In the Pale Moonlight

"I came to realize that the beast that had awaken wasn’t him but, me."

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It’s been many years since I stepped foot inside a church, yet, there I found myself standing in the aisle of St. Louis Cathedral with hundreds of others. My faith had always been deeply tied with my family, especially considering my father was a preacher while I was growing up. Later, under circumstances unknown to me, my father turned his back to his faith. One day he was up in the pulpit preaching hell-fire and brimstone, the next he swore off any and all religious affiliations. Not only for himself, but he began an unrelenting campaign to make sure his family followed him into this new godless world. For years, I’ve always wondered what could have happened to make a man, who was so righteous in his beliefs fall from it so suddenly.

Despite his steadfast attempts of breaking my devotion to my faith, I remained a believer for many years following his departure. I just couldn’t turn my back so easily. I used to keep my well-thumbed Bible hidden beneath my mattress so when I was alone, under the covers at night, I could read passages for guidance and clarity. I’d learned to keep my beliefs to myself, knowing my father would not understand. What was the purpose of life without a higher power? Without some all-knowing being to guide our paths to Enlightenment?

That all changed after Katrina.

When the levees broke, along with losing material possessions and friends, I lost my dear father to the floodwaters that consumed my city. After all the devastation and suffering, I could no longer believe this all had a purpose. That this was fate. Sadly, I was ashamed of myself for realizing it took the loss of my father for me to come to terms with his decision to leave the church. How could we, a city of such strong spiritual belief and practice, be so carelessly ravaged without salvation or mercy? How could something so devastating be in His plan for us?

So, ironically, there I stood — in the one place I’ve sworn never to stand again. When the priest approached me to smear the ashen cross on my forehead, he mumbled, “Repent, and believe in the Gospel. Remember, you are dust and to dust you shall return.”

I received the blessing, hoping I wouldn’t burst into flames for blasphemy. Instead, for some reason, it comforted me. I felt safe and protected with this ancient sacred symbol smudged upon me. After the night I had last night with the mysterious stranger, I needed this spiritual ritual to bring me back to reality. I kept telling myself it was all just an illusion. People didn’t just vanish in a flourish of fabric and a flicker of lights. Whoever my mysterious lover was planned the whole elaborate trick. But why? And most important, why me?

Leaving the church, I went about my day as normal as possible, except I had a foreboding cloud of skepticism creeping over me the whole day. I was used to random cat-calls and attention from men down in the Quarter, but couldn’t help questioning the intentions of every golden hair goateed man I crossed paths with on the street.

That guy at the counter of my favorite beignet shop, did he just wink at me? The bike messenger as he sped past me, why did he smile at me like that? 

I knew it was just my imagination playing games on me, but the sense of someone always two steps behind me was very overwhelming. The entire day I felt on pins and needles, paranoid and waiting for this mysterious lover of mine to tap me on the shoulder and reveal the truth behind his identity and vanishing act.

Finally, after an uneventful day at work, I arrived safely home. By then, I was convinced the whole illicit encounter was a hallucination brought upon by too much drinking and the excitement of the Mardi Gras celebrations. Another reason I needed to renew my faith to the church. 

Good church-going girls didn’t lead strange men into back alleyways for hedonistic pleasures, I scolded myself.

After a quiet and modest home-cooked dinner, I gave in to the relaxing pleasure of an aromatic bubble bath before turning in for the night. The warmth of the water was very soothing to my tense muscles. I sighed in relief, at last able to feel serenity as I sank deeper into the vintage porcelain claw foot tub.

That night, sleep came quick yet it was filled with a rehashing of my actions of the previous night. Images of the tall, golden hair lover as he ravaged me flashed before my eyes. The taste of his wine stained lips haunted me. His touch was branded on my flesh as I relived that soul-rattling orgasm again and again. Whatever magic or voodoo he invoked took root in me and I couldn’t shake it loose. Or did I want to?

