Twins 1

"What would be better than a date with a hot woman? A date with two hot women!"

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My heart stopped beating and my breath caught in my throat when I saw her. She was gorgeous. She was way out of my league. I was far enough away that she didn’t see me, and I was able to stop and let the nerves pass.

We had met on an online dating site. For nearly thirty years, my wife had been jealously driving away my friends until I didn’t really have any. Then she ignored the cliché and left me for a younger man. I didn’t know where else to look for a companion.

I had been more than apprehensive to share any details with her in the first email I sent. She said she only replied back because my email was the only one that she received that did not have blatant pictures of genitalia.

After a couple of emails back and forth, she asked me to call her. I was scared as hell, but I managed to survive her short bit of interrogation and teasing. Before the call had ended, she asked me to ask her to lunch. She wanted it to be in a very public place, and so she agreed to meet me in the center court at the mall and to have lunch with me at the fancy burger place.

She was standing near the security desk in the center court. I was able to spy on her from an upper level balcony while I calmed my nerves. She looked exactly like her picture. She was mid-forties with short blonde hair, parted from the side. She was awfully curvy for someone who claimed to go to the gym regularly, but I liked it. She was holding a yellow daffodil.

I looked at the white daffodil in my hand. She had asked me to bring it so she could easily recognize me. I think that was what we agreed to. Suddenly I was nervous again. I might have misunderstood. She had said something about wanting to meet someone who was bold, but not too bold. I am cautious in all things and I knew there was no way I could pull this off. I almost left.

My feet carried me down a ramp and a flight of stairs, and suddenly I was walking towards her. I let a false sense of confidence relax my fears.

“Hello, Pretty Woman,” I said confidently. She turned to look at me. It almost seemed as if she didn’t recognize me.

“You brought yellow, I brought white,” I continued, holding up the flower. A playful smile formed on her lips, but her eyes were still puzzled.

I trusted my false confidence, and I boldly kissed her cheek and said, “It’s good to finally meet you, Debbie.”

Her face was an angry frown and she turned all sorts of shades of red. I could tell that she was actively stopping herself from slapping me.

“My name is Kathy,” she finally said. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

A wave of ice cold fear shot through me, and I was frozen in place. Just when I thought I could find my voice, things got worse.

“Is there a problem, ma’am,” a very big security guy asked from the desk.

She didn’t answer him. She waited for me to explain myself. I could barely breathe, and speaking was out of the question. And then things really got bad.

The exact twin of the woman in front of me walked up and demanded, “What the hell, John. Did you make two dates in case one of us didn’t show?”

The first woman saved me. “Who are you?” she demanded. “And why would you think that?” she added.

“My name is Debbie, and he was supposed to bring me a daffodil for our lunch date. Did he make the same plans with you?”

“Hi Debbie, I’m Kathy. I brought my own flower for a blind date with a man named Ricardo. I love daffodils.”

Debbie turned all smiles. “Me too!”

She turned to me with a frown. “You mistook her for me?” she demanded.

“You look very similar,” I suggested. Similar was an understatement. They had to be twins. Debbie’s hair was parted from the opposite side of Kathy’s, and it was just a shade darker. Their eyes were the same deep blue. There was a slight difference in the shape of their noses and chins, but their faces looked the same. Both were medium height, maybe 5’6″, and I would put money on them weighing within ten pounds of each other.

“You think I look like her?” they said in unison. Their voices sounded identical.

I looked to the security guard for help but he put up his hands in the universal gesture of ‘you’re on your own, buddy’ and he turned away. Looking at the women again, it was obvious that they didn’t see it. A sudden calm settled on me as I realized the improbability of the situation.

I smiled at Debbie and said, “Your beauty has blinded me to the point that I want all women to look like you.” I offered her the flower.

Smiles spread on both of their faces and in unison they said, “Smooth.”

Debbie took the flower and smelled it. She said, “And I am going to fall for it, because I love daffodils.”

Kathy smelled hers and smiled.

“You should have had your date bring it,” Debbie said.

“It’s a good thing I didn’t,” Kathy answered. “He was supposed to be here twenty five minutes ago, so I’m guessing it’s another no-show.”

Debbie gave me a look, but I didn’t know her well enough to interpret it. I trusted myself and the sense of calm that I felt.

“Would you like to join us for lunch at the fancy burger place?” I asked Kathy.

“Oh, I couldn’t,” she answered. “I’ll just be in your way.”

Debbie gave me a smile to let me know I had guessed right.

“Nonsense,” she insisted. “Besides, we can tease him about his mistake.”

“Are you sure?” Kathy asked.

I answered, “Of course,” at the same time that Debbie answered, “Yes.”

Let me just say that lunch was enjoyable. I had mixed feeling about Kathy joining us. On the plus side, the only thing better than having lunch with a good looking woman is having lunch with two good looking women. On the negative side, Debbie had flirtatiously told me that she trusts herself to make quick judgments. She said if she didn’t like what she saw, she would probably dump me before we even ordered food. If she felt good about things, she liked to move fast, and I might want to plan on not going back to work.

