There had to be close to a hundred people that showed up. Brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. Close friends, co-workers, neighbours whom they had known for years, and his family had even been able to find and invite a few long lost friends that Mike had lost touch with over the years (Facebook can be a good thing once in a while). This is the category that Andy fell into and Mike was amazed that Claire had even invited him.
Andy was one of those guys that was a total adrenaline junkie and lived for the day. When they were teenagers and early twenties it was always Andy who orchestrated the trips, bar nights, drinking binges, and most any kind of trouble you could imagine. He was the best kind of friend a young single man could have. He was the worst kind of friend for a married man. Not surprisingly, they grew apart apart when Claire came into the picture. The final straw was the night that Andy brought Mike home drunk out of his mind and he was sick for days after. Those things never seemed to happen with any of his other friends.
Maybe Claire had figured that Andy would have matured in the twenty years since they’d last seen him or maybe she just wanted to be nice to her husband for his birthday. Whatever the reason, if Claire had known what Andy would do she never would have invited him.
It happened towards the end of the evening. The sun was going down, Mike and Andy were alone and reminiscing about old times. It turned out that Andy had done quite well for himself. Some very smart investing and some luck had made him quite wealthy even after his ex-wives had taken their cut.
Andy pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to Mike.
“I know we’ve already done the gift giving for the night but this is something special. Something only you and me need to know about.”
Mike was intrigued. He opened up the envelope and pulled out an embossed card. It was a gift card for a place called Silhouette Massage and the bearer was entitled to one ‘Diamond Treatment’.
Andy spoke, “Don’t tell anyone you have this and don’t ever ask me how much this cost. Next time you are down in the dumps and need a pick-me-up, give that number a call and I guarantee they will pamper you like a king.”
Claire pulled them back into the crowd to mingle and Mike slid the gift card into his pocket. The next day he put it in his desk drawer and pretty much forgot about it.
It was six months after the party when he found himself alone in the house. Not something that happened all that often. It was only him, Claire, and Samantha still living in their home. Dana was of course married and living with her husband and Erin was off to College. Claire and Samantha were gone on the annual week long trip to visit Claire’s parents. Her parents were ageing and they weren’t sure how many more trips there would be. Normally Mike would have gone with them but work had been insanely busy. The company he worked for was being acquired by a larger firm and as CFO he was heavily involved in the negotiations and transfer activities.
He thought he was going to enjoy the week of quiet and solitude but with the hours he was putting in at work, he was pretty much only at home to sleep. The week flew by and before he knew it, the weekend was there. He was told by his boss that he needed to pace himself and ordered to take the weekend off.
He had all day Saturday to himself, with Claire and Samantha coming home Sunday afternoon when he would be at the airport to pick them up. He got up in the morning and started brewing coffee. He decided to make himself bacon and eggs as he read the paper (a luxury Claire rarely let him have ever since he was put on preventative heart medication).
After breakfast, he sat at his desk to formulate a plan on what he wanted to get done that day. As he cleaned up and shuffled papers he came across the gift certificate that Andy had given him. Curiosity got the better of him and he googled them online. They had all the normal literature about the benefits of massage and the different types of treatment that they offered. The place seemed legitimate, but Andy’s words when he was given the card made him wonder.
Mike was certainly stiff and tense from the hours at the office that week. With Claire and the kids gone, he decided he deserved a little pampering and picked up the phone.
A female voice answered on the other end. “Silhouette Massage, how can I help you?”
“Yes, hello. I have a gift certificate here and would like to make an appointment for a massage. Today or tonight if you have the opening.”
“Can I get the gift certificate number please?”
Mike picked up the gift certificate and read off the number “D-276-452.”
He heard typing on the other end and Mike assumed she was validating the gift card. She sounded surprised on the other end “Oh! You have a Diamond gift card, correct?”
Mike had no idea what a Diamond gift card was, but he remembered Andy saying something about it. “Umm, yeah, I think so.”
There was more clicking on the other end. “Diamond sessions are two hours and are only provided by select therapists. Let me see if we have anyone available.” There was a break and more typing. “If you want today, we only have Ava available at two this afternoon.”
