SissyMandy – Two Little Whores

"Marci and I become sisters as I fall deeper into the sissy lifestyle"

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A month ago, I would have been pissed about Mistress branding the word ‘SISSY’ on my lower back. But I’m so hopelessly devoted to her now that I’ll mindlessly accept anything she decides to do with me. What I mean by hopeless is that I’ve become so submissive to her that she now controls my every thought.

On the beach, Mistress covered the parts of my skin she wanted to remain lily-white while tanning the rest of my body a nice shade of bronze. So now, white sissy triangles accent my puffy nipples and I have a sexy white bikini bottom. And of course, the word ‘SISSY’ is prominently branded in white-skinned letters on my lower back.

I’ve had such a wonderful time at this sissy resort, Laguna d’Amour, that I don’t think I can ever be the same. After spending the night with Rob, I’m totally in love with sissy-sex and happy to be his bitch. It just sends chills up my spine the way the men look at me and desire me here.

Since this is our last night, Mistress says she plans on me getting lots of sex tonight. I’m hoping that means sleeping with Rob again, so it’s no wonder I’m all psyched-up, walking between Mistress and Rob as we head down to the dining room for dinner.

Mistress has me looking the best I’ve ever looked. She made up my face with dark, seductive eyes, and colored my ‘cocksucker’ lips in the hottest shade of candy-apple-red lipstick. About all my tiny, glitter-gold mini-skirt covers are my black-laced panties. The way my butt cheeks leak out the bottom, it can’t be much more than twelve inches long. It makes me want to wiggle my sissy ass with every step I take in my high heels.

My bare nipples are clearly visible under my transparent, cropped-top blouse. They’re puffy and stick out about an inch after being constantly under suction cups the past month or so. With bare skin between my skirt and blouse, everyone can clearly see the word ‘SISSY’ branded on my back and my bare stomach in front.

It amazes me how Mistress can make me look like a completely different girl with makeup and sexy clothes. She intentionally dressed me up for display tonight, with my gold-colored collar advertising me as available for sucking or fucking.


This being Saturday night, the dining room is full as I stand in the crowd beside Rob, while Mistress goes to put our name on the waiting list for a table.

“This place is packed,” I say to Rob.

“It’s always packed on Saturday nights. Everyone’s here looking to get laid.”

“I hope I get laid again tonight… by you.”

“I think your Mistress has other plans for you tonight.”

“You mean like selling me to someone?”

“She’s probably looking to sell you into a threesome. She wants to see how you do with multiple men.”

Just then, someone taps on my shoulder. “Hi, Mandy,” a squeaky voice I recognize says.

I turn around, and there’s Marci, the cute sissy I keep running into.

“Hi, Marci!” I excitedly say. “Our paths have crossed again.”

“Beauty attracts beauty,” she giggles. “You look hotter than fuck.”

“Ooooo…” I giggle, “you look hotter than me.”

“Master…” she turns to the man she’s with, “this is Mandy, the sissy I was telling you about. Mandy… this is Jeremy, my Master.”

“Hello, sir, nice to meet you.”

“Hello, Mandy. You’re as cute as Marci told me you were.”

“Thank you, sir.”

He then turns to Rob, “Are you her Master?”

“No, just a friend.”

“My BOY-friend,” I quickly point out.

“Okay,” Rob grins, “her boyfriend. Mandy’s owner is Mistress Brenda. She’s getting our name on the waiting list right now.”

“I better do that myself,” Jeremy says. “Marci’s scheduled for a gang bang tonight, so we don’t have that much time for dinner. Is Mandy booked up yet?”

“Not yet. I think Brenda’s planning on working the tables to get a threesome or something set up for her.”

“It shouldn’t be too hard to rent that little bitch out. She’s a cutie.”

“That she is. She’s got a tight little ass, too.”

“Well,” Brenda says as she rejoins us, “they say about a forty-five-minute wait for a table.”

“Shit,” Jeremy sighs, “I better get my name on the list.”

