“Almost there. You nervous?” Murphy asked. She felt his wide, strong hand rest gently on her shoulder.
With a smile, she nodded. “I’m excited, though. You’ve been planning this a while, so I’m really eager to see what you have planned.”
“Yeah,” she could feel the joy in his voice, “I think we’re gonna have a lot of fun tonight.”
The car slowed and came to a stop. “Now,” he said, “this time of year and this late at night, it’s a safe bet that this motel is basically empty. We have the only room, and even the manager has gone home.”
Carol involuntarily pursed her lips. A motel? She was hoping for, well she didn’t know, a spa or a picnic, but… the idea of a deserted motel gave her anxiety.
Murphy’s door popped open, and moments later he opened Carol’s door. He leaned in and unbuckled her, before holding her by her shoulders and leading her to her feet. The sneakers made it easy to walk, but with her arms under the long trenchcoat that covered her, she was at Murphy’s mercy as he pulled her by the ring on her collar. They walked a few yards to the sound of crickets and distant traffic on a summer night. He stopped, and held Carol by her shoulders reassuringly.
“Carol, listen to me. I’ve put a lot of work into this, and it’s important that you understand that I will be in complete control for all of this. There is nothing for you to be afraid of. We can stop any time, but I really want you to try as hard as you can to be brave.”
Straightening up, she put on her bravest face. “I believe you, Murphy.”
He gently stroked her cheek with a chuckle. The next moment, his hands were on the collar of her trenchcoat, and he pulled it loose, letting it drop to her feet. She stood there, her arms tied behind her at the elbows, leaving her forearms free with a reach between her nipples and her thighs. All nude save the rope harness around her chest and the garter belt holding up her stockings. There was a click and the sound of a door swinging open. Carol’s heart dropped as through the door came the voices of men, maybe dozens, chatting and joking and drinking. Her mouth opened, but she couldn’t make a sound when she was pulled in by her collar.
“Hey everyone! Thanks for waiting!” The door clicked shut behind her. “So, you all know the drill. The room is paid for, checkout is at 11 tomorrow.” He put his hands between Carol’s shoulders, pushing her into the room, then pulling her collar down until she was on her knees. “There’s condoms over there, but they’re optional. She’s complimentary, but you’re welcome to tip as much as you like if you feel like it. Also, remember, she’s doing oral only, and one at a time, so wait your turn! Come on, let’s be grownups!” He plucked off the sunglasses and tossed them aside, grabbing her hair and tugging until she sat upright on her heels with a straight back. “Who’s first?”
The murmur of the crowd continued, like most of them weren’t even paying attention. The suspense didn’t last, as a hand gripped under her jaw, tilting her head back, as another hand prodded its fingers into her mouth. Probing into her cheeks and under her tongue, they pulled out and smeared saliva all over her face before reaching to press the back of her head, leading her lips to the tip of a hot cock.
Breathing heavily, she parted her lips and let the cock slide in. Whoever it was moved slowly, giving her room to work, swirling her tongue around the head and sealing her lips around the shaft. She hardly worked for a moment when he pulled back and she felt a spray of hot, stringy liquid splattering across the bridge of her nose. Her arousal was starting to make her dizzy, and she resumed her upright, open-mouthed position as she felt a couple of crumpled bills getting tucked into her garter belt.
Hands pressed on the side of her head, holding her skull in place as he pumped his member in and out of her gaping mouth. He was wrapped in a smooth, vanilla-scented condom, but that didn’t seem to help him last. A couple of hard thrusts against her tonsils and he quickly withdrew. She cooperatively resumed her stance, squeezing her eye against the tape when a hand closed on her breast.
She had a superb mammary pair; firm, bouncy hemispheres of unblemished flesh, and her left nipple was pierced with a small barbell piercing. Thick fingers fiddled with the piece of metal before she felt a wet stretch elastic wrapping around her nipple behind the piercing and get tied on. Feeling the warm weight sway against her belly, her face erupted in blush as she realized she had a used condom hanging from her nipple.
A hand closed over her face and twisted it to the side, a hard cock poking into her inner cheek as someone stood right over her, one knee against her breast and another against her shoulder. His condom tasted of cherry, and with barely a little tongue-work, he pulled out. She faced forward again, resuming her vigilant availability, as she felt a gentle tugging on one of her hoop earrings. The feel of a swaying weight and soft warmth dangling on her shoulder needed no explanation; she had another condom hanging from her earring now. The service was topped off with more crumpled bills tucking into her garter and a hearty slap on the ass.