With a soft moan, I woke up from the racy dream laying in a puddle of moisture. I realized it wasn’t just my panties that were soaked. The cotton camisole I pulled on after my bath was completely drenched and clung to my heaving breasts. Even though I had left the windows open for the refreshing night time air and I could actually see the gauzy white curtains rippling in the light cool breeze, none of that cool breeze reached me.

Maybe during the middle of the night, the old furnace kicked on, I thought as I pulled myself up from the sweat-drenched sheets.

I exchanged my soiled underwear and cami for a fresh clean pair before I walked to the kitchen. I needed a cool drink of water to relieve my parched throat. I sat the empty glass in the sink and headed back to my bedroom. Passing the microwave, the time display caught my attention. The digitized green numbers glowed eerily and read 6:66.

How is that even possible? I’d laid in bed at ten o’clock, maybe only two or three hours ago. Maybe the power went out during the night then came back on, causing the time to reset. Could it have caused the issue with the furnace, too? As I made my way back to my bedroom I tried to find a rational reason for this strange event. Clearly, there was a power outage in the old vintage house. I’ll investigate in the morning and find out that I was right. 

Of course, I’ll be right because any other possibility is just insanity.


Startled, I stopped in my tracks as I heard my name carried on a soft whisper, barely audible yet definitely heard.

“Who’s there?” I spoke out in the empty room feeling a little foolish for doing so.

“Camille, my love.”

The whispering voice filled the room yet didn’t reveal a source from which it originated.

“This isn’t funny. Whoever you are, reveal yourself, or… or I’ll call the police,” I warned, trying to sound confident and strong, not frightened like I actually was.

At that moment, at the windows, a strong gust of wind blew inward causing the gauzy curtains to billow and flap in the breeze. When the breeze died down, a tall dark figure was standing there, silhouetted in the pale moonlight.

Seeing the ominous figure appear from thin air frightened me even more. I turned in a hurry to leave the room. In that instance, the mysterious figure was now standing between me and the doorway. I gasped as I realized it was my anonymous lover from last night, who also just had a starring role in my steamy sex dream. The same clear blue eyes and blond goatee stood before me. But, this time, he was unmasked and uncloaked, revealing his full appearance to me. He was more handsome than I remembered. His smoldering good looks held me captive as I tried to make sense of what was happening.

“Camille, don’t be frightened,” he spoke softly.

“H… how can I not be frightened? You stalked me into a dark alley last night, had your way with me, then vanished the second I tried to find out who you were. Now, here you are standing in my house, and I’m not supposed to be frightened?” I summoned up the courage to stand my ground with this overly attractive stranger.

“Last night,” as he spoke these words his thin lips drew up into a wicked smile, as his dazzling azure eyes slowly moved up and down my nearly naked body, “you were more than willing last night, but it wasn’t the right moment to reveal myself.”

“The right moment for what? Who are you anyway? How do you know my name? How did you know where I live? Did you follow me? I should just call the cops.” I reached for my cell phone on the night table but it suddenly flew across the room to the stranger’s hand. I couldn’t believe my eyes. “Di… did that just happen?”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, my love. You have a lot of questions. I can help you with those, but you have to come to me.” He gracefully extended his hand toward me. I had a flashback of that same hand sliding between my thighs and into my wet cunt last night. Everything about this man was refined and elegant yet with an underlying sinister and sexual appeal. I found myself lifting my hand to his.

“No, I’m not going to you,” I said as I shook my head to get rid of the memories and backed away from his outstretched hand. No matter how sexually appealing I found him to be, I vowed not to give in so easily like I did the night before. One wanton act per week was all I could afford on my conscious. It was enough that he had infiltrated my dreams.

“Camille, please know I’m not here to cause you any harm. I will never take you against your will. In fact, I can’t. It’s your choice, it’s always your choice. You know, free will and all.”

If I decide to go with you, you need to tell me who you are first,” I said putting up a brave front.

“Fair enough,” he grinned in agreement. His tone was so matter-of-fact and cocky as he introduced himself, “I am Lucius, Prince of the Darkness, son of Lucifer, and I am your husband to be.”

“My husband?” I asked doubtfully.

“Fiancé. It’s an arranged marriage, so to say.”

