Pamela Jensen was aged fifty-six and was a very successful businesswoman. She had initially worked her way up a company ladder before leaving to set up a company of her own, which was now booming.
She had always been ruthless and single-minded in her ambitions and had not acquired many friends with her approach but did get begrudging respect.
She treated her employees in much the same way and few of them liked her although they did respect her and the very generous pay awards that she gave them.
Pamela had never married but had had multiple sexual relationships with both sexes, some of them relatively long-term and some of them less so; some were just one-night-stands. She had nobody in particular in her sexual life at the moment.
She was an attractive woman and some of her employees, both male and female, fancied her but thought it best not to make any approach because of Pamela’s aloof attitude.
Pamela had recently berated an employee, twenty-seven-year-old Sunita Patel, for what Pamela had considered to be an error on Sunita’s part, but in due course Pamela discovered that the error was not Sunita’s.
The natural thing would maybe have been for Pamela to apologise to Sunita for the way that she had spoken to her and to assume that she had made the error, but Pamela did not want to be seen to be backing down.
Sunita had been initially upset by Pamela’s outburst and had considered quitting her job, but the monthly amount that went into her bank account, plus the fact that she thought Ms Jensen was hot, stopped her from doing that.
Pamela stewed for a while because her conscience was telling her that she had been wrong, but admitting that she was wrong would be, she thought, a sign of weakness and she did not want her staff thinking that she was weak in any way.
She could not settle and her mind went back to her school days. She had always been a confident girl and had always considered herself to be in the right, but an incident in her last year at school still rankled with her.
She was aged seventeen and was deputy head girl at an all-girls school. She thought that she should be the head girl but that was another story.
Pamela had been accused of bullying a sixteen-year-old girl and to this day Pamela did not see it as bullying, although she conceded to herself that others might see it as that.
She had been summoned to the headmistress’s study and given a choice of expulsion or a caning and the removal of her deputy head girl status. Pamela protested long and loud but it eventually became obvious that she would have to accept one or the other.
Expulsion would have her parents distraught and irate and her mother would no doubt apply her riding crop to Pamela’s bottom multiple times, so she very reluctantly accepted the caning and loss of her status.
Pamela bent over the headmistress’s desk with her skirt raised and only her thin school knickers as any sort of protection against the whippy cane that Miss Prendergast, the headmistress, knew how to use.
The maximum number of strokes that the headmistress was permitted to give by the school governors was six and Pamela knew that she would be getting the full six. Pamela also knew that if she had accepted expulsion she would get a lot more than six with her mother’s riding crop and there would be no knickers, thin as they were, for protection.
Pamela knew that it would hurt (she had taken a four-stroke caning a few months before) but did not want to give Miss Prendergast the satisfaction of knowing that it was hurting. Pamela gripped the end of the desk tight, closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as the headmistress, almost sadistically, tapped the cane against her buttocks.
The first two strokes stung like fuck and Pamela gripped the desk tighter as she tried to absorb the sting. The third stroke had her fighting not to cry out as she wondered how she could take three more.
The fourth stroke lashed her backside and she yelled out, causing a slight smile to cross Miss Prendergast’s lips, not that Pamela knew that.
Two strokes later Pamela left Miss Prendergast’s study clutching her buttocks and tears streaming down her face.
Pamela went back to her room (the senior girls each had a room of their own) and cried on her bed as her hands tried to rub the stinging out of her backside. A bit later, the tingling in her arse ignited tingling between Pamela’s legs and she was soon looking over her shoulder at her cane-marked bottom in the mirror as she fingered herself to a shuddering orgasm.
Pamela had not been caned since, but now she was thinking that a caning, or something similar, was what she needed. Not for the possible post-caning thrill, but for the punishment aspect for her treatment of Sunita Patel.
Two or three of her relationships had involved spanking, one with a woman in particular, but she had long since lost contact with her then partners. The one that would most likely have given Pamela the severe punishment that she was thinking she deserved was the woman, but they had been an item about twenty years before. The other woman then was aged close to sixty so now would be getting towards eighty, if she was still alive.
