Seung wasn’t sure what Mackenzie’s problem was. She’d generously loaned her money so she could stay in school while her dad looked for work. Her only condition was that Mackenzie star in an amateur porn video that they submitted to an online contest. The video hadn’t won any prizes, but it had very quickly gone viral around the dorms. As a result, Mackenzie was more popular than ever. And for this, all Seung got was attitude. The bitch could at least show a little fucking gratitude.
Mackenzie could have any pick of the guys on campus – not that she ever took advantage of it, the prude. Mackenzie had made a commitment pledge to her boyfriend before school started in the fall. As far as Seung knew, with the exception of the one night with Cody for the video, Mackenzie had kept it. It didn’t seem at all reasonable to Seung. She herself had thoroughly enjoyed the absolute bounty of available partners at college. It seemed like such a waste to limit yourself to just one cock (and that cock, several hundred miles away).
As spring break approached, Mackenzie had made plans to volunteer at a bible camp for kids in Branson, Missouri with her boyfriend. Seung couldn’t think of anything lamer. Mackenzie, on the other hand, seemed to be genuinely looking forward to it. She chattered about it more and more as the break approached. The boyfriend, Dylan, was going to drive up to Clinton State after Mackenzie finished her final class. He’d stay overnight, and then they’d go on to Missouri in the morning. Then he’d spend the night again on the return trip.
The way that Mackenzie was incessantly bragging about her boyfriend was driving Seung crazy. Especially when it was coupled with the passive aggressive observations that Seung didn’t have a real boyfriend who loved her like Dylan loved Mackenzie. Being in love was such a blessed thing to feel. She really wished and prayed that Seung would find someone who loved her, and didn’t just want to use her body. And so on…
It was during medieval history class that Seung got an idea of how to put Mackenzie in her place. The professor had been lecturing about the structure of French society, and one of the things he mentioned was the Droit du Seigneur. According to this custom, it was the right of a feudal lord to take the virginity of any of his serf’s daughters, particularly those who were about to be married.
Seung imagined what it would be like to be a lord during that time; to pick out any wench in your service that you wanted, and fuck her senseless while the groom-to-be could only stand by and watch – the poor helpless bastard. It must have been torture to know that another guy was fucking your bride, and there wasn’t a damned thing you could do about it (if you wanted to keep your head, that is).
It was a few days before Dylan’s arrival. Seung was lying on her bed reading, when Mackenzie burst into the room in a panic.
“Song, you have to take the video down. Now!”
“What do you mean, I have to?” Seung asked, noting with irritation that even after half a year living together, her roommate couldn’t be bothered to learn how to pronounce her name correctly. “We had a deal, Mac.”
“You don’t understand, Song,” Mackenzie protested. “Something awful has happened.”
“I just got off the phone with my parents, and the pastor at my church was caught with,” Mackenzie lowered her voice to just above a whisper, “gay pornography.”
“So what?”
“So..! So..!” Mackenzie couldn’t even believe she had to explain what it meant.
“Relax, Mac,” Seung said, already tiring of this latest drama. “It was gay porn. He was into dudes. It’s not like he was looking for our video.”
“But,” Mackenzie argued. “I never expected in a million years that he would be interested in looking at that kind of filth! It’s disgusting!”
Seung rolled her eyes.
“But, Song, if he could do something like that… what about other people in my church? I mean, what if someone I know is into that stuff, and actually does see that thing you made me do.”
Seung sighed with exasperation.
“I didn’t make you do anything,” she explained for what felt like the millionth time. “It was your choice. You were totally free to walk away at any point. Anyway, who cares?”
“I care!” Mackenzie shouted back. “Me! Song, you have to take it down!”
“No way!” Seung objected. “We had a clear agreement. I kept my word. You’re still here aren’t you?”
“But we didn’t even win anything.”
“That’s not the point!” Seung shouted angrily at her roommate. “A deal is a deal.”
Seung had initially reveled in the Mackenzie’s misery and embarrassment over the video, and relished each time she’d begged for her to take it down. However, over the months, the constant whining had become less enjoyable and more tiresome. Now, Seung only refused out of sheer principle. But maybe there was something else to be gained from this–a new way to torment her holier than thou roommate.
