Forbidden Desires Ch.08

"The End"

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It had been a week, Alejo sat in the darkened bar. Bella stood on the stage, a man played a piano behind her and a silver microphone waited. Her long hair fell over her shoulders and her dark eyes smouldered out at the crowded room. No one spoke, every eye was on her. Her breasts pressed against her white t-shirt, the black shorts showed off her shapely legs and she had tied a small red scarf, the same colour as her hair, around her throat.

Her voice was husky, sultry and filled the room. He smiled, everyone was transfixed with his girl but as she turned her head he saw a dark bruise over the top of the red scarf. He frowned, it looked like marks from fingers. He looked closer, her lips were painted red but there was swelling on the bottom and a dark mark under her left eye that she had almost hidden with make up.

She still sang but now he barely hear her. He felt a heat start in his stomach, someone had put their hands on her. He held his glass tightly and his jaw tensed in anger.

Her song came to an end and she nodded her head in a bow. The lights of the bar came up and her eyes fell on him. They widened in surprise before she smiled. She stepped from the stage and began to walk towards him but before she could get close he stood and left. She watched him before looking to her boss. He saw the look on her face and nodded. She sprinted from the bar and when out on the street looked around, she saw him disappearing down an alley and ran to catch up.

“Sir?” She turned down the alley. He ignored her and kept walking towards his car parked on the street at the other end. “Sir?” She shouted louder but he still didn’t turn. “Alejo!”

He stopped, tentatively she took a step towards him. Finally he turned and she felt fear go through her. He was furious.

“Who did that to you?”

“It’s no one.”

“It’s not no one Bella!” He shouted and she jumped. He reached out and ripped the scarf from her throat. The bruises there formed a distinct hand print and she looked away. “Who did this?”

“He was angry about the other night. I was supposed to go to him when I finished work but then you…” She couldn’t finish the thought. “He got angry, he’s never done anything like this before.”

“You’re lying, he has hurt you before this. Who is he?”

“His name is Mike.”

“A new Dom?”

“You said you didn’t want me any more. He was there, he wanted me.”

“I never said I didn’t want you!” His voice rose to a shout and he stepped forward. She kept her ground craning her neck to look up at him. Her cheeks flushed with anger and she stepped closer. They were inches apart and her eyes flashed.

“You told me to go so I went! You can’t tell me this is all my fault.”

“I want you more than anything in the world. I lost everything because of how I feel about you. My wife, my kids, she wont let them near me because of how I feel about you! I told you what I wanted and you refused. Is this really what you want? You want someone who will hurt you when you piss them off?”

“I want you!” 

They were silent for a moment. Their breathing ragged but as their anger subsided she seemed to collapse in on herself.

“I do but I’m scared, fuck I’m terrified. You were happily married until you met me and you threw your wife away. And I know this might sound hypocritical but how do I know you wont do the same with me. You want a real relationship with me, a future but what does that mean? You think we’ll get married, have kids? Settle down and have a life together? What if we do and then someone else comes along and I lose you. I’ve lost everyone important in my life and I don’t want to let my guard down, get comfortable with you, then lose you as well.”

“I wasn’t happy with Amalia.” He sighed finally voicing the thoughts he had had for years. “Not really, I loved her when we were young. My parents liked her, her parents liked me. It seemed like the smartest thing to do was to get married so we did. I was young and by the time I realised that we got married for the wrong reasons I was stuck. She loved me, she really loved me and I still loved her enough to want to make her happy. But it was never what I wanted, I didn’t know what I wanted until I met you.” Slowly he reached out and stroked her cheek. She turned her face into his hand seeking comfort. “I’m not going anywhere pet.”

She pulled back and looked at him with tears in her dark eyes. “That’s what my dad said, and my mum. My step-dad said he would always look after me but he lied to. How do I know that you’re not lying as well?”

He took hold of her arm and pulled her down to alley to the waiting car. He opened the door and pushed her into the back. He slid in beside her and the car pulled away merging with the moving traffic.

“What are you doing?” She pushed herself to sit straight and glared at him.

“You want to be my Sub?” He looked at her but she didn’t answer. “Then I’m going to treat you like my Sub.”

