Marlee: Final Chapter

"Marlee takes over"

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The best way to learn a business is from the inside. The best way to take over a business is also from the inside.

“Hi! My name is Marlee. That’s all you need to know. For the past two years I have been working on the inside of a big-time bank in New York. I have observed bankers of dubious business practices who manipulate and skillfully maneuver hard working people out of their savings and dignity.”

“Of course, I could have gone to the SEC. But I was carefully learning and planning. My goal is the hostile takeover of an operation run by Charles Crowder. He calls himself C.C. He’s very arrogant.”

“In all of his arrogance, Mr. Crowder had forgotten to watch those associates closest to him. In other words, it’s Sindi and me. Sindi is an associate who posed as my daughter.”

“I knew he had a huge slush fund. Sindi hacked his account and transferred the money to a Swiss bank.”


“Oh! Baby, you have no idea what that does to me. Keep it up! I’m coming!” It was Felicity with Sindi’s tongue buried in her smooth sensual vagina.

Sindi moved up to Felicity’s mons pubis and kissed gently, slowly moving up to her navel.

“Oh! Sindi, you are so skillful!” Felicity said as her pelvis lifted up to meet Sindi’s sensuous lips. Felicity felt the pleasure building in her clitoris. It began as a drip and turned into a flood. Hot woman juices filled her vagina as her body tensed and convulsed. She was having one of the most pleasurable orgasms of her life!

Slowly Felicity came down and rolled over to see her lover, Sindi, lying beside her. Sindi got up and lit a joint. She took a toke and handed it to Felicity who sat up and put it to her lips.

“Marlee and I would like to talk to you,” Sindi said. Suddenly, Sindi’s voice was serious and business-like.

Sindi walked into the den where Marlee was sitting behind a desk. She was dressed in grey business attire.

“Sit down Felicity. Sindi and I want to talk to you.”

Felicity took another toke on the joint and sat down.

“What is this all about?” she asked.

“I’m prepared to buy out your services if you will come to work for me, immediately,” Marlee said.

“Buy out? What do you mean?” Felicity looked confused.

“What about twenty thousand dollars….?”


C.C. slipped on his coat. He glanced at his mirror and adjusted his tie. He thought about the recent successful business projects that had brought a healthy profit for the company. He was a banker. In the past two years, he had drained hedge funds, manipulated stock, bought out worthless companies, and sold them for their liquid assets. He had other enterprises. There were personal projects to which he applied all the business acumen he had acquired. In the meantime, he had accumulated an enormous amount of pleasure.

C.C. opened the door to the outer office and looked around.

“Go on in, she’s waiting for you, C.C.,” the secretary said and gestured toward the doorway.

C.C. stepped into an enormous, sumptuous office with a wide window overlooking the bank’s vast empire in Lower Manhattan. He walked toward a figure seated at a desk with its back to him.

“Have a seat,” a feminine voice said. It was a command.

C.C. sat down and looked at the figure. Slowly it turned. It was a woman. Then she looked up. It was Marlee!

“I trust you were apprised of the retrenchment of personnel in your division.” Marlee said.

“I knew something was up,” C.C. looked smug and confident.

“I’m buying you out,” Marlee said.

The look on C.C.’s face was astonishment. His mouth dropped open.

“Who are ‘we’?” C.C. managed to say after recovering his composure.

“Let me re-state it. I am buying you out, C.C. It’s been a pleasure working with you. You have turned a very nice profit, but your methods left us questioning what you have brought to the ‘bottom line’.

It could have been… let’s say… more fruitful. We have decided to buy you out,” Marlee said and added, “We no longer need your services.”

Marlee shoved a contract across her desk to C.C.

“I want your signature on the bottom line. In return, we will not take this matter to the SEC or the state’s attorney,” Marlee said, looking at C.C.

C.C. picked up the pen and started to read the document.

“No need to read it. It’s the only option you have, Mr. Crowder,” Marlee said.


Stunned, C.C. walked back to the elevator and descended to his office. A moving crew was packing up his personal belongings. Two security guards escorted his down to his gunmetal grey Mercedes and watched as he exited the parking garage. On his way out, he turned over his security badge.


Back at his apartment, he opened the door to find it empty. A hollow sound greeted him as walked across the floor. One lonely sofa, a desk, and a chair was all that was left. He sat down and lit a joint.

His door opened and Marlee burst through.

“Oh C.C.! I am so sorry, daddy! I had to do that to you. I hope you forgive me,” she said looking into his face with pleading eyes.

She threw her arms around him, raised her head and gestured that she wanted to be kissed. Without hesitating, C.C. pressed her lips to Marlee’s lips. Their tongues met. C.C. felt his cock rise as Marlee pressed her mons pubis against him.

Marlee broke the kiss and melted to her knees. C.C. knew the familiar drill. She took his cock and balls and caressed them. His cock responded immediately.

“Daddy! You make me feel so good,” Marlee said. “Do this for me, C.C.,” she said looking up at him.

“Do what, momma?” C.C. asked.

“Bend over, daddy,” Marlee said.

C.C. turned and bent over. He felt Marlee’s hands hold his butt.

“Spread those handsome cheeks for me, daddy,” she cooed.

C.C. reached back and spread his butt cheeks on command. He felt Marlee’s hands grasp his butt. Something touched his rosebud and entered his rectum. A feeling that C.C. had never felt before came over him. A vibration began deep inside of him. Marlee had put on a strap-on cock and was plunging it deeply in her newly acquired asset ─ with the emphasis on ass.

“Oh momma! That feels good,” C.C. cooed.

“Take it, daddy! Take it!” Marlee said.

The in and out rhythm continued until C.C. spit out an enormous orgasm on the floor.

Marlee got up and lit a joint and handed it to C.C. He took it and took a deep toke.

Marlee dialed her cell phone. She spoke softly into the phone and hung up. She chatted for a while. A knocked on the door interrupted their conversation.

C.C. opened the door. It was Fred!

“I thought you were working in Aruba!” C.C. said. He was astonished.

“Actually, I am a contractor. I work for Marlee’s operation. I never left the states,” Fred said. He approached C.C. and gave him a big passionate kiss on his lips. While kissing, Fred reached down and took C.C. penis and stroked it.

That night Marlee drove Fred and C.C. to the DNA club where Marlee’s former boss kept the revenue stream flowing.


During the following weeks, C.C. with Fred’s training learned to stay profitable. Marlee even got him a job as a dancer in the same club where Sindi once worked.


“Hello?” It was the familiar Jamaican voice.

“I have product to sell. Can you evaluate it tonight?” Marlee asked.

“Show me the merchandise,” the cold voice responded.

“Can you give me a good price?”

“Show me the merchandise.”

As a shackled and manacled C.C. walked through the door, Marlee signed the paperwork. On the way back to her newly redecorated apartment which she had acquired from C.C.’s assess, Marlee received a text message.

A smile broke across Marlee’s face as she looked at the figure. Her mind quickly calculated that the price would return her a very nice profit.

By MrDeep©

Published 10 years ago

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