Two is Company, Three is Fun: College Confessions Cont.

"Sorry for the lapse of time since my last story. I have been busy. Hope you enjoy."

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After my fling with Mark and my see saw relationship with Kate, I pretty much went emotionally numb. I would go to class, practice and work then go home. I had no life. I was lonely and depressed because all my other friends were in relationships and out partying, yet I was alone.

I hated my life. I hated my body and I despised how the men around the school looked at me. Guys hit on me all the time, making sexual innuendos and it made them sick. I desired the intimate touch of sex but I didn’t feel worthy of feeling it.

My attachment to Mark affected me more than I had realized. He had been the first guy since Ben, that I had lowered my guard with. Yet, my selfishness had driven him away. The signals were all there. He loved me, but I was too hard headed to love him back.

One night while Kate and Daniel were fucking in the bedroom next to mine, I laid in bed and grew angrier with every moan. I got up and locked my bedroom door. I was not going to be her after sex dessert any more. When I laid back down, I took my ear buds and put them into my ears and fell asleep listening to music.

The next morning was Saturday, and I had a long shift at the bar. I got up, showered, washed my hair and got ready for work. When I left our apartment, I walked out without saying a word to Kate. She tried to be lovey dovely, but I was over all that. I was tired of being used by her. I had decided that I was not going to be used by anyone. If someone was going to be used, I was going to be the person that did the using.

Saturdays in the fall were always busy at the bar. College football was in full swing, and the bar was always full of people watching the Bulldogs, Yellow Jackets, or Eagles. Drew had five televisions and each had a different game. The fans would gather around the TV their team was playing on and sit and watch.

I enjoyed busy days. The more business meant more tips, and the way I felt that day, I knew I was going to be getting some good tips. I had learned that the more I flirted the bigger the tip, and that Saturday I was feeling sexually and emotionally deprived. I felt like a puppeteer and the men in the bar were my puppets.

I was definitely in rare form that day. I swung my hips a little more than usual and could see the men watching as my butt swung back and forth. Every guy I waited on, I would touch. Either their hand or shoulder and I would give a gently squeeze and then a wink when I walked off. I knew my actions were having an effect on them, because they were having an effect on me.

My actions had also caught Drew’s attention. He pulled me into the kitchen and asked me if I was okay. I assured him I was and that I was just feeling perky. He told me to be careful, and let me go back to work. He should have given me a raise that day, because guys were drinking more than normal, just to get my special attention.

If I could have charged for each time a guy touched my bare leg or butt, I would have been debt free. I had never had so much fun at work. One game would end and another would start. It didn’t matter who was playing who, the guys were not leaving and more were coming in. It didn’t take the other waitresses long to realize what I was doing. So they also began flirting. It was almost like a contest to see who could get the most men in their section.

A couple hours before closing, one of Daniel’s friends come in with another guy close behind. Jason had been to our apartment a couple of times and seemed like a nice guy. I did not know the other guy, but they were in my section. I twisted my oversized butt over to their table to get their order.

When I got to their table, Jason’s friend was sitting and looking around the bar with amazement. I turned and sat my butt on his knee to get their order. The friend’s hands immediately went around my waist. When I turned to look at him, his face was beet red. Jason teased him about never having a pretty girl that close to him. The comment just made his face redder.

They gave me their order and just before I stood up, I wiggled my butt on his leg and laughed as I sashayed my way back to the kitchen. I checked on them a couple of times before their food was ready. Each time I would stop, the friend would look at me with googly eyes. When their food was ready, I set it on their table and went back to work.

I noticed that each time I walked by their table, the guy’s eyes were all over me. I have to admit, it was a turn on, but all the guys were looking at all the waitresses, so I really didn’t think a lot about it. I retrieved their empty plates, and made some small talk as I finished up their check. As a last ditch effort for a good tip, I leaned over and kissed the guy on the forehead and walked off.

When I came back into the bar from taking the dishes to the back, Jason was standing waiting on me. He thanked me for the special attention I had given his step-brother, Billy. He told me that it was Billy’s birthday and that his dad, Jason’s step-dad, had been called into work, so Jason had brought him here to try and make him feel better. He thanked me for making the night special for him.

He asked if I had plans for the night, after work. I told him no and that I would be getting off with in the next hour. He suggested that I hang out with the two of them, saying it would really make Billy feel better. I accepted the invitation, and they left. I convinced myself that the way I had acted had made that guy’s day, and I smiled.