He didn’t say another word during the drive. When the car came to a stop he pulled her out and marched her to the elevator in his apartment building. She pulled against his strong grip but he kept hold of her as they rode the elevator up and he pushed her into his apartment. She stumbled before turning to face him.

“What the shit?”

He smirked. “I told you Bella. You want to be my Sub, so I’m going to show you what that’s like.”

“I already know what that’s like.”

He shook his head. “You don’t,” he locked the door and walked to a the bar. He poured himself a glass glass of whiskey then taking the glass and the bottle he sat in the black leather armchair. She looked around at the apartment, there were black metal beams on either side of the room and silver hooks halfway up and at the bottom of each one. She frowned. She hadn’t noticed them last time she was here.

“Take off your clothes,” she jumped at his voice and looked back to him, he nodded. “Shoes first.” She hesitated for a second them bent at the waist and undid the laces of her black converse. She slipped them off along with her socks. When she straightened he sipped the amber liquid. “Now the shirt.” She reached for the hem. “Slowly.”

His words were harsh orders but she listened. She pulled the shirt over her head and dropped it on the floor. He looked her over.

“The shorts.” Slowly she undid the button and slid the small black shorts down her legs. She stepped out of them and kicked them away. He beckoned her to him and she took a step before he shook his head laughing.

“A Sub doesn’t walk to me, they crawl.” She looked shocked. “Crawl Annabella.”

She dropped to the floor and crawled towards him on her hands and knees. When she reached him he took hold of her hair and pulled her head back. She gasped as pain flared in her head but bit her lip to keep a moan back. He placed the glass on the table beside him and wrapped his fingers around her bruised throat. Leaning his face close he ran his tongue over her lower lip.

“A whore doesn’t look me in the eye unless I let them and what are you Annabella?”

“A whore?” Her voice was quiet and he tapped her cheek. Not hard enough to be a slap but enough to make her gasp.

“Louder, I can’t hear you.”

“I’m a whore sir.”

“Good girl.”

He kept a tight hold of her hair and shrugged out of his suit jacket, loosened his tie and stripped his shirt off. Standing he pulled her head back and stared down at her flushed face. Her eyes were wide and he leant to nip at her lip.

“Take them off,” her quick fingers undid his trousers. He kicked off his shoes, stepped out of his trousers and boxers as she pushed them down his legs. His thick cock sprang free and she leant forward to take it into her mouth. He yanked her head back with a sigh and shook his head as she shrieked in pain. “Did I tell you that you could touch me?” She shook her head. “Answer me.”

He tightened his grip further and she sobbed. “No sir.”

“Did I say that you could touch me?”

“No sir.” She didn’t look at him not wanting to make him any angrier.

“Then you wait and do as you’re told,” he took hold of her face with his free hand and tilted her head to look at him. “Open you mouth.” She did as she was ordered and he pushed two fingers inside. They hit the back of her throat and her eyes watered. “Good girl.” His voice was a low whisper and he removed his fingers before pushing all four down her throat. She moaned and tried to pull away but he kept her head still, tapping her face sharply again. 

“Don’t move Annabella,” his voice held a note of warning and she shivered. He pushed his fingers back down her throat and heard her moan as she fought against the urge to pull back. He removed his fingers and her saliva dripped down his hand and onto her upturned face. He pushed her head forward with his hand in her hair and forced the head of his cock into her mouth. She placed her hands on his thighs as instinct, he tutted and yanked her head back to look at him again.

“Hands behind your back,” she hesitated and he pulled harder on her long hair. “If you don’t do as you’re told I will have to tie you, you don’t want that do you?” She shook her head as much as she could with his hand still gripping her hair. “Answer me.” 

“No sir.”

“No what?”

“Please don’t tie me sir.”

He smiled. “Hands behind your back then.” She did as he told her. Holding her hands behind her back she waited for what he would do next. Once again he pushed her head forward and his cock slipped into her mouth. He thrust quickly hitting against the back of her throat each time and she closed her eyes as her gag reflex fought against him. He growled as he listened to her frantic breathing and thrust harder. Her eyes opened and stared up at him pleadingly. He felt a strange thrill go through him. He hadn’t thought he would enjoy this but something dark lurked just beneath the surface and he pulled back unsure of himself. She kept her mouth open, waiting for him not wanting to disappoint him again. He took a breath and stepped back.

