The Cuckcake – Part 2

"Rachel is further seduced by her married couple and has an extrordinary offer made to her."

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I woke up slightly disoriented. I knew I was not in my bed and had a warm body on either side. It took me a few moments to process where I was and recollect yesterday’s extraordinary experiences. I lazily closed my eyes to relive what I had done and what had been done to me.

I was conscious that Chad was behind me with his stiff cock nuzzling between my butt cheeks while Lilly was facing me with her soft hand cupping my pussy. Lilly whispered, “Chad are you awake?”

“Hush, darling, let’s let her sleep. She must be exhausted after yesterday.”

“I just wanted to thank you.”

“For what?”

“For finding her, my darling. She is very special.”

“How’s that?”

“She’s the first one we have ever found who I feel is a fit for us,” Lilly whispered.

“How’s that?”

“Think with your big head, not the little one at the end of your cock, you lovable oaf. We have tried many times before, yet never have we come across a woman who is not only ravishingly beautiful but also so loving. I can feel her giving her heart to us, not just her body. So we must do everything we can to convince her to remain with us.”

I smiled and felt my eyes tear. I so much needed this feeling of love in my life. I sincerely wanted to belong. The relationship between Chad and Lilly was so extraordinary. Those two complimented themselves perfectly. I needed those feelings in my life.

“I have a plan, Lilly. Let’s see how things progress. Let me also think my plan out,” Chad whispered.

Lilly’s hand felt so good on my pussy. I could feel it start to ooze its love juice. I wriggled my butt and felt Chad’s cock against my anal pucker. I thrust my hips back. He must also have been well lubricated with precum as I felt his bulbous tip start to spread my ass open.

“Rachel, you awake?” Chad said.

“Mmmph!” I uttered, pushing back against his cock more urgently.

He hooked my leg under his right arm, opening me up like a ripe peach, and thrust forward. His tip lodged in me, and he just held me there while I got accustomed to the feeling of my hole spreading wide to welcome him.

As soon as Lilly became aware of what was happening, she curved her fingers and thrust them into my cunt. When she started scissoring her fingers deep within me, I felt my body relax, and Chad’s cock slid into the depth of my bowels.

These two were like a well-trained sexual team who could extract every ounce of pleasure from a playmate.

She kissed me passionately while Chad pounded my ass and played with the nipple of my right breast. I felt at that moment as if they owned me. I was absolutely ready to be owned. I wanted to wake up every morning to these incredibly voluptuous sensations.

Chad pounded me hard, and Lilly pinched my clit. I could feel the throbbing of his luscious meat deep in my rectum and the slap of his balls against my asscheeks. I don’t know whether it was Lilly playing with my clit or the shafting of my vulnerable ass by Chad, but I felt the tremors of my impending orgasm course through my body. Finally, my asshole clamped down on Chad’s cock. He uttered a growl and shot his load deep into my bowels.

As soon as I felt the spurts of hot cum in me, I was taken over the edge. I squirted my juices all over Lilly’s hands.

“Rachel, you squirted all over me,” she said in a startled voice.

“Sorry, Lilly, that has never happened before. I’m really sorry.”

“What are you sorry about? That is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

She instantly shifted her position, and her tongue wriggled its way into my pussy. I thought I heard her mutter, “Waste not, want not.”

She rolled me onto my back and pushed my knees back to open me up fully to her tender mercies. Her tongue tag-teamed my cunt and ass, sending me spiraling through several more climaxes. By the time she was through, I felt like a limp Raggedy Ann doll.

I was lying on the bed in a state of post-coital bliss when it hit me. “Lilly, I’d be happy to make love to you now. I feel that you must need to get off too.”

“Rachel, that’s so sweet. I already came while I was toying with you. I made myself cum twice. See, Chad, what I told you. She is perfect.”

Feigning ignorance of their whispered conversation, I asked, “What are you talking about?”

Chad answered, “Let’s shower and have breakfast first, then we can sit down and talk.”

I got up and was led by Lilly to the biggest shower I had ever seen. This one was big enough to hold six people easily. There were more jets protruding from the wall than at a small airport. Lilly played with the controls, and water shot out from every conceivable angle. When she gave me a gentle push to go in, my body was assaulted by streams of water from all directions splashing over me, including my nether parts. The tingling sensation was erotic, and she joined me when I was thoroughly wetted down.

She turned off the nozzles and left just a rain shower on. Then, taking liquid soap, she soaped both our bodies from head to foot before taking me in her arms and rubbing her body against mine. The feel of her tits and nipples rubbing mine was delicious.

A strong pair of hands came from behind me and shampooed my hair. I glanced back to get a glimpse of Chad. Turning my head, I kissed him as he continued soaping my back and asscheeks. Distracted by his ministrations, I squealed when Lilly used her soapy fingers to clean my pussy. At the same time, Chad performed a similar service on my asshole.