Possibly some of Pamela’s employees would like to give her a sore bottom, likely including Sunita, but that was out of the question and even if it was not, none of them would have had the courage to inflict a suitable beating.
Pamela could not think of any acquaintances that would deal with her, there might be some that would, but she was not aware of any that were into such things.
Pamela thought that if she decided that a punishment beating was the only answer then she had better seek out someone who was experienced in such things. She knew that there were males and females on the internet that did such things, so it was a question of finding someone that looked suitable.
Pamela had not yet decided whether a male or female disciplinarian was the most appropriate, or if it really mattered.
She decided that she would scan online sites of disciplinarians and decide on one to contact. She thought that making contact would not commit her to go through with it but would certainly take things a step further.
Pamela was certainly not doing it for her own sexual gratification, but she wondered if going to a female to be dealt with might bring back memories of the caning from Miss Prendergast all those years before and, more specifically, her sexual reaction to it. On that basis, Pamela thought that a male disciplinarian might be the best idea.
Pamela found a man that lived not too far from her and his site and the recommendations from ladies who had visited him, assuming they were genuine, made him look promising.
He was actually aged in his early thirties but he said that he had been disciplining female bottoms since his late teens and most of the ladies who visited him were older or considerably older than he was. He pointed out that women visited him for various reasons including the sexual pleasure that they got from a spanking, belting or caning, but each meeting was tailored to the females’ needs and requirements. No fee was involved.
There was a segment on his website where a lady could put her name, or a name that she wished to be known by, age if she desired, her email address and a description of what she required the gentleman’s services for.
Pamela saw no reason not to use her real first name or not state her age and after adding her email address she gave some thought to what she had as her reasons for visiting a disciplinarian.
She finally settled on typing: ‘I am a successful businesswoman and employ a number of people but I recently behaved very badly towards one of my staff members. I accused her of an error, wrongly as it turned out, and spoke to her in a way that I am now ashamed of. I could apologise to her but that is not really in my character but I do feel that I should be punished for my behaviour.’
Pamela did not go into details of how she expected to be punished but sent the message and waited to hear from the gentleman.
Not too long after sending the message, Pamela got an email. It read, ‘Pamela, I could certainly punish you in a way that you deserve for your treatment of your employee. You do not specify what punishment you expect but I do not think that a spanking is sufficient so I feel that I should apply a cane, a plimsoll or a belt to your buttocks. Please contact me by email or by the telephone number on my web page to discuss further details and to arrange an appointment if you require one. John,’
Pamela read and re-read the email; she had found a man that would give her the punishment that she felt that she deserved, so now she had to decide whether to bring it closer by making further contact with him.
Pamela took things a bit further by responding to John’s email. ‘John, Thank you for your prompt response. I do agree that a spanking is not sufficient and I think a caning is what is needed although I have not felt the cane for almost forty years. If and when I make an appointment I would like it to be for a Friday please because although I often work from home during weekends I would not have to attend the office the day after being punished. If you have any vacancies on a forthcoming Friday afternoon or evening then please let me know. After you have done that I will probably telephone you to discuss further details and make an appointment. Pamela.’
John replied within an hour. ‘Pamela, At the moment I have the afternoon and evening of the Friday after next free. I do offer ladies with an evening appointment overnight accommodation if they do not feel like travelling home. The accommodation offered is, of course, in a single room although some ladies choose to share my bed. I should stress that sex is only if the lady requires it and I would not put her under any pressure to partake in intercourse. I am sure that you are a woman more than capable of making up your own mind about your needs. I hope that the mention of sex has not put you off making an appointment but I like all aspects of a visit to be made clear before a lady makes an appointment. I hope to hear from you again. John.’
Pamela was surprised at the mention of sex, not shocked but surprised because she thought that women visited a disciplinarian for punishment and the sexual aspect of it had not occurred to her, although it was mentioned on John’s web page. She thought back to her caning by Miss Prendergast and her high sexual arousal later that day, so probably some women did get turned on by taking punishment from men such as John.
Pamela was going, if she went, to be punished for her behaviour towards Sunita Patel, but she decided that she had better contact John soon whilst that Friday evening at the end of the next week remained free.
