Still There

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You’re in my every thought
You’re in my every dream
You live in my heart
Why won’t you leave?

You’re like a nasty cobweb
Clinging to every part of me
You’re not welcome here any more
Yet you’re in every poem or story I read
Why won’t you go away?

You are always haunting me
We were so in love
Yes, you said you loved me
And I loved you
We planned a life together
You said you would never leave
But you did

Yes you did
You cheated
You lied
You’re just a liar
You left me and mocked me
I hate you

No I don’t
But I should
You’re a liar, a cheater
Both of you
You and she mocked me
I hate you both

Every day that goes by
I hope this is the day
The day I wake up and you are gone
Out of my memory like a bad dream
Because that is what you are
A Bad Dream
But you’re not

You’re not
You’re still there
Your cobweb won’t free me
Let go and leave me
You’re not welcome here

Published 10 years ago

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