Janet was walking back along the corridor towards the car park after finishing another lesson at the local Sixth Form School where she had attended the late afternoon class in psychology. The late afternoon classes were for adults wanting to gain exam passes. Janet was thirty-seven but wanted to earn a degree if she could. To do that she first needed to get her A-Levels, and psychology was a favourite subject of hers.
What Janet liked about attending the class here was that all the students were expected to wear the same school uniform as the day pupils, so Janet was wearing her short-sleeved green and white gingham dress with white ankle socks. She loved the fact it made her feel like she was sixteen again and being at the school brought back her need to be obedient to the authoritative teachers.
As Janet was about to pass the headmistress’s study, the headmistress came out, looked at her, and said, “Can you please come in here as I need you to witness a punishment I have to give.”
Janet was quite taken aback by the instruction, but as it was the headmistress, and she had to admit to fancying her rather like with a schoolgirl crush, she followed the headmistress back into the outer office and then through to her study. Once in the study she saw a pupil, Becky, who she had met and knew was seventeen. Right then, Becky was bent across what was clearly a caning table, clasping the far end, with her school dress tucked well up above her waist, her knickers were on a chair close by, and her bottom was bare and in position ready to be caned.
The headmistress, Mrs Summers, explained to Janet, “Miss Thompson, my secretary, normally witnesses the punishments as I am expected to have a witness these days. However, she had to rush off because of an emergency at home. I, therefore, need a witness, and you will do.”
Janet realised that she was being told and not asked, but she did love the authoritative tone of voice that Mrs Summers always used, and replied, “Yes, headmistress.”
Janet then watched as Mrs Summers went and picked up the hook-ended cane that had been on her desk and went to position herself behind and to the side of the unfortunate Becky. Janet then realised that, quite possibly, Becky was not unfortunate but was naughty enough to earn the cane. With that, she also reminded herself that she had never been caned when at school but had so often wondered what it might have felt like.
Mrs Summers rubbed the cane from side to side across Becky’s bottom, and then announced, “Four strokes, Becky.”
Janet watched as Mrs Summers pulled her arm back and whipped the cane downwards, landing it with a loud thwack on Becky’s bare bottom, watched it bite into her bottom cheeks, and then watched as her bottom wobbled around as she heard a loud yelp. The yelp told her how much that cane stroke must have hurt Becky, and Janet subconsciously put a hand on her own bottom as though feeling the stinging pain.
When the second stroke landed, rather than thinking how Becky felt Janet realised that she was actually getting turned on and was once again wondering what it would be like to be caned. That thought repeated itself when the third stroke landed, and Janet was getting even more turned on as she watched the third thick raised welt appear.
By the time the fourth stroke landed Janet knew that her knickers were damp, and, whilst she was clenching her thighs, she told herself that she had to make sure she didn’t let out any erotic gasps. She managed that, at least, but knew she was thinking more and more how she wished that was her bent across the caning table with four gorgeous welts painted across her bottom.
Mrs Summers seemed satisfied with the caning she had given, and ordered, “Okay, Becky, put your knickers back on and straighten out your dress.”
Mrs Summers then looked at Janet and said, “I won’t keep you much longer and really appreciate you witnessing this.”
Janet replied, “No problem at all, headmistress,” but wondered if she had said that rather too enthusiastically given the look that Mrs Summers gave her.
Janet watched as Becky pushed herself up, and stood up, and when she turned round saw that tears were dribbling down her face and she was sobbing. She looked so sweet but was clearly unhappy, but then why wouldn’t she be having just received four rather hard strokes of the cane? Even so, Janet saw that she quickly stepped back into her knickers, straightened out her dress, turned to Mrs Summers and said, “Thank you for caning me, headmistress.”
Mrs Summers then wrote on a form, or rather ticked a box and signed her name, and then said, “Okay, Becky, you can go now.”
Becky turned and quickly walked towards the door of the study, with tears streaming down her face, and she was rubbing her bottom as she walked out of the study.
Mrs Summers looked at Janet and said, pointing at the form that was still on her desk, “I just need you to sign this form and, once again, thank you.”
Janet was blushing as she went over to the desk to sign the form as the witness, and saw that it was headed, ‘Punishment Log.’ As she walked to the desk, she still had one hand on her bottom as though it had been her that was caned. Only she knew that that was what she was imagining as she watched Becky being caned, of course.
Mrs Summers saw that Janet was holding her bottom and decided to have some fun, bearing in mind this was clearly one of the adult students. Once Janet had signed the form, Mrs Summers looked at her and asked, “Thank you again for being a witness. Were you caned when at school?”
