The Run of Her Life, The Run to Find Herself — Chapter Two

"Cali's beach run turns into a romantic affair"

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 Preface: This story, (Chapter Two) is self-contained and may be read as a standalone story, but you will benefit from the character development of reading the first story. Chapter One is not marked as such, as I never intended on writing more chapters, but some readers fell in love with these characters and asked for more. So relax and enjoy more teasing banter, and sexual fun, with Cali and James.

The images flashed through her mind, over and over again in a continuous loop. First, she was pressed against the floor-to-ceiling glass wall, roughly fucked from behind, as her tits mashed against the glass overlooking the Pacific Ocean. This memory was replaced by images of his lips and fingers exploring and caressing every inch of her body, every crevice, and every bend. It was an orchestrated symphony of romance that brought her to orgasm over and over again, as he tenderly and passionately made love to her. Back and forth the images rotated from the all-consuming lust unleashed on her body, to the gentle, loving worship of her body. And the same face kept appearing in her mind of this one man that stirred her desire so deeply. One man, yet such different passions. A smile spread across her face as she dreamed of him.

A warm, gentle breeze tickled Cali’s legs and blew her hair as she lay sprawled out on the big California King bed. The silky satin sheets, pulled up and entangled around Cali’s waist, left her legs uncovered and bare to the stirring of the warm California air. As her eyes fluttered open, and adjusted to the bright sun streaming in through the open balcony door, memories of her afternoon of sexual delight came flooding back. James had said that he wanted to explore every inch of her body, and he had kept his promise. What a glorious afternoon of unleashed desire, as he touched her from head to toe with long strokes of his hands, gentle kisses from his lips, and the smooth, soft skin of his body. James made love to her with such longing and tender care that Cali felt his soul touch hers in perfect intimacy.

She had never felt anything like that with her fiancé, and the memory of her fiancé brought her another momentary pang of guilt. Cali had traveled from Paris to southern California on business, booking several days on each side of her trip for personal time and a private get-away. But what was she running from? Her doubts followed her all the way to the States, only intensifying the farther and longer she was away from “her man.”

And then she met James — the indescribable James, who intuitively knew her inside and out. Captivated first by his animal magnetism, she was completely disarmed by his easy going charm, teasing banter, and romantic disposition. James was the perfect balance of playful boy, consummate gentleman, and lustful beast. Cali had never met anyone like him before. And when they talked, which they did for hours, they connected with an intimacy that was rare. It was as if they had known each other all their lives.

The connection deepened when his pent up lust was unleashed on her, and he fucked her like an out of control beast. Drawing out her own lust, their bodies were a perfect match in carnal delight. And yet that same man a short time later, made intimate love to her, raising and satisfying her desires in a completely different way. No one had ever stirred all her appetites, or satisfied her inner cravings for intimacy, the way this man did.

The sounds of the Beach Boy’s singing Good Vibrations, floated up from the patio below, along with the tantalizing aroma of sizzling steaks on the grill. Cali rolled over and found a note on the pillow next to her, just as she heard James’s voice join the Beach Boys in singing the chorus. She read the short note and smiled.

Don’t stay in bed all day, sleepyhead. I’ll have steaks on the grill for us soon. And you know that you need your energy for what’s to come 😉 

So get your sexy butt down here, my Kalamazoo girl.

Suddenly, Cali was feeling those good vibrations that the Beach Boys were singing about. Pulling herself out of bed, and wrapping the sheet around herself, Cali went to the open doorway and walked out onto the balcony. Leaning against the railing, she called down to James below.

“How’s a girl supposed to get any rest around here with all that racket?” Cali barely got the words out before she broke into laughter. Her tease was met with an incredulous stare.

“Racket? Racket? You’re calling the melodious and unparalleled musical genius of the Beach Boys racket? Well, that’s sacrilegious – at least in California. We are kind of protective of our own you know.” James’ face broadened into a boyishly playful smile. Then he winked at her.

There it was again. That wink got to her every time. You would think a man winking at a grown woman would convey some hokey, patronizing, sexist feeling, but with James, it was disarming boyish charm at its best. And something deep inside her warmed and tingled each time he winked at her.

“Well, you might be right. It’s probably not the Beach Boys that are the problem. It must be that tone deaf, wanna-be chef that can’t stop singing along with them.” Cali was laughing so hard now that she was shaking.

James grabbed a long spatula hanging on the side of the grill, raised it above his head and waved it in the air as he called back to her.

