4/18/2021 – 3:36pm
Anon84525 I really enjoyed your latest story. Wife-sharing is one of my favorite categories.
4/18/2021 – 4:01pm
808stories – Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I had fun writing it!
4/18/2021 – 4:04pm
Anon84525 – Was it based on real life? Or just fantasy?
4/18/2021 – 4:05pm
808stories – Oh it was pure fantasy. She’s really hot though, and gets hit on all the time. But she isn’t into being shared. She knows I like it when men hit on her, so she always tells me about it. I just can’t convince her to actually DO anything. Ha
4/18/2021 – 4:05pm
Anon84525 – I’m not married. But if I were married to someone like that, I’d be wanting her to at least go out and tease some guys. LOL. I’m Dave, BTW.
4/18/2021 – 4:08pm
808stories – Hey Dave. I’m Dan. Ya. She thinks it’s cruel. I told her it isn’t cruel at all. Guys go to strip clubs for the tease. They know they aren’t going home with any of those girls.
4/18/2021 – 4:09pm
Anon84525 – Exactly. Well I won’t keep bothering you. Just wanted to let you know I was really turned on by your story. Looking forward to the next chapter!
4/18/2021 – 4:12pm
808stories – Thanks! We’re on vacation now, so I probably won’t have the next one ready for a week or so.
4/18/2021 – 4:15pm
Anon84525 – Oh nice! Where did you go for vacation?
4/18/2021 – 4:17pm
808stories – We’re in California. Wife and daughter have never been to Disneyland.
4/18/2021 – 4:18pm
Anon84525 – No shit! I’m over by Long Beach. Small world. You staying on the Disney property? That’s probably the safest place over there. LOL
4/18/2021 – 4:19pm
808stories – No. We didn’t book it in time to stay on the property. But the Hyatt is pretty close, and a good friend recommended it. Plus I had points to use.
4/18/2021 – 4:20pm
Anon84525 – Definitely not a bad place! They have a really great bar there.
4/18/2021 – 4:22pm
808stories – Ya. Callie already made me promise to take her there tonight. LOL. I’ll make sure she’s wearing something short. At least I can get the satisfaction of seeing some horny eyes on her. Ha!
4/18/2021 – 4:34pm
Anon84525 – For sure. If that was really her pic that you shared in the story, there will be more than just some eyes on her. She’ll have EVERY eye on her.
4/18/2021 – 4:34pm
808stories – Yep. That was really her. Great. Now I’m hard as a rock. Thanks for that! LOL
4/18/2021 – 4:36pm
Anon84525 – LOL. Well at least I’m not the only one who got hard thinking about your hot wife! Be careful to hide that bulge. She’ll wonder what you’re up to. Ha
4/18/2021 – 4:37pm
808stories – No worries there. Callie and our daughter, Hannah are swimsuit shopping. So I came back to the room to check my email. And maybe rub one out to some erotica or something.
4/18/2021 – 4:38
Anon84525 – Sorta what I was doing…with YOUR story! LOL
4/18/2021 – 4:40pm
808stories – They won’t be back in here for a little while. You want to see another sexy pic of Callie?
4/18/2021 – 4:42pm
Anon84525 – Fuck yes! I wasn’t going to ask. But I’d definitely love to see more of her. Hope you don’t get bent if I start jerking off though. Ha
4/18/2021 – 4:43pm
808stories – Why would I get bent? I’m planning on doing the same thing!
4/18/2021 – 4:43pm
Anon84525 – Never done that with a guy before. But knowing you are as turned on as I am is hot!
4/18/2021 – 4:44pm
808stories – I know. Straight, married men don’t usually do this. Haven’t even thought about doing ANYTHING like this since I was a teenager. But I am really fucking hard!
4/18/2021 – 4:56pm
808stories – Here’s one I took before she got completely undressed. I wanted her to still be in her heels.
4/18/2021 – 4:59pm
Anon84525 – Mmmm. Fuck yes. Those legs. And those big tits. I want to bury my face in her.
4/18/2021 – 5:01pm
808stories – Her pussy smells and tastes sooo good. I like easing her thighs open and sliding my tongue inside those little panties.
