Touching. Moaning. Kissing. Fucking.
Through the walls, I could hear them so clearly.
In the darkness I lay alone in his bed, listening to every move made just outside the door. There was a single candle on the nightstand just beside me. My eyes were glued to it as I listen, while my mind was twisting with the thoughts of how badly I messed up.
The morning after our night together, I confessed everything to my…well, now ex-boyfriend. I hurt him so horribly that he wouldn’t even look at me when I attempted to explain myself. In a blind rage he kicked me out of the apartment and left me on the street with no where to go. I wasn’t about to ask my dad to take me back in and I certainly wasn’t about to ask my mom for any favors. But he was there, willing to let me live with him. It’s amazing how one night can drastically change the path in life.
At first, I thought it would be a good idea to live with him. After that night I was beginning to develop deeper feelings for him – more than just sexual desire. But as the weeks progressed, it was clear that he didn’t want an openly intimate relationship. He just wanted sex, and since we weren’t technically going steady, he actively pursued other partners.
I fell out of love with a man that loved me and I was falling in love with a man that doesn’t.
Or maybe he does?
As I gazed mindlessly at the silent flame, there was a flicker of hope that he would eventually expose the feelings that he’s hidden from me. Why would he keep me around? Why else would he kiss me before bed each night? Why would he take me out to breakfast or dinner some days? What other reason did he have for taking me to the zoo? These are all things typical couples do. But when it comes to sex he wants more than just me? Why?
The only conclusion that I can come to: he’s worried. He wants a relationship, but he doesn’t want the commitment. With everything that’s happened in his life, he’s worried that I’ll leave. I’ll cheat on him like his ex or I’ll abandon him like his parents. He’s testing me.
Suddenly I heard the water from the bathroom begin to run. My mind cleared as I jumped out of bed and opened the door slightly, peeking through. The TV was off, so either she left or they moved their exploits into the shower. I took a few steps through the apartment and put my hand on the bathroom doorknob.
He’s done this before; if it’s unlocked it means he’s alone, but if it isn’t…
I turned the knob and it swung open like magic. Almost simultaneously, the water shut off and the shower curtain opened up.
Zach stepped out and smiled at me, “Oh hey, didn’t hear you come in.”
“Yeah, sorry…I was just wondering, did Tori leave?” I couldn’t help but stare at his glistening ottermode body. I know I should be used to it by now…but he was all so tempting.
He nodded, “She left a few minutes ago. Just wanted to get her sweat off of me.”
Yeah, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear right now. “What are your plans for tomorrow?”
“Um,” he thought for a moment as he wrapped a towel around himself. “I don’t think I have anything going on.”
“Good. I want to do something tomorrow,” I said with a hint of authority.
He smirked, “And what would you like to do?”
I actually don’t have any idea. “Surprise me,” I teased and left the bathroom like a common diva.
I could hear him laugh under his breath as I went back into the bedroom and slipped into bed.
A few moments later he followed and flipped on the light. “Surprise you? I think that can be arranged.” He was drying his messy brown hair with another towel as he glides over to the side of the bed and blew out the candle. “Would this count as an early surprise?” he said as he let both of the towels drop to the ground.
As much as my body wants it, I know I have to stay strong and avoid it. “You just had sex with another girl,” I said as calmly as possible.
His face went from a seductive smile to as blank as a colorless wall, “You’re right…I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.”
“Thank you,” I said, as he went to the dresser and put on some sleepwear. He picked up the towels and put them in the hamper that was in the open closet. He eventually turned off the light and got into bed with me.
As we lay in the darkness, I assumed that it would be the perfect time to find out if my conclusion was right. “How much do you care?”
“What?” He asked, caught off guard.
“About me?”
“Well, of course I care,” he said softly, “you wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
He didn’t answer my question. I curled closer to him, “You know what I mean.” It was my attempt at being as cryptic as he is.
He put his arm around me and pulled me closer. “There is nowhere else I’d rather be right now,” He said, then kissed my forehead.
I cuddled into him and didn’t say another word. He may have reassured me that he wants to be here, but I didn’t know how to feel as he still didn’t answer the question.
I remained awake for a while thinking about my future with him. Everything that may happen and everything that I want to happen flowed through my mind. I wish I could predict…but it was so difficult to tell at this point. No matter what…I knew one thing.
“Zach? Are you still awake?” I whispered. A couple seconds passed with no response. “I know you don’t want to hear it…I love you.”
The world eventually faded.
6 hours later…
I was suddenly awakened when I felt a tug on my foot. I opened my eyes and saw Zach staring back.
“Oh good you’re up,” he said, “Now get in the shower. We have a quite the day ahead of us.”
“What time is it?” I asked sluggishly.
I closed my eyes again, “Too early.”
“Hey!” He was sarcastically demanding now, “I’ve done more by eight A-M than you’ll do all day! Now get your sexy ass in the shower before I drag you in there!”
It’s so cute when he’s like this. “Alright,” I groaned as I got up out of bed. I went directly to the bathroom and stripped naked. Then I showered quickly, and even though I still felt sluggish, carefully brushed my teeth and dolled myself up.
After I picked out a nice matching outfit, I went into the kitchen/dining room where he was waiting for me at the table. He turned and glanced, “Come eat.”
When I approached, I noticed he was eating cereal. “You know I’m lactose…” I said, disappointed.
Then I realized there was plate on the table opposite of him that was covered in tin-foil with fork and a glass of orange juice near it. “That’s why I made you a couple of pancakes and freshly squeezed some oranges, can’t have you too nauseous today,” he said as he unwrapped the foil.
I smiled and sat down, then I picked up the fork and cut myself a bite of the pancake.
“I hope they’re still warm,” he said.
I nodded, “Yes, they’re delicious. Thank you.”