“Arranged by whom?” I asked even more curious.

“Our fathers, of course. Your beloved father, the late Reverend Josiah Devereaux struck a deal with my father. It took place a little over 30 years ago. Your father and his lovely wife, Marisol, wanted a baby. They tried for years without success, then one day the miracle happened and young Marisol was blessed with a child. During the labor, there were some complications. It was clear only one would make it — Marisol or the struggling precious baby girl. Your father prayed to the Heavens, but his favors had already been answered with the gift of the baby. In tears and on his knees, he turned his prayers to my father, pleading for a bargain. My father isn’t an unreasonable man, despite what some may think, and he loves a good bargain. So, he answered the Reverend’s prayers and, well, you know how that turned out — you are here. In return, my father brokered the betrothal. We became engaged and on your 18th birthday, you were to become my Princess as we joined hands in marriage.”

“My father would never do anything like that. He didn’t believe in the devil, or Lucifer, or whatever you want to call him,” I said in horrid disbelief.

“Your father was a believer of Heaven and Hell. He was such a fiery preacher on the pulpit, as you recall. So very sure about the ‘evils’ of the world and turning away from sin to cleanse the soul.”

“But he turned his back on the church when I was only sixteen. He no longer believed in God or anything for that matter,” I explained.

“But the deal was already set, not even his untimely demise could break a deal with my father.”

Suddenly, it all became clear to me why my father rejected the church so venomously. If all of what Lucius said was true, my father had been trying to save me. He must have realized that time was drawing near on his deal with Lucius’ father as I was growing older.

“But I don’t believe. I don’t believe in God!” I countered defiantly. “And I don’t believe in you or your so called father. This is just a bad dream and… and my overworked imagination.”

Lucius stepped forward with a cunning smile, “You keep telling yourself that, but you keep a deep dark secret, don’t you?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about?” I took a step back.

“You went inside St. Louis Cathedral today. It was the first time you stepped foot inside a church in almost ten years. How did that make you feel?”

I shrugged my shoulders, indifferent, “I don’t know. After last night, I just needed…”

“To cleanse your sins, of sorts?”

“Yes, I guess.”

“Because you still believe that He could do that for you,” Lucius gave a brief gesture to above before continuing, “You’d experienced something you couldn’t explain, and so sought some explanation from Him, but really that power is within you. Don’t tell me you didn’t sense it, either. You willingly gave your body to me, Camille, and for a flicker of a moment, you witnessed just a taste of the power that you hold inside you.”

Could he be right? Last night, as he made his way through the crowds towards me, I saw the aura surrounding him as the crowds parted and made way for him. All my senses were heightened. All the sounds and smells of the Mardi Gras celebration in the French Quarter were overwhelming. Even as I ran away from him, I felt a magnetic pull towards him. Or was it me drawing him to me? When he finally caught up with me I didn’t sense any malevolent intentions. In fact, just the opposite. His touch was strong yet very gentle, almost lovingly. As I orgasmed from the skillful play of his tongue, the dim amber lights in the alley pulsated in timing with each rolling tide of my pleasure. And now tonight wasn’t I just dreaming of him. Did I somehow just summoned him to me, again?

“Lucius…” I hesitated as I came to realize that the beast that had awakened wasn’t him but, me!

“Yes, Camille, my love, don’t be afraid to want me.”

“But I’m not afraid. Not of you,” I said calmly as I curiously extended my fingertips to touch his handsome face. At the slightest caress, I could already feel a current of electricity charged within me. There was an electric buzz vibrating throughout my body, growing stronger the longer my fingers explored his skin. It was surprisingly arousing. I felt my nipples tighten and a slow trickle of wetness between my thighs as the mysterious power grew inside me. “I… I’m afraid of myself.”

“Don’t be afraid, my love,” he brought my fingertips to his lips to kiss them softly. He gently pulled me closer into his arms. “This is your destiny. You were made for me, and I for you.”

