“What I do with my body is no concern of yours!” Sherri shot back. Stew looked shocked. He didn’t expect her response at all. His elevator gaze went from the patterns on her feet, up her legs, to the rings on her beautiful slick vagina, the scrolling lettering over her mons pubis, the floral pattern that circled her navel and twisted between her breasts to her right and left shoulders, and finally the jewelry that adorned her nipples. She had large rings through her nipples and a gold chain that dangled between her breasts. The backs of her hands were adorned in henna patterns.
Stew’s cock began to stir. Noticing his flushed face and tenting pants, Sherri slowly turned to let her husband see her back. She knew the words “I fuck” written in vertical scrolling letters would send him over the edge or freak him out.
“It’s … It is beautiful!” Stew said almost breathlessly.
“You think it is sexy?” Sherri said smiling coyly. She was giving him that look that she used to catch him years ago. She glanced down and saw his cock standing out in his slacks.
“Take it out and stroke it,” she whispered. It was an impulse. She really didn’t want to see Stew’s pathetic white cock. She wanted to control him. Almost like a robot, Stew removed his pathetic six-inch wiener and started pumping.
“That’s right, baby. Stroke for your momma,” Sherri urged him on. “Come on daddy. Pump it for me! Cum in your hand for me,” she whispered, urging him on.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! I’m cumming,” Stew gasped and blasted into his hand. He sat down on the patio chaise lounge chair and gasped for breath. It was more pleasure than he had ever felt.
“Hello?” It was Veronica.
“Hi Sherri! We landed in Jamaica and checked in. I’m on the beach now raking in some rays, and this gorgeous hunk is looking at me!” she squealed.
“Oh my, Veronica!. You’re still on the prowl? How is Aldo?”
“Aldo? Oh! Aldo!” She said it like she had forgotten about the groom on her honeymoon. “He was on the bed when I left our room. Oh my god!”
“What’s happening?” Sherri said.
“He’s coming toward me. I want to talk to him. I got to hang up. Bye!”
“Well, Veronica is having fun,” Sherri thought to herself. She lit a joint and sat back on the lounge chair. Letting the smoke slowly escape, she thought about Stew turning docile when she described her affair with James.
“That’s right! It’s an affair,” she thought to herself. She picked up a copy of Maxim magazine and began looking at the images.
Her cell phone rang.
“Hello?” It was James.
“Meet me at 3 o’clock,” he said and hung up.
“Wait!” she said, but the click told her he hung up. She glanced at her watch and she only had time to get dressed. She got up, not thinking that she was now at James’ beck and call. She really didn’t mind.
She stepped into the bath and drew in a breath of the herbs and spices contained in James concoctions. After getting out she sensually rubbed the oils on her skin, paying attention to her nipples and vagina rings.
She put her nipple jewelry on and waited a moment to admire it. She had gold horizontal barbells securing spider web nipple shields. She attached a six-inch long chain to one of her labia rings. She slipped on a sexy, filmy “open toed” thong that allowed the chain to dangle between her thighs.
She attached gold chain to the ring in her left nostril and fastened the other end of the chain to her left ear.
Then she slipped on a robe with a high bodice. It was like a tent but the hemline was asymmetrical and only went to three inches below her smooth, slick cunt. It had been bleached to match her milky white skin. As she walked, flashes of her cunt could be seen. When she sat down, she was exposed for all to see.
She lit a joint and took a deep toke. She walked out to her Mercedes to meet James in the ground floor bar.
James was dressed in the usual brocade robe with gold and embroidery around the edges. She held the chair for her master to set down. Then she sat down across the table from him. She was careful to keep her knees shoulder width apart. She held her back straight and looked straight ahead. It was a display of public submission to her master. Her eyes were affixed to the table before her.
James ordered a white wine. Sherri waited for her master to nod that it was permissible to drink, before she picked it up and put it to her lips. She kept her eyes fixed on the table.
Several tables away, a black man watched. He could clearly easily see Sherri’s smooth slick cunt and skin illustrations on her legs and thighs. He carefully noted that Sherri kept her back straight and that she sat on the first six inches of her chair.
“I have something to tell you, master,” Sherri said, averting her eyes.
“Tell me.”
“My husband, Steward, saw my beautiful skin illustrations.”
“What did he say?”
“He loves them. He became very aroused by them. I saw that he was aroused. I suggested that he masturbate. He did. I told him that you are my master.”
“What did he say?”
“He was in complete acceptance.” Sherri said.
“Tell him that you will allow him to clean your body after our rendezvous.”
“Yes, master! But I want to keep your precious semen inside me.”
“Tell him to only clean off the outside. Do not allow him inside your body,” James said.
“Yes, master.”
“I’m ready to leave now,” James said.
Sherri got up and held the chair for him. She followed him to his apartment.
Once inside, James flipped a switch a video display and the image of a white woman, dressed in African regalia, a primitive black man began dancing. The distant sound of drums could be heard in the background. Their bodies intertwined as they moved. The set was decorated with the same regalia on the walls of James’ apartment-sanctuary.
“Sit down.” It was a command. Sherri took the same position with her body in the chair as she had been trained to do. Just out of her peripheral vision James poured the dark wine into the grey metallic goblet. He walked to her and handed it to her.
“Stand up!”
Sherri turned and looked into his eyes.
“The temple prostitute’s training will continue. First, the candidate must drink this.”