“What was our deal, Mac?” Seung asked rhetorically.
“It was a devil’s deal! I never should have made it!”
“But you did,” Seung reminded her. “What was the deal we made?”
Reluctantly, Mac recited the terms: “You would lend me the money to pay for this semester of school, and in return I had to help you make your perverted video with that gross boy, so you could submit it to that stupid contest.”
“Right. And did I keep up my end of the deal?”
“You humiliated me!” Mac argued.
“Fine, you were humiliated,” Seung agreed. “But don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it, too. I know for a fact you did.”
“Liar!” Mackenzie accused, with her eyes beginning to water.
Seung had witnessed for herself how aroused Mackenzie had been. However reluctantly at first, she had been a more than willing slut by the end of the night. Seung had edited the video herself, closely attentive to every sigh and shudder that had gone through her body. Mackenzie had enjoyed herself. And she knew Mackenzie knew it too. There was no point in arguing. The bitch was so uptight, she’d never admit how much she liked being turned into a submissive little whore. But the camera didn’t lie.
“Well, you’re still in school aren’t you?” Seung asked, changing direction. “You didn’t have to drop-out because you’re broke-ass daddy couldn’t pay the bills, did you? How did that happen? What magic fairy fucking godmother took care of your tuition for you?”
“You did, but-”
“Yes, I did,” Seung interrupted. “I made the conditions clear, and I held up my end of the deal. Now you want to go back on it? You know what? Fine! I don’t think your poor ass is ever going to be able to pay me back anyway, so I have a new deal.”
“Oh, please, Jesus,” Mackenzie pleaded at the ceiling. “Please, no. I can’t be in anymore videos. I won’t have sex with any other guys. I won’t cheat on Dylan anymore.”
“You won’t have to,” Seung assured her. “Besides, you weren’t so great on camera, anyway. Maybe if you were a better lay, we might have actually won something.”
“What, then?” Mackenzie asked.
“How much do you love your boyfriend?”
“More than anything!”
“And you’d do anything for him?”
“Yes, anything,” Mackenzie agreed, not understanding where the line of questioning was headed.
“And does he love you?” Seung asked.
“Of course,” Mackenzie responded confidently.
“He’d do anything for you too?”
“He would, I’m sure. He’s amazing.”
“Good,” Seung said, grinning.
“Song, I don’t get it. What’s Dylan got to do with anything?”
Seung looked straight into the other girl’s eyes, and said plainly, “I want to fuck him.”
Mackenzie couldn’t believe her ears. It took her nearly half a minute to find a word to say. That word was: “What?!”
“You heard me,” Seung told her.
“I can’t… It’s… no!” Mackenzie fumbled.
“Listen,” Seung said. “You want to go back on our deal, and take the video down? Okay. These are my terms: I’ll remove it, and I’ll forgive the debt you owe me, and in return I fuck your boyfriend while you watch. Or the video can stay, and I can e-mail a link to everyone in your stupid fucking church.”
Seung didn’t even know the name of Mackenzie’s church, let alone anyone in it, but the threat had its desired effect. Mackenzie turned even whiter than she already was.
“Song, you can’t!” Mackenzie shouted. “I just… you can’t…”
“Those are the terms,” Seung repeated. “Take it or leave it.”
“I… I…” Mackenzie stuttered, and then erupted, “I hate you, you godless Asian cunt!”
It was a word she’d never used before- the worst one she’d ever heard. And when it was out, she felt ashamed of herself for uttering something so unchristian. Mackenzie stormed out of the room with tears running down her cheeks, and cursing Seung for making her debase herself. Seung just stood there grinning.
The next few days passed mostly in icy silence. It was Mackenzie who broke it on the day her boyfriend arrived.
“Listen, Song,” she began slowly, “I know we’ve had our differences, but please, I’m asking you not to say anything to Dylan.”
“I won’t say anything,” Seung promised. “Have you given any more thought to the new deal?”
“Isn’t there any other way we can work this out?” Mackenzie asked hopefully.