She decided to phone him, but her call went to an answerphone which included a message, ‘…I might be busy with a client at the moment…,’ which had Pamela imagining a mature woman getting a spanking or a caning right now.
She was phoning from a number that she had got set as ‘withheld’ and decided not to leave a number for John to phone back on, but left a message to say it was Pamela and to please provisionally book her for the Friday evening appointment, and that she would try again later.
She tried phoning an hour or so later but got the same message, so she smiled to herself wondering just how many women went to this man for punishment and optional extras.
On the third attempt, Pamela got him. “John Crawford,” said a strong and quite sexy voice.
“Oh, um, hello, it’s Pamela,” said Pamela, the strong businesswoman temporarily turning into a nervous schoolgirl.
“Oh yes, Pamela; you feel that you are in need of punishment for the way that you have treated an employee,” said John, in a matter-of-fact way.
“Yes sir,” replied Pamela, to a man more than twenty years her junior.
“I have pencilled you in for the evening of Friday week, as per your message,” said John.
“Yes sir, thank you, sir,” Pamela heard herself say, talking in a way that she had probably not done in thirty years.
“I believe that we are looking at using a cane on your buttocks,” said John, who had had probably hundreds of conversations like this over the years.
“Yes, we are,” replied Pamela, strangely suddenly feeling more confident and dispensing with the use of ‘sir.’
John noticed that she had not said ‘sir’ but that was not important to him at this stage. “Will you be requiring overnight accommodation, Pamela?” asked John.
“That might be a good idea, but I am only there for punishment,” said Pamela, as firmly as she felt able to.
“Yes, quite,” said John, who never forced a woman staying overnight to have sex with him but had fucked many females that ‘were only there for punishment.’
“So are we saying that the appointment is fixed?” said Pamela.
“Yes, we will say that you will be at my address which I will give you shortly at 5 PM on the Friday in question. Please notify me if you change your mind,” replied John.
“I would notify you but I do not expect to change my mind. I need to be punished,” said Pamela.
“When you arrive it would still be possible to change your mind; I always have a chat with a lady visiting me for the first time so that she knows exactly what will happen,” said John.
“Have you had ladies change their mind at that point?” asked Pamela.
“Two, although one of those made another appointment a few weeks later and I have been regularly dealing with her bottom ever since,” replied John.
“You have a lot of ladies returning to you then?” said Pamela.
“Yes, I have quite a number of what I would call regular clients,” answered John.
“You must be very good at what you do,” said Pamela, almost looking forward to visiting John Crawford.
“I like to think so,” said John, although he had no doubts that he was exceptionally good at what he did.
Pamela wondered where his money came from if he charged no fee but seemed to spend much of his time giving women sore bottoms, but she did not ask.
John gave Pamela his address and she said she would be there in ten days’ time.
Pamela never had too much direct interaction with her employees during a working day, but she did wonder what Sunita Patel would think if she knew that her boss had offered her own arse up for a dose of the cane because of the way that she had treated her. She assumed that Sunita would be delighted if very surprised.
As time progressed and the day of Pamela’s visit to John got closer, she thought more and more about it.
Although it had not been discussed, she assumed that her caning would be on the bare buttocks, so she would be expected to bare her arse for a man more than twenty years younger than her. She had occasional bared her arse for males young enough to be her son for a one-night stand fucking but she was going to be doing it for a man to whip her with a cane.
Friday arrived and Pamela left work early afternoon; the drive to the village where John lived was about forty-five minutes but Pamela wanted to have a bath at home first. After drying herself, she looked at her backside in the mirror, and that brought back memories of her looking at her cane-marked arse as she masturbated as a seventeen-year-old after her caning by Miss Prendergast. She thought that her now much more substantial arse would be cane-marked in a few hours.
Pamela dressed smartly in a grey business suit although the skirt was now maybe a bit too tight across her buttocks, a red blouse and had on black underwear and stockings. She packed an overnight bag as the intention was for her not to be returning home that day.
She drove to John’s village and arrived at his nice, quite isolated, two-storey cottage at about ten minutes before five.
A very handsome and well-built man was at the door to greet her as she arrived. “Pamela I presume,” smiled the man holding the car door for his guest to get out before shaking her hand.