I felt pampered and loved. Wanting to reciprocate, I grabbed the liquid soap and busied myself cleaning Lilly’s holes while she soaped and washed Chad from head to foot.

The three of us rinsed off under the rain shower, and Chad turned off the water when we were soap-free. He fiddled with the knobs, and warm air jets washed over our bodies, drying us thoroughly.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, my nostrils were assailed by the smell of coffee, bacon, and eggs. Then, finally, I realized that Chad had been right. I had worked off the calories I had ingested last night and was starved.

I looked around for my clothes and was about to put them back on when Lilly said, “Rachel, why don’t you put on one of my bikinis. We are close enough at the bust, and though your hips are wider than mine, the string ties on this one should fit you well enough,” as she handed me some scraps of fabric which contained less material than a handkerchief.

I put it on, looked at myself in the mirror, and saw a sight that made me blush. The damn thing revealed more than it hid. My breasts oozed out of the tiny cups, and the wisp of fabric covering my pussy revealed a well-pronounced camel toe. When I looked at the back view, my ass was bare except for a string embedded between my asscheeks.

Lilly smiled at me and said, “Delectable. Now let’s go eat. Food that is, though I am sorely tempted to eat something else.”

We descended a flight of stairs and ended up in a large kitchen, which we walked through to enter a small dining area. The table had been set for three, and a grey-haired older man was serving coffee.

“Rachel, this is Stephen, the real boss around here. Stephen, say hello to Rachel.”

“Good morning, Rachel. My function is to make sure that you are comfortable here. Anything you need, just ask.”

“Thank you, Stephen. That’s very kind of you.”

I sat down, and I think Chad saw the quizzical look on my face.

“Rachel, Stephen is my majordomo. He runs the house for me.”

“Just how big is your house?” I asked.

“We’ll give you the guided tour after breakfast. Oh, and you need not worry about Stephen. He is strictly into men. I’m not saying that women leave him cold as he recognizes beauty when he sees it but more as an art form. So you could have walked in butt naked and been perfectly safe. Now please help yourself to anything you wish.” He gestured to the table’s fruit, cheeses, and jams spread.

“I hope you like eggs benedict as I have already asked Stephen to prepare three orders. However, if that is not to your liking, he’ll be glad to prepare whatever you wish.”


Breakfast was a pretty silent affair. The three of us seemed lost in our thoughts. I mulled over what I had overheard in the whispered conversation as I woke up. It was apparent that they seemed happy to have discovered me. They wanted me around, but what did that entail? Obviously, this lifestyle was utterly alien to any I had ever heard of. So many unknowns were involved.

On the other hand, yesterday had been beyond belief. It was not only the sexual aspect that was of such intensity that it blew my mind. The emotional intensity was even more remarkable. I could easily fall in love with Chad, Lilly, or both.

After breakfast, Chad stood and asked, “Ready for the grand tour?’

“Sure,” I answered.

“You will have to pay the tour conductor before we start.”

“Pay? How the hell can I pay? I could not have squirreled a thin dime in this whore of Babylon outfit that Lilly gave me to wear.”

“On the contrary, sexy. Surveying you, I would say you are carrying more than enough ass…ets to cover my fee,” he said as his hand cupped my bare asscheeks. “Mind you, I would also accept your promiscuity note. Sorry I meant to say promissory note.”

Smirking, Lilly added, “On that note, can we get started before you and I forget the tour and as I note that Sir Promiscuous is ready to not only collect but also to deposit,” as she slid her hand down the front of his shorts.

“Okay, this way, ladies. Rachel, this is not only our home but also our place of business. Our living quarters are on one side of the house with two master suites, like the one we were in last night. The communal areas are in the middle of the house where we are now. They are made up of a kitchen, breakfast nook, formal dining room, library, and a formal living room. On the other side of the communal areas are two guest suites should we have guests staying with us. These stairs which we are descending lead to a small sitting and TV room, our private home offices, and a fully equipped gym. Now through this door, if you are interested in that type of thing, is a dungeon.

“A dungeon?”

“Yes. Have you ever seen one?”

“Only in porn movies. Who uses the dungeon?”

“We both do, and occasionally we might have a guest who enjoys that variety of kink. Lilly enjoys it a lot. She is a switch.”

“What’s a switch?”

“A person who enjoys being dominant as well as being a sub.”

I looked at the slim redhead, and as my mind tried to wrap itself around that concept, I realized that the thought had started to turn on the juice works in my pussy.

“Can we see it?” I asked.

“But of course. Before we do, turn and look at the door at the far end beyond the home offices. It leads to a completely separate building which houses our corporate headquarters where we employ a staff of approximately fifty people.”

“Incredible. How big is this place?”

“Large enough for our comfort without being gigantic. Later we will show you the gardens and the pool. Now before the dungeon visit, we would like to chat with you. Why don’t we go to the sitting room?”

The sitting room was cozy as compared to the formality of the rooms on the floor above. The walls were lined with artwork that obviously did not come from Walmart. Instead, it had obviously been chosen by someone with excellent taste and knowledge of art.