Having Kathy along probably negated both options. Knowing that Debbie wasn’t likely to dump me or jump me actually made me feel more relaxed. The women spend most of the lunch trying to show me how many ways they were different. Every example showed me how similar they were.

The list is boggling. Debbie was born on May 4th. Kathy was born on April 5th. They had both been married twice. Debbie’s first husband was Tom, her second Michael. Kathy’s husbands were Mike and Thomas. Both had one child in college, and although one was a boy and the other a girl, even they were surprised that the kids shared the exact same birthday. The examples went on and on, and by the time I paid for lunch, even they were laughing about it.

Throughout the lunch, Debbie had been more than a little flirtatious. Kathy and I had sat opposite each other at the table, with Debbie at the side between us. Debbie always found an excuse to be touching either my arm or hand or Kathy’s. When her water glass had gone empty, Debbie had shared mine. She had hinted that we were going to be sharing germs anyways.

As the three of us walked out of the restaurant, I had high hopes that Debbie would allow us to send Kathy on her way. Debbie’s flirting led me to believe that she had high hopes for the afternoon as well. Or at least I hoped so. She shot my dreams down.

“Kathy,” she asked, “what are your plans for the afternoon?” She hooked Kathy’s arm in her own like sisters would.

“Today is my only day off this week,” Kathy answered. “I was planning on doing some window shopping. Care to join me?”

“That sounds like fun,” Debbie said with a smile. I watched my dreams evaporate. Maybe I could convince them to try on sexy underwear. That is assuming that they allowed me to stay with them.

Debbie leaned in close to Kathy’s ear. Her words were a loud whisper that they both knew I would hear.

“I took the afternoon off, and made plans just in case I wanted to seduce him,” she said. “I noticed the way you were looking at me when we were talking about breast size, and I was wondering if you would like to come play with me.”

Kathy stopped walking and turned to face Debbie. She couldn’t stop her eyes from glancing quickly at Debbie’s chest before she answered.

“What are you asking?” she asked breathily. At that moment, I don’t think they even remembered I was there.

“I want you to come get naked with me and let me have my way with you,” Debbie said with a dazzling smile. I was crestfallen and yet completely intrigued at the same time.

“I’ve never really done that,” she stammered. Debbie waited with a big smile while Kathy weighed the possibilities. We both saw when Kathy made up her mind to do it. Her eyes bounced down to Debbie’s breasts and then back as she nodded.

Then Kathy smirked and glanced over at me. “Do you think we should bring him with?” she asked.

“Of course,” Debbie answered. “We need someone to drive!”

I was suddenly able to breathe again, although I hoped she was teasing. The lofty dreams came racing back, times two!

Debbie was parked close to the restaurant, so Kathy and I agreed to leave our cars there. As Debbie had teased, she made me drive her car. There was a bit of comedy as I asked how to start the damn thing. I have never driven a car that didn’t have an actual key that you turned to start it. There was also a bit of comedy because the two of them climbed into the back seats. Debbie reiterated that they only needed me to drive and she said that they were getting started on their afternoon fun.

She gave me quick directions for where she wanted to go. The subdivision she wanted was less than two miles away, but there are a lot of traffic lights. I knew the area well enough to get us to the street she wanted, and I told her so.

She took that as a green light to turn her attention to Kathy. Kathy was sitting in the seat behind me, so when Debbie slid over next to her, I couldn’t see anything. When I tried to turn the rear view for a better look, Debbie shook her head, and pointed my eyes at the road. I would have sped the whole way there, except the lights seemed to stop us every block.

I couldn’t see what was going on, but I could hear. Debbie complimented Kathy on her hair, and then must have been touching it. It sounded like Kathy pulled Debbie into a kiss, but the surprised squeal could have been either of them. The wet sounds of kissing and the accompanying groans were making me hard as hell. I nearly hit the car ahead of us when one of them exclaimed that the other had ‘bigger ones’ and the answer was ‘but your nipples are harder’. When a pair of crumpled bras tumbled into the passenger seat beside me, I knew they were not making it up.

When I turned onto the street Debbie wanted, I was surprised that she was paying enough attention to give me the house number. As I pulled into the drive, she gave me a code to open the garage door, and she told me to pull in and then close it. As I got out of the car to do as she instructed, I glanced into the back seat.

The two women were slouched into a corner of the back seat. Both were topless, but their breasts were pressed together and I couldn’t see anything. I could see that Debbie had her hand inside Kathy’s skirt, and Kathy was oblivious to the world around her. The unmistakable sounds of a woman having an intense orgasm drifted to the front seat as I moved the car into the garage. When I jumped out to close the door, they were pressed together and kissing as Kathy drifted back down from the lofty heights.

You can imagine my dismay when I returned to the car to open the doors for them, and they were buttoning up their blouses. I tried to keep a happy smile on my face. Debbie noticed the momentary disappointment. She stepped away from Kathy for a moment to speak to me.

“You gave her a kiss that belonged to me,” she explained with a smile. “I had to take it back.”

