M’s Story

"A fine dinner leads to an intense scene in a motel room"

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As she sat next to him in the booth at the restaurant, she was very aware that their position was atypical and that people noticed. Every other couple sat across from one another at their tables, booth or not. But he had insisted and wouldn’t answer when she asked why… over and over again. He’d merely smile and say, “You’ll see.”

She was tired of waiting and wondering. They talked casually over the salads. She told him, once again that his choice of dressing was disgusting and that mold belonged in the garbage NOT in cheese. The bread was tasty and fresh. The waiter had one of those little scraper things to clear the crumbs in between the courses. She rubbed the starched, white fabric of the tablecloth between her fingers wishing he would touch her, desperate to touch him.

Suddenly, towards the end of the entrée, right after the waiter checked on them, he grasped her thigh firmly right where here stockings stopped. And she blushed. Was he checking to see if she was wearing the garter belt as he had insisted? He hardly had to though, she loved wearing them and loved even more knowing how much it turned him on. He continued talking casually with her as his hand moved up and pushed her dress up exposing her panties and stocking tops. She fought to stay calm as he slid his fingers down and stroked her through the lace between her legs. She managed to mumble something unintelligible in answer to him as her wetness soaked through the material as he continued stroking more firmly.

When his fingers slid the fabric aside and touched her directly, her eyes got huge and she looked around desperately, hoping no one was watching them. They weren’t. And though he continued to look directly into her eyes, she knew he knew that.

His fingers slowly caressed and fondled her while his voice worked to keep her present and attentive. Sliding in circles and stroking her, he led her closer and closer to the edge. She was sure her face was flushed and was terrified thinking that her wetness would show. But his voice reminded her to think, to remember all his requests for tonight… garter belt and stockings, hair in loose curls, dark colored dress… dark colored so it wouldn’t show, that’s why.

And then her mind was ripped away from the thoughts as her legs parted involuntarily, or had he told her to, and his finger entered her. They’d been working on her control but she knew it would fail her if he pushed her over the edge. Her eyes focused on his and begged him with a look to stop. He smiled and pushed just a little farther before stopping, leaving his finger inside her, and looking up as the waiter walked up to the other side of the table and asked if they wanted dessert. Could he see? And she blushed… again. No. No, he was on the other side of the table… where he had to be since they were both on one side. He had thought this through.

He ordered something. She wasn’t in control of her faculties enough to know exactly what but it involved chocolate and whipped cream. As they waited he talked her back into herself, still leaving his finger where it was. When she was cognizant again, he instructed her to ask where the restroom was when the waiter came back. She already knew, they were at the front near the hostess station. She hadn’t even gotten the whole word “why” out when he answered with his usual “you’ll see.”

The dessert looked delicious and she almost forgot to ask but he twitched his finger and she was reminded. The waiter told her and turned and left them alone. Well, as alone as you can be in a crowded restaurant. The first thing he did was slide his finger out of her and use it to scoop up a big dollop of whipped cream. He held it in front of her and she instinctively opened her mouth. The taste of the cool sweet cream and her warm cum was interesting and exciting and the smile on his face was devious and wonderful. And she blushed… again.

They shared the dessert and it was so delectable it was quickly gone. She had no more than swallowed the last bite than he whispered in her ear to wait for no one to be looking and slide under the table, anticipating her “why” with another “you’ll see”.

It took another several seconds for the coast to be clear and she felt like her breasts were not cooperating as she slid down and moved between his legs seeing his cock out and hard. When had he done that? She glanced around making sure the tablecloth went all the way to the floor and listened for some sign that she had been seen but none came. She knew he wanted her to use her mouth since if he’d only wanted her hand she wouldn’t have had to be down here. She started as she always did, using just her tongue to bathe his throbbing hardness then wrapping her lips around it and sliding it in and out of her mouth, pushing it as far into her throat as she could before she gagged. She liked it better when he was in charge of this act but she loved that she could please him like this anyway.

And then, the waiter walked up and she froze. Oh God. Oh God. She listened but there was nothing in the waiter’s voice that showed any suspicion and his cock twitched impatiently so she continued. Then she realized he had her ask about the restroom so that is where the waiter would think she was. She heard him ask for the check and realized she should hurry a bit and also that her need was building up inside her and she wasn’t even touching herself. Every time his cock pushed against her throat, she could almost feel it pushing inside her “down there” as well.

She didn’t know if she could finish him and not finish herself and she almost panicked until she felt his hand slide through her hair and gently caress her cheek. Somehow, she knew, he was telling her it was OK… that he wanted that. She relaxed and increased her speed and pressure and quickly felt his cum flow into her mouth, triggering, as it almost always did, her release as well. She moaned on his cock and he even let out a little moan that he covered with a cough. She was proud that she had caused him to break his calm exterior because of something she did.

