The Professor And The Widow

"A professor of English and a cunning linguist"

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I felt a little cautious on my first day at the university. Although I had lectured for several years in England, this was the USA, and I was new to the American students. I thought it best to dress with some authority, so I wore a typically English fashion of brown corduroy trousers and elbow patches on my jacket. Later I learned I was seen as an eccentric English professor.

Perhaps it was a kindness, but it did excite, if not awaken, the interests of my students. Especially the female students who kept on saying how they loved my accent. Having heard the nice comment all that day, I did have to correct them and tell them, “I don’t have an accent, it is you who have the accent.” It is and will always be a discussion between American and British friends.

I introduced myself as Mr. Jones, Mr. Alex Jones. A smart arse at the back of the class sent a note round with the nickname, “The Snowman”. The smart-arse had made the wrong connection between Alex Jones and the Welsh singer. But “Snowman” stuck and became my nickname among the students. Other than this, the first day went fine, but I did spend most of the time answering questions about England rather than English Literature.

The next day, I dressed more casually. Gone was the classic English teacher’s attire. Instead, I wore a polo shirt and slim chinos. Although I am only five foot ten inches tall, I was a rugby player, and I still have a rugged physique. I was also hoping that my broad shoulders and biceps would tell the male students that being manly does not stop them from enjoying poetry. To the jokers in the class, I wanted to give off the message, “Don’t mess about with me”.


I felt so out of place sitting amongst the other university students. The young women looked all fresh-faced, in perfect clothes, of the latest fashion. Their makeup was done up and their hair styled to resemble the latest in trends on Instagram. Then there was me, older, by two decades, silver gray shoulder-length hair, wearing black leggings, a soft gray blouse, with black mid-knee leather boots.

I graduated with my nursing degree years ago. I worked full time, raised my son, and took care of everyone, and everything, except Wendy.

I loved nursing but my passion was writing. I also thought about going back to school to study English literature and maybe write a book someday. I knew it was a dream, that sounded very unlikely to accomplish, but I enrolled in a few classes at the local university and today, was my first day.

My heart was beating so fast waiting for the professor to come into the lecture hall. I had overheard from the young woman sitting around me that he was a transfer from the UK and exceptionally good-looking.

The door opened and a quiet stillness filled the room.

He was gorgeous, and he had this energy around him that I felt sitting in my chair. I noticed everything about him in a few seconds and I sensed I wasn’t the only one that was feeling the sexual energy in the room.

After he introduced himself as he started the class. most of the women in the lecture hall were swooning with his every word and his accent was polarizing, to say the least!

He finished the first class with a writing assignment. We had to write an essay about ourselves to read out loud in the next class. “The icebreaker,” he called it. I went home and got right to work on it. I’m scared of public speaking, but I wrote my essay and I hoped that tomorrow the class would run out of time before it was my turn.


“The icebreaker”, was only to be three or four paragraphs on a single page, so I collected them to scan before I had the students read them out loud.

I stood with a stern look as the students handed me their assignments. Inside I was smiling as I saw the anxious looks on their faces. Everyone in the class had completed their work and handed it in.

I was going to have a busy night tonight marking them. I took great delight in looking at the girl’s eyes as they came up. Some apprehensive, some with a twinkle. The one-to-one sessions are going to be interesting.

I had a few young girls read their work first and then some of the guys.

All were similar, college years of education and sporting activities. They read well and were confident to do so in front of new people.

Next, I chose one of the mature students. “Wendy, will you come up and read your assignment, please?”


When I heard my name, I silently said, “Fuck”, in my head. But I stood up, and with a straight back and head held high, I walked toward the front of the lecture hall. Our eyes met as Alex handed me my paper. I felt a shock of electricity zap through my body, I think he felt it too because his eyes got big and he just stared at me.

My hands shook a little and my voice had a hint of nervousness as I began to read.

“Hello, my name is Wendy. Currently, I am working in the medical field with the hopes of one day writing for a living. I love what I do but after the last few years of working diligently through the pandemic, and seeing a steady decline in the ability of our health care system to properly care for people, my spirit is broken.”