“There’s more where it came from,” I reminded her.

Her eyes flared a bit at my bravado, but she stepped close to take what I offered. I put all of my wants and desires into that kiss, and I felt her knees get weak. Her teasing smile was replaced by a look of hunger as we parted.

“I was going to tease you for a while, but now I don’t know,” she said. She glanced quickly at Kathy.

“Listen,” I said. “By rights, I am the man, I paid for lunch, and I should be in charge. Tell me I am in charge and I’ll see to it that we do the things you want to do.”

“That’s a terrible reason,” she said with a laugh. “I like being in charge. Just give me a minute to figure out what I want.”

“I know what you want,” I teased. “Play this game with me. You two agree that I am in charge. If I tell you to do something that you don’t like, you can call ‘Yellow Card’, and if we all agree that I was wrong, you will be in charge. If we don’t like something you command, we will ‘Yellow Card’ you. The second time someone gets a card, the others can decide if it’s a ‘Red Card’ and they get another chance, or a ‘Black Card’ and they don’t get to lead anymore.”

“That’s too complicated,” she laughed. “What do you think, Kathy? Should we let him have his way with us?”

Kathy had been following along, but she was still in a post orgasmic haze. She walked over to me with a smile and she kissed me. She must have put all of her wants and desires into that kiss, because I felt my knees get weak.

“Okay,” she said as we parted, “He’s in charge.”

I took a moment or two to collect my wits. Then I strongly suggested that Debbie should show us into the house. With a smile, she ushered us inside. The house was a nice house. We quickly saw a TV room, a kitchen, a front room, stairs, a guest bathroom, and then a bedroom with its own full bath. She pointed out that the house belonged to her co-worker and we needed to respect that. She also pointed out that she had permission to make a mess of the bedroom and baths, but she was the one that had to clean up. Kathy and I agreed to respect those conditions.

Both women looked at me expectantly. “What should we do to you first?” Debbie asked.

“Not to me,” I said with a leer. “For me.”

They waited, so I said, “I would like you to undress each other. Do not remove your own clothes. As you do it, remember that you are putting on a show for me.”

Kathy looked a shade apprehensive, but Debbie confidently pulled her in for a kiss and her worries vanished. Debbie turned Kathy to face me and then stepped behind her. They both watched my eyes as Debbie reached around and unbuttoned Kathy’s blouse and then peeled it open for me. I had to take a moment to lust her breasts. They were a nice handful with medium large areolas and smooth nipples that barely dimpled.

Debbie pulled the blouse off of Kathy’s shoulders, and then used it to spin Kathy. Debbie watched over Kathy’s shoulder as she slid the blouse down and let it drop to the floor.

Kathy turned her head to watch me as she pulled Debbie’s shirt off and let it fall to the floor. Her body still blocked my view of Debbie, and the both laughed when I leaned to the side to try to get a look. Kathy turned back to Debbie and kissed her. Debbie was still moaning her pleasure as Kathy kissed her way down Debbie’s neck. Debbie’s fingers aggressively played in Kathy’s hair when Kathy stopped to tease the breasts that I still could not see.

Kathy turned Debbie sideways as she kissed her way down Debbie’s front. Debbie’s breasts were slightly smaller than Kathy’s, but still a playful handful. She had no visible areolas, but her large nipples were perky and hard. When I pulled my eyes away from enjoying them, I saw that her eyes were closed as she enjoyed Kathy’s touches and kisses.

Her eyes stayed closed as Kathy loosened the button and zipper at Debbie’s hip. Kathy’s eyes made sure I was watching as she slid the skirt from Debbie’s hips. She turned back to kissing as her hands traced the full shape of Debbie’s ass. Her fingers teased in under the back panel of Debbie’s panties as they followed her curves. Slowly, Kathy stood as she kissed her way back up Debbie’s body. When her lips reached Debbie’s again, the women kissed deeply.

Debbie broke the kiss and did a little pirouette to show off her panties. When she faced Kathy again, she had Kathy do a spin as well. She had Kathy end her spin facing away. She had Kathy lean slightly forward with her hands on the corner post of the bed. When Debbie leaned over and pressed her breasts into Kathy’s back, Kathy arched back in pleasure at the contact. Debby pushed Kathy forward and used the weight of her breasts and the hardness of her nipples to tease circles on Kathy’s back.

As the circles teased lower, Debbie reached around and undid the fastenings at the front of Kathy’s skirt. Both women’s eyes were lusty as they watched me watch the skirt slide off to the floor. Debbie teased her breasts to rub on Kathy’s uplifted ass. Moving back and forth, she slid them down to tease the back of Kathy’s legs. Soon Debbie’s lips joined her breasts in teasing Kathy’s skin. She kissed around the globes of both cheeks, and then she kissed deep in the cleft between her legs.

Kathy’s jaw dropped as she took a deep breath in pleasure. I could see Debby’s jaw working up and down. I couldn’t tell if she was licking at Kathy’s panties, or if she had managed to get her tongue in deeper. They were both deeply enjoying it, and there was no way I was going to make her stop.

