Our Angel

"A broken angel taken too soon."

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Introduced to me 
By a dear friend 
A broken angel 
I knew could mend

With time and patience 
I knew was a must 
She was shy and scared 
But I earned her trust 

Body and soul 
She’d been wounded deep 
Her sweet angel wings 
Now lay at her feet

She and my friend 
We’d all laughed and cried 
But somehow I knew 
We could get her to fly 

With more time and patience 
She flapped her wings 
Her voice as a robin 
Beginning to sing 

Her courage and strength 
Just grew and grew 
She’d be just fine 
My friend and I knew 

She’s now flown away 
From earth she was taken 
God took her from us 
And now we are shaken 
Our broken angel 
Has flown like a dove 
And where ever she’s gone 
She’s gone with our love

Published 10 years ago

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