Naughty Little Tryst

"Their Little Tryst Turns Into More"

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Though they had banned smoking five years ago, the darkened bar reeks of stale cigarette smoke, cheap whiskey and body odor. It’s not your upscale kinda bar. No one comes in with expensive suits, fat wallets or knowing how to carry on an intelligent conversation. However, it keeps a steady rhythm of the regulars who come in nightly, from time to time even bringing in new customers. When other bars get too overcrowded, they come seeking cold beer and a cheap thrill here.

The ladies (if that is what you want to call them), who come here, dress like full on sluts, thirsty for attention. They’re willing to do anything, for anyone, if it means getting any sort of attention. The men don’t care how trashy they act, they’re not looking for love, just a place to dump a load. Yeah, these men just need a little bit of female comfort, and they’re good to go. The girls often leave with one man and come back to pick up a new one if the first man doesn’t want her all night.

Men are always willing to pay them, one way or another. Sometimes it is with alcohol, some with drugs and if the girl in question is lucky, cash too. The bathrooms are proof of that. The floors are littered with baggies, needles and open condom packages. Worse even, used condoms. The walls are filled with names of girls who are easiest to get in touch with, phone numbers and even addresses. Many of them written by the owner of the number or address.

The employees are constantly on the boss to get a bouncer or guards, but he refuses to. He doesn’t want to lose business, so he let’s his customers get away with just about anything. He doesn’t care, because he only comes around to pick up the money and pay his employers. It often means going through several severs and bartenders like dirty wash rags. There is always someone who is willing to work at the bar, thinking it will be all kinds of fun to hang out, listen to good music and drink beers. They soon realize that isn’t the case. Some stick around until they can’t take it anymore, most leave without notice.

They come and go, except for Wendy. She’s been working in the bar for almost ten years. If she went missing, people would notice. She puts up with no shit and she never allows anyone to fuck up her night. Even she doesn’t stop the craziness that goes on. As long as she doesn’t have to watch and always tells people that no one better die on her shift or she’ll beat their ass. It seems everyone respects that rule, as no one has ended up dead or even found overdosed. That makes everyone happy or happy enough. Business goes on as usual.


“Hey, why don’t you call it a night,” Wendy smiles over at Ginger. She’s new to the job, a little timid and sweet as honey pie. The guys eye fuck her nightly, giving them something to dream about when they go home at the end of drinking. Wendy is waiting on how long it will take the sweet girl to quit.

“Er, um, are you sure? I know I’m supposed to be closin’ tonight,” Ginger stares at Wendy with her big brown doe eyes.

“Don’t go questionin’ yer boss,” Wendy giggles at her. “I don’t mind. Ain’t got much left to do and I can do it quicker on my own. Just take that bag of trash with ya on the way out, ya hear?”

Ginger looks in the direction to where Wendy pointed and walks towards the bag, hefting it up, she brings it to the back room. The employees have a small, crowded room in the back where they can keep their personal stuff while on shift. With only the radio on low, listening to country music, Wendy continues to sweep the main part of the bar floor.

After a few minutes, Ginger comes back through, “Goodnight then, Wendy. You take care and be careful.” As she says this, walking to the front door, carrying the trash bag in one hand and her belonging in the other.

“Stay safe, see ya tomorrow evenin’ honey.”

After a long busy evening serving a bunch of drunkards who had been all riled up after the loss of the Red Sox game, Wendy just wanted to sit her ass down. It is something she tried not to do when on the job, wanting to give a good impression for the others who work at the bar.

Pouring herself a gin and tonic, she sits, looking around the nearly clean bar, letting out a low sigh. It isn’t the best job, she knows, but she only works Thursday through Sunday nights, making enough between pay and tips that she can pay her bills. Her second job was for spending money, for other things she wanted, mostly for play.

Beep beep beep – long vibrate

Her phone, which is tucked into her bra goes off, giving a tickle to her flesh as it finishes with a vibration. She pulls it out, unlocking it and seeing she has a new message.