4/218/2021 – 5:07pm
Anon84525 – Oh my god. I can’t even stop jerking to type. I want to fuck her so bad!
4/18/2021 – 5:10pm
808stories – After a few minutes of licking and sucking on her clit, she arches her back, wanting me to take her panties off.
4/18/2021 – 5:14pm
Anon84525 – My cock is leaking. Ohhh fuck!
4/18/2021 – 5:22pm
808stories – I like to rub the head of my cock all over her pussy. She gets sooo wet. When I hear her moaning, I slide my dick in. It feels so good, I don’t last very long. Callie’s smooth, perfect pussy just pulls the cum out of me.
4/18/2021 – 5:28pm
Anon84525 – Oh my god. I just came so fucking hard.
4/18/2021 – 5:30pm
808stories – I did too. Wow! That was not the kind of chat I was expecting. LOL.
4/18/2021 – 5:31pm
Anon84525 – I know. But I hope we can do it again. And maybe you can tell me about the things you did when you were a teenager. Boys are gonna experiment. I probably would have too, if I had been around someone I trusted like that.
4/18/2021 – 5:33pm
808stories – Yeah. I don’t mind telling you. But I’m feeling a little weirded out right now. Not like guilty for exposing a stranger to my wife’s body without her knowing it. But because I got off imagining that stranger jacking off to her pic. LOL.
4/18/2021 – 5:40pm
Anon84525 – Don’t feel weird. It was fun. And REALLY fucking hot! Ha!
4/18/2021 – 5:42pm
808stories – Fair enough. But I better get this mess cleaned up. Really great to meet you, Dave.
4/18/2021 – 5:46pm
Anon84525 – You too, Dan. Talk to you later.
Fuck. I can’t believe that just happened, I thought. I didn’t know when or how a part of my brain had turned so bisexual. I tried to tell myself that it wasn’t really gay. After all, we were getting off on Callie’s hot body. Still… I came hard, thinking about another man masturbating to my wife.
I got in the shower and washed off the evidence of my debauchery. It was quite thrilling, writing a fictional story about sharing Callie. But actually chatting that scenario out with another man added a whole new level of excitement. I began mentally composing the email I would send him next time we met up in the chatroom. He was curious to hear about my experiences as a teenager. The thought of revealing such a secret actually sent a shiver through me, and energized my cock again.
Callie, Hannah and I went out to dinner. The three of us shared our ideas and strategies for making the most out of our time at Disneyland. I was glad Hannah was excited. We really should have brought her here before she was all grown up. Now she’s a beautiful young woman. But she’ll always be my little girl. And I intended to make lots of fun memories with her this summer, before she heads off to college.
After dinner, Callie obliged me by changing into a short skirt and applying a little bit more makeup, giving her smoky eyes. She knows exactly what I like. What most men like, I am sure. Hannah just put on her new swimsuit and darted out to the pool, giving mom and dad the chance to be alone.
“Go on down, baby,” I smiled. “I’ll be down there in a few minutes.”
“What…?” Callie started, giving me a knowing smile in the mirror. “If someone offers to buy me a drink before you get there, you gonna be jealous?”
“No!” I laughed. “Of course not. You know I think it’s hot when you get attention, baby.” I stroked the back of Callie’s hair and let my hand travel over her shoulders and inside the front of her blouse. “You turn me on so much,” I whispered, gently kissing Callie’s neck.
“That feels good, honey,” Callie whispered. Then she turned her head to tell me “you better fuck me tonight.”
“Gonna,” I laughed and playfully slapped Callie’s ass. “Now go turn me on!”
“I’m not doing ANYTHING. If someone wants to chat me up, that’s on them. But you know I don’t charm somebody, just to be a tease. I fucking hate those kinds of girls.”
“So sexy when you say ‘fucking’,” I told her, playfully.
“I’m serious. I won’t be down there casting a spell. So don’t be disappointed if you see me sitting there bored, waiting for my horny husband to finally join me.”
“Come on, Callie. It’ll be fun.”
“For you,” she laughed back.
“And for YOU. Look at you,” I said, holding her gaze. “You’re more beautiful now than when we met. I see it. But I know it isn’t the same, coming from your husband. So allow yourself that…” I was interrupted by a fierce, almost violent kiss. Callie was panting and moaning in my mouth as her tongue most assuredly fucked mine.