My shift didn’t end until about an hour after it was supposed to end. When I walked out of the bar, Jason and Billy were sitting on a bench waiting on me. We walked and talked for some time, then Billy invited me over to their house. I didn’t have anything else to do, so I agreed. I knew Kate and Daniel were out, and my adrenaline was pumping, so I didn’t want to go home.

We hung out in the basement “man cave”, I had never been a gamer girl, but Billy tried to teach me to play some of his X-Box games. I was terrible. I thought it took good hand-eye coordination to hit a softball, but hitting a softball was so much easier than pressing all those buttons on the controller. It didn’t take me long to have enough.

I watched as Billy and Jason played. While I was watching I was drinking some of the homemade wine from the refrigerator. The more they played, the more I drank. Then more I drank, the hornier I was got. On my way to refill my glass, I noticed a Twister box on the bookshelf, and an idea came to my naughty mind.

I suggested we play Twister. I was good at that game, even drunk. Jason and Billy quickly agreed. We played a couple games and I won each game. I confess, having two good looking guys that close to me had my body on fire and I could tell from the bulges in their pants, the game was having the same effect on them.

As we prepared for the next game, Jason suggested we make the game more interesting. He lifted his shirt up and over his head. I could not help but bite my bottom lip as his ripped abs and define pectorals were uncovered. It was not the first time I had seen him without a shirt, but I do not remember the previous times having the same reaction as that one did.

I could feel my panties dampen, and my nipples harden as he unbuttoned his shorts and they fell to the floor. He didn’t even try to hide his erect cock restrained in his briefs. Billy quickly repeated the actions of his older, step-brother.

Billy was cute, but I could tell he spent more time playing video games than at the gym. Although he was not fat, but he was not ripped. He quickly tossed his t-shirt, but I sensed hesitation when he started unbuttoning his shorts. It was no hiding his erection, even in his shorts. When his shorts dropped, so did my jaws. He quickly placed his hands over it to hide it from view.

I looked around at my two gorgeous hosts, and felt overdressed. I stood between them and removed my red uniform shirt.

I adjusted the straps on my black lace bra, before tossing the shirt onto the sofa. I kicked my shoes and socks off. I could feel their eyes on me and it was driving me crazy.

I unbuttoned my shorts, and they fell. Billy was behind me, and I heard him say, damn, as I bent over to pick them up. My matching black lace thong in my big butt cheeks filled his vision. I folded my shorts and laid it with my shirt and looked at him and smiled.

Jason stepped onto the Twister Mat, and it occurred to me that I was in a delicate situation with two hot guys. I had heard my friends talk about threesomes, but I had never thought about being in one. I honestly got very nervous. I knew that I had probably gone too far, but I knew if I stepped on that mat, and felt their bodies against mine, that I was not going to be able to resist.

All these thoughts came crashing into my head. If the word got out that I had been a part of something like that, I would definitely be tagged a slut. I wondered what Kate or Mark would think about me. It was the moment of truth. I either had to step on the mat, between Jason and Billy or I put my clothes back on and leave.

When I stepped onto the mat, my hand was inches, no millimeters from Jason’s cock. I resisted the urge to touch it. Billy spun the spinner, and there I was, his hand on the circle beside my bare foot. His head even with my panty covered pussy. I knew he had to smell my aroma, and the thought made me wetter.

After three rounds, I was about to go crazy. My bra covered breasts were pressed into Billy’s back and Jason was bent over me. I could feel his covered hard cock against my thigh. Billy’s head was between my legs. There was no doubt he could smell me. My panties were so wet. I just knew at any time, my juices were going to begin to run down my thighs.

On the next move, Jason had to move his hand forward. When he did, his cock went between my legs and rubbed against my mound. I gritted my teeth, not to moan. He almost lost his balance, and lunged forward a little, causing it to push harder against me.

Luckily, I didn’t have to move that round, or I thought it was luck. Billy’s move caused him to put his left foot, in front of his left hand. The move caused his head to bump my leg, which caused me to fall forward. When I fell forward, Jason fell on my back and pushed his cock against my pussy. The only thing that kept him from entering me was our underwear. I didn’t want to move. Billy was under me, his hard cock pressed into my stomach. I was in a really tough spot.

Jason rose up on his knees and gave me some relief. Then I rose up onto my hands and knees. When I looked down, Billy’s boxers had shifted in the ruckus and I could see his purple head sticking up from under his waistband. I could not stop myself. My next move was a game stopper.