“What else could I possibly want from you?” Seung asked, eyeing the girl up and down. Her family was wealthy and bought her whatever her heart desired. Mackenzie’s family was broke.
Mackenzie sighed, and turned her eyes to the ceiling for a full minute.
“Not tonight,” she said finally. “I need more time to think about it.”
“When?” Seung asked.
“If we accept, it’ll be when we come back after Spring Break.”
“Okay, Mac,” Seung agreed. “I’m not unreasonable. You have until then. And I won’t say anything to your boyfriend, alright? But if you don’t accept the night you get back, the deal is off the table permanently. Do you understand? The debt stands, the video stays put, and who knows who might come across it.”
“Fine,” Mackenzie said irritably. “Just give me this week.”
There was a knock at the door. Mackenzie jumped off her bed, and rushed to the door. She turned to give Seung a final warning look, before she pulled it open. Standing on the other side was a tall boy, in a blue flannel shirt, and jeans with a big silver belt buckle. He had long sandy brown bangs that he brushed out of his handsome face.
“Hey, baby,” the boy said, spreading his big arms for a hug.
“Baby, I missed you so much!” Mackenzie launched herself into him, raining kisses all over his face.
“I missed you too, babe,” he said, laughing. He really was good looking, Seung noted. She was going to enjoy taking him from Mackenzie, and using him for her own pleasure.
“Sorry, babe, where are my manners?” Mackenzie asked, pulling herself away from her boyfriend after a minute. “Babe, this is my roommate, Song. She’s Korean. Song, this is my boyfriend, Dylan.”
“Song?” the boy, asked, crossing the room. “Like singing a song?”
“Sai-ung,” Seung corrected. “And I’m actually American. I was born in Colorado.”
“Well, ain’t that something?” Dylan asked. Seung wasn’t sure that it was. But when he extended his hand, Seung tentatively stuck out her own. She expected him to crush it painfully, but his grip was surprisingly gentle as he shook.
“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Sai-ung,” Dylan added, stressing the syllables separately as Seung had done.
Seung glanced at Mackenzie who was glaring behind her boyfriend’s back.
“It’s good to meet you too,” she said in an over-friendly way, appreciatively brushing Dylan’s bicep with her free hand. There was firm muscle beneath his plaid shirt. She smiled as Mackenzie’s scowl deepened. She knew it was driving her crazy to see Seung touch Dylan, even though it was just the smallest taste of what she had in mind for the boy.
As Dylan let her hand drop, Seung watched Mackenzie’s facial expression instantly change from restrained anger to sweet, smiling and pleasant.
“I’m so happy you’re here, babe,” Mackenzie said. “I can’t wait to show you around. It must have been a long drive. Are you hungry?”
“I ‘spose I could manage a bite to eat,” Dylan drawled.
“Perfect!” Mackenzie exclaimed. “I know a great little Mexican place you’ll just love.”
“Would you like to join us, Seung?” Dylan offered.
“Babe,” Mackenzie whined.
“What?” Dylan asked defensively. “I’m just bein’ polite.”
“I know, babe. It’s just… I haven’t seen you in so long.”
“It’s fine. You two have a good time. I don’t really like Mexican food anyway,” Seung excused herself. Then she added with a sly smile, looking directly at Mackenzie, “Besides, I’m sure you’ve got lots to talk about.”
Mackenzie quickly flashed dagger eyes at Seung.
“Come on, babe,” Mackenzie said, practically shoving Dylan towards the door.
“Alright then,” Dylan said. “I’ll see ya later.”
“You bet you will,” Seung responded with a subtly flirty wink and grin.
As they left, Mackenzie turned and gave Seung a final evil look, mouthing the word ‘bitch’ at her. Then they were gone. Seung lay back on her mattress, laughing to herself. If she had to wait a week, so be it. It was definitely going to be worth it to see the look on Mackenzie’s face as she rode Dylan like a cowgirl.
They returned to the room around ten o’clock, just as Seung was packing her suitcase for her Spring Break vacation in Mexico.