Janet wasn’t sure she could handle a conversation like this, but, again, she was the headmistress, and so she replied, “No, headmistress, I wasn’t.” Then, not knowing why she added the comment, but she did, she said, “I must say, I did wonder what it was like to be caned.” Straight after that, she stuttered, “I mean, erm, not that, but erm, of course, I didn’t mean, erm,” and then her voice trailed off.
Mrs Summers smiled and replied, “Don’t worry, you’re not the first person your age to have those thoughts. Have you had them for long?”
Janet always had trouble dealing with authoritative women, and none she knew were as authoritative as Mrs Summers. So, she couldn’t lie and replied, “Actually I have, headmistress, since I left school and realised it was too late to get the cane.”
Mrs Summers was still having fun but looked seriously at Janet and said, “Actually, it’s never too late. There’s no one else here at the school right now, and I’m in no rush to get away, so if I were to give you the choice of six, twelve or eighteen strokes, which would you choose?”
This was exactly the question she had pictured herself being asked so many times as she looked at herself in the mirror wearing her school dress, and then she always answered eighteen, and so still feeling so submissive to the authoritative Mrs Summers replied, “Eighteen strokes, headmistress.”
She realised she had made it sound like a question rather than a statement, and again, Janet stuttered trying to withdraw the answer but failed. What was she doing, she asked herself with a pained look on her face. How stupid was she going to be today?
Mrs Summers saw the look on Janet’s face and the questioning tone, and asked, “I can understand why eighteen strokes is a lot, but what if I gave you a bare bottom spanking and then twelve strokes? Would that give you the experience that you have craved for all these years?”
Janet knew the answer was, ‘Yes,’ but that she mustn’t say that and fought hard to withdraw every statement she had just made. However, her resistance wavered and then completely fell away as she felt the quivers flying around her vagina, and she replied, “Yes, please, headmistress.”
Mrs Summers smiled again as she took from the pad on her desk a fresh page which Janet saw was also headed, ‘Punishment Log.’ As she watched Mrs Summers put that on her desk she heard the question, “So what is your name, please?”
Janet saw that Mrs Summers had taken her answers seriously. To be fair, though, Janet also knew that this was exactly what she wanted to happen, at least she had imagined it happening to her for so many years. It would be silly to refuse now as she could experience what she wanted to experience, and so replied, “Janet Lewis, headmistress.”
Janet watched as Mrs Summers wrote out her name at the top of the form, and then entered into an empty box, “Bare bottom spanking and twelve strokes of the cane.”
Janet winced because she knew that, if she was going to be spanked and then given so many strokes of the cane, it really was going to hurt. Would she be able to stop it once it started, she wondered but was too anxious to even ask that.
Mrs Summers could see the worry on Janet’s face and, answering the unasked question, explained, “Make no mistake, Janet, when I spank you, it will hurt, but nowhere near as much as it will hurt when I then give you twelve strokes of the cane. I would’ve made it six, but you are an adult, and everything should be taken in proportion. So, get ready to suffer more pain than I suspect you have ever suffered to date, and certainly not in a school environment.”
Mrs Summers waited a moment and then added, “Janet, you are about to receive what lots of girls get when they come into my study, and afterwards walk out with tears running down their faces, and, more often than not, rubbing their stinging bottoms. However, they do get the punishment they deserve. You are slightly different in that you will get the punishment that you want, but there isn’t so much difference.”
Janet realised that she wasn’t being asked to reconsider or to confirm anything, but it was being taken for granted that, because the punishment had been offered and she so clearly accepted it, she was going to go through with it. However, Janet also realised that she was up for this, and asked, “Shall I take my knickers off, headmistress?”
Mrs Summers instructed, “Please do, Janet, and hold your dress up above your waist and go and stand by that high-backed chair.”
Janet wasn’t surprised that she was being so obedient, even though Mrs Summers could only have been a few years older than herself. However, Janet was telling herself that she wanted it to happen so she could, at long last, understand what being both spanked and caned felt like. After all, she had never even been spanked before now, so she was going to experience both types of punishment together.
Janet was facing away from Mrs Summers as she walked to the high-backed chair but even smiled to herself at that last thought because she was still friendly with two girls she had first met when they were all in the sixth form together, and both of them had been caned. They said how much the cane hurt and constantly called Janet a goody-goody girl for escaping being caned. So, she was really happy that the next time they met up she could say what had now happened to her.
