I felt ill and I had been sick a couple of times in the afternoon at work and really wanted to go home and lie down. I couldn’t get to talk to my husband, confounded new phone kept losing signal and going off-line,. Didn’t matter, I’d see him at home.
Not sure what the problem was: something I ate? Something I was coming down with? It certainly wasn’t pregnancy, I’d been on the pill for over four years. All I knew was that I wanted to go home. Oh, by the way, my name is Nichole, but everyone calls me Bunny. I have curly blonde hair, I’m nearly six foot tall, slim and people have called my build athletic.
I told my boss I was not well and I left about two hours early. On the way home I thought I should visit the pharmacy to see if they could recommend something for me. At a mall I parked and headed straight for the pharmacy, passing a lot of restaurants and the sight and smell of food made me nauseous. I tried not to look through the large front windows.
I got to the counter in the pharmacy and, to my embarrassment, I promptly vomited. The manager was very helpful and had the floor cleaned up without any fuss. He took me into a side room to check me out and told me to rest there for a while. I took the medicine he recommended and lay on a bed. I fell asleep, apparently for half an hour. The pharmacist checked up on me and I told him I was a little better and no longer felt nauseous.
I said I was okay to drive home and I walked back towards my car. I had to pass the glass-fronted restaurants, of course and, as I passed one eating house, I had to retrace my steps to check what I had seen. I must be wrong. But I wasn’t. My husband, fucking bastard, was with some girl. He was supposed to be at work but he was lightly patting his hands on hers which lay flat on the table. He was oblivious to his surroundings and clearly had not noticed me standing there, staring at him through the window. I rushed away to my car and drove home, my mind in a whirl.
My husband and I had been married for three years. We married on my twenty first birthday. He was Jamaican and I was his white English rose. He is a year older and his parents came over to England for the wedding and then, a year ago, things changed. My parents retired young and relocated to Spain. Three months later, my husband’s father, who was then a widower, lost his job and came to England and found work in a ship-building yard. While he looked for a place of his own, we said he could use the spare room in our place.
So, that day when I got home, I ran and sobbed in my bed. I did not realise that anyone my father-in-law, Salt was at home. Salt was his nickname. Everyone called him that because his skin tone was much lighter than most Jamaicans.
I lay on my bed, still not feeling well and made worse by what I had seen. My world was at an end. What was he doing with her? Who the hell was she? How long had it been going on for? I tortured myself with questions and tears ran down my face.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I heard, “Bunny, what’s up, why the tears?”
It was Salt. I hadn’t heard him come in. I turned to face him and my eyes were full of tears, his face out of focus. I sobbed loudly and he again asked, “What’s wrong? What’s happened?”
I could not speak. No matter how hard I tried, no words would come out of my mouth. Salt gently caressed my head, from forehead to the back, and he still asked the questions for which I had no real answers.
He brought me a glass of water and some tissues. I sat on the edge of the bed and Salt sat beside me. He put his arm around me, hugged, and asked again, “What’s the matter, Bunny? What’s upset you so much? I’ve never seen you like this.”
For a second I thought about telling him, but I knew what Salt was like, he would have killed his son. Salt loved me like a daughter and I knew it. Salt, even though fifty one tears old, was strong, muscular and stood six foot four inches. My husband did not take after Salt in stature; only his facial good looks had been passed on.
I said nothing to Salt but I sat and sobbed. He stopped asking questions but said, “Come down, I’ll make you a cup of tea.”
He left me with a kiss on my forehead. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I still felt total anger when
I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, Salt had a hot cup of tea ready for me and some cookies on a plate.
He sat across the table from me. “You okay?”
I nodded.
He pushed the plate of cookies closer to me and said, “Have something to eat, it’ll make you feel better.”
I shook my head and said, “I’ve got an upset tummy, I’ve been sick. That’s why I’m home early.”
He looked into my blue eyes, now red-rimmed, and said, “Okay, but that’s not why you’ve been crying.”
I shook my head again and looked down. I drank my tea. I knew I had to talk to my husband first, to find out what was going on. That night I would confront him, but I still felt unwell and did not have the emotional nor physical energy. He came home late, no real explanation and we went to bed. He wanted to cosy up to me but I said I was not in the mood and still felt weak.
I did not want to cry in front of him but I sobbed lightly into my pillow. I did not sleep well and I didn’t go into work the next day.