As I ate, he stared at me like he was expecting me to say something. I wasn’t really sure what to say and it kind of made me feel uncomfortable. “What?” I asked.
He shook his head, “Nothing…just admiring your beauty.”
The honeyed words were always nice, but it was hard to believe that I was the only girl he was admiring.
I finished a little less than half of the food and I was already full.
“Done?” he asked.
I nodded and he grabbed the plate, then took it to the sink to clean it. I took a few sips of the citric orange juice as I got up and moved to help him.
After we finished cleaning up, we put our shoes on and made our way to his car. I really didn’t expect anything fancy; maybe a movie or going out for coffee. Something simple like that would be perfect. But we drove for nearly an hour, eventually turning into a secluded parking lot almost in the middle of nowhere. He pulled into a parking space right in front of a small open gate. A short distance away, there was a building with a few parked cars, but the lot was considerably deserted.
“Where are we?” I asked as we stepped out of the car.
“You’ll see,” he said as we passed through the gate. There was a stone path going down a small hill that lead into a dense forest.
The area was beautiful; the bright morning sun shone through the trees and the flowers were in full bloom, the birds sang pretty songs. Going on a nice walk wasn’t what I expected, but it was perfectly simple. I wanted so desperately to hold his hand as we trotted through, but I figure it would be better to keep my distance – at least for now.
In my attempt to break our silence, “What made you think about coming here?”
“I have for a while.” He was being cryptic again.
“Well, it’s great.”
He smirked, “And it’s not even the best part.”
Now I’m a little confused…this isn’t the best part? What else is there?
Then like a backdrop for a stage-play, the forest opened up to expose an incredible sight: to the far left there was a large waterfall that was pouring gallons of water into a small pond, from the water flowed right and traveled down a short stream that lead into an even larger pond. The entire area surrounded with boulders and a rainbow of colored flowers, beyond that, densely packed trees. Over the stream was a small wooden bridge with Victorian style light fixtures. I was stunned in disbelief. It was almost impossible to fathom how incredible it was.
“Welcome to the Water Garden,” Zach said softly.
This couldn’t be happening. I had to be dreaming. We weren’t even dating and he’s bringing me to such an amazing place.
As we walked to the bridge I had to ask, “How many other girls have you brought here?”
He laughed softly and waited until we were in the center of the bridge to respond, “There’s no one else worth bringing here.”
I smiled and tried to hide my blushing by looking into the water. Olive colored algae and lily pads were grouped together just above the surface. In the clearer spots, I would occasionally see bright orange colored fish swim by. I could hear the waterfall splashing and crashing as it entered the first pond.
“Do you like it?” he asked.
“I love it…”
He moved behind me and pressed his body against mine, wrapping his hands around my waist and held me close.
After a moment of silence passed, I whispered, “…and I love you.”
“Please don’t say that.”
I continued without hesitation, “You can trust me…you’ve always been able to trust me. You know that.”
“I don’t-“
I interrupted, “I’m committed to you, Zach. I have been for over a month. I’m tired of coming home from work to find you having sex with other girls in our bed. You’re so much better than that and this, where we are now, is evidence of that.”
I turned to face him, as we held each other as close as possible.
He didn’t say anything…so I spoke once more, “I’ve never felt more complete with anyone else. And deep down I know you feel the same.”
“I can’t be hurt again,” he said gracefully, “my heart would collapse.”
I held his chin and cheeks, “I understand. I’ve loved you ever since you came to rescue when I was crying in the bathtub…you know what I’m talking about.”
A smirk grew from his lifeless face, “Yeah…he was really an ass that night.” Then he looked away from me in deep thought.
I waited patiently for his words.
He spoke lightly, “You know, it’s ironic when the demon falls in love with the angel…I’m sorry for all of my sins.” Again, more cryptic sentences.
“I thought you weren’t religious?” I asked.
He shook his head, “I’m not.”
“Well, I forgive you.”
His face stretched into a smile and he kissed me.
The environment began to warm as our tongues mixed; our hands gripping and pulling into each other. He slowly pulled my shirt up, exposing my bra.
I slightly pushed him away, “What if someone comes down the path?”
“They won’t, I paid two hundred and fifty dollars for a couple hours of a private setting. We’ll be alone for a while.”
Just as his sentence finished, his lips were once again against mine. This time, he went directly for the button on my shorts. He pulled them down and they dropped to my ankles. I did the same with his shorts and boxers; soon gripping him, rubbing him, making him moan with desire.
I fell to my knees as my blood coursed with lust. My tongue soaked his length as I moved from the base to the tip. I wrapped my lips around its width and slowly moved my neck back and forth, the taste of salty pre-cum filling my mouth as I slid along the eight inches.
It wasn’t long before he said, “I’m about to cum.”
I immediately stood up and turned around, bending over and placing my hands on the railing of the bridge. I arched my back inward and let him take control. He pulled down my thong and positioned himself to enter me.
He slipped inside like a magnet and instantly hit my g-spot. I let out a moan as his hands gripped my hips, and began to thrust into me. I moved with his rhythm and I couldn’t believe how orgasmic I felt. Each one of our thrusts pounded my spot, sending shock waves of intensity through my arms, legs, core and even up to my face. I could feel everything in me beginning to burst forth like fireworks of pleasure, making me cry out in moans. My legs began to wobble and felt as if I was about to drop, completely unable to keep myself up. My arms were struggling to keep me steady. As my walls pulsed, I could feel him throbbing into me, followed by a burning sensation as he filled me. We moaned together as our orgasms were in control of everything.
The both of us were sweaty, out of breath and utterly satisfied. He removed himself from me and moved to lean against the railing.
“Alright…” I said, trying to catch more air, “that was thee best sex we’ve ever had.”