Before I was ready to leave, Patricia was sound asleep, but Ramona still looked fresh. She lay back on the bed smoking a cigarette, her body shiny with sweat. All night long I tried to figure out who she looked like and finally, at 6:30 it came to me.
“Did anyone ever tell you that you are a dead ringer for Joan Jett?”
Ramona smiled at me, the lit cigarette hanging from her lips. “Patricia tells me that all the time, so I guess I do. Don’t expect me to break out singing to you anytime soon, though.”
She really did look like Joan Jett. She had that hard “don’t fuck with me” rebellious look about her. Dressing as she did tonight in all black didn’t do anything to dispel her appearance.
“Well, I think you look great. I’m looking forward to seeing both of you next week.”
“Chas, do you have anyone you see socially?” she asked. “Anyone special?”
“No, I don’t. It’s been a long time since I have, maybe before I got into the whole escort thing. I just don’t think anyone could handle the fact that I make love to strangers and get paid for it. Besides, no one has interested me to the point where I would like to see them outside of the job. At least, not until now.”
Ramona dragged deeply on the cigarette, allowing the smoke to escape her lips and be inhaled through her nose. After drawing it in, she held it for a few seconds and then let a thick plume of smoke escape her lips and smiled. “Is that supposed to make me feel special?”
Jesus, even the way she smoked reinforced that hard and tough image she projected. “I don’t know how you should feel,” I replied. “I can only speak for my own feelings.”
Ramona took a final deep drag from her smoke and put it out. “Well, for your information, it makes me feel damned special. In fact, no one has made me feel the way you have tonight, man or woman, and you’re the first man I’ve been with in years. I’d like that to continue, if it can. And I can tell you that Patricia would run away with you in a heartbeat.”
That little bit of information caught me completely off-guard. “If you don’t mind my asking, is there a reason why you haven’t been with a man in years? You certainly seemed to enjoy it tonight.”
“I’m very picky when it comes to cocks. I’ve found that most men I’ve met aren’t worth talking to, much less letting them shove their dicks inside me. You intrigue me, and that’s saying something.”
“What about Patricia? Does she share your discriminating taste in men?”
“Patricia is more bisexual than I am. She’s had more men than me, but not because she’ll fuck anything that walks. She just happens to want a stiff cock more than I do. She can’t walk away from it, where I will. But I’ll tell you something. You really rocked her world tonight. I can’t remember the last time I saw her get so excited. She even got off watching the two of us fuck. I’d be willing to bet that she came eight times tonight, maybe more. I came quite a bit myself, but I don’t want you to get a swelled head about it.” There it was again, that wry smile. Ramona reached to get another cigarette.
That sounded like my cue to leave. I took Ramona in my arms and kissed her goodnight. It wasn’t a “I had a nice time” kind of kiss, but a deep one, full of promise of what might come. Just before I broke off the kiss I felt Ramona trembling. Perhaps there were deep feelings after all.
I spent all day Sunday either in bed or on the sofa. I was beat and needed to rest. I would be meeting Vanessa on Monday for lunch. She was going to shit bricks when I told her that I couldn’t schedule anyone next Saturday. She wasn’t happy that I gave Patricia and Ramona a break on the fee. She’d go ballistic when she found out about next Saturday.
But that was tough shit. I was entitled to my own life. I was sure that Vanessa had other escorts she handled. I never thought for a second that I was her only one. In fact, I was surprised she hadn’t incorporated in some way. She could start a “personal services” agency and keep things above board, but the forms and regulations, not to mention the taxes, didn’t encourage going legit.
On Monday I kept my usual lunch date with Vanessa. She appeared to be in a very good mood. I was hoping I wouldn’t ruin it for her. “Vanessa, you’re looking pretty chipper today. Any particular reason?”
“I had a date Saturday night and it couldn’t have gone any better. We’re going to do it again this week!”
I should have known that sex had something to do with her mood. “Who’s the lucky guy?” I asked her. “Anybody I might know?”
“No, you don’t know her. She’s too young for you.”
