From Kitty With Love

"Kitty's adventures and thoughts."

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Kitty supposed she’d been good lately. It had been months since she’d bitten or even felt the desire to snap at one of her master’s friends. Recently he’d unbound her hands, apparently no longer seeing her long nails as a threat.

Lucy (Kitty to her master and his friends) hadn’t analysed the reason for her good behaviour too much, afraid that she might discover the reason and dislike it.

“You are such a good and obliging little kitty!” Her Master said as he patted the space on the couch next to him. Lucy crawled alongside him and rested her head on his knees. She adored her master. Indeed, she really would do anything to please him, and as long as he continued to adore her and show her kindness she couldn’t ever imagine that changing.

“Daddy’s going to treat you to something very special at the weekend,” he told her as he stroked her soft hair behind her ear. She began to wonder about the possibilities since some Her Master’s ideas of a ‘treat’ had left her bruised and unable to please him properly for quite some time. This had made them both sad and irritable.

It had been just before Christmas last year, their very first Christmas together. Master had been very excited. He came home from work with the tallest, fattest tree he could find. When he freed it from it’s netting with a simple snip, it had sprung magnificently in every direction and sent master flying. Lucy remembered suppressing giggles, and then master had allowed her a whole two hours from her cage to help decorate it.

Kitty had never told her master that as a child, she hadn’t had Christmas in her house. She had never missed what was unknown to her. Herself and her sisters never quizzed why they could only remember the very same Christmas and then with time, they came to realise that is was because it was the only year they had celebrated it. Santa had brought them all Barbies and blue sparkly bikes, and on boxing day, a tall man had stolen them. They had described him to the police as a giant.

Master had made a real effort, even without that knowledge, and their apartment smelt of cinnamon and pine needles with mistletoe hanging from every corner. Master had bought and wrapped all their presents himself, using his best fountain pen to write their names on the cards. His presents were labelled “To master, with love from your Kitty x”. He had tied luxury Belgian Praline chocolates to the branches and would unwrap the foil and feed them to Lucy to reward her for exceptionally good behaviour.

One evening when Lucy was being punished for urinating on the trousers of his best suit, he sat in front of her and ate every single chocolate, as she jealously watched from the confines of her cage. Master had not foreseen that wicked little act of spite, but Lucy had been silently goaded for hours as master spruced himself up in preparation of a posh charity function she had not been invited to. She wouldn’t have minded so much but he had sent the suit for dry cleaning especially, and master had hung it on the door-frame and been plucking and brushing imaginary pieces of fluff from it each time he passed. The tipping point had been when she smelt his best aftershave, her favourite, the one he wore rarely and especially for her.

“Oh Kitty, don’t sulk, Daddy will bring you back something special,” he had said when he heard her huffing and puffing. She’d climbed onto his lap then, for a cuddle as he was about to leave, his leather overnight bag beckoning him from it’s position by the front door. As master was stroking her fondly, and telling her how dull the event would be, she was counting to five in her head, or rather counting down from five, counting down to her atrocious act. It took a few moments for the warmth and realisation to hit him, as she emptied her bladder all over him. She’d never seen him as mad before or since.

“You dirty little bitch!” he hissed, horrified and genuinely shocked, as he threw her to the floor in disgust.

She had immediately retreated with a scarper to her cage for her own safety, and the days that followed were misery at it’s very worst. Yet, with the Christmas preparations in full swing, Lucy grew quietly excited. Master had filled every inch of the dining table with more festive goodies than the pair of them could ever hope to eat.She wondered whether other people’s efforts were as lavish and told herself that their Christmas was far more extravagant than anyone else’s!

“We have friends visiting this evening, so you must behave impeccably,” he warned Kitty sternly. She envisaged them all sipping wine and discussing the imminent day. Never in her head could she have imagined what master had in mind.

After tea, master drew his Kitty a steaming scented bubble bath. He soaped her generously and applied an almond conditioning treatment to her fine mane of dark hair.

Then he asked Kitty to stand so that he could first shave her legs and then her pussy. He took his time, careful not to cut his little pet. He calmly worked his way meticulously right up to the top of her inner thighs, ignoring her quickening breath, and the straining in his pants. He quite deliberately, for the time being at least, ignored the temptation of his kitty’s pussy. Despite the scent of the Dove soap, the sweet aroma of her arousal was tangy and obvious, but he’d promised himself he’d save his little kitty for later.

Lucy’s legs were as smooth as they’d ever been. Master carefully glided the pink razor over the flower-fold creases of her playground, using his fingers to make sure her secret pink was safely concealed. His fingers were immediately aware of the pool of juices lingering there. He resisted the urge to suck them into his mouth, knowing there would be no way back from that.

The familiar contours of her delicate and Venus-like mound were beautiful to Master. He so loved to visit there and play, but alas, now was not the time. His precious little Kitty would enjoy entertaining Master and his friends later. She was such an adoring soul, and very much a people pleaser.

