Michael Learns of Carol’s Desires

"Husband learns his wife has two desires, not just the one she has shared with him."

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The following story took place a number of years ago. At the time, Carol and I were in our early thirties. We had an exciting and fun sex life. Even with the stress of family and jobs, Carol and I found time for each other.

Carol is five-foot four inches tall. She weighs around 120 pounds with lovely 34-C breasts. Carol has the type of breasts that are full and perky all the time. Carol’s nipples become erect with the slightest stimulation. Carol has dirty-blonde shoulder length hair with light highlights. Her ass is round and made for a good pair of jeans.

During our years together, Carol became quite good at telling fantasies. She loves to fantasize about fucking different lovers. She would pick someone she knows at work or the gym and tell me a story while we are intimate. Carol started telling the stories years ago, while we were in college.

I am a strong endurance guy when it comes to sex. Carol describes me as a strong steel-rod guy with the endurance of a jackhammer. As a result, Carol decided she needed to motivate me to cum sooner, hence the story telling. I have told her she could have made a small fortune if she had been a phone-sex operator. Carol is a natural.

Carol came home from a day of shopping. Upon entering the kitchen, Carol informed me that we were going to wax her beautiful pussy. The waxing was a task we enjoyed sharing. As she was putting up her purchases for the day, I gathered the required materials and tools to perform the waxing. I set everything up and waited for her to return to the kitchen to commence the process. Carol returned to the kitchen wearing her light golden robe. She sat on the chair, slid forward, smiled at me and said it was time to “pretty-up” her pussy.

I always started by putting a little powder around the edge of her mound. I would then apply a little warm wax and a strip of cloth. Once the wax had hardened, I would trim the hair that was on the inside edge of the cloth. Carol would then strip the cloth strip off, leaving a very smooth and clean area. We would repeat the process until she was satisfied with the results. While I was doing this, I would be kneeling between Carol’s legs. The sight of her beautifully trimmed pussy was unbelievable.

“You enjoy looking at my pussy, don’t you?” Carol asked.

“No, I don’t enjoy it, I love it! Your pussy is absolutely beautiful!” I replied.

“Do you want to lick it? Do you want to eat Carol’s pussy, baby?” she replied.

“Absolutely!” was my response.

“Good because that is what I want too!”

I moved forward and started to kiss her pussy. Slowly, I began to slide my tongue into the creases of her vagina. She was already wet from all the attention her pussy had received during the waxing. She slowly slid down the chair until her pussy was at the edge of the chair. On the edge of the chair with her legs spread wide, I had full access to her. I then started moving my tongue from the top of her pussy to her anus. Carol was becoming very aroused.

“We’re going to have company later.” Carol stated. I looked up at her from my position while still enjoying her pussy. Oh how sweet it is! “Our guest will be here around seven. If all goes well, you’re finally going to get to see me fuck another man!” she stated. I looked up at her in shock.

“Don’t look so surprised! You said a thousand times I could do it, if you could watch. So tonight, I’m going to do it and you get to watch!” Carol stated. At this point, I was fully aroused and erect. My cock felt as if it was going to explode.

Carol then started to hump her pussy up to my face as I ate her delicious pussy. Within a few seconds, Carol had a very strong orgasm. Once she composed herself, she sat up and pulled her robe closed then retired to the bedroom. I followed her.

“Are you serious or just getting me worked up?” I asked.

“Oh, I’m serious! I’m nervous too, but a couple glasses of wine will help control my nerves.” Carol stated.

“Who is our guest? Do I know him?” I asked.

“Well, you don’t know him personally but you know him from conversations we have had during sex.” Carol stated. “I’ve invited Dale from work to join us for drink this evening.” Carol said.

“Does he have any idea what you have planned?” I asked.

“No. But I doubt he will object when I show him what I’m offering!” Carol said. “Be a good husband and get me a glass of wine while I prepare my bath, I want to ready by the time Dale arrives.”

I left her there and went to get her a glass of wine.

Upon returning to the bathroom, I found Carol soaking in a tub full of bubble bath. I gave her the wine and then sat on the floor. We talked about her day of shopping and the things she had bought. At some point, Carol said “Isn’t it weird that you’re sitting here talking to me while I take a bath for Dale?”

I smiled and said, “Yes, it is a little weird but very exciting!”

Carol asked, “Would you like to bathe me? Would you like to prepare me for my lover?” I knelt next to the tube and began to bathe Carol. Once I was done, she stood up and I dried her off. She asked me to leave the room so she could start getting ready for the evening.

A while later, Carol called out to me. When I entered the room, Carol was kneeling in front of her makeup stand. She was using her powder puff to put a light puff on her smooth mound. She then stood up and put a dab of perfume between her breasts and behind each ear lobe. Carol then turned to me and asked, “How do I look? Do I look good enough to fuck?”

“You look outstanding! Any guy would want to fuck you right now!” Carol then walked over the bed and sat on the edge. “Come here. I want you to see how wet my pussy is.”

I walked over to her and knelt down. She was so wet. Her pussy appeared to be literally dripping with her wetness. I leaned forward and kissed her pussy. After a few seconds of kissing, Carol pushed me back and said it was time for her to get dressed.

Carol walked out of the closet wearing a black corset, black thigh stockings and black heels. She had a wicked smile on her face. She then stepped into a black evening dress. She asked me to zip it up for her.

Once dressed, she looked at herself in the mirror. “I’d fuck her, if I could!” Carol stated.

She then told me to get dressed too (black slacks and white shirt). By the time I walked into the kitchen, it was a few minutes before seven.

