectancy. Melissa noticed very little of the other patrons and the sky outside was a vibrant violet. The hours with her lovers heightened her confidence and sensuality in ways she never knew was possible. She was fast becoming the woman and goddess of love she was born to be.
She found I Desire at her usual corner table. The table faced the view across the sea. She was the perfect vision of a mystery, dark and sensuous, deadly and yet charming. She looked ready to slay or enchant at her whim. She shared a drink with two equally stunning friends. The first had eyes from the land of the Nile. She was a cat-like Egyptian Princess. The second had feet bound since childhood. She was a queen of the Far East who’s every need had been handled by servants. Melissa sensed the absolute power they commanded.
I Desire closed her leather box when she saw Melissa and the two women vanished. I Desire put her finger to her lips and smiled. “You were not supposed to see my sisters just yet, but I see you are so perceptive. Do not fear the boxes. They hold nothing but an invitation to our sisters throughout time. The real power is that which I see in your eyes my beautiful Melissa. Now I claim my prize for our second exchange.”
I Desire held Melissa so firmly their bodies meshed into one sensual river flowing with their passion. As they kissed they drifted through space. Drifted far away from the little cafe on the Violet Coast to a place where love is eternal.
Melissa was moist and eagerly receptive to the fingers of I Desire between her legs. She found herself compelled to return the favour. Nothing mattered but bringing each other intense pleasure.
I Desire laughed her amusement. “Your second leather box knows your love of nature. It has brought you to the land of the Goddess Isis. I will be back for you when you two are finished.”
Melissa opened her eyes to find herself alone with a goddess. Isis looked out of her temple window onto the dry fields of Egypt. With the slightest motion of her hand, a light rain began to fall upon the land. She turned her cat like eyes to the mortal woman standing before her.
Melissa bowed her head in more awe than fear. She knew she had been given a precious gift. She stood before absolute power and beauty incarnate. She understood the desires of the servants of her first leather box. She would be allowed to service a goddess. For in this moment of time she knew no worldly concerns other the pleasure of her almighty goddess Isis.
Isis sat back into her silk covered chair. She spread her legs to Melissa and smiled. “Come to me my beautiful child.”
Melissa approached the Goddess, whose beauty shone with the brilliance of a thousand suns. Isis, the supreme Goddess, beckoned Melissa with her finger. She was clad in a sheer white linen gown, which was tied at the waist. Her proud breasts were showing through the thin white linen material. The Goddess’ nipples were dark brown and erect. They strained and pushed against the flimsy fabric. Around her forehead, the Goddess wore a golden band inscribed with sacred signs. Two streamers of gold hung down, falling like ribbons upon on her shoulders. Her gown was open from the waist, displaying her long brown skinned thighs. Her legs were wide open. Melissa knelt down between her open legs, and felt the hand of the great one touch her head.
Isis spoke, her voice soft and insistent. “Melissa, please me well and you shall have your deepest wishes granted by me.”
Melissa replied, “I am honoured indeed, oh Goddess, eye of the sun god, great in magic, foremost of noble ladies, Lady of Meshket. I shall do as you desire me to.”
Isis smiled and spoke, “thank you for the reverence you give me, now be my pleasure.” The Goddess ran her finger along her shining moist sex, and offered it to Melissa. Melissa took it in her mouth and sucked the divine juices, the taste of which was like no women she had tasted before. The Goddess’ other hand reached out and pulled Melissa’s face to her wet cunt. Melissa licked her slowly. Running her tongue from the bottom to the top, she felt the folds of skin ooze divine syrup. The goddess moaned deeply. The sound filled the room, reverberating.
Melissa pressed her face against Isis, her tongue licking and probing the Goddess. Isis began to twist on her golden chair. The hot spicy cum juice ran freely from her quim. The nectar which spurted forth from her swollen sex was like a fresh water spring bursting from the earth. Melissa drank in the sweet cum, whilst she felt her own syrup running down her legs. She tongued the Goddess for a long time, drinking deeply of this fine wine. All the time the noises rumbling from Isis were getting louder and deeper, her divine body heaving from the delights of Melissa’s skilful use of her tongue.
At length, Isis stood up, raising Melissa up. Taking Melissa’s hand, she led her to a couch. The Goddess allowed her gown to fall away, revealing her naked body. Melissa could only look, speechless. The mighty Goddess’ breasts stood proud, the nipples enormous with sweat bathing Isis’ naked body. She kissed Melissa hard on the lips, her hands squeezing Melissa’s breasts. Her hand between Melissa’s legs, the Goddess made Melissa climax very quickly, as a flood of cum poured down her thighs.
Isis laughed. “You see my precious one, I can give pleasure as well as receiving it.”
