Will I Regret this, Tomorrow – Part V

"Beverly, stepping outside of her marriage for the first time, encounters the other wife,"

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Again the voice inquired through the hotel door “JIMMMY, can I come in now? I feel very stupid standing out here in the hall knocking on this door. Open it. Now!”

Pointing at the door, Beverly again demanded an explanation. “You brought your wife? Why would you bring your wife?”

“Please, Beverly,” Jim begged. “Please wait a second.”

Beverly, not waiting for his reply, stood up and moved towards the bedroom.
Beverly’s bare legs, while walking on her toes away from him, drew Jim’s attention to the cute butt that she had teased him with so many times online. Even with Beverly upset, and through all the tension in the room, he felt his cock twitch with renewed desire.

“Wait for what?” demanded Beverly standing in the doorway. She was both angry at the interruption of her teased state and embarrassed she had not climaxed with his firm dick inside her. Even through her anger she took notice of his thick, semi erect, cock. It seemed to reach out to the simmering desire in her pussy.

“Beverly, please…” Jim pleaded. “You really don’t remember our ad?”

Jim could not move. He was trapped between the woman he desired, now moving into the bedroom, and the woman who owned him. She was urgently demanding his attention at the hotel door.

His decision was made for him as his attention was drawn back towards the door by another rapid Knock… “Jimmy? Damn you!” Knock… Knock

Turning his back towards Beverly, and the closing bedroom door, he resigned himself to the end of his pleasure. He stood up and groaned loudly one last plea. “Beverly… I’m sure we made it very, very, clear”

Beverly sobbed through the now closed door “Aren’t you listening? What fucking ad? What ‘we’?”

Without another word Jim moved across the room and unlatched the door.

“Where is she?” Joan demanded, as she blew into the room. She barley took notice that Jim was naked, or that their combined cum was drying up on his semi-swollen cock head.

Joan reminded Jim of a Doberman, strong; powerful and intense. Her sharp nose lifted slightly to draw in the scent of their lingering sex. Her searching eyes, wide with expectation, quickly surveyed the room. Finding it empty of her prey she crooked her neck sideways. It was her way of dismissing the naked husband before her. Jimmy hung his head in submission as his cock shriveled to child like proportions. 

“In the bedroom,” replied the now submissive Jimmy. “Joan, I think she is crying.” He then sat down, dejected and naked on the couch.

Joan stood in front of Jimmy with her thin legs far apart. Her tiny feet, encased by 4″ CFM heels, were planted firmly on either side of his legs. Jimmy just stared apprehensively at her long, sharp, bright red nails as her hands came to rest disapprovingly on her hips. Joan was wearing her favorite tight fitting short, black leather skirt, that made her thin legs look like those of a stick figure.

He knew Joan never wore underwear for an encounter. He assumed the delay, and their lustful sounds escaping through the walls, had sent her juices flowing down her inner thigh. Even now he could smell her heat. He was tempted, if for only split second, to reach out and wipe her juices onto his palm. He loved the feel of her slick lubrication on his his cockhead. Jimmy fondly remembered their last encounter with Sarah. The sight of those long red nails, disappearing in and out of her smooth shaved pussy had been like passion daggers that had been set on fire.

Joan’s square jaw pointed down and towards him. With an almost unnatural bend of her body, her long, thin, ash-white neck projected a lifeless mannequin pose. If Joan had any breasts they would be hanging out of the thin silk white blouse she had chosen that day. Unfortunately, even though bra-less and with half the buttons undone, all that was exposed was her flat chest with a bare hint of rose colored nipples resting upon lemon size breasts.

Trapped by her radiating disappointment, Jimmy instantly felt he was back in high school. He was flooded with conflicting memories of being in the principals office with the forty-something Mrs. Williams. She, like Joan, had no figure to speak of. Both had thin tight red lips and jet black hair held back in a tight bun. Both ladies, his first lover and then his lifetime partner, were experts at jerking his cock ’til his balls were drained. They knew the trick of inserting a finger into his anus at just the right minute to send his hot seed spraying across their faces and small nipples. They also had other common traits, such as they never took him deep into their mouth. Neither woman ever seemed to enjoy the times they had together. It was just something “dirty” they both had done, and still did, to control their “cute little boy”.