“Stay there.”

He walked away and she heard a door open. She didn’t turn to watch him instead looking at the floor and trying to catch her breath. He came back behind her and took hold of her hair again. He pulled her to her feet and walked her until they stood between the two black metal beams. He let go of her and she heard something rattle.

He stood back in front of her and attached a black, leather cuff to her wrist. The cuff was attached to a chain and he pulled it tight and locked it to the hook on the beam. It pulled her arm taught and made her reach on tiptoes to keep her weight off her shoulder. He did the same with her other arm and ran his hand down her back. She still wore her lace bra and thong and he hooked his finger under the strap feeling her warm skin. Her breath hitched in her throat and he trailed his finger down her waist feeling the shivers chase themselves across her skin. He knelt in front of her and ran his hands down her legs. He tightened identical cuffs around each of her ankles and pulled the chain over to the beams. She had to spread her legs so he could attached the end of the chains to the hooks at the bottom of the beams and when he was done he studied his handiwork.

“Very nice,” lightly he trailed the tip of his finger down her neck, stopping to rest on the top of her right breast and leant forward until their lips were an inch apart. “I’ve never given you a safeword before have I?”

“No sir.”

“Course I haven’t, you’ve never been scared before have you?” He curled his fingers around her throat and squeezed. “Are you scared now Annabella?” She nodded and he tightened his grip. “Answer me.”

“Yes, I’m scared sir.”

“What are you scared of?”


He knew that would be her answer but he still felt a sick pride when she said the word. “Why are you afraid of me?”

“I..I don’t want you to hurt me.”

He laughed softly. “And if you do as you’re told I wont need to,” he leant down and kissed her neck. A drop of sweat rolled down from behind her ear and he caught it on his tongue. “But in case this does get too much for you we should have a safeword. What would you like?”

“I don’t know.” 

He laughed against her ear. “You don’t have one with your new Dom?”

“He doesn’t care about me, he doesn’t stop.”

He pulled back hearing the change in her voice. Her dark eyes stared up and him and he pushed down the urge to stop. She wanted to see what it would be like and he was going to show her. He slid his hand down her chest and cupped her breast. His fingers digging hard into her skin and she whined in pain.

“If any of this gets too much pet, you want me to stop at any time say my name,” he looked back and for a moment she saw gentleness in his eyes and beneath, something darker. She knew he didn’t want to do this but there was something forcing him to, a part of him was enjoying this. “OK?”


He dug his fingers harder into the soft skin of her breast and she gasped. “Yes what?”

“Yes sir.”

He pulled her bra away and fell on her small pink nipple. His teeth teased the sensitive skin while his hand pinched and twisted through the fabric on her other breast. He wasn’t gentle and she pressed her lips together keeping her moan of pain silent. He moved his hand to her other breast and bit down hard. Almost hard enough to draw blood and she dropped her head back feeling tears well in her eyes. 

Finally, after what seemed like an hour, he stepped back and looked over her trembling body. He moved behind her and after a moment she felt cold metal against her skin. He cut away her underwear and his eyes feasted on her naked skin. He came to stand back in front of her and she looked at his hands. He held two metal clamps linked with a silver chain without a word he attached the first clamp to her nipple.

“Oh fuck,” she couldn’t help the moan that rolled free and she closed her eyes.

“Oh no Annabella, I want you to watch.”

She forced her eyes open and looked down. He attached the second clamp and she gave a soft cry. He tugged at the clamps making sure they stayed before taking the chain and pulling it until he could put it in her mouth. She held the chain between her teeth and the clamps pulled on her nipples.

He nodded. “Good.” Then disappeared behind her again.

He picked up a black crop from the table and turned back. His eyes roamed over her skin and he reached out to run his hand down her back. Leaning down he nipped her shoulder and she shivered.

He stepped back and trailed the crop down her back. She flinched recognising what it was.

“If this gets too much, you remember what to say?” She nodded and he sighed, flicking the crop against her thigh. She jumped and moaned. “Answer me when I ask you a question.”

“I remember sir.”