As Mackenzie and Dylan entered the room, it was clear from their easy demeanor that Mackenzie hadn’t had ‘the talk’ with her boyfriend. She also noticed that his eyes scanned appreciatively over her swimwear, and then up and down her own body. Hmm. Well, Seung wasn’t surprised. Dylan may be a Jesus-loving good-mannered hick, but he was still a red-blooded American guy.
She held one of the bikini tops tightly against her chest, and in the process flattened her shirt against her breasts so that their shape was clearly visible. She wasn’t as well endowed as Mackenzie, but she knew how to work with what she had. That was more than she could say for her conservative-dressing roommate. Dylan kept casting quick glances her way while Mackenzie was talking uninterruptedly.
“…what do you think, babe?” Mackenzie asked.
“Huh?” Dylan responded.
“I was saying you had a long drive today, and another one tomorrow. Maybe we should get some sleep.”
“Yeah, sure. I mean, if Seung doesn’t mind.”
“No, it’s okay,” Seung assented, randomly picking three bikinis and stuffing them in her luggage. “I’ve got a flight to catch tomorrow morning, too.”
“Did you bring your PJs?” Mackenzie asked Dylan.
“Yes ma’am,” Dylan answered. He picked up the duffel bag he’d brought with him.
“You can go to the boys’ restroom and change there,” Mackenzie directed. “Knock when you come back, and I’ll make sure we’re both decent.”
As soon as the door clicked shut, Mackenzie spun on Seung.
“What do you think you were doing?” she accused.
“What?” Seung asked, feigning innocence.
“Parading your slutty lingerie in front of Dylan.”
“First of all, they were swimsuits. And secondly, I wasn’t parading, I was packing.”
“Whatever, Song,” Mackenzie said, pulling a pale yellow nightgown from her dresser drawer. “I haven’t agreed to your terms yet, so just back off, okay? I told you, we’ll decide by next week.”
“Fine,” Seung agreed, pulling her black t-shirt off over her head, exposing her small bare breasts. She very rarely wore a bra. Mackenzie changed into the nightgown, while Seung unzipped and stripped off her tight jeans. She was standing in the middle of the room in just a pair of white cotton panties, when there was a knock on the door.
“Just a minute, babe,” Mackenzie called out. Then in a lower voice, she complained, “Don’t you have anything else to wear?”
Seung didn’t. She liked the feel of cool bed sheets brushing against her skin. Why interrupt that with stupid layers of clothing just for the sake of modesty? Fuck modesty.
“It’s fine, Mac. Jesus!” Seung said, “Do you have to be so fucking uptight all the time? I’ll be under the covers. Dylan’s not going to see anything. See?”
Helplessly, Mackenzie watched as Seung’s small round Korean ass crossed the room, and climbed into her bed. She pulled the covers up to her neck. There was another knock. Mackenzie shot Seung one last look of anger, and then her face transformed into a forced cheeriness as she went to the door. The bitch was so fucking fake, Seung thought to herself.
“Hey, baby,” Mackenzie cooed as her boyfriend entered the room. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, hoping that Seung would see how in love they were. “I missed you.”
“I was only gone for a few minutes,” Dylan said.
As he pulled away from Mackenzie, Seung took the opportunity to admire his attire, a loose orange Longhorns t-shirt, and thin light blue pajama bottoms. Seung liked the way they fell, hinting strongly at what lay beneath them. She thought about how the soft fabric would feel if she caressed it with her fingers as his cock hardened beneath it. There was a familiar pleasant tingling sensation between her legs.
“I know, but all this time I’ve been here so far away from you I’ve been missing you. Now that you’re here, I hate spending even a second apart from you.”
Seung wanted to puke. This saccharine bullshit was cloying, and Mackenzie was laying it on thick. Even Dylan looked slightly uncomfortable with the overwhelming display of public affection. Seung actually felt sorry for the guy. Mackenzie could be a real boner-killer. Seung decided that giving him a proper fucking would be like a mission of charity after having to endure an entire week with her.
But that all depended on whether Mackenzie would take her up on her offer. She wasn’t sure she would. Seung knew she was pushing the limits with Mackenzie. Still, just thinking about feeling that boy’s stiffening dick intensified her warm tingly feeling.
