How are you able to do this,
Push my buttons
And make me scream
In frustration.
I can not understand this,
It makes no sense.
When did laughing
Become screaming,
Digging nails into palms,
Deep breaths needed to calm.
A smile beginning to form
Through the anger.
Mixed feelings,
Like a crazy person.
Must I endure this?
My curse,
Or my blessing,
I can not tell.
I miss you,
I hate you,
I love you,
I hate you!
Stop this,
This madness.
Unless this is your plan?
To drive me crazy.
To make me realize,
Not even a touch is needed.
Just simple words,
And it could boil my blood.
A mix between hatred
And love.
What is it that I am feeling?
I can not leave,
It must be my curse.
My karma,
For whatever
I have done
To wrong the Gods.
Push my buttons
And make me scream
In frustration.
I can not understand this,
It makes no sense.
When did laughing
Become screaming,
Digging nails into palms,
Deep breaths needed to calm.
A smile beginning to form
Through the anger.
Mixed feelings,
Like a crazy person.
Must I endure this?
My curse,
Or my blessing,
I can not tell.
I miss you,
I hate you,
I love you,
I hate you!
Stop this,
This madness.
Unless this is your plan?
To drive me crazy.
To make me realize,
Not even a touch is needed.
Just simple words,
And it could boil my blood.
A mix between hatred
And love.
What is it that I am feeling?
I can not leave,
It must be my curse.
My karma,
For whatever
I have done
To wrong the Gods.