“OK,” Callie whispered, through heavy breaths. “But SOMEONE is a little too into this, I think.” She laughed and grabbed a handful of my pants, arresting an already painful erection.
4/18/2021 – 7:07pm
Anon84525 – Hey Dan. I read through our chat from earlier. Wow! Really hoping we can do that again. I made a new email address – [email protected]. So we can continue our dialog, about anything we want. I’m open to lots of stuff. So let’s get to know each other! I’m in sales. Not exciting, but it pays the bills. And I get to travel some. Who knows? Might be in your neck of the woods sometime. What part of the country do you call home? I don’t want to make it weird or anything, but if you tell me about the stuff you did when you were a teenager…I’m really (surprisingly) interested in that too.
Hope you’re having a fantastic evening with that gorgeous wife of yours!
4/18/2021 – 10:08pm
808stories – Hey man. I’m glad I checked this. Callie is down at the bar right now. She knows I like sending her into some place, hoping a guy will hit on her. Of course she won’t do anything to make it happen. But she’s dressed super sexy, so the odds are good! I read through our chat from earlier too. A few times. I have to say, it awakened something in me that I haven’t thought about in a long time. Only ever did something like that with one other guy in my life.
His name is Jonah. He lives out here in California too, now. We don’t talk about the stuff we did as kids. But we’re still pretty close, which I’m thankful for. He’s a good guy to know. And I probably wouldn’t have considered our hotel out here without his recommendation.
When we were growing up (in Tennessee), we spent one summer either at my house near Memphis or at his house in Millington. His dad was in the military, so he moved around a lot. Neither of us were particularly good at making friends. So somehow we just naturally gravitated to each other.
We were both girl-crazy, for sure. But save for a few ‘pity dates’ we got from some high carbohydrate consuming, hairy legged girls with less than dynamite personalities, we found ourselves unsatisfied in the dating game. One night we were laying in bed, talking about one of those girls – Delaney Marshall. She’s actually a total knockout now. But then, whew! There was just too much of her. Story of my life – get the caterpillar BEFORE she becomes the butterfly.
I told Jonah that I felt up Delaney, finger fucked her and everything. It was a lie, of course. Even fat Delaney wouldn’t let me get near her pussy. But it was turning me on that he thought I did. As I continued telling lie after lie about this encounter with her, I could see the sheet moving as Jonah tried to masturbate under the covers without me knowing it. So I told him I jack off thinking about it. He looked at me and said “fuck man. I’m jacking off right now,” making us both crack up.
“I know,” I told him quietly. “It’s kinda hot.”
Jonah looked at me with a serious face and then just pulled the sheet down. For a few seconds, I watched him massage and manipulate himself as best he could inside his white cotton briefs. When it became a bit uncomfortably quiet, I leaned across Jonah and turned the lamp off, using that move to kill two birds with one stone – yes, the lamp needed to be off. But I also wanted to be closer to him. So when I got settled back in, our bodies were touching.
Since he didn’t try to push me away, or move himself away, I decided to be more bold. I didn’t care to hide the fact that I was taking off my underwear. I wasn’t going to let him be the only one getting relief. So when he knew I was taking mine off, Jonah followed suit. We both lay quietly and masturbated. I stole a few glances at him. And I’m sure he was doing the same. But apart from the loud exhales when we both finished, it was pretty uneventful. That night was the first night we slept naked together. And for the rest of that summer, it was how we went to bed every night.
OMG I spent a lot longer on this than I planned. I gotta get down to the bar. We’ll chat more later.
4/18/2021 – 10:49pm
Anon84525 – Oh man. I’m definitely ready to hear more. But that hot little wife of yours is probably getting eye-fucked by every guy in the bar right now! Let me know how it goes.
q:usersnimda>facebook_import.bat name delaney marshall keyword millington keyword memphis keyword tennessee save_type html
q:usersnimda>facebook_import.bat PROCESSING ARGUMENTS
q:usersnimda>facebook_import.bat GENERATING RESULTS
q:usersnimda>facebook_import.bat PROFILE COMPLETE – DELANEY MARSHALL
End of Chapter – 1