I sat in an armchair that seemed built to cuddle my body with Lilly taking its mate, and Chad faced us on a matching couch. Chad called out through an intercom and asked Stephen to send down a freshly brewed pot of coffee.

While we waited, I asked Chad, “All this luxury, Chad. Is it legal, or are you a dope or arms dealer?”

He burst out laughing. “No, Rachel. All I do is above board. I run a mining consortium with mines and exploration around the world. Not only is it legal, but I scrupulously watch that it is both ecologically sound and socially equitable. Lilly is an art expert and dealer catering to the high-end market in modern artworks.

“To give you some background, we met while at university. I was plodding through an engineering degree and an MBA when we met and fell in lust. It did not take us long to discover that we were total hedonists.

“We treated ourselves to a vacation after obtaining our degrees, and lust turned to love. It was difficult to decide whether we would marry. We both had stupendous sexual appetites, and the ‘forsake all others’ stipulation of wedding vows would not work for us. We had to work out a lifestyle that would match our needs.

“Polyamory was the solution we embraced, and it works for us.

Stephen walked in with the coffee service, and we sat back while he served us. Much to my surprise, he sat with us, smiling at me as he did so.

“Stephen, I have two questions. The first is where do you get this coffee? It’s the best I’ve ever tasted?”

“Miss Rachel, I will entrust you with the secret. However, you can never reveal it. Deal?”

I smiled. “Of course.”

“The coffee beans come from the Kenyan Highlands. They are handpicked by nubile naked virgins who then ship it to me.”

“You’re kidding me.”

Chad let out a loud belly laugh. “I would not put it past him that it’s the truth. However, he has never told me anything else but that fairy tale. I know that he grinds and roasts it himself.”

“What is your second question, Miss Rachel?” Stephen asked.

“This place is enormous. How do you manage to take care of all of it?”

“I have a crew of cleaners and chamber maids to assist me.”

“Where are they? I haven’t seen a single other person but the four of us.”

“You’ll occasionally get a glimpse of them if you remain here. They are, however, trained to be unobtrusive. The bedroom has already been cleaned, and the sheets changed. The bathroom likewise.”

I thought back to the state of the sheets on the bed when we left and blushed. Stephen picked up on that and said, “Please do not worry. They are extremely well paid and know that what goes on in this house stays in this house.”

“This brings us to the topic at hand,” said Chad.

I looked at him and then questioningly at Stephen.

“Stephen is part of the family, Rachel. He cannot accomplish his functions if he is not part of the process.”

“Oh! Okay. Please excuse my ignorance, Stephen.”

“No offense taken, Miss Rachel.”

“And cut out the Miss business. I’m Rachel to you from now on.”

“Okay, Rachel.”

“Rachel, Lilly, and I had a long talk last night while you slept. We would like to make you an offer. Understand that we have never done this with anyone else. You are an exceptional woman; we feel you could become part of our life. Both of us are definitely in lust with you. However, we think it would be easy to fall in love with you. So we would propose you give us a chance,” Chad said.

“Please, Rachel. Please give us a chance to love you,” interjected Lilly.

“But you know so little about me. How can you know it would work out, and what would be involved?” I asked.

“Well, we know much more about you than you suspect. We had a busy time last night after you conked out. We had a long talk with Janice and told her what we would propose to you. She filled us in on all she knew about you. All about the wonderful man you were married to, about your high school and university years. She confessed about your lesbian experiences with her.

“We even know about your financial background. Super sleuth over here,” he said, pointing to Stephen, “did a deep internet search and gathered all that was out there in the public domain about you.

“Please understand we already knew intuitively that we wanted you. However, we wanted to gather as many facts about you that we could use to convince you to join us.”

“Well, you couldn’t have had much sleep last night,” I said. “I’m not sure whether I should be mad at you about the intrusion or honored that you esteemed me enough to go to all that trouble.”

Lilly said, “Oh, please don’t be mad. Everything we learned about you convinced us that you were an ideal choice. You, at this stage, have no attachments to anybody. You are financially secure, and from your lifestyle, it is obvious you are not a gold digger. We could find no one you had obligations toward. And I love you already.”

“Are you interested in hearing our proposition?” Chad asked.

I sat back and ran the whispered conversation from this morning back through my mind. My heart was throbbing, and I felt woozy. Finally, I stood up, walked to the patio doors, and walked out into the garden. My mind raced. Was I being set up, or was this for real? Then again, what did I risk? It was apparent they did not need my money. At the least, I could listen to what they had to say. I walked back into the room, and all three were sitting there with downcast expressions. They looked at me anxiously as if waiting for bad news.

Instead of going back to my armchair, I went and sat in the same chair as Lilly. “Okay, tell me what the deal is.”

Lilly gave a squeal of delight and kissed me passionately, and both Chad and Stephen’s faces lit up with big smiles.

