Rolling over to him
Feeling his hands on my body
Making me feel so good
As we lose ourselves together
Feeling his hands on my body
Making me feel so good
As we lose ourselves together
Lips on lips
Hip to hip
Fit together so well
Should be in heaven
but I’m in hell
Thoughts linger to another place
Another time
Another face
Other hands are holding me
The feeling is pure ecstasy
He loves me I know
And I love him too
But all I can do today
Is fuck him and think of you
Will I ever learn to forget?
Move on
Live more
Regret less
Until then he understands
I really don’t deserve this man
Who loves me knowing I love you
He takes what I have to give
Small pieces of me are enough for him
In my heart
I feel untrue
Laying with him
And still thinking of you