That sound everyone in the dining room heard was my jaw dropping and hitting the floor. “Did I hear you correctly, Vanessa? Did the words ‘her’ and ‘she’ come out of your mouth?”
“You heard me right the first time, Chas. We never hooked up for pleasure after that first weekend, so I never got the chance to tell you that I swing from both sides of the plate. She’s wonderful, and the sex is crazy good.”
I couldn’t conceal my smile, as well as how happy I was for her. “Why Vanessa, you little devil! I had no idea, but I’m happy that you found someone. I can understand why you are beaming right now, so hopefully what I have to tell you will be okay.”
Vanessa’s smile turned upside down, as if she could smell bad news. “Okay, Chas, what’s up?”
“Oh, it’s not that big of a deal. I just need you to keep this Saturday night open for me. I can’t take any clients that night.”
Vanessa knew me like the back of her hand, so her reply wasn’t unexpected at all. “Oh Chas, you stupid fuck! Don’t you dare tell me you’ve gone and fallen in love with those two teachers! You did, didn’t you? What am I going to do with you?”
“Relax, Vanessa,” I said, holding my hands up like a criminal who just got caught by the police. “It’s not what it looks like. I just wanted to explore a few things with them, a follow-up, if you please. I couldn’t very well ask them for a round two and expect them to pay me for it.”
“A follow-up? Jesus Christ, Chas, in all our time together you’ve never had a follow-up! I know you, Chas. I know you, and I’ve never seen this behavior from you, not once. You’ve fucking fallen in love, don’t try to deny it. Let me guess, it was the anorexic one, the one with the short black hair. Am I right? Jesus, she looks like an older Joan Jett, right up your alley!”
I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at Vanessa’s rantings. “Settle down, Vanessa,” I pleaded with her. “I’m just a little curious and want to have a little fun.” Vanessa was slowly calming down. “So, you think she looks like Joan Jett, do you? How long did it take you to figure that out?”
“About two seconds after I met her, you fuckstick! Look, I’ll do what you want on this, but if you want to move in with them or something, you’ve got to promise me that you won’t let it interfere with your weekend jobs. Just remember, when you don’t work I don’t get paid.”
“But Vanessa, I’m not foolish enough to think that I’m the only escort you handle. How many others do you have under your umbrella?”
“Counting you there are eight escorts I handle. But you were my first, so my loyalty will always be with you. You gave me my start and I’ll never forget that.”
“Thank you. Vanessa, I appreciate your honesty but this is important to me that I see these two again.”
“Then I won’t schedule anyone for Saturday. Here’s the info sheet on your Friday client.”
Vanessa handed me the sheet. One thing about Vanessa, she was thorough when it came to these sheets. It always listed the name, height, weight, appearance, where to meet and some background details on the client. It was typewritten and done very professionally.
I ran over the details of this client. Her name was Hope. She was fifty-four and married, which was unusual. Not that she was fifty-four, but that she was married. Probably ninety percent of my clients were either divorced, widowed or just plain single. I always took great pains to be as discreet as possible with a married woman. It usually meant that Vanessa had booked a room at a nice hotel, so that we couldn’t be surprised by an irate husband. Whenever that happened, Vanessa made sure that the fee was adjusted upward to allow for the expense of the hotel.
On Wednesday I called Patricia and Ramona to make sure that we were still on for Saturday night. Patricia answered the phone.
“Hello, Chas. I was just thinking about you. How have you been?”
“Oh, I’m doing well, Patricia. I was calling to make sure that we still have a date this Saturday. You know, if you can’t make it I’ll understand.”
“Can’t make it? Hell’s minions couldn’t keep us from seeing you on Saturday night. Of course we’re still on.”
“That’s good news. Would you like to meet me somewhere and follow me to my place, or would you like me to just give you directions?”
Patricia hesitated for a minute, then broke into lewd laughter. “Oh, I think we should meet you somewhere. That way, when we leave every woman in the place will know that we are with you. I want to make them all jealous.”
I couldn’t suppress a chuckle on my end upon hearing that. “Somehow I expected that, Patricia. I want you both to know that I’m very excited about seeing both of you. I have some special plans for our evening together.” I proceeded to tell Patricia the name, address and phone number of a bar where I wanted them to meet me. “Be there at 7pm sharp. We have a long night ahead of us.”