He brought the crop down against her rounded ass and watched as her hands curled into fists. He brought it down again noticing the faded red marks under the new ones he had made and felt anger grow in him. He began to shake and took a deep breath trying to keep his calm. He whipped her again, again and again; then without warning he reached between her spread legs and flicked the crop against her clit. She cried out and dropped her head back. Her long hair tumbled over her shoulder and brushed against the curve of her ass. When he brought the crop back he could see her wetness there. Bringing it to his lips he licked her juices from the leather.

“Are you wet Annabella? Even after that,” he stood behind her and pressed his body against her. He held her throat pulled her head back to rest on his shoulder and she whimpered as the clamps tugged at her nipples. “Do you know what kind of girl gets wet from being whipped?”

“A whore?” Her voice was quiet and he could feel her shaking violently against him.

“I can’t hear you.” He whispered in her ear.

“A whore sir.”

“And are you a whore?”

“Yes sir.”

He ran his free hand down her back and held her round ass. She pushed back and he growled. Moving his hand back up the front of her body he tugged harder on the clamps before forcing his fingers into her mouth. Her spit wet them and he stroked his wet hand over his cock before positioning himself against her tight hole.

“And where does a whore get fucked?”

“In their ass.”


“In their ass sir.” She was practically sobbing and her couldn’t help but smile.

“Very good,” he pushed and she whimpered as the first couple of inches of his thick cock slid into her tight ass. His fingers dug harder into her skin and he pushed deeper until he was embedded in her tight heat. He held himself still inside her for a moment allowing her to accustom to his thick length inside her before pulling out slowly. She felt empty without him inside her and pushed back but he held her still with his hand on her ass. When she stopped he pushed back in side her, held himself deep then pulled back. He kept up this slow rhythm listening as her breathing became more and more laboured before speaking into her ear.

“Beg me, beg me to fuck you in the ass like a good little whore.”

“Please,” she was surprised at her own voice, a desperate moan that was foreign to her ears. “Please sir, fuck your little whores ass. Please.”

“My little whore?”

“Yes sir, I’m yours please.”

Again he felt the dark thrill go through his stomach at her words. He had never heard her like this and until now he had never known he wanted to. A strange, primal need overcame him and he thrust himself deep inside her, slamming his hips against her; fucking her hard and rough.

Her eyes had closed and he watched her face. Listening to her cries, muffled through her teeth as she held the chain tightly and tightened his fingers around her throat.

“Open your eyes.”

They fluttered open and he saw a darkness there that worried him. She looked scared but she hadn’t asked him to stop so he didn’t slow the furious thrusts of his hips. Nudging her head forward with his chin he made her look towards the windows along the back wall.

“Look out there, everyone walking past, everyone in the building opposite can see you.” Her cheeks flushed a darker pink and she turned her head away from him. He tutted and took hold of her chin making her look back. “Everyone down there can see you, they can see you getting fucked like the little whore you are. They all know what you are.”

“No.” She didn’t know why she said it. She knew he was right but at that moment she didn’t care. All she could think about was the feeling of him inside her and the pleasure building as he fucked her.

“No?” He laughed. “I want you to watch, look out and see all the people watching you. I want you to know that when you walk out of here they will know what happened.”

His words drove her higher and he felt her body trembling. “Do you want to cum Annabella?”

“Yes, please sir.”

He didn’t stop. “Did I say you could cum yet?”

“No sir.” A tear rolled down her cheek, the feeling was almost too much.

“No I didn’t,” he stilled his hips and she whined.

“Please sir.”

“Do you want to cum?” He began to thrust slowly and she pulled on the chains holding her arms. He bit the juncture of her shoulder and neck.

“Yes sir, please can I cum sir?”

“That’s a good girl.”

He thrust hard again pounding into her and she almost screamed as her orgasm ripped through her. He growled and thrust harder pushing her orgasm higher. Shivered racked her body and she dropped her head back to rest on his shoulder. This caused the clamps to tug at her nipples and she cried out loudly.

He moved his hand from her chin and tangled his fingers in her long hair. Pulling her head back further and pulling harder on the clamps. She was already close again and he slid his hand over her hip finding her clit with his finger. She tensed instantly and her mouth opened as she gasped for breath as her second orgasm gripped her. He tutted and gently smacked her sensitive clit.