I lifted my hand and rubbed it over his boxers, and pulled his waistband down. He moaned as his cock slowly stood in front of me. Jason seeing my actions, ran his finger under the string of my thong and pulled it to the side. As my lips wrapped around Billy’s big head, Jason pushed his cock into my aching pussy.

Jason took no pity. Apparently the game had him as horny as I was. He gripped my ass cheeks and plunged deep into me. As he thrust into me, it pushed me forward which caused me to take more of Billy into my mouth. Billy moaned loud and had one hand on the back of my head, and the other slipped into my bra. Jason set the pace, and I moved like a rag doll under him and onto Billy’s cock.

It didn’t take me long to hit my orgasm. I was so horny and it had been so long since someone other than myself had been in my pussy. I tried to moan but Billy’s big cock filled my mouth so it was a big muffle. My pussy tightened around Jason’s. My lips tightened around Billy. My body began to tremble and my pussy erupted.

Jason, quickly withdrew from my pussy. When he did, I straddled Billy, and sat on his fat cock. He stretched my tight lips to the limit and I screamed as he thrust upward. Jason stood and moved in front of me. I opened my mouth as he took my head and pulled me to his cock.

It tasted so good covered in my cum. He fucked my mouth as I rode Billy. By now, Billy had torn my bra off me, and was gripping my sensitive breasts. He rolled each nipple between his thumb and finger. My ass slapped his thigh as fucked him with no mercy.

I felt Jason’s cock jerk in my mouth. In just seconds, he was grunting as he shot his load down my throat. I clamp my lips around his cock, so none would escape. I swallowed and swallowed until I felt him start to go limp. He stepped back and I put my focus on Billy.

When Jason stepped away. Billy rolled me over onto my back. He raised my legs to his chest and pushed forward. His cock entered me again and I groaned as he slipped deeper. I felt him deeper than anyone had ever been. I felt my pussy reacting to his invading thrusts. As I began to cum, my legs pushed against his chest. He showed his strength by not moving. His thrust grew harder and faster. His eyes never left mine, until I saw them roll back in his head.

As my pussy tightened around Billy’s cock, I felt it jerk and soon a wonderful warm feeling inside my pussy. He thrust and grunted several times, and with each thrust more cum entered me. My head tossed and turned on top of the crinkled mat. My hips jerked toward him, and drove him even deeper. It was the most amazing feeling.

Billy pulled his hard cock out of me, and his cum puddled on the mat. I could not believe he was still hard. Not only was he still hard, he was not finished. He pushed my legs over to the side and slipped a hand under my hip to raise me to my knees. Without any warning, he shoved his beautiful cock back into my well lubed pussy.

Watching our action had Jason back primed up and he knelt in front of me and pressed his hard cock to my lips. I opened my mouth and he entered. Billy gripped my ass and pulled me back, Jason tugged at my blonde hair and pulled me onto him. It was an erotic game of tug of war.

I was pushed and pulled, back and forth. There was a chain reaction to my orgasms. When one subsided, another started. I was in total ecstasy. They fucked me like the slut I had become. There was no passion or romance. Just raw lust, and I loved every minute.

I lost track of how long they fucked my mouth and pussy before they both, almost simultaneously filled my mouth and pussy with the second load for both. When Billy pulled his softening cock out of me, and Jason stood, I fell flat on my stomach.

I am sure I was a sight. My bra still around my chest, with the torn straps dangling. I had big puddle of cum between my legs, and more seeping out to mix with it. My jaws were tired, my pussy was sore, but I was happy.

The next thing I remembered was waking up. One of them had moved me to the couch and covered me with a blanket. When I went to move, there was a pain in my legs and I could barely move. I slowly sat up and ran my fingers through my hair.

I raised my head when I heard Jason speak. He thanked me for the night before and informed me that Billy had fell in love with me the first time he saw me. He assured me that he had not had intentions of having sex, but things got out of hand, and he apologized. He then invited me to Billy’s birthday dinner that night.

I looked at the clock, and decided it was time for me to go. I felt dirty. Not from being a slut, but from working all day and then fucking all night. I reached for my clothes and put them on as Jason sat and watched me. When I was dressed I showed myself out and went home.

As I sat in the tub and soaked my aching body, I decided that I was no longer going worry about what others thought of me. I was going to have fun. I was smart enough to know that there were risks, but I was also smart enough to take precautions. It was the beginning of a new day.

Published 10 years ago

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