‘Hey baby, what’s good? Been lookin’ for you all night, sexy.’ The text says, the sender is from Wendy’s long time fuck buddy Max.

‘Guess ya didn’t go lookin’ too far, Max. I’m workin’, same as I do every weekend. I’m at the bar, cleanin’ up, Whatcha want from me?’

Her phone vibrates right almost instantly. ‘Aww, now baby, don’t be mad at me. I miss you.’

‘I know what that means, ya know? Ya miss being inside me. What’s wrong, your old lady not putting out again. Stupid bitch.’ Wendy shakes her head, rolling her eyes thinking of his wife.

‘She’s just mad at me. Her car broke down and she expects me to fix it, instead of her getting off her ass to help pay for it. Now she’s neglecting me and I have blue balls so bad I can’t even think straight, baby. Help me out. You know I do good by you.’

Wendy can’t deny that Max, even though married and is usually a rule she tries not to break, is one of the best people she fucks. He has a tongue like a hurricane and a cock the size of a horse. Not really, but he fucks like he does and that is what Wendy loves about having sex with him. If he wasn’t married, she’d scoop him up real quick.

It’s been a while since they’ve fooled around because Wendy was off and on with some guy she met at her other job. They ended things when he called her a stupid bitch. She didn’t care about the bitch part, but she damn well knew she wasn’t stupid. He did try to apologize later on, but he ruined it for her. He wasn’t all that good of a fuck either, so Wendy saw no reason to let him come back.

‘Ya, sure, like I said, I’m at the bar. We can christen the new pool table. It’s begging to be fucked on. Would ya like that, you big stud?’ She teases him, knowing he’s up to any challenge.

‘Fuck yeah! Be there in like 15, baby. Get your sweet ass ready for a good ride!’

Wendy tucks her phone back into her bra, as she stands up to finish what little cleaning is left before Max shows up. She knows she won’t be in the mood to finish once they’re done fucking. He always wears her out, just like a guy should do to a girl after a good, hard fuck.

Changing the music, so Max doesn’t give her a hard time, she pours him a long island ice tea. His favorite. By the time she’s finished with the last bathroom, washing her hands repeatedly, she hears a loud knock on the back door. ‘Nice timing,’ she mumbles to herself as she rushes to let Max in.

“Hey there pretty ma’am, how you doin’?” Max wraps his thick arms around her. Max spent some time in prison. With nothing better to do, he worked out, beefing up so he looked intimating enough to ensure the other inmates didn’t fuck with him. Between the scar that he wore across his right cheek, his long, blondish red hair and his buffing up, it seemed to do the job.

It didn’t fool Wendy though, she could see the soft teddy bear inside him, when she looked into his ocean blue eyes. He could probably kick someone’s ass if he needed to, but he was one of the sweetest men Wendy has ever met. He always wore dark blue jeans, with a black shirt and a hoody when it was cold, and no matter what, always wore just enough stubble to make a girl moan. Wendy thought it was a sexy look on him, especially when he paired it with his sunglasses.

“Fucking fantastic now, you sexy beast. God! I’ve missed you.” Wendy felt Max lift her, as she wraps her legs around him. “Mmm, damn, you smell so good. I don’t know what it is, but Old Spice just suits you like peanut butter and jelly,” she giggles, kissing him as he carries her to the front room.

“Wore it especially for you, baby. I know how much you love it. You smell damn good yerself, given the stink of this fuckin’ bar. Yer boss should really hire someone to do a deep cleaning. For real, honey.”

“Did you come here to tell me stuff I already know, or to fuck me senseless? Cos if it’s the first, I rather go home and go to bed.”

“Bed isn’t coming to you anytime soon, wise ass. I’ll take my time with you, because you know how good I treat you,” Max looks down at her, as he rests her on the pool table. He grins from ear to ear, eyeing her for the first time tonight.