“Tone deaf? Oh really? You’re looking for trouble now kiddo. Wait until I get my hands on you. Your ass will never feel the same again!”

“Promises, promises. Just another big talking man.” Cali was in hysterics now, and James was cracking up too, as they bantered back and forth.

When the laughter had finally settled down, James was looking at Cali with that glint in his eye she had seen before.

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re beautiful?”

“Oh, you say that to all the woman you bring up here,” Cali teased back.

“Other women? Impossible! I’ve been celibate until I met you.” James could hardly keep a straight face as he said it.

“Really? Well that makes you one fast learner then, doesn’t it?” Cali teased.

“Nothing advances the learning curve more than a beautiful woman like you. Of course you would be even more beautiful if you let that sheet slip away from you.”

“Oh you’re a smooth talker, but I don’t think even a smooth talker like you is going to get me naked up here on this balcony, mister.”

“Oh, come on! What have you got to lose? Are you afraid someone will see you? No one is that close. Besides, you don’t know a soul here. Take a chance. Live dangerously. Feel the freedom of standing naked in the California sunshine, gazing out over the ocean. You won’t regret it.” James’ voice was earnest and full of encouragement.

“You mean you won’t regret it,” Cali was quick to say.

“Well, that’s certainly true, but I’ve known you long enough to know that you won’t regret it either.”

“But we just met this morning?” Cali’s voice was surprise itself.

“That’s true, but I feel like I’ve known you forever. After one day together, I know you better than most men will ever know you in a lifetime.”

And she knew he was right. They had connected from that first moment they met. And as they talked for hours, she had confided things to him that she had never told a soul. What was it about this man that pulled her in, and drew so much out of her? There was a safe intimacy with James that came naturally, as if they had spent a lifetime together. And somehow that feeling of safety was coupled with a sense of mystery and intrigue that drew her to him.

“So what do you say? Come on beautiful. Do it for me. Let me bask in your beauty.”

With a flush on her cheeks, Cali released the sheet from her grip, and felt the silky satin drop to her feet. She stood naked, smiling at James on the patio below. Her heart sang as she saw the emotions flutter across his face: awe, pleasure, desire, lust, and tender care.

“Ok big boy. Now that you’ve got what you wanted, time for you to show me what you’ve got. You’re already shirtless – and looking good by the way – but now it’s time to lose the shorts.” This time Cali was the one to wink, and James truly looked surprised.

“You want me to strip? Here? Now, while I’m grilling steaks?” He turned and motioned to the hot grill. “Come on Cali, be reasonable,” James pleaded.

“Reasonable? You didn’t want reasonable when I let a perfect stranger bring me back to his house today. You didn’t want reasonable when you pushed my naked body up against that glass wall for all to see while you fucked me like an animal. You didn’t want reasonable when you asked me to step naked out on this balcony …”

Before Cali could finish her soliloquy, James, his hands up in surrender, interrupted her with his backtracking. “Ok, ok. I get the message.”

In a smooth, swift move James’ hands moved to his shorts, unsnapped them, then pulled at the zipper, and dropped them to the ground. All the while James stared directly into Cali’s eyes.

“Yowie! Commando! I’m impressed,” Cali said with raised eyebrows.

“Well, a guy doesn’t want too much material in the way when desire stirs,” he said nonchalantly. James’ reply brought a little laugh to Cali’s lips, just as the sight of his hardening cock awakened something deep inside of her.

James saw Cali’s face flush with desire, and tried coaxing her down to the patio, calling out to her in a loud voice, as if he was a cook on a cattle ranch calling out to the cowboys at lunch time: “Come and get it!”

“Is that a call for supper, or for something more like dessert?” Cali asked.

Taking the unfinished steaks off the grill as he spoke, James said “We can always eat later, but first things first Cali. A man always has to keep his priorities straight. That’s the first lesson in life.”

“I suppose they taught you that in the Boy Scouts,” Cali chuckled. But he had made his point, and she was already turning to take the stairs down to the patio before James could even reply.

Sauntering over to him, hips swaying and tits bouncing as she moved, James’ cock stiffened like a bent board, and he greeted her with lust shrouded eyes. It was a look that Cali never tired of. What woman doesn’t want to be desired? And James was a man that didn’t hide his lust, or temper it once it was stirred. When he got that animal look in his eyes — like he had now — Cali already knew that he was about to unleash his beast upon her. That was exactly what she craved; a primitive man with a primal need to satisfy, who would let nothing get in his way of satiating his desire.

“I love it when you get that look in your eyes,” Cali said.