“Oh, Brenda…” Rob introduces, “this is Jeremy. He’s Marci’s Master, the sissy over there with Mandy.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Jeremy,” Brenda offers her hand, “I’ve heard a lot about Marci. Word has it that she’s a hot little gangbanger.”

“She certainly is,” Jeremy kisses Brenda’s hand. “Marci’s the best sissy I’ve ever trained. Yours is a little hottie, too. How long have you had her?”

“About two months now. This is the first time I’ve brought her here.”

“Only two months? She looks like she’s been in the lifestyle a lot longer than that. I’m impressed.”

“I just had her bred last night for the first time.”

“Did she like it?”

“Of course. Once a sissy feels a bare cock up her ass, she’s hooked for life. I’m hoping to pimp her out tonight.”

“It took six months to get Marci ready to trick for me, but now the little bitch can’t get enough cock. She’s been a good money-maker.”

“I bet. You’ve really turned her into a beautiful sissy.”


Marci and I have been talking about sissy stuff and telling each other how cute we both look. It’s the first time I’ve actually talked with another sissy, and I must say; I’m having a lot of fun being with someone just like me. We seem to have a lot in common, and Marci certainly isn’t shy about touching my ass.

“Did it hurt when you got your nipples pierced?” I ask.

“They were sore for a while, but it was worth it. Master wanted it done.”

“Mistress says she’s gonna get mine pierced when we get home. I’m a little scared about it.”

“Don’t be. You’ll feel twice as sexy. It’s a good way to show off your tits without having to take heavy hormones.”

“I won’t really have a choice in the matter. Mistress makes all my decisions in that regard.”

“That’s what’s so great about being a sissy! Having someone else making decisions on our behalf, so all we have to do is dress up and fuck. It’s all I ever think about, dressing up and having sex.”

“I’m starting to think that way. I’ve been screwed so many times this weekend that I’ve lost count.”

“When you can’t remember how many cocks you’ve had, that’s when you know you’ve been a good sissy.”


Just then the hostess announces a table open for six, if any smaller parties want to double up. “Would you like to join us?” Brenda asks Jeremy.

“I sure would,” Jeremy accepts, “if you don’t mind me drooling over your hot sissy.”

“Looks like your sissy likes my sissy,” Brenda notices Marci and me flirting.

“They seem to be getting along well,” Rob adds.

“Come along girls,” Brenda snaps her finger, “we’ll be dining together.”

“Oh, goodie!” Marci jumps up and down. “C’mon Mandy, you wanna sit next to each other?”

“For sure!”

I love how Marci’s showing off her ass as we walk into the dining room. I notice how she’s putting one foot directly in front of the other, while letting each side of her hips fall as she prances in front of me in six-inch heels. It feels so cool when I mimic her to make my ass wiggle like hers! Walking like a slut behind another obvious slut feels hotter than hell!

“You like my ass?” she whispers as we take our seats.

“Oooooh yeah!” I smile approvingly.

“So…” Brenda asks Jeremy, “where do you and Marci live?”

“I have a house in Marin. How about you?”

“We’re from Sacramento, and Rob lives in Carmel. I’ve seen Marci a few times, do you bring her here often?”

“I bring Marci about once a month, sometimes more if I haven’t pimped her for a party in the Bay Area.”

“I’ll probably bring Mandy here a few times before I turn her into a party slut.”

“So you’re not pimping out her yet?”

“I’ve started pimping her for blow jobs, and I’d like to put her in bed with a couple guys to see how she does. She did fine with two guys this morning, but I don’t consider that dating experience.”

“Listen…” Jeremy says, “Marci’s gonna do a gang bang tonight, and I had way more guys wanting in on it than she can comfortably handle. If you’re interested in putting Mandy on the bed with her, I can text those guys back.”

“How many?”

“Marci likes taking on four or five, and I can get at least three or four more. It’s $300 apiece, so if I can get eight, that would give us $2400 to split.”

“Can Rob join in for free?”

“Of course, he’s her boyfriend, right?”

“Well, he started out as the breeder, but Mandy ended up falling in love with him, so now he’s her boyfriend, too. He’s a great stud.”

