In the first chapter of this story, I explained that my wife, Deborah, and I often enjoyed spending time with our neighbors across the street, Julianne and David. I further explained that Julianne and I argued and sometimes got a little insulting and that I have always had a crush on her because of her scorching hot body and amazing breasts. Lastly, I related the occurrences in our backyard on that fateful day when Julianne used her feminine charms to make me submit to her. For all intents and purposes, she made me her slave. She also made me a slave to my wife and to her husband. She even made me suck her husband’s cock and swallow a load of his cum. At the end of that chapter, our neighbors had gone home, and my wife had ordered me to crawl out to the backyard and clean it up perfectly and completely, then crawl back into the house and lick her feet clean.
After spending well over an hour cleaning the backyard, I got down on my hands and knees and crawled back into the house. There, I found my wife, who I am now required to address as Princess Deborah, sitting comfortably on a reclining chair. The reclining chair was mine, but I quickly figured out that it was mine no longer. It was now the property of Princess Deborah. It further dawned on me that I was now the property of Princess Deborah. I noticed that, while I was cleaning the backyard, she had changed out of her swimsuit and dressed in one of her sexiest nighties. She looked so good, so hot. I was still wearing a pair of her panties which were again tented out by my small, hard cock. She was reading a magazine and she ignored my presence.
Remembering my earlier orders, I immediately crawled to her and started licking her feet. I think I saw a slight smirk on her lips. Except for the smirk, she pretended to be oblivious to my presence as I licked and sucked her feet and toes for about half an hour. At that point, she dismissed me, if you view a moderate kick to the face as a dismissal. Not sure what to do in this new relationship of submission to my wife, I just stayed there on my hands and knees.
Finally, my wife looked at me. With an amused look on her face, she said, “OK. Let’s go out back and inspect your work in the backyard. Shall we?”
She stood up from her recliner and picked up a hairbrush from the table next to her. I hadn’t noticed it until she picked it up. Carrying the hairbrush, she casually strolled out to the backyard, her beautiful ass swaying gently under her thin nightie. Despite the related distractions her beautiful swaying ass and my hard cock, I remembered my training from earlier in the day.
I replied, “Yes, Princess Deborah. Thank you, Princess Deborah,” and, crawling on my hands and knees, followed her out into the backyard.
Princess Deborah strolled casually around the backyard, looking, touching, inspecting. Finally, she beckoned me to her. I crawled to her, uncertain of what she might have seen or what might happen next.
She pointed to the concrete patio at an area of smeared food of some sort. Clearly, one of our neighbors had let some food drop from their plate, and it had become smeared throughout the afternoon.
Princess Deborah angrily growled, “Look at that, Sissy Michelle! After I tell you to clean the backyard and leave it immaculate, I certainly do not expect to find this kind of filth! I’m very disappointed in you, Sissy Michelle! If this is the best you can do, then you’d best prepare yourself for a great deal of painful discipline. Now, stand up, bend over the end of the picnic table, stretch your arms forward, grab the edges of the table, and do not let go.”
Naturally, I replied, “Yes, Princess Deborah. Thank you, Princess Deborah,” and immediately obeyed her orders.
Princess Deborah strolled casually behind me and pulled my panties tight into my ass crack, leaving my ass cheeks fully exposed. I heard her chuckle in amusement. Then, without warning, she started peppering my ass with hard strokes of her hairbrush. I gasped but tried to stay quiet. However, she kept up those quick, hard strokes for about fifteen minutes, during which time I started sobbing and crying, and occasionally yelping from a few particularly hard strokes of her hairbrush. Finally, she stopped. She walked around to the side of the picnic table.
She held the hairbrush right in front of my face and, grinning broadly, she casually commanded, “Kiss it.”
Through my tears and sobs, I managed to reply, “Yes, Princess Deborah. Thank you, Princess Deborah,” and obediently kissed the instrument of my discipline.