The day after that was the day we had planned to go away for a short four day break. Arrangements had been made five weeks ago. I thought I’d tackle him while we were away.
I felt much healthier when we set out in the morning and it took us two hours to drive to our hotel. We went for a walk and I just could not bring myself to start with the right words. It was awkward as I did not let him hold my hand nor kiss me nor touch me.
Before dinner, we had dressed and I was at a dressing table. He came and placed his hands on my shoulders and said, “Ready Bunny?”
I looked at his face in the mirror and my reflex action was to shrug his hands off from my shoulders, and as I did he said, “What the fuck’s up? You’ve been miserable all fuckin’ day.”
That was it; that lit the blue touch paper. A sudden and immediate fiery rage took hold of me and I stood up quickly and, as I turned, I slapped him extremely hard. My fingers tingled and my hand print came up on his face. He stumbled and looked at me with his hand on his face. Shocked, he said, “What the hell was that for? Are you mad?”
I was full of rage. I said, “You bastard, I saw you… with her.”
Still with a shocked look, he blustered, “What are you talking about? You are mad!”
I grabbed a coat and said, “I’m off! Think about what you’ve done. And if you’ve not got a real good excuse, I’m telling your dad, he’ll fuckin’ sort you out. Don’t bother following me home. I don’t want to see you.”
He grabbed my arm and said, “Wait, what the hell are you doing? I don’t understand where all this has come from.”
I dug my nails into his wrist and he let go. I said, “Piss off and don’t come home.”
I grabbed my handbag, ran down to the front desk and asked them to call me a taxi.
I cried in the taxi most of the way home. I got home in the early hours, must have been one or so. The house was in darkness. I went in and I left the key in the lock on the inside, so it could not be opened. I didn’t want my husband coming in. Bastard!
I noticed a dim light from Salt’s room. My bedroom was across the hall from his and, as I approached, I heard noises coming through his open door. He didn’t expect anyone to be coming home, of course.
Salt, on occasions, had brought home a woman guest but never to his bedroom. It was always for dinner or just drinks but never had I remembered him take anyone up to his bedroom. But I knew Salt was a man, a widower, with needs.
As I got closer the sounds became clearer. It was of a woman, definitely a woman being more than stimulated. The sounds were of a woman who had thrown all inhibitions out of the window and was having a real good time, being well fucked by the sounds of it.
I crept closer and peered round the door frame. Well, Salt had kept that quite. The woman was flat on her back, her arms were widespread and she clung onto the sheets on either side of the bed, making fists. Her legs were around Salt’s lower back. She was a white woman, seemed young like me, with short red hair.
And there was Salt, on top of her, his arms by her shoulders. His legs were stretched out and he was on his toes, his feet about two foot apart. But what I gasped at was the thing he was fucking that woman with. Holy crap! Was that even a human part? It was like he had strapped an extra arm between his legs and was fisting her.
No wonder her cries were loud, no wonder her hands were making grasping at the sheets and no wonder her face looked like she was in utter pain while I stood watching. And my pussy got so wet, it soaked my panties and I felt a warm trickle down my inner thighs.
Salt rose high above her, his hips well clear of hers by six or seven inches and even then his cock was still in her. He ploughed into her. Their hips did not quite meet but there was enough cock going into her that I knew she was being well and truly fucked.
Her cries came loud and, in the time I watched, it sounded like she went through four or five orgasms. That was one fucking cock, another thing Salt had not passed onto his son.
The woman went through another orgasm and she shouted out, “Oh fuck, that’s it honey, fuck that’s it, ahh, I’ve had it. I can’t, ahh, I can’t take it no more. Sorry, ahh.”
Salt said, “I’m nearly there, just five minutes.”
“No that’s enough.”
Salt lifted off and dropped to the side of her, on his front, and she rolled onto her right side. Both of her hands were between her legs, clasped on her pussy, bent legs, in the fetal position. Her eyes were closed, her face red and flushed. She licked her lips and said, “I’m sorry, I’ll finish you off. Give me a minute.”
His face was into a pillow. He turned to look at the back of her head and said, “I don’t want another hand or blow job, I’ve had enough of those. Shit, I thought I was so nearly there with you.”
The woman didn’t move her head but talked with her eyes closed. “I’m sorry, but I can’t take that thing anymore, not tonight. You take so long in cumming, I can’t cope with it.”