Mrs. Williams, like his wife, had been more interested in meeting the girls he dated. She was always willing to provide them expert instructions on how to be “pleased by men”.

Although he was buffeted by the scolding Joan was giving him, his thoughts, and the attention of his reawaking cock, were on the women from his past and the buxom lady waiting in the other room.

“Look at you,” Joan waved her accusatory hand towards his again semi-flaccid manhood.

“You could not wait?” Joan’s voice was harsh. Her stern face was one she used when she caught him in a great lie.

Shaking her head sharply she looked at him for a response. His submissive silence only served to make her more angry.

Joan continued her lecture “You just had to get off first, right? You disgust me! You have no fucking control.”

She continued by pointing towards the now closed bedroom door with her shoe. “Did you forget? We agreed, after last time, only a taste of her alone!”

“But… but… Joan…” his stammered offer of an excuse was quickly cut off by her sharp look.

Turning away Joan commanded and then dismissed him. “Sit there and do not do, or say, anything, till I tell you otherwise.”

As she studied the door, while deciding her approach, Joan added “If you need something to do, play with …. yourself, but Do Not Cum!”

Jimmy continued to stare at the floor in front of him while Joan quickly crossed the room to the now closed bedroom door.

“Rap… rap… rap… Beverly? It’s Joan, can I come in sweetheart?” Joan leaned on the door hoping her weight would push it open.

“Nooooo. Go away,” sobbed Beverly as she pulled her legs up to cover her naked breasts and cum covered sex.

“Please,” Joan continued “Please… talk…” Suddenly then door gave way and Joan stumbled into the room, just as she had intended. “Shit” she cried as she hit the edge of the bed, just catching herself before she fell on top of the surprised and naked Beverly.

“Are you all right?” asked the concerned Beverly who had reached out by reflex to help steady the intruder. She had not thought to latch the door when she fled into the room.

Joan, faking her injury as she sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her ankle, feigning a potential sprain.

“No, actually I’m not.” After a moment of inspection she then added “I think this is going to hurt tomorrow.”

Nodding towards the door she called out, “Jimmy, I’m fine darling, don’t worry about me… you shit! Just sit there useless, like you always do!”

Beverly, taken aback by Joan’s tone, asked, “Why are you yelling at Jim?”

“Jim? You call him Jim? Jim is a man’s name. That little boy is called Jimmy. If you must know, I’m mad at him for ignoring me, and for hurting you!”

Joan continued to rub her ankle, and grimaced in her fake pain as she carefully eyed the beauty just a few feet from her. The sight of Beverly’s large breasts and wide hips was making her tingle inside. Jimmy, who remained in the other room, was playing his part by acting like an uncaring drone, just as she intended to portray him.

Joan looked past the drying cum on Beverly’s ample breasts and soft cheeks. She resisted the urge to lean forward to lick the beauty before her. Instead she pointed at the cum covered breasts with her free hand saying, “We should really clean you up.”

She had wanted Beverly in the worst way ever since Jimmy found her online. Joan recalled how eagerly Beverly had responded to one of his “pathetic, erotic, romance stories”. As Joan drank in the smell of Beverly’s sex, she could see that Beverly was turning over in her mind Joan’s words. Joan was excited. She knew from experience she just had to let things progress at a slow controlled pace.

Watching Joan rub her ankle Beverly relaxed a bit. She was accepting the situation that the injured intruder was not going to be leaving her alone soon.

After several minutes of silence Beverly, her arms moving away from her breasts in exasperation, blurted out, “I just don’t understand.”

Joan had to control a shudder of desire as she got her first close glimpse of the ample breast, and sweet nipples, she had been dreaming about since she first saw Bev naked on cam.

