You Made A Promise! (Chapter 3 – Heartbreak)

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The phone rings and both you and Aleira have just been awakened from the best night’s sleep you’ve had in a long time, neither of you are impressed. “For fuck sake; I really didn’t want to get up yet.” Aleira gets up to answer the phone.

“Hello? Oh it’s you Rose, how is the honeymoon going?” After a short while of being on the phone you sense that something is wrong. You try to grab Aleira’s attention but she puts her hand over your mouth.

“Just calm down Rose okay; it’s all going to be fine. Yes you’re right he is a bastard for sleeping with the girl in room 34B and he is a bastard for promising you the world I know he is. No he’s not here at the moment he’s gone to the shop.” She’s talking about you and you go to grab the phone, she grips your balls firmly and you double over on the bed.

“Listen to me Rose; you need to talk it out with him. You’ll both be fine he just made a mistake that’s all. Yes of course you are the most amazing girl in the world and he is an idiot for cheating on you. Okay Rose I’ll talk to you soon… I love you too, bye.” Aleira puts the phone down and continues to keep her firm grip on your balls.

“Please can you let go of my balls Aleira I feel sick.” The pain is excruciating as she tightens her grip further.

“Who do you love bitch? Because last night you said that you loved me and I believed you but it sounds to me like you were lying. I’m going to give you the chance to apologise right now and if I believe you I’ll let go of your balls.” She uses her other hand to squeeze your throat.

“I love you Aleira; I’m so sorry but like you said yesterday it will take time. Please let go of my balls I really do love you. It was a stupid mistake and it won’t happen again I promise.” You begin to feel light headed.

Aleira sighs and releases you from her death like grip; you let out a cry of relief. “Yes I suppose you’re right and I’m sorry; I just feel really possessive of you. The way you reacted when you found out Rose was on her own is the way I want you to feel about me. She doesn’t deserve you; it’s me who should have you.”

Aleira looks up in shock and goes red in the face as she realises what she’s just said. “That’s not what I meant! I love my sister! You know what fuck you; I’m getting in the shower. You can join me in there or you can sit here and cry about your balls like a bitch!” She storms into the bathroom and slams the door.

You’re not entirely sure what’s just happened; did she really just say that Rose doesn’t deserve you?

That doesn’t sound like the words of someone who wants to walk all over you; it sounded like the words of someone who is already in love with you.

You decide that it’s best not to pry too much at the moment and join Aleira in the shower. When you open the door you can see Aleira facing the wall of the shower whilst the water is flowing down her back. You step in and put your hands around her waist and kiss her neck softly. She moans and begins to massage your balls.

You slide your hand in between her legs and begin to gently rub her; she arches her back and presses the tip of your chastity belt against her. You wish you could be free from this device right now and make love to her.

You pull away from her and she looks at you in shock. “What’s wrong? You were making me feel really good then.”

“I just wish I could make love to you and get this chastity belt off me; I’m so horny it’s unbearable.” You feel the pressure building inside the cage and you want to climax so badly but you can’t.

She walks up to you and puts her arms around your neck. “I know you do, I can’t begin to imagine how horny you must feel right now.” She kisses you on the neck and looks up at you. “You’ll get used to it I promise; eventually the urge to cum will go away and it won’t bother you any more. It might not feel like it at the moment but trust me; you don’t need to cum as badly as you think you do.”

You feel a tingling sensation all the way through your body as Aleira begins to rub the tip of your penis through a hole in the chastity belt. “Only real men get to cum; men who wouldn’t allow a device like this to be put on them in the first place. Not guys like you; guys like you need your penis to be locked up by a beautiful woman. It’s not your penis and you’re not allowed to cum, it’s out of your control now. Let me hear you whisper it in my ear and tell me who this locked cock belongs to.”

She leans in waiting to hear what you’re going to say. “It belongs to you Aleira; it’s your locked cock.”

Aleira kisses your neck again as she continues to rub the tip of your penis. “That’s right it belongs to me. Now be a good boy and put that tongue of yours to use, I want an orgasm before we get out of the shower.”

She pushes your head down and begins riding your tongue as she cries out in pleasure. Your cock twitches in its cage as it tightens and Aleira pulls you into her as she climaxes. You feel the entire weight of her body on your face as it shakes uncontrollably. “Oh my god, you have no idea how much I needed that! Aren’t you happy that you made me cum?”

“Yes I am, you deserve to be pleasured. I love you Aleira.” You know it’s risky saying this after what happened earlier but you feel it’s the right thing to say.

Her lips form into the cutest smile you’ve ever seen as her face turns into a colour you can only describe as tomato. “You meant it that time and trust me it shows. Good boy. Lets go out for the day, we’ve been stuck in this house all week and it’s driving me crazy.”