Patricia’s breath suddenly became ragged. “Oh, Chas, I’ll be wet all week just waiting for Saturday night to get here. I’ll see you then.”
As I hung up on my end I could just picture Patricia with her hands in her pants, getting herself worked into a lather. Yes, that’s just what I wanted. Planting a few seeds of anticipation would keep her and Ramona on edge.
Friday night I met Hope at the Hilton lounge. She left word with the hostess that she would be expecting me and, before I stopped at the lounge, I checked with the front desk to see that our room was ready. I instructed the desk staff to send up some spirits and fruit to be waiting for us when we got there. As I was being led to her table I couldn’t help but stop dead in my tracks. Hope was gorgeous, petite and obviously wealthy, based on the jewelry and designer clothes she was wearing. Just sitting there, she exuded an aura of refinement about her, from the way she sat in her chair to the tilt of her head when she saw me approach her table. I’ve had a few “rich bitches” in my career, and they were always cold in bed. I hoped that tonight would be different and that Hope would have a little fire down below.
Before I seated myself Hope extended her hand and introduced herself. I kissed her outstretched hand, lingering with the kiss for a second longer than acceptable. That was my way of telling her that I liked what I saw. She made no effort to pull her hand back, even smiling and giving out a little moan as my lips kept up the contact with the smooth skin of her hand.
“Why Chas,” she purred. “You are quite the charmer, aren’t you?”
“Only when I meet a charming lady, Hope, and you fit that particular description nicely.”
She was sizing me up with her eyes, apparently liking what she saw. I wondered what her reaction would be later when she got a good look at the business end of Chas. Most women were speechless when they saw my cock for the first time, especially those with a refined background and repressed libidos.
Hope had short brown hair that was showing signs of graying, although she didn’t try to hide it with coloring. It gave her a distinguished look, as if she wore it like a badge of honor, telling everyone that she was good looking and knew it. Aging was merely another way of showing her natural beauty. She wore a simple little black dress, obviously from a famous designer. Her single strand of pearls accentuated her delicate features, and she wore small diamond earrings that were striking in their simplicity, not taking any attention away from her beauty. She dressed in a way which told those who came into contact with her that she was moneyed, but didn’t flaunt her wealth. Accessories had a purpose, and in Hope’s world they highlighted her beauty without becoming the main attraction.
Hope got right to the point. “You probably see lots of women like me, married to men who don’t appreciate us anymore, whose mistresses provide them with what they think they need. I’m not going to lie to you, Chas. I’ve never done this before. I’ve had chances with other men, but I never went through with it. I figured that if I’m going to cheat, it may as well be with someone young, who has what women like me want, and need, even if I have to pay for it.”
She looked vulnerable sitting across from me, having bared her soul to a paid escort. I had to be tactful. Her feelings were fragile, and I needed to make sure that she felt wanted, felt needed.
“Hope, I can tell you that a vast majority of the women I service aren’t married. They are widowed, divorced, some never married. They want an evening of something that they once knew, an evening of being special, and they know that I can make it special for them. I happen to enjoy the company of mature women, Hope. I love what they can do for me as much as for anything that I can give to them. When I am with a woman such as yourself I lose myself in the passion.”
Hope looked at me with a longing in her eyes. She didn’t need to say a word.
“So, Hope, the question I have to ask you is simple. Are you prepared to leave your expectations at the door, along with your inhibitions? If you are, I can guarantee that we will have a wonderful evening and you will return home tomorrow with a different outlook on life. You look like the kind of woman who has earned a chance at happiness, why not take it?”
Hope smiled. “I like you, Chas. I’m going to let everything go and allow you to show me what I’ve been missing all these years. Why don’t we have a drink and then head up to our room?”
“I have a better idea,” I said to her. “Why don’t we have drinks delivered to our room and we can get started on what we’re here for?” I stood in front of her and offered my hand.
“Yes, why not?” And, with that, Hope took my hand and we walked toward the elevators.