“Rachel, what we propose is this. Move in with us for a trial period, and let’s see if we can become a three-person family. Grandpa here,” he said, “will lend us his sage advice as required.”

“But what about my house, job, and all the rest?”

“Your house, for the time being, can remain empty. You can rent or put it on the market if things work out.

“Lilly, leave her tits alone for now. Let her concentrate.

“Now, as far as work is concerned, you have two choices. As an IT consultant, you normally work from home. There is no reason why you cannot work from your office here. Stephen can set you up in an office right next to ours.”

“What do you say, Rachel, will you do it? Will you?” Lilly asked.

I smiled at her eagerness, slid my hand into her bikini, and squeezed her butt cheek. “I think I really want to try, but I have one condition.”

“What’s that? She asked.

“That before the end of the day, I get the opportunity to spank this adorable butt.”

“Ooh, yes. I’d love that but remember, we share our pleasures, so I also get the opportunity to spank yours. Remember, payback can be a bitch,” she said, feigning an evil smirk on her face.

I started kissing her when Chad brought us back to order. “Rachel, may I ask do you have any color barriers?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you racial prejudice free?”

“Are you asking me if I would make love with someone of a different race? Maybe a person of color?”


“Chad, that has always been an item on my bucket list that has eluded me. Why do you ask?”

“My business partner, Raymond, will be here in a few weeks. He is Jamaican, and I would be delighted if you were to interview him the same way we interviewed you.”

“Do you mean an in-depth interview?”

“As deep as you want it to go. Remember, however, that the choice is yours. All I ask is for you to meet him.”

“Rachel, I can assure you that Ray is well worth the effort to get to know better,” Lilly said.

“Tell me, is that the plan you two were whispering about this morning?”

“You were listening? Yes, it was part of something I have been considering for a long time. With you now trying us out, it will, in time, be necessary for me to have a partner in the home who can help me out with both of you sex pots. Unfortunately, I’m not wealthy enough to afford the amount of Viagra I would need to keep you both with smiles on your faces.”

“Chad, I will be happy to take Raymond for a test drive. However, I’m sure you alone can handle the arduous tasks required. Nevertheless, having four of us would certainly provide new horizons to explore.”

“That’s my gal. Now, Rachel, Stephen will go with a crew to your house and return with whatever you need to settle in. Clothing, your office gear, and so forth. You can later see what else you want to be carted here. Is that good for you?”


I discussed with Stephen which items I wanted and where to find them in my house and gave him my house keys. He promised he would soon be back and that everything would be unpacked and set out for me when I went upstairs later.

I joined Lilly and Chad at the pool in the back of the house. Chad was doing lengths with a metronomic and fluid crawl stroke, and Lilly was lying face down in a lounge chair. She had removed the wisps of clothing she had been wearing and lying there, totally delectable and exposed.

When she saw me approaching, she indicated an adjacent lounge chair inviting me to join her.

“Aren’t you afraid of getting sunburnt?” I asked.

“I don’t get a sunburn,” she said, “all that happens is I get more freckled. However, if you wish, you can lather my body with sunscreen. It doesn’t help much, but it’s so much fun.”

I giggled and took the tube of sunscreen and spread dabs of it over her body, spreading it evenly, covering her whole back. The feel of her skin under my hands and fingers was silky smooth, and I soon had her purring in contentment. Next, I worked the lotion from her toes to her shoulders, rubbing it till it was all absorbed, leaving just a thin sheen over her whole body. I made sure to tease each hole and crevice offered to me.

“Lilly, we did not get to see the dungeon,” I said, realizing we had omitted that with all that had happened this morning.

“We will, sweetheart. I spoke to Chad about it, and we think it would be better to do so tonight after we had a chance to relax and maybe have a nap this afternoon.”

“Okay. I’ll look forward to that,” I said, giving her a slap across her tight tush.

“My turn to get oiled,” I said, lying face down on the adjacent lounger.”

Lilly stood and came to me. She undid the strings holding the scraps of fabric to my body and removed the tit coverings. When it came to removing my minuscule cunt covering, she sawed it back and forth through my vulva before taking it off. I heard her sniff the fabric. “Rachel, you are so incredibly juicy and tasty,” she said with a smile in her voice.

Her hands soon got to work on my back and legs as I luxuriated in this feeling of being loved. First, my ass was mauled, and then her fingers tickled along my inner thighs, rising towards the junction of my legs, causing my pussy to tingle with need. I let myself succumb to the feelings, and with the warmth of the sun caressing, my body soon was in a state of altered consciousness, only aware of feelings but without any conscious thought.

I felt her fingers stroke my pussy and suddenly realized another pair of hands was working on my tits from below. My nipples were fondled until they were hard nubs, then rolled back and forth dexterously.

“Chad, is that you?”

“Yes, baby girl, just relax, let yourself float, and enjoy.”