“What look is that?” James queried.

“That look I saw upstairs when you pushed me against the glass wall. That out of control look that tells me you’re about to pounce on me.” Cali had stopped just short of James as she spoke, and waited for his reply.

“Not every woman enjoys that look you know. More often than not they want a man to be a gentleman at all times.” His voice had the same intensity that she saw in his eyes, and it sent a shiver down her spine.

“I love a gentleman James, and you’re most definitely a gentleman. I reveled in our unending conversation this morning, where you proved to me that I was more than a sexy body to you. And I adored the romance of you’re making tender love to me this afternoon. But I also see the other side of you — the beastly side. That’s the side you’re showing me right now. It may scare off some other women – it may even scare me a little — but it appeals to my darker side. It arouses something deep inside me that has never been free to express itself before. But with you, it seems perfectly natural. With you, I don’t feel ashamed – I feel excited.”

James absorbed Cali’s words before he spoke, calculating just how much to reveal to her. “You know, you only saw the foreshadowing of what I can unleash Cali. Are you sure you want to see more of me? Are you really ready for me to treat you like a dirty slut?”

Those words sent another shiver down her spine, and her pussy clenched with excitement as it dampened.

“God yes. Don’t hold back James. Let yourself go. Don’t make love to me now. Just take me.”

James’ right hand grabbed a handful of Cali’s hair as he pulled her face to his and looked into her eyes with the intense look of a possessed man.

“I can’t keep my hands off you. Do you know that? I see you naked like this, and I just have to have you. All of you.” James’s voice had dropped an octave, to that low, velvety rattle that stirred Cali’s own desire. As he spoke, lips almost touching, Cali reached down and grabbed his throbbing cock, griping it as if it were life itself. She felt his heart pulsing through his erection and she began to stroke it, as James continued to speak.

“I’m going to devour you.” James’ growled words sent an electrical charge from the pit of her stomach to her hard, aching nipples.

Her pussy felt that charge too, as it clenched tightly, and flooded with natural lubricant, preparing itself for the cock Cali held in her hand.

James pulled Cali’s lips to his and bit her lower lip as he kissed her roughly. She could taste the blood from that kiss, pushing her over the edge in wanton desire. Still pulling her hair tightly, James’s other hand began its assault on her boobs. He kneaded them, twisted the nipples and pulled on them. Then he slapped them hard. His hand kept up a continual attack on her tits, nearly bringing Cali to the point of orgasm. The sting of the slaps caused Cali to jump, but James held her close with his tight grip on her hair.

“You like it when I treat you rough, don’t you?” James’ teeth were biting her neck and he raised his mouth to her ear as he spoke to her. When Cali didn’t answer, James slapped her tit hard again. “Don’t you?!”

She could hardly coax the “yes” out of her mouth, her throat was so dry.

“I bet your fiancé doesn’t fuck you like this, does he?” There was almost menace in his voice, such a contrast to the earlier and tender James. But Cali knew this menacing beast had her in his grip because she put the menace there; because she drew the animal out of him, and Cali loved that feeling. James was out of control because of her, and that gave Cali a dirty thrill she had never experienced before. Even his reference to her fiancé didn’t bring a wave of guilt, but instead a cascade of dirty pleasure as she reveled in the dirty girl that James had uncovered deep inside her.

“God no. No one has ever fucked me like you do. You’re an all-consuming fire.” Cali struggled to speak as James bit into her neck again.

“And you love it, don’t you? Admit it. You like being roughed up and fucked like a dirty slut,” James growled a whisper into her ear.

“God help me, but I do. I love the dirty thrill of the rough sex you give me. I love being taken by you.” There was no shame in Cali’s voice, only the arousal that comes from admitting what you crave in the light of day. It fueled her own lust as she gave herself to him completely.

James grabbed Cali, swiveled her around, and pushed her over the back of the patio couch. Bent over and ready to fuck, her pussy glistened as the visible sign of her arousal dripped down her legs, which were now spread wide as she assumed the fuck position.

Gripping her tight by the hips, James positioned his erection at her moist opening, and teased her with the tip of his cock.

“Is this what you were looking for when you told me to strip for you Cali? Is this what you want?”

“Yes, you know it is.” Cali sounded impatient, craving his cock inside her wet pussy.

“Then tell me. Tell me what you want Cali. Don’t be shy. Tell me exactly what you need.”

“I need your cock inside of me. I need you to fuck me.” Her voice was lust itself, and she was nearly pleading with him.