When the elevator doors closed I took Hope into my arms and kissed her.
As I opened the door to my room I wondered how such a tiny woman would react to my size. When I say “tiny” it doesn’t do the word or description justice. Hope was the epitome of petite, almost to the point of being fragile, like a porcelain doll, but one thing which stood out to me was her beauty. Twenty or thirty years ago her looks could have opened many doors of opportunity, yet she was content to be someone’s wife, bound to a life with one man, and one man alone. I wondered if she had regrets going down that path.
And yet, at her age she was still beautiful, almost breathtakingly so. If I could find that sexual animal inside her, waiting to be freed, this could be an incredible night.
Hope sat on the chair opposite the bed and asked me to make a drink for her, vodka on the rocks. As I made our drinks, she quietly removed her dress, revealing a wisp of a camisole and high-cut panties. A garter belt framed her panties, holding up her stockings. She didn’t have much in the tit department, but her nipples poked against the sheer fabric of her camisole. I was a sucker for big nipples. She sat there like that, legs crossed, as I offered her drink to her.
She took a sip of her drink, smiled her approval and spoke softly to me. “Chas, why don’t you get undressed for me? I’ve been going mad imagining what you look like in the nude. I think it’s time you end the suspense.”
I emptied my drink, set it on the small table next to Hope and proceeded to do a strip tease. I removed my shoes and socks, then took off the sport coat, taking great pains to hang it in the closet.
My shirt came next, causing Hope to suck in air as she reveled in the sight of my hairless chest. The pants were next, leaving me standing in front of her in my boxer shorts. I took the shirt and pants and put them on hangers next to the coat in the closet. I stood in front of Hope to allow her to take in the sight of my lean, muscular body. She soaked it up with her eyes, quietly nodding her approval.
“Alright Hope,” I said to her. “You’ll have to remove my boxers yourself, but not before I see what’s straining against your camisole.”
Hope set her now empty glass down next to mine and lifted the camisole up and over her head. Her breasts were tiny, nearly flat, as they sloped down against her chest. Her nipples were very large and pointing straight out. I leaned down and took one into my mouth, sucking and biting it to see if it could possibly get larger, which it did. I repeated this with her other breast and by the time I was finished, Hope was wriggling on the chair in a state of arousal.
As I stood erect in front of her, she took the waistband of my boxers in her trembling hands and pulled them down to my ankles. My semi-erect cock nearly poked her in the face as she freed it from confinement.
Her gasp was sudden and loud, and she had a look of shock on her face. She sat there just staring at it for a few minutes. Finally, she looked up at my face and spoke. “I think I’m gonna need a bigger pussy.”
She smiled at first and slowly broke into hysterical laughter. She reached out and touched my cock, tentatively at first, but then stroking it and fondling it. She took it in both hands and pulled me closer, opening her mouth as her laughter faded.
“Just give me time to get used to it, Chas,” she said. She took the head inside her open mouth and sucked on it. It was all she could do just to get the head inside her tiny mouth, but she made up for it by licking, biting and sucking on it until I became fully aroused. Her technique was nothing short of amazing, using her hands on my shaft while rolling the head between her lips. Her tongue flicked along the soft underside of my cock, sending tingling sensations up and down my entire length. She wasn’t giving me an ordinary blowjob, I realized. She was worshiping my dick, caressing it and savoring each nibble, each suck. Moans escaped her throat as she continued her highly erotic assault.
I pulled out of her grasp and took her hands as I led her to the bed. I pushed her onto her back and proceeded to remove her garter belt, stockings and panties. Once she was fully naked before me, I took in the view. Hope had a neatly trimmed triangle of hair above her pussy and, although even her cunt was small, it was almost perfect. Her labia splayed out as I spread her legs and she was very wet, so much so that her juices had already trickled out and ran to her ass.
As I pried her tender flesh even further apart, her clitoris was plainly visible, swollen to the point where it resembled a fat button, begging to be sucked.