Wendy is on the really short side, being only five foot two inches, she is often teased about being a part of the munchkins from the Wizard Of Oz. She has learned to ignore the teasing, because she’d rather be the height she’s at, and not any taller. Shaking out her strawberry blonde hair out of the messy bun she has up while she works, she watches Max ogle her. Seductively, she releases one button at a time on her shirt, revealing her bare breasts to him. Her B sized breasts, which she convinces herself are a small C are pale in the low lighting of the room, they almost look bright. Her white Irish skin always pale, no matter how much she tans.

“Come and get it then, Daddy, stop talkin’.”

That’s all Max needed to pull her by the hips. The balls all skitter to the other end of the table as he lifts her hips up and removes her panties. Her skirt rides up around her waist as she wiggles closer to the edge of the table, ready for the assault Max is about to give her. Max takes one of the table’s chairs, dragging it to the edge of the pool table. He turns it backwards as he straddles it, giving him the best line up to Wendy’s pussy.

Wendy has never been the type of girl to go completely bald down below, thinking it looked too young looking. She liked the tight trim, the softness of her reddish pubic hair as she fingered herself all those late nights she spends alone. Max likes it too because his wife lets hers grow wild and bushy, making it impossible to enjoy eating her out.

Slowly Max let’s his facial hair tickle along Wendy’s thighs, kissing up to her mound. The delicate touch drives her passion for his mouth to cover her pussy to the point she wants to beg for it. He loves taking his time, inhaling her scent, tasting her flesh, which always tastes of her soaps and a hint of her sweat. The erotic mix can send a man mad with lust, if given the chance to get so close.

Max hates the idea of sharing Wendy, but he knows he can’t ask her to give up the chance at finding someone when he is married himself. Many times he has thought of leaving his wife, to run away with Wendy. He and his wife have no kids together. The two that she brought into the marriage don’t respect Max whatsoever. Who can blame them when their own mother doesn’t?

His tongue wiggling along her folds, he caresses along her slit from top to bottom.

Her wetness is already building, more than likely from the anticipation of his arrival. Wendy’s legs pull up, resting on the edge of the pool table, her knees apart, Max moves forward, slowly he begins to suck on her clit. With a single finger, he works it gently into her, until he is knuckle deep. Gliding it in and out until it’s slick with wetness, he pulls it out, adding a second finger when he pushes back in.

A steady pace with his fingers, he flicks his tongue over her clit. Her arousal building, bucking her hips with his touch, moaning over the music, as she writhes on the table in a lustful state of passion. Deeper his fingers go, he curves them, hitting her g-spot, his thumb gliding up and pressing right under her clit, with his tongue moving desperately over the tip of it.

Wendy’s squeals are loud, as she reaches down and grabs a fistful of his hair, pushing him into her pussy further as her legs close around him, riding his face as she cums. Her body bucking wildly, with no control or care. Max fucks her pussy deeply through her orgasm, feeling her walls tighten around him like a vice grip. Knowing how incredible it will feel to be inside her when she cums for him soon enough.

“Holy hells bells, baby. You’ve got the tongue of a God, you know?” Wendy manage to mumble out, as she gasps for a breath, the whole room is spinning. She isn’t sure if it’s the drink she had or the orgasm, but she chalks it up as a perfect mixture of both. “Go fetch those drinks on the bar, baby,” Wendy asks, slowly sitting up.

Max pulls away from the pool table, kissing Wendy’s lips real quick, before moving to the bar. He smiles seeing his favorite drink awaiting him. The moisture of the glass dripping, the ice cold cubes melting slowly. Taking it into his hand, he takes a huge gulp of his, letting the burn of the alcohol burn on its way down, he let’s out an agreeing moan of approval.

Handing Wendy hers, she does the same with her own glass, letting the buzz go straight to her head. When she finishes, she sets it aside, looking up at Max, as she yanks him closer by his belt buckle, her eyes never leaving his as she removes his clothes. His cock has a large curve which always pleases the ladies. Stroking him in her hand, she leans closer, taking him into her mouth. The taste of salty pre-cum fills her mouth as she takes him deeper into her mouth.