The thought of getting out the house appeals to you as well. “That’s the best idea I’ve heard in a long time and I know just the place.”

She looks excited and wide eyed at how secretive you’re being. All morning she’s been asking you, “So where are we going? I love surprises; you’re so cute when you’re like this.”

“If I told you that it wouldn’t be a surprise would it? You’ll see soon enough and I think you’re going to love it.” You both get in the car as you start the engine. You can’t wait to put your foot down on the open road and feel free for the first time in a long while.

With both your mobile phones turned off in the house, it’s going to be a day out with no interruptions and it’s going to feel amazing.

You’ve been driving for well over an hour, the sun is shining and the windows are open. The mountains surrounding you look alive with colour as the trees sway in the light breeze. Darius Rucker – Wagon Wheel is playing on the radio and you can see Aleira smiling at you in the corner of your eye.

This is what you’ve so desperately been needing, it reminds you of the first date you had with Rose yet you don’t wish she was here with you right now. Aleira is the only person you want by your side, you wish this feeling would last forever.

You pull over by the side of the road and there’s a weather beaten fence that looks as though it has stood the test of time. Aleira looks at you confused. “Why have we stopped?”

“We’re here, there’s a little way to walk but when we get there you won’t be disappointed I promise you.” You know exactly where you’re heading and you can’t wait to get there.

As you walk deep into the forest the sun shines through the branches of the trees above you, the path is scattered with a pattern of shadows from above. The smell of the forest hits your nose and it reminds you of being a child again as a squirrel runs across the path in front of you.

The squirrel stops and looks up at you; seemingly content with your presence before running up the nearest tree. Aleira holds your hand as you both watch the squirrel disappear into the greenery above. “Come on, we’re almost there and there’s something I really want to show you.”

As you reach the end of the path a giant lake becomes visible to you and Aleira looks wide eyed at the view. “Oh my god I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life.” Her attention gets drawn to the waterfall in the distance which is surrounded by what looks to be a private get away. “Can we go there? It looks beautiful.”

“That’s exactly where we’re heading and there’s a surprise waiting for you there.” Her face lights up as she wonders what you could possibly have waiting for her there.

As you get closer the smell of the water and the wet rocks grows stronger, it’s a gravelly smell but refreshing as you approach the waterfall. It’s like something out of a movie and you instantly feel at home.

Aleira looks dumbfounded at the sight in front of her. “Why I have I never heard of this place, it looks like no-one has been here in years.”

“Not many people know about it to be honest, not even the locals. It’s an hour long drive to the middle of no-where and most people can’t go anywhere that doesn’t have a coffee house nearby. I used to come here a lot when I was single to clear my head; it’s like the rest of the world doesn’t exist and I love it.”

“So is this the surprise then? If it is then I’m more than impressed as I didn’t expect this.”

You smile at her. “Of course it isn’t, the surprise is yet to come.” You pull out a silver dog whistle and Aleira looks confused as you give it three sharp blasts.

For a short while nothing happens and Aleira looks completely confused as to what is going on. All of a sudden you can hear rustling in the ferns as the head of a grey wolf pokes its head out to examine what the strange whistling noise was.

Aleira rushes behind you in complete fear and holds on for dear life. “There’s a wolf in there! Did you see it?”

You laugh at her. “There’s more than one wolf in there Aleira they live in packs. Don’t worry though these ones won’t hurt you.” The look on her face says that she doesn’t trust you one bit as she stands by the side of you unsure of what to expect.

She holds onto your hand shaking as six grey wolves walk out of the greenery, they all stand about ten feet away from you and stare you down and even your own heart is racing slightly.

Seemingly out of nowhere the largest wolf in the pack jumps at you and beings licking your face in a wild frenzy. “Okay boy I’ve missed you too. It’s been so long I know and I’m sorry about that.”

Aleira stands in awe at what she’s witnessing as she can’t believe what she’s seeing.

Two of the younger wolves wearily approach Aleira before allowing her to stroke them. She sits on the floor and they pounce on her. “Oh my god they’re so cute! I’m scared they’re going to lick me to death.”

After about half an hour of what seems to be an overload of sloppy affection, you pick up several large rocks and launch them into the pool of water. Two of the wolves quickly jump in after them and begin to play in the water.

You and Aleira sit on the edge of the rocks and dip your feet in the pool; it’s surprisingly warm and refreshing.

The two wolf cubs that have become very quickly acquainted with Aleira lay on her legs whilst she strokes them both softly.

The Mother and Father of the pack lay down next to you as you stroke them and Aleira looks amazed at what she’s just been a part of.

“How did you know they weren’t going to attack you? I was terrified and I thought the larger one was going to eat you when he pounced at you! It’s like they know you… Are you a wolf man or something?”

