Our First Kiss

"Wanted this first kiss for so long."

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Stares at my lips
Fingers caress my cheek
He leans forward

Such longing
Eyes closing
He moves nearer

Feeling his breath
Mingle with mine, so close
Both panting

His fingers
Tracing through my hair
Pulling me in

Hearts pounding
Lips getting closer
For our first kiss

Pulling me nearer
Lips barely touching
So soft, just grazing

Tip of his tongue
Traces my lips
Mine searches his

It’s our first kiss
He takes control

Hands gripping my hair
He groans
Holding me firmly

Sliding his tongue
Urging me to open
And I allow it

My heart is racing
Our tongues are searching

Our mouths are open
Such passion

Lips melting
Feeling as one
Such desire

Our first kiss.

Big thank you to Chrissy123 for helping me edit a poem which is very different from my usual ones and her kind encouragement when I felt I failed to step out of my comfort zone of ryhming 4 line stanzas.

Published 10 years ago

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