As she pulls him out, she spits on his cock, to jerk it with one hand as she cups his balls. He’s the kind of guy who likes a messy blowjob and Wendy is the type of girl to never disappoint. Taking him back into her mouth, she deep throats him with all she has, taking every last inch until his abdomen presses against her forehead and her nose against the pubic bone. He begins to moves in and out of her mouth now, fucking her throat.

It isn’t long until he pulls her off though, he knows what she can do with her mouth can end him early and he sure as fuck wants to get inside that tight pussy. Helping her up against the table, her breasts lying flat on the felt, he reaches under her to cup them, squeezing tightly, as he positions his cock at her opening. He can feel the heat of her sex even before he pushes into her.

He can’t handle it anymore, he takes her in one single thrust, balls deep inside her, he groans out. Wendy pushes her weight back into Max, though he outweighs her easily, he pushes into her, causing her to slam back into the table. The whole table shifts a little as he wields back and thrusts back into her. With each thrust, the table makes contact with Wendy’s hips, making her cry out. This pain isn’t the kind she likes.

“Stop, stop, stop. I’m too fucking short for this angle on this table, baby. I’m sorry.” Wendy gasps as she moves back up onto the table. She faces him now, a smile on her face and need in her eyes. “Fuck me like this, baby.”

Max loves fucking her when he can see her face anyway, as he steps closer again. He runs his cock over her pussy. Caressing her clit with the head of his cock, watching her expression turn from need to utmost lust and greed for him. Her breathing heavy, deep and full of moans. His name leaving her lips, as her head lulls back, reeling in the pleasure of his touch.

When she least expect it, he slides right back into her, where he belongs. His balls pressing against her sweet, little ass. A slow fuck begins, it’s deep and hard, but slow, so they each feel every passionate thrust. Max leans down, kissing her lips, her tongue diving into his, as she whines out a long moan. Her legs wrapping around his, holding him closer to her, with their movement not missing a beat.

Her body responding to the pulsing throb inside her. She can feel him deeper inside her with every hard pound. The grunting from his lips that tease the skin of her neck as he snuggles his face in. Holding her close to him makes her lightheaded. With her close to her orgasm, Max knew how to push her over the edge, reaching down between them, he lets his fingers move along her clit. The sheer mewling noise that is rewarded is completely worth it.

Bucking up into him again, she grows closer, “Mmm, fuck, don’t stop!” Wendy cries out the words, with one hand tangled into his hair, the other gripping onto his shirt that he never removed. His poundings become more intense, pushing her closer, until she explodes. The clench around him grows tighter, thrusting into her harder.

His body tenses, exploding inside her, he fills her with his cum. Fucking her with long, deep, hard thrusts now, as he drains himself with all he has. His load big and heavy, finally feeling the sweet release he has been craving for far too long. Only Wendy makes him feel this good when he cums. His wife never puts no more effort than necessary.

Standing upwards, Max grabs his drink and downs the rest of it in two gulps, before playfully pushing Wendy over so he can lie beside her.

“Damn baby, you’re like no other girl I’ve ever had. How could I ever live without you.” The words are out of his mouth before he has a chance to stop them. He knows he shouldn’t fill her mind with promises, but the more time he spends with her, the harder he falls for her.

“You wouldn’t have to, if you’d get your head out of your own ass, darlin’. I keep tryin’ to tell ya, I’m the one for ya. I get it though, ya know? That’s why I don’t go naggin at ya to leave your damn wife. I don’t wanna lose what we do got.” Wendy sighs, closing her eyes, as she says it like it is. Not one to sugar coat any situation.

“And you’d take me, just like that? I leave my wife tonight and you’d be mine, huh? No doubts whatsoever?”