“Marci loves studs. So… are you in?”

“Mandy, darling,” Brenda speaks to me, “would you like to join Marci and her friends after dinner for some fun sex?”

Right after she asks the question she loudly snaps her finger, to which I automatically say, without even thinking, “Yes, Mistress, if that’s what you’d like me to do.”

“Good, I thought you’d agree.”

“We’re in,” she tells Jeremy.

“What do you think about that, Marci?” Jeremy says, “Mandy’s gonna be your fuck-mate tonight.”

“Oh, Master..!” Marci responds with giggles, “I’d love to be on the bed with Mandy. You’re so good to me, Master!”

Marci immediately scootches her chair right next to mine. She kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear, “We’re gonna fuckfuckfuckfuck together! Isn’t that hot…?”

“Ummmm… I think so.”

“I know you’re a rookie. Have you ever done anything like this before?”

“Well, the first time I had real dick, Mistress tricked me into a gang bang at a hotel. I was blindfolded, but I think there were three or four guys there, I’m not sure.”

“Rubbers or bareback?”


“Then it doesn’t count. With rubbers, you don’t get the cum and everything that comes with it.”

“Well, I got my first cum last night. I know I loved it.”

“Oh my God, Mandy,” Marci’s surprised, “I had no idea you were this new. I hope you’re not gonna freak out on me when the action starts. You need to get psyched up for this, girl.”

I feel Marci’s hand creeping up my thigh and under my skirt. “We need to get turned on to each other if we’re gonna gang bang together,” she giggles. “I think you’re hot. Do you think I’m hot?”

“Hell yes, I think you’re hot. It feels weird though, being turned on to another sissy.”

She takes my hand and puts it under her skirt. “Feel me, babe. Sissies turn on to each other all the time.”

She does feel hot between her legs, and my little clitty is getting as I run my hand along her thighs. She’s quick to wrap her fingers around my quivering clitty when she finds it.

“Oh, shit, girl…” she exclaims, “you’re not caged!”

“No, Mistress set me free for the weekend.”

“C’mon, girlfriend, let’s go to the sissy room.”

Sissies have separate bathrooms at this resort. I guess it’s their way of reminding us that we’re not equal to real men. Sissies aren’t allowed in the other bathrooms unless they’re about to perform a sexual act in a toilet stall, like when I sucked off that guy for Brenda before lunch.

“But I don’t have to go to the bathroom,” I say.

“We’re not going in there to pee. We’re going in there to get turned on!”

“Will you excuse us, Mistress?” I check with Brenda.

“Of course, honey. Go with Marci, but don’t have too much fun just yet. We still have to get you fed.”

“We won’t be long,” Marci tells Mistress as we get up to leave.

“Will they be okay?” Brenda asks Jeremy as we’re walking away.

“They’ll be fine. Marci’s probably gonna get her loaded. The more loaded they are, the better bitches they’ll be on the bed.”


As soon as we walk into the sissy bathroom, Marci slams me up against the wall and sinks her tongue into my mouth. I’m instantly turned on by her aggressiveness, and it doesn’t take but a few seconds before my tongue is burying itself in her mouth as well.

“You turn me on, you little whore!” Marci feels up my skirt, pressing her body into me and grabbing my cock under my panties.

I lift up her skirt, but instead of a cock, I grab onto a plastic cage. I don’t say anything about it, as we’re both heavily into kissing. My hard little clitty is giving me the shivers.

“I love how your cock feels, baby,” Marci bends over and kisses the tip. “You’re gonna fuck me with it before tomorrow morning.”

“You’d like that? My little dick?”

“I know I would! Sex with another sissy is the hottest sex I know. I actually like sissy cock better than stud cock, but I don’t get it often.”

“Fuck… I’ve never imagined sex with another sissy. It blows my mind how many new experiences I’ve had here.”

“You’re at Laguna d’Amour, baby. The sissy paradise of the world! I fuckin’ love it here.”

“Don’t you think we should be getting back?”