She thought to herself shamelessly, “Now, if I could only get a clear shot of the freshly shaved pussy…”.

“What don’t you understand?” Joan asked softly. She had brought her injured ankle onto the bed so that she could pretend to inspect it, while more directly drinking in the sight of the naked Beverly. 

“Why you are here?” replied Beverly. “Jim, err, Jimmy, never said anything about you. I do not have sex with woman. Hell, I’ve hardly had sex with men!”

Putting on her most pitiful face Joan turned to face Beverly. “You really don’t know why I’m here? Well, I will show you why I’m here.” Before Beverly could protest, Joan turned to squarely face her. She startled Bev as she ripped open the remaining buttons to spread her white satin blouse wide in the air.

Holding the two sides apart Joan looked down, and demanded in a husky voice “What do you see?”

“It’s ok,” she continued “I know what I look like. Tell me, what do you see?”

Beverly, who could not remember not having tits that the boys all wanted to see, could only stare at the small offerings before her. She mumble, “Small tits?”

Joan croaked a laugh. “Small tits?” Cupping her tiny breast easily within the palms of her hands she made them completely disappear. With a convincing frown she added, “Honey, these are not small tits, they are non-tits.”

“I still do not understand,” replied Bev. “You are here, because you have small breasts?”

“No!” replied Joan. “You still don’t get it.” Still covering her tiny mounds Joan motioned towards Bev with her elbows. “Ok, now you.”

Beverly got the idea and wrapped her small hands under each breasts. Her long fingers just barely covered her wide pink areolas. Her thick nipples continued to protrude.

Staring straight at the offered breasts Joan continued, “That is one of the reasons I’m here.” Joan, rubbing her hands up and down, seemed almost to cry as the friction had no noticeable effect on her tiny nipples. She smiled inwardly at Bev’s emphatic frown. She just had to make her point abundantly clear.

Seeing the continued question on Bev’s face Joan drank in the view of Beverly’s lifted breasts and explained very slowly. “I’m not here because I have small tits. I’m here because you have big and firm ones. They are just the size my so-called husband, and lover, desires!”

In the other room Jim/Jimmy was picturing the two women together, contrasting their breasts and their tasty nipples. Joan was a master at this part of the game. He began to slowly squeeze and stroke his cock preparing himself for what was to come, sooner or latter.

Back in the bedroom, as the light came on in Beverly’s eyes, Joan lied fast and poured it on thick. “I love my husband. I do not want to lose him. If that means sharing him with big boobs, like yours, I will do it… to… to, save my marriage!”

“Oh my GAWD!” Beverly cried her hands flying from her heavy breasts to either side of her head as if it were about to explode.

“There is more,” Joan added quickly and as she pulled both her legs up on the bed, the points of her shoes coming to rest between Beverly’s legs.

“More?” asked Beverly, now completely off her mental balance.

“Yes more.” Planting her heels into the covers Joan scooted towards Beverly to bring her knees up high.
Spreading her legs wide Joan looked down at her open sex and asked “Now, what do you see?”

Beverly, caught unprepared, shyly looked away. She was half afraid a long thin cock was awaiting her discovery. When Joan did not move, or say anything more, Bev stole a glance back at her. Joan caught Beverly looking between her spread legs. She deftly leaned back on one hand, while she moved the other down between the apex of her thighs. Her right index and middle fingers slide across her smooth hairless pussy and spread her tiny slit open. As she drew her fingers back, and up, she pulled the tiny folds aside to expose a very small and very narrow pink passage, wet and slick with her desire.

“Think of that fat cock you just enjoyed” demanded Joan as she slipped one long thin red nail slowly, very slowly, into her tiny slit.

Jim/Jimmy hearing these words knew exactly what Joan was doing. He loved this part where Joan introduced herself as the “virgin wife”, unable to meet the sexual needs of her husband. The reality was his wife loved pussy as much as he did. His cockhead swelled more as his brain sent signals they were getting closer.