As if she heard my thoughts, Kathy happily moaned, “Make her stop!” Debbie did not stop.

“What’s the matter, Kathy?” I teased.

With a squeal, she breathily answered, “We’re supposed to be getting naked. She’s making my panties wet!”

Debbie stopped to say, “It’s only fair. She made mine wet!”

Kathy cried out, “I did not!”

“Show me,” I commanded. “Both of you.”

Kathy turned away from me to look at Debbie, and they shared a smile and a conspiratorial look. As one, they turned away from me and bent at the waist. They spread their legs wide and bent far enough to look back at me from between their spread legs. Kathy’s panties were almost small enough to be called a g-string. The off-white panel and bright green hemming were noticeable darkened with her wetness. Debbie’s panties had more material, but the shiny black cloth showed just as much wetness.

“How did that happen, Debbie?” I asked.

Both women stood halfway up, and Debbie smiled at Kathy as she answered, “I just liked how she was touching me.”

They shared a quick kiss and another conspiring look. They both bent to look at me between their legs, and then they both peeled their own panties slowly over their asses and then off. They knew they were breaking the rules, but they also knew I would be too enthralled to care. From this angle, it was hard to believe they were not twins.

I won’t dwell on their puckered sphincters that looked identical. I was caught by the view of their swollen pussy lips. They were identical in shape and coloring. Their lips were pressed tight as they pulled the panties over their asses. As they stepped out of their panties, their lower lips parted at the same time to reveal the wetness that begged for tongue and finger and cock. I wanted to stare and lust forever, but I wanted more than just to look as well. They eagerly drank in my lust.

They stood together as Debbie said, “We’re undressing you now, right?”

My voice sounded hoarse as I answered, “Yes!”

In two steps they were on me, one on each side. As my hands slid down their naked backs to squeeze their butts, Debbie turned my face to hers and she kissed me hard. As soon as we parted, she pushed me to Kathy who kissed me just as eagerly. As we kissed, both women ran their hands under my shirt and pulled in up over my head. Somehow, Debbie did a pull and a twist, and instead of falling to the floor, my shirt trapped both of my arms behind my back. Kathy turned me back to kiss Debbie. Debbie pressed her breasts into my chest as she fervently attacked my lips.

I was somewhat aware of Kathy as she nibbled on my exposed shoulder, and then kissed my chest and ribs. Debbie and I were lost in a kiss, so Kathy must have been the one that loosed my clothes. I gasped into the kiss when both women squeezed my ass inside my boxers. Debbie broke free of the kiss and joined Kathy in kissing their way down my body. My pants and boxers pooled together around my ankles.

I had to step out of my shoes to step out of my pants. As I quickly made that happen, I wondered for a half of a second when the women had lost their shoes. But as soon as my bare feet were safely on the floor, Kathy slid the head of my cock into her mouth and Debbie pressed her tongue up under my balls, and I lost the ability to think. They only teased me for a moment or two, and then kissed their way back up to press their naked bodies against mine.

“We’re all naked, so now what?” Kathy breathed into my ear. Her hand was stroking my cock. Debbie’s hand was fondling my balls. I was lost in the feeling of their hot breath on my neck, their breasts pressed into my side, and the heat and moisture where they pressed against my legs.

“Now look who is having trouble thinking,” Debbie teased.

“I had a plan,” I croaked as I tried to think past the pleasures they continued to give me. I had a plan. I remembered it had something to do with patience. It had something to do with Debbie. No, Kathy. I remembered it.

“Kathy, you said you have never been with a woman, but you want to now. Yes?” It seems like such a simple thing to ask. I dare you to try to put thoughts together the next time two women are rubbing against you like they were rubbing against me.

She answered, “Yes, but I want your cock as well.” Hearing her ask for it made thinking hard again. I struggled, but managed.

“Debbie, you started this,” I stated. “I want you to show us the ways you like to please a woman’s pussy.”

She lustfully looked at Kathy before she answered my demand.

“You could take either of us any way you like, and this is what you want?” she asked.

“Sooner or later, we will take care of what I want,” I answered. “First we should take care of what you want.”

She gave me a quick but hard kiss.

“Don’t take this wrong, but I think I love you,” she declared. Before I could take it any way, she ordered, “You, get out of our way. Kathy, lie down.”

“Suddenly you’re in charge?” I teased.

“I’ve had two almost tastes of her, and I want more, now!” she insisted.

“John, I want you by me,” Kathy said as she pulled me onto the bed.

We ended up with Kathy on her back with a pillow behind her head. I was on my side beside her with one hand behind her neck. She had one hand in Debbie’s hair while the other stroked my cock. She was a bit overwhelmed by Debbie’s aggressiveness, and she wanted me to be at her side, but I was not to interfere with her watching Debbie. Debbie approved of the arrangement.

Debbie slid on her stomach between Kathy’s legs, and lifted the legs onto her shoulders. With a smile, she stretched out her tongue and gently lapped right up the middle of Kathy’s parted lips.