“In a second, babe,” she opens her clutch purse. “I want to give you one of these,” she holds out two pills in her palm.

“What is it?”

“Ecstasy, baby. Take one with me. I hardly ever gang bang without it.”

“You always get wasted when you fuck?”

“For gang bangs I do. It puts me out of my mind so I don’t have to think about what the guys are doing to me. Sometimes they wanna do weird stuff, and I’d rather not think about it when the weird shit happens.”

“What kind of weird shit?”

“You’ll find out. Just take the pill. Believe me, you’ll be thanking me in a couple hours.”

‘What the fuck?’ I think to myself. ‘I’ve taken ecstasy before, and it didn’t kill me. I even liked it… I think.’

I take a pill and swallow it as Marci swallows the other. We wash it down with water in our palms at the sink, giggling as we do.

“We’re sisters tonight,” Marci kisses me.

“I guess we are. I hope this is fun.”

“Believe me, babe, you’re gonna blow your fuckin’ mind!

“Cockcockcockcock… fuckfuckfuckfuck… say it with me.”

We both start saying it together, “Cockcockcockcock… fuckfuckfuckfuck…”

“That’s it, baby, keeping saying it to yourself from now until you get that first cock in your mouth. Psych yourself up for it, you fuckin’ whore! You’re a dirty, fuckin’ whore… just like me!”

“Cockcockcockcock… fuckfuckfuckfuck…” I say as we laugh in each other’s face.

“Cockcockcockcock… fuckfuckfuckfuck…” we’re both chanting as we leave the sissy bathroom.

I’m still thinking ‘Cockcockcockcock… fuckfuckfuckfuck…’ in my head as we return to our table.

Halfway through dinner, I’m starting to feel the ecstasy taking effect, and Marci must be feeling it too. We’re both running our fingers in between our legs and at one point, Marci reaches into the side of my panties, playing with my clitty and making me so hard.

Brenda’s smirking as she watches me giggle uncontrollably. “Feeling good over there, Mandy?” she asks, with me hardly even noticing and not responding, because my loaded mind is preoccupied with Marci.

“Looks like Marci got Mandy loaded,” Brenda giggles to Jeremy.

“I told you she would. She’s getting her psyched up for it. Those little bitches are gonna make us some money tonight.”

“That’s why we train them like we do,” Brenda laughs.

“Shall we take them up and admire our work?”


“Are you girls ready to party?” Brenda snaps her finger.

Marci and I look into each other’s glazed eyes, giggling, “Uh huh!”


Marci and I are grabbing each other’s butts on the elevator and giggling endlessly. I’m only thinking one thing, ‘Cockcockcockcock… fuckfuckfuckfuck…’

I’m still thinking it as we go into Jeremy’s suite and I find myself in an ambiance definitely designed for the ultimate sexual experience. His suite is almost twice the size of ours, with a huge round bed and mirrors on the ceiling above. There’s a living room area on the other side, with a couch and a love seat facing each other.

“Go get your pussies ready,” Jeremy tells Marci as soon as he closes the door. “Our guests will be arriving shortly.”

Marci grabs my arm and takes me giggling into the bathroom. She gets an enema kit out of her bag and tells me, “We have to do hygiene before we start.”

“I already cleaned myself before dinner.”

“Do it again. Your bowels are always moving. If anyone gets shit on their dick, you’ll be licking it off.”

Marci pumps herself with liquid and hands the tube to me without expelling. “Stick it as far up into yourself as you can. Then stand up when you’re half-full. Don’t push it out yet.”

I do as I’m told, injecting myself with the cleansing fluid and standing up. “Okay,” Marci says, “now jump up and down to slosh it around. It’s the best way to get everything squeaky clean.”

We’re both laughing like pre-teen girls as we jump together, stopping to kiss each other couple times. I’m surprised when I expel the liquid and it’s not perfectly clear. Marci has just taught me a lesson every sissy needs to know.

We rinse ourselves a couple more times, and after I’m perfectly clean down there, she tells me to bend over with my hands on the toilet seat. She then sticks a syringe up my ass, injecting me with a healthy dose of lube before injecting herself.