“Two sounds perfect. I’ll take it,” Mike answered back.
“Great! We will see you at two.”
A two hour massage. What was it that Andy had said? That they would pamper him like a King. Just what the doctor ordered.
Mike finished cleaning his desk then puttered in his garage for a little while to kill time. He felt himself looking forward to the massage and the relaxation time. He showered and was off to his appointment.
Mike walked into the lobby and took in the decor. It was clean and bright and between the chairs in the waiting area and the paintings on the wall, the word ‘new-age’ popped into Mike’s mind. There was a sign at the door that asked patrons to take their shoes off so Mike slipped them off and walked to the receptionist. “Hi, I have an appointment at two with Ava.”
The receptionist smiled brightly at him and gave him a little wink. “You are our Diamond appointment! Please have a seat in that room over there. I’ll let Ava know you are here and she should be down soon.”
Mike thought it curious that they didn’t seat him in the lobby but he went with it. He only had to wait about five minutes for Ava to walk in. She was drop dead gorgeous. She stood about five-foot seven and was slim and fit. She had an angelic face with blue eyes and long blonde hair that was pulled back into a pony tail. Mike figured she had to be in her low twenties.
Mike was rarely at a loss for words and had the ability to keep a cool head in high pressure situations. His job demanded it. Some of his subordinates would have paid good money to see the look on his face when he saw what she was wearing.
It wasn’t that it was extravagant, or showed excessive skin, or would even be considered lingerie but it was the first clue that Mikes massage was going to be something more than he expected. It was the simplicity of what she wore that made it so damn hot. She was barefoot and wore a thin white cotton tank top with matching white cotton bottoms that stopped mid-way down her calves. Mikes eyes were drawn to the obvious fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra and her full firm C-cup breasts were difficult to ignore. Mike felt his cock grow immediately hard.
Other than the fact that you could see her erect nipples poking through the cotton of the shirt, it almost seemed like it would be a practical outfit for a masseuse to wear. She smiled at him as she spoke. “You must be my two o’clock. I’m Ava. I haven’t seen you before, is this your first time with us?”
Mike forced a swallow in his throat and ran his tongue over his lips as they had gone dry. He stood up and kept telling himself to look her in the eye and not her breasts.
“Yes. This is my first time here.” Mike suddenly had so many questions about this Diamond session but didn’t even know where to start.
“Great! Come with me.” Ava turned and started to walk away.
Now there are asses and there are ASSES. But Ava’s ass was in a category all to itself. If you could draw the perfect ass you wouldn’t match what Mike saw before him. The thin white cotton pants she wore only accentuated its beauty. It also made it obvious that she wasn’t wearing any panties either.
Mike marvelled at the round curves of each ass cheek as she walked away. You just knew that if she bent over, your eyes would be treated to that perfect heart-shape vision. He wanted nothing more than to grab it and squeeze it and spread those delicious cheeks.
She led him through the hallway where all of the regular massage rooms were and into a back room, through another door and hallway, and finally to their destination. All the while Mike couldn’t take his eyes off of her ass. He marvelled at the way the fabric of her pants folded and slipped in between the two cheeks creating a crease in her pants only to once again straighten out and hug the shape of it perfectly. The way it swayed back and forth as she walked was mesmerizing. So much so that Mike almost walked right into her when they got to the room.
The fact that this vision in front of him was around the same age as his daughters wasn’t lost on Mike, and he tried to get the thoughts he was having out of his head.
She spoke as Mike slipped by her and into the room. “Get undressed and lie face down on the table. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Mike let out a slow whistle as his eyes took in the scene before him. The room was at least three times larger than your standard massage room. In the middle was the table but it was wider and longer than others he’d been on. The cushion of it also seemed deeper. In the far corner there was a tiled area with a shower and drain that wasn’t enclosed. There was also a mini-fridge, speakers, and music player. But what really caught Mikes attention was the fact that there had to at least fifty candles, all lit, scattered across the room on the floor, on the shelves, and on the side tables. There were no other lights on but the combined glow of all the candles gave the room an incredibly seductive mood.