That gentleness was the exact opposite of what Kathy expected, and she moaned her pleasure and approval.

Debbie took her time as she used her tongue to explore and tease. As Kathy relaxed into the pace that Debbie had set, she allowed me to distract her a bit with kisses. She also allowed me to kiss and tease her breasts and nipples. Kathy really enjoyed when Debbie pressed her lips wide and nibbled up each side to the clit. When Debbie finally added the sensation of two fingers teasing in and out, Kathy surged into an orgasm. Debbie continued with her fingers in the opening and her tongue and lips at the clit, and Kathy’s orgasm seemed to last forever.

Debbie very skillfully extended Kathy’s pleasure far longer than I would have imagined. She also took a long time coming down from the high, and Debbie knew exactly how to tease Kathy just enough to extend the pleasure without overwhelming her senses. It was very relaxing for me to cuddle with Kathy as she enjoyed the afterglow.

Debbie looked up from between Kathy’s legs and said, “I don’t want to sound bossy, but one of you needs to make me cum now.”

I gently kissed Kathy. “You were supposed to be learning,” I reminded her. “Are you ready to try?”

“I was hoping to feel this inside of me,” she said as she gave my cock a gentle squeeze. She smiled at Debbie and said, “I want to please you even more. Are you still in charge?”

“Yes!” she demanded. “I need both of you to make me cum, right now!”

As demanding as she sounded, they both looked to me for direction. With a naughty smile, I accepted the responsibility.

“Debbie, come here,” I commanded as I scooted my back up to the headboard. I had a couple of pillows behind me so I could lean back comfortably. Debbie tried to straddle me with a kiss. I accepted the kiss, but then, with a smile, I pushed her away and spun her around to face away. She happily straddled my body and she took my cock inside in a single thrust. I pulled her back until she was sitting on my lap with my cock inside her. Her legs were outside of mine, and by lifting my knees, I could spread her legs really wide. She immediately started thrusting against my cock.

It had been too long since the last time my cock had been buried in a pussy. Hers was comfortably wet and tight, and I was going to have to be careful not to lose control too soon. As she rocked against me, her insides were grasping and releasing in a most tantalizing way.

“Hold still,” I commanded. “Kathy, make yourself comfortable and tease her lips and clit the way she did you.” Kathy had been watching us move into position with a happy but puzzled look. She suddenly understood what I expected, and she happily settled between our legs. Her eyes were locking on Debbie’s as she gently stroked her tongue up the exposed base of my cock and through Debbie’s parted lips. I hadn’t expected that, and my cock surged inside of Debbie. She gasped at that and then cried out as the probing tongue reached her clit.

“Fuck, baby, don’t tease me,” Debbie cried out. “I need to cum so bad! Please, baby, please!”

Kathy teased the tip of her tongue against Debbie’s clit, and then said, “This is how I tease myself when I want to cum fast.”

I am not sure exactly what she did. Her tongue flattened out and she teased it roughly against the clit. It felt like she was stroking her thumbs roughly up and down Debbie’s lips where they were formed around my shaft. Debbie started eagerly humping against my shaft in time with Kathy’s tongue. She breathed out a long moan as she raced towards her orgasm. I put one hand on her stomach to hold her still enough so that Kathy could keep up the assault. My other hand found her breast and I tweaked her hard nipple.

Just before her orgasm hit, she tried to clamp her legs shut. My legs were far stronger, and she was helpless as I held her legs open. She grabbed her other breast and squeezed it hard and moments later, her pussy clamped down hard on my cock. She growled out her pleasure as she rode my cock and Kathy’s tongue to the bitter end.

Kathy was all smiles as she slid up Debbie’s body and the two women kissed. Debbie sat up and devoured her own juices from Kathy’s face. Kathy was enthralled by the intensity of her new friend’s passion.

“You have to make me cum like that!” she demanded.

“Yes!” Debbie agreed. I don’t think either cared for my opinion, although I also agreed.

Debbie appeared to have another mini-orgasm as she slid off my cock. She clung to Kathy for a moment or two.

“This is going to be fast,” she promised. “I want him back!” They kissed in agreement.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I was still wondering if they weren’t really twins. It would have been an epic prank if they had stopped at some point and revealed that they were. We were a long ways past that point, but the thought was still there. That thought was squeezed from my mind as Kathy settled back onto my cock.

“He’s big,” she hissed. I don’t think I am. I am pretty sure I am average size, length and girth, for a six foot tall man. Hearing her say otherwise felt wonderful for my ego.

Her sheath was tight around the entire length of my shaft. Between her wetness and the juices that still clung to me, I easily slid inside, but it was wonderfully tight. Debbie didn’t know or care at that moment, and she immediately attacked. I could feel Kathy’s body reacting to Debbie’s tongue on her clit, but inside, she just held my cock tight.

I slid my hands up and filled my palms with Kathy’s breasts. She grabbed my hands in hers and hugged them tightly to her body. Rather than thrust against me, she slowly rolled her hips back and pressed down harder on my cock. I felt a fluttering inside on the head of my cock and I knew she was about to cum. I didn’t think I would be able to hold back when she did.