“I hope so, otherwise you have double booked,” laughed Pamela, feeling strangely relaxed in view of the fact that she was there to get her backside flogged.
John laughed with her and then ushered her into the cottage. “I will show you your room for the night,” said John, indicating the stairs.
“Not expecting me to change my mind then?” smiled Pamela.
“Well if you do, I will bring your overnight bag back down,” replied John, before showing Pamela to a very spacious room which, although boasting a double bed, was presumably not the master bedroom.
“As you see, this room is en-suite; my room is at the end of the corridor,” said John, with just the tiniest hint that Pamela might want to find her way in there later.
There were two other rooms, with doors closed, upstairs and John, seeing Pamela looking a bit quizzically, enlightened her about one of them. “That room is where I deal with my clients,” said John, indicating one of the doors.
Pamela gave a sort of half smile, thinking that she would probably be getting dealt with in there before long.
“Shall we go downstairs and have a coffee or a drink and get to know a bit about each other?” smiled John.
“Yes, that would be nice,” replied Pamela, before they went downstairs.
They settled on a coffee and sat opposite each other in John’s spacious lounge. “I imagine that you have a number of questions for me, Pamela, as most ladies do on their first visit,” said John.
“About you or about what is going to happen?” replied Pamela.
“We will talk about what is going to happen a little bit later, ask me anything that you want to about me,” smiled John.
“Well, some things that come to mind are rather personal,” said Pamela.
“Ask me anything, dear lady, I will try to be honest in my answers,” reassured John.
“Um, well, you do not charge your clients but you would appear to spend a lot of time on this, um, vocation, so…,” said Pamela, before John completed her sentence.
“Where does my money come from? I had a very rich grandfather who left me this cottage and a considerable income so I am in the fortunate position of not having to work,” answered John. “I have had some rooms here adapted since then,” he added.
“You are presumably not married,” smiled Pamela, probably stating the obvious.
“I would need a very understanding wife if I was,” laughed John.
Pamela smiled, unsure whether she should ask the next thing that was on her mind. “Um, you indicated that you had sex with some of your clients,” said Pamela, coming as close as this confident businesswoman got to blushing.
“Yes, quite a lot of them; some visit me for the sexual experience of getting their bottoms spanked or caned and then the fucking that follows,” replied John, not feeling at all bothered about talking like that in front of a mature woman.
“I assume some of these women are married?” continued Pamela.
“Probably most of them; I also have two ongoing affairs with married ladies in the village but my relationship with them does not involve corporal punishment,” replied John.
“And you said most of your clients are older than you,” said Pamela.
“The vast majority, several are in their fifties and one of the ladies in the village that sometimes shares my bed is sixty,” responded John.
This talk was getting Pamela very aroused, and John was a very handsome man, but she had to remember why she was there.
“Thank you for your honesty; is there anything that you want to ask me or shall we chat about what is going to happen?” said Pamela, mostly to get the subject off sex, although it was her that had first mentioned sex.
“I do not have any questions for you at the moment, Pamela, I know that you feel that you deserve to be severely punished for the way that you treated an employee,” said John.
“Yes, so what happens now?” said Pamela.
“I will tell you what the procedure is to be and you decide whether to go ahead with it or not, okay?” said John.
“Okay,” replied Pamela.
“Right, well if we are to go ahead you will go to that room that I indicated and remove all of your lower clothing, you will see a desk in that room which you will bend over,” said John.
Pamela suspected that it would be bare arsed but now she had confirmation. “How many strokes do you intend to give me?” asked Pamela, subconsciously squirming her arse in the chair.
“From what I know of the offence and from your need to be dealt with appropriately, I propose to give you twelve strokes of the cane on the bare buttocks,” answered John.
The number of strokes was not unexpected, but it still made Pamela take a deep breath, “Right,” she replied, although her voice was barely audible.
“You still have time to change your mind but once you enter that room you will not be coming out again until your punishment has been completed,” said John, sounding very authoritative.
“Yes sir,” Pamela responded, automatically.
“When you bend over, I recommend that you grip the far side of the desk. If you attempt to get up during the beating I will wait for you to settle again before continuing,” said John.