“Indeed my lady.” Melissa almost fainted with the magnificent spasms Isis gave her.
The Goddess turned and lay along the couch face down. “You know what to do sweet child. So let me feel your lust for me.”
Melissa had never seen such perfectly formed buttocks before. “Exquisite,” Melissa murmured.
She sat behind the Goddess, and slid a finger deep into Isis’ sex, drawing it out slowly. She used her other hand to stroke her own sopping wet sex. Instinctively she pushed the first finger, moistened by Isis’s cum, deep into to her bottom and withdrew it slowly. Isis uttered a guttural noise, like an animal. Pushing it back in, Melissa worked Isis with a sensual rhythm as the great one roared her approval. “Fuck me Melissa, fuck me good. ” Melissa quickly pushed two fingers on her other hand into the Goddesses love tunnel. Feeling them slide deep inside, she sublimely made love to Isis with both hands. The Goddess screamed out in her shattering orgasm, slapping her hands against the floor, until she was utterly satiated. She rolled over and pulled Melissa’s naked body against hers. The heat and sweat of their two bodies fusing them together like glue.
They lay still for awhile, the only sound the panting of their labouring breathing. The Goddess pushed Melissa’s damp hair from her face, and looked her in her eyes. “You have pleased me greatly sweet and gentle Melissa. Isis will forever protect you from now. My presence will be unseen, but you will know I am with you always.” Melissa swooned. “As my gift to you, Melissa, I give you some of my blood. My blood will give you the strength for the coming rebirth.” Isis reached over to her left upper arm and dug a nail into the skin. She drew a line down to her elbow. Her divine blood appeared in a thin red spattering of droplets. “Now sweet child, lick my blood, drink it, it will give you power that no other immortal possess. It is your bond with me.”
Melissa felt tender kisses upon her forehead and strong arms supporting her. She was again in the sweet embrace of I Desire, that seductress of old. She dreamed of returning to her home in England, of her family and friends there, and of living her full life span as she had known it. She dreamed of taking one or both of her leather boxes home with her. She knew their power came from her power and would only fade with her life. She dreamed of ending her physical existence in her prime and of capturing that vital essence forever as an empress of her first leather box. She dreamed of being an eternal servant to the goddesses of supreme power and to know their tender mercy and eternal love. She dreamed of her love of her second leather box.
She dreamed of becoming a merchant of rare and beautiful commodities as a friend and sister of I Desire. As such she could help women know their beauty and power for all time.
“You are indeed perceptive of the nature of things and your choices,” I Desire told Melissa. “My price for our final exchange is to take your beautiful body one more time. I also require a little of your blood to return you to your life in England with your leather boxes or all of your blood to make the more permanent choices.”
I Desire looked deep into the eyes of Melissa for her reassurance. She smiled at her ever so seductively. She softly caressed her shoulders and firm breasts. She licked Melissa’s ear lobe and neck as she waited for Melissa to make her choice.
Melissa found herself back in Pizzo, in her hotel room. Melissa had listened to Desire’s words and her mind continued floating on the dreams she had experienced. Both choices were irresistible, and yet she had to choose one. As her mind tried to focus on her choices, Melissa was seductively distracted by Desire’s tongue. That soft tongue which was continuing to caress her ear lobe. Melissa allowed herself to sway under Desire’s lustful urging. Tilting her head to one side, she felt a hot flush roll over her skin as Desire put her tongue into her ear. Desire’s reached out and cupped Melissa’s breast, gently pushing it up, feeling its texture and weight. Desire delighting in what she could feel beneath Melissa’s dress.
Melissa moaned. She had known heaven, and still felt the burning passion Desire’s touch gave her. Both girls stood up, and Desire put her hands around Melissa’s back. She slowly drew down the zipper until it stopped just above Melissa’s peach like bottom. She slipped the dress off Melissa’s shoulders, and let it fall to Melissa’s waist. Desire’s eyes glowed like hot coals as she once again beheld Melissa’s perfectly formed breasts. Then she knelt before Melissa and eased the dress over her hips until it lay around Melissa’s ankles.
Melissa stepped out of the discarded garment, naked. Desire still kneeling looked up at Melissa. Those perfectly formed breasts standing out, full and luscious.
“Well Desire, take me now, I’m ready.” Melissa indicated her readiness by parting her legs. She placed one hand on Desire’s forehead to stop Desire from moving. With her other hand, Melissa began to rub her own magnificent mound, slowly swaying her hips at the same time.