“You keep this in your mouth,” he brought the chain back to her lips and she took it into her mouth willingly. He pinched the clamp harder on her nipple before slapping each breast. His hips never stopped and she cried out in pain and pleasure. Sliding his hand back down her body he teased her with short, sharp taps against her clit.

“You want to cum again don’t you? My little slut, it’s so easy to make you like this.”

“Please sir.”

“Please what?”

“Can I cum again sir please?”

“What are you Annabella?”

“I’m your little slut sir.”

“Good girl.” 

He thrust two fingers into her tight pussy and teased her clit with his thumb. She came undone her juices soaking his fingers and he thrust once more and held himself still spilling his cum deep inside her. She relaxed back against him and he held her up with one arm around her waist while the other freed her wrists from their restraints. Then carefully he removed the clamps from her nipples and sank to the floor; taking her with him, his cock still buried inside her.

He held her against his chest and removed the cuffs from her ankles rubbing the skin gently with his thumb; before trailing his hand up her body and soothing her sensitive nipples with his large hand. Guilt suddenly gripped him and he looked down at her. Her face was covered by her long red hair and she trembled violently against him.

“Bella?” He stroked her shoulder. “Bells?” She didn’t respond and he turned her so she face him in his lap. Her legs fell either side of his and he tilted her face up with a finger under her chin. “Bella are you OK?”

Finally he looked at her tear stained face and instantly felt sick. “Fuck Bella I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you tell me to stop?” She still didn’t answer and he shook her. “Bella why the fuck didn’t you tell me to stop?”

“Because I didn’t want you to.” When she finally spoke he felt a sense of relief go through him. “You didn’t want to stop and I didn’t want you to.” Slowly she reached out and touched his stubbled cheek. Running her fingers down his neck and down to his broad chest which heaved with his breathing. “I wanted to see what you wanted really.”

“This is never what I wanted. You said I fucked you like a Sub, I have never fucked you like a Sub, not really.”

“And that’s how you fuck your other Subs?” There was anger in her voice.

“Fuck Bella what do you want from me?” He seemed defeated. “You don’t want me but you don’t want me fucking other people. You’ve run from me twice but you don’t let me forget about you. What do you want me to do?”

“I don’t know.” They stared at each other intensely for a moment before she sighed and looked down shaking her head. “I want you, that’s all I know. I’m still scared.”

“Of what?”

“Of you, of how you were just then. You wanted that more than you admitted even if you didn’t know it before. Scared of how much I wanted it. Scared of what might happen if I stay. I’m terrified of what will happen if I go, scared because I don’t want to lose you. Scared because I want to be with you, properly and I don’t know if it will work.”

He watched her silently through her speech before leaning forward and kissing her quickly. She moaned and sank into his embrace. He teased her lips open and slipped his tongue into her warm mouth. Pulling back he stared at her.

“That’s really what you want?” She nodded and he smiled. She hadn’t seen this look on his face before and she didn’t understand what it meant. The heat in her stomach was foreign and she was scared she knew what it was. She was falling for this man and hard. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. “I think so, I just can’t see myself not being with you.”

He didn’t ask again but stood. Holding her against his chest and walked through to his bedroom. He sat against the pillows and pulled a blanket over them.

“This new guy?”

She interrupted. “I’ll leave, tomorrow.”

“Good girl.”


It was eight o’clock, he sat in his chair watching over the club. Luanna caught his eye and he beckoned her over.

“She’s coming back isn’t she?”

She spoke before he had a chance too and he nodded. “Yeah.”

“As more than a Sub?”


“You know, for years I wanted it to be me. I wanted you to fall for me the way I did for you.” He looked up at her, she was smiling. “But I’ve seen the way you look at her, I’ve seen the way you are when she’s gone.” She leant down and kissed him softly. Her fingers threaded through his hair and he pulled her to sit on his knee holding her close and deepening the kiss. She moaned softly before pulling back and staring into his bright green eyes. “But if its OK with you sir I’m going to dye my hair back. I kinda miss being a blonde.”

He laughed softly. “You don’t have to call me sir any more darlin’.”

She kissed him again and stood. “Goodbye Mr Garcia.”

“You’ll still see me Luanna.”

“I guess so.”