I felt the truth in his words as he lowered his lips to mine. I didn’t hesitate or shrink away from his touch as before. No, now I wanted his touch more than ever. I craved his touch. I hungrily returned his kiss, eager to taste and drink of his wine, again.

As we made our way toward my bed, I couldn’t control the need to get this magnificent creature naked and pressed against my heated skin. I peeled his shirt off revealing his well-crafted abs and chest. I lowered my mouth to taste his skin. My mouth kissed, licked, sucked, even bared my teeth to nip at his flesh. He was at my mercy now as I took pleasure exploring my newfound purpose.

Determined, I pushed him back onto the bed and knelt between his legs. His smile, stunning although cocksure, seemed to mock me, knowing that he could just as easy wield his strength and overpower me at any moment. But for now, his impressive body laid out in submission before me. I slid my hands inside his pants and found what I really desired, his powerful thick cock. 

The urge to join with Lucius was overwhelming. My hungry sex was hot and wet, as I straddled his waist and pushed down on the thick tip of his rod. A loud moan escaped my lips when he entered my slick pink center. Guided by primal desires, my hips took over, sliding up and down his hard shaft, stretching and filling my cunt with his amazing shaft. It felt empowering sitting on top of this majestic man, feeling his entire body respond to mine with every touch.

Lucius wrapped his hands around my plump ass and thrust his hips upwards. I screamed in surprise, not expecting that he could fill me even more. So far, he had allowed me to do as I pleased with him but now, it was his turn to show me his true strength and power. His cock felt endless as he thrust up harder and deeper into me. Each time I cried out in pleasure.

“Oh my God!” I screamed arching my back as I reached a delicious orgasm.

“I’m far from God, Camille,” he grinned, teasing me.

“I don’t care, just keep fucking me!” I cried out desperately.

In one swift movement, Lucius rolled over in the bed, reversing our positions. He knelt over my pliable body while I laid on my back. His large hands traveled down my shapely legs, taking hold of my ankles in a vise-like grip as he held them east and west. He began to slowly plow deeper into my mecca.

“Yes!” I managed a scream as his hard body connected with mine, pushing me farther into the mattress and pillows, pushing me further into ecstasy.

His intense blue eyes hovered over me, expressing his satisfaction in our fated consummation. I didn’t dare close my eyes or look away from him. He was beautiful and held my complete attention. I clung to him, raking my nails over his muscular back. Leaving my mark on him as he left his mark on me. He didn’t flinch from the pain nor drop pace as he thrust into me over and over. Consequently, the build up of my climax hit hard, sending me into a delirious state of euphoria. It was the most spiritual event I’ve ever experienced. The pure pleasure that radiated from my body was one of a kind. I knew I would never experience this level of pleasure with anyone else. Nor did I want to.

“Camille.” I faintly heard him whisper my name as he lowered his lips to mine.

“What… Who am I?” I asked weakly when my fast spinning world began to slow down and my breathing returned to normal.

“Many years I’ve searched for you, Camille. So, imagine my surprise when I finally laid eyes on you last night.” As he spoke, Lucius loosened his grip on my ankles as he glided his body over my sweat-sheened body. “It was unmistakable. You are the one I have been searching for for over a decade, Camille. My love, my Dark Princess, you are my Promised. You are my wife.”

I didn’t fully understand the breadth of commitment he spoke of just yet, my mind was still reeling from the amazing sex and the slow grind of him against my overly sensitive clit. I knew it was just a respite for me, as he was still rock hard and buried deep inside me. At this realization, I moaned and sank my brown fingers into his golden hair, pulling his face closer to mine.

“If I’m yours, then you are mine,” I claimed him.

“Yes, I’m yours, Camille,” Lucius agreed.

“Then don’t hold back.

Give it to me,” I was desperate to feel him release inside me. I rocked my hips up, slowly squeezing the walls of my cunt, encouraging him to come inside me.

He began to groan. As larger-than-life and refined as this man was, ultimately, he became undone by the gentle and constant milking of his shaft. His groans grew louder and guttural as he erupted in a hot stream, showering my sugar walls with his liquid love. He buried his face into the crook of my neck, sinking his teeth into the tender flesh, as his cock spasmed and filled me up.

