"It's a fact of life"

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Unless you hide yourself away
You’ll likely meet one on most days
You know the kind – they seem quite nice
If not, then they are harmless types

You share a laugh, a latte, lunch
Or if online, you talk enough
That you think this person’s cool
And you’re no rube
You’re no one’s fool

They share with you their history
You start to wonder “can it be?”
That your new beau, a decent sort
Can hate so many known before?

All the priors were such sleazes
All the friends were backstabbing
But you, you are a shining star
You are adored!
You’ve won their heart!

And then things get a little weird
They pull away, don’t want you near
Don’t take your calls
Ignore your texts
You feel confused, and you’re upset

Of course you wonder what you did
But they keep that reason hid
You rack your brain
What did you say,
To have them freaking act this way?

Chances are, you’ll never learn
The reason for which you were spurned
That made your beau just run away
As if you set their house ablaze

But please take heart
Don’t blame yourself
Here’s something that I need to tell:
The sad truth is
Some people, plainly
Simply Can’t Control The Crazy.

Published 10 years ago

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