He tapped her on the head, letting her know it was okay to come up. She slid up much more easily than she had slid down and pulled the mirror from her purse, checking her makeup and hair. She needed more lipstick but that was to be expected but before she could put it on, his fingers pulled her face towards him and he kissed her deeply, so deeply that he must have been able to taste himself. And she blushed… again. She turned back to her mirror, applying her lipstick as the waiter delivered the check. He paid cash and helped her up from the booth since she was rather unsteady on the black, patent leather, stiletto heels she had chosen.

The ride to the motel was a blur. She couldn’t remember either of them saying anything but she was already so happy, so satisfied, so fulfilled. When they arrived, he turned her head towards his and kissed her again with a look that said “that was barely the beginning.” And she blushed… again. It was not a “nice place” but they had to find someplace that wouldn’t mind them making noise, noise of a particular kind. Their room was on the first floor and at the far end of the building. One thing about not “nice places” was that a little bit of extra money got you a room away from nosy neighbors. He said he had already placed all the toys in the room for which she was glad because she had no patience for set up at this point. She wanted him desperately… wanted him to have her, take her, use her right fucking now.

Once in the room, he turned on some music and undressed her silently and far too slowly for her tastes, positioning her arms over her head so that he could lift the dress off of her. After he hung her dress up, he lowered her arms and walked around her, caressing and stroking her bare skin as he removed her bra. He placed her hands on his shoulders to steady herself as she stepped out of her soaked panties. Then he kissed her wrists, ankles, and waist as he fastened the cuffs and belt on her.

He pulled the desk chair away from the desk and out into the small open space in front of the bed and sat down. He patted his lap and she walked to him and lay across it feeling exposed but smiling at how his eyes devoured her naked body. His hand stroked her ass just roughly enough not to tickle as he muttered how gorgeous and delicious it looked then leaned down to whisper in her ear that it was, unfortunately, not at all the right color and that something had to be done about that. Immediately he began to spank her hard and fast.

The blows rained down on her like a downpour of pain, pain that she craved and loved and needed so much. He kept it up as her yelps became cries and tears began to well up in her eyes. Finally, he gave each cheek a violent squeeze and told her to lay face down on the bed. She did as she was told and waited for him to bind her but… he didn’t. No, he said, not this time, she would have to hold her position on her own or face punishment. At this, the tears flowed freely, releasing all the tension and pressures of her life outside this room. She wanted to please him but she was not at all sure she could do as ordered.

He stood next to the bed and rubbed the cool wood of the paddle on the burning flesh of her ass cheeks.

He told her to count and make sure to keep up or he’d have to start again. He asked if she understood and she no more than got the “yes Sir” out before he started paddling her fast and hard. She messed up the count three times in a row before he even got to twenty but kept her position and she blubbered an apology through her tears each time. And each time, he stroked her hair and kissed her temple and assured her it was all right and that they would just have to start again.

Finally, probably because his arm was getting tired, she kept up with the count up to fifty and he stopped. The arrest of the blows did not help. Her ass throbbed and the tears continued to fall as she sobbed into the pillow, the pain and submission releasing from her feelings of relief and, in a strange way, contentment.

Over her sobs she heard the unmistakable sound of a cane slicing through the air. She had fought so hard to keep her position with the paddle, could she possibly do it with the cane? He tapped it against her stinging flesh and seeing her tense, assured her there would not be too many this time. He told her he just wanted to put a few stripes to finish off the change in color he had wanted. He made sure she was ready and he brought the cane down.

When it struck her, she screamed and her arms and legs pulled in reflexively. Terrified she thrust them back out hoping he hadn’t noticed but knowing he had. After thanking her for getting so quickly back into position and tapped the can against her ass again. Nine more times the cane fell, each more merciless than the last. When she heard the cane hit the floor she was so relieved she bawled like a child and lost herself to the emotion.

She did not know how long she’d been crying when he felt her stroking her hair and whispering in her ear how proud he was of her and how wonderful a sub she was. She managed to choke out a thank you and felt him wipe the tears from her cheek. When she had calmed sufficiently, he had her kneel briefly on the floor as he prepared the bed.

He laid down a crisp, white, flat sheet on the bed over the covers. He had her lay down on the bed on her back. She winced as her tender ass hit the sheet. No matter how high the thread count was it felt like sandpaper. Then he clipped her wrists into one spreader bar and tied it off to the posts at the head of the bed and her ankles into another and tied that off to those at the foot. Finally, he tied each side of the belt to the frame and asked her to try and wiggle. She had a little movement so he set about tightening some of the ropes and had her try again. This time, nothing. Only her head could move at all. She was helpless. Gloriously, wonderfully, happily helpless.

He left her tied and set up several candles, lighting them in turn and waving his hand over the flames slowly, smiling at her mischievously in an almost evil grin. He waited for the wax to melt and carried the tray of candles to the table next to the bed. As he sat down next to her, she realized how immensely excited and totally helpless and felt her body responding already. He looked into her eyes and asked if she was ready. His eyes were so intense that all she could do was nod. He asked if she was sure. She nodded again. He insisted that she say it and it took her a half second to remember how to even speak. Still staring in his eyes she answered quietly.