I felt fingers part my labia, curve into my sopping wet hole, and massage my g-spot while a soft and velvety tongue rimmed my anal pucker. The treatment continued, and I felt myself floating as if on a cloud. I was vaguely aware that I was made to cum several times, and finally, I lost consciousness.

Several hours later, I woke up. Somehow I was back in the bedroom and lay in bed. Chad and Lilly were beside me, enlaced in each other’s arms, making slow and languorous love. I got up on my elbow to watch Chad’s massive cock impaling Lilly’s tiny cunt as she softly moaned and writhed in his arms.

I saw that he had cupped her ass and was thrusting a finger up her bum at the same time. The sheer sensuality of seeing them giving themselves to each other thrilled me to my core. I reached across and caressed Lilly’s nipples and kissed her, sliding my tongue into her mouth. As our tongues wrestled and we exchanged saliva, her body arched back. It quivered as she repeatedly came while I could tell that Chad was filling her with his sweet cum.

When he pulled out, I took his place and used my mouth to eat out her sweet and now ultra-creamy pussy. Then, when I had finished tongue reaming her, she pulled me to her, where she savored my mouth and the residues of both their orgasms.

Chad, looking at us, smiled. “I just got it. I know why I love you, Rachel.”

“I thought you already knew. It’s my tits, isn’t it?”

“Yep. Your tits, your ass, your face, and all your magnificent physical assets are part of it. But there are two other things I love. Your spirit of uninhibited freedom in your sexuality and the fact that you mesh well with both of us. You both resemble Lilly and complement her. You two are like peas in a pod. Now come with me. I have something to show you.”

I followed him out of the room and to a room next door. When he opened the door, Stephen was inside. I blushed as I was still stark naked and tried to use my hands and arms to hide my tits and tender bits.

“No need to try to hide from Stephen, Rachel. Stephen looks at females as art forms and not as sex offerings. He is more interested in my body than in yours. This is your space, Rachel. Stephen has set up your things here.”

He walked over to a large built-in armoire and opened the doors. My clothes were neatly hung, my shoes arranged in shoe racks. I realized Stephen had not selected what to bring but had brought everything from my house. Stephen then proudly showed me a makeup table with all my cosmetics carefully placed in the appropriate drawers. Chad sat on a settee and said, “Rachel, this is your personal space. The second door leads to the en-suite.”

“What? No bed?”

Chad looked at me sheepishly before saying, “Rachel, I thought we would be sharing the bedroom all together. Do you want your own bed? It can be arranged.”

I walked up to him, wrapped my arms around him, and kissed him before saying, “Chad, this is perfect. I was worried that I would be infringing on your relationship with Lilly. I will be happy with the three of us sharing the bed. I was afraid I would feel uncomfortable or jealous seeing you and Lilly making love. Instead, it proved to be an extremely erotic sight and you sharing that experience with me made me love both of you all the more.”

He scooped me in his arms, carried me to the settee, and kissed me with such passion I thought he would devour my face.

“Ahem! Excuse me, you two. Rachel, your home office has also been set up downstairs. I suggest I give you the guided tour tomorrow morning. Maybe I can suggest some technical improvements to your electronics that you might find useful.”

“Thank you, Stephen,” I said. My voice must have indicated some skepticism to Chad.

“Rachel, Stephen is not only our major-domo. He also runs all my tech operations.”

“Sorry, Stephen. I will be more than glad to receive your suggestions.”

“Thank you, now, when you are ready, I have set up a light supper in the gazebo. It’s a nice evening. I thought you might enjoy that.”


Dinner indeed was delightful. We were served a cold Gazpacho, chicken Cesar salad, crusty baguette, and various kinds of cheese. Dessert was homemade ice cream topped with berries and cream.

“I’m surprised you don’t weigh a ton. Is this how you eat every day?” I asked Lilly who was a consummate trencherman or is it, a trencherwoman. Her appetite for food matched her desire for sex.

“Rachel, life is made to be enjoyed at every level. That includes all you do, including eating. So tomorrow morning, if you want, you may join me in the gym before we go to work.”

I realized that the gym had been mentioned, but I had not seen it, nor had I seen the dungeon. My mind went to some of the porn I had watched and how I had been intrigued by some of the BDSM I had seen. I was curious about what it would feel like to abandon my body to the mercies of someone else.

Chad broke into my thoughts. “Where are you, Rachel? You seem distracted.”

“I was thinking about the dungeon and trying to understand my feelings about BDSM.”

“Are you sure you mean BDSM?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I have a hunch that BDSM is not for you. In effect, it is not for most people. Sadomasochism, for most people, is unpleasant. I think the only one who gets pleasure from it is the sadist.”

“But still, you have a dungeon here. Why?”

“Because what I practice is not sadism. I disapprove of it, and I think masochism is a mental illness. However, things can be done in a dungeon pleasurable to both the giver and the receiver without inflicting damage to most people’s body or spirit.”

“Like what?”