I had to taste her right then. As my tongue made contact with her essence she gasped again, her hips moving up to give me even more access to her dripping hole. I licked at her pussy, slowly at first and then more furiously. Hope writhed on the bed, unable to get away from my inquisitive tongue and yet thrusting up at me in an effort to give me more of her pussy.
“Chas, please don’t stop, make me cum, please make me cum.” Hope was nearly there, but I needed to help her get the rest of the way to her orgasm.
I ran my tongue up her entire cunt, drinking in her savory juices as I did so. Finally my tongue made contact with her enormous clit. Hope nearly threw me off her, such were the sensations pulsing from within her pussy. I took her clit into my mouth and began to suck on it as I applied pressure with my tongue. She was ready now, so I intensified my oral assault.
“Dear sweet Jesus!” she cried out. “I’m cumming lover, I’m cumming!”
Her pussy let go at that moment, releasing a torrent of her cum all over my face. I kept licking and sucking her as she squirted her juices on my face and in my mouth. Hope tried to pull away, but I continued giving her wave after wave of pleasure, her pussy convulsing as she actually clenched my face like a vise. It wasn’t a case of multiple orgasms, but rather one long drawn-out orgasm that shook her to her toenails. It went on for several minutes before she was able to relax, signaling that it had ended. Once she finished heaving up and down, she pulled away from me rapidly.
“Oh Chas,” she cried to me. “I’m so very sorry that happened. I’ve never done that, not ever. Why didn’t you stop?”
“Because I wanted to give you pleasure, something so wonderful that you would never forget it. And don’t worry about squirting on my face. It happens sometimes, and I look at it as confirmation that a woman enjoyed what I was able to bring to her. Don’t be ashamed of it, don’t you ever be ashamed of it.”
“I had never done that, and it scared me. I’ve heard about women who squirted, but I never had an orgasm like that in my entire life. In fact, I can probably count on one hand the number of times I’ve really had an orgasm, so thank you. Thank you, my young lover. You showed an old dog some new tricks just then.”
I couldn’t stifle a small laugh upon hearing that. “You certainly had the Big ‘O’, I’ll give you that. I worried at one point whether you were going to stop.”
Hope laughed heartily at my last comment. “Chas, I don’t think I have to tell you that this was the biggest and best orgasm I’ve ever experienced, but what about you? I want you to cum as hard as I did, but I don’t know if I can get enough of you inside me to do you any good. What can I do to help you get off?”
I smiled at her. “Let’s have a drink and then we can see what you are really capable of. Don’t worry about me, though. This night is all about you. I’m here to make sure that you enjoy what I can do for you.”
We arose from the bed. The sheets were puddled with her moisture. I took Hope’s hand and led her to the small bar across the room. There was a bottle of Dom chilling in the ice bucket. I removed it and opened it, the foam pouring out of the top. I was sure that the symbolism of the champagne spurting out of the bottle wasn’t lost on her, judging by the smile which crossed her lips. I poured us each a flute and offered a toast to her.
“Here’s to uncharted territory. May we see more of that on our journey this evening.”
We clinked our glasses together and Hope downed hers in one gulp. “Yes, we’ve entered sort of an uncharted territory, haven’t we?” She set her empty glass down on the bar and led me to the chair. She sat me down and then climbed onto my lap, kissing me over and over. “I want you to fuck me, Chas. I don’t know how, but I want you inside me so bad.”
We sat there, just kissing as I fondled her tiny tits. She was getting aroused again. I gently forced her to her feet and, getting up myself, led her back to the bed.
Hope reached out for my cock, which was only semi-rigid after that oral session. She worked the shaft with both of her hands and once again took the helmet into her mouth. Her cocksucking skills were very good, indeed, as I became hard after a few minutes.
This time, I got up and went to the closet, retrieving a bottle of lube that I brought from my inside jacket pocket. I squirted a healthy amount on the head of my cock and allowed her to use her hands, spreading the gel all over my cock. Once it was shining from the lubrication I put some lube onto my hands and proceeded to rub her pussy inside and out until she was shining as well.
“Okay Hope,” I told her. “I think it would be best if I lie back on the bed and let you get on top. That way you will be able to control how much of my prick you feel comfortable taking inside you.”