“Yes, Sir. I am ready.”

He turned to get a candle, finally breaking his gaze and letting her breathe again. He held the candle above her body with a hand below it and tested the heat of the wax. He smiled again and let the wax pour down onto her breast. The burn hit her like a brand and she cried out, a stream of curses pouring from between her lips like a filthy unfurling banner. He spent the next 30 minutes painting her body with the wax like he was creating a work of art in pain and cracking colors. He laughed at her cries and reveled in her pleas for mercy as she wanted him to. She knew, absolutely, that, if she so much as whispered her safeword, he would ease off or stop as she needed.

When he finally stopped and let the wax harden fully, she was panting and muttering until he kissed her forcefully and deeply bringing her back to reality and the present.

And it was then he asked. Asked her if she wanted to cum… for him. She knew what he wanted. He wanted begging, pleading, desperation and she was filled with it. She let it all out in a torrent of pitiful beseeching for relief. The reward for her efforts was immediate: three fingers plunged inside her stretching her wide and causing her to throw her head back and cry out in pain and pleasure. His effort was insistent and determined. There was no gentleness or teasing here. He wanted her to cum and cum for him RIGHT NOW! She couldn’t have stopped it if she wanted to as it ripped through her, tearing her mind open and twisting her insides around in a spasm of physical ecstasy. And yet, he didn’t stop, even when her screams of pleasure turned into a long string of “thank you” and “oh God” and “Sir”.

Even when he drove her over the edge again and her body strained against the ropes with another powerful orgasm, he didn’t stop. Not until she began to whimper, sure that she couldn’t handle another one so soon did he slow down and lean down, whispering to her how proud he was of her. And she blushed… again.

He released her from her bonds and helped her off the bed carefully and had her kneel in the usual position while he finished cleaning up.

He told her that he was going to fuck her now because she was his slut and he wanted to and knew, oh he knew, that she wanted him to. Without prompting, she plead and begged him to fuck her hard over and over and over again.

He stood and helped her onto the bed and she saw that he had stripped naked and his cock throbbed, thick and hard, in the air. He got between her legs and lifted her hips and thrust into her drenched pussy in one stroke, moaning loudly as he did. When his hips hit her ass, she cried out in both pain and pleasure and thanked him loudly. He pounded into her fast and hard, cursing and calling her every filthy name she loved to hear. She moaned and panted, filled with his cock and a desperate need to cum until her head was snapped back by him yanking on her hair.

He warned her not to cum without permission or there would be punishment and, as he knew she would, she immediately implored him to let her do so. She loudly and repeatedly promised anything if she could only fill the need to let go of the tension building within her. He teased her for a minute. Telling her that he didn’t think she really wanted it, that she was just saying what he wanted to hear. She was fighting so hard not to let herself go that she was about to cry when he finally granted her permission. She let go, let go of everything: physical, mental, and emotional, and felt like her whole universe erupted and collapsed.

Her breathing was heavy and ragged as she finally came to realize where she was and that her body was broken and racked with exhaustion and pain. Pain that she wanted and needed and had begged for. She felt his cock, slick and hard against her stinging ass as he leaned down and asked her if she knew what he was going to do to her now. She told him he was going to fuck her ass. He told her that he knew she wanted it too and she almost shouted her agreement, begging for his cock inside her once again.

Two lube slick fingers slid into her tight asshole and she moaned loudly, pushing back against his hand. He worked them in and out a few times then slid in his well-lubed cock, stretching her wide and causing them both to moan loudly. He always said how much he loved her ass and how he could hardly control himself around it and she could feel now how true those words were as he thrust into her hard and fast. His moans became animal noises and curses and she began to beg for his cum inside her as the feeling of fullness swelled. He cried out and pumped his thick white cum into her ass finally falling and pulling her with him to the side, keeping his cock in her ass as the lay there flesh to flesh. Once his breathing calmed he stroked her hair and thanked her for being so perfect. And she blushed… again.

He slowly pulled his cock from her ass and asked how she was, making sure she was well physically, mentally, and emotionally before leading her to the bathroom. Surprisingly, there was a huge whirlpool tub already half filled with water. He turned on the hot water, put in some bubble bath, and sat on the floor next to the tub and held her in his arms as the tub filled, cuddling her close, and telling her over and over how proud and pleased he was with her. And she blushed… again.

When the tub was full, he put on “Moonlight Sonata” and helped her in, sliding in behind her and laying her back against his chest and settling them down into the warm soapy water. She felt his chest rise and fall as he breathed and she felt the pain of her ass and the sensitive areas where the wax had left her skin slightly pink into the wonderful protection and affection he gave her. And she blushed… again.

Published 10 years ago

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