Mike began to undress. Normally a decision has to be made when one visits a masseuse on whether or not you should keep your underwear on. If you go completely naked, you wonder if she will think that you want something more than a massage. Will she think you are a pervert? What will happen if she sees you with an erection? To avoid all of that, Mike normally just kept his underwear on. He knew that wasn’t going to be the case this time.
Once naked, he moved to the massage table. There was a fitted sheet on it and on top of that a small folded towel that was about two feet long by one foot wide. Quite the contrast from the full sheet and blanket you normally see.
Mike laid down on his stomach with his head in the hole that was built into the bed. Most massage tables have an extension at the front that your head rests on but this table was so large that the hole was cut right into the mattress and table.
He grabbed the towel, unfolded it, and reached behind him to try and cover his ass. He couldn’t see how much of him was exposed but he was sure he wasn’t completely hidden.
Many thoughts went through Mikes head as he laid in waiting in silence. Thoughts of Claire and his daughters brought on a wave of guilt that he had let it get this far and there was an inner voice that screamed at him to get up, get dressed, and get the hell out of there. He had fears of police busting down the door and arresting him. He could see the headlines of a high profile CFO being found in a place like this. His career ruined. But most of all, his thoughts drifted back to Ava and the vision of perfection that she was, and of course, that ass.
He’d had a perpetual erection since the moment he laid eyes on her and now as he lay on the bed and his thoughts drifted to her and what might happen when she returned to the room, he was still as hard as ever. He shifted back and forth as he tried to figure out what to do with his hard cock. When he laid down, it rested naturally in that space between his upper thigh and stomach. He ran his hand over the side of his body to see if it stuck out, but he wasn’t quite that long.
He reached under himself and brought his hips up and pushed his erection down towards his legs and laid back down. With the small towel that covered him and he was sure that she would be able to see it between his legs. Wait. What was he doing? Why did he want her to see his erection? What if he was reading this whole situation wrong and this was going to be just a regular massage? Just as he decided to shift again to bring it back into its natural position, he heard the door open and he froze.
He heard footsteps as she walked into the room and he thought it would be even worse if she saw him fiddling in his groin area so he just left it.
Ava turned on some music and soft relaxing melodies filled the room. With his face down, Mike couldn’t see what was happening and the suspense of not knowing what was going to happen was intoxicating.
He heard the sound of a plunger on an oil bottle being pushed down a number of times and soon felt her oil slicked hands on his back. The oil had been warmed and it felt divine on his skin.
She was obviously a trained masseuse as her long strokes began to soothe Mikes muscles. He relaxed immediately as she began to make his body forget the long tense week he had been through. She worked on his neck and shoulders following up with his lower back.
When she found a knot, she would use her elbows to work it out and follow up by bringing her forearm down and sweep it across his body. As she got further down his back, Mike was surprised to feel her get up on the massage table with him. No masseuse had ever done that before.
He turned his head to the right and saw that she was straddling him with one foot on the far side of his head, her other knee resting on the massage table, and his eyes feasting on the spread in front of him. He could just make out the contours of her pussy lips as they were pressed up against the thin cotton of her pants. His cock twitched as he had never seen a more erotic sight.
Her hands slowly made their way down his back. As she reached his hips they would slip under the towel and caress just the top of his ass cheeks and the dip of where his crack started. She would slide her hands down around his hips, gliding over his pubic bone and back up to his lower back. She would repeat this several times. The teasing was exquisite and Mike yearned for her to rip the towel off and caress every inch of his body.
Mike felt a pang of disappointment as Ava moved off the table and was no longer able to stare at her spread legs.
Ava climbed onto the back of the table between his legs. She applied a generous amount of oil to her hands and spread it all over his feet, up his calves, and up to his thighs. Mike was sure that she would now be able to see his throbbing cock from her vantage point.