I was still standing mainly behind the wall and looking round the door frame. I was so wet and my pussy now yearned to be satisfied. Then I thought: if his son has wandered from me, then maybe his dad can take his place. I would be more than elated to test out that cock.
I built up some courage. The way I felt right then, with the anger and hurt I had about my husband, it was not difficult. I took a few steps back and dropped my bag and started to strip. I almost tore my clothes off before I gave myself time to change my mind.
As I peered back round, the woman said, “Come up here, I’ll blow you off. I know you like my blow jobs.”
She turned slowly round to face him. Salt still lay on his front with his face turned towards her. “It’s okay, that’ll take too long. I really wanted to blast into a pussy tonight, it’s been so long.”
She patted him on the face and said, “I’m really sorry babes, but I just can’t. I’ve never come across a cock like yours. I was surprised I managed to get most of it in.”
That was my cue. I stepped into the doorway, totally naked, hands on hips. I swayed my hips and I said, “Can I have a go?”
Their heads sprung up and I looked at Salt. His eyes bulged out, a look of shock on his face as he stayed down and said, “Bunny! What are you doing here? Are you both back?”
I said nothing but stepped closer to the bed. The woman asked, “Who’s this? You told me you were single.”
I took small steps, still swinging my hips from side to side, a big grin on my face. The woman rolled off the bed and started to dress in a panic and said, “Sorry mate, but I’m not into this, whatever this is. You should have told me earlier.”
She stared at my trim athletic body, looked me up and down, her face red with a look of sheer confusion. I smiled at her and then at Salt. He said to the woman, “There’s nothing going on here.”
Salt looked towards me and said, “Bunny, what are you doing? What are you doing back here? Why are you like that… naked?”
I looked back at the woman as she walked to the door, Salt said, “Wait… okay, I’ll call you.”
The woman was out the door and shouted back, “Don’t bother.”
Salt lay on his front, one of his arms was along his side nearest me, and his other was by his head. “Well Bunny, what are you doing here? I didn’t expect you back for a few days.”
He did not want to move. “Look… let me get dressed and we can have a chat, okay?”
I smiled and said, “No need for clothes just yet.” I stepped round the side of the bed where he lay closest. “We had a disagreement and I left him there.”
Then the front door slammed as the woman left. She was obviously upset…. ahh!
I reached the corner of the bed where Salt’s feet were and I placed a hand on his legs. As I walked up to his head, I dragged my fingers along his calves, the back of the thighs, onto his arse. I ran circles round a firm cheek and then up his back, to his neck. I said, “You don’t have to hide it, I’ve already seen it in action.”
He cleared his throat. “How long have you been back? How long were you looking?”
I took a step back and bent down to kiss his arse and said, “Long enough.”
He crooked his head back as far as he could to look down to me and asked, “So what happened?”
I kissed his other arse cheek and sucked on it a bit and I said, “Too many questions, too many distractions… no more questions… no more distractions.”
He still asked, “But, what happened? Why are you here? Why are you doing this?”
I patted his arse and said, “It doesn’t matter.” I placed a hand under his shoulder and a hand under his hip and I flipped him over like a pancake. For a brief moment I saw his massive but flaccid cock. He quickly clutched his balls and his cock lay hidden under his forearms.
I got onto the bed and knelt by his side. “No good hiding it. I told you, I’ve already seen it.”
I took hold of one of his wrists and lifted it. He made no fuss, didn’t resist. He let his hand lay where I placed it away from his cock. I then took hold of his other wrist and lifted that off to the other side. And there it was -Holy fucking shit! It was not totally flaccid. I think he was aroused by my body and thoughts of what I may allow him to do to it.
His cock lay along his stomach. Even in that state, it reached his belly button. I licked a couple of my fingers as I looked at him and said, “Nice cock… it is a cock, isn’t it? Not some sort of huge strap-on?”
I placed my wet fingers at the base and ran them up the shaft to the head. He coughed but didn’t speak. I ran my fingers back down and I could see clearly it had grown.
Close up it was impressive, very impressive. My god, that thing was going to kill all of my pussy’s nine lives. And I bet I was going to be enthralled in pure ecstasy in seeing all of them perish.
I dribbled some spit onto the head and grabbed it. Fucking thing was thick, thicker than my own wrist. I picked it up and lay it across my palm. Fucking thing was heavy, too; one heavy piece of machinery. I stroked it and Salt said, “Please don’t do this. You’re married to my son.”