Janet lifted the hem of her school dress to above her waist, and, holding the hem there, she eased her fingers inside the elastic of her school regulation knickers and pushed them down towards the floor, stepping out of them, scooping them up, and, just as she noticed where Becky’s knickers were, she placed them on the same nearby chair. Right then she felt as naughty as she reckoned that Becky would have felt when standing back up, naked below the waist, her pussy hair mound embarrassingly on show, and ready to be punished by the headmistress.
Mrs Summers went and sat on the chair happy that Janet was standing to her side.
As soon as Janet saw Mrs Summers point to her lap, and still holding the hem of her dress above her waist, she quickly bent down, catching her fall with her hands on the floor, and then lowered her full weight across Mrs Summers’ lap. She had to admit how the actual feeling of being across an authoritative woman’s lap was so much better than how she had fantasised about it, but this was reality, after all, and so much more exciting.
Moments later, Janet felt Mrs Summers’ palm rubbing her bottom in circles, and she even found that exciting, although suspected that was mainly because she had never been spanked before. She doubted that she would be excited for long but did expect to struggle with the pain that she was about to receive. Having thought that, she knew that she masturbated so often picturing herself being caned, so maybe she would still be excited afterwards, she hoped.
It was a shock for Janet when she felt the first spank land on her bottom. She gasped, more at the shock than the pain, but when the spanks continued to land, she did tense her arms and legs to force herself to stay in position, and, as the spanking progressed, she very quickly understood why friends of hers who had been spanked told her they quickly dissolved into tears.
Janet didn’t know whether to be surprised or not at the length of time the spanking carried on for. She was aware that initially, the spanks were landing on alternate bottom cheeks, and then, after quite a while, Mrs Summers sometimes changed to spanking one bottom cheek time and again and then the other bottom cheek time and again, and Janet knew the difference because the stinging was far greater with the repeated spanks. Of course, she was well aware that Mrs Summers would know exactly how to give a very hard spanking, although even then assumed that this spanking would be much harder than she gave her pupils at the sixth form school.
As the spanks continued to land with what seemed like increasing force, Janet opened her eyes and looked at Mrs Summers upside down legs and noticed immediately that they were now blurred. Well, she was well aware Becky had been crying after the caning, so wasn’t surprised she was crying even with just the spanking. It was a punishment that was intended to hurt, and, by golly, it already was hurting.
What was going through Janet’s mind as well, was how it started as a light-hearted discussion, probably one that was not supposed to go anywhere, and turned into her request to be both spanked and caned. She now realised that Mrs Summers was leading her on, but then wondered how many other adults would have had that discussion had they known this was where it would end.? Maybe rather more adults than she thought, certainly judging from some of the spanking websites she had visited when alone in her house.
It seemed that Mrs Summers was happy with the spanking she had given because Janet heard her instruct, “Okay, Janet, get up, and go and bend over the caning table.”
Janet suddenly panicked, thinking that the spanking hurt enough and the caning was bound to hurt much more. However, as much as she was worried about the pain, she knew it was still the experience that she wanted and forced herself up from Mrs Summers’ lap, looked towards the now blurred caning table, and walked over to it. As she did, she made sure that she held her dress up above her waist, was very much in obedient naughty schoolgirl mode, and for those few moments was enjoying being a naughty sixth former bearing in mind that she had been a goody-goody when she was actually in the sixth form.
Once Janet stood in front of the caning table, she, again like Becky, bent over and clasped hold of the far end of the table, and got her still bare bottom into position which she knew meant it was totally unprotected and ready to be caned. Again, she had imagined being in this position so many times, but in those fantasies, she had never felt so defenceless as she did right now, knowing that she had agreed to take twelve strokes of the cane. She then presumed that as Mrs Summers had certainly spanked her very hard she was likely to do the same when giving her the cane.
The next moment, Janet felt the cane rubbed from side to side across her bottom and wanted to scream out, ‘No,’ but told herself not to because she would never forgive herself if she had this opportunity to find out what the cane was like, then through her own cowardice walked away. She knew it was such a difficult thing for her to do, just lying there of her own free will and taking the pain, but if she did stay there, clinging onto the far end of the table, her fantasy would then be reality.
The next moment, Janet realised that the rubbing of the cane had stopped and the moment after that she heard the swish followed by the thwack and felt the immediate pain cascading across her bottom. Clasping hold of the far end of the table even tighter was just an automatic reaction, as was yelping. How could one stroke hurt so much, she wondered, and immediately supposed she was right in thinking that Mrs Summers would make each of the strokes she gave her harder than the ones she had given Becky.