“Writing has always been my secret passion. I’ve been fortunate to find websites for novice writers to be creative and post stories for other members to read and enjoy without the worry of criticism.”

“I believe that age doesn’t define us. Age brings with it, at least for me, a deeper sense of self. I’m no longer trying to fit in. I’m living for the enjoyment of life.”

I looked up and realized everyone was quiet and looking at me. I smiled shyly, turned to the professor and he winked as I handed him my paper.

Sitting in my seat I felt elated and so proud of myself and I felt a smile on my face. I looked up when I heard the professor mention he wanted a few students to stay behind. Of course, I heard my name, “Fuck!”


“Thank you all for completing your assignment on time and well done. I trust you feel you have got to know a little about the class and what I expect from you. I guess you all feel anxious, so let us call it a day, but I would like James, Candy, Joy, and Wendy to stay behind. The rest of you can go. Thank you all.”

“I see you four are interested in becoming writers, as well as passing this class. Would you be interested if I ran a Creative Writing session after college classes?” I was pleased to see their eyes light up to my suggestion. They looked at each other as if to get group approval.

I did notice how Wendy and Joy looked at each other as they are the more mature students. Candy jumped with excitement and her breasts bounced up and down delightfully. James smiled as if to say, ‘I am being treated special.’

“I hope you are comfortable if I run this session at my house. We spend too much time in the college rooms and a different environment will open minds for new adventures,” my four students nodded approvingly. Perhaps it was just my imagination, but I thought the ladies’ nipples grew a little erect, and James seemed to grow in his pants.

“Write down the three themes you would like to write about and give them to me next week,” I told them as they left.

I called Wendy back and whispered, “If you think the word ‘Fuck’, try and keep your lips still, unless, of course, you want to.” I smiled and gestured for her to go with the others.

The next week I collected the themes from my four would-be writers. James’ themes were, Relationships, struggling to win, and Male poets. Candy’s ideas were Early American poetry, The Civil War, and Politics. Joy suggested the Decline of Native Americans, Hollywood, and Sexual relationships. Wendy surprised me with her ideas of BDSM Over 50 and Cults in Politics.


I was looking forward to having some more one-on-one time with Alex because I wanted to impress him.

On the first night of our group meeting, I wanted to look both sexy and smart. I bought a new dress that showed my large breasts nicely and I decided on knee-high boots to finish the look.

My heart was racing when I pulled into his driveway. There was only one car in the driveway, it had rental plates on it, so I assumed it was Alex’s. It seemed I was the first one to show up.

A quick look in the review mirror to touch up my lipstick, then I grabbed my leather satchel and walked up to the front door. As I waited for Alex to answer the doorbell, I heard him say, “Oh, bloody hell!” I smiled at the remark.

He answered the door wearing a cute pink apron over his white polo shirt and jeans. He looked both sexy and adorable at the same time. “Wendy you’re both punctual and gorgeous, please come in.”

My cheeks grew red from the compliment.

He led me through the foyer, into a cozy room with a small fire lit in the corner fireplace, and books lined the walls. It was masculine and sexy just like Alex.

“Wendy, how about a glass of wine while we wait for the others?”

“Yes please, thank you,” I said.

Alex smiled and poured me a glass from the beautiful crystal decanter.

I was walking around the room looking at the books as Alex walked up behind me. His voice was husky and deep and I felt his breath on my neck as he said to me, “Finding anything that interests you, Wendy?”

The way he said ‘Wendy’, I felt my pussy contract, my nipples got rock hard and I felt shaky inside. I took a small calming breath before I turned around.

He was taller than me by a good three or four inches. I looked up to see him looking into my eyes. Our bodies were close and I could smell his cologne. He held my eyes for a few seconds longer before handing me the glass of wine.

“Please, Wendy, come sit by the fire. You look pale.”

My knees felt like they would buckle at any moment as I was so horny. I took a sip of the wine to calm myself down.

“Fuck, get a grip,” I thought to myself.