You laugh at her comment.

“No I’m not a wolf man or something. I told you that I used to come here when I was single to clear my mind and that was true. I didn’t tell you about this lot as I wasn’t sure if you’d actually come with me but you were never in any danger trust me.”

You proceed to tell her about how you became acquainted with your furry friends. “One day when I was down here, I heard a cry in the trees and it was this big guy here who was stuck in a trap that had snapped shut on his leg. It wasn’t far away from their den and the entire pack was trying to help him get out of it. I could tell instantly that it was a broken leg and he needed help as soon as possible.” Aleira is listening contently and looks as though she could do with a box of popcorn.

After explaining to Aleira the lengthy but gripping story of how you were invited to release the elder wolf back into the wild, you lean back slightly and allow her to stroke your ego. “They’re amazing creatures and they never forget you.”

Aleira can’t believe what she’s hearing. “Oh my god that’s so sweet! I never knew you could be so brave and caring; these two are just so adorable and I want to take them home with me.” She kisses them both and they don’t appear to mind her affection at all.

You laugh again at her cuteness. “We can’t take them home with us but if you like you can come down here with me again to see them?”

“I’d love to because this is absolutely amazing! Does Rose know about this place?”

“No she doesn’t as I’ve never even mentioned it to her. She’s always said that she hates dogs.” The eldest wolf lets out a deep moan as you say that and you laugh. “I don’t think that about you big guy and you know I’m always here for you.”

Both of you sit there and talk amongst these beautiful dogs for the entire afternoon.

As the sun begins to go set you decide that it’s time to head home.

You get to your feet and take Aleira’s hand and the pack sense that you’re leaving; they head off towards the ferns. Before disappearing out of view they all take a glance back at you before finally entering the forest.

The drive home is full of conversation; Aleira is full of excitement like a child as she talks about what she’s experienced. The day out has been perfect and you can’t wait to get home so you can hold her in bed and tell her how much you love her.

You get home and it’s dark outside as you carry Aleira upstairs and lay her down on the bed. She looks up at you whilst biting her lip and pulls you in for a kiss. “That’s the best date I’ve ever been on; thank you so much for taking me. Would you like to make love to me again?”

The thought of this sounds more appealing than ever as you get undressed and fit the largest dildo in her collection to your body. You make love as Aleira climaxes over and over again; the fact that you’re locked in chastity doesn’t enter your mind once as you see the look of pleasure on her face.

She climaxes for the final time and you lay by the side of her completely exhausted. You lean in and give her a kiss as she wraps her body around you and holds you tight. “I love you Aleira and I always will; sleep well beautiful.”

You both close your eyes and it doesn’t take long before you’re in a deep sleep.

You open your eyes and the sun is shining on your face; you’re not sure what time it is but you don’t really care either. Aleira isn’t in the bed which seems unusual to you but she’s probably downstairs doing something.

You put your clothes on and walk downstairs; you call for Aleira but there’s no answer. As you walk into the kitchen there’s a handwritten letter on the table and it’s addressed to you. After examining the envelope you open it and read it’s contents.


The time we’ve spent together has been amazing and I’ve never met a guy who has made me feel so special. I will never forget how you’ve treated me and I will always appreciate you for it. Yesterday was one of the best days I’ve ever had in my life and I wish I could spend every day like that with you. You’re an amazing person.

I have to confess something to you though and if I could tell you to your face without crying believe me I would. I can barely hold myself together as I write this however so I think it’s best to let you know this way. I’ve been madly in love with you ever since Rose first introduced you to me over a year ago; it pains me to see you with her as she doesn’t deserve you. My sister has always been a bitch and I’ve always hated her. 

She’s stolen every single one of my boyfriends from me and she ended up marrying you. I’ve been a fool to think you could genuinely fall in love with me after the way I’ve been treating you. I know my sister is more beautiful than me and your heart belongs to her; this kills me inside and I can’t take the pain any longer so I’ve decided to walk away.

Rose called this morning and said she is on her way home; her and Rob have split up and she wants to make things up to you. I know as you read this you’re probably overjoyed that Rose is coming back to you and that I’m gone.

I’m so sorry for the way I treated you on your wedding day and how I’ve spoken to you recently. I was just so upset that you’d married her instead of me; I know this doesn’t excuse my behaviour and I can’t expect anything from you. 

I’m a horrible person.

I hope that Rose begins to treat you with respect and you both have a happy life together. I can’t believe it’s come to this but I know you wouldn’t choose me over Rose and I wouldn’t blame you either. This is goodbye and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

I’ve written you a poem which I hope you will like. It’s pathetic I know; I’m like a teenager in love again. My life will never be the same after what I’ve experienced with you. I know I don’t deserve to request anything of you but please don’t show this letter to my sister. It’s meant for you and you alone.