And then Debbie did the most amazing thing. Her tongue had been attacking Kathy’s lips and clit, and had occasionally been teasing my cock. Suddenly her tongue flattened and slid down my cock and she swirled the tip of it in a quick circle around my balls. She swooped up and teased Kathy, then swirled around my balls a second time. The third time she raced around the bases, she pressed a fingertip to my anus.

It was an unexpected move, and for a moment I didn’t know what to do. I don’t know that it felt good or bad, and I guess if that was something she wanted to do, I didn’t have a reason to stop her. The next time her tongue raced up to Kathy’s clit and then down around my balls, she teased her tongue to the deepest point beyond of the base of my cock. The feeling was most unusual, and before I could do anything else, my cock exploded inside Kathy.

I think that if Debbie had kept her attack on Kathy’s clit, Kathy would have come much sooner. Her insides had been fluttering against my cock the entire time that Debbie had backed off to tease my balls. When my cock inflated and surged its burning heat inside her, she exploded as well. She tried to throw her knees together, but my legs blocked her. Her body responded by throwing her hips back against my cock, and I felt myself thrusting up to meet her. We both cried out in our pleasure.

Debbie’s tongue teased up and down the base of my surging cock, and then suddenly, she cried out, “No!”

Kathy and I were too lost in pleasure to know what Debbie wanted. Debbie didn’t care if we knew or not. She almost cruelly pulled my surging cock roughly out of Kathy, and greedily sucked it into her mouth. Kathy cried out at the intensity and the loss, but I also felt her hot juices spray out onto my cock and Debbie’s face. Debbie’s head bobbed a couple of times as she almost painfully sucked the last of the cum from my cock, and then she pushed it aside as she buried her face in Kathy. The intensity was almost too much for Kathy.

Kathy cried out, “No!” sounding just like Debbie. Then she added, “Stop!”

Debbie seemed to ignore her pleas, and it took Kathy and me a moment to realize that Debbie was lost deep in her own orgasm. As it subsided, she looked up at us with a naughty grin.

“I’m sorry,” she told Kathy. We couldn’t help but smile back at her.

“I wanted his first to be inside me,” Debbie explained. “I tried to steal it from you, and then you two tasted so good, I came.”

“It was my own fault,” she said to me. “Sometimes I forget that some people aren’t as wild as I am. I should have asked first.”

Kathy looked perplexed.

“It was rather unexpected,” I said. “I don’t know if I liked that or not.”

With a very naughty smile, she asked, “Can I expect you to reciprocate?”

I thought about the disgusting places her finger and tongue had just been. I had about as much experience with that as I did with being in bed with two incredible women.

“There is almost nothing that I wouldn’t do for you right now,” I answered honestly.

“Don’t you forget that,” she said. Her smile promised that I was going to be scared.

“What did you do?” Kathy finally asked.

“I would have to show you,” Debbie answered with a smile.

“I don’t think I’m ready for whatever it was,” Kathy said.

“Mmm, your loss,” Debbie teased. “What are we ready for?”

“Will you let me show Kathy how I would tease your pussy?” I asked.

“How could I say no to that?” she asked back.

In short order, Kathy and I were between Debbie’s spread legs. Debbie’s technique had been to use her tongue to slowly tease as she sought out the sensitive spots. Then she had worked each spot a little at a time until Kathy came. That had been exactly what Kathy needed.

My technique started in a similar way as I teased my tongue around to map her sensitive spots. Then I aggressively worked each spot with tongue and teeth to bring Debbie to the edge of hysteria. The feeling for her was somewhere between intense tickling and mild pain. Trust me, it worked. I don’t think Kathy would have enjoyed it, though.

She was enjoying repeating my actions on Debbie. I would start on a spot, and work it until Debbie reacted the way I wanted. Then Kathy would tease the same spot until she got the same reaction. The happy noises that Kathy was making as she played with her new found skill were quite arousing. Her eagerness to torture Debbie to the edge was intoxicating.

We started near the top of her vaginal opening. Then we jumped to high and outside on her labia. We went low inside, then high on the other side. By the time we attacked low on the other side, Debbie was cursing and begging for release. With a grin, I gently licked a circle around her clit. Then I turned her over to Kathy.

As I rolled to the side to give her room, Kathy suddenly froze with a deep gasp. At first I thought something was wrong, but then her hand gently grabbed my mostly hard cock that had pressed into her side. Her eyes commanded and I obeyed.

She turned her attention back to Debbie. Her tongue traced the same gentle circle that mine had around Debbie’s clit. Debbie cursed and tried to thrust her hips for more sensation.

I moved behind Kathy and pulled her hips up until she was on her knees with her face still between Debbie’s legs. Debbie felt the shift and she saw where I had moved to. She unconsciously nodded her approval with a smile. My cock swelled and I pressed it into Kathy.