“Get up, and let’s go and explore the possibilities if you still want to.”

I followed Chad and Lilly with some trepidation, not knowing what to expect. Chad unlocked the door to the dungeon, and I entered. Whatever I had expected after watching the porn offerings of BDSM online, this was not. No ugly damp concrete walls, no gloom. This chamber was well lit with plush carpeting on the floors, and the walls were bright with floor-to-ceiling mirrors and racks of what I presumed were various objects of torment.

“Well, Rachel, what do you think?” Chad asked.

“This is not at all what I expected, and I must say that some of my anxiety is relieved.”

“That’s good. What we do here is not BDSM. This is a chamber of pleasure. Sometimes agonizing pleasure but not pain. At least not intense pain. The worst you would suffer here is a reddened ass, achy nipples, or clit.

“This dungeon is designed to satisfy your D/s tendencies and needs.”

“What is D/s?”

“D/s stands for dominant submissive. Most people fall into one of two categories. They are either Dominants or submissives. Then there are the rare people who are switches. Lilly is an example of one, as am I. So would you be interested in finding out which you are?”

“Oh, Chad, I’d love to find out. Maybe we could explore my dominant side first. If you’ll remember, I promised Lilly a spanking earlier. Maybe we could start with that?”

“Lilly, what do you think? Shall Rachel play with your tender ass for a while?”

“If that is your wish, Master, and Mistress,” Lilly answered, slipping into what I realized was her submissive mode.

“Good girl. Now strip out of those clothes,” Chad ordered.

As Lilly obediently stripped to the buff, Chad told me he would assist me as I had a lot to learn. “You too, take off your clothes, as will I. Off came his shorts and polo, and again I marveled at the beauty and strength of his cock, which curved proudly upward, and his extraordinarily ripped body.

“Come sit next to me on the divan, Rachel, and you, slut, come kneel in front of us,” he ordered Lilly.

We sat, and Lilly knelt in front of us, sitting on her heels with her knees splayed wide open and displaying her cunt to us.

“Rachel, part of D/s is not only the torment you inflict. It also involves the mastery of your sub. I want you to order Lilly to assume any position you want to see her in for your pleasure. You will also deny her pleasure until you are ready to give her that gift.”

“I think I get it. Lilly hands behind your head and look up. Thrust your tits forward.”

Lilly promptly assumed the pose I had ordered. Chad stood, went to a drawer, and returned to hand me an object I recognized as nipple clamps. “Go and place them on her nipples. They will increase her discomfort and arousal.”

I crouched level with Lilly and pinched her nipples until they were tight and stiff. Then, opening up the clamps, I attached them to the base of her nipple. Once both were clamped, I took the chain connecting them and pulled on it, stretching them even further. I surveyed her with pride and, leaning forward, I gave her a wet tongue kiss.

She was a sight to see with her red hair flowing over her shoulders, her proud tits thrust forward with her usually pink nipples now a dark shade of red. Stepping back and sitting down, I could see that her pussy was now gleaming with moisture.

I grabbed Chad’s proud cock and stroked him a few times while watching Lilly’s reaction. I could see the need reflected in her eyes. “Okay, now Lilly, bring your hand down and spread your cunt lips. I want to see your pink right now.”

As Lilly obeyed, Chad said, “She likes to be called slut. That’s because she is a total slut for me, and now for you, I see. You almost seem as if you had done this before.”

“Only in my dreams, Chad.”

“Slut, now diddle your cunt with your fingers and at the same time play with the chain to stretch those nipples as far as they will go.”

We watched, fascinated, as Lilly thrust two fingers deep into her tiny hole and stretched her nipples out much further than I had dared. Her face betrayed her lust, and sweat started to streak down her forehead. Chad began to diddle my cunt while he whispered, “Forbid her from making herself cum. Enforce your mastery.”

“Slut, you are not to cum until I tell you to do so. Understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

After watching Lilly agonize for another few minutes, I had an idea. “Slut, stop that and stand up,” as she stood on shaky legs, I ordered her to come closer to us, turn around, and spread her legs wide.

“Now, keeping your legs straight, lean forward, and grab your legs.”

I was entranced to see her assume that position that placed her butt within reach. I ordered to stick her ass out further and spread her legs wider.

Chad returned from the cabinet and handed me a glistening object which I recognized as a butt plug. Then, with a movement of his head, he indicated her ass.

I understood his meaning and went over to Lilly and parted her ass cheeks to expose her tiny rear hole. Taking the butt plug, I thrust it up her pussy, twisted it around to get it lubed with her cunt juice, and then slowly presented it to her lewdly offered anus. She realized what would happen by pushing her ass even further back. Slowly I pressed on and watched with delight as her anus dilated and started to swallow the bulbous head. Finally, it slid in with a satisfying pop and was firmly inserted up her ass.

I toyed with the head of the butt plug, pulling and twisting and thrusting while my hand cupped her pussy, and my fingers roamed through the hottest, wettest pussy I had ever seen. I could see when I looked down her juices flowing down her slender thighs.