“Yes!” I moaned satisfied at feeling his body soften against mine. I loved the feeling of him completely spent on top of me. We laid there, silent except our soft breathing. 

After a while, Lucius rolled off of me to lay on his side. He smiled down at me, “Now, that you know who I am, and who you are, will you come with me, my love?” he said offering me his long elegant hand.

I smiled, knowing that I would go anywhere with his man. I placed my palm into his hand and the room around us swirled away. The old fading wallpaper of my dark apartment morphed into a much grandiose locale with tall extravagant gilded walls and trim. Clearly, we weren’t in my old vintage apartment anymore.

“What just happened? Where are we?” I asked curiously.

“It’s call transmorphic travel, and in my opinion, the only way to travel. I just think about a place I want to be, and voilà! The cape thingy the other night was just theatrics.” Lucius explained, then with a broad smile he announced, “We’re home! My father will be so delighted to hear about your arrival and our much-anticipated nuptials.”

“Your father’s home? So, we’re in Hell?” I asked skeptically as I took in the colorful and lavish decor around me.

“I would hardly call this Hell. Five story mansion, 169 rooms, a sprawling 200-acre lawn with a lush fragrant rose garden and fountain. Wait until you see the swimming pool and sauna,” Lucius described with effusive delight in sharing his beloved home with me.

As Lucius toured me around the palace, as that is the only way to describe this stately and extravagant building we were in, I strangely felt at home. I just couldn’t make sense of it. Everything that I’ve witnessed so far was just mind-blowing. I wanted to pinch myself and wake up from this dream. But this wasn’t a dream, it was real. Lucius was real. His warm touch was real. And our lovemaking had definitely been very real.

At some point, I realized how underdressed I was in this grand setting. I was still wearing the flimsy white camisole and cotton panties I had changed into back at my place. Lucius must have noticed my attempt to pull my top longer to cover myself because with a flourish of his hand, I was magically dressed in a sexy low-cut red body-hugging dress and red shiny six-inch heels. I looked up at him wide-eyed and speechless, trying not to topple over.

“How…? What…?” I started to ask.

“Yeah, I don’t like that color either. Too cliché,” he waved his hand again and suddenly the red clingy dress changed to a gold sequin dress that was much more flattering to my curves and honey brown complexion., along with complimentary heels that didn’t threaten to break my ankles if I breathed. “Better!” Lucius gave an approving smile.

Around that time, Lucius and I came to a stop in front of a pair of intricately carved tall wood doors. Next to the doors was a desk with a young gorgeous blonde attendant. She wore a flirtatious smile as Lucius approached. That changed when she noticed me.

“Lucius, who’s she?” she asked in curious disgust of me.

“Not your concern,” Lucius waved a dismissive hand at her. “Is my father in?”

“Yes, he is,” the blonde started, then quickly added, “but he’s, um, busy.”

Lucius had already pushed open the grand doors and marched in unannounced. I followed close behind him.

In the large room, more like an executive’s office, a tall dark figure stood over a kneeling redheaded topless vixen, obviously receiving oral pleasures from her. In appearance, He was the opposite of Lucius’s fair features. He was well dressed in a dark dress shirt, slacks, and shiny black shoes. His dark hair and olive-toned complexion were in contrast to Lucius. Other than their similar frames, Lucius was slightly taller than this man, they seemed night and day.

Lucius cleared his throat loudly to announce our presence.

He looked towards us, unfazed by our sudden appearance in his office as the girl continued with a thorough and rather noisy blow job.

“I was hoping to speak with you, father,” Lucius said, then added, “Alone.”

He tapped the red haired girl on the shoulder and gestured for her to go away. “Maybe later,” he said as she stood from her kneeling position. She didn’t bother to cover her perky rose-peaked breasts as she exited the office, licking her lips and shooting me the most spiteful look.

“Sorry for interrupting that but, I want you to meet someone.” Lucius started to introduce me, “This is…”

“Wait, don’t tell me.” He zipped his pants as he strode towards me, “Camille Devereaux, I believe.”

