I love the way you handle rope
So capable and sure
Loop and pull and back and through
Tightening some more
So capable and sure
Loop and pull and back and through
Tightening some more
The blueness of your eyes on mine
Never break their gaze
As your hands stroke and knot the knots
You’ve tied a hundred ways
Woven smooth, its weighty heft
Presses on my wrists
Restraint building as I lie
And give those little twists
Just to see what I can’t do
The thrill of being bound
And having you do what you will
As rope is wrapped around
Legs and arms spread out
Tied down
Firmly to the bed
Sometimes you put the blindfold on
So I don’t know what’s next
But tonight I have my eyes
And they will watch your face
Because we share the same delight
In seeing you see me see you
When what we do takes place.