When he’d first met her she was lost in herself, unable to find a place where she belonged, walking endlessly in different directions to seemingly everybody and to no avail. He’d immediately felt that there was an opportunity to achieve a win for both of them, and so far they had made each other delirious with contentment.

“You’re such a beauty!” he said aloud as he ran the tips of his fingers over her to ensure that she was as smooth as the day she was born.

After he’d helped her from the bath, he re-inserted the plug of her tail into her accommodating, but not yet ruined arse, and appreciated for a moment, just how fortunate he was to have found her. He often wondered about his little Kitty, her thoughts, her dreams, and he genuinely felt that if she was sad he’d notice it, he’d see it in her eyes despite the smile that was sometimes painted there just for him.

He wondered about the day that they met, whether she had really felt that she’d finally been found. He questioned the vow of silence they’d agreed. Did she miss her voice? Did she sometimes talk to herself when left alone? Was Lucy still of sound mind? He had contemplated asking her these questions, but had concluded that no good could come from it. Perhaps it was a selfish conclusion but he loved and cared for his little Kitty, so any guilt he felt was minimal. And surely one so beautiful must be happy?

Master dressed Kitty in some new lingerie he’d picked up in Arnhem on business last month, he’d been saving it for a special occasion, and tonight would be special. The outfit consisted of black satin panties with a lace trim, a matching bra with extra pick me up that Kitty really didn’t need. For good measure he had added some suspenders, despite the fact that the stockings would be in shreds in no time. The stockings were glossy and master smothered them in baby oil, for added effect. To him, she looked perfect. To him, the flaws, the little imperfections, made her. In the same way that you’d select a little kitty in a homeless sanctuary, the one which had a wonky something would hold more appeal. It would somehow be more genuine and you’d take it home and love it that little bit more, in an unconscious effort to compensate for it’s misfortune.

Kitty was feeling special. She pawed her way around the lounge, feeling master’s eyes on her. She wondered why he had resisted her during bath-time. She felt ever so slightly rejected but had learned over time that it wasn’t her place to feel such emotions. She had no real outlet for them. However, Master had found it hard to ignore the inviting moisture between her legs and had been existing with a semi ever since. His anticipation of the evening ahead of them also the main reason for his arousal, of course.

“Oh how Kitty would be in her element with so many cocks to please,” he thought excitedly as he watched her. He poured her a generous gin and tonic and gazed on as she sipped it delicately, drinking from a glass, a rare treat, her baby finger involuntarily poised. It made him wonder.

The doorbell startled them both, Master hurriedly kissed her before he went to answer it. Nobody else was allowed to kiss Kitty you see, it reminded her of a movie she’d seen once and it romanticised things for her.

Their first guest was Harry. Kitty had met him only once before, she remembered that he’d been anally polite and condescending. She’d wanted to bite him. Master had seen the signs and reprimanded her before she’d gotten the chance to act on it. They’d come a long way since those days.

Today she smiled sweetly as master reacquainted the pair and Kitty dutifully swung her backside as she did a circle in her sexy new attire.

“Looking as beautiful as ever Kitty!” Harry complimented, and Lucy felt herself blush. She felt a million dollars and made a mental note to show her thanks to Her Master later, for making her feel so special this evening.

The doorbell chimed again and two more of master’s guests arrived together.

“Do come in! He greeted them cheerily.

“Kitty was just showing us how truly adorable she’s grown to be,” Her Master said with a proud possessive smile.

Kitty brushed aside the insinuation that she wasn’t always so adorable, not wanting to dwell on it or appear sulky. She did a little turn on cue and her eyes caught his. She tried to think positive things as quickly as possible in case he should see; in case she spoiled his evening.

“I look beautiful, I look sexy, I look beautiful” She mantra’d over and over in her head, her lips almost moving. She listened to their chatter, the sound of their glasses clinking.

“Who else are we expecting?” asked the gentleman she only knew as Mr.P. It actually stood for Mr. Pritchard but master didn’t speak much about his colleagues, except when he needed to vent.

Kitty listened eagerly as master reeled off the names of definites and maybes.

She tried to identify them from memory but got confused and figured she’d see for herself soon enough.

The party was in full swing and Kitty did her best to work her way around each of the guests, allowing each of them a few moments to enjoy and appreciate the effort that had been Her Masters, to ensure that she looked even more edible than all of the delicious food that he’d also taken his time over.

She could smell the arousal and testosterone all around her and it lifted her. It made her smile reach her eyes, it made her tail swish without conscious effort. When one of master’s friends ran a finger over her baby soft skin, she didn’t even feel riled, she simply felt pleased that the very sight of her had made him want to touch.

Her body also reacted and she felt juices seeping from the barely covered mound between her legs, she wondered whether it might be obvious, whether master’s guests might smell her arousal over their own. She kept her legs tight, she didn’t want to disgrace master by revealing the wet patch she suspected would appear soon as her need, sweet as it was, oozed through the soft fabric.

She didn’t want to reveal so brazenly how much of a little whore she really was, how her body was betraying her, making her as cheap as a regular common whore. She was Her Master’s property, his pet.