“All ready for bed, baby?” Mackenzie chirped.
“Yeah, sure,” Dylan answered. “Are you ready, Seung?”
“I’m good,” Seung said.
She rolled onto her side, facing the wall. She was aware that the covers fell away slightly from her body, revealing her shoulders and upper-back. It was far from what most normal people would call indecent, but it was enough to suggest to Dylan that she was naked beneath her sheets.
She sensed, or maybe imagined, rather than saw a brief look of surprise and bashfulness cross his face. She wondered if Mackenzie caught it. If what she’d said about him was true, he probably wasn’t used to being in a room with naked women (even if they were under covers), especially one whom he wasn’t in a ‘commitment pledge’ with. It was kind of stupidly cute in a way, like a retarded puppy.
Seung heard Dylan slip beneath the covers of Mackenzie’s bed. Then everything went dark. Mackenzie quickly padded across the floor. There was some more rustling of the covers as the couple settled into a comfortable position. Briefly, there was the sound of kissing, and a pair of ‘goodnights’ softly whispered between them, then there was silence.
In that silence, Seung closed her eyes, and continued to fantasize about Dylan’s pajama bottoms. She thought of his penis growing under her touch, delicate at first, just teasing. But as it grew, Seung’s restraint would shrink. She’d take it in one hand, then two, grasping it through the light fabric. And still, it would get bigger. As she stroked it, a dark spot would appear on the fabric at the head of his cock. It would get darker and larger. Seung would take it in her mouth, sucking and savoring the salty pre-cum, totally saturating the pajamas with her spit.
A soft snoring started on the other side of the room. Seung recognized it as Mackenzie. The girl always fell asleep quickly, and slept soundly. That fact had conveniently aided Seung in attaining many late-night climaxes without her roommate’s knowledge, after which she also slept soundly. Now, with thoughts of Dylan’s pajamas, she was about to engage in another covert act of self-love.
As she rolled onto her back, the bed sheets fell a little further down her body to just above her nipples. Seung opened her eyes, and allowed them to adjust to the darkness as her left hand began to softly rub at the front of her panties. She turned her head to look across the room. Her roommate was sleeping with her back to Seung, her head tucked into her boyfriend’s chest. The boyfriend, however…
Was watching her. For just an instant she saw him observing her over Mackenzie’s head. Then he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Too late! Well, well, wasn’t this interesting?
Her fingers slid across the low waist line of her panties, through the trimmed patch of silky hair beneath, and to either side of her sensitive clit. Pulling back the hood, she allowed one finger to gently brush across it. The feeling was amazing. Involuntarily, she quietly gasped and closed her eyes.
When she opened them again, she found Dylan’s staring back at her in wonder. If it was a show he wanted, Seung didn’t mind the audience. She turned again in her bed, this time facing him. Her small breasts were now completely uncovered. Her hand went to one stiffened nipple, squeezing it between fingers that were slippery with her own juices.
She loved the way his eyes were fixed on her, greedily. Mackenzie may have had bigger tits, but she didn’t know the first thing about what to do with them. Seung slowly teased the boy lying across from her, running her hands over her slender body. Each caress moved the covers slightly further down, revealing a little more of herself.
Though he was silent, Seung could see the tension on his face. It was almost like a physical object in the room. It turned her on to see it growing (just as his cock undoubtedly was), while he was helplessly trapped in the other bed by his sleeping girlfriend. Poor Dylan, she thought to herself with devilish amusement.
The covers were now pushed down to her thighs, showing her white panties. They were thoroughly soaked. She teased herself from above them, and then below the fabric, while Dylan could only stare. She allowed a low quiet moan to escape her throat as her fingers explored inside herself. After a minute, they came free of her panties, slick and shiny with her juices in the little moonlight that filtered through the window shades. One by one, she sucked them slowly, loving the taste of herself.
Did Dylan want to see more? Her hands slid back down her sides, and her thumbs hooked into the hips of her panties. Slowly, she tugged them, first revealing the neatly trimmed little black triangle of her pubic hair pointing down to the slippery slit of her hot little cunt. She loved the feeling of the open air on it, not to mention Dylan’s devouring gaze. Her fingers spread her lips, and once again dipped inside of herself.