Although Kathy moaned in pleasure, she was not distracted from her intent. Debbie’s eyes went wide with surprise when Kathy attacked her clit with the same intensity that we had been using everywhere else. She cried out and tried to kick away from Kathy’s hot tongue and teeth, but I caught her feet and lifted them high in the air. A colorful list of curses flew from her lips as her orgasm exploded up her body. She writhed and cried and cursed and kicked, but Kathy stayed on target and pushed her beyond her limit.

I was able to help Kathy by controlling Debbie’s feet. I was also able to take advantage of my position to take my own pleasure from Kathy. She remained impossibly tight around my shaft, but instead of being pinned deep inside like I had been before, I was able to gently thrust in without disturbing her actions. The internal rippling started almost immediately, so I would pause for a moment with each deep thrust.

As Debbie crashed down out of the skies, Kathy started moaning and begging me to go faster and harder. Debbie beckoned Kathy to come up closer for a kiss. Kathy and I were able to crawl up the bed without losing our momentum. When their lips met, Kathy exploded. I thrust in deep and held in place to enjoy the contractions that rippled up and down my shaft. The two women kissed and held each other tight as they enjoyed the afterglow of their pleasures.

Kathy quietly moaned and said, “That was too much. I need to sleep.”

I gently eased my cock out of her and she slid to Debbie’s side on the bed. There was a happy smile on her face. Her eyes were open, but I think she fell asleep.

Debbie looked and me and grinned. “I thought you were going to lick my pussy until I came,” she teased.

“Are you sure?” I asked. “I won’t be as gentle as Kathy was.”

A wave a pleasure surged through her body.

“I bet you tap out before I do,” she teased.

I shrugged and slid down between her legs.

I started very gently. We had really punished her flesh earlier, and I did not want to hurt her. She purred as I lapped up and down the folds of her pleasure. She pushed me away when my tongue reached her clit.

“Tapping out?” I teased.

“No, not yet,” she answered. “Just go gently for a bit. It doesn’t hurt, but I am tender.”

The gentle teasing of my tongue was answer enough for her. It wouldn’t be long before I could be more aggressive on her labia, but her clitoris was going to be too tender for a while. I knew somewhere else that I could give her the aggression she desired. I pressed two fingers through the wetness into her vaginal opening.

Debbie growled out a ‘yes’ as she ground her hips onto my invading digits. I continued to thrust them in and out as I drove my tongue up and down her slit. Each time my tongue circled close to her clit, the temperature inside her rose.

I had her perfectly primed to send her into the biggest orgasm I know how to give. I turned my palm up and started circling the fingers inside her towards where her g-spot should be. Debbie had other plans.

She sat into a perfect crunch position and grabbed the sides of my head and lifted. There was a frightening level of intensity in her eyes as they bored into mine.

“More,” she insisted.

I watched her eyes as I added a third finger inside of her. She almost let that pleasure show on her face. It was overshadowed by the look that told me I had guessed wrong. I pressed the thumb of my other hand against her anus. It was well lubricated with vaginal juices, and the end of my thumb slid right in. A look of extreme pleasure claimed her as she fell back on the bed. She growled her pleasure and ground her ass downwards, swallowing my thumb.

I resumed thrusting my fingers into her as I licked around her clit. She rolled her hips against my face and hand, and her ass started to squeeze down tight on my thumb.

“Oh, fuck, I needed that,” she cried out. “Fuck, I need more. More, baby, more!”

I should have been ashamed for what I did next. I guess I meant it when I said there was nothing I wouldn’t do. My thumb pulled back and held her open, and my tongue plunged in and circled in ways that only it can do. I should have been disgusted, but I almost came with her.

She cried out as her body spasmed into orgasm. I managed to keep alternating thumb and tongue while still pushing my fingers in and out. I followed her orgasm over the top and down the other side, keeping her on the edge of her passion. She was sobbing her pleasure as it ended.

I thought Kathy was sleeping, but she rolled next to Debbie and started kissing and comforting her.

Debbie was too pleased to have someone there to share her afterglow.

‘That was not a tap-out’, I thought. I needed to answer her challenge. Rather than let her breathe and enjoy the moment, I pressed forward for the orgasm I had intended to give her.

She gasped in surprise as I swiped my tongue up to her clit and pressed two fingers back inside her pussy. Rather than thrusting with my fingers, I circled my fingertips inside of her. I followed the ridges that had been brought on by her previous orgasms, and easily found the spot that made her whole body tremble.

“What is he doing?” Kathy asked.

“He can’t make me cum again so soon!” she exclaimed.

“You can’t stop me,” I promised.

She tried to kick free as her next orgasm started. She tried to crawl away. She did not tap out. Her pussy tried to turn inside out to expel my probing fingers, but I held her pinned to the bed. Sweet tasted juices gushed with each spasm and she cried out.

Kathy was starting to look concerned, and she might have chosen to push me away, but Debbie cried out, “Fuck, this is incredible!” Kathy smiled as Debbie pulled her close to kiss away the end of the orgasm. She still hadn’t tapped out.

I decided to cheat. I lunged forward on my knees and pressed my cock into her. The end of her orgasm was still trembling inside her, but she still was not as tight as Kathy. Viva la difference, I lusted them both.