The room was coming alive now, though Lucy could be forgiven for not realising just where it was heading.

She felt the building tension of course! She felt it within herself, and she felt it emanate from each of master’s friends but she never thought of it, or felt it from them collectively.

She very much enjoyed being desired by them, to know that they wished she was their plaything, to do with as they pleased. But she didn’t know that her master was counting on her accommodating nature, relying on her to abandon herself to any whim, to all of their whims, indeed, this very evening. She didn’t know, not really, that she would be the appetiser, the main course, and dessert.

“Do you like cherries, Kitty?” The loudest of the guests asked, offering her one which was firmly embedded on his index finger. Kitty pawed her way over to him and smiled sweetly before sucking it and letting it melt in her mouth. She licked her lips so devilishly, it could have been practiced, and it caused his dick to twitch in his pants. Kitty looked around for approval and then began sucking the sweet cherry flavour hungrily from his finger.

Without prompting, she moved forward and took it right to the back of her throat until it touched her tonsils and induced a little gag which could be missed and an audible gasp from him that could not.

Master so loved to see his little Kitty showing his friends just how lucky he was. He imagined that he was the envy of all of them, and in fact he was. Their wives were regular sorts, nice enough, but not raw and passionate. Never hungry for them. Never naked on their arrival home from work, with back arched like a cat in heat.

The crowd grew rambunctious which egged Lucy on. She began fucking his finger with her throat now, letting it slip right down, the gag reflex no more, her whole body rocking back and forth. Her peachy soft arse swayed sexily, sporting the tail that they wanted to pull, daring them all, enticing each of them. They exchanged sideways glances that screamed silently in the room. “Could we?” before Master laughed heartily. His little kitty had no intention of letting him down.

“By all means gentleman, do feel free to pet Kitty, but do also please be careful with her, she’s a limited edition as I’m sure you’ll all agree!” He laughed again, except this time it was a little tainted by his gulp of barely contained excitement. Kitty instinctively paused for a second as she digested Master’s announcement.

Lucy resumed her efforts, but it was simply an act now, she’d play it out until she relaxed with the new revelation. Her thoughts all bidding for importance as she sucked and bucked. ‘What exactly did, “Do feel free to pet Kitty,’ mean? Does he mean that they can stroke me?

She wondered about a past occasion where master had allowed a friend to feel how soft her skin was. She knew in her stomach that this was different somehow, and master had rejected her today after all, perhaps he was bored with her now, and wanted to give her away? Perhaps there would be an auction later! She shuddered and wondered with difficulty as the room seemed so loud now, whether she was doing a good job of multi-tasking.

‘But I love Master!’ she thought woefully. ‘How can he share me with everyone?’ She continued her efforts as she felt a strange fat fingertip trace the contours of her spine. ‘How could he bear to see them all…” and then her inner voice answered her: “Because my dear, you are his, to do with as he pleases, and if this pleases him, then it is your duty.” The voice was condescending, despite being her own. It was Lucy’s wise voice, never spoken, and never heard, except by her.

She knew that the very thought of seeing someone else touch her master made her blood boil, made her want to bite hard and never let go. Made her want to actually use her fists, which she had not used since high school. She’d gotten into a fight with a bigger girl. She hadn’t meant to, but she’d never backed down either. Everyone seemed to know about the pending fight before she had, and it had been sports day. She was nervous running her race; she had been a 100 metre specialist. All things combined, it had been one of her most nervous days at school, and she’d been in heaps of trouble on many an occasion, which somehow never bothered her too much.

And she’d won the race. And the fight.

She simply couldn’t understand how the thought of these men touching her didn’t make master seethe, so she resigned herself to the fact that she wouldn’t ever understand. For her voice had been right. She was his, she always did as he pleased, it had been their arrangement.

Kitty returned to the room. Lucy watched on.

“That is one hot fucking pet you have there!” said Mr P as he sat his drink down clumsily on the glass coffee table.

Master smiled proudly.

“Isn’t she wonderful? Isn’t she the most delectable thing you’ve ever seen! It was fate you know, how we came to find one another. There she was, just counting out her pennies on a table outside Costa Coffee, in the rain, all wet and pathetic. Her hair clinging to her face, she looked up at me and asked, “Can I borrow 20p please, Sir?” Her big brown eyes spoke to me, they asked for so much more than the twenty pence that she was short of a coffee… They asked to be loved, protected, adored unconditionally, and, I guess it was her lucky day!” he added, beaming.

Lucy had heard him tell the story before, she wasn’t particularly fond of how pathetic he made her sound. It caused her to wonder about her strength of character, and also whether she might have found that unconditional love that she had craved so badly, in a “conventional” relationship? But fate had brought them together she supposed, and who else would be treated to such a wonderful Christmas, the sort you saw in movies, she mused ironically, as master smiled at the blinking red light between the books on the shelf.

“Oh how Kitty would love to watch how desirable she is, it would boost her ego tremendously,” he told himself as he turned his attention back to his guests and their growing excitement. “How she would love it indeed….”

To be continued….

Published 10 years ago

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