“Yes,” I managed an intimidated whisper as an answer.

“You may call me Lucifer. You might not remember the first time we’d met, you were still a screaming bundle of blood and placenta. Now,” As he looked me up and down, his intense dark eyes lingered on my curves as his lips curled up into a wicked grin. It was a familiar grin. Lucius had looked at me the same way when he followed me down the alleyway. “My, how you’ve grown!”

“Father!” Lucius let out a slight warning.

“Relax, son. Although tempting, I know she’s yours. A deal is a deal.”

“That’s why we’re here, Father. Camille has come to me, willingly, and we have completed the bargain. She’s my wife now.”

“Your wife?” I interrupted. “I don’t remember marrying you. What do you mean ‘your wife’?”

“Tsk, tsk. Lucius, did you not inform your new bride about the process of becoming man and wife?”

“Um, maybe I left a part out.” 
“What part? What is going on?” I demanded to know.

Lucius started to explain, “In our realm, the bond of marriage is formed not just by words exchanged, but by actions and intentions,”

“What do you mean by ‘actions and intentions’?” I asked.

“He means by coitus, mating, fucking,” Lucifer said bluntly, then added in a mocking tone, “Or for you delicate human kinds, lovemaking. I’m correct in assuming you’ve had such ‘actions’ with my son?”

“Yes, but it was just sex.”

“Ah, but you see, sex with your Promised One, the Prince of Darkness, is anything but just sex. You were aware of the bargain made between your father and I, correct?” Lucifer asked.

I nodded my head, Lucius had explained the details of the pact, however, ludicrous it seemed.

“Do you wish to break that deal?”

“Lucius said the deal couldn’t be broken, even with my father’s death,” I said curiously.

“It’s true, your father couldn’t undo the deal. But you can,” Lucifer said with a conniving smile.

“No! We won’t undo the deal. Camille’s my wife, and she’ll stay my wife!” Lucius grabbed my hand in his strong grip.

Before I could further protest, he swiftly dragged me away out of his father’s office, down the hallway, and up a flight of stairs. He didn’t stop until he stormed into his bed chamber, slamming the heavy door shut behind us. I finally managed to pull my hand free of this tight grasp.

“What are you doing? Your father was going to tell me how to break the bargain.”

“My father was setting you up to make another one of his bargains,” Lucius explained.


“And do you think making another bargain with Him is going to be in your favor? Camille, he’s the King of Deception, Liar of All Liars. There’s no way that a bargain with him would not have negative consequences for you. Do you loathe the idea of being my wife so much you would make a deal with Him?” Lucius was infuriated, but as he spoke he moved closer to me. A playful smile appeared on his lips as he slowly traced my lips with his fingertips, “I thought we’d made a connection. You came to me willingly. You claimed me in your bed as yours, as you are mine.”

The way that he stared at me with those provocative blue eyes and his tender touch caused my indignation to swiftly crumble. Yes, there was a connection between us. I couldn’t deny that there was something larger, something more powerful than my own will at work here. It was destiny.

The electric buzz I felt earlier returned as his touch grew bolder. The buzzing started from somewhere deep within and radiated outward, like a firework blooming in the night’s sky. Lucius moved his hand down the length of my slender neck, his fingers briefly caressed the bruised skin from his passion bite. He smiled at me, “Did I hurt you, my love?”

I parted my lips to speak, but his mouth captured mine and took my answer. His lips were very demanding yet sensuous as he coaxed me to accept his touch. He trailed his hand down my arm, then up my torso. His palm skimmed across my slim belly, up toward my breasts. My nipples were already tight and very pronounced against the taut bodice of the dress. He rolled the hard peaks between his fingertips. The ragged moan that escaped my lips was all the proof he needed to know the effect of his touch on me.

“Lucius,” I exhaled his name as his lips left mines and journeyed down my neck. My skin felt scorching hot. Only his touch could extinguish the heat and I wanted him to touch me everywhere. He lowered his lips to my peaked nipples, kissing the distended nubs through the dress.