As if prompted by the crack of skin on skin, someone grabbed her by the hair and pulled her forward until she was nearly falling over. A hand on the back of her head pushed her into the crotch of someone bending over her, so that although the cock was deep in her mouth, her face was being pressed against belly and thighs and balls. His condom tasted like oranges. The man barely moved his hips, focusing on her exposed ass; he dropped his hands onto her bare cheeks again and again, manically slapping the firm, bouncy flesh back and forth. It was rude enough that she might have stopped there, but she figured that Murphy had let all of them know how much a firm spanking turned her on.
The hands pushed her back upright. She stood still, mouth open and waiting. The low pitch of conversation around the room didn’t even change as a warm dribble started streaking down one of her breasts, followed by a limp, up-ended condom crumpling on top of her bosom. Her tits were so tight, the top of them was nearly level, and the sticky texture of the condom was secured to her skin. Something dry wiped across her breast, smearing away a little of the cum, before being pressed against her ass-cheek. Her lip trembled when she realized a dollar bill had been glued to her ass with jizz; the humiliation edging her dangerously close to orgasm.
The next man wasn’t playing around, his licorice-flavored condom plowing into Carol’s tongue. He grabbed a fistful of hair on either side of her head and began pushing and pulling, making her nod frantically, treating her like her whole head was just the lubricant he was using to masturbate. Only a few moments of abuse passed before he pulled out.
Gulping with anxiety, Carol resumed her position, courageously determined to see this ordeal through. The pride she felt in her resolve faltered when she felt warm drops in her hair, some of them streaming down her scalp and some down her forehead and eyebrows before an emptied condom landed plap on top of her head. Panting heavily, her eyes were defiant and strong even through the tape, and she opened her mouth as wide as she could, sticking her tongue all the way out. She squealed in surprise when a strong hand grabbed her ass, spreading one cheek to the side. Her shoulders slumped in disbelief as she recognized the sensation of a quarter being shoved into her anus, then another, then some nickels- not even paper money? She was mortified.
After a couch-worth of change had been lodged in her rectum, a familiar hand rested on her shoulder and Murphy’s voice spoke gently to her.
“That was great! I like your work ethic.
“Yes,” she gasped, relieved, “Yes thank you, that would be wonderful.”
“Great! Let’s go.” She felt the force of her collar lifting her to her feet and guiding her to the door before she could protest. The door clicked open and he led her out into the warm summer night. “There’s a drink machine right over here, come on.” His finger through the ring in her collar, she followed him blindly.
Her heart was bursting against her ribs. This is insane! What if we get caught? What if someone sees us? She heard traffic in the distance, and they kept walking for what felt like hours. Having been blind for a fair spell, she was especially sensitive to her own body; the sway of the used condoms on her earring and nipple-piercing, the empty condom resting on her head and breast, the dollars stuck in her garter and glued to her butt, all with tape over her eyes and a harness tying her arms behind her. More than once, Murphy had to pull her upright by her collar when she stumbled, her legs trembling and weak, the blush spreading down her whole body, her every breath coming in a whimper of twisted, shameful ecstasy.
They stopped walking. Carol heard the rummaging of hands in pockets, and a mutter from Murphy. “Shoot, we’re at the machine but I don’t have any change. Oh! Say, you’re the one who’s gonna drink it, don’t you think you should be paying for it?”
Breathing so rapidly she thought she might hyperventilate, she hesitated only a moment before turning around to show Murphy her back. With a gulp, she straightened her legs and leaned forward as far as she could while keeping her balance before using her bound hands to grasp her buttocks and spread them open.
“That’s a good girl! Let’s see, don’t need much…” She felt a fingertip prod the bud of her asshole before the thick length of Murphy’s finger slid into her depth. He wiggled his finger, fishing around before scooping out a quarter. He kept it up, prodding into her again and again, jingling the change in his free hand until he had enough.
Carol’s head was swimming. Her deprived vision was crying out in swirls of color as coins clattered into the machine.
“Coke, Sprite, root beer, ginger ale, or orange?”
“Uhhhhmmm… ginger ale. It should settle my stomach. “
There was a click and a clunk. Murphy pulled her upright by her collar, then whispered in her ear. “Hey, since I was nice enough to help you get the soda, I think its only fair you should carry it back, yeah?”