Princess Deborah pointed again at the smeared food on the patio and told me to clean it up and then crawl back into the house. Then, she strolled casually into the house. I glanced up and watched her gorgeous ass sway slowly away from me. Despite the throbbing pain in my ass cheeks and the fact that I could not yet stop sobbing, my small cock again hardened in my panties. I cleaned up the smeared food, making sure to clean away every tiny particle. Then I crawled back into the house. Again, I found Princess Deborah relaxing in her reclining chair and reading her magazine. Without any orders from my Princess Wife, I was uncertain what to do. So, I just remained on my hands and knees, next to her chair. Princess Deborah ignored me for about twenty minutes. I think she enjoyed my physical and emotional discomfort.
Finally, she spoke, “Princess Julianne called while you were cleaning the backyard. She wants you to trot across the street in a frilly sexy nightie, pick up the box on her front steps, and carry it back here. She said there will be a note in the box. You are to follow the instructions to the letter. Sounds simple, doesn’t it, Sissy Michelle? I left a nightie for you out on our bed. It’s getting late. I think you’d better get started. GO!”
I was so surprised at her final, shouted command that I jumped to my feet and ran to our bedroom. As I ran, I thought to myself that I might be in trouble for standing without permission and for failing to properly reply to my Princess Wife. I did not receive any reprimand or punishment. Apparently, Princess Deborah was so amused by the activities that were transpiring that she didn’t notice my transgression or didn’t care. When I got to our bedroom, I found Princess Deborah’s thinnest, silkiest, sexiest nightie on our bed. I felt embarrassed at the thought that I would soon be trotting across the street in nothing but this nightie.
Princess Deborah gave me a howl and a wolf whistle as I passed her on my way to our front door. As I opened our front door, I was dismayed to see that my Princesses had turned on all the lights in both front yards. So, despite it being late at night, it looked like broad daylight between our houses.
Despite my embarrassment, I knew better than to balk at obeying any order from either of my Princesses. As I trotted across the street, two cars went by and the drivers honked their horns at me, leaving me to wonder whether they knew me and recognized me. On Princess Julianne’s front steps, I found a huge box, overflowing with shoes and boots. As I picked it up, I saw Princess Julianne looking at me through a gap in the curtains, a broad smile across her face.
I tried to carry the box to my house as quickly as possible. However, when I said that this huge box was overflowing with shoes and boots, I really meant it. At various points along the way, shoes and boots fell out of the box, requiring me to stop, put the box down, put the shoes and boots back in the box, and continue my journey. Consequently, ten or twelve cars went by during my journey home. I heard lots of horns, howls, and wolf whistles. However, most humiliating was the fact that the occupants of two of the cars called me by name.
Finally, I made it back to our house and, with great difficulty, squeezed the box through our front door. Once inside, I dug through the box until I found Princess Julianne’s note. I read it as Princess Deborah looked on in amusement. As I finished reading, I was close to tears.
Grinning at my obvious discomfort, Princess Deborah inquired, “Well?”
Still on the verge of tears, I explained that Princess Julianne wanted me to polish each pair of shoes and boots to absolute perfection. Upon completion of each shoe or boot, I must carry it across to her front steps and set it down neatly, still wearing my nightie, and carefully aligning each shoe or boot next to those that I had already delivered. It was already midnight, but it appeared that I would be polishing Princess Julianne’s shoes and boots, not to mention the humiliation of several dozen trips across the street wearing only my nightie. I noticed that Princess Julianne was particularly cruel in requiring me to carry each item individually, not allowing me to carry them as pairs.
Princess Deborah seductively whispered, “Oh. Poor Baby,” then growled, “Follow me!”
In the kitchen, Princess Deborah tossed me a bucket, a rag, and some floor cleaner. She explained that, after I finished Princess Julianne’s shoes and boots, I was to scrub our large kitchen floor sparkling clean, on my hands and knees and wearing my nightie, of course. I groaned at the thought that, after I finished Princess Julianne’s shoes and boots in the wee hours of the morning, I would still have half an hour of floor scrubbing ahead of me. When Princess Deborah tossed a half dozen toothbrushes at me and told me that I also had to scrub every inch of grout between the floor tiles to a sparkling white, I burst into tears. I had spent most of the day sweating and laboring as a slave, licking and sucking feet and toes, sucking Master David’s cock and swallowing his cum, and suffering various forms of discipline, much of this in an extreme state of unsatisfied sexual arousal. Now, I was facing a full night of menial and humiliating labor. The tears flowed profusely amidst my blubbering and sobbing. It felt like it was just too much.