Max finding it hard to believe he’s even having this conversation, let alone sounding as though he is serious about actually doing it. Is he? Could he really leave his wife? He has been married to the woman for almost ten years and after the first year has been miserable, it’s only been the last five years he’s been manage to get by, since meeting Wendy.

“Yeah, no questions, no doubts, I’d take ya just like that. In a heart beat. Baby, I’ve gone done fallen in love with yer ass long time ago, I ain’t just never wanted to mess this up. I have a hard time seeing myself without you and often wondering what it would be like to wake up to your crazy ass every morning. Maybe then I could quit one of my jobs and not work so damn hard.”

“You’ve thought bout this a lot, huh? Damn baby. I’d not want you workin two jobs if we did get together, ya know? I’d take good care of you. I know it would be different with you, cos my old lady spends more than I can make and I know yer not like that.”

“Are you bein’ serious with me right now, Max? Are we finally doin’ this? Don’t fuck with me, if this is just talk. It ain’t right.”

Max wasn’t sure only moments ago, but now he knows for sure he is. He is in love with Wendy and doesn’t want to deny it anymore. Life is too short to stay in a loveless, unhappy marriage. She can take her kids and her lazy ass and find someone else to mooch on.

“Baby, it isn’t always going to be rainbows and fairytales, but yes, I’m serious. I wanna be yours, like forever yours. I’ll start the divorce process as soon as I can and I’ll lavish you with the best weddin’ a girl could ask for.”

Wendy’s eyes fill with tears. She rolls to her side, so she can face him, a single tear rolling down over her nose, sniffling. She can’t help but let out a giggle. It’s a choked out one, but still, she can’t believe her ears. “My love, I can’t believe this is happening, but I am so darn happy it is.” She snuggles into him, kissing his lips as more tears slip down her cheeks.

Max holds her close, bathing her in kisses, wiping away the tears that stream down her face. Max has only once seen Wendy cry, that is when she had to put her dog down, due to having cancer. Wendy is tough as nails, never wanting to look weak, but she is allowing him to see a side of her that she doesn’t let many. This only makes him lover her all the more.

After an hour of cuddling and talking of their plans, they decide that now that is pushing almost five in the morning, they should head back to her place.

“I’m going to text her and let her know I ain’t coming back. See how she likes that.” Max grins at Wendy.

“Baby, don’t be stupid. You tell her that and she is gonna sell all yer shit by tomorrow afternoon. Tell her it’s for the night. Find a time tomorrow to go and grab the things you absolutely need and part with what you can. We will replace it, if ya really need it.”

“You really have thought about this,” Max teases her. “Yer right though, I’m gonna do that. I ain’t needing much. Mostly my clothes and important papers. Plus the few things my dad left me. The kids ruined everything else.”

Wendy goes out back to collect her things and lock up the back door as Max sends his soon to be ex the text. Wendy can’t stop smiling, it actually hurts her face because she can’t. When she got the text from Max tonight, never did she think it would end like this, but she is happier than she has been in a long time.

Going back to the front, she turns off the radio and locks the register, before turning to Max. “You ready, big fella?”

“As I’ll ever be, pretty lady. She ain’t going to answer back this late, she’s already sleeping. Let’s get to your place, I’m bushed. I need my girl and I need a bed.”

“It’s our place now, honey. Don’t you go forgetting it. C’mon, I have your girl and a bed for ya.”

Max takes Wendy by the hand, before leading her into the warm night air. Wendy walks to work, since she only lives three blocks away, so they climb into Max’s car and head home, to begin their lives together, finally as a couple. Something both of them have wanted for a long time.

I just want to thank both Sam and Poppet in helping me with this story. It is something I’ve had in mind to do for a long time, after Sam and I talked about story ideas. It is his, just as much as mine. Of course Poppet has helped work on it with me, adding in details only she can do. Without the two of you, I couldn’t have done this story and it means a bunch to me that we’ve collaborated on a story together, all three of us for the first time!

Published 10 years ago

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