“Mistress, she wailed. I need to cum. Please let me cum.”

“Not yet, slut. You still have not received your spanking. I really want to tan that ass of yours.” Leaving the butt plug in place, I had her stand and walk to a set of stocks I had noticed. Placing her head and wrists in the openings, I had her spread her legs and thrust her ass out. I brought over sort of a piano stool, placed it to support her belly, and raised it so that she was stretched out for my pleasure.

Chad joined me and handed me a narrow-headed fly swatter mounted on a flexible two-foot shaft. “Tell her how many spanks she’s going to get and have her keep count,” he again whispered to me.

“Lilly, you slut, now you are going to get what I told you that you would. I am going to warm those buns with twenty-four swats. You will count each one as it lands. Understood?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

I drew my arm back and swatted her left ass cheek, and she dutifully counted one. I liked the way her flesh shook as it absorbed the shock. I continued smacking each cheek alternately while Lilly’s ass assumed a rosy pink hue and shook and shimmered under my eyes. Having reached the final count, Lilly said, “Thank you, mistress.”

“I’m not done yet, slut.”

“But you said twenty-four, Mistress.”

“Oh, that was to your ass. Time to try and see if you like it elsewhere.”

I stationed myself behind her and brought the swatter right up to her under arch to land on her pussy. She yelped and let out a moan. Half a dozen swats had her moaning and begging me to let her come. Her ass wiggled lewdly as she stood up on her toes to spread herself even more to my punishment.

I finally stopped. And looked at Chad, “You, Rachel, are certainly a Dom. Now it’s time to reward your sub. How do you want to do that?”

I considered the matter for a few seconds before reaching between Lilly’s crack and pulling out the butt plug. Her asshole gaped, and I motioned to Chad to ram his cock up her butt. He smiled at me, stepped forward, took cock in hand, and placed it at Lilly’s rear opening.

I watched, fascinated as Chad’s cock disappeared into Lilly inexorably, spreading her out even more. Then, when he was balls deep into her, I removed the piano stool and took its place in front of Lilly’s glistening cunt. My mouth and tongue were drawn like a magnet to feast on that succulent offering. I licked and sucked at her tender inner flesh while using my hand to tease her clit, which was being offered to me.

Each time Chad thrust forward, it drove that tasty cunt forward, permitting my tongue to reach new depths. I heard Lilly begging and moaning her need to be allowed to have a release. However, I wanted Chad to cum at the same time.

I scooted forward, took Chad’s balls, and gently massaged them while my tongue stroked his cock on each thrust. I soon heard him moan and could feel his need. Then, as his balls tightened, I knew he was ready and called out, “Now. Lilly cum now.”

Her shriek of joy combined with Chad’s grunt of satisfaction as both my lovers came at the same time.

Chad pulled out with a pop, and a stream of his cum flowed out of Lilly. I released Lilly and had her kneel in front of Chad. “Now, slut, clean him off and taste your ass on his cock.”

Chuck smiled appreciatively. “Now we know. You are an excellent Dominatrix. Now time to find out how you are as a sub. Lilly, do you want to be the lead?”

“Damn right, I do. Slut here is going to pay. She will do anything I ask to be permitted to cum by the time I’m through.

“Come here slut get into those stocks.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Once I had positioned my head and arms in the stocks, Lilly turned a handle that raised the apparatus and had me standing on my toes. She kicked my legs apart, spreading me like a turkey, prepared to get stuffed. Next, I felt my feet being shackled, and when I tried to put them together, I found that I could not do so.

“That’s a spreader bar, slut. It allows me to have full access to your cunt and ass. You’d better believe I am going to enjoy that access.”

I remained there, clenching my ass, expecting the spanking she would give me. When almost a minute had passed, and nothing happened, I unclenched my butt. As soon as I did, I felt a hand cup my pussy and prise the lips apart before a tickling sensation started along the lips. It was soft and tickled, so I began to giggle. No sooner had I started than whatever was being used shifted to slowly penetrate my pussy. The sensation was incredible as I felt every single millimeter of my cunt being tickled inexorably by whatever it was reaming me.

I soon felt the stream of my juice running down my thighs.

“Slut, how do you like your dirty cunt being feathered this way? Seeing how your juices are flowing, I’ll bet you love it. Just remember you can’t cum till I allow it.”

In a shaky voice, I answered, “Yes, Mistress.”

This feathering of my cunt kept on and on without relent. Suddenly I felt my asscheeks being spread, and again a soft tickle started around my anal pucker. I sensed it probing for entrance into my ass. Then, slowly, ever so slowly, I felt it corkscrew into my vulnerable ass hole and start reaming it.

The delicious sensations in my cunt and ass had my whole body quivering with lust. I begged to be allowed to cum. Instead, I was ignored, and what probably was a third feather was applied to my clit. I had to fight to prevent myself from coming as I assumed my two Masters were intent on edging me to the limit.