Alex sat at his desk making small talk to pass the time as we waited for the others.

After an hour and a bottle of wine later it was clear to us both that the other students weren’t going to show up.

Alex looked deflated so I was sad for him. I stood up just a bit too fast, and a little bit drunk, and nearly hit the floor, but I felt Alex grab me. He held me tightly against him so I rested my head against his chest and I heard his heartbeat. He gently put me back in the chair and looked at me for the longest time.

“Well, Wendy, it looks like the writing workshop is a flop, I’m so sorry for you wasting your evening listening to me talking about my life story.”

I was slurring my words I knew it and Alex knew it. I’m not a wine drinker and it’s hit me hard.

“No problem, I’ll just be going now.”

“Wait, Wendy, I can’t let you drive. Let’s order some dinner and coffee and see how you feel in a few hours.”

My head was spinning as I closed my eyes and whispered, “Perfect.”


When I opened the door and saw Wendy, I thought, “WOW, she looks hot.” I had wondered if all I had heard about relationships between US professors and students were true. I showed Wendy to the living room and had her sit in the chair opposite my desk.

While we waited for the others, I poured us both a glass of wine. Wendy drank her wine nervously while I sipped mine. As we chatted, I flicked through emails on my laptop which I had on the desk. James and Joy had sent a note of regret that the meeting tonight had been canceled.
I smiled internally knowing I had not canceled the meeting.

Then out of the blue, the opening arrived. Wendy stood up too quickly and almost fell over. In a flash, I was there to support her and to make my move. I had thought Candy would be the one I could bed, but now Wendy was within my grasp and I was both delighted and eager. I held her close to my chest not wanting her to feel the bulge in my pants. Well, at least not yet.

I sat her back down and suggested we have something to eat and some coffee. I had prepared some snacks for the group before Wendy arrived and had them set out in the kitchen. I walked behind the chair and placed my hands on Wendy’s shoulders and looking down at her I asked, “Who’s been a naughty girl?”

She looked up at me and I rubbed her shoulders to relax and comfort her. My thumbs rubbed the back of her neck and my fingertips reached down in front of her chest, as our eyes met and held contact. Then I lowered my head and kissed her full on her lips.

I took her hand saying, “Come let’s get something to eat in the kitchen.”

I led the way to the big kitchen table, removed the few items on the table, and put them on the counter. Wendy looked perplexed as I stripped the table. I smiled and kissed her again then sat her on the end of the table.

“I thought we were going to have something to eat,” Wendy said.

“We are, but first I am going to eat you,” and I lowered her flat on the table with her legs open.

I then knelt down in from of her. I kissed her thighs just above her sexy boots, swapping from one leg to the other and working higher each time. I pulled hard on the thin material of her panties, ripping them apart, then in front of me was a magnificent pussy, glistening with her wetness and I dove in hungrily. She tasted divine as my tongue slid between her labia. With my fingertips on each side of her, I opened her pussy and tongue fucked her. I wanted to stay with cunnilingus but my cock was now so hard I felt I would burst.

I stood up throwing off my shirt and dropping my jeans. My hard, thick cock stood proud in front of me. I whipped its head over Wendy’s opening, then slid it deep inside her with ease. She was ready for me and I thrust and withdrew with vigor as I fucked her. It was a selfish few minutes since I was fucking her fast, hard and deep, as if for the pleasure of my cock. I felt her vagina muscles tighten on me and her hips lift, as then my cock swelled and throbbed. We were ready to climax so I fucked her harder and shot my load deep inside her as she moaned with joy.


When Alex lifted me up onto the table, I knew what was happening and I wanted it. The rush of adrenaline flowed through my veins when I felt him tug and rip my silk panties apart.

The wine and the hot kiss we had just shared had my clit hard and throbbing. When I felt his tongue inside me it was all I could do not to cum right then. He knew every spot to lick and suck and I couldn’t think anymore. I didn’t want to, anyway. I only wanted him to go deeper with his tongue. My eyes closed and I put my hands on his head holding him as he ate his fill of me. He was eating for his pleasure and the sounds of him slurping and swallowing my juices had me over the edge. I was so close to squirting.