I took my eyes off his cock and gazed at his face. I still stroked the cock slowly back and forth, and I said, “Ah yes, your son, we’ll get to him later.”
The cock had grown – it had grown a heck of a lot – and it then looked like something that could do real damage to a pussy. But I could not wait; I wanted my pussy to be wrecked by that thing. I took a tighter grip and said, “I see and can feel you would like to do something to me. From what that woman was saying, you can fuck till the cows come home without cumming. Is that true?”
As I stroked the cock, I placed and ran my other hand on his chest. He said, “I cum, but it takes a while.”
I grinned and said, “I’d like to take you up on that. But I also heard you don’t want to be blown off.”
He grabbed me by the wrist of the hand that was on his chest and said, “We shouldn’t be doing this.”
I gripped the cock a little tighter and said, “You let me worry about that.”
I shook off his grip and carried on stroking the cock and asked again, “So you don’t like to be blown off?”
He closed his eyes and said, “I don’t mind being given a blow job, it’s just that I haven’t cum in a pussy for a long time. Anyway, why am I even discussing this with you?”
He raised himself up like he was going to get off the bed. I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back down. I patted his chest and said, “Just stay there big boy. I’ll give it a go if you like, a bit later.” And I winked at him.
I then thought of something. This cock was magnificent and I could do so much with it. I let it go and stepped off the bed. I said, “Just a minute.”
I went to my room and collected a bottle of body oil. I brought it back and knelt back besides him. His cock was still up and I drizzled the oil it and his balls. I put the bottle to one side and I grabbed the cock. I gently massaged the oil all over, using both hands on the shaft, and made sure every bit was well oiled.
As I stroked the shaft with one hand I massaged his balls with the other. I held the cock at the base and I slowly ran my fist up and down, rolling the foreskin back and forth across that massive head.
I was sure Salt liked it. He placed his hands behind his head and looked at my hands working on his cock. I poured on some more oil and continued with my guilty pleasure. I’ve always wanted to massage a nice big cock. And that one was a very nice and a very, very big cock.
I placed both hands onto the shaft and, to be honest, if I had a third hand it would have fitted on there as well. I gripped tight, it was slippery, but I managed to stroke it off, all the way from base to head.
I grabbed it at the base and it stood up like a rocket waiting on the launch pad. I grasped the head with the other hand and stroked both the shaft and head fast in a tight grip. I knew that cock could handle it. If I had done that to his son, his son would have screamed out that it hurt, and cum within seconds.
I roughly stroked him for a few minutes and pre-cum oozed from the tip of the volcano. I rolled the shaft between the palms of my hands, like a cigar and I was amazed by the stamina of that cock. Most men would have cum long ago.
I rolled his foreskin back and exposed the amazing massive head. I gripped tight and with a quick rapid movement of the other hand I stroked him off at the head. He looked at me and we both smiled and I asked him, “You like this, don’t you?”
My hand was a blur and he said nothing but nodded and his face seemed content with my determination to satisfy him.
I could have massaged that cock all night, and he would not have cum. I was stupefied with the control he had. It felt so satisfying having my hands on a penis like that; it was a sheer delight.
My mouth got drier. I needed to be kissed for my efforts. I grabbed the bottle and started to drizzled oil onto his legs, more onto the cock, then some on his stomach and chest. I softly buffed the oil all over his body.
Just before I straddled him, I picked up the bottle again and there was only a bit lof il left. Shame for it to go to waste. So I poured it over my tits and stomach and threw the empty bottle on to the floor. I straddled him, knees at the side of his stomach. He watched as I rubbed oil over my body.
I slid back and sat on his thighs, the cock at my stomach. I moved a bit further back and lifted that thing and placed it between my tits. I squeezed the cock between my tits and moved my body up and down. It felt real nice and I was sure it felt even better to him. We looked at each other as I titty fucked him. The big knob hit me on my chin. I kept looking at him and opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue, letting his head hit my tongue tip. I licked pre-cum off as it oozed.
I kissed the big dome and released it from my tits and lay on top of him. I rubbed myself on him, the oil between us making it slimy but erotically sensual. And the cock bulging between us felt so huge, like a log. I wanted to feel it explode in me. As I moved, slithered and slipped our bodies together, I leant down and kissed him.