“My love, can you feel the power within you?

“Yes,” I moaned.

“It is the same within me. The life He gave you was half my beating heart. We are forever linked in this lifetime and the next.” His hand moved up the hem of the dress and between my thighs.

“What do you mean? I have your heart?” I asked interested, between heavy moans.

“No matter where you are, My Love, no matter how long it takes, I will always come to you. The beating of your heart is my beacon. Tomorrow, midday, there will be a party to celebrate our union as husband and wife and introduce you to our extended family. But for now, you are all mine, as you always will be!”
I moaned again as his strong hands gripped my thighs up around him and carried me over to the large four poster bed. Our lovemaking was different from before, less urgent yet just as passionate as he kissed every inch of my body. Lucius slowly dragged his tongue across my heated skin as I moaned and urged him to don’t stop. I laced my fingers in his blond hair, directing him where I most needed attention.

He obliged, lowering his whip-like tongue to my clit. The pleasure was so exquisite, causing me to dig my toes into the silky sheets we laid upon. He knew just how to attend to my greedy need, sending me to orgasm, one after another as soon as the last one faded.

Just when I thought, I couldn’t bare another body rattling quake, Lucius grabbed my waist, flipped me over face down into the pillows as he mounted me from behind. My moans were muffled in the pillows as his engorged shaft seared through my wet cunt. I felt his large hands planted on my round ass as he pulled his cock from my dripping hole, then slowly and deliberately entered me again. He repeated this movement several times until I anticipated every deep thrust by pushing my ass up to him.

Lucius leaned forward to kiss the back of my neck. Shivers scattered down my spine at the same time fires burnt within. As with our mating earlier, I wanted to feel his release. Working my hips, up and down, I pumped his shaft with my slick pussy.

Lucius grunted as he buried his face in the pillow next to me and erupted deep inside. I kept tugging on his cock even after it emptied into me. Lucius now turned his face to mine and captured my lips. His kiss, although lustful, was loving.

“Camille, did I ever tell you how beautiful your name is?” he said with a sleepy smile.

I smiled back as we drifted off to sleep.

I awoke from a satisfying slumber with no concept of time passage. Lucius was laying next to me, still sleeping soundly. For the first time, I could look at him without his tempting smile staring back at me. Even in sleep, he was formidable, his broad solid chest with golden sun kissed skin. I laid my hand upon that chest and felt his steady heart beat. It was in timing with my own.

It was so easy to mold myself to his form and take in his warmth but, after all, he was the son of Lucifer, Prince of the Devil himself. If the father was so conniving, why wouldn’t the son be equally a trickster? He hadn’t fully explained the ritual of bonding, at least not in a way that gave me a choice.

Gingerly, I removed his arm from around my waist and slipped out of bed. I searched the room for something to cover my nude body and found a wardrobe filled with clothes. I pulled on jeans and a tee shirt that fitted me perfectly, leaving me to think that Lucius’ had arranged for the wardrobe, either real or whatever magic trick he performed.

Cautiously, I pushed open the large bedroom door and began my exploration of the mansion. As I tiptoed down the expansive hallway, I wondered where my adventure would lead me.

I heard a cacophony of moans coming from behind many of the doors. Curious, I slowly pushed open one of the heavy door to the sight of a sapphic orgy taking place. It was hard to make out the number of participants, as the group of beautiful nude women was tangled in the most erotic and acrobatic positions, pleasuring themselves and each other with lips, fingers, and tongues. One raven-haired beauty looked up from her skillful partner performing cunnilingus and noticed that they had a curious voyeur. Her smile widened as she raised her hand and beckoned me to join their hedonistic pleasures. I blushed and hurriedly closed the door.

As I turned away from the frolicking ladies, I slammed face first into my host, Lucifer.

“Looking for some extramarital activities? I’m sure the ladies would be happy to eat, I mean, meet you,” He said with a suggestive grin. “Or if hetero activities are more your pleasure, there are many capable well hung young males roaming around of every kink and persuasion. Even I may be of some assistance in that regard.”