We pull up our panties, but remove our skirts before leaving the bathroom to find Rob and Jeremy sitting on the couch, with Brenda on the love seat.

“Come here, Mandy,” Brenda says.

“You too, Marci,” Jeremy orders her to kneel in front of Rob. “Suck his cock, bitch!”

“Mandy, darling,” Mistress sweetly says in stark contrast to Jeremy’s masochistic demeanor, “Master Jeremy would like his cock sucked. You’d love to do it for him, wouldn’t you?”

“Kneel,” Mistress snaps her finger in my face, sending me into an erotic, ecstasy-induced trance as I kneel before her. “This is what I’ve trained you for, my darling,” she whispers. “This is what you were born to do. Go suck Master Jeremy and make Mistress proud of you.”

Marci’s already got Rob’s cock in her mouth as I turn around to see Jeremy grinning and pointing his finger at his crotch. I know what I’m supposed to do as I get on my hands and knees, wiggling my tongue seductively and crawling between his legs. The ecstasy burning in my brain makes me eager for it, desperate for it even, as I unzip him and pull out his manhood.

Jeremy has an impressive, circumcised cock, but not as big and impressive as Rob’s uncut beauty. I glance over at Marci, who’s totally devouring my boyfriend, his entire cock embedded in her mouth and down her throat.

As Jeremy’s cock touches my lips, I open my mouth to take in Marci’s Master. My sissy-brain, under the influence of ecstasy, starts flashing images of sissy-sex scenes I’ve watched so many times with Mistress. They’re so vivid and so real, with me right in the middle.

With the scent of Jeremy’s cock in my nose, my saliva coats his prick as his hands hold my head in place. “Be a good little cunt and do your job,” he laughs as his cock fills my mouth.

“You’re about to get an education,” he says as he pushes my head down and makes me gag.

“Take it, bitch!” he holds me down as I choke and try to get away. “Oh no, you don’t, slut! Keep it in your throat. Your body will give up the choking when you decide to accept it. Swallow me, whore!”

Tears are gushing out of my eyes and I’m writhing and squirming, hoping to be rescued by my Mistress. Brenda does up behind me, but not to rescue me.

“Relax, baby,” she says, “accept a man in your throat. You saw me do it this morning, so you know it can be done. Give up your resistance, honey, get out of your own way. You want this, you need this. Let it go, Mandy. Give your throat to your Master.”

I feel like I’m dying for the next minute as I struggle and gasp for air. Mistress continues holding me as images of deep-throating sissies flash in my brain. She soothes me and tells me to relax as Jeremy tells me I’m not getting off his cock until I accept my fate and become a deep-throater.

Gradually my throat relaxes and my choking gets milder. All the while, Mistress pets my head and runs her fingers up and down my throat. “That’s it, baby. See…? It’s not so bad once you decide to accept it.”

“Let her up for air,” she tells Jeremy, and I’m so glad she did.

My face is red and covered with tears as Mistress blots a Kleenex over my face before it smears my makeup. “There, there, child,” Mistress comforts me, “it’s time for you to grow up like every sissy has to do. Do you see how easily Marci’s deep-throating Rob’s big cock? I know my baby can do anything Marci can do. Am I right?”

“Yes, Mistress, you’re always right.”

“Okay, darling. Let’s try it again. All by yourself this time. Better get used to it now, because our guests will be here soon, and they’ll be demanding it.”

“Go ahead, Mandy,” she snaps her fingers in both ears. “Suck.” snap… “Suck.” snap

Like a beaten and defeated sex slave, I open my mouth again to take in Master’s cock. I’m determined to please Mistress, and I fear what Master might do if I don’t. I go down on him easily until my gag is touched again. I pause, only to hear Mistress, “Keep going.” snap… “You crave cock.” snap… “Suck!” snap… snap… snap…

With Mistress snapping her fingers in my ears, all I can focus on is my obsession to please her. I go deeper down on Master’s cock, pushing past my reflex and making my body accept it. I’m surprised after a few minutes when my gagging stops and I feel Master’s cockhead sliding up and down inside my throat.