Pamela was wondering why she had set herself up for this and, for the first time, was thinking of backing out.
John sensed that but said nothing for a while before he finally spoke. “Time to make a decision, Pamela, either you go to the room that I indicated and prepare yourself or I collect your bag from upstairs and you go home,” said John.
Pamela still said nothing but John now had a stern look on his face. “I will go to the room, sir,” said Pamela, meekly.
“I will give you five minutes. When I come in there you will be bent over the desk with your lower body naked, understand?” said John.
“Yes, sir,” said Pamela softly, getting up from her chair and heading for the stairs.
She went to the room that John had indicated and it was not unlike entering her headmistress’s study all those years before. The room was spacious with a large desk and two chairs plus an armchair. There was a sort of wardrobe where Pamela assumed that the instruments of punishment were kept.
She realised that she did not have time to survey the room too much so she removed her suit jacket and then unzipped her skirt. She removed her shoes and the skirt and wondered whether she should keep her stockings on, but John had said to be naked in her lower body so she took her stockings off.
Pamela removed her knickers and became away that her large naked bottom would very soon be feeling the cane. She kept her blouse and bra on. She took a deep breath, bent over the desk and gripped the far side… and waited.
It seemed to Pamela like an eternity but it was actually less than two minutes later that John entered the room. His penis was hard in his boxers and trousers but it always was before he administered punishment to a female bottom. Seeing Pamela’s large bent-over backside certainly made sure that he stayed stiff though.
John did not speak but went to the wardrobe. Pamela looked out of the corner of her eye but the open door prevented her from seeing what John was doing. She heard a cane swish though as he slashed it through the air. He, not surprisingly, must have had more than one cane because it seemed that he inspected another one before swishing that through the air.
He seemed to be happy with his selection and moved behind the prone mature woman, slashing the cane through the air several times with each slash causing Pamela’s buttocks to clench.
“Twelve strokes,” said John, tapping the cane against Pamela’s rear.
Pamela did not know if she should speak or not but managed a croaky, “Yes sir,” as she made final preparations to receive her thrashing.
The cane left Pamela’s buttocks and a few seconds later there was a tremendous SWISH followed almost immediately by a loud CRACK as the cane made contact with Pamela’s backside.
After a split-second delay, Pamela yelled, “Arggh!”
John waited a full ten seconds as Pamela’s buttocks swayed slightly and a red line appeared across them before SWISH CRACK the second stroke lashed her arse.
This time Pamela groaned and her grip on the desk tightened. She gritted her teeth and wondered how she could possibly take ten more strokes.
The cane kept whipping her backside at intervals of at least ten seconds and by the time that she had received seven strokes she was almost screaming and her face was flushed and tear-streaked.
She had so far managed to stay down but when SWISH CRACK stroke eight made contact she screamed, “Shit! Fucking hell!” and her grip on the desk was released and her hands went to her buttocks.
She did not stand right up, but her upper body was off the desk and her hands were on her burning arse cheeks.
Pamela remained in that position sobbing until John spoke. “Grip the desk Pamela, four to come,” he said.
Pamela’s hands slowly left her buttocks and she repositioned herself over the desk, gripping the edge tightly. She knew that she was here because she had asked to be and in her mind deserved to be.
John looked at the eight red lines that the slashing cane had already put across Pamela’s buttocks as he decided where to put stroke nine.
He put it lower than any of the previous strokes and Pamela wailed as it stung terribly. The mature woman had asked for severe punishment and she was getting it.
Pamela somehow managed to take the last three strokes, but she did not think that she would ever be able to sit down again. She was crying loudly and John was breathless. “Your punishment is over, Pamela, in your own time you may wish to go to the room opposite that is your guest room. I will go downstairs and leave you to recover,” said John, before putting the cane away, closing the wardrobe and leaving the room.
Pamela very slowly pushed herself up from the desk and put her hands to her stinging bottom. Moving only added to the pain but she left her removed clothes where they were and eventually made her way into the bedroom.