She looked amused as she noted the beads of sweat rolling from Desire’s forehead. Desire was moaning softly and the sweat that flowed down Desire’s face and neck ran in rivulets between her bosoms. Melissa continued to sway, stroking her wet sex. Melissa slid her wet finger over Desire’s top lip, allowing Desire to taste and enjoy the scent of her sweet syrups. When she thought Desire could take no more, and she herself could not wait any longer, she removed her hand from Desire’s forehead and stepped forward so that her soaking sex was over Desire’s face.
Desire reached out with both hands, clasping Melissa’s buttocks. Desire licked Melissa, her tongue probing the folds of juicy skin. All the while Melissa poured forth copious amounts of her honey over Desire’s lips and face in a series of ecstatic orgasms. She moved her hips and smeared Desires face with cum.
”My beautiful companion and heart’s true love,” Melissa groaned.“Take my blood.”
This was the moment I Desire most treasured. Melissa was totally seduced and had freely given herself to her. Even five thousand year old vampires can come to regret the forceful taking of so many innocent lives. The beauty of her deception was that only once slain, Melissa would have the power to take every gift I Desire had promised. This way she and her friends could enjoy her succulent body to the fullest. She could even make her physical death quite enjoyable, for both of them.
I Desire delighted in making Melissa scream in ecstasy again and again. At the peak of an orgasm she bit her own lip deeply. She knew there was a fine line between pain and pure pleasure. All the sweet juices flowed readily into her mouth as she licked Melissa feverishly.
Melissa knew her life was flowing away, but she never felt so alive and powerful as she did now. Her thoughts were floating among the waves of intense pleasure she was receiving. Melissa knew the true nature of I Desire more than she revealed. She was becoming the love goddess of her dreams. After this night of sweet passion, she knew her prize would be immortal life. This she thought, this was why she had come to be seduced on the Violet Coast!
Melissa felt her senses slipping away, as Desire’s bite penetrated her skin. As her blood pumped through the wound on her thigh, her love juices flowed freely and fell upon Desire’s lips as Desire sucked her mortal life away, changing her for eternity, giving a life filled with an eternity of unending unbridled pleasures. Melissa truly did not feel pain. The pleasure overcame any discomfort. Visions floated before her glazing eyes, of temples, goddesses and sacred olive groves. She saw Isis again, smiling and felt the Great Goddess here with her. She that brought Osiris back to life, Isis’s blood protection was in her. Melissa felt the Goddess was blessing Desire, for making Melissa immortal. The Goddess would again take her pleasure in Melissa. Time would have no meaning, no restraints. As her legs began to buckle, Melissa looked into the eyes of Aphrodite, she felt the Goddess of love’s presence. She knew that she and Desire would be summoned by Aphrodite to Cyprus. This Melissa knew as she fell, darkness clouding her eyes, she felt Desire’s strong arms arrest her fall. Melissa crossed over into oblivion.
Melissa awoke three days later, her eyes blinking furiously at the light. She lay on a bed of soft moss in a shady forest glade. The scent of thyme filled her nostrils. Warm breezes caressed her naked skin. Desire sat astride Melissa, mopping her brow with a soft cloth. As Melissa’s eyes made out Desire’s face, she signed deeply.
Desire looked intensely into the eyes of the girl she loved, and spoke. “My darling one, my sweet angel of love, I adore you, I will adore you for all time. Drink of this brew I made for you. It is a mix of secret herbs and wine. It will help you regain your strength. You have undergone a transformation very few humans experience.”
Melissa drank deeply of the heady brew, feeling new strength pulse through her limbs. Melissa raised her naked body onto her elbows.”So, it is true, you have made me immortal. I am one of you now, forever and ever.”
“Yes,” laughed Desire. “you are as I am. Never again will I have to endure the pain of loneliness through countless centuries. You will be with me always.”
Melissa’s breasts rose and fell, feeling stronger with every moment that passed. “Desire, I love you, I have loved from the very second I saw you. I will love you always. For as long as time endures we shall be inseparable, nothing can or will part us,” she said.
“Yes, my angel that is how it is, from this moment onwards. Our only duty will be to serve Isis and Aphrodite when they call us, but that will be our pleasure. For here we are, on Cyprus, sacred island of the love Goddess, who protects us along with Isis. Isis has told me that Hathor also desires to meet with us. We cannot refuse the great ones. Although I am loathing to be sharing you, sharing you I must do.”
Melissa sat fully up, gazing into Desire’s beautiful face. “Then it will be our pride to service the great ones when they so request we do so.”
“They have granted us eternal love and life, gifts which we must repay,” Desire agreed.
As Melissa knelt upright, beginning to feel her immortal strength, she put her arms under Desires arms. Pulling Desire to her body, she kissed to her dark red lips. Desire responded with crazed passion, love, youth, vitality for eternity.
Immortal and in love, joined together for all time.