I heard him say, “I can’t hold back I need to fuck you!” Then his thick cock touched just inside my opening before he slid all nine inches inside me. My breath caught in my chest and I started pulling on my hard nipples. The force of him pushing his cock in and then pulling out made my breast jiggle widely. I couldn’t stop moaning with pleasure.

His cock felt amazing inside me and I felt full. I have never been fucked by such a thick cock like his. It wasn’t only his cock that was making me wet between my legs, it was the way he was looking at me as he fucked me. He never looked away not for a second.

Then when I shut my eyes for a second his voice was stern when he said, “Wendy look at me, you look at me as I’m fucking you!” I obeyed instantly and he winked and said, “That’s my girl.”

He grunted and said, “Cum with me Wendy, cum now!”

Again, I obeyed without question. My cunt contracted hard around his shaft as my body released the pent-up energy inside me. I screamed as I squirted my hot juices between our naked bodies. I felt Alex stiffen as he came right after me, releasing strand after strand of thick white pearls inside me.

He pushed a few more times inside me and then, he pulled out and leaned his body on top of mine. Both of us were breathing hard and his cock was now soft, dripping the last few drops of cum onto the floor.


I became soft, slipped out, and fell on top of her. Our mouths opened to catch our breath and soon came together as we kissed and explored with our tongues. After a good while, I stood and Wendy sat up, “I am fucked,” she said.

“No, you are not, not yet. You only think you are,” I replied. “Think of being on a thirty-mile hike and now we have only gone the first five miles.”

I kissed her passionately again took her hand saying, “Come with me,” and led her upstairs to my bedroom. Standing at the side of the bed I stripped her. Kissing over her body as I did so, then I laid her on the bed.

My lips moved to her neck her shoulders, her breasts, and then to her nipples. I kissed and sucked to get them big and hard again. At the same time, my fingers explored her vulva and fingered her cunt. She rocked, moved, and shook as she came again. I was pleasing her and I loved doing this.

I moved her onto her side and laid behind her. My cock, now hard again, pressed against her buttocks. I lifted her top leg up and slid inside her from behind. Spooning, my favorite position, I was taking this delicious woman again. Smooth, slow, sensual rhythms this time. To enhance this love-making I reached over and my fingertips found her clit. I stroked and then pinched her clit as I fucked her from behind.

Soft moans, cries of joy, and grunts escaped from her lips as she enjoyed her man pleasing her. We lasted about thirty minutes as our fluids flowed and our bodies sweated.

I held her tight as we both came grabbing her big tits as I pushed as deep as I could go and filled her once more. Wendy came with a great passion and a great flood between both our legs and over the sheets. She shook almost uncontrollably for a good while until she settled down.

“WOW!” she eventually said.

“Wow indeed,” I replied.

We laid together for a while then I took her hand again and led her to the shower room. We showered together and dried off and then went downstairs for a well-earned drink.


Alex took me into the grand living room and I was wearing only a big fluffy white towel. I sat on the couch while looking out the big bay window. The grandfather clock in the corner chimed and I realized it was midnight and I started to panic a little!

I had to get home as I had to be at work in five hours! I stood up ready to search for my clothes as Alex came in, with a towel wrapped around his waist, holding a tray of fruit, cheeses, and finger sandwiches.

I must have looked a bit frantic because he said, “Baby, what’s wrong?”

“I have to go as it’s a work day. Thank you, for…” I trailed off not knowing what to say.

Alex calmly set the tray on the coffee table, took both of my hands in his, and softly said, “My dear, Wendy, it’s Sunday morning. As I recall from our early conversation you don’t work weekends.”

I just stared into his gorgeous eyes for a long moment until the realization hit me. Then I broke out laughing and then Alex started laughing. We stood laughing holding hands until he engulfed me in his arms holding me tight. The way he smelled made my nipples hard. He felt them harden against his chest and I could tell by the way he shifted that his cock was hard as he was rubbing against me. I felt bold and sexy knowing that I was causing this gorgeous man’s body to react so quickly.