She started at his feet and Mike felt her talented hands caress his under soles down to his heel, working into it with fluid circular motions. She moved to the top of his feet. As she worked up to his calves, she found several knots in them and took the time to meticulously work each one out. She wasn’t in a hurry and while Mike appreciated the massage, he couldn’t help but wonder what was going to happen as she worked up his legs. The anticipation was killing him.
Ava continued her slow sensual pace. As she got to his inner thighs, her hands would start on the part that was facing up and move slowly down to where his legs met his body and finally down the length of his upper leg. When she would do this her hand would brush over his hard cock between his legs. It wasn’t a deliberate stroke, and Mike was sure she had to know that it was there and she was touching him, but the fact that she made it seem like it was just part of the regular massage was incredibly hot.
Mike felt the towel removed from his body.
Her hands moved to his glutes. Mike had never had such a massage and he found it both very relaxing and erotic. Ava would grab his ass cheeks and spread them as her thumbs ran down the inner part and coming dangerously close to his ass. She would continue as her fingers ran beside his balls but never quite touching them.
Then it happened. Two oil slick fingers ran down from the top indent of his ass cheeks, sliding purposefully over his asshole, down over his scrotum and up the length of his cock. Mike let out the breath of air he didn’t realize he had been holding in and followed it up with a loud moan. The build-up had been exquisite and any apprehension Mike had was gone. He didn’t want her to stop touching him.
Ava continued moving her fingers from the tip of his cock up to the small of his back and left no piece of skin untouched. One hand worked the area between his balls and ass while the other drew intricate circles on the head of his cock with the palm of her hand. When she thought he was ready, she got on her hands and knees between his legs and pushed her face to the tip of his cock.
She lapped at it with her tongue and was awarded with a pleasure twitch from his cock. She worked her way up the shaft of his cock with her mouth and over his balls, spending extra time taking them into her mouth and sucking them, and further up over his scrotum and up to his ass.
Mike had never really experienced a lot of ass play on him as he never thought it would be something he would enjoy. To his surprise it was incredibly pleasurable and erotic. Ava swirled her tongue around the opening of his ass and moved her finger down the length of his cock and teased the head. Mike thought he would explode when he felt her tongue push inside of him but Ava stopped touching his cock. It seemed she could sense when he was on the edge and knew when to pull back. Ava spread his cheeks with both hands and pushed her tongue deep inside of his ass, licking all around and pulling her tongue back out only to push it in again. Mike was in heaven as she licked his ass over and over.
Ava pulled back and told him it was time to turnover. Mike did so as Ava remained between his legs. She began the process of massaging the front side of his body. From between his legs she would lean forward and let his cock slide over her body and covered breasts as she reached up to massage his chest.
Soon, Mike’s whole body was slick with oil and in the candlelight he could see patches on her cotton shirt and pants where the oil had rubbed off on her and had made the material virtually see through.
Ava urged him to lift his knees up with the soles of his feet flat on the bed. Her hands moved back between his legs to caress his ass, his balls, and his cock.
She licked him from his ass to his balls and all the way up his cock. Her finger pushed in to his ass. The oil was slick and it slid in easily. She teased him with her tongue, never quite sucking him, as her finger slid in and out and moving in deeper and deeper with every push. She took his cock in her mouth only when she found just the right spot inside of him. She rubbed him gently as her warm mouth engulfed him.
Mike thought he was about to cum but she stopped all movement immediately and pulled her mouth off him. His cock swayed in an erect state pointing up to the ceiling. Both of them watched as a large dollop of cum emerged from Mike’s cock and slowly slid down his shaft. Mike was completely on edge and he begged her to let him cum, to let him release.
Ava moved her tongue to the base of his cock and licked the cum from his cock until her mouth was over his head again. She sucked him slowly and as she quickened the pace she returned to massaging his prostate with her finger deep in his ass.
It was the most intense orgasm Mike had ever had. The pleasure of being able to release after all the build up, all the teasing, was amazing and Mike’s whole body shook as the orgasm ravaged him completely. Mike was sure this was the biggest load he’d ever shot. And unlike all the other orgasms he’d ever had where his cum shot out in spurts, this felt like a steady stream that never ended. He was sure it was the biggest load he’d ever had but he couldn’t see how much there was as Ava’s mouth was firmly planted on him and swallowed everything that he had.