I took a step back as his lustful eyes raked over my body. “Um, no. I just was looking for the kitchen. I guess I’m kind of lost.” 

“Ah, a late night snack. That, I can help you with. Follow me,” He said as he led the way.

When in the spacious and immaculate kitchen, I got right to what was on my mind. “Earlier, when you mentioned that I could break the deal, what did you mean by that?”

“Ah, the honeymoon phase is over I see. Junior not as satisfying as promised, huh?”

“Um, no, actually he’s quite, um, satisfying. I just, I have friends, a good job, and a life I love back home in New Orleans. I can’t stay here forever, wherever here is.”

“Well, here you wouldn’t need to work. You could have anything your heart desired,” Lucifer smiled, and with a wave of his elegant hand, a full platter of scrumptious goodies appeared before me.

By this time, I was unimpressed by the show of magical powers, yet a mound of colorful macaroons tempted me as I reached for one of the delicate cookies.

“It’s not just that. Although Lucius is very, very sexually satisfying, I want to choose who I fall in love with, not someone my father prearranged for me. Especially not the spawn of the Devil. No offense.”

“None taken. I know how you humans are. Quick to bend your knees and pray for a miracle, but when confronted with the very thing you asked for… Look, there is a way to return you to your life, but…”

“Tell me,” I interrupted him impatiently, “Whatever it is, it’ll be my choice. My own actions.”

“Your return to your ordinary life will require you to lose all memories of this day,” Lucifer started to explain the process, and that was the last thing I could recall.

I woke from a very restful night of sleep. As I dressed for my day, I slowly began to recall images from the night before. It mostly felt like a flash of a dream that floated away as soon as I tried to make sense of it.

As I made my way to work, I had a sudden urge to stop by St. Louis Cathedral. Hundreds were gathered to receive blessings from the priest. As I stood there among the throng of the faithful, I had a weird sense of deja vu. It’s been years since I lasted stepped foot inside a church but, this moment wasn’t like that of a long-ago memory, it was something else. Something more peculiar.

I shook my head at the ridiculous idea forming in the back of my mind as it was my turn next up in line. The priest approached me and smeared the ashen cross on my forehead as he mumbled, “Repent, and believe in the word of the Lord. Remember, you are dust and to dust you shall return.”

I received the blessing and a sense of comfort surrounded me. I felt something I haven’t felt since the passing of my father over ten years ago. It felt like getting back on track, realigning with the path laid out before me and all I had to do was take the next step laid out before me.

Leaving the church, I decided to visit my favorite beignet shop. As I sat there enjoying the hot dough generously covered in powdered sugar, I had a feeling of being watched. I looked up from my café au lait to see the guy sitting at the next table staring at me. His striking blue eyes caused me to catch my breath.

“I’m sorry, um, you seem familiar to me. Do I know you?” I asked trying to recall where I’ve met the handsome stranger before.

He shook his head, his blond hair lightly tousled, “I don’t think so. I just moved to town today.”

“Ah,” I said shaking off the feeling, then smiled, “Welcome to New Orleans.”

“Thanks. Oh, and forgive me, I was staring, by the way. I just never had one of these before,” he gestured to the beignets on the table before him, “And I was curious to see how the locals tackled it without making such a mess.” 

“Lesson one,” I picked up my beignet and gently took a bite, showing him how simple it was.

He followed my actions by taking a generous bite causing the powdery sugar to rain down on to him, coating his golden goatee. I couldn’t hold back my laughter, neither could he.

“Lesson two,” I picked up a napkin, dipped it into the glass of water, then leaned forward to dab his face. I recoiled at a slight static shock.

“I think I can handle this,” he smiled as he took the napkin from my hand, causing our fingertips to touch.

There it was again, a soft electric buzz. I wondered if he felt it too and when I saw his smile, I knew he had.

“Um, my name’s Camille,” I offered.

“Camille.” He said. My name on his tongue triggered a sense memory, a fleeting image of his lips close to mine as I screamed in ecstasy. “That’s a beautiful name, Camille. I’m Lucius.”

Published 10 years ago

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