He pushed me back. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
I nodded and went back down with my lips onto his open mouth and we kissed gently but passionately. He grabbed my arse and moved it around, sliding my body across his, the massive cock squeezed between us. I held his face as we kissed long and hard.
My pussy was so wet and was ready for a cock. But before I attemped to take that into me, I wanted to suck on it. I looked at Salt, smiled and winked. I turned around on him and I slid my pussy to his face. I wanted him to eat me while I gobbled on his cock.
He grabbed my arse with both hands and said, “I shouldn’t say this, but I’ve wanted to fuck you for a long time.”
I was pretty sure he meant that, and I was pretty certain he wanted to see if he could blast a load into my pussy. And yes, fuck yes, I wanted that, too.
He started to lick my slit, poked his tongue in and, oh, I felt it go into my hole. I let him do me for a while before I started on the cock. He even surprised me with his tongue; it was long and he poked it in so deep.
He nibbled on my clit and that was it; that sent a shiver up my spine and a more than pleasant feeling through my pussy. I had a hold of his cock and rubbed and slapped my face with it. He was quite good down there and he grabbed my arse tighter and his tongue worked so hard on my clit and along my slit. And there, that was it, I was there,. I said, “Oh fuck, that’s nice, oh so nice.”
My pussy released a flow of its juices and I heard him say, “Oh Bunny, you taste wonderful.”
While he ate me out I thought I had better attempt to get that cock in my mouth. I opened wide, rolled back the foreskin, saw a trickle of pre-cum which I licked off and then saw the massive pee hole on that thing. I could have got a fucking pencil in it. I got the big purple head between my lips and even then it pushed my lips further apart. There was no way I was going to get that into my mouth. The head and three inches would be the limit with the girth of him.
I slobbered and sucked on it while he licked my pussy. My eyes were closed as I sucked softly on Salt’s member. I had to take it out several times, to catch my breath, but loved pushing it back in.
Oh fuck, I had another orgasm. I took the cock out and said, “Ahhh, that’s nice, so fuckin’ nice.”
He had got me so wet and my pussy felt right for me to get fucked. I looked forward to a fucking. After what his son had done, I wanted a right good fucking by anyone. I was so happy the man, even if it was my father-in-law, was a man with a massive cock. Something I never thought I would have in me.
In return, I would hopefully help him to achieve what he had wanted for a long time. I slapped my face with the cock again as I came off my orgasm and then rose off his face.
I told him, “You get on top.”
I lay down and he came over me and I raised my legs up and held the underside of my thighs at the knees. I widened them as far as I could and he looked down and positioned himself. I had my eyes closed.
He said, “Bunny.” I opened my eyes and we stared in silence. Then he said, “You okay, you sure about this?”
I closed my eyes and nodded. I felt the cock at my gate. He pushed and I pushed back. I wanted my entrance to open as far wide as possible. I wiggled my hips and we both pushed into each other. And there it was. It felt like the cock had prised me open like battering ram. I was in some pain, bit it felt sensational.
I felt it go in deeper as he pushed in and out with each lunge. God it was so intense just to get it in. I pulled my legs further apart, as he drove further and deeper. Oh god, isn’t he all in yet? Just as I thought that, I involuntarily shouted out on his next thrust, “Jesus! Fuck!”
He pulled back and plunged again. “Holy fuck!” Deeper it went, and again I screamed out. I had an orgasm and his bastard cock hadn’t been in me for a minute. My body had never felt better. I hoped I would make Salt’s dream come true.
I had thrown my head back and my eyes were shut tight, my face grimaced in pain, and all I was able to release from my mouth, were moans of ecstasy on each and every insertion. He banged away and even after five minutes it felt like he just got deeper and deeper. Then he stopped. I opened my eyes and he looked at me and he asked, “You okay Bunny?”
My face must have shown the pain, but I smiled and nodded. He too smiled and said, “I’m home, Bunny.”
I thought, ‘Thank god, thank fucking god.’
We lay still. I felt the cock pulsing within my body. It was a very strong throb. I’d never felt that before and it felt oh so nice. While we looked at each other, I slowly let go of my legs, put my arms on his back and my legs behind his arse. I hugged him tight. His arms were to the side of me and his legs stretched back and he was up on his toes.