She smiled then turned to make her way back through the crowd and coming to sit beside a handsome dark haired man. The man looked at her with a soft expression on his face and slowly placed a black collar around her throat before leaning down to kiss her hair. She wrapped an arm around his leg and rested her head on his knee.

Alejo thought of his own token waiting upstairs and lit a cigarette watching the door. She was late, she was supposed to be here by now. Just as he was thinking this the door was flung open and a loud shout echoed across the room.

“Where the fuck is he?”

A dark haired man came into the room dragging Bella by the hair behind him. There was a dark bruise covering her right eye and her lips was split and swollen. Her hands clutched at the man’s wrist as she tried to loosen his grip and she struggled helplessly. Alejo stood anger flaring in his stomach but kept his face calm.

“I assume you’re looking for me?” He stepped forward. “Mike?”

“Never you mind who I am, what I want to know is are you the one that made her think she could leave me?”

Elora stepped forward. “Take your hands off her.”

Mike turned to her angrily. “Don’t you fucking speak to me.”

“Elora it’s fine,” Alejo stepped down from the raised platform and came towards Mike. “I am going to have to ask you to let her go though.” He gestured to Bella with the hand holding his cigarette.

“This little slut is coming back with me,” Mike looked down at her a nasty smile on his face. “She was just going to show me who she thought she could run away with.” He looked back to Alejo. “I don’t like my property being stolen.”

He flung Bella away from him and stepped towards Alejo. Elora looked on flanked by four security guards she had called in from their posts upstairs.

“I’m sorry, he made me tell him where I was going.” Bella looked at Alejo.

“It’s OK pet, you run along.”

“Don’t you fucking dare move Anna.” Mike spat at her and Alejo felt his anger flare again.

They waited seeing which order she would obey. Finally she scrambled backwards and Luanna came forward to hold her shaking body against her chest. She stroked Bella’s soft hair and spoke gently in her ear. 

“It’s OK darlin’ Alejo wont let him take you.”

Mike moved so he was stood in front of Alejo. He was a couple of inches taller and glared angrily. “You want the slut you can have her. I’ve used that pussy up, she’s nothing. You want the worn out whore then take her.”

Alejo smiled before bringing his arm back and driving his fist into the man’s face. Mike stumbled and before he could pull himself upright Alejo brought his knee up into his groin. Mike fell backwards and Alejo kicked him three times in the ribs. Crouching down he pushed his hair away from his face and pointed with his cigarette.

“Get the fuck out, never come back and if you ever speak about her like that again I’ll make sure you don’t walk again. Understand?”

Mike didn’t answer. He held his stomach and coughed and Alejo nodded to the security guards. “Get him out of here.”

Two came forward and pulled the almost unconscious man from the room. Alejo threw his cigarette to the ground and stamped it out then held his hand out to Bella. Tentatively she took it, he pulled her up the stairs and into the room she had vacated three months ago. When the door closed he pressed her against it and held her face gently in his large hands.

“I’m so fucking sorry, I should have never made you go back there.”

“It’s not your fault, I knew he would be angry. I shouldn’t have gone by myself.”

“He didn’t,” he looked down unable to bring himself to say the word.

“No, he didn’t touch me like that.”

He leant down and kissed her. Lifting her back into his arms he walked her to the bed and sat her on the edge. Kneeling in front of her he slipped her trainers and socks off her feet and pressed a kiss to the arch of one foot. He kissed up her leg through her jeans before snapping open the button and pulling them down her legs repeating his kisses on the way down on her exposed skin. She sighed and lay back against the bed. He pressed a kiss against her through the lace of her panties and she moaned. He stood, tugged her t-shirt up and over her head and groped her breasts through her bra. He kissed her again, roughly, and she hissed in pain as he pressed against her cut lip. He touched the cut with his tongue and teased her lips open beneath his. He pulled her bra down and teased her nipple with his fingers.

Kissing down her chest he teased the sensitive skin of her breast with his tongue. He stripped his jacket, shirt and tie and threw them aside. He kissed down her stomach and knelt back on the floor. Stripping her thong from her, he pulled her legs over his shoulders and gently kissed the soft pink skin of her pussy.