Without questioning Sherri took the goblet and placed it to her lips. The bouquet was the same. The color was unmistakably darker. She tasted it. It was bitterer, but she drank a swallow. Immediately her vision became blurred. Her peripheral vision was blurred. James had to steady her to keep from falling.
She could only see James, but movement and sounds from around her told her than others were in the room. Hands removed her robe over her head. More hands removed her brassiere. Her thong was pushed to the floor. Someone held her as she stepped out of her thong. She was guided into a darker room. A crude log fire pit dominated the center of the room. Someone threw in a power and the blaze flared up. Drums sounded faintly.
Sherri was lifted by two black men holding her legs. Two more held her arms. She was carried and placed on a roughhewn log-altar. Someone spread her legs. Someone else positioned himself between her legs.
Sherri felt a sensual fire rising inside her body. Large lips covered her mouth. Her mouth was on fire. She felt a yearning for fulfillment. She felt her body tremble. A sensation went through her body like a bolt. She jumped.
A hot, wet phallus touched her womanhood and moved up and down over her clitoris.
“Oh! Master! Please make love to me!” she whispered. She wanted to scream, but she lacked the strength. Her entire universe was concentrated on her clitoris. The room began swirling around, faster and faster. Another orgasm began in her clitoris and spread out over her illustrated body.
Sherri gasped for a breath of air. She felt like a weight was on her chest prevent her from screaming. She managed only a faint scream of ecstasy.
Then one after another she became the sacrifice. Her bodily orifices were used again and again for pleasure. Her universe was invaded, captured, and used. She clung onto a continuous orgasm. She felt like she was out of body watching herself holding onto the edge of a grand canyon. Deep below was the abyss of total pleasure. Above was what she no longer wished to be. Her being was telling her to “let go!” She fainted.
When she regained consciousness, she was nude and lying stretched out on a dais, high above the floor. Her left leg was outstretched. Her right leg was drawn up. A shaman-master was dancing. His head was covered by a hideous tribal mask of bones and teeth. Someone sat her up. Again the grey goblet was presented to her lips. She took a big gulp.
She looked around. Her senses were heightened as never before. The room was light and sounds were louder. Someone crawled between her legs and pulled her knees up past her head. She felt a phallus enter her soul her again and again. Sherri wanted it. She was insatiable. She began to whimper. Then she realized it was not a whimper but a full scream! Again and again she screamed for more.
The phallus erupted. She felt hot lava flow into her body. Another phallus replaced the first one. Again she felt it push inside her body which contracted to keep it in her soul. The phallus switched to her rectum. She felt her bodily orifices were temples for worship. One after another black phallus worship her orifices.
“Sherri! Sherri! Wake up! Wake up! Can you hear me?”
“James?” Sherri thought it was James.
“No! It’s me, Stew!” her husband said.
Sherri slowly came to her senses. Stew explained that she was lying on the bed when he got home. Slowly, the memory came back to her.
“What happened, darling,” Stew asked.
“I went to see James. We sat in the bar and talked … then we went to his apartment. I had a sip ….” Sherri told him about the tribal regalia room and the goblet, and the bottle of Fine Italian Wine. She didn’t spare anything. She told him that she was laid on an altar and was ceremonially “sacrificed” to the tribal goddess, who took over my body. Stew started stoking his cock.
“That’s hot!” Stew said. He didn’t fully believe her. Sherri could see that her husband was aroused. She explained in detail about the discipline, the riding crop, phallus, the pre-cum, and James’ enormous cock and how it filled her. He told him how she had one orgasm after another for hours. Stew shot an enormous amount of cum into the air!
“Look at my cunt. It is leaking,” she said.
“Yes! I see it,” Stew said.
“Clean me Stew, but don’t go inside me. ” Sherri demanded. Stew got between her legs and licked her vagina. Sherri came.
She went to sleep.
Sherri pulled herself out of the pool. The water was cool and made her body tingle. Since her skin illustration was applied her skin was very sensitive to light touch whether it was another person’s finger or water.
She picked up a copy of Penthouse magazine and began reading.
“Hello?” It was her cell phone.
“Hi Sherri! It’s me!”
“Hi Veronica! How’s Jamaica?”
“Where have you been?”
“I have been to the beach and to Clive’s room. That’s all!”
“Who is Clive?” Sherri asked.
“He’s one hunk of a black man from London,” Veronica said.
“Is he the one on the beach that you told me about?”
“Yes! We hooked up right away! We massaged one another. He took me back to his room….” Veronica left a lot unsaid, but Sherri had no problem imagining what went on.
“That sounds delicious.” Sherri said. “Where’s Aldo?” she asked.
“I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since yesterday,” Veronica laughed.
“That would be a real story, if you two never hook up during your honeymoon,” Sherri began laughing.
Veronica laughed too.
“I got to meet Clive. Talk to your later….” Veronica hung up.
Sherri rolled a joint and lit up. She inhaled a deep toke and held it as long as she could. Then she slowly exhaled through her partially parted lips and nose. Her hand went to her clitoris and began massaging. She wanted desperately to see James again. She took another toke.
It was mid-afternoon when James called….
Sherri made up her face with long, dark false eyelashes, dark eyeliner with lines shaped on the edges to give her face a Cleopatra look. Her eyes were a two-tone green and blue. Before putting on her dress, she took a hit of molly.
Her dress was a tight fanny hugging mini skirt with a three-color tribal design. Her low riding skirt and top left plenty of sexy, illustrated midriff showing. She chose translucent lacy-top hose to show off her illustrated legs.
She kissed Stew goodbye, explaining that she was to become a temple prostitute.