Right at seven, the doorbell rang. Carol looked at me and gave me that sly smile of hers. “Well, here we go. I hope we both enjoy this evening!” Carol walked to the front door. Upon opening the door, Carol welcome Dale to our house and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Carol turned around and introduced me to Dale. Dale had a nice smile and strong handshake.

We moved to the living room and I took the drink orders. When I returned, Carol was sitting directly across from Dale. I had no doubt the sitting position she was in allowed Dale a full view of her beautifully trimmed pussy.

Shortly after I delivered the drinks, Carol told Dale, “I’ve told Michael how you’ve asked me out a number of times. Don’t be worried, Michael’s okay with that, aren’t you dear?”

“Yes, I’m okay with that. If I was around her all day, I’d ask her out.” I stated. Dale seemed to be relieved with my statement.

“Are you looking for anyone else to ask out?” Carol asked.

“No. When I look around, I don’t see anyone that interests me.” Dale stated.

The conversation went on for a while. I was beginning to wonder if she was going to back out. Then, without warning, Carol stood up and asked Dale as she unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor, “Dale, does this interest you?”

Dale just stared at Carol and nodded his head.

“Show me Dale. Stand up and show me this interests you.” He stood up and continued to stare at Carol. “Show me Dale! Show me your cock. I want to see how interested you are!”

Dale made no effort to undress himself. It was as if he was in a trance. Carol looked over at me. “Undress Dale for me.”

I walked over and started unbuttoning his shirt. With the shirt removed, I removed his shoes and socks. I then unbuckled his belt and slacks. Dale was now standing there in his boxer shorts.

“Take off his boxers! I want to see how interested Dale is!” Carol said.

I grabbed each side of his boxers and pulled them down. Dale’s cock just jumped out of them. His cock was inches from my face. I’ve never been that close to another man’s cock. I would estimate Dale’s cock was seven inches in length and one and a half inches in width.

“Oh my god! He is interested! Dale, what do you want to do with that nice cock of yours?” Carol asked.

Dale smiled big and said, “I want to fuck you with it!”

“Well, we had better go to the bedroom, don’t you think?” Carol said. Carol took him by the hand and headed to the bedroom. “Give us five minutes before you come to the bedroom. I want a few minutes alone.”

After waiting the stipulated time, I walk into the bedroom. Dale was on his back. His cock was stiff and floating above his abdomen. Carol was kneeling at his side and kissing his chest. Her ass was up in the air, allowing a full view of all her beauty.

As she kissed his chest, she slowly worked her way down his stomach and lower abdomen. When she got to his cock, she ignored his shaft and started kissing his balls. Dale was smooth below the waist. Carol loves to suck balls when they are bare.

Dale had his head arched back as she sucked on one and then the other. After driving him crazy, Carol started kissing her way up his cock. In one motion, she kissed the head and inhaled his cock. It was un-fucking believable! I was watching my beautiful wife suck another guy’s cock. The image of her with that cock in her mouth is burned into my memory.

After sucking Dale’s cock for several minutes, Carol slid up to Dale and started kissing him very passionately. Carol then moved on top of Dale. Carol rested herself on Dale’s cock but made no effort to take him in her. Dale was doing all he could to get his cock in her pussy but Carol was teasing him and not allowing him to penetrate her.

After driving Dale crazier, Carol raised up on her arms and looked down on Dale. “I want my husband to put your cock in his wife’s pussy. Is that okay with you?” she said.

Dale responded, “Oh God yes! Just stop teasing me and let me fuck you!”

Carol then looked over her shoulder at me and said, “Husband of mine, put Dale’s beautiful cock in your wife’s pussy!” I stepped forward, leaned over the bed, took Dale’s cock in my right hand and raised it up to Carol’s pussy.

I had never felt another man’s cock before. Dale’s cock was very firm. His cock was hot and pulsing. I found myself stroking it a few times.

Carol looked over her shoulder and said, “You like that, don’t you. You like stroking Dale’s cock. Well, maybe later you can play with it but right now, I want it in my pussy!” I then slid the head of Dale’s cock back and forth on Carol’s clit. Carol slowly lowered herself on Dale’s cock.

It was beautiful to watch. Carol began slowly fucking Dale, her hips rising and falling as she slid up and down Dale’s cock. Dale was eager to fuck Carol. He took her by the hips and held her still. Then he started to fuck her like a piston in a high-speed engine. Dale’s cock was rapidly striking up and slamming into Carol. Carol was in a trance now.

A few minutes later, Carol threw her head back and pressed down on Dale’s cock as the first wave of an orgasm hit her. Seconds later, Dale said, “I’m cumming! I can’t hold it!”

“Cum in me Dale. Fill my pussy Dale. Fill me!” Carol yelled.

Dale started to twitch and then exploded in Carol’s pussy. After a couple of more thrusts, his cock came out and slid on Carol’s ass. Dale was still pumping, and a couple of streams of cum shot on Carol’s lovely ass.

Carol collapsed on top of Dale. They began to kiss again, his mostly erect cock resting on her ass. Dale’s cum began to seep out of Carol’s pussy. The sight was unbelievable.

Carol slid off of Dale onto her own stomach. She looked back at me. I was kneeling at the edge of the bed. “You can now play with Dale’s cock. Go ahead. I want to watch you this time. I want to watch you stroke Dale’s cock. I want to watch you suck Dale’s cock. I want to you swallow Dale’s cum! It’s not like you haven’t tasted and swallowed cum before. It’s just this time you’ll know!”

Published 10 years ago

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