It’s like fireworks going off in my sissy-brain as I bob my head faster, touching my lower lip to his balls every time I go down now.

‘I’m doing it… I’m doing it!’ I cheer myself on.

“Good, Mandy, good!” Mistress stops snapping her fingers as I start relaxing and able to enjoy this cock embedded deep in my throat.

It feels so awesome doing it, with Master telling me how good I’m doing. He pinches my titties after I’ve sucked him a while and tells me to sit on his cock. I eagerly crawl up on the couch and straddle him, taking his cock and pressing it into my hole. I glance over to see Marci already riding Rob and kissing him as she moves her ass up and down on him.

Eager to catch up, I press myself down on Master. It’s only a little painful with me controlling how fast I accept him. Once my pussy-hole relaxes around him, I slide him into my well-lubed cavern of pleasure.

My arms wrap around his neck while one of his hands grabs my ass and the other squeezes my nipple between two fingers. “Thank you, Master, for helping me with that.”

With his firm erection up my rear, his tongue invades my mouth as I touch my lips to his. My eyes are closed as I focus on my lust for cock. I rock my hips with my sissy hole clenched around Master’s cock, like we’re husband and wife making love.

Master’s orgasm sneaks up on him as he presses his lips to mine, moaning and grunting as he fills me with his load. I continue bouncing up and down on his pulsing organ as his cum warms my insides. By the time he’s spent, my legs are tired, but my ass is full of his seed, and it feels so awesome!

Like a good little cock-slut, I get back on my knees to lick his deflating penis clean.


Ten minutes later, there’s a knock at the door. Since Brenda’s the only one dressed below the waist, she answers it and invites three men inside. As the three men walk towards us, I notice two of them are white, probably in their mid-thirties with average builds. The other is a handsome Mexican, quite a bit older with a masculine, muscular build.

Marci’s already walking towards them on her knees. “Our guests are arriving,” Master tells me, “make yourself a useful slut and offer them your mouth.”

I get on the floor with Marci and we grin at each as the three men surround us. I reach up and caress the Mexican’s upper thighs and feel the hardness in his groin. He runs his fingers through my wig and caresses my face. As he slides his fingers between my red lips so I can suck on them, and I feel another guy groping my ass.

“How do you like ’em, boys?” Master asks.

“Two sexy sluts when we were only expecting one? You’re the King of Sluts!”

“Only Marci is mine,” Jeremy says. “The blonde slut belongs to Brenda over there. She’s off limits, but feel free to do anything with the two sissy whores you like. Take your time and enjoy yourselves. I know they will.”

The Mexican guy removes his shirt while the two white guys on either side of Marci unzip their pants. Marci reaches out with both hands and gropes each erection through their shorts. The men are eager to get things started, so they fish out their cocks and slap them against Marci’s face. Marci then parts her lips and sticks her tongue out as the two men stuff her mouth.

Meanwhile, another guy arrives as I’m swirling my tongue around the Mexican’s mushroom-shaped head, fondling his balls until the new guy grabs my wrist and puts my fingers around his cock. He’s just as thick as the Mexican’s nice cock, and maybe a little longer.

As I begin stroking the new guy, the Mexican grabs my wig, almost pulling it off as his bronze organ slides down my throat. This is when I feel grateful that Master worked with me earlier to get me past my gag because I’m not sure this guy would be very forgiving having a sissy-whore choking on his cock.

I look up and see the lust in his eyes. Feeling the same lust myself, I’m having trouble maintaining my coordination between sucking him and masturbating the new guy. When my hand stops moving, he moves his hips to fuck my hand. When I focus back on jacking him, I forget to bob my head and the Mexican grabs my wig, shoving his cock back down my throat as I struggle with my gagging again.

They take turns with my mouth over the next ten minutes until three more guys arrive and I’ve got men all around me. Spit’s dribbling down my chin and dripping onto my blouse, so I figure, ‘what the hell’ and just take it off. At this point, three of the men four men around me are naked and the fourth is stepping out of his jeans.