She nodded agreeably, holding out an open hand. She yelped and leapt off the ground when smooth, ice-cold metal rose up to press against her vulva and her inner thighs. She squirmed around, but Murphy corrected her.
“No no, careful! Don’t drop it! If you drop it you have to pick it up the same way!” She went still, biting her lip and huffing through her nose as she endured the frigid bite against her genitals. Satisfied that it was securely squeezed between her thighs, Murphy took her collar and led her back.
If the walk to the vending machine was long, the walk back was an eternity. Carol’s whole consciousness was overwhelmed with the condoms, the money, and now the intense, punishing cold chilling her sex as she waddled frantically to keep up with Murphy while squeezing the can between her thighs.
Near collapse, she heard the door click behind her and the can was mercifully snatched from between her thighs. Panting in relief, she was in a daze as Murphy whispered in her ear.
“How do you feel? Where are you cold?”
Slowly beginning to succumb to animal lust, she growled, “My… my pussy. My cunt is so cold right now, it’s freezing, please help.”
“Oh? What do you want me to do? Speak up now.”
A trickle of spit escaped Carol’s mouth before she gulped and said clearly, “I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me. Please fuck my cunt and warm my cunt up and make my pussy hot! Please! Please, I’m begging for your cock!”
The murmur of conversation among the men didn’t even pause as she bent over, raising her ass as high as she could while spreading her ass as wide as her bound hands would allow. With a delighted chuckle, Murphy put his hands on hers, pressed the tip of his dick against her chilly labia, and said, “Whatever you like.”
Cold as it was, Carol’s vagina had already been gushing wet, and Murphy’s prick slid down to the balls in a single thrust. Carol’s jaw dropped as she moaned out loud, trying to grasp the straws of her sanity as he plunged his fat cock into her again and again.
“Are you having fun, Carol?”
“Ahh! Hahhh! Ahhnn! Yes! Oh God, yes! Yes!” She moaned like an alley cat.
“It was fun having all these people, right? It was really nice of them to come out and help you enjoy yourself, right?”
“Hahh! Oh, yes!”
Murphy grabbed a fistful of her hair, holding her body up by her scalp as he started pounding her even faster. “Well?” he demanded, slapping her ass, “What do you say when people do something nice for you?”
Under the tape, Carol’s eyes were rolling back into her skull, and drool flowed freely from her mouth. Cum was still trickling down all over her body, and she felt the swinging condoms swinging into her breast and her chin. Her legs gave out and went limp, but Murphy was strong enough that he could support her whole body as her legs wiggled beneath her and her arms flapped helplessly.
“Aaahhahaha! Thank you! Thank you, oh God thank you so fucking much! Thank you for cumming for me, thank you all so much for fucking cumming all over me and using me as your toilet and making me your fucking cum rag I love it I love it so much God it makes me so happy thank you thank you THANK YOOUUHOOHOHOOO…”
Murphy started cumming, but it took a dozen firm thrusts before his balls had been emptied into Carol’s hot, twitching, dripping cunt. With a sated groan, he sank to his knees, pulling Carol down on top of him. She rested in his arms a moment, their fingers intertwined before he pulled the ropes of her harness and they went loose. Murphy got up, leaving her on her knees as he sat in front of her, delicately pulling the tape off of her eyes.
She blinked, needing a moment to adjust her sight. The first thing she saw was Murphy pushing a button on a tape-deck. Immediately, the sound of many voices chatting cut off, leaving only silence. Confused, Carol looked around; this was no motel, they were in their own garage at home! Mouthing her disbelieving confusion, she turned to Murphy, who, with a face-crushing grin, held up a hand-mirror. Carol looked into her reflection, and her jaw dropped. Splattered all over her body and in the condoms were bright, monochrome primary colors, red and yellow and blue. The bills in her garter were Monopoly money. She licked some of the blue slime from her lip; it was just water, starch and food coloring! The look she gave him could have made a statue laugh.
“But… I… you… why, you sneaky little gremlin!” With a laugh, she leapt forward and threw her arms around his neck, nuzzling into his cheek as he lovingly dragged his hands up and down her back.
Squeezed tight in each others’ arms, the drew in breath together, and enjoyed a long, shared sigh. He whispered in her ear, “I’m exhausted. How about a nice, hot shower and a good night’s sleep?”
She pulled away to look in his eyes with a deep, loving smile. “That sounds absolutely perfect, darling.” She closed her eyes and pulled him in for a deep, sweet, mindless kiss.