Once I was on my back Hope straddled me, slowly easing her tight pussy over my cock. She rubbed the head all over her pussy lips as she gripped me with her hands. She took about two inches inside her cunt and let out a low, growling moan. “Oh, dear God!” she shouted. “I’m almost there again.”
Hope rocked up and down on my slick tool, never allowing more than two or three inches inside. She was in ecstasy as she fucked me, occasionally doing it in a circular motion. She threw her head back and licked her lips as she hissed a moan. Her pussy was beginning to contract and I knew she wouldn’t last long. Her breath began to grow shorter as her moans became louder, the orgasm announcing its impending arrival.
“Sweet Jesus, I’m going to cum again, Chas! Oh my God, you are amazing! Oh, oh fuck! Here it comes, my darling!”
As the first orgasm hit her, she began to squirt again, the river of cum flowing out her cunt and all down the shaft of my cock. She was in heaven again, and I was prepared to sacrifice my own orgasm so that she could enjoy hers fully.
However, a strange thing happened as her orgasm intensified. During her lengthy eruption of ecstasy, she lost control and impaled herself fully on my cock, nearly taking the whole thing up her squirting and convulsing pussy. She was so lost in the throes of her own passion that she didn’t seem to realize what had happened. She kept bobbing up and down on my hard dick, and I decided to give it to her good.
I began to thrust upward, my cock sliding in and out of her soaking wet slit until I could feel my own pleasure building. God, she was tight! I was so far up inside her that I momentarily feared that I would do damage to her. I say momentarily because my pleasure had taken over and I reacted on sheer instinct, giving this woman the fucking of her life.
Hope went silent, her head thrown back in a lewd and lustful way, soft moans rumbling deep in her throat but never escaping her lips. She was so lost in concentration that she was unable to stop, instead riding the entire length of my pecker up and down. She was still cumming after all this time, her juices now pouring out of her.
I couldn’t hold back any longer. I thrust hard a couple times, her incredibly tight pussy urging me to orgasm. And before I knew it I was exploding inside her, my thick jets of cum filling her to overflowing. A combination of her fluid and my cum gushed out of her cunt, mingling and pouring onto my thighs and onto the already soaking wet sheets.
As my orgasm waned, Hope collapsed onto my chest, her lips seeking mine as she moaned her approval.
“Thank you, Chas!” she whispered into my ear. “You are the best!”
She rolled off me and collapsed onto the bed, completely spent. I held her in my arms as her body shook from what we had just done. She was smiling as she drifted off to sleep.
Exhausted after our coupling, I fell asleep myself soon after.
When I woke up, with sunlight streaming in through the window blinds, I realized that I was alone. At some point Hope had gotten up. I assumed she got dressed hurriedly and slipped out of the room. As I got my bearings about me, I noticed that she had left a note on the nightstand.
My dear Chas,
Words cannot do justice for what you have given me tonight. I came to you a desperate old woman who thought that the physical pleasures of love had passed me by, bitter at my own situation and slightly embarrassed that I sought pleasure with an escort.
After the loving way in which you took care of my every need, I realize now that there is, indeed, hope for a woman named Hope. You took me places that I never knew existed and I cannot thank you enough for what you have done.
Even though I handled the financial arrangements in advance with your girl, Vanessa, I wanted to leave you with a small token of my appreciation.
I hope that we can do this again sometime soon. You have something which I need, and I want to experience it again and again.
I’m sorry that I left you in the middle of the night, but I wanted to leave you this in the hopes that you enjoyed what we had for one fleeting moment. I will be in touch.
With my love,
It was a touching note, such heartfelt words and the promise of future meetings. Next to the note was a small white envelope with my name on it. I opened it and was nearly knocked off of my feet. Inside were ten one-hundred dollar bills, all crisp and new.
I was stunned at her generosity and made a mental note to tell Vanessa to keep in contact with her. I would definitely like to see her again.
I looked at the clock. It was nearly noon. I had to get cleaned up and check out. I was meeting Patricia and Ramona at 7pm and I would need some rest. God knows they would wear me out.