The Mexican grabs my waist and lifts me up into his arms. I wrap my legs around him as he presses his lips to mine, not caring that my mouth has been sucking on three other cocks. Carrying me over to the bed, I see Marci already there with her legs wide apart as she’s being fucked hard. The Mexican guy lays me down, pressing my legs to my chest. While the other two kneel beside me so I can alternate sucking on them, the Mexican pulls my panties off and sticks his tongue into my inviting sissy-hole.

I close my eyes and moan as Marci screams and moans beside me with a cock in her ass and mouth as she jacks off two others. My lips seal around the shaft in my own mouth as he thrusts in and out. Another guy pinches my nipples and slaps his organ on my cheek as he waits for his turn. As soon as I release the cock in my mouth, I hardly take a breath before he shoves his cock down my throat.

Someone then wraps his fingers around my clitty, shaking my genitals back and forth as I’m being fucked in the throat. “Oh God…!” I scream as he pulls his cock from my mouth. “Somebody please fuck me!”

“Hand me the lube,” the Mexican says. “I’m gonna fuck this bitch’s ass.”

He pours lube on my perineum, letting it run down my crack and over my hole. He laughs as he presses his cock into my crack before shoving it into me. Surprisingly, I have the presence of mind to relax and open myself up to the Mexican’s welcome invasion as I’m being throat-fucked. Luckily, Master opened me up before they got here, so it’s comfortable for me as he starts pumping into me. I moan loudly on the organ in my mouth as spit drips out of the corner of my mouth.

As the Mexican buries himself deeply into my rectum, the other guys trade places on my mouth to give a fourth guy his first turn. Having seen what my throat can take, he gets a little rough with me, holding my head in place while he pushes himself down my gullet. I gag just a little, involuntarily squeezing the Mexican’s cock as my hole clamps around him.

“That’s it, sissy-bitch…” he gives my ass a spank, “keep that hole nice and tight.”

Regaining some of my composure, I do what I was told as he quickens his pace. The guy who is balls-deep in my throat slaps my face a few times, mentally putting me in a place where I feel so helplessly vulnerable to these men.

The ecstasy is hitting me hard as I whimper on lust and sexual desire. Realizing that I’m nothing more than a set of holes for men’s pleasure, a wave of feminine submission washes over me as I accept being used for that very purpose.

With a cock in my pussy and cock in my hand, the cock in my mouth pulses violently as his cum shoots almost directly into my belly. I’m a little disappointed that I can’t taste any of it but also thrilled that I’ve experienced a cock cumming in my throat.

“How about sharing that sissy’s ass?” one of the guys says to the Mexican who just won’t cum.

“Let’s tie these two bitches together and get a train going,” another guy suggests. “Fuck ’em for five minutes, then we switch.”

The Mexican nods and pulls out of my ass. Before I even know what’s happening, they spin me around until my head is alongside Marci’s. “Hey, baby,” Marci says in a slurred voice, “are you digging this?”

“I’m fuckin’ loving this!”

“You’re a whore, Mandy!

“You are too!”

“I know! Now you know why I love it.”

“Oh yeah, I’m hooked now.”

“Shut up, bitches!” we both get our faces slapped. “Don’t talk, just suck!”

All of a sudden, we both have a cock in our mouth as our legs are pulled behind our heads and our ankles are tied together. For the next hour or so, the guys take turns fucking our vulnerable asses until one-by-one, they cum all over our faces after they’ve fucked themselves out.

Marci and I just lie there giggling, lapping at their warm, milky fluid as it runs down our cheeks. My tongue is coated with cum, pleasantly stimulating my tastebuds as I mingle with Marci’s tongue. This is by far the best sperm-eating experience I’ve ever had, and for a moment, I’m in complete bliss. My warm ass is glowing and I’m glaring into Marci’s glassy eyes, wondering if I look as wasted as her.

“Do you bitches want to take a shower?” the Mexican guy asks.