“Mmhuh,” Mackenzie groaned.
Seung froze. Her heart was pounding. She pulled her covers back over her shoulders, turned, and pretended to be asleep.
“Dylan, you’re poking me,” Mackenzie groggily complained.
“I’m sorry baby,” Dylan said just above a whisper. “It’s just… I’ve missed you so much.”
“Oh, baby, I’ve missed you, too.”
There was a kissing sound.
“Dylan, you have no idea how much I want to, but we can’t.”
“Why not?”
“My roommate. She’s right over there.”
“She’s asleep.”
Seung consciously tried to deepen her breathing as if she were really asleep. She listened as the bodies in the other bed shifted. Probably Mackenzie checking on her.
“See, she’s fast asleep,” Dylan continued.
“She does sleep like the dead, but it’s still… it’s just weird…”
“But I can’t sleep, baby,” Dylan whined. “I just keep thinking about you.”
“Ah, my poor baby.”
There were some more kissing sounds, and more rustling of sheets.
“Mmm, Dylan. You know I love that. We really shouldn’t do this.”
“Don’t worry, she’ll never know.”
“Okay, fine. Just be quiet.”
Seung cautiously opened her eyes. Mackenzie had turned back on her side, facing towards Dylan again. She watched their movement beneath the bed sheets.
“Oh my goodness, baby! You really are excited. You must have really missed me.”
“I did, baby.”
“Here, let me… ”
Mackenzie made a kind of shimmying motion under the covers, then squeezed closer to Dylan.
“How does this feel?”
“Like heaven,” Dylan breathed. His eyes once again crossed the tile floor and landed on Seung.
“Show me how much you love me, baby,” Mackenzie encouraged.
Their bed began to make a slow rhythmic creaking noise. Seung felt a stitch of jealousy. After all, she was the one who had gotten Dylan all hot and bothered. Now her bitch roommate was reaping the reward. She would definitely pay her back for this. But in the mean time…
Seung pulled her covers away from her body, and peeled off her soaking wet panties. Play time was over, and now she intended to finish what she’d started. She spread her legs wide, giving Dylan a full view of what she was doing. Dylan’s eyes were transfixed on her swollen pussy as he silently thrust his hips into Mackenzie.
“Cheese and rice, baby! Oh, cheese and rice!” Mackenzie exclaimed a little too loudly as Dylan moved inside her. If Seung had been asleep she would undoubtedly have woken.
Seung’s fingers vigorously massaged her clit. Her teeth clenched hard as she held back the urge to cry out loudly. She watched Dylan fuck Mackenzie, picking up his pace. And she knew it was her that he was watching, her that he was thinking of, her that was turning him on. She loved the idea of reducing Mackenzie to just a fuck-toy, as her boyfriend’s attention was fixed firmly and intently on her her her. She was so close to cumming now! She could see he was close as well.
A wave of mind-blowing euphoria washed over her body. She bit her own hand to keep from screaming in ecstasy as her muscles spasmed uncontrollably. Her other hand clutched her bedsheet so tight she could feel her fingernails digging sharply into the palm of her hand.
On the other side of the room, she saw Dylan rapidly motioning his hips. The bed was creaking very loudly beneath their bodies. As the orgasm subsided, Seung continued to caress herself, enjoying the feeling of her own light touch, as Dylan’s eyes stayed glued to her naked figure.
“Here it comes,” Dylan announced in an intense whisper. His body suddenly locked up. She heard him emit a low growl as he came inside Mackenzie.
“Oh my goodness, baby,” Mackenzie said, well above a whisper, “It feels so good.”
Seung pulled the covers over her body, and turned to face the wall once more. She could hear them both breathing heavily.
“That was great, baby,” Dylan said. “I love you, my little Macky-bear.”
“I love you, too baby,” Mackenzie responded. ” I’m blessed to have you in my life. Do you think you can get to sleep now?”
“I think so.”
Soon, all three of them did.