You like Mistress to command you
Lots of teasing and she’ll please
Good behavior might earn you a screw
It’s time to worship her shoes
Lick her stiletto heels
She looks at you amused
Your cock is hard as steel
Get up and stand straight
Your cock is hard as a rock
Mistress starts to dictate
A flogger slaps at your cock
The slaps excite your dick
You ask her for some more
She looks at you and holds your prick
You’re her little bitch whore
Get on your knees slut
Ready for her strap-on
Mistress slaps your butt
You love this slut John
Your dick is so hard
Mistress enters your ass
You knew this was in the cards
She fucks you with a lot of sass
Mistress fucks her little bitch
With her eight inch baton
You’re her little switch
Mistress is feeling quite wanton
Deep fucking into your asshole
You love your hard ass fuck
Mistress is in control
Mistress starts to buck
Mistress tells you to come
As you’re jerking quite fast
A cock up your bum
You release quite a blast
You’ve come all over
Mistress pulls out
Your cock is still a boulder
You whine and have a pout
Mistress gets her paddle
To give you some pain
Mistress starts to cackle
You’re in her kinky domain
You’ve been very good
You can feel her tits
She lets you lick her hood
And tongue fuck her slit
Mistress starts to grunt
She’s getting soaking wet
As you lick her sweet cunt
This makes you kind of sweat
Her pussy starts to cream
Mistress starts to come
She lets out a soft scream
She rubs her clit with her thumb
Mistress tells you that’s it
Playtime is now done
You love to submit
You enjoy this kinky fun
Goodbye Mistress Honey
You’ll see her next Friday
You hand her the money
And she tells you okay