“Just do it. Give it to me. Fuck me like a rag doll. Fuck me you beast!” Cali’s voice raised into a crescendo until she shouted the last words.

Before she could draw a breath, James’ cock plunged deep into her soaking cunt, impaling her in one thrust, and filling her void with the instrument of her pleasure. Inhaling as she let out a gasp, her eyes opened wide with the thrust. Cali took James’ cock deep, and completely enveloped it with the tightening walls of her pussy.

He held her there with his cock deep inside her, as he pulled her head back, pressed his face against her ear, and stirred the depravity of her lust even more with his words.

“Right now, at this moment, at this time, you’re my dirty slut. And that’s how I’m going to fuck you, like the dirty slut you want to be; like the dirty slut that you are.”

He didn’t wait for a response from her. Instead James began to pound in and out of Cali’s pussy like a man possessed, like a demon unleashed, like an out-of-control beast that had to have her in order to satisfy a monstrous lust. His grunting competed with the sound of his body slamming into hers, as he pumped his cock in and out of her like a jack hammer. Cali’s arms were pushed forward on the couch to steady herself, but her body was thrown forward with each thrust, despite her attempt to hold on.

This was so very different from the love James had made to her earlier that day, and yet that contrast made it more appealing to Cali. It was exactly what she needed from this man right now; unrestrained, all-consuming lust. She didn’t want foreplay, or teasing, or romance. Cali liked the way she brought out the animal in James, and she liked the way his animal brought out the slut in her. It was the perfect complement to his gentlemanly and romantic side, and in her eyes, it made him a sort of Renaissance Man.

Cali’s breathing was shallow and fast, her moans unrestrained and growing into something more guttural, as she took the pounding that James was giving her. She shouted encouragement to him:

“God yes. Yes! Fuck me! That’s it. Fuck me hard!”

Her encouragement had the proper effect, as James plowed into her harder and deeper than ever, grunting in her ear as he fucked her like the slut she had become for him.

He slapped her ass over and over again as he plunged into her tight pussy. The cheeks of her ass turned red, and the sting of the pummeling stirred Cali to greater depths of sexual need and arousal. Her cunt gripped James’ cock like a velvet glove, tightening around it, and sending him into a frenzy of craven desire, as he continued to slam in and out of her at an ever increasing tempo.

In-between grunts, James’ barked out his words, one at a time. “You. Are. My. Dirty. Slut.”

“Yes!” Cali all but shouted her response. “I’m your slut. Fill your slut up with your hot cum!”

Cali’s nerves were on fire, sending electrical shock waves to every nerve ending in her body. Her nipples, hard as bullets, ached in pain, and her cunt – now soaked in pleasure – tightened like a fist. Her orgasm built into the crescendo of a crashing wave, plunging her into starbursts and then darkness as she let out a scream that would wake the dead. James’ own moans and wails competed with Cali’s as his orgasm built to its climax, and he pumped his seed deep into her eager pussy. They came hard together in a final wave of passion and animal heat.

Exhausted and sated, they collapsed together on the couch and tried to catch their breaths after their frantic coupling. The minutes passed by as they cradled in each other’s arms, time no longer having any meaning. When Cali finally opened her eyes she saw James smiling at her with a tender gaze. The look warmed her heart and stirred her emotions. She was no longer his dirty slut. She was Cali, the woman he adored; the woman he held near and dear to him. “Does life get any better than this?” she thought to herself.

“You know, kiddo, if you keep doing that to me, I’m going to die of a heart attack at a very young age.” James winked at her, and let out a soft laugh. Cali gave him a light slap on the arm and said:

“Me, do to you? It seems to me that you’re the one that was doing it to me, or are you so delirious from sexual endorphins that you’re forgetting your anatomy?” Cali teased.

“Well, I just can’t help myself when I’m around you,” James protested.

“You mean you can’t control yourself around me, don’t you?” Cali tousled his hair as she ribbed him.

“Hey, what man could control himself around you? You make it impossible, do you know that?

“It seems you’ve given me more than a few demonstrations of your lack of control already today, James.” Cali was running her fingers through his hair now, enjoying the touch, and the feel of James’ arms around her. “But I’ll let you in on a little secret. I like it when a man can’t control himself around me – at least when that man is you.” Her eyes were sparking as she held his gaze. “I like doing that to you.”

“Hey trust me, I like you doing it to me as well. But you probably noticed that already, didn’t you. Perhaps it’s the fact that we’ve only known each other for a day and we’ve already had sex three times. Talk about a man out of control!” James’ rolled his eyes as he said it, then laughed at himself. “See what you do to me?”