She continued to suckle on him as his erection slowly subsided and let him slide out of her mouth. She withdrew the finger from his ass and pushed her lips to his now flaccid cock to give it a little kiss.
Ava got up off the bed and moved to the sink to wash her hands. Mike lay in blissful peace. It was an unreal experience and he was glad he got to have it. When she turned around Mike was sitting on the side of the massage table and about to get up.
“Where do you think you are going?” Ava asked him in a sweet voice with just a naughty twinge to it.
Mike was a little confused be the question. “Aren’t we done? Can I use the shower?”
Ava shook her head no as she reached down to pull her oil soaked top off and slid out of her cotton pants. She was a naked vision in the flickering candle light. “We still have about an hour and we haven’t yet done the Diamond portion of the session. Why don’t you lay back down on your stomach.”
Although he had just finished orgasming, Mike swore that his cock twitched when she spoke. It isn’t often that someone gets such an offer from an incredibly beautiful woman so he did what she asked without any fuss. Just what was this Diamond session?
Ava grabbed the massage oil and unscrewed the lid. She lifted the bottle to just above her breasts and poured the rest of it down her body. Her hands rubbed it over her breasts, down her stomach and in between her legs.
She got up onto the table at Mikes feet and moved up his body. First she pushed her breasts on to his ass and slid all the way up his back, letting him feel her erect nipples slide across his glistening skin. She would move back down his body only to repeat the process again and again. Mike arched his ass up to meet her hips every time she moved up.
Mike was getting older and had contemplated talking to his doctor about Viagra. It wasn’t that he couldn’t get erections any more, they just didn’t come as readily as they used to and sometimes not as rigid. Normally Mike would need at least a few hours to go again, but his cock was alive and beginning to grow hard again.
Ava slid back up his body, but this time stopped on top of Mike’s ass. She put her feet flat on the massage table on either side of him and rubbed her bare pussy back and forth on his ass.
Mike had seen that she was clean shaven when she undressed but he could feel just the tiniest bit of stubble from the top of her pubic area rub against his bare skin. It added to the naughtiness of the whole thing to know that this beautiful young lady’s most intimate parts were so close to his.
Ava reached under Mike and felt that he was hard again and asked him to turn over. When he did, she moved up the table and straddled his face, slowly lowering her pussy onto him as she reached out to take his cock in her mouth in a ’69’ position.
Mike was in heaven as that ass, that he’d so admired from the moment he had seen her, lowered inch by inch until her pussy was on his mouth. She had long pussy lips that protruded a good inch out and a piercing in the hood of her clit.
Mike could see before he even tasted her that she was just aroused as him. When his tongue pushed inside her, he found that she tasted as sweet as a peach. Mike hungrily devoured her, his tongue licking back and forth to taste and feel as much of her as he could. He teased her piercing and flicked his tongue over her engorged clit.
They continued to orally please each other for quite some time until Ava finally lifted herself off of his face. Mike’s mouth and chin glistened from her juices that were left there. Ava turned herself around and pushed Mike’s hard cock flat against his belly. She lowered her pussy onto his cock letting the shaft split those long pussy lips while his cock head was still visible in front of her.
For the first time that evening, their eyes were able to lock into each others and neither looked away. Ava kept his cock in place by lightly turning her oiled fingers around the head and she began to slide her hips back and forth.
Mike could feel the warmth and slickness of her pussy as it dragged up and down his shaft. Mike wanted nothing more than to be inside of her. If he hadn’t just cum, he was pretty damn sure he would have blown his load right then and there. Mike reached up and began to fondle and caress those perfect breasts that were swaying in front of him.
Ava slowly but steadily quickened the pace as she rubbed herself back and forth on him. Her hands withdrew from his cock head. There was nothing holding it down now. On a forward motion, Mike felt the head of his cock slip into her pussy and back out as she moved back down his cock.