I opened my eyes, took in a deep, deep breath, closed my eyes and said, “Fuck me, fuck meee!”
He pulled back slowly and I immediately felt empty. How on earth could a cock have that effect on a body? He didn’t fully withdraw – about three inches remained in me – and then he drilled back. “Holy fuck.”
He picked up the pace and got into a nice comfortable tempo. Aanother five minutes passed and I had another orgasm. That cock continued to give me orgasm after orgasm. It took me up high into the clouds and, just when I thought I was back on the ground, he took me back up again.
My body, my cunt, screamed in sheer delight This man knew how to use that tree trunk of a cock. He fucked me with mighty long and extremely hard strokes. I respected that cock; there was no way I was going to give up like that woman. I was going to give that cock and its owner the dream that they had craved.
I had lost control and my cunt gave up and flowed like a river, it unleashed torrent after torrent of juices. And they were needed to help me survive the unbelievably delightful subbing of that cock against my cunt walls.
He had been fucking me for at least half an hour,and I clung onto him for dear life as he had his way with me. There was no way another man could ever satisfy me the way Salt was doing. Other men had lasted around ten to twelve minutes, maybe fifteen maximum, before they had blown their loads. Salt was just amazing, a remarkable fucker.
And it wasn’t over yet. My legs got fatigued, from pulling in that cock. I had to drop them. He realised that, so when I did, he stopped fucking me. He grabbed my legs and brought them up. My feet were close to around my ears. He kissed me on the lips and said, “Sorry Bunny, but I think I’m nearly there.”
I placed a hand to the side of his face and asked, “Sorry for what?”
“For not cumming sooner, I know you’re tired.”
I said, “I want you to be happy, fuck me, use me, cum in me.”
He began again and built up to the previous tempo very quickly and fucked me well. He plunged in so hard that I was pushed deep into the mattress. And when he went up, my arse bounced off and met him in mid-air, only to be plunged back into and bounced off again, it was like he bounced me off with his pelvis onto a trampoline. God, did he go on… and on.
There was one sight I will always remember: when he withdrew, my pussy lips would be drawn out and clung to his magnificent shaft. It was awesome and made the whole sensation of fucking even better. I cannot tell you how many other orgasms that cock gave me, as I could not distinguish the gaps in-between. I was in a continual state of rapture.
Must have been another ten, twelve minutes from when he hoisted my legs up when he said, “I’m there Bunny, can I…”
I clasped his head in my hands and said, “Cum in me?” I nodded and said, “That’s what I want as well as you.”
His strokes became fewer but stronger and he really pounded into me. He plunged in so deep, so hard, it set me going. I closed my eyes and that cock released load after load deep into my womb. He lunged again and again; he ejaculated cum in bucket loads. I felt it not just ooze out of my pussy, but it gushed out.
He grunted as he delivered me his loads and I welcomed each and every one, but there was no way I could hold it in,. There was so much.
He finally let go of my legs and lay on top of me. He was used, spent and fucked on top of me, I was no better. He tried to withdraw. But I grabbed his arse and pulled him back in. We lay still, both gasping and heaving for breath.
We lay till that cock was soft but still in me. It felt a lot bigger than his son’s erect penis.
I finally allowed him to slip out and he rolled off to my side. And it was unbelievable, absolutely incredible, the amount of cum that flowed out of me.
We smiled at each other and I asked, “You happy?”
He placed a hand to my face and said, “Oh Bunny, you’ve made me so happy.”
He then asked, “So, are you going to tell me what happened? What’s my son done?”
I looked deep into his eyes and said, “I saw him with another girl.”
Salt said, “When, where, who?”
I took in a breath and said, “Just a few days ago, when I was sick. You know, when I came home early. You saw me crying. It was that day I saw him in a restaurant with her.”
Salt’s eyes closed, his smile diminished and a very serious look came upon his face. “Oh Bunny, Bunny. You did this because of what you saw then?”
I said, “Yes, I was so angry. He made me so angry, he made me do this.”
His face was still serious and he shook it from side to side, slowly, and said, “Oh Bunny, you didn’t know.”
“What didn’t I know?”
Salt grabbed my other hand tight, rubbed my cheek softly and said, “I don’t know why he didn’t tell you. But he told me that he was seeing off a dear friend from school days. Even I know her. She’s going to Australia with her new husband and was here on a one-day stopover and wanted to see him before they left.”