Beverly had never closely examined the sex of any other woman. She’d always had extremely full lips and had assumed everyone else did. She never imagined a pussy, especially one belonging to a 40 something woman, could look so virginal. She was transfixed as Joan continued to press, twist, turn and push her one thin finger, till it was embedded deep in her sex.

Joan looked up at Beverly just as her palm came to rest across her tiny clit. Slowly stroking herself with a slight up and down, then in and out, motion Joan asked “Do you think there is any way that fat cock can fit in here?”

Beverly just shook her head no, then added softly, “I told you I have never been interested in sex with a woman.”

“Oh, really?” Joan breath quickened, as she continued to stimulate her sex, excited by the attentive audience she had so long desired.

Pressing her finger back deep, and hard, inside Joan remarked, “Do you remember the day you were camming with Jimmy using the clear white glass dildo: the one with the little glass nubs?”

“Yes, why?” replied Beverly, not taking her eyes off Joan masturbating herself.

Jim/Jimmy had slipped into the doorway unnoticed. Seeing the two ladies, spread eagle, completed the rush of blood to his swollen member. Stroking himself slowly he envisioned Beverly, soon to be impaled upon his thick cock, warm and tight, in a reverse cow girl position. Joan would then take up her favorite position, underneath the spread legs, to lick and tease Bev’s fully exposed clit.

Joan continued. “Do you remember when his cam went out but he continued with the explicit text instructions? Do you remember how he expertly instructed you how to rub it against your clit and then send it deep inside your pussy to press against your G-spot?”

Before Bev could answer, Joan, now breathing faster, continued. “Do you remember how he told you how you could grab it with your Kegel muscles, and how to hold on to it, as you slowly withdrew it?”

“Yes, yes and yes,” answered Beverly as she looked up and noticed the sweat forming above Joan’s upper lip.

Their eyes locked. Joan worked her finger deep, and fast, as she went on. “I’m now remembering when you pressed the glass dick deep inside. Then you inserted the little black anal plug firmly in your tight ass. I remember that, as you neared your climax, you drew your left nipple into your mouth.” The color drained from Beverly’s face as Joan smiled, licked her lips, and continued. “Do you remember your legs shaking as you were screaming out to Jimmy how that was “The BEST Fucking cum” of your life?”

Yes” replied Beverly. She could clearly see the glistening juices covering Joan’s finger and she felt the stirring deep inside herself as she recalled the details of that deep climax.

Jim had slipped into the room. His thick cock was now close to Beverly’s mouth.

Joan suddenly fell on her back, ramrod stiff, her legs clamped tightly around her hand. The long, thin, black heel of her right shoe slide forward coming into contact with the sex of a very surprised Beverly.

Suddenly, a very wet, Beverly was impaled by the right leather clad heel. One shake of Joan’s leg brought the smooth leather sole to press upon her inflamed clit. The other leg crossed over Bev, preventing her from moving away.

Teased in ways she had not thought possible, and taking note of the quickening pace of Joan’s finger, Beverly reached for, and stroked, the offered cock. Her gaze, hazed by the pulsating tease rising within her, was fixated on the undulating Joan. “Joan?” she softly asked “Joan, were you watching us?”

“No!”shouted Joan suddenly, as her climax neared, “that was ME… mmmmmm… ahhh… Meee… oh shit… me… fucking… Y O U!”

Joan’s exploding climax caused her to lift her heel deep inside Beverly and press the toe firmly upon Beverly’s swollen clit. The pressure on her G-spot caused Bev to grab the shoe with her free hand. She lifted herself off the bed to grind against her inflamed clit, finally sending herself over the edge. “Oh… my… Gawd!” screamed Beverly. “Finally!”

Jim, aroused by the erotic sight before him, responded to Beverly hard yanking on his cock to once again cover Beverly’s hand and breast, as well as Joan’s legs and her shoe, with hot, thick, ropes of cum. Spent, his legs then buckled, toppling him on top of the impaled ladies.

To be continued……………….

Published 10 years ago

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