Fifteen minutes of this treatment had me at the edge of my limits when I felt the feathers withdraw. My stocks were removed. However, the spreader bar was kept in place. Chad assisted me in standing while Lilly went to prepare my next torment.

I was made to stand under two ropes that descended from the ceiling, and the ends of the ropes were attached to loops placed at the end of the spreader bars. Lilly stood behind me as Chad pulled on the ropes. I found myself hanging upside down with my legs spread wide.

Lilly attached the nipple clamps to my nipples and stood there surveying me. “Chad, I think I could use a drink,” she said.

“Coming right up, honey.” Then, I heard the unmistakable pop of a bottle of bubbly. The next thing I knew was that my pussy was opened wide, and the shock of a cold bubbly liquid had me squeal in dismay.

“Just something to cool down that hot pussy of yours, slut. Now I’m going to quench m thirst.”

She climbed up on a small footstool, and her mouth sucked the cold liquid out of my pussy. The initial shock of the liquid had immediately cooled my ardor. However, her mouth and tongue raised it right back up, and I was sure she was now licking the bubbly and my cunt juice, which was flowing again. Soon I was again begging to cum.

The begging ceased as she withdrew, and another dose of liquid was poured back into me. Chad stepped up to the waiting vessel, and again I was raised up to a fever pitch by his ministrations. Lilly swung my head and torso up to where Chad’s cock was waving imperiously in front of my mouth. As a good obedient slut I opened wide, and he was soon sawing that majestic prick in and out of my mouth. His precum tasted yummy, and I sucked greedily.

This routine was repeated, bringing my level of need up and dousing it. I could no longer beg as my mouth was filled alternately by cock or pussy.

I was eventually let down and lay on the floor, recovering from the strain on my legs and letting the blood flow resume its normal course.

“Come over here, slut. It’s now time to get your ass reddened by me. Payback will be a bitch,” she said.

She motioned me to join her, and when I approached where she was sitting on the couch, she said she wanted me to lie on my stomach on her lap. I assumed the position, and she adjusted me so that my ass was conveniently placed in her hands.

“How many spanks do you think she should get, Chad?”

“As many as she gave you, my love.”

“Twenty-four it is, and I expect you to count each one as I did. Ready?”

I clenched my asscheeks, waiting for the impact but instead found my bum being sensuously massaged by her hand. I purred in satisfaction and relaxed, which immediately provoked the first spank. I gave out a yelp and fortunately remembered to count one. From that point on, Lilly would give me two or three spanks and follow it up with her hand reaching between my thighs and toying with my pussy.

The warmth spreading over my ass was intensely erotic, and the fingering in between spanks kept me on the point of erupting into a massive orgasm.

I was finally told to get up. I rubbed my tenderized ass and marveled at how my nipples were throbbing in the clamps and the jolts they sent to my nether parts. I stood there with my mind in a whirl. I had never felt this level of desire in my life. All my nerve endings were tingling. “Mistress,” I said. “I need to cum. Please let me cum.”

She looked at Chad, sitting there stroking his cock, and he gave her a nod.

“On your knees slut, head down and ass up. Spread those knees for us.”

I assumed the pose and felt Chad’s cock impale my needy cunt in one thrust. Then, Lilly positioned herself in front of me in about the same position I was in and said, “Get your mouth and tongue busy. My holes need attending to.”

Chad sawed in and out of my cunt, slamming his balls at my hot asscheeks with each stroke. At the same time, he thrust me forward to pay loving homage to Lilly’s holes. I kept wanting to beg to be allowed to cum. However, my mouth was fully occupied, pleasing my mistress.

Lilly saved me as she suddenly said to Chad, “Now, Chad, I’m ready to come. Pop her off.”

Chad’s finger probed my asshole and slithered in. His cock started throbbing and driving me crazy as it pulsed deep in me, right up to my cervix. “Slut, cum now for us.” His hot creamy load filled me and sent me over the edge I had been hovering over for the past hour.

I collapsed across Lilly’s pert ass, panting like crazy. She twisted around, bringing her pussy to face my mouth. I gave it a long and loving kiss.

Chad slowly stood up, looked down at me, and said, “How could I be so lucky? Two switches. I think I died and went to heaven, as Rachel remarked yesterday.

“Rachel, you are a scarce woman who enjoys both roles. Both a Dom and a sub.

“Also, you are like Lilly, both a Cuckcake and a cuckquean.”

“What are those?” I asked.

“A cuckquean enjoys it when her husband makes love to another woman who is the Cuckcake. Lilly, again, is both. You two are not only remarkably beautiful but also remarkably rare. And here you now know why Janice could not be part of our family. She could never enjoy seeing her lover with another, be it a man or a woman.”


That night exhausted, I slept the sleep of the dead. However, I vaguely remember having dreams of making love to a Jamaican-looking man.

Published 3 years ago

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