Through her tear-filled eyes, she looked at her cane-decorated bottom in the mirror before she collapsed on her front on the bed and howled. She was crying for all sorts of reasons: pain, maybe a bit of humiliation but also due to relief because getting her arse whipped had erased her treatment of Sunita Patel from her conscience.
John sat downstairs, giving Pamela time as promised. He usually gave a new client time and space to recover after punishment, particularly one as severe as the caning that he had just given Pamela.
In some cases with regular clients, things moved straight from the woman being over John’s knee for a long hard spanking in the room that Pamela had recently left to his bedroom for a good fuck. Some of his clients loved to be fucked with their arses still red hot from a good spanking.
Pamela’s crying had been reduced to an occasional sob, but her buttocks were not stinging any less. She did not yet feel like going downstairs to see John although she knew that she would have to face him sometime.
Close to an hour after the thrashing had been completed, John went to check on Pamela. The door to her room was not fully closed but John tapped on it. “Pamela, are you alright? Can I come in?” said John, in a concerned voice.
“I am okay and yes, you can come in,” Pamela answered from within.
She was still sprawled face down on the bed, her well-caned arse on display, but she made no attempt to cover up when John entered. He had after all already seen her bare bottom.
“Do you think that you were dealt with satisfactorily?” asked John.
“I think that you dealt with me exactly as I deserved; you certainly know how to use a cane,” replied Pamela, with a forced chuckle.
“Years of experience, Pamela, I first caned an older woman when I was twenty,” said John.
John would love to fuck Pamela right now but sex with a client was always at her instigation, even if John dropped subtle hints along the way.
“Well, if you feel like coming downstairs you are welcome, but I do not suppose that you want to sit down,” said John.
“Thank you but no, you are right about not wanting to sit down, I will stay here for now,” replied Pamela.
John did wonder if the ‘for now’ meant that Pamela might visit his bedroom later, but he did not press it so he left the room.
Almost an hour later, Pamela was feeling incredibly horny as the tingling in her backside transmitted to between her legs. She scrambled off the bed and had a look at her caned arse in the mirror, as she had after her schoolgirl caning, and she wanted to masturbate but there was an alternative to masturbation downstairs.
Pamela wondered whether she should go to John or wait until he came to bed, although she had no idea when he would go to his bedroom. She still had her blouse and bra on but took them off making herself completely naked. She decided to go to him.
Every step down the stairs was painful but she eventually entered John’s spacious lounge. “Excuse me, sir, will you fuck me please?” Pamela said in a schoolgirl’s voice, although her naked mature body showed her to be anything but a schoolgirl.
“Most certainly Pamela, down here or in my bed?” said John, putting down the book that he had been reading.
“Um, perhaps over the back of this sofa now and again in your bed later,” replied Pamela.
“Splendid idea,” said John, hurriedly removing his trousers and boxers and displaying a very impressive penis that had obviously serviced many mature females over the years.
Pamela bent over the sofa and John got behind her, prodding her caned backside with his now fully erect penis.
“Fuck me hard, John, give me a good fucking,” breathed Pamela, as John’s cock touched her cunt lips.
John eased in and was soon fucking Pamela hard and fast, his large cock sliding in and out of her wet cunt.
“Shit, yes, yes, yes, fuck!” shouted Pamela as she came and John fucked on.
Pamela came twice more before John almost roared before spurting semen into Pamela’s mature vagina.
In the early hours of Saturday morning in John’s bed, Pamela had her legs raised as she and John made love much more slowly and more sensually but with the same results of orgasms for Pamela before John’s ejaculation.
They would both have liked to have fucked again in the morning, but John explained that he had a late morning appointment with a fifty-eight-year-old married woman who was coming for a spanking and a fucking and he had to be able to perform for her. Pamela fully understood.
Pamela’s arse was still hurting from the caning and she again examined herself in the mirror before showering and getting dressed.
She told John that she would only contact him for another caning if she thought that she had done something to merit it, but she did say that she might well make an appointment to sample his spanking and fucking combo.
She winced when she put her arse down in the driver’s seat of her car; it would be an uncomfortable drive home.
Pamela Jensen had visited a disciplinarian for the caning that she felt she had deserved. She was satisfied in more ways than one.
John Crawford had quite possibly acquired another future returning client.