I looked up at Princess Deborah, my wife of many years, hoping to see some sign of sadness for my situation, some sign of compassion. Instead, I saw self-satisfied joy. Apparently, one of her goals was to break me, to reduce me to a pathetic, sobbing mass of flesh. Clearly, she had accomplished her goal. I hoped she would provide me with some reprieve from some of my chores. I hoped that she would show me some modicum of kindness.
Instead, she looked down at me, a broad smile across her face, and said, “Those tears should give you a head start on your floor scrubbing, but if I were you, I’d get to work on Princess Julianne’s shoes and boots, pronto! After you finish that and your floor scrubbing, don’t skimp on the grout cleaning, or your ass will suffer, and your little cock and balls too. When you’re finished, if it’s not yet morning, you have my permission to crawl into our bedroom and sleep on the floor. Do not get up on the bed, and do not make any noise. If you wake me, I’ll make you wish you didn’t. Understand, Sissy?”
Barely understandable through my blubbering, I sobbed, “Yes, Princess Deborah. Thank you, Princess Deborah,” and watched her gorgeous ass sway into our bedroom.
Throughout the night, I completed my chores, first polishing each pair of Princess Julianne’s shoes and boots, suffering the extreme humiliation of carrying each item across the street to her steps. The front yard lights of both houses were still on and, much to my dismay, there was a good bit of automobile traffic in the wee hours of the morning. My eyelids were drooping and my head felt heavy as I started on my floor cleaning duties. It was so tempting to do a barely acceptable job on the grout cleaning, but I knew I’d better not. By the time I crawled to our bedroom, it looked like I might get an hour of sleep. I dropped to the floor and was sound asleep in seconds.
I awoke to Princess Deborah kicking me firmly in the ribs. When she saw that I was awake, she told me to get up on the bed with her. Glancing at the clock, I saw that I had, in fact, enjoyed only an hour of sleep. Despite my exhaustion, the thought of being invited into my wife’s bed was exciting and wonderful. Once I was up on the bed, Princess Deborah grabbed my hair and maneuvered my face down into her pussy. While I was not much of a pussy-licker, having mostly received oral service throughout our marriage, I sensed that I’d better get used to licking my Princess Wife’s pussy. I did my best, working my lips and tongue as best I could.
Princess Deborah controlled the action by means of verbal instructions and physically controlling my movements by alternately gripping my hair and my ears. After a while, she rolled me onto my back so that she could grind her pussy into my face. In this position, she occasionally slid forward and introduced me to the act of eating her ass. I had never done this, and her ass was not particularly clean, but I knew better than to resist. Her ass might not have been clean when I started licking it, but Princess Deborah certainly saw to it that it was squeaky clean when I finished. Eventually, my Princess Wife figured that her ass was clean enough and focused solely on grinding her pussy into my face. She enjoyed the loudest and most intense rolling orgasm I’ve ever seen her experience, soaking my face in the process. In contrast to the menial chores, the discipline, and the humiliation I had been suffering, licking her pussy felt like a wonderful reward. Clearly, Princess Deborah was brainwashing me to meet her desires. After her orgasm, she rolled off me and lay next to me, catching her breath. I snuggled up to her, my hard little cock pressing against her leg.
Princess Deborah pushed me away from her, laughed at me, and asked, “What do you think you’re doing? You don’t think I’m going to have sex with a cock-sucking sissy like you, do you?”
She continued, “Your only sexual reward will be providing me oral service. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll get damn good at it! If I feel the need for cock, I’ll find a nice, big one, elsewhere. The days of your useless little cock getting anywhere near my pussy are over!”
Then, she kicked me off the bed and told me to go cook her breakfast. I went down to the kitchen and started pulling together the ingredients for cooking breakfast. I never was one to cry, but in the last couple of days, I’d done more than my fair share. I was crying because of Princess Deborah’s last two comments. Was she really going to find big cocks elsewhere? Was my poor little cock never again going to be allowed near her pussy? Never?