I lifted Debbie’s ass and leaned back on my knees to thrust into her. It took a mere two strokes to find the right depth to press the ridge of my cock head onto her over-stimulated g-spot. She cried out, and I started thrusting with short strokes. Another orgasm claimed her almost immediately. She locked eyes with Kathy and pulled her close until their foreheads touched. She was grunting and growling with the intensity of it, but it seemed likely that she had never been happier.

I slowed down at the right time to let her enjoy the moment. Again, they kissed as she started to come down from the heights. I let them enjoy for a moment, but she still hadn’t tapped. I also took a moment for myself to cool off. Throughout her orgasm, her insides had been trying to find traction to expel my cock. The trembling and squeezing had almost pushed me over the edge.

I started to slowly stroke the head of my cock against her g-spot again. Her eyes went wide.

“Too soon,” she begged.

“I should stop?” I asked.

“No!” she demanded. “I can’t cum like that again,” she pleaded.

I continued the slow speed assault. A slow motion orgasm tightened her insides and tried to push me out. The fire of orgasm flared at the base of my cock, and I knew I had lost her challenge. Another wave of motion shook inside her, and the pressure at the base of my cock double.

“It’s too much,” she whimpered. All in a rush, she added, “Fuck, I had no idea it could be like this. It’s just too much, and we have to stop. Please don’t ever stop, but don’t make me cum again!”

“I’m sorry,” I gasped as my cock exploded inside her. The head of my cock was right on her g-spot as it swelled and released its heated load. She cried out as she launched into a bigger orgasm. I would have been lost in my own orgasm, but she reached out and pulled me forward. As I collapsed half on her, half on Kathy, she aggressively kissed each of us in turn.

She was laughing and sobbing uncontrollably as she said, “Holy fuck! I love you two so much!”

“Don’t take this wrong,” I teased, “but I love you too. Both of you.”

“You two fall in love too easily,” Kathy teased, but the way she kissed us let us know she was emotionally there with us.

“And don’t ever make me cum like that,” she added. “That was scary.”

Debbie kissed her, and then she said, “You know I will make him teach me how.”

Kathy kissed me. “You better promise to be here to hold me, then,” she said.

Before I could answer, Debbie’s insides rolled with an intense after shock. She gasped as some of our juices leaked out and started sliding down her skin.

“Roll over,” she demanded. “I have to taste us!”

I was more than happy to get off my knees. My cock was too sensitive for the assault that followed. Debbie completely enjoyed the power she had to make my body flinch uncontrollably. She also enjoyed the taste of our juices. Kathy was surprised when Debbie pulled her into a kiss to share the flavors. It was easy to tell that Kathy realized she liked them and wanted more. As Kathy bent to gently lick my cock, Debbie leaned to kiss me.

I shook my head and said, “That would be one of the almosts that I wouldn’t do.”

The kissed me anyways. The flavors that were hers tasted incredible. The rest was revolting.

I think she was going to give me a look to let me know where I stood, but she started giggling as Kathy nuzzled her way into Debbie’s crotch in search of more flavor. Debbie trembled in pleasure as Kathy rooted around with her tongue. Kathy’s face was glistening as Debbie pulled her up for a kiss. As the kiss ended, Debbie pushed Kathy toward me.

“He said he won’t,” she protested.

“I’m beginning to believe there is nothing at all that I wouldn’t do for either of you,” I pointed out as I pulled her into a kiss.

If I thought about it, I am sure I would have found it disgusting. We tasted incredible on her lips. I was saved from thinking about it by the sound of a cell phone. The ringtone was Joan Jett’s ‘Hate Myself For Lovin’ You’.

“That’s mine,” they said in unison, and then looked at each other in surprise.

Kathy hopped off the bed and dug through the clothes on the floor to find the ringing phone. Almost as if on cue, a second phone started ringing with the same song. Kathy was delighted as she handed a phone to Debby, and then stepped away to answer her call. Neither of them spoke long, but I could see the wheels turning in both of their heads as they hung up. Neither seemed to want to speak first.

“What’s up Kathy,” I prodded.

“That was my daughter,” she said reluctantly. “She’s home from school and wants to go to dinner. I never get to see her anymore and I should go.”

“Debbie?” I prodded.

“You said anything, right?” she asked. She was acting as apprehensive as Kathy had been. I had no idea what she was thinking.

“Anything,” I confirmed.

“That was work,” she explained. “They have a real issue that I really should go deal with. Can you stay here and clean up our mess?”

Before I could answer, she worriedly added, “If it’s alright with Kathy, I will make sure you are rewarded for a job well done.”

Again, before I could answer, Kathy cut in with, “Of course it’s alright. Does your asking mean we are going to share him?”

“Yes!” Debbie agreed, and the two of them kissed to seal the deal. For a half of a second, I was terrified by the thought. There was no way I was going to be able to pull this off. Then I realized that they would make it work.

The only thing better than working things out to date a beautiful woman is having two beautiful women work things out with you.

Published 10 years ago

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