“Ask my Master,” Marci replies.

I’m so loaded and overwhelmed with sexual satisfaction, what they’re talking about completely goes over my head.

“Hey Jeremy,” the Mexican guy shouts, “can we give these bitches a shower?”

“You can for $200 a head,” Jeremy shouts back. “I’m giving you studs a group discount.”

“Is it worth it?” one of the guys asks.

“He charges $500 when you’ve got her alone. It’s less than half-price, so hell yes, I’m in.” another guy says.

My hamstring muscles are stretched beyond belief as we’re untied and our rubbery legs flop on the bed. My vision is blurry as I watch seven of the eight guys get their wallets and give Jeremy their cash.

“What’s going on?” I ask Marci.

“Just close your eyes when it happens and grit your teeth. It’ll be over before you know it.”

One guy is getting dressed to leave as the other guys pick us up and carry us into the bathroom, laughing all the way. They throw us in the shower and our legs are so weak after being tied up for an hour, we both collapse to our knees. Two guys get in with us and stick their limp dicks in our faces, which we eagerly gobble up.

The guys are totally spent after repeatedly fucking us so they’re unable to get hard, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying it. I’ve got my mouth filled with a nice soft cock when suddenly, I feel warm water splattering on my back. Marci squeezes my hand as the warm water runs down my crack and down my legs before the pungent odor filling the shower tells me I’m getting peed on.

‘Oh, fuuuuuck!’ I scream in my head, afraid to vocalize my disgust.

This is far worse than having Mistress pee on me, because I love Mistress. These guys have just used me as a fuck toy, which I loved, but pissing on me is a bridge too far – one I’ve already crossed. I’m a whore tonight, along with Marci, and they’re giving us the ultimate humiliation a whore can experience. I squeeze Marci’s hand, knowing that she’s hate-loving this degradation as much as I am.

The guy in my month steps back just a bit and releases his pungent yellow stream. At first, it lands on my forehead and on my closed eyes, but he quickly adjusts his aim and shoots right into my mouth. I swallow some of his salty juice before I can seal my lips as it rolls down my chest. I’m so glad I thought to remove my wig, because he then starts moving his cock around, making his seemingly never-ending stream land all over me. My face, my hair, and virtually every inch of my skin is covered in urine before the seven guys stop pissing on us.

It’s over as fast as it started. The guys laugh and say, “Thank you, bitches. You know your place now.”

As soon as the bathroom door closes, Marci jumps up and turns on the shower. She kneels down to kiss me as the shower water washes the pee down the drain and the disgusting odor of urine slowly goes away. “I fuckin’ HATE it when those assholes do that.”

“Why do they want to?” I ask with tears in my eyes.

“I guess paying for a whore makes them feel like Superman. Maybe that’s why we’re sissies. We’re not like them at all. I love their cocks and all, but I hate the way they act sometimes.”

“That was the most degrading feeling I’ve ever experienced.”

“It’s part of being a gangbanger, Mandy. Master makes them pay big-time for it, so I don’t have to do it often, and it’s usually over real fast. It’s over now, so let’s forget about it and enjoy a nice, hot shower. Let me wash you with sweet-smelling girlie soap, then you can wash me. We’re sisters tonight, and I hope we’ll stay sisters.”

“I’ll be your sister. After tonight, I’m a total sissy and I know I’ll always be one.”

“You’d think I’d have a lot of friends,” Marci sobs, “as popular as I am with the men around here. Master doesn’t encourage it, so really don’t have any sissy friends. I’ll give you my cell number and maybe we can text at night.”

“I’d like that,” I say as we kiss each other under the hot shower.

It would have felt weird kissing her like this a month ago. Sure, we’re sissies, but physically we’re two males pushing our bodies into each other like two lesbians. This would have been too gay for me to do a month ago, but I’ve changed so much since then. I’ve thrown my old values away as I slip deeper into the sissy lifestyle. And with Marci, in this moment, I’m getting my first real experience of true sissy love.

Published 3 years ago

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