“Oh god,” her voice was a soft moan. He smiled and kissed her again. He pushed a finger inside her and her hands clutched at the bedsheets. His tongue teased her clit and he worked his finger curling upwards to hit against the spot inside her that make her shake and her toes curl. One hand came to tangle in his hair and she pulled him closer. He removed his finger from her and she whined until he moved his mouth and trust his tongue deep inside her. She tensed and he thrust his tongue. He slid one hand over her stomach and his finger found her clit circling it quickly. It didn’t take long until she came, spilling her juices into his mouth and he drank them down greedily.

Standing he looked down at her. She pushed herself into a sitting position and her fingers fumbled with the button on his grey suit trousers. He kicked off his shoes and socks, watching as she pushed her trousers down and stroked his hard length through his tight boxers. He gritted his teeth and took hold of her wrists softly.

“Careful, or I’ll cum before I’m even inside you.” He pulled her so she sat on the very edge of the bed and pushed his boxers down. Kicking them away to join the rest of his clothes, he held her thighs and wrapped her legs around his waist. Positioning the head of his cock at her entrance he pushed inside and her head fell back as her eyes closed and her lips parted on a moan. He moved one hand to her back and pulled her closer her sensitive nipples brushing against the golden hair on his chest and began to thrust slowly.

“Ugh fuck.” He spoke through gritted teeth and she shuddered. She loved that she could make him feel this way and arched her back thrusting her hips to match his own. He was slow, gentle and she felt her orgasm building. Her hands tangled in his hair and he kissed her trembling lips. He pressed deep and rolled his hips against her. Her hips began to jerk erratically against him and he stopped, holding himself against her as she fucked herself on him. Her hands tightened in his hair as she came again.

He growled as her pussy tightened around him and lifted her. Crawling onto the bed he lay her down and rested his weight on his forearms either side of her head. He thrust slowly and she clutched at the pillow beneath her head. He leant down and nipped gently at her neck. She turned her head baring her throat to him and he sucked at the skin, marking her.

His own orgasm was building and his thrust sped up. He hooked his arm under her knee and pressed her thigh to her chest allowing him to stroke deeper inside her. He ran his hand over the smooth skin of her leg wanting to feel as much of her as he could. Her nails raked across his back and he growled again, louder this time, as the sharp pain flared. He thrust harder, faster, pounding into her tight heat.

“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum.”

He growled in her ear and thrust deep spilling himself inside her. The feeling triggered another orgasm and she clung to him as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her. They collapsed back against the bed waiting for their breathing to calm. When he felt like he could talk again he sat up holding her in his lap and stroked her back.

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

She nodded and looked up at him. “I’m fine,” she stroked his chest feeling his shiver. “I really am.”

“I want you to be sure about this.”

“About what?”


She laughed softly. “I am sure.”

He looked at her for a moment before tipping her off his lap and walking to the dresser. Taking out a black box he turned and came back to stand beside the bed. He held the box out to her and she raised an eyebrow and came to kneel in front of him. With him standing and her knelt on the bed they were the same height and she looked at him questioningly.

“Just open it.”

She smirked and lifted the lid of the box, inside was his token. For a moment neither said anything and she simply looked at the collar nestled in black silk.

“What is this?” Her voice was quiet.

“If this is what you want, if this is all you can give me then I’ll take it. I just know I want you in my life and I’ll be happy no matter what.”

Gently she ran her fingers over the collar and lifted it from the box. His heart lurched as she held it but then she threw it over her shoulder and placed her hands around his neck.

“I don’t want it and I’m sure that after a while you’ll find something else to give me that tells people I’m yours. I think a ring would show it best.”

He laughed and held her tightly round the waist. “A ring? Well I guess I should start looking.” He kissed her and stared into her dark eyes. “I love you.”

Tears sprung to her eyes as she heard the words she thought she never would again. “I love you too.”


Three years later.

They sat together in high backed chairs watching over their club. She sat on his right hand side and he looked down at her left hand where a large diamond sparkled. They had been married a year today and today he celebrated his fortieth birthday. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the skin.

She turned and smiled. Her right hand came to rest on her stomach. She was two months pregnant with their children and she glowed in the dim light of the club. He settled back in his chair with a contented sigh feeling that finally he had got it right.

Published 10 years ago

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