Cali’s face turned reflective, and the silence hung comfortably around them until she spoke.

“You know, I have never done anything like this before. But it seemed so natural with you. I felt a connection from the first moment we met. I know that doesn’t always mean anything, but that connection grew as we talked and laughed ourselves hoarse this morning. That’s what confirmed the connection for me. It was more than sexual attraction – though it was definitely that.”

He could have made a smartass quip at that point, but James knew better. He squeezed her, and smiled an encouraging smile before saying: “I know, I felt it too.”

“I don’t know what it is about you James, but you’ve managed to sweep an engaged woman off her feet in short order, and somehow make me feel comfortable with all of this.”

James was not quick to respond. He held her, then delicately pushed a strand of hair back behind her ears, as his other arm kept Cali pulled to him in a gentle embrace. James had a way of listening that made Cali confide in him. It’s odd really how the art of listening can actually coax more out of a person than questioning ever could. James had that gift, and in the comfortable silence, Cali began talking again.

“It’s more than charm – though you’ve got plenty of that.” Cali smiled as she poked his chest in a fawn accusatory way. “Yes, it’s definitely more than charm. I don’t know quite how to describe it James. You’re different from anyone I’ve ever met. You bring out the best in me, which is quite a gift. You bring out all sides of me – fully engaging my mind, my emotions, and clearly as we have seen over and over already, sexual desire.” Cali giggled a cute little giggle the way that only a woman can. James’ eyes smiled back at her, communicating more than words ever could. “And you wrap it all up in a neat little package where I feel absolutely at ease and comfortable with all those sides of me. I don’t know quite what to make of it, to be honest with you. On the one hand I feel safer with you than any man I’ve known. Protected from the outside world, but also free to be exactly who I am, with no embarrassment and no questions asked. And yet, I can feel the danger in you, the sexual dominant. But that danger excites me, and draws me to you. And I know you’d never hurt me.”

Relaxing in each other’s arms, listening to the ocean waves beating against the shore, there was no place either of them would rather be. This was paradise.

James caressed her arm. “That’s about the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me Cali. That I bring out the best in you. But if I bring out the best in you, it’s because you draw the best out of me. I’m just responding to you Cali.”

James paused for a moment, before treading carefully into the emotional conflict that he knew Cali felt.

“So you’re asking yourself what this means for you, aren’t you? And you’re wondering how you could be here with me if you really were meant to be marrying your fiancé back in Paris. I can’t answer those questions for you Cali, and I am not the kind of man that tries to steal a woman away from her fiancé. But I can tell you that there is something missing in that relationship, or you wouldn’t be here with me today. You’ve known it for a while.” Cali’s eyebrows rose questioningly as he said this, so James elaborated on his insight. “Sure you have. That’s why you booked extra time on the front and back end of your business trip and kept it secret from him.”

Cali nodded as James kept talking. “I meant what I said before. Stay here for a day or two, and things will be clearer in your mind. The questions you’re asking yourself may take longer than that to resolve, but I promise you that for a short time you will have forgotten your problems, cleared your head, and you’ll be rested and ready for whatever it is the world has for you on the other side. Let me pamper you for a short while Cali. Come what may, you won’t regret it.”

As Cali exhaled, it was as if the toxins inside her were released, and a burden had been lifted from her. Work was a far off place, and her life in Paris seemed like another world altogether. Here, in James’ arms, on the shore of the Pacific Ocean, tranquility prevailed, life felt new, and everything seemed possible.

“You know James, I believe you’re right.”

“Of course I’m right. I’m always right!” Cali raised her eyebrows at him again, and James quickly backpedaled. “Except when I’m wrong of course. I learned long ago that a woman is always right.” His smile sparkled in the sun as he gazed into her eyes.

“Smart man James. Very smart indeed.” Pausing to reflect for a moment, Cali then continued. “Now what do you say we get those steaks back on the grill. You’ve worked up quite the appetite in me.”

As James pulled himself off the couch to walk to the grill, he said: “Which appetite would that be?” and slapped her ass as he moved to the grill. Not waiting for a reply, James continued: “Steaks coming right up then. A girl needs protein to keep up her energy for what’s to come, I always say.”

As he walked towards the grill, James pushed a button and the harmonious sound of the Beach Boys came back on, singing California Girls.

Cali shook her head and rolled her eyes, but her broad smile said it all.

Published 10 years ago

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