On the next forward motion up, Mike instinctively thrust his hips up and to his amazement he slid right inside of her. Ava adjusted herself on his cock and felt him go deep inside of her. She teased him with the slightest of motions as she wiggled her hips back and forth.
Mike’s hands moved from her breasts down to those perfect round ass cheeks and squeezed them. God did they feel good. He guided her ass up a little and began to push his cock in and out of her. It was slow at first and their eyes were still locked on each others, never having broken their gaze. As the pace of their fucking quickened, Ava took over and began to bounce her body up and down on his cock.
She bit her upper lip as a steady stream of moans escaped her lips. A climax rose deep inside of her and she finally looked away from his eyes when she shut hers tightly in anticipation of what was coming. The pressure built. Their fucking continued. Suddenly, Ava pulled herself off of Mikes cock and a squirting stream of liquid erupted from her pussy that covered Mike’s chest, his face, and even landed on the floor beyond the bed.
Mike had heard of girls who could squirt before. He’d even seen some videos online, but he had never experienced it before. He was surprised by how warm the liquid was and how much there was. He was drenched in it. He found it quite erotic as it covered his body.
When Ava’s body stopped shaking from her all encompassing orgasm, she lowered herself back onto Mike’s cock and leaned forward on his body. She kissed his lips tenderly and moved her mouth to his ear and whispered, “Your turn.”
Mike reached down and grabbed onto her hips. Their mouths met and tongues found each other as he began to fuck her. The pace built faster and faster until Mike found himself pulling down on her as he pushed as deep as he could within her and released, filling her.
They lay in each other’s arms for a long time as they caught their breath and basked in the pleasure of each other’s embrace. It didn’t take long for reality to set in and Mike began to panic at what they had done.
“Do you do this with all of your clients?” he asked her in a whisper as she lay on top of him.
“Hug and lay with them?” Ava asked back, some playfulness in her voice.
“No, I mean, unprotected sex,” Mike said as he stared up at the ceiling, shit scared of what her answer would be.
“Oh. That. You know that only happens with Diamond sessions, right?” Ava lifted herself up a bit to look him in the eyes.
“Well, to be honest this is my first time here and the session was a gift from a friend. I really don’t know how it works.”
Avas eyes grew wide. “A gift? You must have a pretty wealthy friend as Diamond sessions aren’t cheap.”
She rolled over to his side and lightly ran her hands over his chest. “Most of the time I am just a regular RMT. That is what we do here. For special clients who have been screened, some of us will take them back here and mostly just do what we did in the first hour. Diamond sessions are rare and you are actually my first.” She diverted her eyes as if she were embarrassed. “I’m still paying off my student loans and this will make a sizeable dent in it. It isn’t something I plan on doing often.”
Mike reciprocated and gently ran his hands over her breasts. He wanted to ask her just how much a Diamond session cost but somehow talking dollars seemed like it would take away from the experience they had just shared. Her words reassured him, but he knew he couldn’t completely believe what she was saying. Would she admit it if she fucked every guy who walked in the door like this?
He knew he wouldn’t be intimate with Claire for a few months after this. He needed to wait some time and to get tested to make sure that she didn’t give him anything. He couldn’t just take her word for it. His marriage and life would be over if Claire ever found about this. Luckily today’s activities gave him enough mental imagery for him to sexually take care of himself for a while.
Mike didn’t want to talk business with her any more. What was done was done. He kissed her softly and whispered to her. “Thank you. It was an amazing, once in a lifetime, experience. You are very beautiful and very talented.”
Ava got up and led him to the shower. She took her time and cleaned him with a face cloth. This process too was very intimate. She washed the oil out of every nook and cranny of his body. She was kneeling before him as she cleaned his balls and between his legs when she kissed his cock took it into her mouth. Mike wanted to but at his age he just wasn’t going to get hard again.
She dried him off and left the room so he could dress. Mike felt like he should leave a tip. He opened his wallet and found he had a hundred dollars in it. He had no idea how much the session cost and what an appropriate tip would be so he just left all of it.
He walked out of the room and made his way back to the lobby without ever seeing Ava. He knew he would never see her again but she had given him a massage he would remember for the rest of his life.