Soon the strokes were landing again, and each time the pain seemed to be worse, but Janet hung on in there, taking each stroke, dealing with it, just accepting because she had to that she was yelping and hissing in and out through clenched teeth and shaking her head from side to side with her eyes closed. She supposed that that must be an almost natural reaction to a hard caning, and this was a hard caning for sure, at least so far as she was concerned.
Janet did lose count of the strokes, focusing much more on staying in position bent over the caning table, and was surprised that the strokes kept coming because surely Mrs Summers had already given her twelve. However, she was in no position to argue, at least she could but again she would kick herself for doing anything other than leaving Mrs Summers in total control of the punishment. That’s what naughty schoolgirls had to accept from the headmistress, and she was definitely a naughty schoolgirl right then.
Even as the strokes continued, so Janet realised that she was crying. How could she, a grown woman, cry after just a few strokes of the cane, but here she was, crying. At least, she was continuing to cling onto the end of the table leaving her bottom perched ready to be caned again. Maybe even crying helped her, she wondered, because then all she had to do was focus on keeping hold of the far end of the table.
As quickly as it started, the caning ended. No more strokes landed, but she knew that she was crying, and rather more blatantly than Becky had cried, albeit that Becky had received just four strokes.
As Janet lay there, she heard Mrs Summers order, “Okay, Janet, you can get up now. Put your knickers back on and straighten out your dress.”
With that instruction, Janet really did feel like a naughty schoolgirl because Mrs Summers was telling her to do what she had told Becky to do after completing her caning. As she thought of that instruction, she realised she was getting quite turned on now that the caning was over and was thinking how she could easily finger herself to an orgasm right now. Of course, she didn’t dare, not then anyway.
Once Janet had put her knickers back on and straightened out her dress, she saw that Mrs Summers had sat down on the chair behind her desk and had got a pen out and it was poised over the punishment log with her name at the top. Mrs Summers put a tick in the box that showed that she had carried out the punishment, and then looked up at Janet, and said, “You took that punishment really well. I did spank and cane you harder than I would’ve done had you been a sixth form pupil, but then I took it that that was what you wanted. Was that correct?”
Janet was in, ‘Naughty girl trying to be good mode,’ and replied, “Yes, thank you, headmistress,” which was the kind of reply that Becky had given after her punishment form was signed.
Mrs Summers smiled as she explained, “You’re not actually the only adult student I have spanked and caned. There have been others who, like you, have wondered what it was like to be punished this way, and you might be interested to know that some come back for more. I only do it after everyone else has left the school for the day, but I do know that most of them go to the toilets on the way back to the car park and lock themselves in a cubicle but still let out very loud erotic gasps. Do you think that you would want to come back?”
Janet immediately replied, “Yes, please, headmistress,” saying it even before she had thought about it, but that told her it was the right answer for her.
Mrs Summers then said, “Okay, Janet, then I will maintain a punishment log under your name as a record. Now you can go to the toilet and sort yourself out and know that I will be monitoring your progress. Rest assured, though, that you won’t have to misbehave to be called back to my study, you just have to keep attending the adult school.” She then gave Janet a knowing look.
Janet right then knew two things. The first was that she did need to go to the toilet and would give herself a fabulous orgasm, and she was sure several more tonight. Second, was that she would definitely be continuing adult school, and, sniffing back tears, said, “Thank you for spanking and caning me, headmistress, and fully understand that I will have to return here to be punished again, several times, whenever you decide I need it.”
Mrs Summers smiled and winked, and said, “You can now go, Janet, and as you have been punished, you are a good girl again, until the next time.”
As Janet walked along the corridor again towards the car park, she saw the toilets coming up and walked through the door, and into a cubicle, once again yanking her knickers down and raising the hem of her dress as she sat down on the lid of the toilet. She was soon running her fingers along her already very wet pussy lips, and, just as Mrs Summers had said, let out huge erotic gasps.
After her second orgasm, Janet pulled her knickers back up and straightened out her dress, left the toilets and went back to her car.
Once Janet got home, and she lay on her bed, naked, what had happened to her, both being spanked and caned, filled her mind as she gave herself more huge orgasms. Only then did she go into the bathroom, looked at her bottom in the mirror, and smiled, knowing how much she wanted to experience that same punishment, or, she thought, maybe even those eighteen strokes of the cane next time.
What Janet also told herself was that the term, be careful what you wish for, was correct, but she had now got what she had wished for for so long, and it had been far better and more exciting, and more erotic, than she had imagined it would be. How cool was that?