As I finished pulling together the ingredients for cooking breakfast, my Princess Wife strolled into the kitchen, casually dressed in cut-off shorts and a bikini top. She told me to put everything away. In response to my confused look, she explained that we were going across the street. She said that Master David wanted a blowjob and that his wife, Princess Julianna, certainly had no need to suck her husband’s cock while I was around. She further explained that, after I sucked Master David’s cock and swallowed another load of his cum, I was going to cook the three of them breakfast.
She led me across the street. Strangely, walking across the street in my nightie felt a little better while walking next to my hot, gorgeous wife. When we entered the neighbors’ house, I noticed that Master David was seated comfortably on the couch with his bathrobe wide open and his big cock semi-hard. He grinned, pointed at the floor in front of him, and instructed me to get down on my knees and to start by licking and sucking his balls, just as he had taught me.
While I was licking and sucking Master David’s balls, I heard Princess Julianne’s phone ring. She answered, and I heard her end of the phone call, “Hello, Patrice. You drove past him? Yes, that was Michael prancing around in a nightie last night, but her new name is Sissy Michelle. She’s here now. She’s on her knees, licking and sucking David’s balls. Yes, licking and sucking David’s balls. No, I’m not joking. I understand your disbelief and confusion. Are you free right now? John too? Great! Why don’t you both come right over? You’ll be able to see Sissy Michelle suck David’s cock and swallow a load of his cum. We’ll explain the whole situation when we see you. By the way, if John wants his balls and cock licked and sucked, that can be arranged. Then, Sissy Michelle is going to cook and serve breakfast. OK, Patrice. See you soon.”
I had progressed from licking and sucking Master David’s balls to licking and sucking his cock by the time Patrice and John showed up. Because of the treatment I had endured over the past couple of days and my current state of extreme hunger and exhaustion, I was beyond feeling embarrassed. Apparently, my brainwashing was progressing quite well. The exhaustion was from only having slept for about an hour over the past couple of days. The hunger was from having had nothing to eat except a couple of loads of Master David’s cum. When I saw John excitedly stripping off his clothes, I knew I was about to receive another meal. John sat next to Master David on the couch, and I gave him the same treatment I had been trained to give Master David.
After John groaned loudly and shot a big powerful load into my mouth and down my throat, Mistress Julianne pleasantly commanded, “OK, Sissy Michelle. Wash your hands and face, put on the frilly apron hanging in the kitchen, and start cooking breakfast.”
I cooked and served breakfast and cleaned everything up while Princess Julianne explained to Patrice and John how she had made me into her slave and made me serve and obey her, her husband, and my wife. She even opened her laptop and showed them some cell phone videos. These videos featured me in panties, me in a nightie, me licking feet, and me sucking cock. I did not know that Princess Julianne had taken these videos. Learning of their existence made me inwardly shudder, knowing that she could use these videos to make me do anything she wants for as long as she wants.
After breakfast, I took off my apron, still wearing my nightie. Patrice and John left. Princess Julianne, Princess Deborah, and Master David noticed that I was swaying, almost staggering, from hunger and fatigue. They discussed letting me get some rest and almost decided to do so.
But Princess Julianne laughed and said, “Not quite yet! Sissy Michelle, go out front and run circles in the front yard.”
Being completely broken, I did as I was told. As I ran circles in the front yard, hearing horns, wolf whistles, and howls, I noticed that Princess Julianne, Princess Deborah, and Master David had come out front and sat on the steps to enjoy my exhaustion and humiliation up close. Princess Julianne even got the idea to spray me with the garden hose. The cold water was almost painful but it did wake me up a bit. This continued with Princess Julianne, Princess Deborah, and Master David casually and jovially discussing future humiliations they might choose to inflict on me. When I was close to falling on my face, they gave me some water and some scraps of food. They then brought me out to the garage and let me sleep on the concrete floor.
Sometime later, I was awakened by a bucket of ice-cold water dumped on my almost naked body. I have no idea how long I slept, but it must have been quite a while. I was lying on the floor of the garage, surrounded by Princess Julianne, Princess Deborah, Master David, Patrice, and John. They were all showered, clean, and nicely dressed, as though ready to go to a party or out on the town. They all grinned down at me. I had no idea what they might have planned for me, but I shuddered at the possibilities.