Smiling, I took his hand and led him to the couch, and pushed him to sit. Then I removed my towel and stood in front of him proudly naked. The lights showed all of me as I placed my hands on my large breasts and started pulling my nipples. Then as they grew even harder, I brought my left breast to my mouth and started sucking my nipple.

I put my foot on Alex’s knee opening my legs so he could see my pussy. Then with my free hand, I opened my cunt lips to expose my growing clit. I started to rub it and I felt like a goddess standing there. Alex was rubbing his hard cock as he reached for me. I took my foot off him and dropped to my knees.

“It’s my turn to eat my fill of you, my professor.”

I took his cock from his hand and admired how perfect it was as it was standing tall and proud. My mouth was drooling because I wanted it so badly. I couldn’t think straight anymore working on pure primal need.

With the flat of my tongue, I licked from his balls to the tip, then I sucked him hard and heard him groan. Without lifting my tongue, I followed his vein down and around his balls. Then with a deep breath, I opened my mouth and swallowed him to the base. His hands were in my thick hair and he was pushing himself deeper. I felt the drool start to drip from my mouth as I enjoyed his excitement.

“Yes, Baby, yes, take your master’s cock, you dirty girl!”

He was pounding my mouth over and over, so I reached under him and teased his tight ass hole.

“Oh, fuck yes, finger my ass!”

I pushed my index finger in without warning and he moaned loudly and his cock was starting to leak precum. I pulled my finger slightly out and plunged it back in and squeezed his balls at the same time. He groaned and slammed my head down as he squirted strand after strand of cum down my throat. I slurped it down as fast as I could and I pulled my finger out of his ass. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me tasting his cum in the kiss.


Fellatio is always better with anus stimulation, but Wendy’s mouth was something else. She created a feeling like a well-soaked pussy and her finger fucking my ass was just divine. We were now exhausted and after five minutes of rest, I fixed us a snack and a drink then took Wendy back to bed where we slept well for the rest of the night.

I woke at seven am and left Wendy sleeping as I showered and went downstairs to prepare breakfast. I brought Wendy a cup of tea but she was not in the bed. Hearing the shower running I went to see her. She had just come out and was drying herself her back was towards me. Wendy bent over to dry her legs and gave me a lovely view of her pussy and bottom. Her buttocks parted and I could see her bum hole slightly open and looking ready for use. My cock immediately grew hard and I dropped my shorts. I gripped Wendy’s hips and pushed my cock into her hole.

“Fuck!” she exclaimed.

“I intend to,” I replied and fucked her ass with all my vigor.

I do enjoy anal sex and, from the moans and sighs, so did Wendy. Not only did she hold on to the towel rail for support but she was thrusting her backside onto my rock-hard cock. Wendy was such a woman for this that when I shot my load, I kept cumming again and again. Never had I felt a woman so good as Wendy, in every way she could take me.

After this lovely start to the day, I showered and then went back to the kitchen and cooked Wendy a lovely English breakfast of bacon and eggs with tea and toast. Wendy was now dressed and enjoyed her breakfast as we sat and chatted a while.

“I had best go and get some work done at home,” Wendy told me as she made her excuse to leave. I showed her to the door and we kissed passionately before she departed.

In class on Monday, I gave my apologies to the writing group for having to cancel Saturday evening. I told them I had an issue back in England that I had to attend to and they seemed satisfied with this. Wendy kept her counsel and I promised to hold another session in a few weeks.

The rest of the week at college was smooth as the focus was on early American poetry. When we studied the works of Emily Dickenson the events of the last weekend came to my mind.

“In this short life
That lasts only an hour
How much how little
is within our power?”

Saturday was a good day for me to relax and forget the world and studies. I went for a run and did a little shopping. In the evening I put my feet up and opened a nice bottle of wine. Just as I was to take a sip the doorbell rang.

I opened the door, “Sorry to disturb you this evening, Professor, but can you help me work through something?” she asked.

“Of course, I can. Please come in, Joy.”

Published 3 years ago

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