I’m leaving now Jake; take care of yourself and I hope you can forgive me one day.

I love you x

You collapse into the chair as the breath feels like it’s been knocked out of your lungs. You read the poem that Aleira has written to you; her handwriting is perfect and you can tell she’s taken care whilst writing it.

A beautiful silence is all that is needed,
To touch someone’s heart my guilt is remitted, 
Everyone longs for someone to hold, 
Made to feel special, with a love that’s untold

How do I feel whilst I sit and I write, 
This poem to you with tears that I fight, 
A feeling of sadness it’s an honest confession, 
It’s hard to describe the feelings I mention

It can mean nothing and not touch a soul, 
Often I cry with a heart made of stone,
How would it feel for someone to say, 
I wrote this for you with love from today 

Some may feel guilt though that doesn’t matter, 
Or maybe it does and love will come later, 
So many refrain from being themselves, 
For they have been hurt as their beating heart melts 

I’m searching for truth as I don’t understand, 
I’m still just a girl in love with a man, 
How to prepare for the day that will come, 
To give up my freedom and love only one

A sense of belonging will sweep me I’m sure, 
To be there and feel needed with a heart that’s so pure, 
I pray you don’t laugh when you sit and read this, 
It’s just how I feel as it’s you I will miss

I don’t understand what it’s like to be loved, 
One day I will and my heart will be moved,
I hope you will love me and that I’ve succeeded,
For your heart alone is all I’ve ever needed

Tears stream down your face as you read the letter and the poem once more and you rush to the phone in the living room. You dial Aleira’s mobile but it goes straight to voice mail.

You slam the phone down on the table in frustration and burst into tears.

The thought of never being able to see her again makes you feel guilt; all this time she’s been in love with you and you’ve been pining after Rose like a puppy dog.

The key sounds in the door and you rush to it whilst drying your eyes. You hope its Aleira; you hope she’s come back and changed her mind.

The door opens and your heart sinks; It’s Rose.

Rose sits in the living room with you; there’s silence for a while as you wait for her to say something.

“Look baby; I’m so sorry for the way I treated you. To cheat on you with Rob like that was a huge mistake. I should never have done it; I was being a total bitch and I promise I’ll never treat you like that again. It’s okay though; he didn’t get me pregnant and I realised while I was out there how much I was still in love with you. I’ve made a mistake and I want so badly to make up for it; do you think you can forgive me baby?”

You sit there with an empty look on your face; her words are like distant echoes and the only person you can think about is Aleira.

Rose walks over to you and gets on her knees; she shows you the key on her necklace. “I’m going to unlock you from the chastity device sweetie and then I’m going to make love to you; I want to show you how sorry I am. I want you to get me pregnant so that we can start a family.”

She unzips your flies and pulls out the chastity belt. Quickly she notices the super glue over the lock. “Oh my god! Did Aleira do this to you? I can’t believe it; she did didn’t she? What a bitch I swear I’m going to kill her.”

You’ve had enough and stand up. “No Rose! Aleira isn’t the bitch in all this; you’re the bitch. The way you treated me like I was nothing this whole time! The way you threatened me; all of the threatening texts from Rob’s friends! You made me feel like a piece of shit ever since you admitted that you’d been cheating on me.” Rose has never seen you like this and she freezes up.

“Now that Rob’s finally got bored of you; here you are running back to me like a cheap hooker expecting everything to be okay? Well it’s not okay. Since you’ve been away with Rob I’ve fallen out of love with you; I was an idiot to fall in love with you in the first place.”

Rose interrupts you and tries to kiss you but you push her away. “Please baby! I’m sorry okay; I’ve made a mistake and I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Please don’t say you’re not in love with me any more; you’ll break my heart.” She begins to sob as the tears run down her face; you feel no sympathy whatsoever. You’ve finally seen the woman who you fell in love with for who she really is; a shallow person who only cares about herself.

“I’m not in love with you any more Rose; I’m in love with Aleira. I’ve had a better time with her since you’ve been away fucking Rob than I’ve ever had with you. She left this morning without even saying goodbye and it broke my heart, I felt no joy or love for you when I saw you standing there in the doorway. I want you to pack up your things and leave this house! Get out of my life and leave me alone.”

Rose stands there in tears and begs you to forgive her but you don’t. You drag her to the front door and slam it shut in her face. You can hear her running away from the house wailing like a child.

You don’t care about her though; you just wish Aleira would walk through the door and come back to you.

You pour yourself a large glass of whiskey and take a gulp before sitting in the armchair. Staring at the wall and feeling empty inside; it’s like your heart has been ripped out of your chest.

The sun is shining but you feel no warmth as the thought of life without Aleira feels empty.

Published 10 years ago

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